1904. DAILY EAST ORE EOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JANUAnY 27, Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the iniiul, iliacoumgesamllcSNCiwnnibltioii; beauty, vigor unu tiiecnui ncss soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order of diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent tlial it is not mieoni ' mon for n child to be Irani afflicted with vcak kidneys. If the child urinates toooflcu, if the urine scalds the llesh.or if, when the child reaches an age when it should !c able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet-ting, dependupou it, theeause of thedifli culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should lie towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men ai e made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, nrnl tmiii m-pil the same urcat remedy. The mild and the immediate effec. of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, m hlty- ccilt and one-dollar rtjj Wm WATER THE DESERT I WASHINGTON ARID LAND TO BE RECLAIMED sire bottles. You may have a sample bottle hv mail free, also n Home or sunp-r.oot. pamphlet telling all about SwamjvUoot, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufTerers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., liiiighamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Uinghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. GENERAL NEWS. The value of the Japanese exhibit at the St. .ouls Fair, is placed con servatively at 13,000,000. St. Louis Is suffering severely from cold, and snow drifts greatly Impede trafllc and travel. The American mission college fjr girls at Erzeroum. Armenia, has be 311 burned, probably by an Incendiary. nx-Oovernor David . Francis, of Missouri, hastens to deny that he is n candidate for the democratic nomi nation for president. Monday last 72 depjroes below 7.e?o was recorded at Polly Crossing, on the Yukon. Go below at Crossing I'cst, and 53 below ai White Pass. So discouraging have been all the special election returns In England to the high tariff element, that thero is much probability tuat the cabinet will resign. Abe Schwartz, assistant cashier of the Phoenix bank of San Francisco, Is $12,000 short in his accounts and has lied the city. He blew In the money on the races. Lewis Radford, colored nailtd and murdered a colored woman &t Guthrie. Ok. He was t-ken tiom Jail and hung by a mob composed exclu sively of colored men. During the recent flurry on I-omlon 'change there was a marked decline In every security recorded thereon except American securities, overy one of which advanced and went to a premium. . Franklin County Project Is Looked Upon Favorably by Government En gineers Will Reclaim About Twen. ty Sections of Good Land. Walla Wnlln. Jan. 27. Tho United States government is almost sure to carry out the Palouse river Irrigation iirolect. tho' little known, but hlgnly Important enterprise which would ir rigate all of Franklin county ne.w the S00 or 000 foot level, with small nortlons of Adams county. This, at least. Is tho view of thoso who have ipcently talked with the government engineers who are work ing In the preliminary surveys, md who nronounco the Palouse river scheme not only entirely feasible, to far as thev can see, hut as particular ly desirable In other ways, from the government's standpoint. The Palouse river government Irri gation project Is entirely separato from the Hlg llend Irrigation scheme, which has aroused so much nttentlon In the Inland Umpire tho past few months, and for which tho govern ment made such huge withdrawals in' land trnm all save homestead entry in Adams, Franklin, Lincoln and Douglas counties. This proposed enterprise would in volve taking a ditch out of the Pa louse at a point near Hooper, whence I he canal would pass along tho big coulee that extends from that point Into southeastern Adams county un til It came a few miles from Wash- tucna. From Washtucna to Council lie a series of sections for twenty miles which for tho most part constitute r. huge basin into which the proposed canal would