PA'IV EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1904. iess Cards and Societies s,0NS AND TRADES, ALPHABETTICALLY ARRANGED. I CPU- " in tn 12 - m.: Us tt" nEsrAiN block. r troubles. ca- P. .and Impaired bearing. Ftl?nJ rnr refractlre er- "7.l ion. I - If sitings bank. Telephone 6 ?.vrS m.ln 1591. t tun'""'"" lEr.ori:eon. Offlct In Judd finef ornce, black 1411; -rrPru KOOU 17 associa- !ftlepbo " 'ill. B,,V,Vn;- in Savings Itank . ,irm- 'phone, main 1411: Ela 1501. ATTORNEYS. "JwrL piRRV. ATTORNEYS AT I w "bSSdui: FEr- LA"' 0FE IX JUDD &c&r?.SitATTons!CT"wrni ... .CTna OIOCK aoclatlon building. ' AS. U III CP In Sarlno .!- jt tLAKnSLER. CHRONIC , diseases i nrOce "nbone, main ,21; 1 kx- LLRX DOONE. OSTEOPATH. ' ' k. A n A R HOC IW1 -U. ' "L"" " ' C-nJKKnL KT- AlTOnNEYS AT f VUUL,u:it LAWYER. omCK ij .! , patent orneea, and makes a specialty of patent law! blo?E ' " 12 ani1 A"ltlon FRATERNAL ORDERS. B- P. . ELKS. PEXDLETOX LODGE. NO. 5S5 Y"'ssiina ,nlra Tbursdars or each month All brother! vls.tlng In the city most cordially Invited to attend IU11 lu ----- - --- - - " 1 . vi v. iianm.D Sr.. E R., C. E. Benn, Secretary. B.V DENTAL SURGEON. Office biii Block. IniS. DENTIST. OFFICE IN line 'I'hone red 1411 S. liENTIST OFFICE IN A8- uock. over rcnaiiuii ucw uiug red -it IrINARY SURGEONS. r SCHOEON DK. D C. McNABB lllmsn's Priig Sicre IKS AND BROKERS. ttnvAT. IIANK OF ATHENA. ICspltal. J.'O.OOO: snrplua and Luj. interest on time deposlle. and domestic ezebance. fproin jit ly attendwl to. Henry . Leurow casnier; i m. iempt UEHS' ItANK OF WESTON, lirrjron. l? a general tianK m. txrnanse uuukui nuu awu. promptly attended to. It. Jam. dent ueorKe n nunain, bt J IS. KUirore. caabler; dl Fa. Uarttuan, M. M Johns. T. I D. Or- J. F. Kllsore, Ilob- , G tt ITocustei. kULETOX SAVINGS IIANK. Orriton. ureantzea Marco i. Lu!. lim.OO i ; urpln, J7I, i: illooed nn all time deposits. ki;bt and sold on an principal till attention riven to couec- J, Ftirn!h, president ; J. N. aislitant lasbler. mn.VAr. iiaxk of I'EXDLU- fiul. JTO.imy: surplus. $ 115,000. 1 fetieral banning uusinesa. 1.1- teifcraptiic transiers ftotu uu a Francisco. New York and klati In the Northwest. Drafts DIM. Japan and Europe. Makes En reasonable terms. Levi An- at. W I Matlock, vlce-presl-. Klce. taihler : U J. Johuicn, ubler. TECTS AND BUILDERS. FARO. ARCHITECT AND 8C vnt. Males complete and rella- K Buildings in toe city or couq. II Judd bulldlns. pTOLE, COXTI'.ACTOKK AND utlmates furnished on short sort a soerlalty. 1'rompt kop on llluff street, near Main. . COXTKACTOIt AN DBUILD- tt furnlsbed on all kinds tRsent walks, stone walls, etc. it hast Oregonlan of&re. tOVTMAN. ARCHITECT AND kiHiL Association block, l'en- Ittt. PLASTERING AND CE- I Cement walks a specialty. nUaed free. Work guaranteed. 1 at liadley & Zebnera clear meet I', O. box 104. SING AND LODGING. HUNTINGTON HAS I'U. lodging house at ti'JU Garden 1 me win be glad to see ner Htrona. fct HOUSE, 818 THOMPSON , weit-ugntod rooms, ah . Centrally located. Only Court street. Rates rea- CORNER ALT A AND Board by.tbt day or week. n. L. Neff, prop. Pendleton t vvunection. 