East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 22, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the news-
papers is sure to know of the wonderful
Il Kilmer's Swamp- 1
I Root, the Kmit kid- .
ILncy, liver and blad- ,
- Ucr remedy.
It is the creat meu- 1
B?J ical triumph of the j
I ,licrvrt nflnrvrara
of scientific research
oy lit. J.unicr, me
eminent kidney and
bladder specialist, and is wonderfully
successful in prompth-cunntrlanieback,
uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and
BriRht's Disease, which is the worst
form of kidnev trouble.
Ir. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec
ommended for everything but if you have
Vidnev, liver or bladder trouble it will be
found' just the remedy you need. It has
been tested in so many ways, in hospital
work and in private ' practice, and has
proved so successful ill every case that a
special arrangement has been made by
which all readers, of this paper, who have
not already tried it. may have a sample
bottle sent free by mail, also a look tell
ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to
ft ml nnt if mu have kidnev or bladder trou
ble. When writing mention reading this
cenerous offer in this paper and send your
X: Co.. llin"hamtoii.
X. Y. The regular
fifty-cent and one-
dollar size bottles are nan of inaBax.
sold by all good druggists. Don't make
any mistake, but remember the name,
Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on
every bottle.
The 43d annual meeting of the 'Wo
men's Un.on MIssionary Society of
America is being held in New York.
It is undenominational.
There are 50 cases of typhoid fe
ver in Leadville, Col. Cause Is un
known, but supposed to be contami
nation of the water supply.
11V . V ..,4, V ...111..' . ...u.u
ir, ,i, h,-.tt,iinm !,, i I
exposition. The measurement does.
not include the short laterals. j
j w wnrr nf runtnn inwn nrpsl.
dent of the Moline Building Associa-
. I 11 N 1!
flaw m
tlon. nleads cuilty to embexallnc JS1.-"u,u
otto, thouch it Is said his shortage '
will equal Jlli.U0 i
E. A. Earler. a New York banker. I
has been declared insane. His delu- i
sion ls that evil spirits are bringing
tremendous influence to bear upon
him to kill President Roosevelt.
The cold wave In the East has dis
organized the California fruit market
badly. It caught 2.000 carloads of
fruit In transit, which will be sold r.t
a greater or less loss, and much of
which Is ruined.
The Domonlcan minister of foreign
affairs has given up all hopes of per
manent peace in tuat republic, and Is
coming to the United States to ask
this government to establish a pro
tectorate over San Domingo.
Grant's Pass has passed an ordi- j
nance closing all saloons on Sundiy. j
F. A. Pugh, a pioneer of Oregon. '
died at Spokane. Thursday, aged 78
years. .
Albert Stags was arrested In Port-'
lanrt on Thursday for nassin? hocus ,
The total rainfa.. at Astoria, for the
past three years Is as follows: 1901.
44.79: 1S02. &4.03. and 1903, 34.13
Burglars entered the store of Aus
tin & Finzer, at Wcodburn, Thursday
and carried out almost a wagon load
of clothing.
Henry Cable, a ploner mining man j It will thence proceed to the gulf Is
of Baker county, who gase the name a matter of uncertainty, though It
to Cable Cove, above Sumpter, !s i is believed that Galveston will be te
dead at San Jose, Cal. lected for a terminus.
The jury In the case against 1.V.
Parker, the forger who escaped from
Joe Day, found him guilty In four
minutes after retiring to the Jury
room in Portland, on Thursday.
A Corvallls man who raises Chinese
pheasants for sale Is getting rich in
the industry. The eggs for batching
sell for 2.50 per dozen and a pair of
the grown birds sells for 5.
J. W. Latham, a logger of Sumpter,
was Instantly killed Thursday by the
breaking of a chain olnding a large
truckload of logs, allowing them to
roll to the ground, crushing him hor
ribly. Mrs. Maria Ann Sutton, who died
in Paradise, Wallowa county, Oregon,
recently, was born In Pennsylvania in
1800', making her 102 years old at
the time of her death. She was mar
ried at 13.
