I X DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY. JANUARY 22. 1904. m'-'' -!SXrZijm ' advocate it to my lady Xlicnds in need W25SW Neville, Tain. These Tvo Women were Cared LydiaE.KnlOianfsetablempoiind READ THEIR LETTEHSs 9 "Dkaji Mr. Pre"": I wish to cxrns niv pratitudu for the restored health and happiness 1-J'dlu K- 1'lnU- hnm'n rgvinmr vhjiiiimjuuu uus brought into my life. "1 had miOered for three years with terrible pain at the. time of menstrua tion, and did not know what the trtniMe wa uutil the. doctor pro nouiired it inflammutlon ol the ovaries, and proposed an operation. " 1 felt to weak and slrk tliat I felt sure that 1 could not survive the or deal, and to I told him that I would "PiuMb.Pixkha: Gratltndei compels me to acknowledge the great; merit ol your Vegetable Compound. I hive suffered for four years with Irregular and painful menstruation, aim dizziness, pains in the luck anil lower limb, and a rltfol sleep. 1 dreaded the time to corns which would nnlv mean sufferlnc to me "Ilctler health was all I wantod.j and cure if possible. Lyula I IMnkhnm's Vrertnblr Compound brought me health and happiness in a few short months. I feel liko another v-rhendTlnliar.iiint underco it. Tho following week .... i w .Mm. nAw .wi l m.nl an lulrerti'tenieiit in tho Tiapor to me, and eterythlngsooms pleasant of your Vegetable Compound In such andeasv. Ian emergency, and so I decided to try " Stxbottlesbrought me health, andl it. Great was my joy to find that I 01 was worth more than months under! actually improved after taking two vhlcli really did not bottles, so I sepv Maine u mr wu I am satitiied there! weeks, and at the end of that time I the doctor's care, which really did not liottles, so lumafil 1.1 'it nil 1 nrnKitlcton.! Ihnnt VWEft. anu inomedicinesogoodforsickwonienwaj cured. I had gained eighteen as vour Vegetable Compound, and I liouncU and was in excellent health, .fujilk.l.n V VI 1 lit ivpmnn 1 ltmiil SI . nml urn 1H1K f ... Voa ,urPlT deserve great success, and yon have my very best wfahc." Miss Alice TLm !.V North Boulevard. Atlanta. Oa. ALICE BAILEY $5000 FORFEIT H we cannot forthwith produce the original letters and signatures of above testimonials, which will prote their absolute gemilnenes. t.ydia 11. lMnklinm Mrti. Cn., Lrvn, Mass. The wonderful power of Lrdia E. Pinkhnin's VesetnMo Compound over the diseases of womankind is not ticcause it is a stimulant, not becauso it is a pallia. tive, but simply because it is tue most wonuenui ionic anu recuusiruciurctt'r uimjimuivu iu mkunmij uvu w uitmn; rjMciu, i.iaimuij v,umrii disease and restoring iieauu ana vigor. ... , . . , , , , , . . 31arvellous cures are reported from all parts of the country by women who hare been cured, trained nurses who have witnessed cures, and physicians who have recognized the virtue in Lrdia E. I'lnkitnm's egetaine tjoiiipouiiii anu are iair enougii 10 give creuit wucrc it is uuo. 11 pnysicians dared to lie IranK and open. Hundreds ol them wouiu acKnowieage uiai iney consranuy present; tij tim i-iiikiiuiii k vrgcuiiiif ompmintunK;vere cases oi iemaie ins, as uiey Know ny exiwrience iiiai it- can te retieu umm w mm u i-mc Women who are troul)led with painful or irregulai meiLstiiiation, iKicknehe, bloating (or flatulence), lcucorrhcea, falling, inflammation or ulcera- uon ol tue uterus, ovnrian trouoies. luai - ncnruig-aown leeung, uii-.xnic.sss iuiiiiir-ks, iiiuii-.suiui, nervous pnisirauou tir inu oiucs, snouia take immediate acuon toward oil tue serious eousequenccs. anu tie restored 10 iieneci ueaun anu sircngtu uy uiKing Lyuia li. l'lnklinin's vegetable Coiiipound, and then write to -Mrs. llnkliam, i.yi.m .iitssn lor iuruier iree auvie.!. ao living iierbon lias had tho beuetit ot a wider cxjwnence in treatmg leinaie ins. sue uas guiueu uiousanus s to health. Every suffering woman should ask lor and lollow her advice. f?Ctv IS UNFAVORABLE 10 COMMISSION GOVERNOR