1. ncat yxv OTKt. r.riniK'i nrvrKf. IK lll-OO to $1.50 per day. U. V. itE BUSINESS TAKES TfOO t np at the Hotel Helta. Uood ll service. U. U. Richards. PCE AND LAND BUSINESS LlPR .mtf Mpt office Id BatIus Bank ruoorcbouse 4 U a mil ton. AHHTm innn rnuniNV auatrafta f 1tl tn all FwtHla county. Loam od cltf LftJ- Huh and aIU all UAKTMAN, P, ; Ht?lMN JU.f Vice Prea. aw, McretATf. rree reading room. Why not join and v,i "jnnEP w irt-e Dam, use 01 cludlnp library and readlDir room! Terms Cl lill n inlt. an.l vwu i.w buu w a uiumu Ques. AMONG THE EXCHANGES OF THE INLAND EMPIRE DAMON LODGE NO 4 MEETS EVERY Monday evening In Secret Society hall, LaDow block, at Pendleton, Ore. U. V. Fletcher, K. R. S. ; W. J. Keyes, C. C. Portland Losing Trade. Opportunltr awaits a vast popula tion when the railroad builder in. vades the vast area lying 'cast ot the mountains In Southern Oregon, according to the picture of tho coun try presented by a prominent stock grower of iJko county. Portland is not receiving Its share of the busi ness ot that section of Oregon, be cause stage and rail connections mako it more convenient for resi dents to reach California ceiters. "Lakeview Is 'farther from a rail road than any other town of its pop ulation in the United States." This was the very interesting statement of F, 0. liunting. of I.ake county, owner of the largest herd of regis tered Hereford cattle in Oregon, who attended the meetings of live stock associations last week and re mained in the city for several days. Other facts recited by Mr, Bunting are of even greater Interest. "Though we are residents of this state and nearer this city than San Francisco, our business relations arc almost entirely with California and the Bay City. If tho people of Portland would appreciate the possi bilities of that region and secure a railroad connection that would make It more convenient, that trade all could be brought this way. 1 do not remember to have even seen tho representative of a Portland whole saler. Jobbing-house or manufacturer in the town, but have met numerous representatives of San Francisco bouses. Evening Telegram. was sentenced to the pcnltentlaty for kicking his wlfo almost Into in sensibility In their home, on Wash ington street, A short tlmo beforo that he had attempted to kill her, At that time she was locked In their homo at Ninth avenun south and Washington street, and ho tired through the door. Walla Walla Statesman. TONSORIAL PARLORS. I'ATTOVR SANITARY RARBER SHOr, Despaln block, Court street. Best work nansblp. All the modern Improvements, ill tools sterilized. Itatb rooms In cod-taction. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V STROIILE, DEALER IN SECOND band goods. If there Is anything you aeed in new and secondhand furniture, stores, granlteware and crockery, call and get his prices. No. -12 Court street. FOR RENT. FOR KENT - FURNISHED AND UNFIT. nlsbed rooms. Clean, quiet place. 801 South Main street NEAT, CLEAN, WELL KEPT FURNISHED Rooms to rent. Well loc tied Mri. Sirshon. S02 Water streettcor. Johnson. FOR RENT -GOOD FRONT ROOM, SUITABLE for two gentlemen or two ladles Call st CIO Willow street WANTED. WANTED POSITION, BY MAS AND WIFE on ranch: experienced, Address Sll Lincoln street. MISCELLANEOUS. LOST-OS STREET, FUR COLLARETTE FIN. Her please return to mm omce. SINGER SEWING MACHINE OFFICH, 609 College street, nepalts lor an iBscsinet. P. A Lovetang, Manager SEWER CONTRACTOR'! - REED A LAFLER make connections wun tne sewer lor ousi nesi bontes and private residence!. Terms reasonable. Lesve orders st T C. Taylor, llardirare store FOR SALE TWO UOOD FREH MILCH cows, Jtrsey. ana a years oio. rcicr Tachella, riaxe btatlon. F. . MERRILL, SPOHANE, WASH.. AGT.. Densmore. Second band machines, supplies and repairs. WJ DYE TO LIVE. HAVE YOUR CLOTHES sponged and pressed lor tl SO montn, at the City bienm Cleaning and Djeiag Works, t7 W. Alta. Pbone Red 321. WM. F. YOIINKA WILL PAY PROMPT atteutlon to all sales and postlug bills. Correspondence solicited. Commission rea. sonable. P. O. box Will, Pendleton, DRE.vi4AKI.VO. CUTTING AND FITTINC A specialty. Prompt work. atiIaitlon guar anteed. Mlis R ttnltler. 