East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 23, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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This Cap Label
I is a STijrarae of the ixntynd rich-
whKh teirs Is. inw! cn wrx
Item tofefst isirettarmtix
ine and irons pieuine to the ert
Uian the watsnr tmiuncns.
Highlind, IU., U. S. A.
&rrvf TOiiftrl of V
The fiiairman cl the senate com
mittee on territories, declares that
all statehood bills wil! be turned
down during this session
A trust to control the mill supply
of Chicago has been organized with
a capital of 54.000.000. It is char
tered under the laws of Maine.
The wii: of C. F. Does, the lately
deceased lumberman of Sau Francis
co, sets aside $700,000 for a library
for the University ot California.
Denver Is In the throes of an In
vestigation of the late election.
Wholesale charges of frauu are made
and a doien arrests made of election
Fifteen hundred carpenters and
o:her builders of Paterson, X. J.,
have returned to work under cn
agreement with the employers to ar
bitrate their differences.
One of the finest geological speci
mens in the world is a petrified icn
tbyosaurus recently uncovered near
Coquimbo, Chile, and the property of
the University of California.
Financial agencies in New York
are authority for the statement that
the United States Shipbuilding Com
pany Is to be reorganized with Chas.
M. Schwab at its head and a capital
ization of S30.000.000.
Juan Save, an old and wealthy
stockraiser of Santa Barbara comi
ty, California, was driven insane by
the dally sight of his sheep, cattle
and horses dying from thirst during
the drouth, and January IT suicided
on the range by cutting his throat
Xine sawmills of Aberdeen nr.e
closed down because of the overpro
duction of lumber.
Mrs. D S. Rutherford, of Grant's
Pass, shot and killed a monster cou
gar, near her home. Friday.
Mrs. Randolph W. Apperson, moth
er of Mrs. Phoebe Hearst, and grand
mother of W. R. Hearst, died at San
Jose Friday morning.
Two masked robbers held up a feed
store in Portland and took all the
cash from the register and relieved
two customers, securing altogetuer
about $130.
Dan Jackson, a negro, was sen
tenced to five years in the peniten
tiary at Portland, Friday, for robbing
and beating an old man in that city
last month.
Albert Arneson, a noted Pacific
Coast baseball player, is under ar
rest for robbing J. W. Glover, Fri
day night, between Spokane and
Medical Lake.
Erickson's gambling house in Port
land, which has been closed since
the difficulty with the wife of a
gambler, last week, is now running
full blast again.
The chief of police at Roseburs.
bad a two hours' chase after a crazy
woman who eluded bim and bid in
alleys, cellars and closets, Friday
afternoon, In attempting to escape.
There are 25,000 voters to regh'er
in Portland, and the average dally
iMe of registration should be 250 to
get through by election. The aver
age dally rate to this time has beer.
The residents of Mount Tabor are
Indignant over the report that the
Insane from Alaska are to be confin
ed in a local sanitarium In that resi
dence district, where police protec
tion Is scant enough at best.
? In Real Estate t
3200 acres good wheat land 4
I wn ...a i : i
$12.50 per acre
i 1000 acre stock ranch. All
fenced Raises aoo tons of !
hay; has running water; open
range near by, $5000 f
io-room house and two t
. lots. Modern conveniences, t
T S2 coo. '
, ?25o.
f All on Easy Terms.
I E. T. WADE & SON f
T. O, I)oi ZH
Tbone Illack 1111 Office In K. O, Bid
New Outfit of Boxes for the Post
office Rebckah Degree Recently
a New Corps of Officers Recently
District Deputy Berry Conducts
the Installation.
Milton. Jim. 23. Miss Alma
Stnrrctt of Walla Wnlla, is n guest j
of Miss Mnttle Taylor.
Word was received here this morn-1
Iiik from Walla Walla stating Mrs.
Wm. Steen Is worse, and lier case Is,
considered quite hopeless. She is
a' the Walla Walla hospital. )
II It. Hogue. Trho is employed in
J U l;lam s implement nouae ui
Walla Walla, was here yesterday on
Postmaster T. E. Wilcox has re
ceived a number of combination
boxes for the postoflice. and yester
day they were placed in position.
Rebekah Installation.
Last night Pomona Uebeuah lodge
held Its Installation. District dep
uty. Mrs. S. E. Berry Installed thi
following oflicors:
Mrs. Alta Evans, noble grand;
Mrs. Matilda Ayers. vice grand; Miss
Jennie Dykes, secretary; Mrs. J. I
Williamson, treasurer: Mrs. M. J.
Herry. warden; Mrs. Adda Talhert.
conductor: Wm. Talbert. inside
guardian: H- L. Frazier, outside
'guardian: C. E. Berry, It. S. X. 0.: i
Mrs. J. H Plier. U S. X. G.; .Mrs. !
