(Big Clearance Sale) Our Clearance Sale has now commenced, and pricis are cut on main I'nes all over the store Do you need an Overcoat ? Hu it here, where you can save 40 per cent over others' prices. All clothing is now reduced 20 per cent 10 reduce stock Ladies' Coats and Suits at ACTUAL COST Misses' Long Coats reduced to ACTl'AL COST Ladies' Woolen Underwear, special reduction 0(20 percnt Men's Woolen Under ve.ir, special r-diicthm ol 20 per cent Men's GcrtiMP Soc s at a rtdncti in if 10 per cent Men'.- Felt I.joc) an 1 Over reduced 10 per cent STAPLES AT All Outing flannel, 7c grade, now 5c yard All Outing Flannel, qc grade, now jr. yaid All Outinn Flannel toe and t ic grades, new 9c yard Woolen Flannels, worth 4-10 yard, now 30c yard. liul Com'orts all grades reduced in price THE GENERAL NEWS. Senator Hanna declares that he Is not a candidate tor president and that tho opposition to Roosevelt Is greatly overestimated. The stock markets of Now York nd Chicago have steadied down during tho past 10 days, and the money market is much easier. Six additional churches and 12 more halls wore ordered closed Sat urday night In Chicago and were out of commission Sunday In conse quence. The Kentucky legislature will un doubtedly pass a law at the present session almost solidly disfranchising the negro voters on tho grounds of illiteracy. Workmen at Wlnnemucca, Nov., have dug out of a gravel bed boms which medical men declare was the frame of a man who must have been 11 icet tall. The wages of all shingle weavers and knot sawyers lu Washington, will bo reduced 10 per cent when the mills on the Sound resume opera tions February 1. G. P. Uttorback, cashier of the Slgournoy, Iowa, Savings Bank, com mitted suicide January 11. Examina tion of his books discloses that '( was $47,000 short. Eleven million dollars is to be cx pended on the Valparaiso, Chile, har bor, in anticipation of a greatly ox panded commerce following the com pletion of tho Panama canal. NORTHWEST NEWS. Lieutenant Harry F. .McMillan, ox marshal of East Portland, died at Ccntralia. Wash., Sunday, aged 77 years. , Portland is one of tho most favor ed points for tne location of ono of tho Independent Packing Company's first plants. John n. Atkinson, now stato audi tor, has announced that ho will so;!; the republican nomination for gover nor of Washington, The bondsmen of Charles Holmes, who is under arrest for stealing a set of harness at La Grande, have caused him to be placed in Jail, fear ing he would leave the county. Because the coast schooners will not quit carrying passengers, the steamship companies bavo begun car rying lumber, in this way invading the exclusive trade of schooners. The Hint saloon at Baker City, wa held up Saturday morning. Just -xa the night bartender was closing up, and robbed of $370. The amount was taken from too two customers pres ent and tho cash drawer. The entlro plant of the Columbia River Lumber Company, at Vancou ver. Wash., was sold on Saturday to a Wisconsin firm for $15,000. It bad been in the hands of a receiver and had liabilities amounting to $70,000. A concert will be given In Baker City on January 19, for the benefit of tho "Old Folks neunion" fund. Tho Sumpter Valley railroad will give .tho regular annual excursion for the old folks somo time during the coming summer. An old "Oregon boot" was found In the fork of a tree near Corvallla. A prisoner escaped from tho county jail many years ago, wearing a "boot" and it is supposed he was as sisted in removing it by friends and left it as a memento for tho officials. SAMPLE BARGAINS f In Real Estate 3200 acres good wheat land 4 Well watered and improved. $12.50 per acre. I 1000 