East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 20, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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. East Oregonlnn" nnd
,ra 7 J ... sll ths IIKWI
Eastern Oregon Weather
j Tonight and Thursday, snow
k. DOS""
NO. 4050.
ed Far Enough to Make
Definite Statement.
k guii
Advantages of All the Ore.
rlgation Projects Appeal to
glneer Very Favorably, But
t Data Has Not Been Ob.
to Warrant Any Statement
t or Certainty of Perpetual
ot tho report, of John T.
government engineer oi
on the Irrigation surveys
the state during tho past
Monday, January 11.
isoclated Press story of tho
l .tlnl nntintt rnfl In ihn
ri Milieu ii-vwiv ..w
papers ycstcniay. wan mo
Bubstanco us that published
...i. nnn it- tli fa tonnr
Un rrntlnn
In the state, but that he has
J ... n (lin iVinn
il... Dll..lnn oU.am Tin.
coat of reclaiming the land
I 1 .Unnlir.1..
the water supply and the
securing u win uo wunm
Naturally Feasible.
The land lies In fiuch re
tho stroams and reservoir
maKu lib ruciuiuunun i'ub-
It will require many months
bo known whether tho
niuv nr wmnr Tiffnm in ir.
pea irnnra enn n unnnrnn
ot mo ruBurvuirH unu can
rvpvR w 1 1 in nrnRpn npn
fferent sc.ihoiik in iloterm-
in oe ascertained oy com
her land under cultivation
Idle land adjacent, In order
i ir run iinrnrn wninr h n.
v crops,
Tstler's report Is a thorough
7 nor, in fact, in any place
. far (nmirrh fri unv tn fhn
toe surveys will bo.
uas nt'ttii rnnrnnon. mr ih
anil nil Hint j'tin hn cnlil
' actual adoption of tno
fb oven a probability. Tho
purably located and has
Stages already rovealed
t-at,ihuimiia mil wv
3fl ffltl n
uiuviil is uuiurmiueu 10
w l- III! VEIIO MlllilUilD Wl
riKAA.. I .
v 11 tl,HBO uo not
'he feasibility of any Irrl-
3 and a board, which has
thft 1.... 1. I 1
-v faiuiuiu, UUl WHICH
eclilon by the actual meas.
"Q figures nrosontod hv
"I UafinrH 1 1 M"I n triA nrlllla. ,
tt Plan,
- mo uuKiuuur nruvu
- ""vi ui mna can do re
' Wtaln mnthnria within
wst and that tho water
""lauing. and tho plan
m & SUro basin thnn thin
?.me.nds tho adontion of
- kuv rnmnnr i nrinr.
of Harrington Con-
Januarv 10 1 1
9 9AA " " -1 " C) " .11
E,CJpe In Mexico.
annual con-
Annual South Dakota State Conven
tlon. Sioux Falls, S. D., Jan. 20.-Thls
was another Interesting and busy
day for the members of the South
uuivuui retail merchants'
lion assembled here In
The proceedings of the forenoon
began with an address by J n Bar
tow, of Planklngton, dealing 'with tho
best methods for meeting catalogue
competition. Legislation ot interest
to the retail merchants was dis
cussed by E. F. Gross of Gettysburg,
and an address on "Our Mutual Fire
Insurance Company" was presented
by L. S. Tyler of Sioux Falls. Prem
ium stamps and the necessity for
merchants to 'buy grain were other
subjects that received attention.
Governor La Follette of Wisconsin
Is down on tho program to address
tho convention this evening on tho
subject, "Robbery by the Railroads."
Japanese Silk Cases on Trial.
New York, Jan. 20. Tho famous
Japanese Bilk fraud cases, In which
several prominent New York Import
ers are charged with conspiracy to
defraud tho government, came tip for
trial today before Judge Thomas in
tho United States circuit court. Vice
Consul McLnno, of Yokohama and
John C. Covert, United States con
sul at Lyons, have been brought to
New ork to give evidence on be
half of the prosecution.
Mannllcher Dead,
VIonna, Jan, 20. Ferdinand Mann
llcher, inventor of tho Mannllcher
rifle, is dead.
Predicted That Wheat Wili Go
to a Dollar in Chicago's
Great Gambling Mart.
$340,000 IN HALF A
Alderman Convicted of Bribery Re
leased Under a Technicality Grand
Jury Returns Four Indictments
Grand Palace Hotel Burned More
Dodging of Responsibility for Iro
quois Fire Mayor and Sheriff Are
Slow Trains, More Cars and Antl.