1 D J Kirk, P.. S. V. 0-: .Miss Maud
Frazier. L. S. V. G. 1
Congregational Church Sunday
j services: Sunday school at lu a. m. .
1 preaching at 11. subject. "The MU
Ision of Christ on Earth". Junior
'meeting at 3 p. m: evening serv i c
at 7:30. A cordial welcome to ali
Jonathan Edwards, pastor.
Church of the Redeemer Div ne
service tomorrow at hours as fol
low: Early celebration of the holy
communion at S a. ro.; Sunday1
school at 10 a. m.; morning prayi-r. I
litany and sermon at 11: evening;
prayer and address at 7:30
First Presbyterian Church 10 a.
m.. Sunday school; 11 a. m.. sermon
by the pastor; C:43 p. m.. Christian
Endeavor; 7:30 p. m.. sermon.
Strangers in the city are especially
invited to all the services. Robert
J. Diven, pastor.
Methodist E.piscopal Church TO
a. in., Sunday school, A. J. Owen,
superintendent; 11 n. m preaching:
12:13, class meeting, ..ev. G. W.
Rlgby leader; 3 p. ni Juuior League:
C:30 p. m., Epworth League: 7:30 p.
m., evangelist service. AH are cor
dially invited. Robert Warner, pas
tor. First Christian Church Sunday
I school, i0 a. m.; preaching. 11 a. in.,
1 subject. "The Christian and His DIs-1
lease ; 3 p. m., lecture to men only.
0:30. Christian Endeavor; preaching,
7:30 p. m., subject, "Can a Man Be
Saved Out of the Church?" There
will be services each evening rt
7:3u. Miss Springer's singing Is
proving an attractive feature of 'he
meetings. Sunday evening she will
sing "The Holy City." m the men's
meeting Sunday afternoon music will
be a special feature. Male quartet,
orchestra, etc. All are cordially In
vited to attend these services. X. H.
Brooks, pastor.
Expert Cookery on Display.
Chicago, 111., Jan. 23. All ages of
cookery are represented at the an
nual exhibit of the Chicago cooks,
pastry' cooks and confectioners' cos
mopolitan association which opened
today in the coliseum. The organi
zation numbers among Its members
cooks who received their training
in Russia, Switzerland, France, Italy,
Germany, Belgium and England.
Taft to Arrive Today.
San Francisco, Cal Jan. 23.
Among tho passengers on the steam
er Korea, due to arrive here today
or tomorrow, is William H. Taft,
late governor of the Philippines.
Judge Taft will proceed at once to
Washington where he Is to succeed
Mr. Root as secretary of war Feb
ruary 1.
How'a This?
We offer One Honrtred Dollars Iieward
for any cat-.- of cnurrli that cannot U
cmrd by Haifa Catarrh Cure.
y. J. CHEXUY k CO., I'ropri., Toledo, O.
We. tbr undral;rntd. bate known V. J.
Cbeney for tbe last IS years, and tellers
him perfectly honorable In all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations mail by tbelr firm.
WK8T & TltUAX, Wboloale IlruKlita,
Toledo. O.
sale Iugf:Uts, Toledo, O,
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
actlne directly noon tbe blood and mu
cous surface of tbe system. Trice 75c per
uoitie. toM by an drugsuts. Testimonials
Hall's Family Tills are the beat
Annual Meeting of the Inland Empire
Retail Lumbermen, Spokane Wash.,
February 10 to 14.
For the avoho occasion tho 0, II.
& K. makes a rate of one and one
third faro for the round trip on tho
certificate plan. Tickets on sale any
three days prior to the opening day.
For particulars, call on or addresB
E. C. .Smith, agent.
Knights, Attention.
tne o. it & is. Co. announce a
, rate of ono and ona-tblrd fare on
certificate plan, for district convention
i Knights of I'ythlas, to be held rt
IDallos, January 30, Tickets on sale
three days prior to opening. I
E. C- SMITH, Agent. '
Mrs. Banks Passed Over From Ef
fects of Paralysis R. J. Boddy
Dangerously III Rev. Moore Is
Conducting a Successful Revival,
Having Twenty-Nine Conversions
In Three Evenings.
Athena. Jan. 23. Row Dr. Mar
tin and Rev. Brooks, pastor of the
Christian church, ncconipunled by
Miss l.eotn Martin and Miss Sprink
ler, the great singer from Portland
were visitors In this city Wednes
day, where Dr. Martin delivered to
a large audience a good old fashioned
sermon like he did when he wns
here nnd carried on his revival
meetings last spring. After his ser
mon and greeting to the crowd he
went to see his nHllcted sister, .Miss
Ruth McAlroy, who joined he
church nnd was baptised during his
meeting last spring.
