' ituft't'. ORECONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 1904. DAILY EAST 1'iibllMied Tcr.T afternoon (except Sunday) at IVnJIctoti. Oregon, by tho EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. 'l'houe. Main 11. SUlWOltll'TION UATKS. '5, one tear or mall nix mom In by mall I vail? Dallr, Dully, thrrt- month by mall Dally, one mouth by mall Dally, ix"r mouth by carrier .(.1.00 . 2.50 . 1.23 .00 nn ontortalnmont. It would bo n refreshing diversion from tho winter liroKrnnis of theaters, Hoolnls iud other ordinary umtisommtts. A noat sum should bo nottcil from mich nn ontortnlnmont In I'oudloton, Tho womon of tho city could dovote n fow OTonlngs In preparation to no more worthy sulijoct and tho schools could colohrato no nobler n hcrolnu than In promoting u Sacajowim entertainment. ALMOST A 800IALI8T. Weeltly, one year by mall l.fin neeaiy, us niomns oy mail i.i VVefklr, (our mouths by mall 5(1 Seml-Weeltly. one year by mall .... 2.00 semi-Weekly, tlx montlia by mall , . 1.00 "eml-Weekly, three months by mall .. .SO The t!at Ureeoulan I on e.ilc at II. II. Ulch'i Nena Stniuli at Hotel Portland and Hotel rerklni,, 1'ortl.ind. Oregon Uember Scrlppt Ucllae tlos. Newt Aatocla San l-'ranclico Ilureau, 408 fourth St. Chicago Ilureau, 9i9 Security HullillnR Wnahlngtoo. 1. C Ilureau. 601 Hth St, Katere1 at Pendleton iwatodce at teccond claM matter. UNIOn(V)I.ABEL f O, bravo Is ho who faces what ho must With stop triumphant and with heart of cheer; Who nghts tho dally battlo without fear, Sees his hopes fall, yot keeps unfaltering trust . That God Is (lod; that some- how, truo and just, His plans work out for mor- tals; not n tear Is shed when fortune, which tho world holds dear, Falls from his grasp; bettor. with love, a crust, Than plenty in dishonor; envies not. Nor loses faith In man, but does his best, Nor oven murmurs at his hum- bier lot; But, with a sunk- of hope. gives .tes'. To ovory toller; he alono la t;reaf Who by a llto horoic conquers fate. From "Tho Inevitable." The Indiana stato board ot health has prohibited the further employ ment of 210 malo and fomnlo tcachors In tho public schools In tho stato be cause on examination thoy havo boon found more or loss afflicted with tu berculosis. Referring to this order, the Atlanta Constitutions says: "This la a now turn In tho endeavors of mt thorltlos to provont tho spread of tho dread dlseaso of consumption. Hut It seems a vory proper regula tion, and tho precedent thus sot by tho Indiana board of health may bo eventually followed by thoso of other states. Tho mortality statistics . f tho country show that tuborculosla Is an Insidiously Increasing and fatal affliction of tho race, and that there is, as yet, In splto of sorums and other Inventions, no wny to minimize Its provalonco and fatalities except to take precautions against allowing tho affected to spread tho disease among healthy people." Score another for municipal owner ship. Tho little town of Wnsco has otod bonds to build an electric light plant for tho people. Wnsco will havo cheap lights and good service and if there la any profit loft It will go into the city treasury to help ay other expenses. ! . .4.4. REMEMBER THE WOMAN. While tho Northwest Is celebrating tho achievement of Lewis and Clark, tho woman In tho case should not be forgotten. Without tho aid of tho Shoshone girl, Sacajawea, no one can guess at tho outcomo of that mcmorablo sx pedltion. The captains wero baffled by the almost Impassable mountains and wero surrounded by hostile Indi. ana. Tho progress thoy wero malting was tedious and discouraging, when tho ready wit and wide knowledge of this Indian ,glrl guide came to their rescue. She was familiar with tho perilous routo and led the party safoly through the frowning mountain passes, dodged tho murderous Black feet and brought tho explorers safely Into tho Oregon country. Without her and just at that pivot al time In their trip, who can say what would have been the outcomo? Without her ready knowledge thoy would havo fallen easy victims to tho Blackfeet, the entire party would probably have been murdered or turned back and tho expedition ren dered a failure. Without her