ORECONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1004, DAILY EAST l'tiiiiuhixl every nftcrnnon (except Sumtay) m IVitcllotoii, Orcson, by tlw EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. 1'boDc. Alain tl SUIISCISIITIOX RATKK. Kalu jr by niall 15.00 Dally, til ruouthn by mall -.311 Dally. tUr month, by mall 1.-5 Dally, on oiontli by mall tin Dally, per month by carrier 115 WMkly. cue year by mall t.fiO wlsljr. alx months by mall B Wly. four niooths by mall 50 feinl-Weekly. one year by mall .... 2.00 Hml-V-l:ly. ix months by mall .. l.oo Semi-Weekly, three mouthi by mall .. .50 Th (ia.it Oresonlnn 1 on talc at II. II. t'.tch'a Ner Standi nr Hold l'ortland auil Hotel I'erklna, lMrtlnm), Oregon. Member tloa. Srrlpiw Ucliae Newt Auocla San Prauclxo llureau. os fourth St. Chicago r.urcau. !)()! Security Htilltllng. Waahtnetou. l C. IturcJiu, 501 Hth St.. . W. Catered at I'enttletoa poatofilee aa neccond claaa matter. V Wl ONI L. I L . Hi t O Religion Is not a little fenced off enclosure, within which all is sacred, and outsiau of which all is secular nnd profane. There is no sncn distinction to bo drawn. Huligion is life, character, conduct: it reaches up to God and down Into the smallest details of daily duty. It covers everything. The man who does not want to mix his religion with his business must have a very poor quality of religion or n very shady sort of business. FORTUNATE OREGON. "While the city of Portland is clinching friendships, by the hundred. in her able and masterly handling of the livestock conventions, the happy ord reaches the city that Jefferson Myers has added a master stroke to the already matchless accomplish ment of the stato of Oregon and city of Portland, in furthering the inter ests of the Lewis and Clark fair. To the fine executive' ability and foresight of .Mr. Myers is due the In troduction and passage of a resolu tion by the democratic natlonnl com mittee, recognizing and Indorsing both the St. Louis nnd Lewis and Clark fairs, by that committee. No other one act performed In the interest of these expositions, will have such a wide reaching effect. No other single performance will appeal o thrlllingly to the masses as the commendation of this committee, of ovents commemorating the two great est achievements of tho father of de mocracy the purchase of Louisiana, and tho exploration of the "Oregon country." Oregon Is fortunate In having such a leader at the head of the state Lewis and Clark commission. This is a time In which she needs big men men of Insight and wisdom, backed by the ready wit to perceive and tho backbone to execute such master strokes as this. Even the able and statesmanlike speech of Senator Mitchell in the halls of congress will not exceed this act, In placing the fair before the peo ple. This commendation of the two historical achievements of Thomas Jefferson by his followers, Is a fitting tribute to bis wisdom and to tho glory of the result of his far-reaching policy, by which the major portion "f the empire of the United States was brought under the flag, and left as a heritage for this generation. Oregon Is fortunate In having Jef ferson Myers for this occasion. She has clinched a point through his ef forts that counts, it will bring :o sults. It means visitors for tho fair. It means renewed vigor in congress. It means greater publicity to the fair and Its objects, and It means the touching of a patriotic chord In tho hearts of the people, which will draw them to Oregon, as no other appeal could do. CHANGING THE MAP. As tho West settles up, as tho arid districts are reclaimed, new and wondrous political problems will arise. Western states are veritable empires In magnitude. Tho capital cities aro necessarily far removed from many of the popu lous districts. Travel to and from present metropoles, and stato capitals Is costly and tedious, from tho romoto cornors of tho present great stales of tho West. As tho country Is sottled up new centers of population will naturally uo formed around tho fertile spots re claimed from tho wilderness, New lines of railroad and tho grouping of now Industries will bring Into life now central points and chango tho very faco of tho maps of tho Westorn states. These wonderful Industrial evolu tions will rnnko now linos nnd new