East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 21, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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    HI. tv
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U DAILY EAST OREGON I AINt ttxuut mn , , A
li .tssaMeaiaaaassaaaaaaasssaaaaas (... t i i u .1 . 1.. ji.t.it .. I . 5.
rti a i r n r ,,v . " lh i it:
I ll 1 1 III Hl.tldi n ltiftn unm nr mnnnv nmnnr I " wo
J , - - II s:."7Siia D
.i I .
Br Frank S. ChUwick
0 Copyright, 19H,
Hy the S. R, McClurw Company
" .
vi? v.' W W wr & & Wf w W- 3
Even though similarly troubled
mutt have different clae.
Spectacles flttteri to any Indi
vidual will only unit hltn or her,
therefore a thorough tt-bt Is nece!
wrv in everv ne. Jlv optical
! id -i parlor is equipped with every lu
J, ' Btmruent nece-fary to make an
,i a ainomieiv accuraie exai.iin iiou.
! -'J. TI . .1 ..1.. ,
will permit.
Jeweler and Optician
Post Office Block
Don't be salaried to move
along in the same old way for
low wages. We can help you
carve out a succrsrful career.
Thousands have increased their
salaries by followlnc our plan.
We can train you in spare time
aud at small eet for any of the
following position :
Xlectintfcnl. Electrlcnt. Htem,
rr Clx-il Enclnevr, IZleclrlcliin.
jn'ryor. Architect. X-rft-tuon.
Hookk-eper. steno(rr-,ph-er,
Teacher, fSUow Card Writer
Window DrcHtter, or Ad, Writer
Sox 799
Or call on our local represenia
Use, T IP. Bracking, 127 Leettrctt
Pendltion, Ore.
Carnation Carratlon
Extraeti Sre Extract
Good Call Pure
Peerless Mushes
When I
Carnation YotI Carnation
Go Extraeu
are to are
Strong Your wholesome
And his Lcarty laa?h fairly shook the
windows. "Wonder If old Miss Thomp
klns pot one. Like n not the married
women got 'em too. This Is n great
Joko. nil. AlilgnllS"
She had dropped wearily Into her
small rocker. She hardly heard what
hi said.
"I-1 thonsht perhaps It might have
been Just for"
Silas Hopkins wheeled round ruddrn
i. and Htnred lit her. Two tears rolled
down the cheeks now pale nr.d ilrawn
IiioUIl;. Ho frowned, not nt the tears,
but nt his own thoughtlessness. ni
yes were suddenly oioned. The com
pisccuce. the careless habit of years,
fell from h!m In tlie twinkling of an
eye. Ahlcall Jane. wlnUlrg back other
trars, almost sprang to her feet, for SI
wn actually kneeling ticslde her.
"Ablpill June.' be whispered huski
ly, "you'd n right to one nil by your
rel. I thought you knew nil nlons
thst T -"i you"
"Oh. yes I knew It, SI, but I sorter
wished" And tlilr time the tears
gleamed like diamonds on rose colored
"nenry Howell." exclaimed that
worthy's wife ns she laid down her
mending. "I've Just cot to run over
nr.' see Abigail Jane. Somethln tells
3e this Is the crisis of that girl's, life."
"Well, lie careful yon don't slip. It's
frecr.ln' tonight." answered her hus
band, settling back In hl cl'alr.
Mrs. Howell's Imperative knock nt
her sister's front door was answered
by SI 'Hopkins.
"Come right In. Sister Prudence!" he
o.trlntmed, shaking her hand warmly.
"You're Just in time to settle this dis
pute. We re gnin' to Ih married next
Wednesday a week, an" Abigail Jane j
insists the ceremony's got to take place !
at your house, with Henry to give i
away the bride. Iieln' ns she has no fa
ther. Now, I want the weddln' here,
where I've courted her two nights a
week for sixteen years." He was car
rying everything before him, nnd Mrs.
Howell nodded her head n vlianlcnlly.
"Abigail Jane declares the has a sight
of sewin' to do. an' she' not to be wor
ried -with cookin' the weddin' supper.