CHAMBERLAIN'S VIEWS ON RAILWAY BOARD. i counci to sec that its instructions lor furnishing liotter fire protect jj j wi ;n detail faithfully carried ou I The proprietors of the theaters were told plainly to make all the changes within two wrks, and oil of them said they "were only too glati to do fo" f he Instructions given the theater owners were ver-: ua! but by tomorrow Building In se tor Place will place In their hands written statements and plans as to what Is to be done. I In Answer to Inquiry of Walla Walla 1 GOT THE GRIP. DIFFERENT EYES j i Even th ush tdmilarly troubled must have different glasses. I Spectacles flttted to any mtii- I vidual will only suit him or her, therefore a thorough t-st is n?ce- ! gary ia every caw. 5Iv optical parlor is equipped with even- Iu- i strument nece-s.iry to matte an ! alaoliiteJy areurate examination. Prices as low iw flrvt class work will permit. J GLENN WINSLOW i Jeweler and Optician 1 Pest Office Block Experience Senator Hanna Confined to His Bed Washington at Washington. Board in "Washington, Jan. 21. Senator Hanna has been confined to his bed since yesterday with a renewal of Evprv artinc envnrnor In the ' grip. .Memoers OI tne lamiiy say t, i. j o. . i. i. . . . . , ' his illness Is not serious, but he United States has been asked by the be conaDeu t0 bs fm scv- Walla Walla Union to write. is eral days. Union Says Oregon's Was Unsatisfactory May Consider Such ; Next Campaign. BEYOND CONTROL Away tpin the horKi, round tplm the run-boil-EDbb buEf Crait. If It liu't a lotAl wrtct. trlrr the rcmmi of jourTeblcle here nd we w.:. Co a joo.1 jubof repalriSK 'or yoa aod charge jou no mote than is right tulnx good mairUl aod putut,; m ti ork V )ou hare had no accident and yonr cunieyance it merely ''rnn don."am9 ad Tic bfing It ben for rrjaTeoatlon. We bandit eielnalelr In pe-1inn the celebrated Win. ODabujflii andwagoru, BEAGLE BK0S., THE BLACKSMITHS . sentiments toward a railway com- mission and to detail the experience ' of his state concerning this issue. This has been done because the railway commission question is a I probable issue in the next republi 1 can campaign in Washington. It Is thought that the experience of other states and the views of the chief ex ecutives of those states might to some extent be a criterion. Following is the reply of Gover nor Chamberlain of Oregon to the Union's Inquiry - "In reply to your letter permit, me t6 say that the legislature of Ore gon in 1SS9 created a railway com- mission and defined its powers and' duties. This law continued In force until the special session of tbe legis-1 lature in JSSS. when It was repealed. ! sr. that at this time we have no com-1 mission. Oregon Commission Useless. "Conditions in Oregon up to the ' present time have not justified a rail- . , way commission, and very' llttl i good, if any, was accomplished by it i i during Its existence. The time j may come when It would be wUe 'o , enact a law having for its object tbe regulation of railways in this state . 1 through the instrumentality of a , ' commission, but in order to make it I What's In a Name? Everythiug Is In the name when it comes to Witch Hazel Salvo. E. C. DeWitt & Co. of icngo discovered some years ago bow to make a salvo from Witch Hazel that is a specific for PIIor. For blind, bleeding. Itch ing and protruding Piles, eczema, cuts. bums, bruises and all skin dis eases DeWltt's Salve has no equal, This has given rile to numerous worthless counterfoil.' Ask for De Witt's the genuine. Sold by Tall man & Co, GLOSSARY OF TERMS EAST OREGONIAN UNKNOWN NUMBER GUESSING CONTI Every Subscriber to Have an OpJ t unity to Guess on a $1( Rubber Tirtd Buggy We Will Give Away, Absolutely Free, a CushionTire now on Exhibition in the Show Window of the A. Kunk & Co. Implement House, Two Dorrs South of the; East Oregcnian Building. WILL HELP INTERPRET THE FAR EASTERN DISPATCHES. Used are Defined, and tion of Many Puzztinq