Pan Decision Will Be Threshed
Out With the Railroads Monte B.
Gwlnn, M. B. Saunders and H. A.
Jastro on a Very Important Mis
sion for Stock Interests.
log TiZ ' Jan- 20. R.
ttoZ roa ""ward.
77"' Mexico, nwiff
ifleii- 1 .r . "
n&- vu uiu 1 1 1 v.
"l arms.8 3 to havo
Portland, Jan. 20. The national
headquarters of the National Live
stock Association, which were open
ed nt tho Portland Hotel in Novem
ber, closed up shop yesterday and
will be transferred to Denver today.
President Hngenbarth and Secre
tary Martin have completed the last
detail of business to be transacted
from this city and will leave for
their homes today. A conference
was held at which a decision was
reached to appoint M. B. Gwlnn, of
Idaho; M H. Saunders, of Utah, and
H A. Jastro, of California, members
of" tho standing committee on trans
This assignment Is of great m
portance. as upon the transportation
committee devolves all matters re
lating to the railioads. During the
coming year nn effort will be made
to secure a modification of the antl
ncrppment as It affects stock
Another Important work entrusted
to tho committee Is the passage ' f
legislation to increase tho speed of
trains carrying " '
quiring the railroads to supplj suf
nclont cars to transport stock sh p-
uonts to market without without de
lav occasioned by blockades and car
famines In past years.
Never In tho history of the organi
ration havo such Important duties
been Placed upon a committee and
ho gentlemen named were selected
became of their peculiar Know edge
of tho problems which confront the
County Clerk Receives Notice That
Blanks Will Be Sent at Once.
County Clerk W. D. Chamberlain
1 rnrelnt of a letter from W. S.
bring tho stiDjeci. u.w ,
at tho coming election,
Chicago, Jan. 20. With wheat at
from 90',A to 92?. this lias been one
of the most strenuous days In the
wheat pit In recent years. Excite
ment at the close was terrific.
Armour, long on from nine to
fifteen million bushels, did not ap
pear In the market until the advance
was already sharp, The advance
netted him nearly $340,000 profit rn
today's trading.
Traders now predict dollar wheat.
The advance today Is due to 'frantic
efforts of the shorts to cover.
Out on Habeas Corpus.
Chicago, Jan. 20. Alderman Bren-
nan, recently sentenced to a year In
the bridewell for vote buying, was to
day released on habeaB corpus, on
the contention that the court had 110
authority to sentence to the city
prison on a misdemeanor. The
charge, when the case Is really one
of conspiracy. Is subject to a pen!
tentiary sentence
Four Were Indicted.
Chicago, Jan. '20. The grand Jury
today returned an indictment against
Coachman Tilbury, charged with car
rying concealed weapons and r.t-
tempting to blackmail Mrs. Thurston
for $12,500 for the suppression of al
leged compromising letters and also
Indicted the three confessed ghouls
who robbed the body of Mrs. Trasli
nt the Iroquois fire.
Impugn Mayor and Sheriff.
Chicago, Jan. 20. Mayor Harrison
and Sheriff Barrett are attacked for
failure to enforce the law In tho
cent labor troubles, and officials cf
labor unions are charged with unlaw
ful conspiracy In a report presented
to the grand jury this morning by
James Nye, foreman of the December
cranil jury which returned indict
ments against several labor leaders.
All Doage Responsibility.
Chicago. Jan. 20. More than 100
witnesses remain to be examined be
foro the Iroquois Inquest, and will
require at least another week. If the
coroner decides to call only Import
ant witnesses It may close this
Edwin Price, manager of the
"Bluebeard" company, was on the
stand this morning. His testimony
showed the work of the Chicago
building inspector was poor and light
rompaied with tnat or inspectors m
other cities. He laid all tho blame on
the theater management, and tried
to exonerate Klaw & Erlanger.
Actors in a Fire.
Chicago, Jan. 20. Two hundred
members of theatrical troupes, who
have been thrown out of engage
ments as a result of the Iroquois fire,
were driven into the streets this
morning by Are at the Grand Palace
hotel on North Cfark street,
Several rescues were accomplish
ed with difficulty. There were few
guests, a majority of whom were wo
men. Tho fire was extinguished
without 'casualties. This Is the sec
ond fire in the same hotel within two
English Official Who Believes
Russia Will Withdraw from
Preparations Making for Renewal of
War in Bulgaria Austria.Russlan
Committee to Look After Interests
of Treaty of Berlin, Will Renew
Efforts to Influence Turkish Gov.
j. b. Perry and". Bean of This
City Compose It.
j. b. Perry and "n0Bndhw
formed a "rsh'P and win
occupy the office, formerly u jr
tho firm of Rocdor t Perry,
URoWoThoh Sfomce b..
ing. .
