East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 20, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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Shot Guns
To be a good shot you must be supplied with first
class material, both pun and ammunition Our line
is the. highest grade, which is the reason for lovers of
shooting coming to us.
Tlie Hardware 3VEan
CleoRrnphlcnl and other reasons
will induce enougn democratic sena
tors to vote for the Panama canal
treaty that Its passage Is practically
The Alameda (Cal.) high school
has 2,096 pupils, San Francisco 2.15S.
and Los Angeles 1,391. The first
named is financially best oft and
finest equipped.
Professor George E. Hale, of Chi
cago, has been awarded a gold medal
by the Royal Astronomical Society,
of London, for the invention of the
Private L. Warren, of Co. O, U. P.
Tt held for desertion, attempted to
escape at Detroit. .Mich.. Jan. IS. He
was shot twice In the hack by a
guard and was Killed.
Steel nnrt railroad stocks are
strong and promise much in all the
money centers for the coming year,
but textiles and provisions securities
nro uncertain and weak.
A letter written in 1S92 by Herbert
Spencer to a high Japanese nfflcltl,
has just been published. In which Uc
enjoins the Japanese to keep Amer
icans and Europeans at arms-length,
and to absolutely prohibit Inter-mar-rlage
of Japs and Caucasians.
Oreat trouble is being experienced
with the "Lucin cut-off" from the
bottom being unstable, the tre3tlo
sinking persistently ' in different
places. Enormous quantities of rock
are being used to fill. It Is believed
there are vast deposits of quicksand
beneath the salt beds. .
Hotel Pendleton.
E. Ottenshagen, Portland.
.M, P Townsond, Portland.
C. V -Mallett, Ontario.
J. C. Stump and wife. Kearney.
V. P. Allen, city.
A. ."ylander, Portland.
W. S. Ferguson, city.
E. A. Schlffler, city.
V. Huoche, Nye.
F. J. Kohnan, Chippewa Falls.
H. E. C-llha mand wife. Dayton.
A. H. Hoylan, Portland.
A. 0. West, Portland.
J. H. Foutz, Tacoma.
H. W. Helnenian, San Francisco.
W. M. Hlce. Walla Wnlla.
C. W. Holllns, St. Louis.
Ed Blackburn, linker City.
W. H. Pearce, Seattle
J. F. Glover, Wulla Walla.
O. H. Underwood, Tacoma.
H C. Turner, Spokane.
F. ' S. llraddy, Portland.
G. W. Hunt, Portland.
O. D. Drain, Drain.
O. H. Peck. Portland.
.Tames Hill and wife, Portland.
G. S. Youngman. Portland.
C. H. Coman. Portland.
C. C. Simpson, Portland.
George Stevens, Spokane.
SI. L. Townsend. city.
F. SI. Hell. Spokane.
It. It. .McDonald, Ashland.
F. J. Hnber, Ashland.
A. It. Furfnrd. Walla Walla.
A. J. Hall. Spokane.
George P.. West, Spokane
Sirs. J. N. Edwards. linker City.
W. P. Allen, city.
Hotel Bickers.
Sirs. Dallio Thompson, Salem.
C. II. Hartwell. llaker City.
Ii i.. Smith, Pendleton.
P. SI. Crellns, Hot Lake.
N. Horchers, Spokane.
S. J. Kirk, Athena.
L. SI. Watrtis, Adams.
Joe Pelletlen, Alba.
Doug Glenn, city.
Frank McCroy, city.
H. Kopene. Ellonshurg.
Frank Ttawfield. Portland.
W. S. DeArmand, a prominent hop
grower of Grant's Pass, Is under ar
rest for maliciously shooting his
neighbor's cattle, because they broke
Into his fields.
The fire committee of the Spokauo
city council has declared the building
occupied by the telephone offices to
be unsafe and has recommended its
improvement at once.
