NINGtUIHUN DAILYEVENINGEDra ri Ortgonian and ! Eastern Oregon Weather .11 Um nnufl J 1 Tonight nml Saturday fntr; 1 rnolcr tonight. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, Fill DAY, JANUARY 22, 1904. 6. NO. 45)52. EAT DAMAGE r-i 1 Properly uesiruyeu ush of Waters and Ice Fields. THREATENED ENTY MILES OF ICE, polls Cut Off by Flood awbridge In the World -l.wlanH Prelaht TUbIp Unnr Om riwi.i - . Flood In Forty Years Jan Twenty miles nc uimu wmm , nt nnii iRlnnn morning, feeveral barges and rire ia-m. Pa., Jan. 22. This city Us Ustory. A general ..dr.fl o rtrtnn onrl . n1tnrt mil .Tan. 22. The first .l .i CIA when John Sobe ana a. iiouKPhoat. western part of Indian- ..I It.. .. nP nmcn .rom Terre Haute and int HIIHhll I II IB 1UUI li are dynamiting the Ice ftPt'K III KUWf L II triii. latter heavily loaded, ar mfHiriiiiiK iniK morn and were swept down the Superior street via nipipir niiiPKnn i iih i uhl r naranpnrl ma vio fl f fT tbe east abutment. was badly crushed and nn r tnrn in npr ttmv rnrtf . ,,n n rn t no r i 'invo, Tin nnt en hail v no be heavy, morning me uuyanoga nllt. In Fortv Vare Jan. 22. Telegraphic c in me gorge or. mo intj ponce aepan- t l..-1 . ...... l l In 40 years Is ex- om the entire state 5u rush of waters. noon tho water pass on is ralslnz ranldlv. k estern railway Is Jn. 22. Many streets iwo hundred fam rescued. The dam and the electric .vuot.o dig UUUCI ! laborers were swent i drowned. John - oiten crceK and Helplei, Vessels. t. "B. 22. At nnnn 0 -v.yiooa in macs. "10 feet above the 'WJOOO. Unl- (. ..Ill run anrt. tew iiHvn J it v iAt Bra .... hi 1 WCate rnl.lnl 4 4 a . . nl Burned. a. i. rmt."',Z2--Colonel ""S in nnn. It "orning, "7 a enro l. u . A rsLMrtb' Tho .turn hi. i- .""7 was I,,, . j. NATIONAL GUARD. Inter-State Association Is In Session In Florida. St. Augustine, Fla., Jan, 22. The advance guard of delegates has ar rived for the sixth annual conven tion of the interstate national guard association, which is to bo held in this city during the first throe days of next vroek. It Is expected this meeting will bo tho largest and most representative gathering of na tional guard officers ever held. There are many matters ln con nection with the millUa legislation now pending in congress and in contemplation which will occupy the attentloa of the guardsmen, and it Is believed that some important changes in the new national militia law will be suggested. The associa tion numbers among Its members the leading spirits ,a national guard circles throughout the country, and and it has played a prominent part In securing the numerous reforms wnich nave been effected in the militia system during the last two or inree years. LIFE SENTENCE FOR IRS. BOWERS FORMERLY OF PORTLAND. WOMAN WAS FOUND GUILTY Convicted of Poisoning Her Husband August Last Jury Which Return ed the Verdict Also Established the Sentence Defendant's Sister Was Discharged. San Francisco, Jan 22. The Jury ln the case of Martna E. Bowers, on trial on the charge of murfiering her husband, Martin Bowers, brought In a rtrdlct last night of murder In the first degree and fixed the penalty at imprisonment for life. The much tortured and pain wrack ed Martiu L Bowers died on the 25th of last August. The four ounces of arsenic found in his stomach after death was relied up by the prosecu tion as their best piece of evidence, but many thought It would be diffi cult to convict Mrs. Bowers with this fact, as Mrs. Zylphla Sutton, her sis ter, who was identified as having bought the poison, was subsequently discharged from custody by Police Judge Cabanlss. There is a feeling that Mrs. Bov, ers' defenbe has been weak and in consistent throughout. The defendant took the words from tho jury in the same manner with which she has "n- dured the entire trial with much stolidity. it was one source of relief to the two sisters that the punishment had been fixed at life imprisonment, leav ing lier, at any rate, as much time as could be desired in wmrii to appiy for a new trial, with no dreadful sen tence oi the hangman's noose ahead of her. ALABAMA OPENS SEASON T Willi VIOL CYCLONE Thirty Persons Killed at Moundville and Vast Damage to Property There and at Other Points. Floods of Rainfall Add Terror, and Piles of Debris Blockade the Railroads Wrecking Trains and Scores of Nurses Sent From the Larger Towns Houses Destroyed in Suburbs of Memphis and Falling Walls Cause Deaths and Property Losses at Vlcksburg. 