DAILY EAST ORE GONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 1904. xess Ca ds and Societies AND TRADES, ALPHABETTICALLY ARRANGED. UlCIANS. L OI'I'ICK IN JID JBI. -- ""Tad Impaired l'ef'nB k,',l for refractive or- ri.voa 1 ... ' inn--- ATTORNEYS. n cr,08SctATT"'N',:Y AT L'V. fe. Oli'ce.J"'"! Build. ''ortce. black 1411 S H- .. r.mi 17 AHHOrlA- ik'' j ; i au nn Hank .XV'nliouc, main 1411: I ism- - .nrall'II fllllflN'in I .r-'.'-V ...:r ,tlnn nf IiSldloir. roruer .Main and Se 'phone, main 121; at Irs nooNi:. ohtiiopath. ,eMu .tree., botwoen Cmir dally I1ALLBRAV & llcCOOUT. LAWVl'iid ao Boclatlou bullUlne. ,jALIIS. AS- N. nniiKKMjv, attorney at , Of flee In Saying, Ilnnk buil.lln hAV" CARTKR KALKY, A1TOItNr.Y"sTT law. Ofllce In Savings llanV ! building ii. k. colli nit, i,AvYnnThppicp Rooms 7 una 8, Association building. HUSKY J. IIEAN. ATTOItNKY AT LAW -oj-lnton block. I'en.lleton, Orogo, 5!'IK"CR. ATTOII.i:YS AT Intv. Mr. Ntllimnn ins been admitted tn l.rnctlce In United States pat" t office, "I '"likes a specialty of patent law' l ooms 10, n. la 0d 13, AssoclaUon FRATERNAL ORDERS. Mi fcr (NTI8T8. Imntalburueon. office ll, DENTIST. OFFICB IN minna red 1411. lENTIST. UFPICB IN A8- . ,,el ftUlUlllll new Ulll H2TI B. P. O. ELK8, PENDLETON L uiok. fjo Regular muetlng. i.r.tuud third Thursdays orooli month. All broth. vis tin l" trie 1 L'l'.iTi' .cor'"Ir """" attend all in LIjor bit. is Court .trcet. u A Ilertinau nr., K R.,c. fc. llenn.fi. reiary. MKN'H ItllSOIlT-YOU AltH INVITED. I rw rending room. Why not Join and get tlio advantage of free bath, use of piinclilng bag and other equipments, ln ."?, !" "r?rr llnB roomy Terms, f 1 .00 to Join and 00c a month dues. 1 1.,! L"nlnl;,'n secret Society hall,' . "V.,1, 1 ' "iiiemn, ure. It. W. Fletcher. K. K. 8.; W. J. Keyes, C. C. HARV SURGEONS. t(U)K0N-lK. I). C. McNAHB AND BROKERS. ML HANK OP ATIHINA, I lul, I.'ii.iiiiii: surplus and miffiii . n titne iiii"h is. I.i and domcitlc cxrlinngc. Isiilly aiteniirii to. iienry Meiit! T. .1. Kirk, vlcc prcs- irDW, caslilcr: 1. .u. Kemp. IBS' HANK OP WESTON. ko. I'oes a generui uiiiik i Mrnani:? noiigui nun hoiii. rajptly nltermril to. it. jam- fet, (ieotee v. rroeuaiei, J. . i guru, casnier : in- I llirtwdD. M M. Jnhns. T. i tiraw. J. I . tviigore. lion- I; tv. I'roebatel. tinilX MAVIXtiS 1 1 A. NIC. won. (Irgnnlzed March 1, i 000 ; urpluf. J7 , lloued on nil time deposits. Eht and aold on nil principal hi trenlloii given to collec- nirni.il). prcHident: .1. in. fc d. at : I J M n. o ihl r' , assutnnt (ashler. b.VAL HANK OP l'ENDI.M i. jpi.uiui: aurplim. fli.i.iHiil. horril banking business. Ex. rtriraplilc transfers sotd nn irancinco. .ev loru nnu i In t Lie .Nnrtluveat. Drafts Mi, Japan and Eunipc. Makes Imionable terms. I.erl An il! W. K. tatlock. vlcn-nresl. FW, nabler i II J. Johui ll, iff. AMONG THE EXCHANGES OF THE INLAND EMPIRE Almost Criminal Negligence. That tno city oindaig lmve beon eg! sent In tholr enforcomont of tlio tiilulns orilluanco and Hint many dnngc-roiis buildings In conseqncncQ navi! iiocn permlttoil to l occupied was frankly admlttod yesterday by Jlayor noyil. Aslieil about tho mat tor, tho mayor said: "When I first thought ot appoint