LouIfc can see to that An' ! wish
you'd go down to Sprlngtield next
week an' pick out new furniture for
the slttln' room an' mother's old room
over to my hotne. I nln't bought a
.nn- tiling- cli.iui M.,t ,lla n-flPA mo-Y-!l!
; such words from 111- lips or to walk i off ftn. lp tOQ shn,lby for
uown me street wuu uer m.h... ..u..u , mj. AV)!;:alI janc
snuggieu against ui uis jIr). i0vt,j r.nsped
I the milliner's apprentice, did with the j s, IInpklnSt ;ou-re slow nbmlt
I butcher's boy. j niovn. mt when yoc get started I
! "How yon do take on. I rudencc. , mJst sav voun, n W01lder Tllen hcr
I she protested. "I ain't beholden to any i f on tll nimtn!rrnni, ..t rnt .
l to marry me. m toiuiunauij .f ,ru. .... ,nnii.,. n
If a man come to see me Wcdncs-
I 4ay on' Saturday evenln's for sixteen
rears an' then" rrudeuce Howell i
head bobbed vigorously, setting every
Individual curl In motion. "Well, I'd
Just like to see one of 'cm try it!"
"SI ain't mennln' no harm," put In
Abigail Jnne gently. "He's Just sorter
ilov. ; that's nil."
"Sorter slow!" retorted Mrs. Howell.
"Well, he's kept off every other man
for the liest part of your life, an' It's
his bounden duty to marry you. He
loves you, an' you love him."
A faint pink tint crept Into Abigail
Jnne's fnce at hcr sister's plain speak
ing. When Silas Hopkins had lirst i
courted her. n eharmtnc girl of eight
een, bis lioylsh compliments had
brought n warm glow to her face, but
the blood courses more slowly at thirty-four.
Si had always meant to marry ner.
but somehow he had never told her so.
He wns a complacent, prosaic fellow.
Plrst he had lost hlsfatheraud had been
forced to look nfter the big farm and
the family. Then there had lcen bis
brother John to send through college,
snrt Louise's wedding dowry nnd til
ings to arrange for, and his mother tc
eml to the hospital In the distant city
for an ol"ratlon. After awhile, when
all these duties were fulfilled, he
would have time to settle down and
He had never thought of such a trag
edy as Abigail Jane's wearying of long
waiting. He had always found her
nlone Wednesday and Saturday nights,
sympathetic In his difficulties, rejoic
ing In his small successes. Yes, Abi
gail Jane was the very woman for
him to marry some day when he had
And of course Abigail Jane must un
derstand nil this; she was such a sen
sible little woman. It never ilawned
uixra him that she would like to hear
Occasion is Made a National Holl.
day Sweden's Ruler Has Recov.
ercd From Long and Severe III.
ness Queen Sophia Has a Record
for Her Charitable Deeds.
Stockholm. Jan. :l Mug Oscar
is seventy-five years old today and
all Sweden and Norway has Joined
In congratulating him on the anniver
sary. It Is a gala i.ay in Stockholm
aud everyone Is observing the holi
day. The city and harbor are
gaily decorated, and during the
forenoon the usual salutes were
tired. In the messages of congratu
lation thnt poured In upon the King
ever" royal family in tsurope wun
her husband's birthday by dlstrlbu.
I ting a large sum of money among
' the poor and needy. Tho qiman,
In fact, devotes nenrly her entire,
I tlmo now to charitable nnd roil.
I gious work. Hcr most cherished
: occupation is to alleviate distress,
nnd being strongly impressed by re
ligion, she Is vividly Interested by
the religious movements; of hor
time. She has been much Im
pressed with tho work of tho Salva
tion Army and Is understood to hnve
contributed liberally to Its financial
More than one chnrntlblo Institu
tion has been founded through tho
Initiative of the queen, nhovo all the
"Soflahemmet," or Sophia House, In
Stockholm. She has on many oc
casions started the Idea of Important
works of charity for Instance,
when she formed and carried out the
plan of the great fancy fair In
Christiaiila for tho benefit of tho
families of the wrecked fishermen
from Flnmarken.
What's In a Name?
