IP' 139 DAILY EAST nnrnQNIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1904. Shot Guns Rifles To be a good shot yo" must be supplied with first Class material, both gun and ammunition Our line i's the highest grade, which is the reason for lovers of shooting coining to us. Tlie Hardware Man 741 MAIN STREET t t 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 I 4 t f 4 4 GENERAL NEWS. Eight hundred hack anil carriage drivers In St. l.ouis liave struck for a lS-hour day. and $12.50 per week pay and 55 cents per hour (or over time. Harry S. Hurt .Is dead at San Fran- clseo. He was mi Interpreter ami could speak more Chinese dialects than any living man. Caucasian or Mongol. " Alterations to make their buildings epnfnrm-nvlth the law. will cost Chi cago 'theater managers $500,000. This i entirely outside the cost 2' building several. The courthouse of Adams county, Colorado, hunted January IS. Loss, $40,000 on the huildlug. All the rec ords were burned, including the com pleted assessor's returns. .illss Fannie McNabb. of Chicago, has been sent to an iusane asylum, the victim of cigarette smoking. She Is said to have smoked a pack age evory day for in years. John Oldham, a Utah mining mil lionaire aged 72 years, on 10-dayV acquaintance married Jennto O'Neill, a 5fl.year-old penniless chambermaid, first transferring to her a large amount of his property. Dr. Gustavp Rosenk died lately :.t OaKland. Cal.. leaving no will or di rections, concerning his effects. Since, however, money, bank books and deeds representing $30,000 have been i found secreted In- the room in which J he died. What proved to be a false alarm of i fire was turnet. in at the Chicago i postofflce January 19. One hundred j tons' of mall and 12 canceling ma-1 chines weighing 1.100 pounds each. ! were carried out of the building In four minutes. A Lambeth, England, Jury finds that the negligence of the Prince cf Wales is responsible for the death ofa woman who fell off a balcony npt provided with hand-rails. The prince' owns the property referred '-o. which Is a public lodging nnuse. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. J K. Flynn, Portland. Mrs. S E. demons, Union. S. E. Clemens, t'nton. M. K. Ulmer. New York. 11. F. Slnshelmer. Portland.'4 Frank McFarland, Portland. W H. Irwin, Heppner. C. A. Minor ami wife, Heppner. A. B. Thompson. I.a Grande. M. Woods, Komiah. A. W Cameron. Spokane. It W Henneman, San Francisco. G. D. Galley. Portland. H. L. Morey. Stokes. It. 11. Howard. Spokane. G. Joyce, Spokane. W. J. Moore. SpiKnne. W. H. Olendennlng, Portland. J. W. Po-vers, Freewnter. A.. Loosch. Starbuck. Delia Chlldors. I.a Grande. J. B. Wolfe. South Bend. F. E. Uamsey. Portland. T. It. Yerger. Portland. It. J. Dowdall, Washington. NORTHWEST NEWS. Hotel Bickers. Mrs. A. M. Jnmcs. Mednwbrook. J S. Cunningham, Portland. Guy Glenn, city. A. W. Grimm and wife. Iowa. Mrs. Carey, I.a Grande. E. W. Helm. Portland. Jap Gulliford and wife, Vinson. O. G. Allen, city. J. W. Carlin. Walla Walla. C. H. Hacker, San Francisco. C. F. Daniel, San Francisco. J. K. Howard, city. A. M. Jewett. C. V. Daniel, San Francisco. , T. Hytand. New York. John Llghtfoot and wife. Vinson. John Clark, cay. .Miss Schalfner. Baker City. .Mrs. Small, Baker Olty. A. W. Connett, Seattle. L. H. Elgin. Duluth. NEWS OF ATHENA OLD LADY WAS STRICKEN DEAF, DUMB AND BLIND. New Pharmacist From Portland Sold Interest In Grocery Meet. Ings are Being Continued at Chris tian Church Gone to Portland to Live Killed a Seven Foot Cougar Mrs. McBrldc's Father Will Make His Home with Her. in start nn entire trnln ,f articles for exhibition. Every kind of grass nml grain grown in Utah will he exhibited and fi.OO pounds of honey will he shown. A arse amount of fruits mid vego-,hl.