ing a committed of citizens to in spect thn niiKII,. i,iiii,ii,,o in c.. Kano I liad a consultation with Com- Hiibaionor Weymouth about it. Ho Said tO lllO Vnn. fpni,H tl,ft tU board of public works had not been sumclcntly diligent in enforcing the orill nance. Ho attributed Its failure to do so lo two causes: First, that thoio was no public sentiment to back up the board should It attempt to do so. and Rernml. thnt tin , n ,! of the board has time to properly por- luim uiu unties required. Spokes man Review. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. HOUSES HOARDED BY THE WEEK OR mouth at the ued Hum, Cot nwood itret. Rates reasonable M. L WILLIAMS, proprietoi ' OLD DUTCH HEN Y FEED YARD. et lt and Llll.th trn-t r). a colt. All wsy, prop Lr c, t-omlortahlo HallH. I'leiity uffee.l, ltores given carelul atuutmn. COMMERCIAL HTHLES-0. M, PKOOME, i i.M. r iic norr'.B. giHiu ri i, oe-i cure given trainleitsio k. Opp H.itul l'endletuii. fhouo Mutu IC1. Sad Reminder of Flood. Tho horror of the Ilcppner Hood was recalled to tho officers of the boys' and girls' aid society In Port land yesterday,, when a beautiful dark-eyed baby girl was brought to the homo to be cared for. Her name is Ada Morris and It Is said that her parents perished In tho flood. Miss Fleet, of Olox, a nurse who was cm ployed In tho family was saved with tho babe, and desiring to find It a good home chose that of Mrs. Floroy, of Watato, Yamhill county, agreeing to pay $10 a month for Its care. After keeping it for six months with little remuneration Mrs Florey has turnod It over to tho aid society. Dalles Chronicle. THE CITY LIVERY, IIOARI) AND SALE r ami! li.rni'y .v r. nn m, pr prl. uir , (or line turnouts. Stock boarded at reason able ran-. Htihlr, lift Alu -t V on Main ul FOR RENT. I'OR RENT FURNISHED AND tlNFUR. nlshed r urns. Clean (( ilet place. 301 S.iuih Mutu street NEAT. CLEAN, WELL KEPT Fl'KNHIIED Kinims t rent. Well Incited. Mr. Sirahon, 3ft! Water atreot; cor. Johnson. FOR RENT -GOOD FRONT ROOVlTsMTAHLE fur tvi Kuulleuicn or twoUdles Call at (.in Wlllun- street. WANTED. ECTS AND BUILDERS. ED. AllCIHTECT AND HU- ualtea complete und rella Uldlnss In tlin city or conn , juuu uiiiiiung. PIE, CONTRACTORS AND bllmatra furnished on abort laori a siieclalty. Prompt Mo llloff street, nenr Main. lONTILU'TOR AN DIIIJILD- pn turnisued on nil kinds kSlent Ullllrn ,lim urnlla lit East Orcgonlan office. llHA.N. ARCHITECT AND pi. Aasocintlon block, Pen- P. I'LABTERINO AND CE- ft walks a specialty. Es- p- uce. nora guaranteea. it,l!dley & Zchncr'a cigar pt 1". O. box 104. HQ AND LODGING. I ft'.vrt.Nii- I'flV HAM 11111. Vjitg house at O'M Oarileu rjiu oe giau to sea her 'DUHB, S13 THOMPSON "iilighted rowns. All LeatrHllir lrwnMl Onlv 'Uurt street. ItMtcs real- KC0IINF.R ALT A AND rSoard by the day or week. J-75 nd 94.70 p u Neff, prop. Pendleton Pft '.1JA.UIN'0 HOTEL IN Ki, 'uu p; "ay. U. .P.. BUSINESS TAKK8"TOtJ lue note) Helix. Hood 1 Mrtlce. it. B. Itlcharda. 