East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 22, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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Clearance Sale
On Ladles', Men's, Misses', Children's, Boys' and
We are giving Big Reductions on all short lines of Shoes.
These are rare and genuine bargains no better goods made at
the regular price, and our Clearance Sale prices make them
cheaper than the rubbish.
On all the full lines we wc civing a big reduction, except on the
Queeu Quality shoes for ladies. This reduction wc will make nntll Feb.
lnt, 1904. Now is the time to get bargains. He sure aud get here before
Feb. 1st and get our prices.
Phone Main 11S1.
Several Shot the Limit Twelve
Events Today, With a Long List
of Added Money Marksmen Pres.
ent and Taking part From a Wide
Area, Coming From Spokane and
Salem and Idaho Points.
"With the good weatucr, and the
large and enthusiastic attendance of
sportsmen, the second annual tourna
ment of the Pendleton club Is a decid
ed success.
Yesterday was a sort of catch-ns-catch-can
day, for not all of the shoot
ers bad come, and the regular squads
had not been made up, so that it was
not until today that the regular prize
shooting could" begin. During the day
yesterday several impromptu bouts
were had. and some high averages
were made, several 25-btrd runs being
made out o. a total of 25. Also, in
the IP-bird events. It was not an unu
sual thing for the men to get all of
their shots.
Today 12 events were pulled off.
the added money in the purses being
put up by Bentley & Hartman. Mor-1
rison Club roomsl M. A. Rader, Pal-!
ace Cigar Store. George R. DeMott fc
Co., Tallman & Co., Stlllman &
Pierce, T. C. Taylor, Thompson
Hardware Co., Lee Teutsch, Columbia
Bar. and the Hotel Pendleton.
The total number of targets for the
F. 8c S.
Cough Syrup
! I
Will stop that Cough
Cure that Cold.
It is
Sure to reach
f - Leading Druggists
no r
Praiseworthy Fault
One that true economy must endorse
The only complaint we have ever heard about
"Revere" Coffee came from a consumer who said it
was "too strong." "Too strong" is a highly laudable
fault in a Coffee, and one easily remedied by
"Too strong" is not the same as "too rank." The
latter is a fault that often characterizes weak coffee,
and nearly always character zes very cheap grades.
"Too strong" simply means that
will produce more cups of the desired strength than
the consumer gives it crodit for, and for that reason
true economy prompts its purchase. The "per cup"
cost of "Revere" coffee at 40c a pound is no more than
when a 25c grade is used. The incomparable flavor,
rich aroma and satisfying tody cost absolutely nothing
Once Tried Always Uascd
day is 200, and the total entrance
' Shooters Taking Part.
Among those present at the shoot
today and taking part in the program
were Roscoe Sheuon. Salem; A. J.
, Winters. Portland; W W. Caldwell
(Portland; George Palmer and Hank
1 Palmer. Salem; ueorge W. Tanna
' hill, Sumpter: U N. Knettle. Pome-
roy; George II, Baker. Dayton: J. ri.
; Blake and S W. Spencer. Heppner;
J. C. Sewcll. V J. Sewell and S. R.
Thompson. Pendleton: D. E. Brock'
I bank, San Francisco: H. C. Watklns.
H. J. Stlllman. T. W Ayres. W. W.
Hock. D. C. Clark and F. V. Walt.
. Pendleton: H. O. Peck and Hershaw,
Walla Walla: Dan Jaeger, U C. Ed
wards and Kirk Taleafaro, Sumpter;
O. Klncald, Gelger; P. Shields, Har
rington; Frank Roberts, C A. Minor.
Lee Matlock. W. R. Irwin and Willlnm
Cowins. Heppner; George C. Beck
and G. Gans, Spokane; T. P. Holahan,
Wallace; G. B. Ware and J. Forbes,
Visiting in Helix.
Miss Jessie Smith left this morning
for Helix, where she will be the gueat
of relatives for a few days. On
Monday she will return to the city
accompanied by her moiuer. Mrs. A.
H. Smith, who has been visiting in
"Evil Speaking" Tonight.