-s have boon placed In lrc sonlii liquids and will be displayed m die palace of agriculture. 1 talis milling exhibit Ih expected .., i... ,nu- of the most Interesting tit till i) iiv inn- stale. Specimens (,.,. from the various mines or onyx, marble, decorating anil building stone will be shown. A miniature n.noentratiiiK plant Is nearly fin-, Ished and will be one "f the Inter- csllng features "I me iiumnf, tlo"- - . . l Large deposits ot pni-mni-urn . t troni whteh radium Ir obtained, has , been discovered In Southern Utah utul large iiitantltlos of this will be shown. TYPHOID IS DUE TO POLUTION EP1DEM FROM HEPPNER FLOOD lone and Lexington, Not Heppne Athena, Jan. 21. Mrs. Dickon son s aged mother, Mm. Hanks was stricken with .paralysis Saturday, leaving her deaf, dumb and blind William Mellrldu. proprietor ot the Palace drug store, has employed Harry Dupay of Portland to assist him In the store. Miss Stakland has returned lum.e from Baker City. Clifford Stanton is noxiously HI William Iteedur's youngest broth er from Tncomn, Wash., Is here visit I tig. Gits Vollmer of Wnltshurg wiu spent a few days In the olty on busi ness, has returned home, W. 1.. Lelger, formerly a resident of this rounty. hut now of Boise. i here on a visit .Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Johns aril two sons, who spent the past 3ix weeks here have gone to Walln Walla, where they will spend the remainder of the winter. John Plumb came down from in- mountains, bringing with him a p B(mle tIIlt, rt!p0rtH have come roimar he killed near Bingham , ,, vullnv to the ef- Sprlngs. The animal measured fec( Ul,u tll0ro wng mi t,piuiiilc of seven feet from tip to tip. tvphold fever at Heppner. hut the .Mrs. Dr. Anderson's fntnor is vis-! 0-m,rtB or the boalth authorities ha o Itlng at the Anderson homo. I , uiinvalllng in detorniining ihe J. B. Saylnr has returned home ej(ont ()f tll0 sickness, from his Butter Creek ranch. 'Thc cnBeg havt, ll(.t.n confined to The protracted meeting of the ,,, , livi,n ,,. the most Christian church did not close .is nm, B,)rt,n,j f the dlHenso was e.iected. on account ol o .'.i llllm,or and serlouHneKs ot "I r "Ghosts" Appeals to Mothers. iler , . Ibsen's "OlmstR" Is n play which heL rtnt: appeuls Rtrongly to mothers. The hl , .. ' ?" leading character, Mtb. Alvlng. which u rV,,0" is iiiieriiii'ieii iij tiiK.-iiu i.niiniin, is liclcht of , a woman of noble mould whose life rcar-ru.,1 i r' lms been filled with the keenest sor nib7.Jl$ Are Affected Condition Exists, ruwH. sll0 ,unr tu,m lM u,n),.npy ' . "Tj Thouoh Local Authorities Are Re. even through the llnnl scene in whi. li Satiinlav i,..' tlcent Eleven Persons in One Family Were Sick Sanitary Fund Was All Expended on Hepp- Saturday. JMM1 "WAY Dow "Human Hearts." "Human Hearts," In all the glory nr n new scenic se'ting, and with an nl- Beautiful Scenic f many additions to the church in tit- t,e onseg havo ,llH,I( k,,lt wt!rr,, IKist iuw uj. "-ie - i by the local authorities as tar as accessions Sunday nlcnt. , ,)(H!Il .M)SBlll(,. The state board Mrs. Bowling of Elgin, mother nf ; ,iag hcnn, 0i Ull) comitUn Mrs. Jas. Smith and Mrs. Cynth.a , f h g th(jre .ln(, lMkul, Umt I)r Davis hns returned homo. I smith of this city make an laves.- Clarence and Ot s Whitman farh-1 ,( owI , pr(,HHlll? i,,,,, er. Harvey U hi man . rau t.SH bore It has been Impossible -.r P.isk. has been vlsltlnir them and . , . ..... ..... , i, . Isltln looking after his business here ami on the flat. Mrs. Frank Simpson went Portland Wednesday to Join ner husband, who has a good position there. Will Re3ide With His Daughter. him tn make the trln. and l' l- i iin.Mci.i thui tin. ciiiiilltloiiB have ,,, changed n little for the bettiT by llllH IIIIIC The epidemic Is traced directly to debris of the Heppner Hood, which left the valley strewn with the con tents of the water Closets of the up- Saved from Terrible Ceath, The family of Mrs. M. L. Bobbltt of Bargerton, Tcnn.. saw her dying and were powerless to save her. The most skillful physicians and every remedy used, failed, while consump- r nn nrno xlnnit.. 