A Polish colony has purchased 10,-
000 acres of land near Portland, will !
erect a sawmill at once, and bring saved from Terrible Ceath.
out from the East a large Polish tm- Tl0 famlly of Mr8 M. L, Hobbitt
migration this spring. I of uargerton. Tenn., saw her dying
Osmund Ilelse. the youthful hone- an( were powerless to save her. The
ftilcf of Portland, who has been con- mo3t skillful physicians and every
-slcneil to the boys' and girls home. , remedr used, failed, while consump-
has been dressed in girl's clothing t.on was slowly hut surely taking her
to prevent him from escaping so , nfe. jn this terrible hour Dr. King's
easily, New Discovery for Consumption turn-
Pnrtlnnil la tn have the largest . ed despair into joy. Tlio first bottle
creamery on the continent west of , brought immediate relief and its con
mnnx Falls. The Hazelwood com-1 tinned use completely cured her. It's
the most certain cure in tho world
for all throat and lung troubles.
Guaranteed. Bottles BOc and $1.00.
Trial Bottles Free at Tallman & Co,
Severe Case of the Grip Golnn to
Crook County to Reside Injured
By Falling From a Manger Suc
cessful Christian Revlvlal Gdne to
California Eighty Acre Farm
Sold A son Was Born.
Athona, Jan. 20. Mr. nnd Sirs. H.
H. Curtis of this city left Tuesday
for Crook county to stay two
months on their homestead.
J. J, Hoddy, butcher of Athena, Is
dangerously ill at his homo" in this
city. Heart failure seems to be
the cause of his sickness.
Joo Cratln of this Tlty who has
spent two or three months In Crook
county In the employ of H. H. Cuv
tis, returned home Thursday oven
lug. Sir Cratln says that Crook
comity Is' a line country, that the
cars will run through that portion of
tho country In the spring, which will
ho a big thing to that section of tho
.Mrs. II. F. Ogle of this city, who
has been on the sick list with the
grip for n week or more, Is rapidly
Otis Heck fell from a manger nnd
injured him so ..e was unable -to
tend to his ulacksnilthlng this week.
Sir. and Sirs. A. J. Ilagloy have
moved Into a cottage on Slain street
for the remainder of tho winter.
Tho protracted meetings nt '.lie
Christian church, which has been 30-.
ing on for the past five weeks un
der tho auspices of Ilov. Sloore, the
great evangelist of St. I.ouls, SIo.,
Will Come III a num- nmmtij im 41
good many ascesslons to tho
Sirs. Frank Slansflold's two broth
ers, after spending a few days at
her homo visiting her and their
mother. Grandma Fountain, loft
Tuesday for California.
J. D. Saylor of this city is spend
ing this week looking aftor his
stock and stock ranch on Butter
T. B. Slmonton. who has been
sick for the past weeks is rapidly
J. A. Henry was visiting Ills
family this week from Riverside,
A son was born to Sir. and Sirs.
Jesse Vnuchn, January 11.
James Hoddy, son of the meat
market man. R. J. Bodily, has taken
charge of the shop during his fath
er's recent Illness.
Returned From Hosnltal.
Grandma King returned home
Tuesday' evening from the hospital
at Walla Walla. Her cancer Is a
little bettor at present.
Sold Hoqs in Pendleton.
Grover Pickel -of this city went to
Pendleton this morning to deliver a
load of fat hogs to the meat market
men In that city.
Eighty Acre Farm Sold.
Sir. and Mrs. W. J. Baker, former
residents of this city, hut now of
San Jacinto, California, sold SO acres
of land on the wild horse to J. H.
Ross for $i,rb
vaiii Drnhahlv Sell the Bonds to Urn-
atllla County Investors Central (
Reservoir to Contain One Hundred (
Thousand Gallons and cost adoui
Six Thousand Dollars Dlstrlbut
Ing Oystem Will Cost Additional.
The people of Adnms nro consid
ering plans for raising money for
their proposed water Bystem. At the
present time they have no public
water supply, hut they haVo been
figiiilng nnd have about decided to
Issue bonds for a sum Biilllclent to
build tho plant.