Dr. S. M. Martin will preach L.is
evening at the Christian church on
the subject of "Evil Speaking." He
has been speaking to crowded houses
and the meetings are nightly grow
ing in interest.
Visitors From South Dakota.
Professor William M. Haw. of Ab
erdeen. S. D.. accompanied by his
wife. Is In the city for a visit at the
home of G. A. Hobbles. Mrs. Haw
and Mrs. Robbins are sisters.
A girl never thinks a young man's
heart is In the right place unless
she possesses it.
Thc WholesomiS
Egg -Phosphate
The remarkable increase in con
sumption demonstrates its supcrla
tive merits and wholesomeness.
prospective industry for
Representative From Outside Cream
ery Company, Circulating False Re
ports About the Business The
Farmers Cannot Be Deceived by
Any Knocker Who Is an Enemy to
the City and the County.
Some knocker against the Creamery
to bo built In Pendleton by the Com
mercial Cream Company of Salem,
has been traveling ovor the country
near this city tolling falsehoods about
the methods of the creameries oper
ated by this enterprising company.
Farmers from Birch creek say that
some fellow unknown to them, has
made several special trips among
them to ascertain the sentiment re
garding the creamery, and while fool
ing of the public pulse on the subject
has told all kinds of discouraging
tales of creameries in other places,
and has made every effort to prevent
them from patronizing such an insti
tution. The Intelligent farmers of thnt
thrifty community have not been In
fluenced hj anything said by this en
emy of the city anu county. They can
read figures and statistics published
on the subject and are Interested in
bringing ever)" profitable Institution
possible Into the county.
The Commercial cream company
onerates one of the largest creamer
ies In the state, at Salem, has a rep
utation all over the Northwest as a
solid, up-to-date Arm and will do with
a creamery In this city Just exnctly
what they say.
If 50 patrons can be secured, they
will begin the erection of a plant in
this city They will pav for butter
fnt two cents per pound less than the
highest market price for first-class
creamery butter at all seasons of the
The cream must be separated uy
the farmer and the creamery company
will arrange to gather tho separated
cream from each farmuouse, if so de
sired. An ordinary' cow will produce
from IS to 25 pounds of butter fat per
month, which, at the usual market
price of butter in this city, means an
income of from So to SS per month
from each cow. and in case of high
grade butter cows, over $10 per
month for each w.
Don't be led astray by knockers.
i irneuody 7-bo is interested in Keep
ing a creamery away from this city
has done the knocking and people
should harshly turn down any enemy
of the city and county who tries to
prevent legitimate development.
Butter Is selling at "5 cents a roll
or 37i cents a pound in Pendleton
uow. Two cents less than the price
of butter would mean 353 cents per
pound for butter fat. A cow yielding
0 pounds of butter fat per month at
35V cents per pound, wourd bring
her owner an income of $7,10 jer
month. Twenty pounds of butter fat
per month is less than the average
yield, while 37H cents per pound for
creamery butter is the ordinary
There Is a profit in the business.
No knocker agaiusi the city need tell
you otherwise. La Grande Is starting
a large creamery. I,cwIston Is put
ting in one of the largest in the In
land Empire and the little city of
I'nlon has one of the most complete
creameries in the state, and cannot
supply the mines of Baker county.
Pendleton's location as a business
renter, renders her an especially fa
vorable point for such an institution.
Favorite Old New England Play
Comes to the Frazer.
Way Down East," Manager Wil
liam A. Brady's much talked of pro
duction, which will bo presented at
the Frazer tonight, has bad unstinted
and enthusiastic praifce from the
clergy, school teachers, women and
In fact from people in every walk rf
life, including thousands who arc
seldom seen inside the walls of a
Tho scenes are laid on a New
Hampshire farm, the play written by
Lottie Blair Parker, and elaborated
by Joseph It. Griamer.
The play deals with simple Inci
peculiarly fitted to portray the ?-
sweetness of which might run on for
ever but for the shadow of a sin.
The story is worked out by actors
pecuiiarlly fitted to po.rtray tho ec
centricities and quaint humor of Now
England folk. The production from
a secnic standpoint will compare fa
vorably with any play presented In
many years.
Undertaker and Coroner Clash Over
Disposing of Paupers.