acre stock ranch. All I f,nf,l IV.iatt nnn tf.nQ nf lny; has running water; open range near hy, $5000 lo.room house and two lots. Modern conveniences, $2500. t All on Easy Terms. I E. T. WADE & SON t ;'. O. Uox Sii 'I'bone IlUoL 111! Office In'K.O. Blag CUT PRICES 8 FAIR HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. W. J. Moore, Spokane. W. I). Marks, Spokane. J. S. Colo. Portland. W, C. Witzel, Portland. W. M. nice, Portland. D. L. Uosonllold, Portland. S. .1. Hoffman, Seattle. J. Hecht, St. Louis. Al. Murrey, Louisville. William Campucll, Chicago. 5. Sternberg, San Francisco. W. P. Allen, city. E. T. Tucker. Portland. E. H, Burke, Portland. John A. Faull, Portland, 6. U. Praol, Portland. W. H. Rush and family, Evanston George A. Elonrcd, Dayton. W. It. Shephard, Spokane, T. J. Collins, Sturgls. C. C. Springer, Chicago. J. G. Helfrich, Spokane. J. F. Fisher, Spokane. W. P. Allen, city. E. W. Mlelkc, Portlnnd. Mrs. G. R. Bralthwalte, Salt Lake. Hotel Bickers. Clara Mathos. M. . March. Lcttlo Hungcrford. Miss Puffell. Professor Ende. Lester Howard. Dorothy Howard. F. U. Sawcr and wife. O. Roberts. C. W. Hock, Portland. Rev. How and wife, Weston. R. N. Urodle. Mrs. A. J. Jennings, Chicago. John Cummlng, Weston. .1. II. Price. Weston. G. W. Cues, Atnena. ,B. A. Dadloy, Athena. A. Hopson, Milton. A. C. Long, Spokane. .Mrs. C. E. Watson, Stnrbuck. Sam Lee, Spokane. D. Still, Milton. Guy Glenn. J. Cunningham, Portland. I. S. Horn, Pilot Rock. Saved from Terrible Eeatli. The family of Mrs. M. L. Bobbitt of Bargerton, Tenn., saw her dying and woro powerloss to savo her. The most skillful physicians and every remedy used, failed, whllo consump t.on was slowly but 3urely taking her life. In this terrible hour Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption turn ed despair into Joy. Tho first bottlo brought immediate roller and Its con tinued uso completely cured her. It's tho most certain euro in tho world for all throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed. Bottles EOc and $1.00. Trial Bottles Free at Tallman & Co. Ten Dollars Reward. A reward or $10 will bo paid for any information leading to tho arrest and conviction of tho party or partlos (presumably boys) who hroko into tho houso on tho W. It. Jonos place. Just north of town, recontiy, and stole a number of articles, among them , being a volume from a set ct Thomas II. Reed's "Eloquence and Or atory." If tho books aro returned no questions will be asked. Enquire at tuts office. Engineers Change Headquarters. Tho Dalles, Jan.18. The brother, hood of locomotive engineers have, moved their headquarters from Port land to Tho Dalles nnd will hereafter mcef In this city on tho seconti and fourth Mondays or eacli month. They removed from hero to Port land when tho shops were1 moved to Alblna, but artor several years trial In that city have dotorralned Tho Dalles is tho moat convenient placo ror thera to meet In. Wonderful Nerve. Is displayed by many a man ondur Ing pains or accidental Cuta, Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Scaldd, Sore foot or still Joints. But there's no need for It. Bucklen's Arnica Salvo will kill tbo pain and euro the trouble It's tho best Salvo on earth for Piles. 23c at Tollman & Co., druggists. Olympla Beer Olympla Ceer. Tbo most popular brand for family uso. On draught at Anton Nolto's. Ho also handles the oottled beer In any quantity desired. .Gray Horse W.