actual leadership through tho fastnesses of tho Ilocky mountains the journoy would havo been hamiered by delays and mistaken routes, and no ono can guess at the outcomo of such a ca lamity at that time. By her aid Lowls and Clark came and traversed Oregon and paved the way for tho American immigration which saved the country to tho United States. Without Lewis and Clark Oregon would probably havo remained a Brltlah possession, and without Sacajawea, Lewis and Clark's expedition would have ended in disaster and failure, according to tho best historians who have follow ed their path through tho wilderness. Oregon should fittingly celebrate this girl's achievement. Every city Jn the Northwest should contribute to her monument. I'endleton certain ly has enough loyal, patriotic Oregon fans to justify an entertainment this winter for tho benefit of tho Sacaja wea monument fund. Tho statuo for this Indian girl Is to bo built by tho voluntary contributions of thoso who aro now enjoying tho matchless country sho gavo to tho United States by guiding tho oxplorors aright. It la to bo placed In tho Lowls and Clark fair grounds, bo aldo thoso of Lowls and Clark. It will bo made ot bronze ut a cost )t J7.000, and Miss Allco Coopor, of I)enver, has been selected as Its de signer. Let Pendleton women tako up this potrlotlc subject. Their offorts should moot with hearty responio from every lover of old Oregon. A literary and -musical program, made up of Wostorn historical hud- Jccts, would bo appropriate for such lu 1903 tho tax lovy in Pendleton stood llku this; City !). school 0, county 2S, totat 47 mills. In 190-t It stands like this: City 7. school 7, county 20, total 34. What more ca you ask of nn aasossor? Carroll I). Wright, commissioner of labor, bellavos, or nftocttt to Iw llovo, that tho wugo system will pass away and that prollt sharing and tho co-oporatlvo ldoa will bo evolved In Its placo. Mr. Wright la ovldently something of n socialist, or at least ho Is pro viding them with another link to tholr argument, for If tho condition mentioned mentioned by Mr, Wright doea como about, tho soclallata would look upon It as another stop toward socialism, Just as thoy look upon tho Industrial consolidation of tho ago as bringing them nearor tholr goal. In both cases, I. c., with all Indus try concentrated In tho hands of tho fow, and with tho wago system re placed by prollt sharing thoy arguo it would bo easier or a loss compli cated task for tho government to stop In and nssumo nil Industrial functions, which moans socialism. Wo nro not prepared to nccopt tho doctrino of socialism, yet it is a curious fact that tho socialists are tho only peoplo who havo any solu tion to offer (however Impracticable or utoplau that solution may bo) 'or tho great problem of tho age what la to be tho result of tho Impending and Irrepressible strugglo between capital and labor. Woat Const Trade. I SrtA'-W F fiiW lit One of tlic chief causes of WANTED AN HEIR8KY. ALWAYS TIRED NEVER RESTED To be tired ottt from hard work or bodily excicise is natural nml rest is the remedy, but thcieisnu exhaustion without physical oxer tion and n tired, never-rested fcelniK a wean ncss without work that is unnnttirnl and shows -.,.' ...riniiu ilimirder is tlirentenimr the health. that ''Ahvavs-tired, never-rested condition" is impure blood mid bad circu- lallOtl. U11ICSS IIIC OOliy IS nuillioui-u mm uu; jmiiw uiuou im.li; is mcl; ol nervous force, the lllUS- ForOTerfouryeor9 1 Buffered with Koon.t debility cleS become weak, the Ut- oaualiiR it thorough brouklnRdownof mrtyitom. M aii. ium-iirt-d mid ooualn, who linil boon bonutltod by 0. H, H told mi ffCStlot Ulip.lirtu, bout u, 1 tried It and it cured me. I heartllr r- General disorder occurs commend U. B. B. to nil who may 'eel the noed ot throughout the system. 