J -t. PAILY EAST OREGONIaN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDaV, JANUARY 14, 1904. us a Htm Shirt Waists fc nvc will GIVE AWAY a SHIRT- ! W each Skirt sold I U FOLLOWING PRICES L:h 4 oo Skirt yoi get a 0.75 Waist Free 1 EH0 LAND &. LUMBER CO. PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVES. 5 00 6 OO 7 00 8 00 9.00 10.00 12 00 15 o .CO 1-25 1.50 i-75 2.00 2.50 3-oo J.50 5-00 Ltfn sen ju oit-ina mia wren, ji nar means 5Dnirr. waists given away. SURE AND GET A WAIST E TEUTSCH S I STORE, COR. MAIN AND ALTA t Brevities I Get Sunny. Mr at Martin's Hiring at Toutscn's Iftks Thursday nigut. Ijrpins nt cost at Fall- 1 piano. Apply at wis aber Thursduy night, lMde skirts arriving i'l. lirnlshcd rooms to 1 out, IikI 1 Mint ebon when you I glass put in. lool shoes that wear I it Tcutsch s. Crescent bicycles t!i to J40-Nolf's, t tatlsfactlon at Hovf- : Recs' cigar store. I tarnished rooms for If, J. Uark's, 70S Raley. 11 Urst-class piano tint in. Work guaranteed. tie main 701 when you Ready (or service at all loaedy's cab is at your tours. 'Phono main clothes cleanod and trjer'a, 12C West Court it his old stand, 221 Irtth a fresh stock rf I fruits, cigars, etc. r ud hall Is offered for ktilnments, parties," pri Ki and dances. Apply I ol wanting to leave It all the books In my : sale nt vory niason- II on or address Mrs. Athena, Or . Got Sunny. U C Rader. Several loads of cinders for th hauling, at the Domestic Laundry. .Mens hats cleaned nnd blocked, ciouies cleaned nnd pressed. J. J Comogys, 222 East Court street. A social will be given to tho clerks at union hall, Thursday night. All clerks requested to be present. Permits for ministers half faro tickets have arrived at 0. R. & N. depot. Ministers can get permits by application. Pormlts for ministers' half fare tickets have arrived at 0. R. & K. de pot. Ministers can get permits application. by CLARA MATHES COMING. Fttch ttd Jewelry Repairing? sot we want to, ; yoit you will paranteed work Ft Drieis ZKER nce Jeweler Popular Company Will Play In the City for a Week. Starting Monday evening, January IS, Miss Clara Mathes and her pop ular company will open an engage ment at tlio Park theater and will pre sent their reportolre of recognized play successes with polite vaudeville between acts. ' "Tennessee's Pardner" will be the first production made here. This company's production of this ever popular play is considered one of the best over seen In the West. Spnclal scenery, costumes and elec trical effects are carried for every play presented by Miss Mathes, and to wlule away tho time between acts a special company of vaudeville ar tists have been engaged and will pre sent eight distinct specialty features at each performance. The engagement Is for six nights only with a change of play and vaude ville at each performance. Plaintiff Alleges Breach of Faith and Unaccountlng for Money, Both of Capital and Current Receipts Asks to Be Made Secure In Hie In-vestments. CAUSE OF POPULARITY. Crrrtlt TJ.r..for Xi.t Do to Unman mini, or ol ihi. I-nn.ll.- Ho who tells the story Is the owner or a blue ribbon St. Ilerrvml dog, n masterly fellow mid winner of ailmlm t on as well as prizes. l.nst smim.er the .log went with his master and family to fashionable resort and wax there the Center of undiminished In tcrcst throughout the season. "It was the most delightful summer we ever spent." recited the teller nf iim I Muij ana the owner of the dog the oth I ir day, "mm tin- people were tho iileost A .suit was filed In tho clerk's of. I s a "'hole we eer met. Our popu ficc 'this morning which will come bo-i ,!rlt,y "'I'1 ,"u" M1,,lmrr ''ny was tore the elrenlt-court at Its session of "n tTl?,!"" "VT mme nivt u-nni- i ., ,,1 t 1. . ... o tiep.irt K whs with nt) end of sorrow t-?ii. ni ' " whIh , 11 ,s asked l)y ll,al wv ,,0l'"' l make our adieus Nat- tno fceno . Drlde to 1 i :i. 11,, 1 .). ...1.1. .... ceiver lie annotated for j-ann Ac Lumber Company of Echo, and that the partnership now existing between tho plaintiff and Maude Rob inson, tho defendant in the suit, bo dissolved and an accounting be mado of all of tho moneys and notes and OthOr assets Of the rmnnn.. The plaintiff alleges that In August urISlit faced, hnciy little girl of eight 1902, an agreement of partnership p0"' w" xvas wom express her sen- was entered Into between himself and , llm,l,s wuimut reserve, eaine to s.ij mo (icrcmlant by which ho was to put $1,000 Into a lumber, land nnil irnnor. al merchandise business, nnd that tho tieiemiant was to contribute $300 to wards tho stock of the comnanv. The amounts were each supposed to draw interest at the rate of S per cent on the Investment. Tho plaintiff further claims that ho has paid tho additional