'wo land business Ntt,W.n.y- .Iaw.on city ISffte. and sells nil r-aie . Does general bro- EttriLti" ""d makes Mfttoents. llefercooe. S fen. Pre. ki TOretary. ftLTT I iS, ' "J F2KNTB TUB ki toJ'1'1' tiro and nccl- prtcP '"' 0,,Ue n 4 ll'Jt lind fl.j s,rna,,ect,o'u, WA NTED TWO MEN OF VAIR E iUCATION push and good siH-arani-e li w rkitiOr eg.n. Exi'Oiiaea advaueed, salary paid wei-kl . Adilresi, with nanip, J. II. Aloore, I'undletuu, uri-gon. waniitd-p srrio.v as clh:k in store or hotel. Addreaa Room 10 Renn Lodging Iluutd. WANTED - POSITION AB FOREMAN ON ranch by mariied nun, no ihlluren baa had OYih-fleiicn. Ileal references. Address R om 1C, l.enn Lodging limine. MISCELLANEOUS. SINOEK BEWINO MACHINE OFFICX, f09 Collegx street nepnlia for all machine. P. A Luvetang, Manager SEWER CONTNAI.TOHH REEII & I.AF1.KK niakn connectlona with the sower for busl msi houses and private reamencoa. Terms icaanable, lavo orders at T 11. Tuyioi MUU1, 1BBIUI, New Creamery for Boise. The consolidated creamery com pany of Boise, with a capital or ?30, r,'i0, has iust bepp Incorporated, and has purchased the plants and good will of the Meridian creamery and Boise creamery and will operate both plants, as well as tho skimming stations at Star and other points In the valley. Additional skimming stations will lie established until the whole torrltory Is thoroughly cover Pd. A new Ice hot.se, 22x50 feet and -(J feet high has just been comploted and Is now packed with Ico for next summer's use. Bolsu Capital News. Prompt Payment of Taxes. County Treasuior Hawloy has completed the vork of checking up tho 1902 tax rolls In his office and has raado n report to tho county com missioners. According to tno figures thcro tomalns on the books uncollect ed for taxes for tho year 19U2 tho sum of $B,550.02, that being tho smallest amount of uncollected taxes reported for many years. About 07 por cent or the entire levy has been paid in, and what remains on tho books will probably all bo paid In by tho last of February. Walla Walla Statesman. Wild Animals Troublesome. Reports are not inrrequent of tho presenco and depredations of cougar In tho Bluo mountains near Weston, but It Is seldom that one 1b actually encountered In tho flesh and brought to brook for Its misdeeds. Thomas Narkaus and John Illootn, rCSldOntH Of Wlt.t llnnn mmmtnln had, the glory a few days ago of real ly ana iruity Killing n cougar. Tho beast was a handsomo specimen of hto cat tribe, and weighed 150 pounds. Tho skin was sent to a tax idermist nt Ppn.llnlrm Weston Leader. First Paper In Idaho. Tboro has been considerable tnlk hero lately as to tho first paper print-, ed In this state. A statement was recently made that it was Issued In tho city ot I owlstnn, AugtiHt 29, 1S73, by A. S. Gould, and was callod tho Golden Age, but this is not cor rect. On February Id, 1SG5 James S. Reynolds & Co.. Issued tho first num ber of tho Idaho Weculv Statesman, a copy of which Is now In possession of Mrs. Jesslu P. Baker of I.ucilc, a m'ning town In this state. arango vll'o News. urtu u.f vtiv.i firinn lri.rir Iftrnt; cows, y, Jirsey, and b years old. Titer lauiivii, dh.u o.iiiiuu r a uri'i-lil hwIk'aN-!'. UA.-ill.. ACT. Doiitmnie. Hecund hand mucnlnes, supplies and rep-Irs. WHIlViS TO LIVfc.