'hor0U,'1"0odblooaiT0.JO8xoKi,fcAiN Debility, insomnia, iter- 44 W. Ninth Bt., Columtitn, Toiin. vousucss. imlicestiou, ... ,,,,. dyspepsia, loss of appetite, strength and energy, nnd the luindreds of little nillUCUlM wuuiiun iuivt miuiiul: uiiwuy lu u 1)11(1 COU. ditiou of the blood and circulation, and the quickest wny to get rid of them is by purifying nnd building up the blood, nnd for this purpose 110 remedy equals S. 8. S.. which fiititntns the best ingredients for cleansing thebloodnnd toningtip the system. Itisn vegetable blood purifier nnd tonirs combined, that t nriches the blood, nnd through it the entire system is nourished and refreshing sleep comes to the tired, never-rested, body. THE SWiFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA. mm 1 .1nnn . v ana she i Per month. ' ' HATTI WAS A "FROST." .Mra. Walter Itocd who recently sung in tnls city furnianes tho ore gonlan with tho following criticism on Madame Paul's voice and sing ing; "Having heard Pntti in her prime, and remembering how bell-like nnd pure her volco was, how remarkably oven her tones were from her lowest to her highest note. It was with much Interest and curiosity that I went to hear her again last night. To think how Jewels from nil tho crowned heads of Kurope havil been showorod on her, wreaths nml flowers from till tho artists of her day, pralso and gohlon opinions from all tho great critics, and now now sho places her self In n position to be adversely criticised by any and every one that hears her. In going to hear Madame Pattl, I did not go with tho Idea of hearing a great artist sing as snn aang wnen sho won hor world renowned repu tation. But I did want to hear what tho greatest volco of Its time had como to at tho ago of 60, how much had been preserved, what good It had dono hor to tako ovory caro of her self, cat, drink, sleep for her voice. I wanted to hear If tho human volco ran bo mado to last In all Us beauty through so many years, to defy ago and all tho rules of nature. Horo waa tho moat perfect set of vocal or gans tho world has known, com bined with tho best of training, tho best of caro. Against all this Is 60 years. w Well, ago has won out. Tho volco la no longer Pattl's volco, which has been to all slngors nearly a synonym for tho Ideal In singing. With ull her gifts, training, caro, sho has knocked off nt tho most eight or ton years. If Pattl's managers wanted her to tour as a "has been," that is fair and square to the public. Many of us would go and hear her any how. But It certainly is an Imposi tion on tho nubile for hor to tour this country claiming to havo anything but a worn-out volco to glvo them And I wonder: Is It tho lovo for monoy, and tho utter disregard for what peoplo may think of hor, or has tho ego boon so fully developed In her that sho thinks sho really can sing yet? Tho "Jewel Song" from "Faust" was .transposed a half-tone. Her trills wero mero excuses for trills; hor last high note B flat was such an avldent effort that ono was glad when sho got off of It. "Vol cho Sanoto" Is a mozzo aria, but Pattl has raised It a half-tono, making her high noto G. It is absolutely simple, vocally, and so it was tho boat thing sho did, For peoplo who havo no sentiment that is repaid by seeing and hearing what Ib loft of tho greatest diva of hor tlmo, well, I guess thoy want their monoy back. All I could think of was, why did sho not quit 15 years ago, when sho was a goddess to all that listened to hor? Drink DESCENT. REAM OFFER It Is Fine IN 1 and 2-LB. SEALED TIN3 ONLY Tho czar was lounging on tho throne. Tho doctor paced tho haltskl, When through tho palace camo a faint And feeblo sort of squntlskl, Tho doctor hastened to tho czar And snld: "I wish you Joyskl; You nro onco moro a Pnpavltch, But It Is not a boyskl?" Tho cznr laid down his sceptrovltch Ami said: "It makes mo slckskl To think that It Is not for mt To play with llttlo Nlckskl. " 'Tls bad enouch to walk tho floor With toothovltch annoyskl, Hut It would not affect mo so If It had been a boyskl." Then to tho palnco gato ho went, Unheeding bomb nnd mlnoaki. " And on It nailed a placard largo, A boldly lettered slguskl. Tho Russians cried, "Long live tho czar." Tho French cried: "Vivl 1'Holakl," And road tho royal sign on high. Twas wanted horo ono boyskl'' Czarlnnvitchskl. I YOUR FURNITURE WANTS Tho upper houso ot tho Norwegian congress by nn almost unanimous otc, has adopted a bill authorizing women to practice law In 'all the courta of Norway. in.' 11 1 im cures 111 t Kilmer's I Root, th L ney, live