-nted. Jamea O. Reovos Company want one work horse; samo must bo gray. NSANITY DOMESTIC TROUBLE THE REDMAN'S GREATEST WOE. Only One United States Hospital for Insane Indians Located at Canton, South Dakota, and Contains 24 in mates Dementia Caused by Four principal Weaknesses, Canton, S. I)., .Ian. 1. At the close of the lirst year of tho national hos pital ror Insane Indians horo, tho flntt data collected upon tho topic of !ni dlaii Insn: Ity Indicates thnt tho forc ing of civilization upon tho Redman has been loapnnslhln for much or It. In the first year half or tho capacity of Iho hospital has been taken up; In n few miiro mouths the last room will have been taken and additions will bo necessary. There aro no comparative statl tics upon which to base conclusions as to causes of inoru recent Indian Insanity. The authorities of tho hos pital, Superintendent O. S. Glfford mid Dr. J. F. Turner, assistant sup er'ntenilont and physician agree that tho chief of all tho causes or insanity among tlio Indians is despondency. Dospnmloncy Is manifested In differ- ort wuys among them, but most of theso manifestations would hnvo oc curred In tho natural life or tho In dian. One of tho consequences of the self centering life of the ludlnn bus been n growth of domestic difficulties. Many of the Insane Indians have reached their condition becauso of worry over family affairs. It Is tho same unrest nnd discon tent that has been Been especially among tho reservations of South Da kota, whero dlvorco has become pop ular in tho last 10 years. Among theso Indians vho can not put aside their domestic troubles by appealing to the divorce court, In sanity is found. Them aro now 21 patients In the hospital, which Is the only Institution of Its kind in the United States, hav ing been completed about a year ago by the federal government. Superin tendent Glfford states thnt there Is no doubt that all of tho SO rooms will bo occupied before another 10 years. The four principal causes of In sanity among Indians are molan cuolla, imbecility, Idiocy and opllep sy, the superintendent declared. What Is rerhaps the principal cnuso of In sanity among the whites, ovorwort or anxiety over financial troubles, nf cour.se, find no victims mining tho In dlans. There aro few violent cases. Our treatment is simple. AVo allow the patients to follow their own likes and dislikes as far as can be dono safely. , Wo encourago tho Indians to find employment us It takes their minds trom their dementia. Wo oven allow them to Indulge In their nntlvo danc es, providing they nro not dangerous ly existing, as wo think the normal habits of the patient nro most apt to bring back tho possession of his faculties. Cured After Sufferlna 10 Years, il. F. Hare, Supt. Jllaml Cycle & Mfg. Co., MIddlcinwn, O., suffered rnr ten years with dyspepsia. He spent hundreds of dollars fur medicine nnn with doctors without receiving any permanent benefit. Ho says; "One night while feeling exceptionally bad I wa about to throw down tho even ing papor when I saw an Item in the paper regarding tho merits of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I concluded to try It mid whllo I had no faith in It I folt better after the second druo. After using two bottles I nm stronger nnd better than I havo been in yoars, and I recommend Kodol Dyspepsia Cure to, my friends and acquaintances suffering from stomach trouble." Sold by Tallman & Co. Schools are Crowded. The Luwlston public schools me In a very crowded condition. All tho upper grammar grades are filled and more pupils uru seeking admission. Tho attendance at the high school is now about 110 being a largo Increase over former records. Superinten dent Wright reports that the pupils nave sewed down to steady work and that a better spirit among tho students could not be expected. Lewlston Tribune. How ThlBi We offer Ono Uumlm! loll.ir-i llfirml for any cas.