Terms Is Given. " I 1 1 1- ( L- , . ...... . In view of the imminence of war , TO au n,uu- I effective the powers of such a com-: "' " ' - 'mission must be ample, so that its ow'n6 s'ossary of native terms will Laoh receipt for $1.50 for tbe Daily, t mandates are not merely expres- ,,e fou"d "f value of Interpreting , eekly or Semi-weekly East Oregon 1 slons of opinion on the part of the ne"'s d8Pces from tbe far east. Ian. to any address, the person to ' commission, but may be summarily iermi In Manchuria: I whom the receipt Is Issued, will be enforced . , oame IE true uenerauy. i , "With few excentlons. commit phnirti.,. , .v, ,i """"" aim me person er slons created for the purpose of rcgu- class. i The East Oreconian lias nurchaaail I Rn.lcr. the furniture man. E. T. formed by irattbf tePj r- U'rwln II... r-ol oulnlo rlunlnr C. A I CumlierS in tie OTCoIS" a cushion Ure buggy. U ta a ' ffi oCT beauty, strong. orvlrni, nm -n . t..., i , . numWr will rot U - "-iiiuu v. ivuDKei, i ue iiupitiuiuui finifched. For each year's subscription Tea numbers from one to naught to the Weekly at $1.50 or for every I were cut irom a calendar. These i similar amount paid on tho dally or , numliors were Malod up in 10 differ- . LAlnl.n-uiLlv .1. ...V it ... - . ... V .... ent envelopes uy ttio commiueu. mt Prefixes and Suffixes Most Commonly fcetni-weekiy the subscriber is emit he guessing contest J henrr no one m be IID'U It H Pw Kulisrrlbets. Llmitrttw?" The number of JJ --M All persons knowing themselves to be in debted to me will call and settle their their accounts as I need the money. Interureta. ' lel to one guess at an unknown nuin- 10 envelones were nlaced In a hat ti , i bor Of three (inures, thnt u-llt ,U 1 tl,r.r,,l,u. ci,rioil n1 Khnken. placed In a sealed envelope. This Is Three members of the committee this contest ww I IlOt a drawfnir lnttnrv r,- vf I ..!. nn..nln,n ant-h .miir cf rMtKi which were marked one, two, three, range of ue I- u , . i 1 vara 1 007 A. tM iu iuc uruer in wxiica mc " miu ,j. taken out. must be comp -t tknn .1 tlmltl TM iuese mree envelopes were " remt u - iim!Ji placed in a larger cnvelopo and seal-! canuot be less ed and a wax seal placed on tne nap dst . ... . nnuiu me receipt is issued, will be ' , . . j,hu!t a the name of a rity indl- given an opportunity absolutely with and dellvo'"eQ to Mo chairman of the' To a PLal pital of province, a city of the out cost, to have a cues at tho n ' committee. M A. Radcr to keep un , maie guesslns J M , , , ' known number, and the person or tM tbc "" tho wln hc drawn' be pied at f- jJ Chou. Indicates city of the second persons guessing nearest that numW Tnc remaining seven envelopes con lating railway transportation have y. a small post town, as Ycbang- not accomplished much good. It Y may be that the laws governing them were defective, but in some cases I fear there have been other reasons than defective laws for making them inefficient Yours very truly. "George E. Chamberlain, governor '-f Oregon." Yehu. All MUST PROTECT PUBLIC. Kiang. Ho Y-chuan. mean stream or river. Hal. Sea, sometimes lake. Shan. Mountain. Kuan. Camp, ' strong, fortified Shan-Hal-Kuan. The fortified BUl,in ol lne Ea81 Oregonlan T . .minors. .J persons guessing nearest that number .lT, """""'I'g "even eu.eiui.c-. gusoiuteu ""T fit J will recplvn ., "uu" talning the other numbers were then no .i-ance tor tKy any compensation whatever and T "urned in the presence of the cora-, Ue t.0inniHtM-J2a Wilt t .! MICUIIU MU ' KI1UW - ,, uiviuiy us an expiession of good will t on tne part of the East Oregonbr; toward IU subscribers, the $100 cushion tired buggy advertised In this paper and on exhibition nt A. I Kunkel & Cos. Implement llOHKp Iwn camp where the mountains and tbe I uu'lu'ng. unknown number, Each and every one of th too was thoronrhlv satisfied the absolute fairness of the method of selecting tue unknown number, and signed the following statement' We, the undersigned, were pres- Miun u ,i , .insure that .rfja e commit- Le rcceipu"fflJj u w", test WU' f ni i..,. ihB atuo - .v. i Conrad Platzoeder Meat Market in. MIESCKE'S MEAT MARKET Will meet the lowest prices quoted by anyone on meatH. You always GET GOOD MEAT when Mieucke tills your order. 