Everything Is In tho namo when It
.....H,......,,w1 Thlo !
inn cu-tipuun m-.M"'- "" ,, m WItnh ttnrel S.ilvo. R n.
evening the king gives n nnnnuoi at " A" " (ll8COv;re,i
the unlace to the fore pn ministers, i 111 a icngo uiscocreu
11 ' , , ,,,..,. i some years ago how to make a salvo
King Oscar has almost complete w,ch Hnle, that ,g ft speclnc
recovered from the pro tracted 111- p,efc Kor 1Um,( ,)U,c(1Iag ltch.
ness from which he hns been surrer protruding Piles, eczema.
Ing for the last two , y,xr "ch lmnl's, l)nlses and all skin dis
caused him to reUre ten,, oraril ; DoWUfs Salve has no equal.
.mC Tn nertart of trovrf This has given rise to numerous
aP f reation'Ts "va'stfy tiprd
his health. Many who have seen Uts-the genuine. Sold h Tall-
him recently remark thnt no man of man & Co.
his years bears his age better. 1
Queen Sophia, who does not at- S G Williams, of naker City, the
tend balls otnras or other festivities first superintendent of the Bonanza
on account of ill health celo-.-n ' mine, is dead, aged C7.
ui-r..:' mv
i m
-naterial i
Bring Your Bill toUsar
Get Our Figures,
Craw1 Ibrhnr
-.-i" 11UI li I till III
Walter's Flouring Mills
Capacity, 150 barrelt a 4
Flour exchanged for
CTfi...- urn . . i
1 ""VWl Tut
etc. iilviava n i
ixiivuiiiuiiMii I'lWTfieAii, r.. .-
By 0.1 and Sweet Spirits of Edst-
" i ruuirum.
Save Money
On Your Meat Bill
Being a stock raiser on Birch
creek I do not have to buy in
ferior cattle, but have prime
stock of my own raising for the
block. Yon will get better
meat and more of it for less
money at my shop than any
where else in town.
S. Warner, Prop.
West. Court. Street
Phone Main mi
cosxoruble room from 35
enUnp. Newly roniiiuad
throughout. Qneen Chop Uooae
la connection. Meali at all
hoori. Onlj while help eta
ptojed. GlTens a trial, v
prompt, reliable; service
Goej takes iMetfof can at, Lean arden at
ramie Main lzn.
II Till TheDI
MrRlon,7 Hp
Irate lur
1 akin A Ihmi
' BpecifcUata for men, eon
i cure all enronic. nri-
i aarroaa allmimia. 1hdoi.iim
! akin rtlanaiaa rhntnallin ui.nh
te. Dr. A. C STODturr. rh. O.. tor it nan
ndtoal dlreeVir. 74 sixth tlmt. rorUaoil,
Otxon ; ill Yetler Waj, Deattle, Waan. Call
or write.
Oil u4 Sweet Spirits of Eden
Are goaxantced to cure any case of Rhen
fitiim Money hack if they fall.
A Ckeaaetsl aVaoAge. for
i man to marry
i fixed. Me an' SI is gcnxl friends, an'
! he likes to come here of eveuln's. I
j nln't cxpcctln' " The words choked
i In hcr throat.
I A wave of pity swept over Mrs. How
j elL She was sorry she had laid bare
the wound: but. n happy matron her
! pelf, she chafed at her sister's loncll
I ness.
! "Well, it's Valentine's day, Abigail
i Jane, an' perhaps he'll send you some
thin' by mall. Maybe he can't put his
' feeI!n"K into words ns easy as my Hen
' ry could. Would you mind lookin' In
my box while you're at the jiostouice?"
Ten minutes later Miss Abigail Jane,
with her grandmother's china silk
. shawl folded over her shoulders, walk
ed down the quiet street to the post-
office. It was her daily custom,
' whether she expected mail or not. On i -
Friday there tvould lie the county pa-' t
' per In" hcr box and on the 2d aud ICth I
of each month The Advocate and Fe- j
maie uuaruian.
This morning she caught sight of a
square envelope In the box. and her
heart beat wildly ns she approached
' the jiostmaster's window,
i "Here you are." he exclaimed cheer
, lly "two letters for Mrs. Howell and
i one for you. Must be a valentine."
And be grinned broadly at the Joke
' which had done service with every ap-
plicant at the window that morning.
A valentine! The word found an
i echo in ber heart. She clasped the
precious missive to her breast and hur
ried homeward.