conveniences noccssary, Tlio enor mous mlicago bills by tortuous routes from .mountain valleys to state legis latures nnd county scats, will make new counties, new states nnd now cities inevitable. Thoso chnngos nro coming nnd tho people might ns woll prepnre for them. tW same vlrllo industrlnl pol icy which is now parceling out tho former 1.000 ncre farms of tho West, Into 20 nnd 40 ncro tracts, each sup porting its quota of population, will gradually divide Westorn counties found now cities and pivotal conv morclnl centers nnd In time dlvldo state; or economic nud political reft' sons. Evftit now a plnn which may seem visionary todny 1ms been proposed by nn Idaho paper. This gonitis proposes n new stato. carved from Eastern Washington, Northeastern Oregon nnd the panhandle of Idaho, with I.owlstnn ns the cnpltnl of a iinturnl state, formed by tho great districts pouring tlicir products Into the lap of that Idaho city. Greater surprises than the forma tion of Just such a state, havo been sprung on unsuspoctlug politicians in the past and it Is not an Impossibil ity. The great Cascade range dividing Oregon Into two natural sections, with vastly dlfforent needs and surround ings hns boon suggested ns the lino for stato division In this state, nnd as the vast Idle tracts of tho Interior come under the hand of the home maker, such a division would not be unjust, nor unexpected. ed on tho same day by the same com mission man, One clip brought 13& txints per pound, tho other 12 cents. This difference enraged tho low man nnd he abused the buyer very blttor ly for tho seeming injustice Hut the speaker explained tho renson for the dlfforonco in price. The man receiv ing the highest price lor his wool sorted it nt the shearing pen, put. Hub- nil tho clean fleeces In snclis a themselves nnd all tho tags, pulled wool and dirty gatherings from - the shearing pen In sacks to themselves, lnbollng them ns such. The man who received but 12 cents, put his fleeces pulled from dead sheep among his live lleeces, scattered his worst tags nil through tho clip, nnd when the buyer cut onun n sack, he found n dead fleece In the contor nnd this And cost the owner 1M: cents a pound on his entire clip. DRIFTWOOD. The following sentiments are taken from nn editorial of ex-Governor J. J. Geor's in the Salem Statesman. The editorial end of the Statesman was never better handled than It Is at present: "No class of our public servants are required to work so hard for o small pay as tho teachers In our pub lic schools. Theirs is the most thank less of all public positions to All while there is no vocation bearing more directly on the future welfare of the commonwealth. The intelli gence as well as the moral worth of the men nnd women who are to suc ceed to tho management of our af fairs depend largely ou those who are placed In charge of the chlldten In the school rooms. One of the best results, of tho live stock conventions being held in Port land this week Is the obliteration rf all traces of the differences between the sheepmen and cattlemen. A weld ing of friendships has been in pro gress this week in Portlnnd, which means peace and harmony on the wide ranges of tho state. Thanks to the broad Westerner, this is a result in keeping with his size. It means money, peace, equal rights, fair deal ing and friendship that is beyond price to the hardy race of men who are the bono and sinew of the West. Sir l'ollfiiore with nrmed hnuds, Undo out to seek the Grail, Hut though he sought In many Innds, lie sought without avail. Sir I'ollenore rode home ngnln To see ills mother, denr. And coming, found with bitter pain, That mother on her bier. And on the altar nt her bend, All passion pure and pale, Abrlm with sacred wine rosc-red He saw the Holy Oral!. God grant this little legend wings To nil who love to roam, The holiest nnd tho dearest things May still be found nt home." John Fox, tho nuthor of "The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come," on ono of the occasions of his search for local color" In the Kentucky moun tains, stayed over night nt a cabin where he slept up next the clap boards and wont down a ladder to breakfast. He washed his face In a creek below tho house and dried It on n siding of coffee sack hung against the logs for family