912 Malu strict. IX POUND THE FOLLOWING De scribed animals have been taken np by the marsbil of the City of Peodlfton, to J One gray horse, brand not visible, nelifht liajypouna.,i.-utj. --,.,.. ,h. II ssia inimft1 owrcrs or those entitled to the possession, . j m Intr hm iilla. &na costs ana e: peu.c. ?f - 5-- fh. tbeu taken aay ""'u iui date bereor. men at i on . - t; T-ntv..lx.h ?.y of WA", arimai win oe sum w . . .l" at public auction for cash, at the city pound, on the corner of Cottonwood and vebb streets. In the City of rendhtou. the proceeds of such sale to be applied lo w psTment of aucb cost, and expense, of mak- DD.tedei.nurr IMf,, clly Uinbt. ?ILEY REPRESENTS TUB 9 Dost rellaM. M mnA mii. tsar. ."r -jr: tytief, go uince witn Zh J.R;' u- B. LAND COM- e.i.iiy made ot- land ni- Rbl?h,,"",,,o,lct,oo, FUND FEED 8TABLES. ?4?DED BY TIIRwl.-Pk-"oR mii.?!, ,B"n- ta Cottonwood M. ut WILLIAMS, rU I liV.i. rr,cu J ABU, liUKi 1" ' Ulllth streets. 8. A. Alio- Fiti,. I0rlble stalls. Plenty CP'n catelul atuntlon. M. FROOME. . '.' best care given PP Hotel Pendleton. Phona i-i i lvV "OAI'D AND HALF. . ,Vl!PI'fa' proprietors. lor Oaaff.rded at reason- STRAIN TOO GREAT. Hundreds of Pendleton Reader Find It So. The bustle and worry of business The hard work and stooping of workmen. The woman's household cares. Are too great a strain on the kid- Backache, headache, sldeacbe. Kidney troubles, urinary troubles ft"0. .n. how to A penaietou uuu rSorrf,. wholes on r. . t Hntave 011 ana on iwr three Tears ' In earlier ditys I bad M6 It I shoe factory !aocWord hi standing all day at a tench and ".L18D 1 blcame a motorman on an electric car. That too, Kept me uu eieiwii. . rovflted my tnv feet ail uuy " ; i, ' iTin, if it did not start H. It complaint If H dw i n 01 more annoyed me tnrouBu . ',, ?n.n at any other ume. I BnaUr g used. them. They cur u of not had even -- .- . 1 SSsTk-T. .5. " and take uo other. Don't Need a Wife. Ike Horsell, an ex-convict who was liberated from the Walla Walla penitentiary November 2.1, shot his divorced wife, Jessie Horsell five times at Seattle and escaped, leaving her lying on the sidewalk. The wo man, with five wounds in her body, crawled along the wet and slushy walk to her doorstep, where her small strength gave out entirely and she fell, All the way she kept con tlnuaily calling for help. The bullets were from a 3S-rallbre revolver. Three of them entered her head, one the center of her back and the fifth went through her right hand. Stockmen Leaving Oregon, Mr. King, the Burns sheepman, passed through here Thursday on route to Cannila. His object In vis iting Canada at this time of the year is to see the country In its worst condition for stock. In conversation with Mr. King he said that a neigh bor of his recently returned from Alberta who pronounced that section me siocKtnans paradise. several bands of horses have recently been taken there from Mnlhcur and Har ney counties. Tho ranges aro so eaten out In some sectlous of the country here that It has como to a show down. That Is stockmen have to hunt new pastures or go out if the business. Vale Gazette. TRANSPORTATION LINES. mm, Sh OUTLINE and UNION PACIFIC Two Trains to the East Dally Through Pullman standard and Tourist sleep ing cars dally to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping car (tally to Kansas City, throngs Pullman tourist sleeping cars peisonally con ducted) weekly to Chicago. Ksnssa city, re clining chair cars (seau free) to the East dally. Cold Wave b.tlppcd Boise, The cold wave which formed on the northwest coast a few days ago and was headed this way, veered to the south and Ilolse has only caught tho ragged edse of It, nlthougn thero was a fair Imitation of cold weather here this morning when tho mercury registered 13 degrees above zero mark from 7 to 9 o'clock, the lowest that has been registered hero this season. At Baker City this morn ing it was two above zero. B0U0 Capital News. ciraaT Tlmo Soluxlulo aaaivi roa From I'omlle-tou raoH Portland Portland Special No. 1 The East t:10ani 9:00 a.m. i i Chicago 'Chicago Speclsl No. J Portland SMSpm fiulSpm Portland Mall and Express No. 5 The East 13 '31 am 12 .2 am TbeKsstl Mall and Express No,6 Portland 4tnam ssuam Pendleton Passenger Spokaat No 7 5'SJpa Spokane (Spokane Passenger 9:10 am No. a 1 Pendleton Branch ... n . , Mlied Train No. 41 1 "u p 111 .,.. Walls Walla Branch Mixed Train No. tt HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., PropB. The Best Hotel In Pendleton and as good as any. On the Primrose Path. A miner nniven from Thunder mountain a few days ago, with near ly $1,000 earneu during over a year's mining at the famous gold camp. He went Into Cole's storo and bought him an outfit of clothes. Including everything from stockings to a neck tie, and paid for it with a bill peeled ! from a roll containing $800. Tho next morning the man called on Mr. Cole for 25 cents to pay for his 1 breakfast. He had seen tho He had seen tho boys Two years ago this month Horsell during' the night. Halley Times. MARKET SALT TRUST REDUCES PRICE 50 CENTS PER TON. Chicago Wheat Closed Lower o nAc count of Lessening Prospects of War Crop Situation Is Unchanged July End September Wheat Are Higher. Parsnip, 10 Us. 25c. Pumpkins, 15-25c. Squash, 15-35c. Celery, 10c bunch, 3 bunches 25c. Lettuce, hothouse, Ec bunch. Kraut, 10c quart, 40c gallon. Mince meat, 12c per pound. Popcorn, shelled, 8 1-3 cents per pound; on cob, 5 cents per pound. FRUITS. Bananas, 40c dozen. Apples, 7Bc$l per box. I-emons, 40c doz. Oranges, 40-50o doz. Cranberries, 15c per quart. No 7 connects with No. 2. t Only waits for No 1 In case No. 1 not later than SO minutes. No. 42 connects with No, J, late Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND, All sailing dates snb- 001, m .)ecjf change, jaMp.n. s-wp. m, For San Francisco " v ' Sail every b days. Sunday Columbia River iXvp.K. SrtOp m. ' To Astoria and Way Bunds) Saturday I Landings. 10 :00 p. m.l Wtllnmotto River. Boats leave Portland dally, except Sunda) 'tsge ot water permitting) for Willamette anr Yamhill River points. Leave Leav Rlparla Snake River Lewtnoi llt. D, Rlparla 10 Lewlston 7:09 a. in Dally Dally Kxcpt Mon Bxcpt M01 E, C SM I Til. Agent, PesdlelOD. The Hotel Pendleton has jusl been refuted and refurnished throughout. I'hone, and fire alarm connections with all rooms. Baths in suites and single rocmi. Headquarters for Traveling Mei CommodlouB Sample Rooms, Rates $2 & $2.50 Special rates by week or month Excellent Cuisine. Prompt Dltilngroom servlos). Bar and billiard room In conneotlos Only Three Blocks from Depot HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB ST8. 