DATtY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY IB. 1904. WARM FOOTWEAR FOR COLD AND ROUGH WEATHER i SPKOHAli PWUE TO 11KI1UCK BTOCK Youths' 1 buckle Arctles. . nRU Hoys' ,. ,, ,. Men's " " " Men's Noll-edge Arctic " Men's Excluder Arctic " Men's -l-bucklo Arctic ' Men's Molormiui Overshoes " Meii's OtUiwuH " Men's Knit Wool llootH perfection " Men's Kelt Hoots 1 rfeothm " Boy's " " " now il).7n 1.00 " ,85 " 1.2ft " 1,00 " 1.50 " l.fl) " I.fiO ' 1.20 " 2.155 " l."5 " ;i,00 " 2.10 " a.fio " iMt " :.oo " i.60 2..W1 " 2.10 " 2.0(1 " l.M) 1.00 Clearance prices ou allbioken lines of men'.-), boys', ladles', mines' nml children's shoes. DIND1NGER, WILSON & COMPANY Phone Main ltm. COOD SHOES CHEAP - l-'--4 - WORK ON STREETS J. R, WEANS GIVES 8YNOP- SIS OF EXPENSE ITEMS. City Council Ordered No Permanent Improvements Made Because of Sewer Work Street Sprinkling Expenses Ate Up Most of the Street Funds Bridges and Crosswalks All Come Out of the Total Expense. Pendleton. Jan. 15. (To the- Mi ter.) Tho Tribune having been yelp ing at my heels during nil tho time I was street commissioner, strains itself to be spiteful nt the conclu-; akin of 'my torm. In commenting on -tho council's action In establishing tho office undor the scare head "No More Street Commissioner," tho Tri bune declares tbnt over 18,000 was spont on Btrect improvement during the year, with llttlo left to show for it except tho present condition of tho main thoroughfares. streets constantly torn up. For tin: small repairs that rould bo made, and cleaning, Including removal of tho mud nbout $M0 altogether was spent under my supervision, about SG to for crossings and there Is lum hot- on hnml worth ntioiit $100, a total of $1,440. About $5011 was spent on bridges, and the remainder of tho $S.O0A men tioned or practically $i'iaiu, was spent on sprinkling and other Items not under my supervision, and this was never under my supervision. The present condition of the streets 1b excellent In juiy judgment. j when compared with th insignificant sum spent on them. What I was able to d without money was done, and the amount ef money expended and' the present condition of the streets is the proof. I was particularly instructed by tho council not to attempt any consider able improvement and nut cent for any put pose was expended oy mo without tho expenditure being tlrst approved by the street committee, and no considerable sum was expend ed until after It was authorized by tho council. No proper system of bookkeeping JUDGES HID CLERKS clorks, I). A. l'eobler, I.eo Ilenm, A. . Mccarty. In an effort to bo snlteful, thoTrl-jfor tho street department Is wait), bune has falsified tho fact cither wll- i talned by the council, but the fig- fully or through the Ignorance that usually guides Us declarations. ' The llttlo venom does not hurt mo, I J-'-t- but the people saould be told nan much of tho $8,000 was spent upon tho streets under my supervision. It is a fact that no money has been spent for any permanent street Im provements. Tils properly so. because construc tion work on the sewer kept tho ures SJvyH auovo as to money ex pended by mo are. approximately cor- I do not know whether tun ENTIRE CORPa DRAWN , FOR COMING ELECTION. List of One Hundred and Two Clorks and Same Number of Judges Who Will Preside In Umatilla County's Thlrty-four Precincts June 6 Next, Tho clorlts and Judges or tho couu ty election, which will take plaio on Juno C, wore chosen C8terdny nftur noon by the county court With tho exception of Juniper nnd Prospect, every precinct has been c.hoson throughout tho