Mrs. Harvey, Sr., ' '"
pr. C J. Smtih was called to Do
pnftaulch thU 1 afternoon by tho ill
ness of Mrs. Harvey, the m
Hon Borloue.
Levy for the City, County and School
District Amounts to a Total of 66
Mills This -Year.
The total tax levy in Baker City
this year amounts to C mllhj, or
32t,s mills more man in me .-u v
Pendleton, where the total levy Is
but 34 mills.
The Baker City levy Is divided as
follows: County expenses, 20 mills;
county schools, 8 mills; state taxes,
7 mills; county roads, 4 mills, and
the Baker City school district, 17.5
The total valuation of property in
Baker county was fixed nt $4,038,805
and in Baker City ot $1,230,040.
Auctioneers to Organize.
Lansing, Mich., Jan. 20. Auction
eers from various parts of Michigan
met here today and discussed plans
to form a etato association. Tho
chief objoct of the movoment Is to
bring thoso engaged In tho calling
Into closer relationship for tho hot
ter protection of tholr mutual Inter
ests, particularly as regards matters
of legislation.
London, Jan. 20. Tho press hero
today, with the exception of tho
Times, is optimistic In tone regard
ing the far eastern question. Tho
Manchester Guardian quotes a Brit
ish official just returned, who says
Russia Is preparing to withdraw from
For Balkan Reform.
Vienna, Jan. 20. Dlo Zletung as
serts that tho AiiBtro-Russlan com
mittee at Constanalnople, wearied of
continually delayed audiences with
the sultan regarding reform In tho
Balkans, will leave today for Salon
lea In an attempt to carry out their
plans. The paper adds the Turki?h
minister at Sofia has forwarded 'o
the porte Important documentary
proof of feverish war preparations in
Russia Decides for Peace.
London, Jan. 20. Tho Berlin cor
respondent of the Pall Mall Gazette
wires that ho Is assured from abso
lutely trustworthy authority that
Russia has positively decided tor
peace and will answer Japan's latest
note by complying with all of Japan's
important demands. Russia is now
hesitating whether she should notify
Japan exclusively, or send a general
notification to tho powers.
George Hartman, Jr., Elected Assist,
ant Cashier First National Bank.
Tho stockholders of tho First Na
tional Bank met in the olllco of tho
bank last night, at which time tho
board of directors were elected for
the year. It will consist of Levi An
keny. of Walla Walla, W. F. Matlock,
J. S. McCloud, V. S. llyera ami
Georgo Hartman, Jr, which is tho
same as the old board with tho ex
ception of the retliement of II. F.
Johnson and tho substitution of O.
A. Hartman, Jr.
Levi Ankeny was elected president
of the board, W. F. Matlock vice
president and tho appointment of CI.
M. Rico as cashier, was j-onfirmcd for
tho year. Mr. Hartmnn was elected
assistant cashier to nil tho vacan
cy caused by the' retirement of Mr.
Johnson. OutBido of tho promotion
of Mr. Hartman there was no chango
in tho personnel of tho bank, ull of
tho other officials having been re-elections.
The change In tho assistant cash-
Icrshlp will be moro In namo than
In duty, as Mr. Hartman will fill tho
teller's window as In tho past, and
will assist Mr. Rice when needed, tho
old olllco being a fifth wheel proposi
tion now absolutely needed in tno
management of the institution.
La Grande Man Suspected of Rob
bing Saloon at The Dalles,
Tho Dalles, Jan. 20. Chnrles Ladd
who was arrested In Portland last
week, accused of the robbery of
Falt's saloon, and placed In Jail
here, had a preliminary hearing In
Recorder Fllloon's court this morn
ing, and In the absonco of sufficient
evidence District Attorney Menefeo
moved for a dtsmlsnl ot tho case,
which was granted.
Charles Ladd was raised In
Grande Ronde Valley, his mother,
sister and former wife residing now
at La Grande. Ho spent a $20,000
fortune left him by his father, John
Ladd, n pioneer farmer, In about
throe years, by gambling, and hns
Just served a term In tho peniten
tiary for robbery, from Wallowa
Keep up an Active Organization and
Will be Aggressive.
