4 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETOtt, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY' 21, 1904. - - - l . VD, Des loorsl LLBUY1 uf.lHl.ll 0 I SI atz HE! Mi inlW t tor tw ' .oref for J" The Big Shoe Sale Continues all this week Many of the Pendleton ladies have taken advant age of this great money-saving sale. There are many more we are willing to supply with shoes at a saving of from $i.oo to $2.25 on a single pair. Don't overlook this chance to secure a ;5,00 Shoe for $3.25 and $3.50 It means money In your purse. iLEE TEUTSCH'S BIG STORE, COR. MAIN AND ALTA H- l I 1 I I l"M' I I I' i I 1 1-H--H-H4 H-W-M-- Gity Brevities Rader, Get Sunny. tsh fruit dally at Martin's. shoe repairing at Tcutseh'i Los and Organs at cost at Fall- Rent A piano. Apply at this mAv made skirts arriving fat Teutsch's. h nicely furnished rooms to roat, ttlinnn street. Idren's school shoes that wear tvii- at 'i emsuu b. ne Lane's paint shop when you fvlnrinw class nut in. ikers get satisfaction at How- llornieriy uees cigur &iui. feral loads of cinders lor tna v a, inp inmeHiin uiuuurjr. i nicely furnished rooms lor i vr w .T. Llark's. 708 Raley. lop 'phone main 701 when you L C89. lieuu) xur Btri.itc ui an j t Kennedy's cab is at your i at all hours, 'rnone mam jour clotnes cieanea ana I at Joerger's, 126 West Court 111 pay you to take the East See page C for terms on ; contest. i hats cleaned und blocked, cleaned and pressed. J. J. Is, 222 East Court rtreet. It Is at his old stand, 221 Itrett, with a fresh stock rl , ants, fruits, cigars, etc. i want to pay your subscrlp- montlis or a year ahead. I to read guessing contest ad ieater and hall is offered (or r entertainments, parties, pri- titrlcals and dances. Apply ad Bros. Get Sunny, TJ C Rader. Swell slippers at Teutsch's, Immense line of valentines now on sale, lc to $3. Nolf's 1 Falling has a first-class piano tun- er. Leave orders. Work guaranteed. The latest style Stetson hats Just ' received at trie Peoples warehouse, Call and see them. , Just received at the Peoples Ware- liouse by express, a line of Stetson's I Vprv latest nnrl tnnst ctvHeh hntc Call at the Peoples Warehouse and look at their new Stetson hats, .he very latest, just received by express. Somebody will get a preesnt of a $100 rubber tired buggy. See page C, for East Oregonlan guessing con test. J. A. Carlisle, an experienced man, and his wife, are seeking a position on a ranch. Both have very best ref erences. See classified advertise ment for particulars. , il lYour Watch and Jewelry Repairing? not we want to, sure you you will ased. f guaranteed work "!Wt prices. iZKER Advance Jeweler FOR NEW COUNTY ROAD. W. W. Harrah Circulates Petition for Road up Wild Horse Creek. V. W. Harrah Is getting up a pe tition to circulate In a few days for a new road up Wild Horse. He will present It to March terra of county court. The proposed road will be a water grade from Athens and Adams to Pendleton and will cut out the heavy hills which have heretofore required a four horse team to pull a load. Mr. Harrah says that the proposed road will not only give a water grade but it will shorten the distance to Athena at least one mile. The road as proposed begins at the north end of Lee street bridge, goes up the north bank of the Uma tilla river and on the north side of the Hunt track to the Arnold estatf, crosses both railroads to the south side of the O. It. & N. track and thence east to connect with the other ruad up Wild Horse to Athena, and Adams. Mr. Harrah says that the liersons through whose places the new road will pass will probably grant right of way. Mrs. Fred Waffle of La Grande Is in the city. J. T, l.leuallcn, of Adams, was m the city this afternoon. W. R. Irwin, of Heppner. is In the city for a visit of a few days. F. A. Berlin, residing near Athens, was in the city today on business. County Surveyor J. W. Kimbrell was In Weston today on business. J. W. Powers, of Freewator, is in the city for a short business visit. J. M. Berry, a prominent shoe deal er of Baker City, Is nt the St. George today. Mrs. F. C. Hlndle, of Dayton, is the guest of friends In the city for a few days. Miss Bella Chllders, of 1-a Orande. is visiting friends In the city for a few days. Mrs. M. A. James, of Mendowbrook, Is the guest of friends In the city for a few days. C. W. Orton, of Vancyclo, Is In the city for a short visit with friends and on business. Mrs. O. J. White, of La Grande, Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank Coykendall, for a few days. J. D. Brown left this morning for Portland, where he will make n bus iness visit for a few days. T. D. Woolley representing the Par- afllne Paint & Roofing Company, of I'oriinnd. lc in thn etv tmlnv I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Laatz have re turned from an extended trin in Cnl Ifornla, where they went on their weaning tour. E. P. Hall, of Seattle, left this morning for his home after a short visit in this city with his brother, H. B. Hall, of the county clerk's of nee. L. S. Huson and brother, A. Huson uoth prominent residents of Helix accompanied by their mother. Mrs L. M. Huson, are In the city for a snort business visit. Mr. and Mrs. J, Gulliford. of Vin son, are the guests of friends In the city lor a short time. Mr. Giilllronl Is a prominent stockman and farmer of the Vinson country. .Mr. and Mrs. John Lightfoqt. of Vinson, are In the city for a short visit with friends. Mr. Llghtfoot :s one of the well known residents of his vicinity, having extensive Inter ests there. Rev. Warren, of Heppner and Pendleton, who preached two ser mons at the Episcopal church In Baker City last Sunday, Is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. W, French. Baker City Herald, J. P. O'Brien, superintendent of the O. R. & N., passed down the road this morning In his special car, en route to Portland, after a tour of In spection over the lines In Eastern Oregon, W. Bollons, general road master, accompanied Mr. O'Brien west. In Full Blast IS THE SEVENTEENTH "Way Down East" Prices. The prices of admission to "Way Down East," which comes to the Fra .zer tomorrow night, will be from 50 cents to $1.50, Instead of $2, as an nounced In the advertisement yes terday. The snowstorm scene in this play Is said to be the best ever pre sented In Portland. A. B. Thompson In Town, i Tt Thnmnsnn. nf La Grande. Is In, the city for a short visit on his return irom waswugiuu, u. he went to look alter nis imereaio before the land department In rela tion to his retention In the Grande land office. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY T.ke Uxati Bromo Qui""" 7.li!ie!'eu1; arujcritu reiuuu mc "'';,-- FIRST GUESSES DEPOSITED. Yourgroccr is willing enough to sell good goods Schilling's Best proves that the difficulty is to get them. Money back. AM OF TARTAR. ve to keep the chemically pure kind ie. Th camp kind is none too We h or miH;: , ... .i vine. ine same kiuu i (or cooking. Many good cooks buy this '"'de hereIO, 15, 30 and 60 cent packages, f ttfaim iq i'i j 1 ,i,om;olc that iUst a little better than vou find in every '? store. wens The Popular Price DRUG STORE A. C. KOEPPEN &. BROTHERS Explanation of the Free GUessIng Contest for the Buggy, The first two persons to take ad vantage of the guessing contest for the $100 buggy each today paid $7.j0 for one year on the Dally East Ore- ccn.an by carrier, and were ctvsn five luhsecs each. A good many questions have been asked lelatlve to this contest and a few additional words of explanation may not come amiss. One of the county ballot boxes has been secured and sealed In which to deposit guesses. Tho seals will not be broken until the 975 receipts have been Issued. A payment of $1.50 on any one of the three publications Dally. Weekly or Semi-Weekly East Oregonlan, entitles the holder of the receipt to one guess. The unknown number consists of three figures. Each of these three figures are different. For example. It may be 034. 231, 047 or any sim liar number, but It could not be 220, 440, 221, 331, or any such number, as the same figure Is repeated. We need not assure our subscrib ers that this Is a fair, square' contest and some one of the subscribers will get a present of a $100 buggy. Drop into Kunkel's Implement house and look at It. LAUNDRYMEN'S MEETING. Second Annual Session at Tacoma J. F. Robinson on Executive Com. mlttee. Tacoma, Wash., Jan., 21, The second semi-annual convention of the interstate association of laundry men of Oregon and Washington con cluded its session here Monday night by a banquet' at the Tacoma hotel. The convention was opened by an address by Mayor Campbell, after which the members adjourned to pay a visit to the Pacific starch company' s plant. Papers . were read in the afternoon on important subjects. In which laundrymen of both states are Interested. The association was organized in Portland last summer, with the fol lowing officers: President, John Tail, Portland: vice-president, F. H. Kllbourne, Seattle; secretary and treasurer, Frank T. McCollough, Suokane: sergeut-at-arms, j. u. Schempp, Tacoma; executive com mittee. John Talt, Portland: A. Jocobsen, Seattle; John F. Robinson, Pendleton, and a. H. Froeman, Spo kane. FLETCHER TO THE ASYLUM. His Dementia Probably Caused By Injury to His NecK. ji,i'Ur 1' 11 Tnvlnr lef this mini. i tnw nlem. tn escort Robert E. Fletcher to tho asylum. Fletcher Is ttinn u'hr, u'Dh arrested nn Sun. day afternoon, supposed to be on the verge of delirium tremens, lie was confined In the county Jail, and as soon as the county physician could examine him, was adjudged insane1 Annual Clearance Sale It's Dollars in your pockets to buy goods now at The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE W. C. Kennndy, his brother-in-law, made complaint -against htm. Fletcher Is a derrick man about 42 years of ace. and has had several at tacks of Insanity. The duration of his present attack has been about six months, and ho was 21 years of age at tho time of his first trouble. Ho Is a native of Nova Scotia, Ho has never been committed to the asylum, though he has given trouble before. He Is violent and uncontrolable at times and Is homici de' and su'cldal. When 24 years of age, or a little before that, he waH hurt by a runaway horse, the tack of his neck being Injured. From Mils 1, has Lever fully recovered, and It U thought that this Injury Is tho di rect cause of his insanity. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. New Directors and Officers for the Savings Bank, The stockholders of tho Savings Hank met yesterday afternoon In an nual meeting for the election of the board of directors for tho year. The same members who have served on the board for tho past year were :e elected, with the exception of Dr, F. W. Vincent, who was added to tho personnel of the board, The board of directors now com slsts of J. N. Teal, Joseph Basler, E. P. Marshall, F. W. Vincent, Charles H. Carter, It. Alexander and W. J. Furnish. The officers of tho board elected yesterday for tho year am: W. J. Furnish, president; J. N. Toil, vice-president; T. J. Morris, cashier, and J, V. Maloney, assistant cashier. The annual report of the business affairs of the bank was presented, and the annual routlno work trans-actc-1 C. B. WADE WILL TRAVEL. Upon Advice of His Physicians and to Benefit His Health, Owing to tho declining health of C. B. Wade, his physicians have nd vised him to travel for a time. His condition Is such that as fast as he rallies to a certain extent lie In pros trated again by anxieties which arise In the transaction of business, and for these reasons. It has been thought advisable by bis physicians that h visit ior a time In some other cli mate where he wll be able to find test. THE "BRAND OF CAIN." Man's Misdeeds Follow Him Where- ever He Goes ex-Convict Viewed With Suspicion. When Charles Ladd, accused of robbing the Owl saloon, was dis missed from custody of tho officers In Hecorder Fllloon's court yesterday morning, he gave vent to expres sions that might well be seriously considered by young men who are tempted to start on the downward path of law breaking, says the Times-Mountaineer, In thanking the court for its kind treatment, Ladd stated that be 1ld not hold malice against anyone for suspecting him of tho crime or cans- Ine his arrest. "I am a suspicious character," he said. "I have erved a term In the penitentiary, and a man who has once been a convict ever afterward Is viewed with sus picion. He is looked upon as a criminal, and wherever he goes. If a; crime Is committed, he Is tho first to be suspected. An ex-convlct is etor a branded man." Whatever J-add's .ife, since he was discharged irom the Oregon, nenltentlarv. has been, wnetlicrrlt has been exemplary or not, ills statement that an "ex-convict was always vloved with suspicion," was truo and camo from actual exper ience. It should .serve as a warn ing to all young men who are tempt ed to violate tho law, for once con victed of crlmo a man Is ever after ward looked upon ub a criminal. The "brand of Cat " Is upon him. YEAR'S WOOL GUP OREGON PRODUCED 15,500,000 POUNDS FOR 1903. United States Has Almost 40,000, 000 Sheep Oregon Stands Eighth on the List With Two Million Head Montana Leads With Over Five Millions, H. " Boston, MaBs., Jan. 21. Advnnco sheets of tho anuuai wool rovlew. Issued by the National Association of Wool Manufacturers fix tho total number of sheop Iu the United. States April 1, 1903, according to n census taken by tho association fit 39,284,000. Of these Montana hnd tho largest number, 5,100,000; Wyoming tho next largest,' or 4,100,000; tho next largest Btates are Idnho with 3,400,- 000: Utah with 2.260,000: New Mexi co with 3,250,000; Ohio with 2,200,- 000: Colorado, 1,300,000; Oregon, 2, 000,000; Texas 1,410,000; California, 1.025,000. and Michigan, 1,400,000. .Montana albo had tho largest yield wool In 1903. 