22. Cy- several Birmingham. Ala., Jan, clones are reported from places in Alabama this morning. At North Birmingham five stores and several residences were blown down and a number hurt. Moundsvllle Is also wrecked by a storm and a dozen are reported in jured. No deaths are so far reported. Tornado and rain prevailed over the entire northern portion of the state between 2 and 4 this morning. Loss of Life. Last reports show a heavy loss of life at Moundville, 70 miles north of here ln last night's cyclone. ' Conductor Capeshart, of the Queen Crescent railway, wired from Akron that he could not pass Moundville, owing to wreckage on the tracks. He declares all the inhabitants of the town were killed. It is believed, however, this report Is exaggerated. Capehart backed his train to Akron and sent a message by a roundabout way. A special wrecking train has left here with doctors and nurses for the scene. Later. Another message from k ron says the entire northern portion of Moundville. which is practically the entire residence section, was de stroyed and the population killed. Moundville Destroyed. Birmingham, Jan.' 22. A dispatch from Tuscaloosa, 1C miles from Moundville, at noon, says Moundville was totally destroyed. A negro sec tion laborer brought the news here one was injured. on a handcar. He says the country is laid bare for miles. Many bodies arc lying around. Every Jo;u.r In TiiBcaloosa has gone to the scene. Another report received here by icl ephone says 30 persons wero killed. Tuscaloosa merchants are preparing to send relief to the destitute. Destruction at Memphis. Memphis, Jan. 22. Wires south (f here are down, owing to the cyclonic conditions. In Meanam, a suburb of Memphis, five houses wero destroyed. The Inhabitants escaped. Falling Walls at Vlcksburg. Vlcksburg, Jan. 21. Several housns have been demolisheu here. Charles Lavlnskl, a hackman, and two horses were struck by a failing wan and kill ed. Killed From Thirty to Fifty. Tuscaloosa, Jan. 22. Five bodies of Moundsvllle victims have been brought here: A. Warren, a travel ing salesman; Cobert Powers; a small boy, name unknown; . night tel egraph operator, name unknown, and a railway employe, natrio unknown. Tho list of dead and fatally Injur ed ranges from 30 to 50. Heavy damage was done in the path through Hale county. Many were doubtless killed elsewhere, but the wires are not yet working south of Tuscaloosa. Destruction Near Birmingham. Thirty-six houses north of Birming ham were demolished and Posy mothers' store was destroyed. No BEET SUGAR MASS MEETING. THIRD ANNIVERSARY. January 22, 1901, Queen Victoria "Passed Over." London, Jan. 22. The third an niversary of the death of Queen Victoria was observed today at Windsor. London, and elsewhere by the depositing of wreaths on statues erected to her memory and by me morlaJ services. At noon a memorial service was held at Krogmore Mausoleum, Wind sor. Dean Eliot conducted the service in the presence of the King nd Oueen. tho Prince and Princess of Wales. Prince and Princess Chris tian and other members ot me royai family. Tne sarcophagus of Queen Victoria and the Prince Consort were decoratvd with plants and white flowers. Chicago Wheat. Chicago, Jan. 22. Wheat opened 91Tfe. closed iOV-t. FOR LOCAL OPTION. Attempt to Have a New Liquor Law Go to Referendum voie. t .,ittnn ere filed in tno if- ft-IntV clerk this mom- Ing by Rev. O W hlgby, which are opt wish, have pass- ed, and wnicu --election in fore the PP'e Vn- rontral. June. The bin pru'"' ine tho liquor traflc in each district Cleaving ?he question to the voters nf the district. If they wuu w S!???.cbd. tW wish to do awa with -em. they vow them a nuisance and arhe them u ClThero have been 78 names secured to tbe petitions that are uu -hands oPf (he county clerk- He will verify the names by looKing Voeffldal roll of bf names are hUTiegafv'o'tetSe Petition will be deaa. Expert Culturists and Manufacturers Coming to Echo. Tomorrow morning the citizens of Echo and the residents of that vi cinity will meet in mass meeting to night was to insti.ute a new lodge. The officers elected last night were: Chief ranger. Thomas McMahon; sub-chief ranger, Hans Anderson; fl- I