The wrangle botween Buchanan &
Co., the undertakers, and - Coroner
D. L. Smith, was finally settled this
morning, says tho Spokane Press.
These people have been having a lit
tle difficulty over tho pauper-dead
which have been lying at the parlors
of Smith & Co. Smith's is the offi
cial morgue of the county and the
coroner has sent several paupers to
tho morgue.
Buchanan has the contract to burv
the connty-dead at 112 for each body.
He claimed tho coroner should have
sent those bodies to him in the first
place, arguing that no- had plenty of
before he sent them to the .morgue.
On that account Buchanan refused to
call for the bodies. The difficulty
wns finally settled satisfactorily and
Buchanan came for them.
Kninhts, Attention.
The O. It. & N. Co. announce a
rate of one and ono-tbird fare on
certificate plan, for district convention
Knights of Pythias, to bo held ft
Dalles, January 30, Tickets on sale
three days prior to opening.
a C. SMITH, AgenL
When the roses bloom again tber
will probably coat all of to a dozen.
I Abundant Moisture tind Winter Wheat
Growing Finely.
I AV K Campbell. f Co,rt Springs,
wns In tho city today for n business
... n.H.a.l.ntl la nnn txt Inn
visu .ir v.miiii-" "
most prominent farmers or this sec-
.inn nf the county, nnd Is well
ed with the outlook for the year. Ho
thinks thero Is more moisture In tho
ground at this time than there has
Loon at this senson for the past 20
v, nnd thero Is a fine chance for
a good wheat crop. , , ,
mini " "-lucres neur Ajnonn at 122.000 Thr. a
.....11 irnu-np rns. and III. v. . ,v v . DO
1 ...,.11 111..I f-mu-lnf- rnflt. ntlll
IUK mvm ...iw r -----
there Is no extra cold weather to io
tard Its growth it will soon have the
hills green and waving with the com
ing harvest.
Webfoot Climate Did Not Agree With
Her, as It Induced Asthma.
Theron Fell, of Portland, Is in tho
city for a short visit with his moth
er. Mrs C. E. Fell.
Mrs. Fell some time ago went to
Portland for an extended visit with
her children, who are residents of
that city. Intending perhaps to remain
there Indefinitely, but the low alti
tude and heavy air brought on asth
ma nnd she wns forced to return to
her homo in this city, where she has
a residence In North Pendleton.
With Over 500 Active Members Now,
Pendleton Camp Has Set the Mark
for 600 by April First Reserve
Fund of Pacific Jurisdiction Will
Be Increased From $700,b.j to $V
J H. I.awrey, counsel commander
of Pendleton Camp No. 41, Woodmen
of the World. Is enthusiastic over tho
prospects for the spring campaign of
that order.
Head Commander Falkenburg hns
fent out notices to the different camps
that 12,500 new members are expect
ed from the Pacific Jurisdiction dur
ing this campaign, which will end on
the first of April and the Pendleton
camp is now doing Its share to bring
m this number.
"The membership of the Pacific
Jurisdiction must lie increased from
32.000 to 100.000 during this cam
paign," said Mr. 1-awrey yesterday
evening to an East Oregonlnn repre
sentative, "and v.e have set the mark
for this camp at 100 of that number.
Pendleton camp now has over 500 ac
tive members and this campaign must
bring the number up to 600, which
will be an easy task, Judging from
the number of applications now com
ing In, and the enthusiasm which per
vades the ranks.
'One of the other objects of this
campaign Is to bring the reserve fund
up from $1700,000 to Jl.000,000 as
one of the most worthy ideals of the
order Is to secure and maintain a re
serve fund adequate to all emergen
cies The financial foundation of the
order Is now beyonu question, but the
constant effort of every official and
member Is to make It still more se
cure by added funds and added mem
bers. "It Is not at all unlikoly that Pen-
uiciuu cuiup win uiect a iiiiiiuiug lor
its lodge room and business onieea I
This Is one of the issues now before
the camp, and is being fccriously dis-1
cusk-iI. The membership is so large
that It is iinwieldly In any of the 1
present lodge rooms available in ihe 1
city, and with the constant Increase
which Is bolng added, some radical "
change is necessary. j
"If the membership . .wind all at j 4.
iuiiu iuubc on me same nignt now, the
present quarters would not hold ovor
half the number. This Is nn unfortu
nate condition, and one which will
be remedied at once, by building a
Woodmen building, If a suitable lo
cation can be secured.