Baker City has now been placed on
the Northwestern Theatrical Associ
ation list, thus giving that associa
tion control of every principal thea
ter on the line of the O. R. & N and
the Short Line.
la Real Estate
3200 acres good wheat land
Well watered and improved.
$12.50 per acre.
1000 acre stock ranch. All
fenced. Raises 200 tons of
hay; has running water; open
range near by, $5000
io-room house and two
lots. Modern conveniences.
All on Easy Terms.
I' O, Box 321
Pnone Black till Office la'K. O, Bldf
! G.
Wheat Looks Fine Sickness With
Feeding on Butter Creek Mall '
Carrier Laid up With Rheumatism
Feeding Weatner In Sight Se
vere Case of Catarrh of the
Rldne Jnn 19. G. W. Mnsncr.l
who Is at the Hot Lake at 1 Orai.de .
for treatment for the sciatic rhcuma-l
tlsm. is reported greany improveu. ;
and expects to he home again In a j
short time.
II. F. Ogle of Athena made a trip .
to his cattle ranch and Is
pleased w.h me wluter so far.
reports wheat as looking nice.
J. A. Rust has put In a phone on
the bnrbwlre line recently.
Thos. Ogle who has an attack of
kidney and stomach complaint, made :
a trip" to Pendleton to consult n phy-l
slclan. He will go to Athena and '
stay awhile for his health.
We had nice plowing from Tues
very cool and spitting snow at in-1
tervals. It Is now 27 above zero
with three-fourths of an Inch of Ice
day until sniuroay, uui now u is
and good prospects io ume some
feeding weather.
Prof. Link, who Is teaching on 1
Butter creek, says there has been j
scarcely any feeding In that locality.
and uo loss of stock to speak of.
Merrll Patrick is making a vivlt 1
with his grandparents at Susanvllle,
at present.
T c- r. . . 1 1 . . , . . ,' n..a. r,. 1. I
u a. .imuuru i . ..ur .
In Pendleton undergoing a sclge of .
the grip at present.
H. R. McBroom. the Gurdane mall
carrier, has a severe attack of rheu
matism Catarrh of Stomach.
S. I- Morse, who owns the Pilot
Rock feed yard, has returned home
from a trip for his health Mr
Morse has catarrh of the stomach
. . ...
but is somewhat improved.
Intermittent Fever,
-Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Nelson's baby Is
reported as recovered but the next
' older child is very sick.
leer ls 1,16 eompiaim
. ;
Saved from Terrible Eeath.
ofTrm" - Ai
l ,BarBer,on' Tenn" saw h.er d?e
and were powerless to save her. The
soat skillful physicians and every
remedy used, failed, while consump-
i cn was slowly but surely taking her
I life. In this terrible hour Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption turn
ed despair Into joy. The first bottle
brought immediate relief and Its con.
tinued use completely cured her. It's
the most certain cure In the world
for all throat and lung troubles.
Guaranteed. Bottles 50c and $1.00.
Trial Bottles Free at Tallman &. Co.
: Vast and Important Railway System
Omaha. Neb.. Jan. 22. It ls said
tBat work will begin in Nebraska
within the next few weeks on the
Winnipeg, Yankton & Gulf railroad.
which is to run from a point near
Lake Winnipeg, down through the
Mississippi Valley to a port on the
Gulf of .Mexico. Surreys from
ankton north will be made to be
followed by a survey to the gulf
This Is des.gned to be one of the
largest systems in North America .
Although (he route of the road has
not been definitely decided upon, it
is p'obable that Us northern termi
nus will be at Winnipeg. It will
pass through the eastern parts of
South Dakota and Nebraska. How-
How's This?
We offtr One Hundred Itollars Hewsrd
for anr u of rnurth that cannot tx
cored by !lall' Catarrh Cure.
K. J. CUBNKY t CO., I'ropa.. Toledo. O.
We. tbe nnd4rlznd, bate knouc F. J.
Cbtnr for tbe lut 15 yean, and bdleif
him perfectly honorable In all bualneaa
transaction and financially able to carry
oat any obligation made by tbelr Arm.
WKST & TIIL'AX. Wboleule Drugslats.