Mrs Dickinson's mother. Mrs
Banks, who wns paralyzed Inst Sat
urday, died at the home of her
daughter. Mrs. Dickson. Wednesday
Her funeral was held in the base
ment "f the M. E. church at 10
o'clock, and she was burled today in
the Athena cemetery. She leaves a
husband nnd several children nnd
grand children.
R. J. Boddy Is reported to ho dnn
gerously HI. nnd is expected to live
but a short time.
Rev. Moore is still carrying on n
big revival. It Is growing more
successful each day, having elgh1
eleven and ten conversions for the
past three evenings. In all there
have been 52 additions to the chun-li
during these meetings.
On Feb. 1 st we will vacate this room for our shoe stock
From now until we close everything will be sold at greater bargains
Bigger cuts than ever before during the sale.
Dress Goods
OnlyJ 9 Pieces of Colored
Dress Goods Left
1 piece pink Henrietta, 75c in
now oyc
1 piece myrtle green Henri- OQ-
etta, 65c, now LVC
1 piece licht grey Henrietta in
85c, now L"C
1 piece light grey Henrietta, iq
$1-00, now O7C
1 piece dark grey Henrietta rn
$1.25, now i)"C
1 piece yellow Henrietta, 2Q
75c, now o"C
1 piece myrtle green mohair OA-,
75c, now LyQ
1 piece myrtle green serge, ;q
Si. 25, now Vy
1 piece cream Henrietta, icn
ji.25, now 0"C
I2j4c outing flannel, now
I2c Flannelette, now y,
30c linen towels, now go at Jgj
50c velveteens, reduced to
50c and 75c black silk, now 2jjQ
Si. 50 peau de soie, now
85c pean de soie, now
50 cent lace hose, reduced tJCj
51 25 silk, plain and fancy, f.Qr
now 0"L
85c taffeta, all colors, now
50c and 65c Tarn o' Shan- Ot
ters, now ioC
15 cent, 20 cnt and 25 cent s ,
linings, now OiC
S1.25 velvets, all colors, 7Cp
now OC
Eight spools of thread for
Remember Last Chance
V .
aW -Ar
Saved from Terrible Death.
The family of Mrs. M. U Hobbltt
ot Bargorton, Tonn.. saw hor dying
and were powerless to save her. The
most skillful physicians nnd every
remedy used, failed, white consunip
t on wns slowlv but stiroly taking hor
life In this terrible hour Dr. King's
Vew Discovery for Consumption turn
ed despair into Joy, The llrst bottle
brought Immedlntc relief and Its con
tinned use completely rured her. It'R
the most certain cure In the world
for all throat nnd lung troubles.
Guaranteed. Bottles GOc and $1 00,
Trial Bottles Free at Tallmnn & Co,
Dissolution Notice,
nmi in,u X- Tlnmon 1ms boon
dissolved nnd tho undersigned will
hereafter conduct tho Modern School
of Commerce In his own name, lmv
lng assumed nil obligations of the
old firm. KAY JOXES.
Gray Horse W nted.
James O. Reeves Compnny want
one work horse; snnio must be gray.
Carnation " Cut-ration
Kxtracli SUfJ Extracts
are and are
Good Call pure
Peerless Mushes
When I
Carnation Yotf Carnation
Extracts Go Extraeti
are to are
Strong Your Wholesome
S5.00 aud $G.OO silk waists, eale price $2.98
Cotton and Oxford Waists at Half Price
$1.50 ladies' wrappers 89c
S5.00 ladies' mackintosh $1.75
Ladies' short jackets 50c
$5.00 and $6.00 walking skirts $2.98
$8.00 accordian-pleated silk skirt $4.50
$1.00 and $1 .50 children's coats 25c
Fine Cloaks at
jm w w
W. J. CLARKE fc Cn
1 HIT,
ELATERITE la Mineral P.ubber.1
VOir MAY 1STES11 Itmi.Tuvn "
CII lltlll It llHIWMunri- t n l,vn, . m. . 1
rootlnga. For flnt and steep surfaces, gutters, wlleji,
Auiutru.i lui uii uiuiuwa. JlvUBUUHUje in cost. Boldcoi
teed. It will pay to ask lor pricesand Informing
WorcraUr Building.
Made Suits .
Half Price
and Less
a w LV' ,
-m m aw
C)t. vrr .
tar)' plumbing laij
charee you to J
an Coun'j
Is worthless mmj
your laundry woiV
not delay plciEg J(J
in charee ol 'I
50c anu 75c uaies ana cmia
f1rnc knit unrWarMr
.n a wm.w ill
T 4 It,
Cost and
25c boys' heavy ribbed k
,2 cert children's t'Jl
3 paif to
Fruit of Looms!
. .i.t;nir. in 1
04 shcs-md'
T -11
at 21c
cent and 15
(,.00, (!"Pf
shirt men