Cltv Engineer O. N. Sillier of this
oltv iiiis the work of estimating tho
cost and thinks that n reservoir will
cost' tho rltv about $0,000, and In ad
dition lo this amount the distributing
system will have to bo Installed.
People of Adams and nioii of this
city are considering tho purchase of
tiie bonds, and It Is thought that they
will bo put on the market In a fow
days. ,, , .,
When the works are Installed the
city will havo an admirable water
supply. Tho source will bo In Wild
Horse canyon and, the wntor will
he piped to the reservoir. Thcro Is
fall to bring It to a point SO feet
above tho city, where tho reservoir
,,,111 i, imiit. The reservoir will
hold 100,000 gallons of wntor, and
will bo lined with cement, making It
sanitary as possible. It will take
the city about two months to (jot
the system Into operation nftcr the
Issnaiire of the bonds nnd the com.
niemoniont of the work.
Cured After Suffcrlnn 10 Years.
B. F. Hare, Supt. Sllaml Cyclo &
.Mfg. Co., Sllddlutown, 0 Buffered for
ten years with dyspepsia, Ho siwnt
hundreds of dollars for medicine and
with doctors without receiving any
permanent benefit. Ho says. "Ono
night while feeling exceptionally had
I was about to throw down the even
ing pnpor when I snw an item In the
paper regarding the merits of Kodol
Dvspepsla Cure. I concluded to try
It' and wlille I had no faith in it I
felt bettor after the second dojo.
After using two bottles I am stronger
nnd better than I havo boon In years,
and I recommend Kodol Dyspopsln
Cure to my friends and acquaintances
suffering from stomach trouble" Sold
by Tollman & Co.
slnux Falls. The Hazelwood
pany of that city has leased a four
story building and will place a mod
ern plant there at once.
The Portland Chamber of Com
merce has begun an active campaign
to secure one of tho plants of tho
Independent Packing Company, as
soon as that company Is ready to be
gin building Its central packing
Three Chinamen were arrested lp
Portland on Tuesday for running a
lottery. An idea of the business
those lotteries do, contrary to law.
Ten Dollars Reward.
A reward of $10 will bo paid for any
Information leading to the arrest and
conviction of tho party or partlos
(presumably boys) who broke into
the house on the W. II. Jones place,
just north of town, recently, and
stole a number of articles, among
them being a volume from a set cf
may be Judged by the report that in(Bt0 .. ,f tlle bookg nre rcturned
one concern u 1 no questions will be asked. Enquire
"'" "" at turn nfflrn
It Is Fine
IN 1 and 2 LB.
In Real Estate t
3200 acres good wheat land
Well watered and improved. 4.
$12.50 per acre.
1000 acre stock ranch. All
fenced. Raises 200 tons o
hayj has running water; open
range near by, $5000.
io-rooni house and two
lots. Modern conveniences.
AH on Easy Terms.
P- O, Ilox l
r 'fkooe BUek 1111 Office in'K. O, Mdg
How's Thin?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Iteward
for any caj.i of rnt&rrli that cannot b
curtu Of naira (,'atarrn cure.
r. J 1 cui;m;y & uu., rropn., Toieao, u.
W. the umleralzned. have knonn F. J.
Cheney lor the laat 15 yean, and tellers
mm perrectiy nonoraoie m an ousinem
transaction and SnanclallT able to carry
out any oDiuationa made dj their nrm.
mini 1KUAA, Wiioieaaie urugguia
Toledo. O.
sale Druggist, Toledo, O.
Hall'a Catarrh Cure ! taken Internally,
actlne directly upon the blood and mu
coiu atirfaces of the system. Price 75c per
Dome, Moid 1)7 an uruggists, Testimonials
Hull's Famlly Pills are the beat.
Annual Meeting of the Inland Empire
Retail Lumbermen, Spokane Wash,,
February 10 to 14.
For tho avobo occasion tho O, It.