discharge. Mil the original government sec tions In this basin were some time ago withdrawn by the government, and while all of them were settled sometime ago, the move Is considered as indicative of tho intentions of the department. ANNUAL RABBIT DRIVE. Blalock Island Will Be Scene of Car. nage Soon. Spokane, Jan. 27. The annual rab bit hunt on Hlulock island in the Co lumbia, will be held February 21 and 22 this year. The principal delega tion will be from Spokane, as tho principal promoters of the islanl en terprise now live In Spokuti"?. Tho hunt is also made the occas'o.i of n pleasure jaunt for a number of S.o kanc sportsmen, and quite :i number are expected from at place, A few also attend each year fro"rn Walla Walla and other points. A drive on Hlalock Island Is different to a drive an the llutter Creek plains southwest of Echo, Inasmuch as guns, not clubj, avi used and the rabbits hemmed :n by the Columbia on either side, havo less chanco to get away. If thero are sufllclent shooters to make any kind of connected line across the Island. NORTHWEST NEWS. A movement is on foot to Install another electric light plant at Salem. Tho fraternal orders of Portland are formu.atlng plans lor a fraternal building at the Lewis and Clark fair. Tho bakers of Portland havo threatened to strike if their salaries are not raised to a minimum of $20 per week. The palatial residence of W. Scott Ward, of Portland, was entered by burglars Tuesday morning and $250 worth of Jewels stolen. The early run of Chinook salmon is now coming Into tho Columbia at As toria, and flahermen are paying 8 cents per pound for them. Peter DeOraff, of Seattle, called his wife Into a room where ho sat, said to her: "Here goes nothing," and blew his brains out with a pistol. No business houses of Grant's Pass will be allowed to remain open on Sunday, hereafter, except baker shops, butcher shops, drug stores and livery stables. Owing to the heavy snowfall In the mountains of Southern Oregon, all the Oregon-California stages in the Slsklyous have been late and many trips entirely abandoned. State Bacteriologst Pernot, of Cor vallls, has been employed by the Lewis and Clark commission to rid the trees within the grounds of all evidences of the San Jose scale. The miners at Platte, In Baker county, left a box of dynamlto by a fire and went to dinner Tuesday. While gone, tho explosive thawed out and went off, blowing the bunk house Into kindling wood and hanging most o fthe bed clothing In tho tree tops In tho vicinity. LOGGER INJURED. Heavy Log Rolls Over John Friedle burg at Steel Spur. La Grande, Jan. 27. John F'rledle J)urg, an employe of tho sawmill at Steel Spur, a fow miles from this city, was severely Injured Tuesday after noon by being caught under a heavy log. He was engaged In loading the log 011 trucks, and tho log had been anchored part way up the skids with a hook and chain, and as he was pass ing on the lower side the hook gave way, the log rolling back upon him, his hips being badly crushed by the heavy plec of wood, Tho injured man was Immediately brought to La Grande for medical aid and tho attending physicians say that tho Injury is a very severe one, but may not prove fatal. Duluth Poultry Show. 'Duluth, Minn,. Jan. 27. Tho eighth annual show of the Duluth Poultry Association is now open and will bo the center of Interest among poultry lovers until It closes February 3. Tho largest display of birds In the asso ciation's history Is offered. Many parts of Minnesota and neighboring states are represented, and the com petition among exhibitors Is lively. One of the most striking features of tho show Is the exhibit of pigeons. Turkeys, geese and ducks are also shown in great numbers. I SAMPLE BARGAINS t la Real Estate 3200 acres Rood wheat land Well watered and improved. I $12.50 per acre. 4. 1000 acre stock ranch. All i, fenced Raises 200 tons of 7 hay; has running water; open range near by, $5000 t io-room house and two T lots. Modern conveniences. T $2500. All on Easy Terms. i E. T. WADE & SON 1, O, Hot 4 ? 'Phono Illicit 1111 Office In'K. 0, Dldg ...