1... & .. . 1. Mayor Boyd. of.Snokane. estimates ' 7" , 1 .1'.. i k'""V the population 6 thai city at 39.-: n a " .V .ns 8 wi4 on inm.irr i iqo New Discovery for Consumption turn- -94 on January 1. 1904. p( ,nto Judge J. C. Fu lerton was held up brought immediate relief and Its con- i.?T ,MJfOV,,ne"dir ? an? tinue(1 "ae completely cured her. It's robbed of $1.50 In money and a bunch , the most certa,n cure ln the rworI(, 1 K s- .for all throat and lung troubles. A heavy snowfall ln the Coast Guaranteed. Bottles 50c and $1.00. range, between Eugene and Florence 1 Trial Bottles Free at Tallman & Co has almost put the mountain stages , out of commission. , Ten Do,ars Reward. two tramps. jonn wnitesiues ami , A reward of $10 will be paid for any FTed Houston, were arrested at The inrnrmatlnn iv,,ii,, t .i. Dalles. Wednesday, for robbing O. conviction of the party or parties R. & N. freight cars. i nr(lln,oi.i j,.i , i,.i. i. James Bnice. a Scotchman living the house on the W. H. Jones place at Tacoma. aulclded Wednesday be- i Just north of town, recently, and' cause he had no money with which stole a number of articles, among to marry his sweetheart. Lillie KIrby. ' them being a volume from a set cf The North Yakima theater has Thomas B. Heed's "Eloquence and Or been ordered supplied with a new atory." If the books are returned exit as It was considered to he dan- no questions will be asked. Enquire gerous Jjy tne fire committee of the at tins office city council, j Two highwaymen held up a saloon i How's This? at Tenth and Gllsan streets In Port-; . ...,.., ...... land at 11 o'clock Wednesday night. ! for any of 'EES U acwuuug uciccu 40 uuu u iruui nit; iuicu uj nana i.aiarrn cure. cash register. J ; CIIBNKY & CO., lroiw., Toledo, o. The accommodations commltteo , Cbtnty for the lait 15 jar, and txliare for the Lewis and Clark fair In Port- him prfctly honorable In all biulnaa land, has already secured over 1.2UD , Ira t"'" km tid flnan'la" D "fry rooms that will be available forjWKT i tuuax. Wbola e hruss'l.t., guests during the fair, To!!o. o. -. , . ,.., . . ... iv.auui.no. KINNAN & MARVIN. Wbol The Ministerial Association ff. tal Drnzeuti. Toiin. n. Spokane, has begun an active cm-1 lUM't Catarrh Cure la taxtn lntrnallj, sade against the .mmoral women of 1 ?'uf directly upon tb blood and mn that city, and ... sillmnnna th . : KS. """J? 'hf !?. Price 7Se pr . ... . . ". num dt an aniKSiaia. xat moaiaia Mrs. Jennie McBrlde returned , va,u,y nm, tho clty f Heppn-r. home Thursday, hrlngiiig her ai?od j iRn(1 nnmalg ami n HortK and con father with her from Iinkotit. ,,. f i,h mi mtiiw M.is'-.nil Idaho. Mr Armstrong will make his ' iU)WU nn( mlllR,.(i wtll t,t, Hllt of the nonie wiin ins nuugiiier puruuuiuiu- )y. Sold Interest In Grocery. George Gross has recently sold !o George Thompson of Willamette valley, his inteYest In the Blue Front grocery store. The firm will be known In the future as Worthlng ton & Thompson. Dance January il. There will bo a dance in the opera house January 22. Prof. Gulott and Alf Johnson will furnish the music. Way Down hM Hie Krazer on isM premier at Kn9 lnml,. ...1 transferred to Xnl jumped Into '-rJ '"u uau one o( 4 runs which it t managers and iM " is aLsolitdrfal pretense as a iaJ lurui in a realisld allots on (drllk J life which is to til ew England. E9 liten presented ed In to laugh qmsite touches oft "GRANDMA" BANKS DEAD. Pioneer Woman of Athena Passed Av.ay at Her Home Yesterday. Athena, Jan. 21. .Mrs. H. Banks, an old pioneer of thls