3 Portland, Jan. 22. The Federal Salt Company, otherwise known as the trust, has announce 4 a decline of I 50 cents a ton In the former quota tions on rock, half-ground and hide I salt. The change was expected onj account of the action of the Amalga mated Salt Company In Invading this territory and getting a large portion of the trust's business. Several cuts In quotations have already been made and more aie expected to follow. Eggs Continue Firm. The egg market Is firmer today, with the receipts smaller. The mar ket Is now quite hare of stocks, but a few days of the present weather will probably bring In more eggs. Wheat Market, Chicago, Jan. 22. The wheat mar ket closed about cent Tower, It it has been an extremely active and nervous market. The rains In the Southwest, the Indifference of cables to the advance here and the contin ued liberal lecelpts started a selling pressure, particularly In July, which resulted In a oreak of 2'A cents early In the day. This was partially recovered later. There was some little selling pres sure In May, but Armour supported the price and the closing showed no little change. Price Current says the crop situation is unchanged. Consols are higher. The general feeiing seems to lie gradually gaining confidence that there will be no war. The congested conditions is to a considerable extent imperative and confident feeling on tho market Is Imposslhle. In a gen eral way, and on the general world's position we would say that both July and September wheat are high and we are Inclined to advise selling them on that. The market will be subject no doubt to considerable fluctuations on account of the manipulation of the May. RETAIL GROCERY PRICE8. Coffee v.ocho and Java, best, 40c per lb.; next grade, 35c per lb; lower grades, coffee, 25c to 15c per lb.; package coffee, 20c per lb., 3 pack ages for DOc. Klce Best head rice, 12V4C. per lb,; next grade, 10c per lb. Sugar Cane granulated, best $6.50 per sack; do 13 lbj $1. Salt Coarse, $1.10 per 100; table, $2.50 per 100. Flour B. B., $4.25 per barrel; Wal ters' $4.25 per barrel, $1.10 per sack. Bacon 1418c per lb. Ham 17018c per lb. Coal oil $1.C5 for C gallons, $ per case. Lard 70c 5 pounds; $1.40 10 pounds, LIVESTOCK Af,D POULTRY. The followlug prices are paid by dealers t the producer: Turkeys, 1214c. Chickens Hens, 7c; $304 per doz en; roosters, 4 to C cents. Geese, per dozen, $9. Ducks, per dozen, $3.50(74. Butter, 5076c, good. Eggs, fresh, 40c. VEGETABLES. Carrots, 2c per lb. Potatoes, lc per lb. Garli , 10c per lb. Cabbage, 3c per pound. Beets, J.0 lbs 25c. Onions, 3c per pound. CHOICE BEEF CATTLE, ET "!. Steers, $3.2503.50. Cows, $2.5002.76. Hogs llvo, 4H05c. Hogs, dressed, C07c. Veal, dressed, CG7c. Sheep, $202.50. HAY AND FEED. Chop barley, $22.50 per ton; lc per lb. Chopped wheat, $1.40 per iuu. Bran, CO cents per sack. Shorts, $1 per sack. Oats, 1 cents per lb. Alfalfa, loose, $13 per ton. Wheat, loose, $13 per ton. Timothy, baled, per ton, $20, LOCAL HIDE MARKET. The following are tho prevailing average prices for hides In this mar ket; beef, green, 4c per lb.; beef, dry, 1001214c; mink, BOc each, with a Dosslbinty ol $1 each if u.e size Is good and the condition prime; coyote, 60075c; bear skins, accord ing to quality and size, irom sa 10 $15; coon, 35040c; horse, $101.26; sheep, green, Cc; sheep dry, 714c; lynx or bob cat, 15 0 30; skunk, 26c; badger, 15 030. Just One Minute, One Mlnuto Cough Curo gives re lief In one mlnuto, because It kill tho microbe which tickloo tho unisons membrane, causing the cough, ana at the same tlmo clears the pblsgm, draws out the Inflammation and heals and soothes .ne affected pans, une Minute CoukIi Cure st'jnRthcns the Ijngs, wards