- New York Horticulturists. Rochester, N. Y Jan. 27. Tho Western New York Horticultural So ciety began Its annual meeting here today with a large and enthusiastic attendance. Teachers of horticulture and expert entomologists will ho heard during tho two days the con vention will bo In session, In addition to a number of prominent fruit grow ers of New York stato and Canada. In conjunction with tho meeting there Is an Interesting oxhlblt of several hundred plates of tho finest products of garden and oichard. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Menard for any catu of catarrh tbut ranuot t cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. I'. J. cilli.M.Y & cu., rrona., roieuo, u. We. the undersigned, have knonn b'. J. Cheney for the last in fears, and belters him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any oblleallons made by tbelr Arm. VtlJHT & TUU.., UUOItSUlU ITUKKISIC, Tolir1n. It. WAMHKO. KI.NNAN & MARVIN. Wbol sali Iru!alsts. Toltuo. (J. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, aclluL- directly uuon the blood aud mu cous surface ut Ibrt system, I'rlce 75c per bottle. Hold by all orutfiiuu, Testimonials iree. Hall's Family rills are the best. Knights, Attention. The O. It. & N. Co. annoimco a rate of 0110 and ono-thlrd faro on certificate plan, for district convention Knights, of Pythias, to bo held Pt Dalles, January 30. TIckots on salo throo days prior to opening. n. C. SMITH, Agent, Farmers and Horsemei THIS IS FOR YOU PROF. HAW WILL GIVE A Free Exhibitio ON HORSES AND CATTLE Every Evening at 7.30 p. m., at PENDLETON, commencing January; Aftur which a cIush will be formed in horeomaiiship, and nil scholars joining the class will tp, book with all the instructions in it, with remedies for all common disomies and lameness in both IiotsmJ cattle, and a great, many remedies for family purposes, together with a life momborship ticket that will entt vou ii to all schools in the United States teaching this system. Tho tuition is $5.00 if you are satisfied i There is no chance for you to be humbua PROF. HAW not one cent if vou are not. Kemembor you run no riBk. for you are to be the judge. YotJ See It Before You Pay Fo It WILL TEACH how to broal; colts right. How to break a horse from kicking in single q double harness. How to brenk runaway horses. How to break switchers. HowtohJ horses that null at the halter or bridle. How to break balkers, biters, strikers, plunm How to break horses that shv. tear the blanket, carry the tongue out of tho mouth- In fact, I teach LowJ break up bad habits of all kinds. How to break wild heifers and kicking cows to stand quiet while beiJ milked. How to prevent all kinds of stock lrom lumping or crawling through lances. How to turn an u! bull out and ho won't chase anyone. How to put wethers back and prevent any anininl from throwingtiJ . . , . I , .1 T I , 1 1 Ml again ; in case they are injured, now to remove tnem and save ino cow now to nave cieau miik-cows. m sides any number of things I do not advor isb here. Your horses and cattle may lie all right today, butt you sure they will remain so? Prepare against such emergencies. Come ,in to the rree exhibition, through the Class. If I don't show you these things to your satisfaction, it will col you nothing. BIG AUTO MEET. V Great Racing and Exhibition Event In Florida. , Ormonde, Fla.,' Jan. 20, Tho time for the hit; mitoniohlle raco meet here, for which preparations have heen mailing since Inst fall, la at hand, anil Dayton and the liclh- IjoriiiK resorts along the east coast are tilled to overllowini; with promt- This Is the form of receipt which will ho Issued In the East Oregonlan guessing contest, wherein some 0110 of tho subscribers of tho East OrcKonlnn will receive n $100 buggy nbaolntely free: No Pendleton, Ore. 1904 EAST OREGONIAN GUESSING CONTEST. nent motor enthusiasts, the mini her Including both nmntcurs and pro fessionals. Foremost among the nmateurs is W. K. Vanderhllt, Jr., while tho pro fessional class Is represented by Harney Olilflcld and others equally well known. Today and tomorrow will be given up to practice spins