sum nf sjnn Into the company, to be used In the transaction df its business, while the defendant has never in the duration of the 'partnership paid more than $1G0 Into tho treasury. He further comnjalns that A W. Robinson, who Is tho husband of the plaintiff, and acting as tho manager of the com pany, reruses to allow the plaintiff to have any voice in tho conduct of tho business, or to inspect the books for the purpose of ascertaining the condition of tho same. The manager and defendant, so the plaintiff alleges, aid drawing largo amounts from the business in excess of the salary of the manager, for their private use. There are a large number of accounts out against tho business and there is no way of meet ing them unless the'clalms held by the company are taken up. and for all of these reasons the plaintiff asks for a dissolution of the nartnsrshln and that a receiver be appointed who shall wind up the affairs of the con cern and secure tho plaintiff in the money he has Invested. I PEBSDHAL MEHTIDH. RETURNED FROM CALIFORNIA. Southern Part of State Suffering From Protracted Drouth. A. D. Stlllman has returned from California, where he has been for several weeks on a business trip. He went first to San Francisco, and from there to Stockton and Los Angeles. Mr. Stlllman is satisfied with this state, as ho says that the lower part of California is burned up and every green thing Is fast withering and dy ing. There has been no rain at all !n some parts of tho state this winter, and tho frultmen are suffering to a great oxtont. In tho Sacramento val ley and in tho central part of tho state, however, there Is no trouble, nnd everything is prosperous. none to Walla Walla. Ur. C. J. Smith was called to Walla Walla this morninr to attend a case lu consultation at the nospuai mere. He was accompanied on tho trip by his father, S. R. Smith, who Is his guest. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY r -..!.. iiMMB Quinine Tsblet, All drunbu relund tbf money !' ,cu" K. WT Grore' lgntuw on each uoi. -ic iiiw nleharn H. Kennedy, under arrest' in Hlllsboro for burglary, is now' on trial. Two sets or people : people who like Schilling's Hest and people who like to be hum bugged. 'AM OF TARTAR. We hav nor m.-i. . ve to keep the chemically p'ire kind cine. Th enmn lt'mi is none too od for cooking. Many good cooks buy this J'rae here -r0i ,s 30 anj 6o centVackafies. ara'm is to sell drugs and chemicals that ' just a little better than you find in every S store. Nens The PoPularRPgcesToRE A. C. KOEPPEN &. BROTHERS T. ,T Kirk, of Athena, Is in tho city. Michael Ryan of Athena is In the city today. Zoe Horser came up from Echo on business this morning. T. J. Kirk, the Athena farmer, Is in the city for a short time. 0. W. Bradley, of Athena, was a Pendleton visitor yesterday. D. J Kirk, of Milton, Is In the city for a short visit transacting business. H. T. Motley, of Milton, was in the city today for a short time on busl t'est R. E. Porter, of Meacham, is visit ing lu the city for a few days on busi ness. Mrs, M. A. Rush, of Athena, is the guest of friends In the city for a few days. Miss Alberta Rush, of Atheua, is visiting triends In tho city for a short time. Mrr F. E. Simpson, of Athena, is visiting friends in the city for a short time. J. L. Hoe. a prominent resident of Fret-water, Is In the city for a short visit. Eugene Tauslck, of Walla Walla, Is in the city today for a short visit on business. James Crawford was a visitor in Athena this morning for a short bus iness visit. Miss Blanch Horn of McKay is In the city for a short visit with Pendlo ton friends. K. . Hunt, who has been in the drug business in Spokane for sorao time, has accepted a position In the Koeppen drug store. Return From Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Jackson and sons, Philip and Francis, have te turned from an extended visit to Vir ginia and other Southern and Eastern states. VANCOUVER PROCURER. Frenchman Attempt to Eteape From the Authorities. Vancouver, B. C, Jan. 14. Tho po lice today raided tho residence of Desire Uotbler, a Frenchman, and found a dozen girls, all alleged to have recently been Innocent girls of Paris, France, now leading a life of shaino. Bothler was arrested charged with luring girls under 1 from France un der false pretenses and selling thorn for Immoral purposes. Botuler's ef focte were searchod and a pass book on a Paris bank found which shows $50,000 on doposlt. He attempted to escape from tho cour room during the trial and was chased for a quar ter of a mile by the judge, witnesses and citizens. Ho fell from exhaus tion and wns taken bark and the trial proceeded with. South African politics now has but one live issue and that is creating great bitterness and excitement; to Import, or not import uninese labor ers. When a train of passenger cars Is telescoped, the passengers see stars for some time, i.a.i -..j ..v .1.1,1 niiji.nriieti siiolild wish we were not going 10 them. i!,lt our vanity wns short lli,H. There came n shock which set us to thinking and won. tiering as 10 whom the credit fur our prestige w.is due. It Imnnened when n goodliy " "Oou't lull me joti are going moy?" she negatively queried In a depressed tone of voice, nnd we began to feel that from her we were to get the most genu ine expression of regret of the colony, "'Yes,' 1 replied. 