& N. makes a rate of ono and one-
third faro for the round trip on the
certificate plan. Tickets on salo any
three days prior to tho opening day
For particulars, call on or address
E. C. Smith, agent.
What's In a Name?
Everything Is In tho namo whon It
comes to Witch Hazol Salvo. E. C,
PoWltt & Co. of wtiicago discovered
some years ago how to make a salvo
from Witch Hazel that is a specific
for Piles. For blind, bleeding, Itch
Ing and protruding Plies, eczema,
cuts, hums, bruises nnd all skin dls
eases DoWltt'a Balvo has no equal
This has given rlso to numerous
worthless counterfeits. Ask for Do
Wltt'a tlio genuine. Sold by Tall'
man & uo.
Nebraska Dairymen.
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 20. Dairymen
of Nebraska, comprising the mem
bers of the stato association, assem
bled at the slate farm today for
their annual convention. Besides
the president. ,1. K. Honoywell, the
speakers of the day's sessions In
cluded L. D. Htllsnn of Now York,
Prof. O. Erf of the Kansas stato
agricultural college, .1. A. Harris of
Shlckley and Henry C. Ollssmnn of
Omaha, A competitive cream test
and nn exhibition of prlzo dairy cat
tle are features of the meeting, which
will continue through tomorrow.
Delegates at Portland, Mc From
Canada and United States.
Portland, Me., .Ian. 'jn. The
North American Fish and (liiine Pro
tective association began Its fourth
annual meeting In this city toil.i
with delegates present from various
parts of the United States and Can
ada. The association, as lis name Im
plies, Is to aid In the enforcement rf
laws for the protection of the deni
zens of forest nnd stream from pot
hunters and other ruthless slaughter
ors of game. An Interesting pro
gram of papers nnd discussions has
been arranged for the present meet
ing which Is to last through two
Per Than Cow'(
a cream-llke coniUttn.,r,PcWti J
steruueu, wh ch fe 11
nd leave, U.M
buy yourcrocetleil,,:.?,!!
-us m
Add It
To Your
or filnatcd Er,porited C&J
See that our cap &fb . " Worll'"
nguiana, in.
Wants More Trlb.
L. F. Foster, San Francisco, Cal.,
Fob. 2nd, 1903, writes: "Please find
enclosed draft for $150.00. Send me
ono dozen treatments of 'Trlb.' Tho
druggists here say tney nave orders
In they can't get filled. Why Is tills?
I took Trlb myself last Juno and
nover felt bettor In my life than I
do now. 1 havo gone down In weight
to 195 pounds nnd never think of
liquor or tobacco any more. I know
of 25 cures you could got reference
from, If you care to write for them
Bo sure to send me twelve Trlbs at
once; I want to send them to Hono
School Boy Meets Horrible Death on
Play Ground,
Helena, Jan, 20. Haymond Hall,
a H-year-old school boy, was- electro
cuted yesterday afternoon about
1:20 o'clock Just outsldo tho grounds
of tho Hawthorn school, receiving
2,200 volts. An electric wire broke
and fell to the ground, and although
tho boy was warned by his com
panlons, he seized ono end of tho
wlro and standing on tho wet ground
completed the circuit. TI16 boy lived
about half an hour after receiving
tho shock, hut did not regain con
Wonderful Nerve.
Is displayed by many a man endur
Ing pnlns of accidental Cuts, Wounds,
Bruises. Burns. Scalds. Soro foot or
stiff Joints, But there's no noed for
It. llucklon's Arnica Salvo will kill
tho pain and euro the trouble. It's
tho best Salvo on earth for Plies. 25c
at Tallman Sc. Co,, druggists.
Dissolution Notice.
Tho firm Jones & Damon has bcon
dissolved and tho undersigned will
hereafter conduct tho Modern School
of Commorco In his own namo, hav
Ing assumod all obligations of the
old firm, HAY JONES.