- of rnurrli that innnot bo cured by Hull' Catarrh Cure. r. J, (iiifc.Niti & (.(., i-ropa., Toledo, o. Wr. the undtrahrneil. hare knoun J Cheney for tlie laat 15 yeara, and belief mm peneciiy nonoraoie in an buXneat transactions, am! financially able to carry out any obligations mode jjy their Arm. yrr.ru muMi VYiioi(aie Drugging, Toledo. Oi W,LI1IN(J, .KINNAN It MAIIVIN. Wbole- aaie ,ucucguta, Toiouv, U. Halt a Catarrh Cure la taken .Internal!? actinic directly uuon tbo blood and mu. coua aurfacea! of the aratero. I'rlce 75e per Dome, noiu Dy an urujrguta. Testimonial free. Haifa Family I'll In are the beat. Usual -Freewater Modesty, It Is reported that a young lady was badly hurt at tho rabbit drive on iluttur creek last Sunday by tho slipping of a club from tho hand or ono or the participants, lint In tho nnnio of sweet Innocence, what busi ness has a refined young lady at 0110 or those barbarous and disgusting rabbit drives. Fieqwater Times. Was Badly Crippled. Medical Lnlco Salts Mfg. Co., Spo- Kane wash.: aontlomon 'I enmo to Medical Lake in tho spring of '90 so badly crippled with Inflammatory rheumatism that I could not walk without crutches. nnd after fcix woklts' stay, bathing dally, I wont to teaming between this placo and Spokano, and have had no further trouble with rheumatism. W. O. SWBETZBH. Medical Lake, Wash. Hwell illppora at rieutsch's. "WAY DOWN EAST." ' Popular Old Favorite To Be at the Frazer, Friday, January 22. "Way Down East," which comes to the Frazor on Friday, January 22, has rmno to bo regarded ns a classic among the wholesome and pic ur rnque plays which duplet rustle life In Now England. It will bo presented upon an oven more olnhorato scale than Inst season when It tested tno capacity or all tho theaters at wl. Irli It was prcsonto.t. Thoro Is in this 1 .V ""IK I - S- - . 1. I III il .. " it u. I.IIC.u.V.nnnn- Tllifinj TllirJtV dett combination or humor and pa thos and a tremendous amount or hu man Interest. Tho passlotm nnd emotions which sway theso simple peoplo or the Now Hampshire rnrm, nro tho same that have governed peoplo or all ages, since tho world began. Human na ture Is pretty much nllko, regardless of environment, nnd there nro heart tragedies among tho iwucoful gran Ito hills as stirring as thoso of the, brilliant city boulovnrd. What's In a Name? Everything is in the name when it comos to Witch Hazel Salvo. R. 0. DoWlit & Co. of ...icago discovered somo years n?o how to ninke n salvo from Witch II1170I that Is a specific for Files. For blind, bleeding, itch ing and protruding Piles, eczemn, cuts, burrs, bruises nnd all sliln ills cases DeWltt's Salvo has no equal. ' This has given rise to numerous worthless counterfoil:' Ask for De- Wlll'u II, n ...... I ,(,,,, Onl.l I.,' 'I'.ll 1 ...vvo Ulll ft........... ui'iu i') man & Co. CLARA MATHES TONIGHT, Sumpter Paper Speaks in Highest Terms of the Company. The Sumpter reporter speaking of the Clara Mathcs company which comes to the Park theater tonight, says: "There was the usual large nil dlcnce nt the opera house hint night and Clara .Mathcs and company proved that they were fully as much nt home in tins Irish drama as in the varied plays they havu already ap peared In. Clnra Alathes, In the title role, had an easy task, merely to be sweet and sympathetic, mm she wan more than equal to all demands. Miss Mullur, .Mrs. i'attursou and her muld kept tho niiitliiuru laughing all the time thoy were in view. Nora wns also 11 very pleasing character." A Vest Pocket Doctor. Never in tno ay, no .rot:tlo to carry, easy to tn..c, plcasnr.i and nev er fnlllng In results an iloWltt's Lit tlo i:urly Itinera. A via. of thoso lit Mo pills in tho vest pocltit Is & cer tain