-IIAVK YUR I LUTHE8 sponged mid pres-ea lor (1 M n month, at the Cltv Sie.im Cleaning and Djcisk Works, u7 W. Alta. t'nouo tied 321. VM. P. YOHNKA WILL PAY PROMPT nttontlon to all sales unu pontine; uius. Correspondence solicited. Commission rea sonable, P. O. box 20U, Pendleton. DRK8S4AKIN0. CUTTING AND FITTING A specialty. Prompt work. Satisfaction guar anteed. Miss R. Whitley, ill'.' Main stnei. IN POUND THE FOLLOWING UK scrlbcd animals have been taken up by the tnnrsbal of the City of Pendleton, to wit a One gray horse, brand not visible, weight UX0 pounds, is or 16 yeais old. II said mlmai Is nut cia'ined by tht nMil. tn thtt nnnHewllon. owners or iuwi i;uihm w , i ... cosu and c-.pensea against them paid, and men laaen uway witum iu ZZZ note nereor. iiien ui " ;.-- -ri Tsfntv-lxh -lay of Jannary. ut. ld arlmal will be sold to the highest bidder, at nubile auction ior wu, webti atreeia, in iue rc: proccedi of such sale to be applied to the payment oi aucu vvnia "fttfWr AKSiV.cl,y Marsl-at. l'ciliF .'AIIIIBK SHOP. mi th, .1'' ""Mt. Best ,work- ""n room. ,n con- HANO DBA, r7o" fcVHTrjrr ' If taire", ' 8KC0.ND R.M SsIJ,.1 nnythlnrf you KPliM 1" '"fnlture. --ii aireei. iN POUND-TUB FOLLOWING DESCRIBED V.. iVr.n i.L.n iiu hvthe marshal auiiuam .- " 7',, , nf iho citvaf PandlotoD, to wll! A , OnSSriy gelding, 11 or J2 years o d, weight 18Mo8r "vm vSSiS!: 'Brand, not; visible. 'SStM MrTlVS '"'y-rsold. red streak. onlXlde. landed Oover-M on left .title! llln&loVri1itt old i no visible braSd.1' weight '"fej) or l.W pounds, reached "nmsmnuaie, !2orP sears old: dim brand 5SSferSaWy b. dnto hereof, then at 2o ciwKij d nt public ""'''""e" of Cottonwood anS Mfl-'Sctt-o;-..eon .... Inc sale. Dated Jnu,r(iV!cARNEV, City Marshal ,rn Ni-WSPiPElisTO PUT UN OUR pg purpos.. OW nowapaper at "l he 13 A 8 1 o'ucl I (?N I A N offlce, Pendle ton, Oieiinn. "At Maloney's Wedding," Tonight at the Frazer Theater, 'MALONEY'S WEDDING" TONIGHT Humorous Sketch With Bevy of Beau tiful Chorus Girls at Frazer, With a bewildering abundance of beauty, a Hare of music and a wealth of gorgeous sccnory tho now "Malo ney's Wedding," a musical comedy ot more than ordinary pretensions, will make its how at the Frazer tonight. Tho play has undcigona a thorough renovating since tho last visit and little remains of the old play save tho title. Asldo from Its claim as u scenic spectacle "Maloney'a Wed ding" possesses a capital comedy plot through which a rich vein of hu mor and clean wit runs riot. Funny incidents, quaint sayings, novel scenic and applause Inspiring calcium effects lend tlicir potont charm toward ridding tho troubled world of Its work-a-day care. It is an' attraction calculated to Inspire laugh ter and amusement and tno maxim of the management is that "one laugh la worth a hundred groans In any market." Therefore, go and sea "Maloney's Wedding," laugh and grow fat. Will make you brighter, happier and prove a pleasant acquisition to your store house of pleasant memories. FREIGHT RATES ADVANCE. Through Shipments on all Roads West of Mississippi. Chicago, III., Jan. 18. Nearly every pound of freight shipped by jobbers from eastern and middle eastern points to tho Pacific coast Is affected by tho tulvanco In commod ity rates put Into effect today by tho western railroads and their eastern connections. Tho lines making the advance