nancial secretary, S. H. Forshaw; 'e- cording secretary, C. Bloom; trustees, Dr McFaul. A. C. Koeppcn and H. O. Blmault; senior woodward, Adam nu.i, ... , . - , ,,i Blmault; senior woodward, Adam consider the Proposition of beet cul- Lponard' Junlor W00(lwar,i Raph ture as nresented by F. R. Dramwell . ' and George Stoddard, the managers ! """ of the La Grande beet sugar lactory. In the past few days there have been a number of proinirumt and pro-i gressUe farmers from Echo and vi cinity In Pendleton, and all of them have stated that tuey will give tho NEW HOSPITAL BUILDING. Walla Walla Will Have Large New Structure Costing $70,000. Walla Walla. Jan. 22. At the coun- plan of the factory people all the cou- Cn meeting last night Dr. J, F. Cropp, Ideration possible, anu ln all proba- jn addressing that body relative to billty will enter into a coniraci or the prices charged lor electric anu agreement with the I-a Grande intl- gas lights, stated that it was tho .n tutloti to put in a trial crop of the tentlon of tho management of the ljeet8, i Walla Walla hospital to make exten- J Cavlnass. of La Grande, will per- sjve Improvements In Its institution ha no lm with the men from the fac- in the near future. tory and will tell the people of Echo jt has been given out by one of .he hi exnerlence in the beet culture officials of tho Institution that tho i,.,Binpss Mr. Cavlnass Is the larg- coruoratlon has about completed .ir- est raiser of beets In the state, and langements for tho construction of a Is fast becoming one oi me ni-iieu new nospuai uuiiuiug. men In this part of the state as the The present establishment Is fast rnsnit rr culture of his beet land. He becoming wholly inadequate to bc- now has 250 acres ln beets near La . commodate Its patrons and will In a Grande, and which ue farms himself, ! very short time bo entirely too small and besides this amount he has a to properly care for tho sick people i,o nr-reaec for which ne receives of Eastern Washington wno necu a net rental of $15 an acre. He has medical attendance. t.ion the tirizes for both the largest , The building that fs to bo crcctsd sugar percentage and the largest j win be constructed of brick, will be vleld to the acre, ln tbe sugar belt three stories, and will bo absolutely he Is considered to be the most sue- fire-proof, and will cost $70,0O, cessful and practical of the beet farmers, and has raised tho value f 1 Against the Women, his land from a nominal sum to wne.e , w)1 ;j,e oregonlan or tbe States it is now paying 10 per cent interest j man te, tU() wraen flatly, and with on a valuation of 1150 an acre. ou, an ,j0ft or equivocation, Mr. f avinasg will tell the people tnat tney ar0 not jn favor 0f woman of his success and how it was achlev-! bUffragc or will they tell them that . . ,.. tha maimer r,f . r. ed, ana win expmiu - "v. , tnoy are ln javor or hi tonic, gen raising beets suixeeeiun. The people of Echo are making preparations lor the reception of their And for the accommodation (f REPORT OF THE PEN. Superintendent of State Prison Makes Quarterly Statement. Salem. Or., Jan. 22. Superin tendent C. v James ot the peniten tiary, Saturday filed his reixirt for tho quarter ending December 31, 1903, showing an Increase of 22 In mates ln the Institution for the last quarter over tho previous one. The total number of convicts at tho close of this quarter is given as 311, while that of last year was 2S9. Sixty-throe wero received during the quarter and 39 discharged, and two were transferred to tho asylum. Tho earnings of tho Institution a' the receipts for tho quarter, includ ing United SUt'ts prisoners, wero (549.13; convict labor 'In Northwest Stove Foundry, $2,975.20 and convict labor, digging connection to tho main sewer (2S8 days at 40 cents,) $115.20, aggregating $3,459.53; while the ex penditures, including tho salaries of all officers nnd employes, supplies, etc., amounted to n total of $19,433.