No Dessert
More Attractive
Why o iii'litiiio nnd
spvnil hours nuking,
sweetening, llwunug
and coimiug wuen
produces bettor refills in two minutes?
lVL-rj'liuiignilln-iiacKjit-. nimpiy unit u"fc
wiuurwiiiM'bitiL-iMH. Ji-nH-riei'ii"u. ivmir
pri.) to tin." houo'Kifi'. No trouble, le ex.
perw. Try it to-d-iy. In Four Fruit Fla
vors 1 Leriiuii. Ontnge, Strawberry, lbup-
oerry. At grucurt. inc.
4 .-..
Closing-out Sale of my entire stock of Rugs, Art
Squares, Portiers, Lace Curtains, Matting, W
Pillows and Feathers, Pictures and Frame). AH
must go regardless of cast. Call and t
You can get a line Velvet, R.UC, 9x12, for $20.00;
You can get. a fine Axmlnster RUC, 9x12. for $22J0
This mumoh'h tint ami shaiies
are out anil have reached tin. Our
line Is now complete, and if you
want dainty, stvllsh papers we
supply you with them. The
tenrienuy Is tn run to delicate
tints tills beason, but we've plen
ty of plain oreauiH for those who
prefer them. Also high grade
papers In bulk -a deslrahle way
to buy them, because you can jet
an little or aa much as you want,
or an assortment of styles If you
F. W. Schmidt
Druggist, Post-office Block
Phone Main 851
Women's Headache
M2 1-2 Cowrreu Street.
l'oitTiNi), Maine, Oct. 17, 13Ct j
1 consider Wine of Cardni suwriortninriLJ
tor's medicine 1 ever used and 1 know Ttmjl
peal;. 1 suuereit tor nine monihiwita nppn
menstruation which completely croitritai 1
Pain would shoot through my back and lidet isif
would have blinding lieauachcs. Mt limbs ra
swell up anu 1 would lcel so weak 1 could M
stand up. I naturally felt discourircd fet I
seemed lrayond the. kelp of physiciani.cttia
of Cardui came us a God-send to me. lKti
change for the better within n week. Anemia
teen days treatment I menstruated without tt
fenny agonies I usually did and toon beast
regular anu wuuoui ram.
Wine of Cardui n simply wonderful and I with that all ril
ing women knew of its good qualities.
Treasurer, Portland Eonomlclpi.
Headaches nro tho danper signals pf cominc disease. MmJ
women suiter lieuuauies, uui punuuitaii ura"
women and 19 the unerring sign of im-gularmenstruationandlieariiil
. . n 1-. . I.. 1... ii.imrnltlwnf innnnMlmHUM.ba
cams. v. ouipi;iuiy i'iui.ut.u .-j ... it -
ty headaches and nicked with pain Mrs. Snow was mad is isWjl
. ... it !.- will, Winn nf Pftniui nor&ttllh.'Bl
lieaiinywoin.niug.viii. iihikniuu - ",:? j
because tliij great remedy cures permanently nineteen cotolevojW
ewes and ne?er fails to benefit a ca3u of irregular menses, beamH
rains or anv temalo weannesa. u juu u.ow-.Bv--
fai fd. try nine 01 i,ariiui. unu j " ",,u. . n ,.tiZuJ
mean female weakness. Secure a botUe of Wmo of Cardo itoday.
All druggisw sell 1.UU uoiues ui uiu;
Near the Bridge
Practice economv in your clothing
away garments cleaned, repaired, PSSJ " tbta M
new. If you desire the color cliangeu, - tb1
are prepared to take your old clothes ano j,
new again. Our steam facilities are nrsi
men are competent. -i i and "
f,ir ,,fln .,ru ul.rh Hint VOU C8U easily
that you will be saved the price of new c
Walter's Flouring Mills
Capacity, 150 barrels a day.
Flour exchangod for wheat.
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped JPoed,
etc., always nn hand,
Steam Cleaning W m
Goods called for nnd delivered. Phon" -
it il
practice. - ,ioitm
W ...... sundry A ,1
, vum . . ..nut ri
. nllCHS ' 1
not ueis) r-
in i-t'-o
5 1 -