DO YOU GET TJP WITH A IvAJME BACK? KiJncy Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the newt- papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures inuiie ity a Swami- the great kld- ur unci blud- - iler remedy. Pfc It is the great nied mf, ical triumph of the nineteenth century ; ditecneralofteryenrs R ot scieniuie reearcn by I)r Kilmer, the eminent kidney and bladder specialist and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and Bright' Disease, wlitcii is 111c worsi form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but If you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be lounu tusi tue rcincuy ju unu, i Iwen tested in so many wuys, in hospital work and in private practice, and has moved so successful in every case that.n special arrangement lias been made ny WHICH ail reauciaxi hub !.!.-, not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book tell ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to And out if you have kidney or bladder trou ble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper und send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Uingliamton, N. Y. The regular fiftv-cent and one- ilnllnr tlze bottles Ore How of Bwusp-BooC. sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Hinghamtou, N. Y on every bottle. 11 ' 11 DIFFERENT EYES Kvou though similarly troubled mint havo different glasses. Hpectanl flttted to any Indi vidual will only suit him or her, therefore a (borough test Is neces sary lu every eo?. My optical parlor is equipped with every In strument iitce-Hiirv to ninko nn absolutely ucciiratofxnmliutloii. Prices an low ns first class work will permit. GLENN WINSLOW Jeweler and Optician Post Office Block Let s fill them and save yon money No matter what yot desire, be it an elab'Tate and artistic odd piece or whole set for any room, or for an outfit for your entire house, or plain furniture of any description, we have it. We will take pleasure in showing you thtough our large and complete collection of new goods. Most attractive and largest line of IRON BEDS in Pendleton are shown in our stock. Carpets and Lin oleums to please the fancy of alt. 4 D .. I). B( Has RealEiutii 4 J I niuussnilllag f"glng from caiueiice toon most modern iii the limits of of I'etidletou.u farm of a fti Komi aifaife thousand of wlicat land. G. D, Address DOVD. BAKER & FOLSOM Complete Furniture Store. Near Post Office 'Ho Unit blowoth not his own hum the same shall not be blown" When Di nner's Ready 4 4 THE FARMER'S WIFE DLOW8 THE HORN TO SUMMON HER HUSBAND TO THE MIDDAY MEAL. ..IT BRINGS HIM. WHEN THE MERCHANT HAS PREPARED A FEAST OF GOOD THINGS FOR WHICH PLENTY OF PEOPLE ARE HUNGRY, HE, TOO SHOULD TOOT A HORN TO CALL THEM TO HIS BANQUET OF BAR GAINS. BUT THE HORN MUST BE BLOWN WHERE THE MULTITUDE WILL HEAR IT OR NOBODY WILL COME TO THE FEAST, BECAUSE NOBODY WILL KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT, EVEN THOUGH IT MAY BE THE M08T TEMPTING REPAST EVER SPREAD. THE ADVERTISING HORN VIO OROUSLY BLOWN IN THE COL UMNS OF A LIVE, WIDE AWAKE, UP TO DATE NEWSY NCW8PAP ER THAT GOES AMONG THE CLA88 OF PEOPLE HE WANT8 FOR 7f.?.N.8' W,LL BRING HIM A VOLUME OF TRADE FAR BEYOND HI8 M08T SANGUINE EXPECTA TIONS. .Ji?.f..yERY UE8T ADVERTISING MEDIUM FOR PENDLETON MER pHANTS 18 THE EAST OREGON. IAN BECAUSE THROUGH IT THEY CAN SEND THEIR ME88AGE DI TEVERY EVENING TO THE MAJORITY OF THE PRO8PEROU8 HOMES OF PENDLETON M08T OF WHOM WANT TO BUY SOMETHING T "THE BUSINESS MAN SHOW THE8E PEOPLE THE ADVANTAGE WILl!UK. W Q00 AND HE W LL HAVE NO TROUBLE IN 8E CURING THEIR PATRONAGE. A LITTLE JUDICIOUS BLOWING neIs.E H0RN W,LL 00 THE BU- 4 Dally East Oxonian, by earrler.only 15 cents per week. WE WIU, BUYM alto Dreiitd Buf.blndu lolni f Ber, Ve-I, Port i iry. nt mi country oriui SMITH BIOS. Wholtnle Bntehtri, Um The Colombia Lodeinc House Well ventilated, w comfortable rocs beik Bar in where best gi served. Main Street, cei block, between All Web! Streets. F. X. Schempp Proprittof mih I AlloersonstoH themselves 10 M .ImIuciI to me i call and settle the their accoMB" need the money. Conrad Platzod Meat! BEYOND COn .ai AirlTIDin null" ' oiiabugl" III ILI " CODM .una 11