county. Till) list of otne'nls is as follows: Adams Judces J. O. Hales. Job." IVrrlncer. J T. Ueuallon: clarks J. H. KIrby, 1). A. Marquis, M. A Ferguson, Alba Judges A. 0. Quant, It, Mc Donald, Frank Drown; ciorKs, u, llrohm, Jouh Clark, Wlllinm Mc Laughlin. North Athena Judges Cnss Can non, V M. Shlck. James Scott; clorks C, O. Henry. York Dell, N. A. Mil ler Knuth Athena Judges Honry Schmidt. E. A. Dudley, David Taylor; rlorks. Oeoruo It. Corking, W. 11. Taylor, C. C. Whltoman. Illnuham Springs Judges J. F Thomnson. Hurry Willis, C. V. Ave ry; clorks, It. II. Graves, it. u. linger, Henry I-accy. Cottonwood Judges ueorgo fllnn. Lewis llolus. J. W. loner clerks, C. It. Huhor, T. U, Wallace, Wnlter C. Orecn. Kcho Judges William Gulll- ford. Frank Hack. Otis Mccarty; clerks, Arthur llammor. Charles H. Miller, O. D. Teel. Encampment Judges a. ii. Todd. T, II. Wells, U S. Osbom: elerhs. K. B. Porter, W. Ii. Iloss, Kan (inlanders. Fulton Judges II. J. Taylor. John llarr. Walter McCarmmnch; clerks. G. T. Elgin, William Potts, (leorgo Schroeder, Gllllland Judges G. V. Dunn, 0, E. Adams. A. 11. Hnuna. Sr.; clerks. John Pecblcr, David Horn. John Wynn. Helix Judges W. K. Potts, Perry Myrick. Frank ltlcbmotid: clerks, At. E. llott, II, 15. Itlehnrds, A. F. Turner. Hoguu Judges J. E. Arkoll, A. G. Uuholtz, Swnnto Anuorson; OFFICERS INSTALLED. Clerks' Union Afterward Had Social Session, The Clorks' Union of tho city met n, ii,., t.nii innt n la it for c tin installa tion of their olllcers for the term, At tho conclusion of the meeting a bnn mint wnn served and n general good time wns had by all thoso present. 'Nearly the whole membership of tho union wns In attendance aim uuioo n lnrge crowd. The officers of the union who wore liiBtnlle;1 last night were: President, Charles A. Epnlnger; first vice-president, Georgo Ferguson; second vice president, Carl Cooley; recording unit corresponding secretary, D. 11. Hal loy; financial secretary, Norvnll Jones; guide, A. V, Zoolluor; guard, J. H. Wallace. 1303 EXPENDITURES WHAT IT COST TO RUN THE COUNTY LAST YEAR. 1 F. & S. Cough Syrup Will stop that Cough and Cure that Cold, It ia Sure to reach THE RIGHT SPOT, tl i t , t t f Tribune's claim of a total expenditure of $8,000 Is within a mile of the truth or not, and whether my figures of Jfi.ofin for Hiirlnkllnir are correct or not I do not know, as thoy depend j clerks, M. M. Fix, C. W. Drown, A. J. entirely on whether the Tribune Is i Gill. Holdmnn Judges Wnlter lilt ney. It. L. Harp, .W. (J. Purcell; clerks, Ora Holdmnn, W. W. Hartle, E. C. Johnson. North Milton Judges J, V. Arnold, A. Hopson, William Lloyd; clerks, N. W. .iiumford, J. N. llaskott, correct as to the total expenditures or not. They probably are not cor rect. Respectfully, JAMES It. MEANS. The nonnllsts of Kansas, according to tho state central committee, will Elmer Chastain. keep in the middle of the road during South Milton tho coming campaign will not split tickets or fuse with the democrats. Trie WHOLESOME CRESCENT -Phosphate 4. OAKlNG POWDER TALLMAN & CO. Leading Druggists t The remarkable increase in con sumption demonstrates its superla tive merits and wholesomenes. ONE POUND 25 CTS t NOT GOOD, NOT HERE Judges Daniel Kirk, H. I Frnzler, H. M. Cockburn; clerks, Itobert Still, Claudo W. Steen, C. E. Berry. Mountain Judges A. J. Shaw, John E. Waldcn, J. W. Hyatt; clerks, John Oldborn, J. Z. English, William H. Gould. .McKay Judges Alex Hudson, Charles Herin, S. P. Hutchinson; '.'I'jrKs, D K. Hell, S. K. Yates, H. A. Faxon. Pendleton Precinct Judgos T. 11, Swcarengen, S. A. Alloway, J. A. Horn; clerKs, 