city, familiarly kuown as 'Grandma' Banks, died yesterday evening of paralysis. She was hurled here this afternoon, her funeral to he tne first one preuch ed In the v E. church. She leaves nine grown children. Ave of whom are married and are present at the funeral. She was 74 years of age, and was one of the most highly respected pioneers of the county. . . . . . ... iiiiinittii streum. ThlR has lain tlirtmgii tnt llury 2n summer ami now is iiciiik iuuikm-ii the water used by lone and Lexing ton. Heppner Is free from the dlsea3e. owing to the fact that aided by the funds furnished the city by outsivlo sources It was cleaned nnd purified. The committee hnvlng the funds In hand refused to allow the money to be spent on the places lower down the creek, and as a result they are now paying the penalty of the flood. In one family In lone not long ago there were 11 persons sick with the fever at one time. This ratio shows the prevalence of the disease. equate cast, will be presorted f.ir popular approval at the Kroner Jan. Bryan t, New York, Its tcenth annual bu- society at the W night Colonel Hryan will renoi reare " Otltr ers to be heard w fleoree C Lorfac Tung-Cheng, the Fast living nutaf devil s chain. lice to testlfv against the women. I Im. Hall'i Family Pllla are the beat. British ship captains who have lost haavlli. frnm ,hcl. nna, In T).t I n . .1 ,i,.o..i ... . ' , Annual Meeting of the Inland Enu re many desertions Is that wages oald . " Lumbermen, Spokane Wash., on shore nre much hlehfr than nn fetiruary iu to 14. the vessels, and that men tire of the I Fr tho avobe occasion the O. It. cheap salaries and poor fare of the & makes a rate of one and one sea. third fare for the round trip on tho - certificate plan. Tickets on sale any inree uays prior to the opening day. , hor particulars, call on or addresB E. C. Hmlth nrinr SAMPLE BARGAINS In Real Estate ? Wonderful Nerve, tls displayed by many a man endur ing pains of accidental Cuts. Wounds. Well watered and imnroved i I B?"sf ", Burn8' ScaIds. Bote feet or wen watered anu improved. aUff Jontg But thore.s no need for 1000 acre stock ranch. All fenced. Raises 200 tons of hay; has running water; open range near by, $5000 io-room house and two lots. Modern conveniences. $2 50a ' All on Easy Terms. J Hll i it. T tb. t tb. ; E. T. WADE & SON r. o. itox su 'fbone BJick 1111 Office In'K. O, Bld( Bucklen's Arnica Salve will kill the pain and cure the trouble. It'i the best Salve on earth for Piles. 25c at Tallman & Co., druggists Dissolution Notice. The firm Jones & Damon has been dissolved and tho undersigned will hereafter conduct tho Modern School of Commerce In tils own name, hav ing assumed all obligations of tho old firm, RAY JONES Olympla Beer Olvmola Eeer. The most popular brand for family use. un draught at Anton Nolte's He also handles the oottled beer ln any quantity desired. Angus McDonald Very Low. Angus McDonald, who has hiBt re turned from a visit to Colorado, where he went in search of health, Is very low at his home nt Athena, with pneumonia, and little hope Is entertained for his recovery. His brothers, Harvey McDonald, of Walla Walla, and Alex McDonald, of this county, are at tils bedside. LABOR TROUBLES AT BAKER. 4- I 4 Why Ship Cattle Into Oregon? I What Is the matter with Oregon cuttle raisers, anyway? .1. I'. 1'hlr-1 man. of this city Iibb gone .0 Omaha ; to buy beef for the Union Meat Co., at Tmutilale. is it possible that Oregon ennnot supply meat enough for local markets? Or is It that the trust iias such a perfect orgnnlza-! tinn that beef can he shipped from Omaha to Troutdale at u profit in1 competition to local growers? Tho GREAT CLEARANCE A CHANCE IN A LIFETIME TO Ga PIANO and ORGAN ATI Closintf-out Sale of mv entire stock ol Ra Snuares. Portiers, Lace Curtains, Mittufl Pillows and Feathers. Pictures and Fran must no leeardless of cost. Call tsf O You con get. a fine Velvet, R.UC, 9x12. for ttOMil You con get. & fine Axminitcr RUC, 9x12, for tUXi i JESSE FAILING, 90! Ml Near the Bridge it.it M nkl.n, i.. i. . 