along the splendid racing course. The big events on the racing pro gram will be contested during tho three days beginning next Thursday. A Very Close Call. "I stuck to my engine, although 'iv ory joint ached aud every ncrvo was racked with pain," writes 'C, W. Bel lamy, a locomotive fireman, of linr llngton, Iowa. "I was weak and pale, without any appetite and all run down. As I was about to give up, I got a bottle of Klectrlc Hitters, and after taking It, I felt as well as I ever did In my life." Weak, sickly, run down people always gain now life, strength and vigor from their use. Try them. Satisfaction guaran teed by Tollman & Co. Prico 50 cents. Will Preserve Local Hlatory. Bloomlngton, III., Jan.. 27 Members of tho Illinois State Historical Society arc gathered here for their fifth an nual meeting, which opens this even ing and continues throughout tomor row and Friday, The programme for tho opening session provides for an address of welcome by President George P. Davis, of tho McLean Conn ty Historical Society, and the annual address by Hon, Charles P. Johnson, of St. Louis. Tomorrow K A. Snlvely of Springfield, will speak on "Newspa" pers and Newspaper Men of Illinois," and Mrs. John A. Logan, of Washing ton, on "Illinois In tho Councils of tho Nation," A Vest Pocket Doctor, Never In tho ay, no '.routlo to carry, easy to taiie, plcisnM nnd nov. er falling In results nrt OoWltt's Lit tin I'arly IllserE. A via of theso lit tle plllu In tho vest pock it. Is & cer tain guarantee against headache, 1)11 Inusness, torpid liver and ml of tho Ills resulting from constipation. Tlioy tonlo und stren.,thcn tho Uvor Sold by Tollman & Co, Kast Oregoniau from .Dollars, .uibttcriptlou to the .190 to .190. . 4- The said payment being solely anil In full valuo for the said news paper, aud for no other consideration whntovcr. The publishers hereby give outright to tho person in whoso namo this receipt Is Issued an opportunity, If they desire to avail themselves of the same, lo OUESS THE UNKNOWN NU.M11EUS IN THE 8RALED OUESSINO CONTEST, and hereby ngroo 1o donate outright, and without consideration whatever on his part, the rnhhcr-tlred buggy mentioned In THE EAST OKKOONIAN OUE8SINO advertise ments, to the persons guessing nearest that unknown number, Including tho numbers 012 nnd 987, nnd nil numbers between the said numbers. EAST OHEOONIAN PUHL18H1NG CO. Ily The Colombia Lodcinc Home Well ventilated,neit mm fortable rooms, ( bed's. BariacoBDCci where best goods served. 1 Main Street, cents block, between .wi Webb Streets. F. X. Scten?P Propfletof Olympla Deer Olympla Ceer. The most popular brand for family use. On draught at Anton Nolto's. Ho also bundles tho oottled beer In any quantity desired. Qroy Horse W nted. James O. lteovos Company want ono .work horso; samo must bo gray. Clearance Sale Continued Our Semi-Annual Clearance Sale will be continued for oneof or two weeks yet so long as there is any demand fortw heavier goods. Clothing Prices Mens' t nits are reduced 20 per cent and moie Boys' suits are also reduced 20 per cent Boys' and men's overcoats reduced 20 per cent Shoes and Overshoes Men's high top shoes, fa. 25 value, now only. 75 Men's felt shoes, $2.50 values, now only $1,85 Ladies' felt slippers and shoes reduced 20 per cent Men's oveishoes, i-biickle arctics, now 90c Ladies' fleeced lined Alaska defenders, now 55c All warm overshoes reduced in price Bedding Fine comforts, our U 50 kind, now.... Fuie comforts, our $1.75 kind, now.... Fine comforts, our $1.50 kind, now. , . . Bed sheets, the 65c kind', each, now only $1.85 f 1.20 5SC Saturday Specif House linen, any quantity, for uuuiiK iiaiiuci, - day only, 8c yard iA ,ortJ Bleached muslin, 6c and W Caco. all colors, 10 yards for,45 Jap silk, all colors, for one w,, tacc curtains, $4 00 grade, jSj N I Furnish Men's double-front work shirt, i one day, 39c gr,des, '5t Men's dress shirts, all 75c 6 MeJ Shirts, all 6oc grades nn,1 !nVS' tlCS, all J" day, 38c .11 .reduced LtUMIt-S Ui"'b JlttM cent , , dy'educ 1 Ladies' wrappers, for one W J cent THE FAl This is a moncy-savtog opportunity for yo