8. S. Darnell, C. H. Penland, F. E. Earl. North Pendleton Judges F. II. Clapton, J, M, Ilcntloy, Sim Iladloy; clerks, C. H. Hamilton, Frank Fra- ' zlor, Leo Moorhouso. I South Pendleton Judges L. A. , Vogel, L. E. Penland, G. Neuman; clerks, J. It. Dickson, T, F. Howard, L. G. Frazlur. East Pendleton Judges W. It. Wlthee, William Hlltou, W. 11. Ha ley; clerks, N. Berkeley, F. W. Hen ley, J. P. Walker. Pilot Hock Judgs Doug Belts, Herbert lloylen, J. E. Cherry; clerks, O. F. Carnes, Oliver Kuott, John Har rison. Reservation Judges A. 1). Blue, H. M. Wood. L. L. Mann; clorks, 11. F. McElroy, s. C. Ulttuor, T. U. Haw ley. Tl Tluddock Judges E. J. Wll I ' bur. Fred ('. Davis, E. S. Wilbur; 1 clerks, H. A. Blair, B. Swaugur, II. F The Poor Cost the County More Than Any Other One Item of Expense, and Reform School Commitments Cost the Least The Aggregate wns Forty.elght Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty-one Dollars. The county clerk has sent to tho state treasurer an account of tho ex penses of the county for the past year as compiled by tho clork nnd ap proved by the, county court. It plucos the total expenses of tho county for tho year 1903 at $48,'J51.79, Itemized ns follows: County court 2..1G0.40 Circuit court Justlco court 2,SC1.VI 78C.95 Sheriff's olllco D.81U.9G Clerk's olllco Recorder's office Treasurer's olilce Coroner . . , , School superintendent Stock Inspector Assessor Tax assessment, collection.. Current expenses Court house Tux rebate Jail 1.I02.C3 Poor ".ioc.cfi Indigent soldiers 319.&0 Insane commitment ex penses 9b.ir Reform school commitments 10.15 Election expenses 21G.tr. Mlsscllaneous expenses, (for tho relief of tho Heppncr sufforurs & other things) 2,231.00 .1,300.00 3.300.00 1,200.00 342.25 2,lfi9.fS G99.90 4,142,00 U17.-W 3,252.22 4,190.93 103.00 COMING EVENTS. North Pacific Fair association, Portland, January 35-10, Whitman-Oregon debate, Eugono, January 1G, 1901. Walla Walla Poultry show. Febrn aty 3-7. Oregon Christian Endeavor 1 envoi tlon at Pendleton, February 19-22, 1901. Visitors From Morrow County, W. J, Wattenburgor, of Hoppner, and A. K. Wnttenhurgor, of Butter crook, woro In tho city today on bun luoss. They report Block In oxcclltmt condition on tho lluttor crook ranches and say that while Hoppner is very dull nt.tho present time, many small buildings tire going up, nnd that the opening of spring will witness gen eral activity In building more sub stantial und permanent structures. W. J. Wattenburgor moved Into Hoppner for the purpose of sending his children to school, and noxt win ter will probnhly come to this elty for the samu purpose, owing to tlio greater conveniences here. It Is bo flattering to 11 sick man to toll him that ho Is 111 from overwork. IS..-, . . 1 mm . x. mm m n 11 uiimir b u nmiii mm 1 11 111 1. ir w WMUl Japan Wants wc rjo not, w. " sell y01 , ; "Mother's Pride, TJic liest (Wenl coffee o eaD h;, We havc othet Lit ualy 0Jnd!.' YrsfornHllitv ..4 IMTKrHlVlVI .AUI t t t The iA-aders of Low Prices in Pi-mlteiou. - - . Our Big Annual uooas arc going JXcgardlcss of True Values we mubi matte room tor our BIG i 2f jxinu 1 ULK. Come and let us saver yo money on any good s you may need to our line of business Total $18,251.73 DALLAS O'HARA FINED. "When the Frost is on the Pumpkin" Shorter days now and longer nights. Soon a nipping frost and the leaves glow with crimson and gold. Man's appetite, sharpened by the crisp invigor ating 'morning air, will demand a cup of good COFFEE, hat biscuits and smoking pancakes deluged with Maple Syrup. tl Urown. REVERE COFFEE