1- - a. j. . AA44-4' r him .u i (jiiinuii in ijujiuk uiuai 1 1 r - - -w"SH ECONOMY IS THE B-OAD TO WW In Omaha for the local markets is cause for Oregon cattle raisers to put their thinking caps on. Times-1 Mountaineer. Hotels Are Placed on the Unfair List by the Cooks and Walters, Owing to some difficulty with cm ployes, the Sagamore and the Pack wood hotels, of Baker Cnty, havo been advertised as being on the tin lair list, ana union people were warned' against eatlne. sleenlne nr drinking 'there. The Baker City Herald, In com menting on the situation, says: "The Herald called on W W. Lake. secretary of the Cooks and Walters' Union, this morning, and asked for an explanation. Mr. Lake stated that the hotels were still In bad le pute with tho Cooks' and Walters' Union and that they would continue to boycott the places until the matter was settled. "Ho said that the grievance against the Sagamore Is the employ ment of Chinese cooks and tho pro prietor has Indicated that he will try to get while labor and Is Willing 10 pay the union scale of wages. "But he claims that the man at tho Packwood will not pay union wages. While tho wages of the union liore aro comparatively low the Packwood man refuses to pay tho sum," UTAH AT ST. LOU 18. Pitchblende Has Been Discovered In Utah and Specimens Will be Ex hibited at the World's Fair. Utah's state building at the world's fair is finished and was turned ovor to tho commissioner January 1. 8, T, Whltaker, the executive commissioner, has collected four carloads of agricultural products for exhibition and on loliruary 1 ho ox- Inducement for a Railroad. The Crook County Journal esti mates that 10.1)00,000 pounds of freight was hauled Into Prlnevllle from the terminus of the Columbia Southern during the year 1003, and this Is only a part of the Ingoing freight to Crook county. The Journal makes a very good showing of the amount of traffic that country offers to a railroad that will Invade its territory. Antelope Herald. Bankers Meet in Houston. Houston. Tex.. Jan. 20. Tho Texas Bankers' Association of the first district hold Its annual meeting in Houston today with a large and representative attendance. The busi ness sessions, occupied with nannrs and discussions on live financial topics, were Interspersed with fea tures of elaborate entertainment provided for the visitors by the bankers of Houston. Pnn!rl. prnnnmv in VOUt ClOtning "7, i ..,1 .naired. nreSStd " away Kd ,c,.i -r ---'. tm (ft new. it you desire me lu.u. slbd are prepared to tane yum . new again.. Our steam facilities are fint"-1 men arexompetent. MtMlai, uur.priceu are ru.u w - efoiMjf, ,i.. ,in K uuwl the price of serrwou tUN JWH n W W w -r . Pendletoa Stenm Cleaning & CANTY l JtM 730 COTTONWOW Goods otlled for n(i aiiT' will bring us to your door THIN PEOPLE want to get fat and fat people want to get thin human nature. If you are fat don't take Scott's - Emulsion. It will make you gain flesh. If you are thin Scott's Emul sion is just what you need. It is one of the greatest flesh producers known. Not temporary gains but healthy, solid flesh that will fill out the body where it is needed. There's nothing better than Scott's Emulsion for weak ness and wasting. SCOTT &. IIOWNE. 4, I'miI Si-,,!, tUw York. ANEW -...Mice. So H J i.lrrM U I rrTERlTB li .mi iilNG .of.d cri A-rcrniTE nV VL. U. J IT , B rcnTt' TBkoa thi place or smue. ... 'Tfteei, ly'". S"1 rooflBM. For flat and steep u" bW i tt for all cllmtM.teeSurtill It will pay to 'or P-rrg ROOFl"", roofings Tom por teed THE Worctsttr Building.