"Honest?" cried ber sister as Abigail
Jane stopped with the Howell mail.
"He sent you a valentine? Well, I
didn't suppose he bad the nerve, l'on
might stop here an' open it"
But Abigail Jane snook her bead and
fluttered away to her own cottage. No
one should share this sacred moment
with ber. Nervously she tore off the
wrappings and with a cry of Joy held
a photograph of SI at arm's length.
Then but never mind; women have
done such things ever since the day of
the first daguerreotype.
Once she turned it over and was pas
tied by the printing on the back:
Join our photograph crab before It la too
late and ret a dozen Ilka tale tor CM.
UNTON, Um Photographer.
When Bl came that rvenlnc she
looked ber daintiest, with soft lace at
her throat and a rose from the sooth
window tucked in ber brown hair. If
81 noticed the little touches of finery,
he said nothing. Abigail Jane was al
fraya pretty in his eyes.
Bnt be did notice the photograph,
and bla eyes twinkled.
"Hello! you got a cample too."
The pretty pink flush died out of net
cheeks. She clasped ber hands nerv
ously. "l I don't understand what yon
mean," she faltered.
"Why, Louise has been worryin' the
Mfe out of me to send her an' the kids
my picture, an' Linton offered me a
tecen free If I'd let blm use my name
for advertlsln' hla business. I gness
be thought If be could make me good
lookin' he could get all the trade round
"Then everybody in town got one?"
The words came slowly.
81 was looking at the pbotogMsfe.
leaning against a bus aeeuthell free
the Caribbean sea.
Ten, a sort of cosikt Taientlaa."
of 'em, too, by tonight's mall."
SI covered the unfortunate remark
"You'll get a better one soon. Abi
gail Jane an' I nre goln' to sit for Lin-
l ton In nil our weddln' finery. An' now
hadn't I better help you over home!
It's slippery."
"Well, well. SI, you have found your
tongue nt last! It's the first time I've
been unwelcome tln my own sister's
And with n laugh thnt belled hej
sharp words Mrs. nowell kissed tl:
glowing face of. Abigail Jane and bur
tied home.
Gray Horse W nted.
James O. Reeves Company want
one work horse; same must be gray.
The Colombia
Lodcinc House
Well ventilated, neat and
comfortable rooms, good
beds. Bar in connection
where best goods are
Main Street, center of
block, between Aha and
Webb Streets.
F. X Schempp
All Kinds
I have good sound wood
which is delivered at
reasonable prices
For Cash.
Leave orders at Neuman's
Cigar Store.
Will meet the lowest prices
quoted by anyone on meats.
You always GET GOOD
MEAT when Mlescke Oils
your order.
Don't miss the Jilaoe,
Every Subscriber to Have an Oppor
tunity to Guess on a $100
Rubber Tired Buggy
an Expression of Our Good Will Toward our
Subscribers and to Increase our Sub
scription List
Will Give Away, Absolutely Free, a Cushion-Tire
now on Exhibition in the Show Window of the A. Kunkel
& Co. Implement House, Two Doors South of the
East Oregonian Building.
The East Oregonian has purchased ' Kader, the furniture man, E. T. 1 formed by putting together J'
from the A. Knnkle tmnlempnt Pn Wade, the real estate dealer. G. A. ! numbers In the order as B"'".
a $100 cushion tire buggy. It Is a,
Kobbins, proprietor of the Owl Tea j two, three, on the envelopes n
u... -.i. ' ,.,ii .i. i !, nro rnnta ncd. The w
beauty, strong, scrvlcabie and well 1 and A, Kunkel( tbe lmpiement man. number will not
, i-or each year s subscription1 Ten numbers from one to naught j the gucsBing con.i wit 8
Weekly at J1.50 or for every cut from a calendar. These ' henre no one will J? V '
be until h is jjuuui-v
to the
similar amount natd on the dally or i numbers were scaled up In 10 differ-
semi-weekly the subscriber Is cntlt- j ent envelopes by tbe committee. Tbe
led to one guess at an unknown nuin-' 10 envelopes were placed In a bat
ber of three figures, that will be i and thoroughly shuffled and shaken,
placed In a sealed envelope. This Is ' Three members of the committee
not a drawing, lottery, or gift enter-1 'hen took out one envelope each,
prise of any kind.