guarnnico ngtttnat hcadncho, "jll Iciuanys.s, torpid liver nnd ...1 of tho Ills resulting from constipation. Thoy onle and stron.,then tho liver Sold by Tallman : Co. In 1P01 Henry H. Plggott uiopeil from Philadelphia with his wife's nleco nnd SBOO.OOl). After n persis tent chase of two and a halt years, tho man and woman Jiavn been round on tho oxtromo rrontlor or llrltish Co lumbia. t i t I Up-to-Date I Stationery... This wwiiih lint and bluipen t are out nnd lmve reached uh. Our llnPianowcoTiiplotfl.iiiid f Vou i want riiiintv, atylish patiers'we 7 Hupply ymi with them. The tendenftv lu tn mn tn .i..n,..i t t tints tti 1.1 ieaOii, but we've plen T iy oj pmni oreaiim ior ninse wuo r prefer tht-m. Also high grade 1 papers In bulk-a ilenlralile way T to buy them, becuune you cun get i & little or n lnueli ns you want, ? orittii u-ssortmeut of styles If vou like. '1 F. W. Schmidt Druggist, Post-office Block Phone Main 851 Walter's Flouring Mills Capacity, JGO barrols a day. Flour exchanged for wheot. Flour, Mill Food, Chopped .Vttd etc., always on band. AVh AWAmS mWm mM mm mmm mmm - - " arm... mm mmwm mmm mmm ntr' ., rw 1. mmm mn mw mm mw mm mm mmwpa - ucsprik.w - mr-m mmm mmr m m m fL. mnr a com... f i ir-.i 11 . (., IbiU ji iiirj nuiiciiiii' in in iinntrnp 1 m t un ri.L' . u -r -11 i iur llnr .7 TL. shadow of gloom which cannot he 3 uuvu iuuiiu mm inc use nf Mn(l,..i. !.. - confinement of nil pain nnd dancer z JZT ZL time of .Mr ?t critic trbir Not ... D UIJr wirouRn the perils nf mwefi Cein.y prepare the system for the coining ewnJ4. Sickness." nnd nl inr !!- vc"t. Drew.. .7 comioris 01 mis period. Sold by ull druggists at fil.OO ncr bottle. Ilnnlr containintr vaiuauic inrormBtin,, t ' Shot Guns Rifles To he a good shot you must he supplied with ciass maierin . notn lmim nnd n, ,..:... . is tno nignest crane, winch 13 the rinn r- 1. V snooting coming to us. The 74t MAIN STREET ECONOMY IS THE ROAD TO WEALTH Practice economy in your clothing by having 0111 nwnv irnrmintc rliiinM(I rfi-iiiv1 tirucm.d nH.l 1 . J O -- " -- '.. oi.u (iiiii llldlic Sf ri(!W. If vnil clnQirn thn rnlnr rlmmmil tiotft. 4..J - j "int. liirjn UCU, arc (ircpared to tahe your old clothes and mnke them loot 11W flf'lin Olir Clontil ('initiili.e fi L J a, "ri""" wan nn.i.i i-iiiui.a iiisi Uid55 unit DDI jut! nib i.uiii;i iwnii fine tifli.ai .nr.. n.tli ll.nt .,-. ...n.. It UJ 1 jt (iin.in uir rui.ii hiiiiv t iiu un nnin nil mil II, riju Qijr WOIl 41... ...... ...in 1 ..i i 1 e ...1.1 r r! AfSm v vvr ) tJLCUIH ljRWZa 1 1 Tf. RAf VII IK II 1 w w w CANTY & JONES, Props. 730 COTTONWOOD STREET win uring u 10 your aoor list 1; ELATERITE It Mineral Rubber.) nrlln.i It ii,.iiHuuirv to UEI'LAUr. A "" mmm I I L 1f I I UI II ir, iuhos in. place or shingles, tin, iron, tar ju , & m - - . . ... . -, UnlA flU U.V""- . uuuukd. rur uui uuu Diiraii kuuikod, B. - --. i lempere ior ail climates. KeaaonaDie iu ck teea. it will pay to ask for prlcosana inionaauvu. THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO. WorcotUr Building. . . . , A a TT7 C IX ItlAtlkllnl 41 n PIANO and ORGAN AT Clpsing.out Sale a( my entire qtpcMt JA Squnres, Portiers, Lace Curtains, Ma' , Pillows nnd Feathers, Pictures and .Htame - mu3t no .teanrdless ot cast. , You r.n . A,., &.ln..r 1UC. 9jtl2.fOr,a' - JESSE FAILING, 901 ft trio: Bfldee Its THE3E8T ,.. TUB MOST WHOLESOMb WITHOUT A BUrEBlOB . mm T?Ifl BYERy BES 1 Tf, fZtAtd of Excelkflcy' PENDLETON ROLLER w vom A ,l " III(IUI1 (Jj - ' - J w 3 . I f- IWI A NEW YEAR'S WKSHL is worthless without it it practice So if you resolve vour laundrv work "done j . not delav placing your soil in charge of nrrAU T ATIND mj A M-m .r .rn r:RT'A. '