are tho Southern Pacific, Union Pacific, Great Northern, Bur lington, Northern Pacific and Cana dian Pacific. The Increase averages 17V4 por cent. Morchnnts and snippers are under stood to bo much aggrieved because thoy do not considor that they wero itranted sufficient opportunity to ad just their business to tho changaB consequent upon tno advance in rates. The first rellablo Informa tion they had was convoyed In cop ies of the now tariffs. Somo of tho more Important commodities affected by tho new tariff are machinery, structural Irou and steel, sewing ma chines, stoves, agricultural imple ments and canned goods'. Coincident with these advances are now regulations for hamlllug live stock. Shippers of poultry herealter will he required to pay for the trans portation of every man sent with shipments and those who accompany cattln shipments will not be granted return transportation. A PREACHER'S OPINION. Trib Is the Remedy for Liquor and Tobacco Habits That Has Effected the Greatest Number of Cures. The Kev. J. R, N. Bell, pastor nf tho Presbyterian church, Baker City, writes: "A permanent cure at a nor mal cost is what the public has ...niiiiut re ninnv vmirn. f have watched with Interest tho good 'e- sults obtained by your reincoy -.or liquor and tobacco habit, TUIB, nnd feel I can safely and heartily lecom mend It to all In need." TRANSPORTATION LINE Oregon SnorTLiNf and un;on Pacific Two Trains to the East Dally Through Pullman stamurd andTuurlal sleep lug cars dally tn Omaha. Chicago: tourlsi lixplnx rnr rallv to Kanaa 1 1 i; th roust Pullman lonrM sleeping cars ieioiially con. inrinii rr k i 10 , nicnwo, n dm- iiy, re- Knsioai 'llnlnei-ha'r rnr re, in the Kas ally. ntrtat limn Sclniliiln laaivs rot From I'cmlhMmi I raon Pnrtiaml H nn a m ChliaKi, MIA pm Portland 12 :t a m The Rastl 4:15 a m Spnkan sue a m CSUpm Portland sptt'lal No. I Chleai pvcil No i Mall and Kxprt-ss No. 5 Mall and F'prea. No.t Pendleton Passenger No 7 Spokane Paatenger !. 8 The Kaai 9 an a in Portland & S3 u m The X'ast 12 iJa m Port lane lam Sioikan Pendieton Branch Mixed Train No 41 M alia Malta Hraneb Mlied Train Nn. 42 2 3 pm No 7 CO nectawith No. 2. t Ontv walla for No 1 In case Nan 1 Is late not lat. r iha 3 mtnuteo. No. 41 connrcs with No. 2. Ocean and River Schedule. FROM rOKTLANII All sailing datea sub aim. Ject loelianae . sMip. m. rirsan Fmnct-co 4Wp.tr. n.llfery5daya "OalTf SnSfaV "'" K'" 4W.p.m. KKip ra To Astoria and Way Humlai Saturday I an. Unu, 10 M0 p m. Wlllnim tto Itlvt-r. Itoata leave I'.-rtUnil dally, except flnndai stage of water permlltlngl for Willamette an 1 amhlllRlver polnta Leave " Leave" Rlp-irla Snake River Lewlsioi (S'is. m Rlparla lo U-wlatnn 70 a. ni Dally Dally Excpt Mon xcp Mo- E.C tMIIH, Agent, Pendlslon. WASHINGTON COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD Take this route for Chicago, St Paul, St. Louis, Kan sas City, St. Joseph, Omaha and All Points East and South Portland and points on the Sntind TlMltCAIlt) Arrive at Pendleton Monday, Wednes day and Friday, 1.45 p. m. Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, 11.45 a. m. Leave Pendleton, 7 p. m. Leave Walla Walla dallv.cast bound. II :00 p, m Arrive Walla. Walladallv.sreat bound, 10 : a, in Knr Information reeardlnr rales and accom modations, call on oraddress W, ADAMS, Agent Pendleton. Orecou 8. B. CALDKRIIKAI), U. P. A walla walla, wasniuajion RUNS Pullman Sleepibg Cars, Elegant Dicing Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars. rHr.PAUis MfNNKAPOIUH DUIjDTH JTABOO OIIAND KOIUO ciuxjKHrroN WINNEPBO HELENA maa LHUTTK. THROUGH TICKETS Tt CHICAGO WAHHINOTON PHILADKLPI1IA NKW YORK BOSTON sud all points Et and Uoutii l.foaub tlfUt. to Jasn ul Cain, via Taeoaia and MorUata Pad AG Msaasahlp V. uaAKtHraa llos. Tl-st SCUBDULS. Traits lure Pendleton dally airept SoaJaf st 70 p. sn. rot forthar tnlorsation. time tttU, bum and Uekeu, call on or write W. Adaa, Paa dletoa, Oregon, or A. D. CUAKL'IOH, mira ana nornaoo vis., raruaun, r The Oregon Dally Journal can b found on sale st Fraslr's hn stor HOTtuo HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS.. ProDs. The Best Hotel tn Pendletoi and as good as any The Hotel I'endlcton has juii been refitted and refurnished ttirouyhont. Phone and Gr alarm connections with all rooms. Baths in suites and single rocnsi. Headquarters for Traveling Mia Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 & $250 Bpeclnl ratw by wevk or mouth Excellent Culslue. Prompt Ululiigroom scrvlts. Bar arid billiard room In oonneotlei Only Three Blocks from Depot HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB 3T8. ubu. UAIIVhAU, Prop. EleKuutly I urnishetl Steam Hen tea European Plan. lilock and a half from depot. Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE 50c, 75c, Sl.ue THE HOTEL BICKERS (Formerly Golden Rule) Court Street .... k mr-.n nw.m .ijnv- 9HB ph9 Bi sB Itcrcodoled and rofurnlabod through out. Everything neat, croan and oa todalc. Steam oat and electrlcr lights, Best culsiuo. Prompt BorWce, H. E. BICKERS, Prop. THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON Aaserfc PI a,. $1 per day aaui apauo. Ucl ajoarieni fertotiruu a ad cwaiBMrcUl tnm era. upcciai raics saaac 10 isniiwa aan aia gt-tleaaea. The sawgtasc)l wilt he pta rWf. Hpeclal rales saade to families and alasAf arm. 1 Be sattftsnsl will be Msaass al all tlaaea to aaow siwsa- and give pt fcaa. aoauns Twrsiaa ttti-eaua-iiaaastaiiia isa a warn. 11, C. BOWHMS, Msaaawt, I Enjoy Life make yotu lebturr tiy LllliartU Every- We will tioura tiasn lilcaxantfv JIiiwIIiib ul ley h, ioil, and Hliootlm; tjwllery iijiiik iirHi-, lajn. THMl'KItA.VfJK Ul.TltESH M ENTH und eiBam. Sltislral entertaluuiwiteveVy eVHiliiK. i Robinson's Parlors I t Under W. 65; 0. Depot o-xMjstrfsrlJ-lM-rf ih IkruL. won! d la out va4 ujuk arllD; (rat .lUJv tMri lt ma aoot ot Mlt4.teitlUom.u4Zr tiru imeliug. CurtfLfllt Man hood. In Baok.Evll 0slra.Smutiil ImlToni, Lime Baotu Nrvup DbMltf, Modooho, Unntnt to Marry. Loss of men, tipation. stops rrsmai ttiin. lon't rtilIOQdrit. elnii.lla ttim hrln anrl nr Mnt-ia. kOa UtOUf rf UAdeVt, Wlt-k blXM. CrcoM rt, Sold by Tollman 4. Co.. Druggists. UOTMS.f.Wa 5'25 Kill st. m r 1 a svt aisinnT-TalsstAr- oll f-fTH ats 4 tr.wmVt Uh all. A ariiL Hi Adtfrsssa Bishop ggl VarlcoosU. or Oon ous Twltohlna of pgwaer to rrjTis- irioi k w m a ton ffauutM.u ur Hsmjdy Oo. Bsn Frnolso CsU