30,000,000 pounds of wushed and unwashed, with a total valuo of $5,G47.780; Wyoming ha tho next largest yield, 28,700,000 pounds, having a total value of $4 500,000; Idaho's yield was 10,900,000 pounds worth $2,710,000; Utah yield ed $iz,937,li00 pounds, worm li'.s, 175; New Mexico raised 10,250,000 pounds valued at $3,134,203; coiora do, s.swv'ou pounds, vauie, i zvz 850; Oreguu 15,500,000 pounds worth $2,418,000; Texas 9,000,000 uounds. value, $1,497,(100; California 11,781,250 pounds at $1,846,000; Michigan. 9.100.000 pounds at $2, 229,500. All this exclusive of pulled wool. Tho total production of fleeco wool for tho country was 245,450,. 000 pounds and of pulled wool 42, 000,000 pounds, making a grand total of 287,450,000 pounds, equalling 124, 366,405 pounds of scoured. This great production was valued at $58, 775.373. lthode Island and Delaware havo the smallest number of sheep each having C.500. but Delaware produced a tune more wool icnoua isiann only bringing forward 35,750 pounds and Delaware 39,000. Massachusetts has 33.000 sheen and a total wool production of 191,499 pounds In the grease; New York state has over 700,000 sheep and clips 4,200,000 pounds 01 wool. None of tho above figures Include pulled or butcher's wool, figures for this class of staple being made up separately. The averago weight of fleeces tor 1903 Is 6.25 pounds, as compared with 6.50 In 1901, and 6.4C In 1900. and Is tho smallest for many years. The average shrlukago Is 60.8 per cent, an Increase of 0,8 over 1902, Oregon's fleeces averaged 7.75, with a shrinkage of C8 per cent, Tho average prices for 1903 and the two years preceding compared 82, 50 and 43 cents. Wyoming's produce of 28,700,000 pounds In tho grease amounted to 9,184,000 pounds pf scoured. The fleeces averaged 7 pounds with a shrinkage of 68 per cent. The prlco averaged 49, 47 and 43 cpnts for tho years 1903 and pro ceding. Elks Take Notice. Tti, 1 T?lla it'll! mnot It, rpplllflr fWK. slon this evening, Initiation and liuslness or importance, aii ineni- borx requested ui ue present. (1. A. HAKTMAN, Sr., U. II. C. E. BEAN Sec'y, Seeking a Location. M. Holland, of Spokane, Is In the city seeking a location for a whole- u.ln anrl rntnll llnllm- liimlnpait liml Is well pleased with the prospects ior nusiuess iu mis ciiy LAND OFFICE CONGE8TED. Business Has Accumulated In Mass es Since the Difficulty Began With Officials. I.n nruntlo, Jan, 21. Tho pntrons of tho land olllco as well us tho register, hnpo tho matter of appoint ing n receiver Is soop settled, as business bus accumulated beyond nicusure, sluco tho olfH'O was closoJ. at tho beginning of the Thomson difficulty. For over two months thn olllco has only been open for Information, and dozens of pcoplo havo mado lung; trips with witnesses to prove up and tinnsnct other business, No Intimation litis boon received hero as to the. Umo at which Mr. Huberts will bo able to take chaw, If ho Is finally appointed as roceiver. Tho olllclnls nre simply waiting for the tedious delay to bo over and many patrons who havo boon turned nway will bo glad to hear of tho early adjustment of the matter. Tnko stock of your mercies, and you will find your miseries luno taken Might, The Boston SHOE STORE Another shipment of the RED SCUOOLHOUSE SHOES ($3.40 pair) just received, $J.25;for size 6 to S $1.50 for site 8 to il $J.75 for site tt to 2 $2.00 for size 2 to 3 We are selling of this shoe two pairs this year to one pair last. Why ? People have found that they wear better, fit better, look' better, price better. Better Get a Pair The children want this kind. Toes in wide or narrow style ; low heels, with and without hooks. Sewed with silk. Boston Shoe Store ADAMS DENTAL PARLOR Fkndi-eton, Okkcon. Residence and office Despain I3lock, Phone Red 1581. Our specially Painless Filling and Extracting. J. L. VAUGHN Electrician Prompt attention Klvsn and all work executed properly. Eloetrleal Supplies of ell klodi OFFICH-121 W8ST COURT ST. (Tribuue Bulldlut) Money BackLWK fall to cure Rbeuiuatl.nl. KorSaJby a . r KoeDoen & Bros. AJTt. fyrftaM m. 41