Toledo. O.
aale DruiorUts, Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrb Cnre Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon tbe blood and mu
coua surfaces of tbe system. Trice 75e per
battle. Bold by all drngslats. Testimonials
Hall's Family Pills are the beat.
Ten Dollars Reward.
A reward of $10 will be paid for any
information leading to the arrest and
conviction of tbe party or partlas
(presumably boys) who broke Into
the house on the W. H. Jones place.
Just north of town, recently, and
stole a number of articles, among
them being a volume from a set of
Thomas B. Reed's "Eloquence and Or
atory." If the books are returned
no questions will be asked. Enquire
at tins office.
Annual Meeting of the Inland Empire
Retail Lumbermen, Spokane Wash.,
February 10 to 14.
For the avobe occasion the O, R.
& X. makes a rate of one and one-
third fare for the round trip on the
certificate plan. Tickets on sale any
three days prior to the opening day.!
For particulars, call on or address 1
E. C. Smith, agent. j
A Vest Pocket Doctor, J
Novor In tho ay. no .routle to
carry, easy to ta.ie, plesat.l and nev-l
er falling In results arc DeWltt's Lit-1
tie Early Risers. A via. of these lit
tle pills in the vest pockit ls a cer
tain guarantee against headache, bil
iousness, torpid llvor and til of the
Ills reaultlne from constipation. They
tonic and strengthen the liver Bold
by Tallman & Co -
Gray Horse W nted.
James O, Reeves Company want
one work horse, samo must bo gray.
Social Dance at Waters Home Hay
Scarce and Expens.ve-
Cattle Here on Account of Light
Winter Large Mountain Lion
Killed Will Homestead In Idaho. ,
Driggson. Jan. 2.'. John ftloom
who has been nbsent In Alberta for
., ,. ..,...,
" ' 1 " ,.,,
The weather In this section Is cr
mini, come rum a n-vu .. ..
for the past vo days and a genu ne n
chlnook visited us today,
melted the biiow very fast.
Is yet about ten Inches.
A social dance was given at
Water's home last Friday evening,
Mrs. James Navln, who has been
visiting with relatives In Pendleton
for the past week, returned home
Wednesday. She was accompanied
by her two nieces. Eunice and er
nice Gregory.
Miss Myrtle Waters, employed at
Weston for the past three months.
returned home last Thursday,
s s,lal-
Thomas N'arkaus and J. W. Bloom,
wuue uui uuuiiui; ium nutv-wu-
led In killing quite a large mountain
Hon. which measured seven feet
from tip to tip and weighed 123
Swan Peterson has returned home
after an absence of several months,
Pll,n. cnn,irK ni leavo for
Idaho soon, with the Intention of to-
catll a homestead
Cattle and Hay Notes.
Hay is a very scarce article in this
On Feb. 1 st we will vacate this room for our shoe stock
From now until we close eerythin$r; will be sold at greater bargains
Bigger cuts than ever before during the sale.
Dress Goods
Only 9 Pieces of Colored
Dress Goods Left
I piece pink Henrietta, 75c
1 piere myrtle preen Henri
etta, 65c, now .
1 piece liuht grey Henrietta
85c, now
1 piece light grey Henrietta,
$100, now
1 piece dark grey Henrietta
fi.25, now
1 piece yellow Henrietta,
75c, now
1 piece myrtle green mohair
75c, now
1 piece myrtle green serge,
1.25, now
1 piece cream Henrietta,
$1.25, now
Z2c outing flannel, now
I23C Flannelette, now
30c linen towels, now go at
50c velveteens, reduced to
50c and 75c black silk, now
$1.50 peau de soie, now
85c pean de soie, now
50 cent lace hose, reduced
$1-25 silk, plain and fancy,
85c taffeta, all colors, now
50c and 65c Tarn o' Shan
ters, now
15 cent, 20 cmt and 25 cent
linings, now
1 1.25 velvets, all colors,
Eight spools of thread for
Tho Rue Dsn r0
locality nml l pHI"K nt 2 Pr
.'"owliiB to the IlKht wlntor n kooiI
ninnv cattle nrp being wintered hero
I Insliinil nf being drlvon to tho valley
Bo(Jy F()und F,oatlng ,n snake River
Near Wild Goose Rapids.