-7S. MONEY RND WATCH WERE "CRIBBED" BURGLARY YESTERDAY MORNING QUITE EARLY. Clyde Frailer Was Robbed While Sleeping, ot His Timepiece and Ninety Dollars In Cash No Clue to the Robbers Took Place at a Thompson Street Lodging House. Clyde Frnzler, a carpenter, Inst night reported to tho pollco that ho had been robbed of his watch and $90 In money, and thero Is no cluo by which the officers can hope to locato the criminal. Mr. Frazler rooms at tho houso of Mrs. Eliza Olcott, on Thompson street, and tbo money wns tiiken from tho bureau drawer and tno watch from the top of tho drcBser while Mr. Frazler was sleeping, early morning yesterday. During the nlgi.. ho look ed at tho walcli and when ho got up it was gone. It has a gold hunting case and is valuable. Several days ago Mr. Frazler drew $90 from his account at tl.-j bank for the use of a friend who, it was thought, wouhI be compelled to go to Portland to undergo treatment for Ills eyes. Ijter It was decided that there was so much Improvement thnt tho trip would not huvn to be mado, and the money was returned to tho loaner, Ho had not been able to place it in the bank on account of his hours of work, nnd on Wednesday put tho piirw containing the amomrl In tho drawer of tho bureau, Intending to deposit It in tho morning. When morning came tho money was gone. TOO-LA-LEbT LA AT SALEM, Judge Hartman Holds That He Is a Governmtr! Ward. Too-lali-et-ln, the Umatilla bravo who was escorted 10 tho asylum a f ,v days ago by .Sheriff Taylor after having gone Insauo while serving u sentence In the Jail hero for Inrceny, i has arisen to tho dignity of being u uay boarder at the lilg Institution at Salem. By a law passed ut the last Mis sion of tho legislature It was required that the relatives or tho guardians of all insune persons who were financial ly able to do so, should pay u month ly board of 110 for tlio person com inlttcd. Tho asylum authorltlcu asked tho county to put up for tho faro of tho Indian, but Judge llartmun refus ed to do so on tho ground that tho man was u federal (liar go and also n federal prisoner, and for that n-n- son tho government will Lu asked pav for his support. Leon Cohen .n New York. u, i.n. fmm Leon I tlemen, it is not fair to deceive tbe weaker sex any longer. Tho Journal Tiaa tnM thorn trm rlv thnt It Is visitors and for the accommodation (f i againBt the proposition tooth and-toe-the crowd of farmers who will be ',, go far DOt anather paper In present. the state has taken a square stand. Are you an airaia oi iuai iaay ne- I, O. O. F. GRAND MASTER. Joseph Mlcelll Will Visit 'Local Lodges Next Wednesday, Joseph MIcelli, of Roseburg, who is grand master of tbe I, O. O F. ol Oregon, will visit this city Wednes day next, when he will pay a Joint visit to Integrity and Eureka lodges. Mr. Mlcelll is touring the state oa his annual tour of Inspection, and at this visit ho will make his annu. al inspection of the local lodges, which will make a special effort o show honor to their guest while be is In the city. FORESTERS' CAMP. Organization in Pendleton Starts With Fifty Members. A camp of the Foresters of America was organized Inst night with about Kn mpmbern to start with. Several years ago there was a branch of the Foresters in Pendleton, but the Inter est In the lodge waned and at last the lodge died. Tbe action taken last hind tho throne," or are you free men with tho courage of convictions? Salem Journal, Reporters Aro "Reputable." At the request of Superintendent James, of the penitentiary, General Crawford this mornin rendered an opinion on the question of admit ting nowspaper men to the execution. The opinion holds that there la no provision for cxcluaiog the reporters, that as requiable citizens, they can not be discrimina'ed against, and if the superln.endent so desires, he can Invito them to witness tho exe cution. This is further authority for the claim that newspaper report nail. So far not another paper in change. Ex-Alderman James O, McCool, of Grand Itapids, Mich., has pleaded guilty to accepting a brlbo in connec tion with tho water supply scandal. Rest has spoiled many a man who was willing to work. WOODMEN CAMPAIGN, J, P. Walker Clerk of Pendleton Camp Fitting up New Offices. J. P. Walker, clerk of Pendleton Camp, No. 41, Woodmen of tho World, has fitted up new offices In room 41, of tbo Despaln building, and is making preparations for tho spring campaign of that order, Tbe camp is now In a thriving con dition and stops aro now being tak en for ono of tao most active mem bcrship campaigns lu the history of tho county. DEATH PENALTY The Baker County Murderer Swung Into Eternity-Game to the Last. LAST WORDS WERE: "I FORGIVE YOU ALL," Said He