St. Augustine, Fin., Jan. 20. Re
publicans of tho third congressional
district, together with a scattering
of party leaders from other parts of
Florida, are rounding up In St.
Augustine for an Important confer
ence. Some of the lenders bcllovo tho
time Is ripe for tho party to assume?
nn ni7irrt.Rlt-n nttttmln In tlin fitntn
and It is possible that tho party will
put up a candidate in sovorni con
gressional districts at tho next elec
tion. The delegates to bo sent to
the national convention nt Chicago
will bo pledged to voto for Roose
velt's rcnomlnntlon,
Senate Favorable to Congres
sional Investigation of the
Postal Fraud Charges.
Arguments Begun In the Trial of Mi
ch en for Postal Frauds Minister
Beaupre Returned From Colombia
and Does Not Think War Is Prob
ableSolicitor for State Depart
ment Candidate for Governor.
A Very Neat and Skillful Game Ter
minated Without the Slightest P
gree of Ill-feeling Baker City H-is
the Heaviest, and Perhaps the
More Skillful Team.
Miss Grace I. Dewey Tendered the
Vacant Prlnclpalshlp.
Tho school boar of this district
has been ever wlnco the resignation
of Miss Jessie Shophard, endeavor
ing to locate a good teacher to tako
the placo left vacant by her as prin
cipal of tho high school, and at a
meeting last night Professor E. B.
Conklln was authorized to telegraph
to Miss Grace I. Dewey, of Benton
Harbor, Mich., offering her the place.
Her response has not yet been re
ceived, though It Is expocted that she
will accept, as sbo made an applica
tion for tho place and wishes to
change from tho East to the West
for tho sake of tho change In climate.
Miss Dewey Is recommended as a
teacher of high merit and much ex
perience, and Is said to bo very successful.
Cold Springs Farm Sold.
Mnrv n. C.natv and A. B. Cooley.
her husband, who are pioneers, havo
sold to waiter M, 1'ierce ior o,w,
a trarr nt C,i( RfTPX Ot land In BOC-
tlons 13 and 18, In township 4 north
ot ranges 31 and 3Z east, oemg in
the vicinity of Cold Springs.
New Baptist Pastor.
Tiov rs T. TTnll. of Clvdo. N Y..
hns a'ceopted tho call of tho First
Baptist church of this city, and will
In time to take charge
of the church by the first of tho com
ing April.
Owing to tho fact that the two
basket ball teams did not weigh In,
lllio tho meinberR of a college foot
ball squad, before tho game InBt
night, It will never bo known Just
how much heavier the Baker City
girls were than tho girls of tho Pen
dleton team, and It cannot therefore
ho Judged with certainty Just how
much tho homo girls were ahead of
tho giimo when tlmo was culled, Hut
It was a pretty game, and on that
the largo audloneo enjoyed 1111
in wisely.
Tho first half opened stionc In Ha
lter City's favor, and for a tlmo It
looked us though the visiting team
whs going lo carry off tho Inurels
with qiillo a margin to spare; but
when tlmo was called nt tho end of
tho first part of tho gnrno, tho score
wns but 2 to 0 In tholr favor. To
wards tho end of tho half tho Pen
dleton girls began to get Into tho
irnnin nml from that tlmo on thoy
made It most Interesting for their
In tho second hnlf tho Pendleton
girls threw a basket, tying tho Bcoro
nnd the game had to bo played on
until ono or tho other side made an
additional score. This feat was ac
eompllshed at last by tho visitors,
who were declared to bo the winners
by a scoro of C to 4.
MIbs Ada Allen, of Baker City, and
Miss Rita Howland, of Pendleton,
weio tho ones who did tho field
goaling for their teams.
It Is hard to pick out Individual
players, for all of tho girls did well
and played tho best gamo jiosslbtc.
Tho visitors wero much heavier than
Pendleton, though some of tho han
dicap was overcome by the moro
nimble playing of tho homo girls.
Tho result of tho gamo Is satisfac
tory to tho Pondleton girls, and tholr
next chanco at victory Is looked for
ward to with anticipation.
An Excellent and Varied Program
For Next Friday. Evening.
Th i-airiiini- Friday nltbt nroiirain
of tho High School Literary Socioty
will be presented Frldav night by
the pupils of the school at tho as
sembly hall. It has been worked up
win, n irrpat deal of care by tho pu
pils and teachers, crd "III bo of In-
creased interest, tho uumuers m
will bo presented are;
Music Hlgn. pcuooi vrcucBuu.