'We have to go back to the city now, but we live In the hope of sec' tig- our very dear friends up hero again In the near future.' "Oh, she continued, -I bate lo hac you go Indeed, Indeed I do -for we certainly will mis your dog.' "Wash Ingtou Star. Siir Onclit tn Know. Four-year-old Ituth was seated on tho floor tending to the cares of n large family of dolls, one member of which was iu rather a dilapidated condition. "How old is that dollle, Ruth!" In quired a visiting friend. "She is fifty years old," answered Ruth graxely. "Why, Ruthle," exclaimed Sister Margaret, "I dou't think she U as an cient as that!" "Margaret," and the large brown eyes were raised In surprise, "1 certainly fink I, ought to know the ages of my own children." And Ruthie was right. The doll had been her grandmother's. Chicago's Little Chronicle. YOUR FURNITURE WANTS Let tis fill them and save you money No matter what yoa desire, fee U an elaborate and artistic odd piece or whole set for any room, or for an outfit for yoor entire house, or plain furniture of anyjdescrlpHon, We have it. We will take pleasure in showing you thtough pur Jarge and complete collection of new goods. Most attractive and largest line of IRON BEDS in Pendleton are shown in our stock. Carpets and Lin oleums to please the fancy of all. Ki)hII Remedied. "Now see what you've made me do!" cried the girl who was writing a form al note accepting a young man's thea ter Invitation. The little sister who had Joggled her elbow looked at the blot and laughed. "I'll fix It." she said. "It's easy." She took the len aud scrawled above the blot, "This Is a kiss." "That's what 1 always do when 1 make a b'loti" she explained. Chicago Tost To Whom It Msy Concern. We have been supplied with 1901 clergy certificate application blanks, and all concerned should purchase, one and make application to the chairman as early as possible for 1904 certificates as clergy certificates of 1903 Issue will bo honored until Jan uary 31st inclusive: after that date 1903 certificates will be void. E. C. SMITH, Agent O. R. & N. Co., Pendleton. The Boston SHOE STORE WOMEN Who are paying $4.00 and $5.oo for their Shoes are invited to try the PINCIREE GLORIA at $3-50. They hold their shape and wear longer than most women care to wear a pair of shoes. The Boston Store GOOD DRY WOOD All Kinds I have good sound wood which is delivered at reasonable prices For Cash. W. C. MINNIS Leave orders at Neuman s Cigar Store. BAKER & F0LS0M Complete Furniture Store. Near Post Office i --- Shot Guns Rifles Ammunition Tobc a good shot you must be supplied with first class material, both gun and ammunition Our line is the highest grade, which ii the reason for lovers of. shooting coming to us. Tiie Hardware 74J MAIN STREET Me thtit bloweth not his own horn thesume shnll not bo blown" WhenDinner'sReady THE FARMER'8 WIFE BLOWS THE HORN TO SUMMON HER HUSBAND TO THE MIDDAY MEAL. IT BRING8 HIM. WHEN THE MERCHANT HAS PREPARED A FEA8T OF GOOD THINGS FOR WHICH PLENTY OF PEOPLE ARE HUNGRY, HE, TOO SHOULD TOOT A HORN TO CALL THEM TO HIS BANQUET OF BAR. QAIN8. "BUT THE HORN MUST BE BLOWN WHERE THE MULTITUDE WILL HEAR IT OR NOBODY WILL COME TO THE FEAST, OECAU8E NOBODY WILL KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT, EVEN THOUGH IT MAY BE THE MOST TEMPTING REPAST EVER SPREAD. THE ADVERTISING HORN VIO OROU8LY BLOWN IN THE COL. UMNS OF A LIVE, WIDE AWAKE, UP TO DATE NEWSY NEWSPAP ER THAT GOE8 AMONG THE CLA88 OF PEOPLE HE WANTS FOR PATRON8, WILL BRING HIM A VOLUME OF TRADE FAR BEYOND HI8 MOST SANOUINE EXPECTA. TION8. THE VERY BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM FOR PENDLETON MER CHANTS 18 THE EAST OREGON. IAN BECAUSE THROUGH IT THEY CAN 8END THEIR MESSAGE DI RECT EVERY EVENING TO THE MAJORITY OF THE PROSPEROUS HOMES OF PENDLETON M08T OF WHOM WANT TO BUY SOMETHING LET THE BUSINESS MAN SHOW THESE PEOPLE THE ADVANTAGE OF BUYING HI8 GOOD8, AND HE WILL HAVE NO TROUBLE IN 35. CURING THEIR PATRONAGE. A LITTLE JUDICIOUS BLOWING OF THE HORN WILL DO THE BUSINESS. LEGAL BLANKS gonian for a free cat- ' tlopue of them. A full supply always kept in stock.