3X6 COURT ST. Don't mint the place. Sweeping Changes Ordered Made Seattle Vaudeville Theaters. Seattle, Jan. 21. Sweeping alter ations In the 10-cent vaudeville houses were today ordered by tbe sub-commlttoe, consisting of Fire Marshal Kellogg, Ch.i Cook and Building Inspector Place, appointed by the special committee of tbe Thi Oregon Dally Journal can b eund on sale at Frailer' book atora. What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arises in the family every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try JbII-O, a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre pared in two minutes. No boiling! no baking I add boiliug water and set to eooL Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp Derry and Strawberry. Get a package ix your grocers to-day. jo etc I the receipt wlil have an om.ort,.n!?v ' la'. afternoon. January the 18tb, and of making one guess. For example i a8B,B,tC(1 ,D f0,r1ra,n ?n X tt you send $1.50 for one year's sub-, ,n."Her. ardlng to the plan pub- tea meet aptly illustrates these three; cacn 1.50 paid the holder of I 5" " ",0 taureBOU," Tc.h Tnd terms. Ling, Pass over a mountain. Vtllftnw nllfin UAtn Tnu.n In . villi,.- ' ' 5 scrlptlon the WeiwTv Vr ll8hcd, to be used in the East Ore- In Corea the termination Po, or one year's subscription to the' Semi- K.n'?n 8UC88lne contest Pho indicates thai th ni u a i weeklv von nm on.,ti.i . . Under the rules of forming port or harbor on navigable waters I If J'ou pay $5.00 for one year' suh. i numbcr U Is Impossible for anyone. I ' .. " '" BUU i nnt DIM lh. n.on.t.ara nt thin com- u. v..j,uuu oy man to the Dally you Yongampho. The harbor near tbe I will get three guesses. If you rav mouth of Yalo river. $7.50 for one year's subscription to Maaampbo The d spitted naval) tho Dally delivered by carrier you base on tbe southern shore of the pel will get five guesses, or if you pay the place is a province, and means, cs guess therefore, "the district of," or that . . it Is the capital city of such a pro- commission Is allowed to any vlnce. . 6ent or solicitor lor securing sub Han. River, scrlbers under this offer, and the At the beginning of geographical p.er80n subscribing does it with names the following prefixes may K"6 understanding that tbe East generally be translated: Ya. Qr.t 1 Oregonlan is accepted as payment in targe; mao small, little; Pel I lu" Jur tne money paid, ?J5ffSS north; Nan south; He! black; Huang yellow; SI west; Tune cast; Strang upper; Hlo lower. Unknown Number Mbu, p..j Monday, January is, the following committee of business men met at the office of vMt Oregonlan and formed the unknown number ihnt It sometimes happens that the wo- man who i. disappointed in love will get the $100 rubber-tired ha ?5 re7e!rt, ba7bn given out Isn't disappointed in marriage. I Tbe committee consisted of IS.A.I nrSnkCowS nuBber. wl not even the members of this com wlttee, the publisners of the East Oregonlan, or anyone else to know what the number is. (Signed.) E( T. WADE, A. KUNKEL, M. A RADER, GLENN WINSLOW, O. A. ROBBINS." Upon the day when the envelope is to be opened and the buggy award ed to tho person guessing nearest to the number, the numbers will be a scmbled In the order In which the envelopes are markod. It may be low a number as 012 or as blgh i 887, As a matter of course. It must le three different figures, as no flK uro was used twice. Somebody will get a splendid $100 present when the poae ... i. SUDSCriuvi -- - unknown lent karf.," the u" theG'L pox v"" pf office for iTSat out of to"",! 'Si ? llnlr B'BWl depot's 5 ! re 5SS BUD"-"-;-,. JJ any tH-jftlM the rW ; sugT.