"This spring campaign finds 7S0
camps in the Pacific Jurisdiction, with
Pendleton ramp the largest In the
state of Oregon, outs.de of Portland.
Every member Is ex pec ten to bring
in a nrw member, If possible, and tho
campaign will close about the first of
April with a banquot in this city, in
which all the camps In tho county
will participate."
Here Before Pendleton Was.
James H. Jones came in town from
his ranch, eight miles north of town.
Heres J5 for the paper. I want to
ui iuck on guessing for that rubber-tired
buggy Kd Mr JonPe
The paper Is big value for he
money but If 1 gel tno buggy, why
I am Just that much ahead. I have
had my name on your subscription
b -oks ever since the East Oreso.Uan
Btarted. Lot mo see, that must be
about 28 years ago I have llvud on
rr.y ranch north of town for 30 veais
I was hero first in 18B5, then l" went
rwn V,bo W'l'amottc valley end in
65 and 5C I served In the Indian war.
. le, J6? ncrcs on mr Ple. 225
L?;hlcn ,ln what. U is looking
winter for grain."
There nro thousands of women to
day praising the celebrated Hoatett-cr-s
Stomach lllttors, When they
were run down and in need of a
health restorer and regulator they
wore persuaded to try tho Bitters,
with the result that they now enjoy
ht;aItlj. All sickly women
should try it at onco Besides curlnn
all Female comnlaln n 1., .1 ...
equaled for Indigestion, Dyspenila.
insomnia and Constipation
Bought the Purdy Farm
Ne.r'1 '
Afh.Hn try tlO Ma
Honry Koppo wag inthe city this
afternoon making arrangements for
1110 irnnsiur 10 niniBolf of the 5nm -t
Pllrdy plac0 R snort dl8ta " '
pleas-Uthona cast of
Mr Koppo wn8 formcrly
Known rcsidont of this section h, .
of ,, hn8 ,)(?en ly,
,mrKi Ho nng onco m cn;
.hio hi v. hnwnw 1,.. "" V0'.
od to buy tho Purdy plnco of -ten 4
1 1 -v-- ucuu signed a.
but the transfer Is practically made': I
and tho deal will bo consummated,
this evening.
i.nnnpa hnvn nnf vnt ..... . .
Walla Walla Poultry show, Febru
a.y 3-7.
Orogon Christian Endeavor lonvev
tlon at Pendleton, Fobruary
1904. ' J
Wlinl a linnnv world this ..
If people couldn't borrow troublo
without putting up collateral Becuri "LI til
Our Big Annual
Inventory Sal 4c Mnu; m
vjuoos are gome Kesrard ess f T t,
as. we mast make room for o
Ul U1U D1UUIV. I flmn 1 1
you money on any goods yoa nuynaj
uui iiue 01 Business
The Leaders of Low Trices in rndltoc.
Closing Out
of Shirt Waists
1.00. $1 so anno
r jl aci
Shot Guns
1 , - - '
To be a nood shot vou must be supplied "A W
shooting coming to us.
Title Hardware
'' '''t''4't
T A nuivlnir TM A T IFFillMC -
Closing-out Sale of my entire stocKo fia4
;,, p;PrK. Lace Curtains ' .
T 0:11 1 Pictures and-F',,D '
t must go regardless of cost.
t v... . o!2. for
Ti vu tan get. a line veivru .vw,
. .... . ,r- avM.tar'"
r tou can net. a fine Axainster ruw,
i. XT kUa
1 ttae t"1" lu
For sale at tho East Orenonlan of flejrjjji
rur his n xno uro(jonii . . .
containing over 100 big papers, can b "o i
in u
To. .
TL .
K in -
Yonn 1
- uil
nun .
: iiwi
lit UJ
A -
1 mm
..ir rn GET A
. Vntt. A"
. 1 ,