Had Full Faith In HI sSavlor and Died In the Hope of Immortal ity Received Absolution From a Priest at the Last Moment Was Dead Five Minutes After Drop Fell Brothers In Town, But Would Not Attend Execution. Hakcr City, Jan. 22. (Special to the East Oregonlan.) l'lrnsant Arm strong wns hnnged In tho Baker county Jallyavd ut 7:04 this morning for tho murder of his sweetheart ut on Christmas eve. 1902. He wns gaino to tho very Inst, Just before tho trap wns sprung ho shout ed, "1 forgivo you all." In n rumbling speech, plainly show Ing that tho murdurer was demented, ho sitld: "I die In tho faith of Christ nnd In tho hope of His only truo church. I sincerely repent of all my sins, and especially of the grent crime for which I must Buffer. I humbly trust in tlio Infinite mercy of Christ, my savior, who died lor me. Into thy hands, O Lord. I commend my spirit." At tlio final moment ho received absolution rrom a Catholic priest. Ho wus pronounced dead five niln lites after tlio drop foil, Ensmlngers Were There. Tho family of tho murdered girl was at tho execution and witnessed tlie preparations with silent wonder, but with no bIiow of delight. When the condemned man dropped, many fttceH In tho crowd of privileged visi tors were turned nwny from tho sick ening Bight. Tho body dangled, quiv ering and convulsed for llvo inlnutoi, when the muscles liocauio quiet anil tho doctors pronounced him doad, Armstrong's Brothers In Town, Two brothers of Armstrong wero In tho city, but declined to bo presont lusldo the Jail enclosure, until nftor the body had been taken down, when It wus turned over to them for burial. Only u Hiuall party of people hold ing passes f i om mo ahurlrf witnesssd the hanging. It was cnrrled out with out a hitch In any of the procccdiiifts. FEDERAL AUTHORITY INVOKED. MISS DEWEY ACCEPTS. New Principal of the High School Will Arrive In a Few Days. Tho school board has received an answer from Miss Grace Dewey, of Benton Harbor, Mich., who was ten dered the nrlnclpalshlp of tho high school, saying that sho would accept tho position, and could uo in mo city by tho first of the coming month, Tbo salary paid was not mentioned In tho discussion previous, and this was tel egraphed to her this morning. If she Is satisfied with the salary offered tho will bo In tbe city to tako cnargo oi her work on the first of February, Administratrix Discharged, In tho matter of the estate of Don ald I. Mclntyro, deceased, Annlo Mclntyre, tbo administratrix, was dls- cnargea, sno uaving icuuu uur uuai report, and having made a distribu tion of the property. Order of Elks After the Facts Caus. lug the Clallam Wreck, Seattle, Jan. 22. Impressed with tho fact that the Clallam Investigation Is u furco as conducted by tlo local inspector, tho local lodge of Elks, who lust two members lu the disaster, A. K. Prince uml (luy Daniels, has wired Congressman Humphrey ask ing him to tului the matter up with Secretary Mirtelyou and huvo, tho lo purtmenl rovluw tlio whole proceed. Ings of tho Investigation. STOP SPITTING, City Marshal Will Enforce the Law Against the Habit. City Marshal Carney Is tacking no tices over tho city lu prominent places, warning people not to spit 'n tho sidewalks under a penalty of a $5 lino. Tho streets of Pondluton huvo been u stglit lu tlio past as tho result of the spitting habit. Ah (hero Is a Btuto law against the pructlco, It is the Intention of tho marshal to see that tho luw Is enforced. CHANGES HANDS. Lodging and Boarding House Sold to Mrs. Michaels. Mr, anil Mrs, J II. Holcomh havo sold their lodging ..uiibo on Houth Main streot and wi rnovo onto their ranch west of tho city, whoro thoy will engage In tho hog raising busi ness, Tho lodging houso has been sold to Mrs. Mlciiauls, of Athuna, who will tako possession of thir placo to morrow noon, having reached tho city this evening. Following the drouth In Southern California unprccedenteuly cold weather prevails. Frost prevails In tho foothills and threatens tho low lands. v Mining Luck. Is Angeles, Jan. 22. Wil liam A. Mueller, a draughts man for tho Pacific Electric railway, has received a chock for $60,000 from Crlpplo Creek, Two years ago ho grubstaked his two sons. Ono was killed by a blast which unearthed a rich vein of ore that brought a fortune to tho other brutuer and tbe father. Grand.