off pneumonia, and is a harmless, never failing cure in an curable cases of Coughs, Col , and Croup. One Minute Cough Cure Is nlensnnt tn take, narmiess ana goou alike for young and old. Sold by Tallman & Co, WASHINGTON COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD Take this route for Chicago, St Paul, St. Louis, Kan sas City, St. Joseph, Omaha and All Points East and Sooth Portland and points oa tho Sound TIM isc a it 11 Arrive at Pendleton Monday, Wednes day and Friday, 1.45 p. m. Tues day, Thursday fend Saturday, 11.45 a. m. Leave Pendleton, 7 p. m. Leave Walla Walla ilally.east bound, 11 M0 p, m Arrive Walla Walla dally.feat bound, KM a. in K,ir Information roaardlna rates and accouv modstlons, call ou or address W. ADAMH, Agent Pendleton. Oregon 8. B, CALUEKIIKAU, (i. P. A., waua nana, masniugioa. King Edward's Accession. fjindnn .Ian. 22. ' In honor of King Kdward's accession on January 92 iflOl roval salutes were fired to day In St James' park, and at all nthnr salutini; stations at home and abroad. All commissioned ships In Portsmouth harbor were dressed and similar demonstrations were made at Gibraltar and other ports. A man seldom marries a girl on ac rnnnt of her family, but he tome- times remains a bachelor on account thereof. GEO. DARVEAU, Prop. Elegantly Fiirni5,KCt . Steam Heated European Plan. Block and a half from depot. Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE 50o, 7So, $1.00 THE HOTEL BICKERS (Formerly Golden Kule) Court Street RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars. Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars. nr. fAuij MINNEAPOLIS DULOTH 7ABUO TO GRAND FORZ1- UKUOKmuw WINNEPEd HELENA and BUTTE. THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YOItK BOHTON aud all polnU East and Houtli thn.h tieb.ta la Jaban and China, rts s-... anit Nnrlharn PaflgO SUaBUblP C. and American Una. TIM I SCHIDULI. T.alns leave Pendleton dally except Soasst st 7 sOO p. ni For farther Information, lima ixrdi, nasi and tickets, eall on or wrlta W, Adams Pea dleton, Oregon, or A. 0. rillAKL'IOij, snira ana mvuiwu dm , 1 u,-. - Tho Oregon Dally Journal can be found on sale at Frazler'a "torei 4BV".BBSSBKaSBaTSSBmKU7r7,ra?&, 'laaBllBaleBBalBrBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaH Remodeled and refurnished through out. Everything neat, clean and up-to-date. Steam heat and electrle lights, Best cuisine. Prompt servlc. H. E. BICKERS. Prop. THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON Aeserlcaa Pisa, U Per day and upal, Head. natters f.r tourist, and commercial tr eWrs. special rates mad to families sad eiags geattemcn. The saanageueat will tw Pleases! at all tines to show rooms and gtva prices, a saoaera Tarklaa balb cstabllsbmsat la lb. hotai, if. c, BOWBKa.'Maaagtn, t Enjoy Life i We will make your leisure 7 hours pass pleasantly. s Howling alleys, pool, billiards I ami KhootliiK gullery, Every 7 thltiK llrst-tilam. 'I'UMPKUANCK ItKKItKHH- I MKNTH and cigars. Musical 7 entertainment every evening, t Robinson's Pario's I t Onder W.&0, Depot, A. -'JITJf.lfMTnrhAatlJ.lrsllMJl Imootanov. Lost Powar, Mlant-Msa.s, aip.r In back, stvll. Desires, ntlnal amissions, l Vnrfooo.l., or Con oua Tw tohlnat of aid VALI oeuaey S. .rary faaa - Uja. Don tf.lwrjoaaan,.wMipyfl;,.1 Sk-l-u L'S.rrtrTlW Bamid' ., .an Franoli.0, Oal. iim t vorsl U ol4 u4 roaxir rili tnm tfftitmwiwwMfi suurvif as.o maiorrnof a iniumni mmm naoHi nanrou n, SaLTI HI HAtlr tUaH 4k r a Sold by Tallman & Co., Druggists. -oAiiast. Phona Malu 701 Q3