How to Participate.
Each receipt for $1.50 for the Dally,
Weekly or Scml-wcekly East Oregon
ian, to any address, the person to
whom the receipt Is issued, will be
given an opportunity, absolutely with
out cost, to have a guess at the un
known number, and the person or
persons guessing nearest that number
will receive as a present and without
any compensation whatever, and
merely as an expression of good will
on the part of the East Oregonian
toward its subscribers, the $100
cushion tired buggy advertised in
this paper and on exhibition at A
Kunkel & Co'a. Implement bouse two
doors south of the East Oregonian
For each $1.60 paid tbe holder of
the receipt will have an opportunity
of making one guess. For example
if you send $1.60 for one year's sub
scription the Weekly or $2.00 for
one year's subscription to the Semi
weekly yon are entitled to one guess.
If you pay $6.00 for one year's sub
scription by mall to the Dally you
will get three guesses. If you pay
$7.60 for one year's subscription to
the Daily delivered by carrier yoo
will got 15 vo guesses, or if you pay
$3.76 for six months of the Daily by
carrier you are entitled to two guess
es. No commission is allowed to any
gent or solicitor for secaring sub
scribers under this offer, and the
person so subscribing does it with
the understanding that the Eait
Oregonian is accepted as payment in
full for the money paid.
Unknown Number How Prepared.
.Monday, January 18, the following
committee of bualnoss men met at
the office of "aat Oregonian and
formed the unknown camber that
will get the $100 rubber-tired buggy.
The committee consisted of M A.
which were marked one, two, three,
in the order In which they were
taken out.
These tsree envelopes were then
placed in a larger envelope and scal
ed and a wax seal placed on the flap
and delivered to the chairman of tbe
committee, M, A, Rader to keep un
til tbe day the buggy will be drawn.
The remaining seven envelopes con
taining the other numbers were then
burned In the presence of the com
mittee, thus insuring an absolutely
unknown cumber.
Each and every one of the commit
too was thoroughly satisfied with
tbe absolute fairness of the method
of selecting the unknown number,
and signed tbe following statement:
"JVe. the nndoralgned, were pres
ent at tbe East Oregonian office Mon
day afternoon, January tbe 18th, and
assisted in forming tbe unknown
number according to the plan pub
lished, to be UBed In the East Ore
gonian guessing contest,
"Under the rules of forming the
number. It Is Impossible for anyone,
not even the members .of this com
mittee, the publishers of the East
Oregonian, or anyone else to know
what the number is.
Upon the day when the nTlope
Is to be opened and the buggy award
ed to the person guessing nearest to
the number, the numbers will he as
sembled in the order in which the
envelopes are marked. It may be as
low a number as 012 or as high as
987. As a matter of course, It must
be three different figures, as no fig
ure was used twice. Somebody will
get a splendid $100 present whon the
976 receipts have boea given out.
The unknown cumbers will be
iiti rnmnetittoa
The number of receipt ' "7to
this contest will ltaH
number cf guesnes """lva j
range of the number, belt
and 887. as the QDkM' tf
must be composed of a K" w
those limits. The B0J!.
cannot be less than 01J
987, , . urf.
To be a perfectly
mateguesslns f'Jt
i Awari nt most W 108
rL.3..ii. unknown. TWrtV
no etiance w mtr
vnn. the number vu "
insure that result erfi
The receipts for
tpst will be noml,fW,jirikr'
. 1.1. m nr " - - M rT
A wire"
celpts are an
test will W M
nn encoring recl!L'.
person w''rf
his guess on "jftl
,n ink or Jaaeiiw-r .mr.-
one guess u" "T 0e W .
aniline- the BStoe in oiS
box proriflw - -v tmr
ofnee tor j--: r.jw j-
out of W711?m?Z
their guw TZ
send the toaft ZiV
plainly LJmS20
Guessing yorW T5fl
.. .ltd in the FlwAe "r.w
xrr win
im. in tn all
TnO nJC'i"" .InM IB -
a is .w I n iv-- . ma r asl
met "(! drw S tatf rlw
which wm s ;-,