tl Is the proper accompaniment to a pancake breakfast. Do not spoil otherwise a good breakfast by poor Coffee, but always order Revere, as it is sure to please. We are headquarters for Maple Syrup and Buckwheat of all kinds. Wo remind you of these things now. The cook will remind you later, 9 BE PREPARED F. S. YOUNGER & SON ! ! Ultlab Judges E. 1). (lambee, Frank Hllbcrt. Henry I-azlnki, clerks, J. W. Galloway, Hay Hnrpole, Frank Hoynton. Umatilla Judges W. 11. Park er, John Swltzler, S. A. Haylor; clerks, J. W. Duncan, J. N. Hoover, J. H. Tomllnson. Union Judges A. C. Fried ley, Kugonu McCulle.r, D. Howdysholl; clerks, Fred fiearcey, Herman Suhl, 11. 11. uarvoy. ,,i Valley Judges W. 8. GooK man, James Kirk, Thomas M, Lowla! clorks, C. F. Weiss, Frank K. WellaJ Honry Swartz. Vancyelo Judges J. A. Ores-, well, It. C. Dunnlngton, W. J. Stock;i man; clerks, W. H. Dale, Carl Kupcrs, 1 Uenjamin Stanton. VlriBOn Judges E. A. Hugg, 8? G. Lightfoot, Donald Itoss; clorks, J.1 N. Sulste, J, M, Kramer, C, JEC. Hus-J sell. Woston Judges H. A. Dames, H. B. Turner, William Powers; clorks, Clark Wood, Frank U Blair, Clark Nolson. East Weston Judges J. M. O'Hara, N. B, Ilradloy, Uobort Jamlo son; clorks, O. C. Turner, M, 8. Hancklo, James H, Prico. Willow Bprings Judges John A. Owlngs, Harry Whlttakor, Georgo L. Horseman; clerks, John F. Oglo, M. B. Fletchor, James Marcum, Yoakum Judgos 11. Hoppor, Ed Dtipuis, A. W. Norton; clorlts, W. B. Oould, Kim Morton, II. Y. McCIol lan. JuniperJudges Frank B. King, M. h. Morrison, Mnnuol Frlodly; clorks, John F. Wyrlck, Andrew Lar son, II. V. Btoolo. Prospect - Judges II, C. Ilran Btettor, It, M, Alcorn, B. Y. Turnoy; Defendant Let Off Easy, as He Was Not Altogether to Blame. Tho case of the city against Dallas O'Hara was tried In tho recorder's court this morning nt 10 o'clock, and fitter tho introduction of tho testi mony tho defendant was lined $5 and the costs of the action. O'Hara was nrrested yestorday morning charged with having assault ed William SI. Hooves, on Slum street. Hooves swore out a complaint against him after some consultation, and, was tho principal witness In tho case. The testimony was, somowhat conflicting In places, and It was owlnn , to this that tho lino was so light. 1 Starving Indians of Ontario, north I of Lake Nlplgon, murdered nnd ato n j young squnw lately. The Cnnndlnn government has hustled food supplies and constables Into the district. 1 Closing Out Prices Of Dry Goods 12'ic Ladles Hose, 4 for 25c 15c Children's Hose, 3 for. .. ,25c $1.00 Colored 8erge 49c $1.50 Wrappers D8c $1.25 Wrappers 79c $1.00 Wrappers 59c 0 Handkerchiefs for 5c $1.25 Colored Velvets for 75c 94 Bleached Sheeting for .. .21c 10c Bleached Muslin for . . 72c 8 Spools Thread for 25c 50c Velveteens for 25c 12!ic Light Colored- Percales .5c $1.25 Kid Gloves for 49c $5.00 and $6.00 8klrts . . - $2.98 $10.00 Tailor Made Suits .$5.00 SIRnn T.-i ir Martr .Quit 17 75c Sheets, 81x90 size ,,. $125 Corsets $1.00 Corsets 50c China Silks, all colon Odd Woolen Underwtar .. 12'2c Outing Flannel 50c Bleached Tabling .. idc Lawns, an colors 1Rr Walstlnn 1Q, W.-ilntlnn ....UVil i . i ... ...25c Remnants Remnants Remnants . . ji,. i rrwt For eale at the East oregonian otiic u,a - containing over iuu Dig papers, can u n" mmM. "tiL&mmmm vsBm PARK THEATRE six BIG NIGHTS The Clara Mathes v Company l?esitlng a Repertoire of ; NEW DRAMATIC ' SUCCESSES vt' and THE LATEST FADS In POLITE VAUDEVILLE .PRICES. and 30 CENTS COMMENCWC Monday, iifiifirv 19 CHANGE OF and SPECIALTIES at nt vacu PERFOFM . r Special . each PW X "TENNESSEE'S PARDN"