Oration Fred Vincent.
Essay Florence Mousbu.
Recitation Herbert Thompson.
Recitation Willie Milne.
Essay Neva Hodder.
Vocal Solo Graco Hawks,
Oration William Wyrlck.
Autobiography Fern Edwards.
Vocal Solo Fred Hartman.
Essay Albert Koarney,
Recitation Myrtlo Knight.-.
Essay May Taylor,
Oration Fred Milne.
Essay Edgar Smith.
Essay Alvln Knight.
Washington, Jan. SO. HcsoluUoa
for congressional investigation of tho
postolllco department, which hu
been before the senate sovoral
weeks, was referred to the commit
tee on postofflccs without objection.
Graft In Fasteners,
Washington, Jan, 20. The Mnchca
trial today was devoted largely (
cvldonco ns to the reasonable cost
of Gron fasteners. Tho ko ernment
Is trying to show that (Iron could
havo sold them nt 7G cents a each,
nt it liandsoinu profit.
W. Uughlln testified tlint his fac
tory mndu tho fasteners mid bo14
them to tile Gruff r nt 25 cents
each for a complelo fastener
The next witness, Keebler, nnd of
ficer of tho Ilehlcham iron work,
testified that his compnny mnilo the
fasteners for n tlmo nnd sold then
to G10IT for 20 cents ench.
Arguments Begun.
Tho government attorneys thli
morning In tho Mnchen consplracj
trlnl launched Into an exposition cf
nn Immense masH of circumstantial
evidence, nnd mado great exhibits or
ledgers, deposit slips, drafts an
stub books.
No Danger of War. "N
Minister lleniipre, Just arrive
from Colombia was Interviewed here
today. He stys thero 1b n danger
of war with Colombia, and amicable
arrangements nro nlmoso certain.
Candidate for Governor,
William Penfleld, solicitor for the
stnto department, IIiIh nftemoon
nouw'od Ills candidacy for tlio go--crnorHhlp
of Indiana,
Agitation Started by the Star End
In Good for the City.
Kmitilii. .inn 20. The aiieclnl com
mittee of Investigation appointed ir
President Parry or tlio city council,
last Monday evening to Investigate
all tho public buildings of tho city.
Including tho cheap tbeulers, as to
their llro equipment, slnrlod on Ma
work lato this afternoon. 1
Tho Crystal and Cential thoatere
Din nml vIhIIimI anil 111 tho caio
of tho former It wns tho gonerul opin
ion of tho iiinmlierH or tno commiv
ten tlint It could not bo any moro
dnugcroiitt than It Is.
Tho Hlar. which bogan tho fight
againBt those ilcath-trnpu, was sus
tained In every charge It haB mado
1,. ii,,. .inn,.,, roiiu iihflltlon and lark
of flro protection of those thoatert
Tho Inrgo stairways wero oujimh
to and tho conditions In thoso play
houses wore condemned as belnc
generally bad,
Parties Both 'Widely and Favorably
Known, Being Old Settlers.
1 n.rrlin HfPtlKn WUH ISSUOd tlllB
morning to Mrs. Nancy U. Elkhart,
of Wild Horso, and Thomas J. Kir.
tho woll known rarmer 01 "
ll.o IM.rhnrt linu llOOn & rOSldelt
I'lio, , ,
of the county for many years, belne
at tho prosont tlmo about 60 yoars or
age. Hho owns some valuablo prop-
;rty, and has married cunuruu,
Mr Kirk Ib well known over the
.. a u,iiniil rnlser. being ntiu
, u Li It 1 '-a " - - . - -
of tho most oxtonBlvo farmers of tbo
Athona district. Ho Is one ot
.,. in iw rnrn ralslnz expert
II1UI1UVID ... - - . -
ments of that part of tho county,
which havo proved such a success In
the past low yearn.
n.. .i..,.t,.mni urnr nn the PUKCt
Bound is drawing to a close- with tbo
. ii.o, iim mills will combine
and tho price of shingles advance.
German Goods In America
Birmingham, Jan. 20. Tho
Post hears from a Berlin syn
dlcate that German Iron and
steel merchants are arrang
ing for au agency In America
to advanco tho salo of Ger
man goods, to counteract tbo
dumping of American goods lu
t - - T T T T 1-