Lewlaton, Jan. 22. Coroner 11.
Tl X
J,Iimuim.,g ,) , body of a dead
mn lnl ,(u found lloatlng In the
Snake river about two miles below
Wild (loose rapids. i'he body wns
recovered and Mr. Sloatic wrote to
notlfv the coroner, who win go to the
scene In the morning or scud author
Itv for a justice of the pence to con
duct the Inquest.
In the letter sent no description t
. . j man wnR Kiven, zimlel
jowu ((f (he BrnmIc jlomle Hcctlon
wur given. Zlmiei is
iwniPii about elclit miles from the
mouth of the Grande jlomle rivor.
Mr Sloanes letter Is dated Similay
The point where tne body wag re-
vered from the river Is, according
to the letter, only n short distance
above the Junction of ine Sunke and
Grande Hondo.
The body In all probability Is tlfat
if one of the McFnrlaml noys, who
were drowned several weeks ago m
the Snake river near tne mouth of
the Salmon, nlthough It may be that
of Sam Webors. tne sheepherdor who
disappeared from the steumer lruna-
ha at the Cave Ouleh landing, on tne
Inst trip of thnt boat, and who was
, . , ... , ,i ..,.,,,
thmiKht to hat bttn urowntit.
Dr. L. E. Bulllnger, of San Francisco.
Expresses an Opinion Regarding the
Greatest Liquor Habit Cure on
Dr E,
Hiilllngcr of San Francis-
"l was prejudiced against
TKIU, coming to me as It did. but I
ml liV lA
85.00 nml $0 00 silk wa-sls, sole price $2.98
Cotton and Oxford Waists at Half Price
$1.50 ladies' wrappers 89c
?5.00 ladies' mackintosh $J.75
Ladiet' short jackets 50c
$5.00 and $G.OO walking skirts $2 98
$8.00 accordian-pleated silk skirt $4.50
$1 00 and $1 .50 children's coats 25c
Fine Cloaks at
1 V
ncssor the membrane or lininir of """wd.-n
- ' u-uuuui ii m ii i .
. : . : uiuicuu hrcnu.:- vw-Ttj.
system contaminated . uc Wo becrar1l
.. DWiuarn. ntli . . "-vunm . -
on. then the sufferer Sad iiS.?." uSS.,.iw
wwr niln rnl., ...!,.. UCO 1 1 f -" Um. """MM ,
IllSirilIinir Klf.L.,1- I1B B. ... UIB IUm., .-.Jlh
lutr disease (.'ntarrii is. Uik7:i
. . ... Muimwiitn.. .. . - ilk b
disease mid as inhiilinc mtxture: .ni.-Jr6.1?
. - ---.. i. . . ill n T Tin I ."iKT
system nflecttU ? Only such a remedy as s?1."
nate, deep-seated distal
vauirriiai ruiiunn o n -
.i: , ,r. r o. a. Tmc .
llralml n.l ,i V"- uiClBtrt
win',, , . . 6ecitTw.r
1 q c o Pf""""?" cu is the result.
Catarrh iu nil stasres. Writ- t L KtaWe-aad T&l.
- , M
ctltn nnu- I U'flfi miRTni.nn T tni'i, I
m Mir AmvMMrr r-nr- .
Qtnliu tiitipri inTolv nnri fitid mimi. x r
.... . uuikllP to b-i
w . v it iniik.u u iiv Wnvi Tt ,L
tin linn tlnmi Itn wnrb tn1l Prnin.t . 1
Texas Bankers Meet.
irminuio uooui,iwtiuii ui I UIJ i L'W8 iQtllOimv
seventh district held a wen attended
ers and their topics wero ns follows: of Dm
., ,, vhiiiii. .uL-nuiuiif nonor of irhrk
Made Suits
Half Price
and Less
4 wwja
H . ,)nr. .
V, ,UL
:oc and tic ladies and
dren's knit underwear
T T 4 it
Cost and
Iimc lipni'V ribbed
I2 cert children'!
3 tat
0 klM
At 2k
cent ni'ic
ll i!l