use, and combed his hair with his own comb bcTore a piece of broken glass stuck between the chinking nnd daubing. The progress of this toilet was close ly watched by a smnll boy clothed In cottouiule pants hitched by ono "gal lus" to his shirt with a nail, nnd tho rest of his nppcaranco In keopjn. Sir. Fox believed he was making a good Impression upon the spectator until the latter casually remarked: "Say. mister, nin't you a good deal of troublo to yourself!" a Alfred Henry Lewis, In n recent Saturday Evening Post, discourses ns follows. "The Tool's n patriot in every age. sang Pope, nnd It would seem that our statesmen believe with the iiMt.. himrlilinok of Twlckonhnm Krniihiy, patriotism is ono of tho rarest exhibitions nt tho cnpltnl, while partisanship common as mo u .,i,nii ,m the avenue. Once thoro in u'lmhincton n member of congress Mnrvelous to rolnto, ho was mini Chicago, who hud counted the ballots behind him and believed liiK opponent truly elected by 42 votes Ills opponent hnd llluil u con. test, and the memlior iioiioving ns aforesaid, was so much the slave of principle thai, without waiting for n henrlng. he drew a losolution to un seat himself nnd asked tho commit tei on elections- Instantly to report It for passage through Hie house. A luitrlotlsm so surprising, an Integrity so unique, brought the houso lo Its feel. and. while tho resolution was adopted, there wont with It a second resolution commemorating tho house amazement Hint so keen n sense of honor and so foathor-edged a patriot ism should have over gained a foot hold In that body. The Washington Post is probably u cynic, at any rate It discussed as fol lows about the ulleged revival of in teiost in Mi'. Hny Llttlo llreeches:" "One reads .Mr. Tlay's earlier poonib with a thrill of pride. They open glliupxos of unselfish courage and sublime devotion, compared with which the prancing paguntry of Ho mer afflicts us like the cheapest tin sel of the melodrama." Contentment is a theme which has Inspired the pens of numerous wntors nnd the subject does not seem lo be yet exhausted. Contentment. 1 envy not the fumous men Of nny time or land; Hnmtliis may have hold the bridge, I've held Myrtllla's hand. Though Shakespeare may have writ ten plays And sonuetB not n few. Vet lo Myrtllla 1 have penned A Joyous billet-doux. BEYOND CONTROL Away ipln the horioi, round iplnt theruu bout -Bmakli' Hung I Craililll II H Un't a total wreck, bring the remnln.ol your vehicle bcre anil we Mill iln a rboiI Job of repairing for yon and I'tnirc you no mora than la right utlug good nmterluW and putting In good work Ifjouliavo had no ncclilcnt and yoor conveyance It merely "run down'rame m. vlco-biliiglt hnrulor rejuvenation. We handle cxchiitialr In Pendleton the celebrated Win ona bucglix and wagoni. KEAGLE BROS., THE BLACKSMITHS - i,.' t il MM I Asm .I.i "'. : i(- -J.TS1 Tl... -i "C UD0VO house Co Onerati... of n lmi, - . lue tlctJ Drain- may have circled round tho globe. And though that pleased his taste. Sultico for me to have my arm At omul Myrtllla's waist. Though Sherman may have made n march From Georgia to the sen, A wedding march right up tin is good enough Tor me. LIFI5 Tutullln, January 1.1. The Colombia LodrHnr House Well ventilated, neat and comfortablf rooms, good lied. Bar in connection where best goods are served. Main Street, center of block, between Alta and Webli Streets. F. X. Schempp Pr oprl e t o r aisle Peuce hai. her battlullelds, where tlioy who fight win more than honor, vanquish more than might nnd strike ngalnst a fiercer foe than one who comes nvith battleaxe and bow Ed win Arnold. Ab doon as a man Is good euoiiRh he is no longer nny good. All persons knowing themselves to be in debtcd to me will call and settle then their accounts as I need the money. Conrad Platzoeder Meat Market j. Really Co 1ra """-lll'! RIHORN & Agents lor the Coo, RomlO,T,i,u Has Real Estate for j REAL ESTATE oJ kindsanddescriptial ranging from a jl residence tn one ofM most modern aril V-4 I niulpped mansions tia.1 In the limits of ofl'ttidletou, andfraail farm of a fewtm(l good alfalfa lmd J liouaands of acral wursi isnq, mil or Address L. I). BOYD. Ill Courts t HMIHCIHIIKHS TO 1UCAZINES, 111 want to -aubncrlb to m-r.inM mI papers In the (Jolted Hutt or taM mi uj iiuniui Hole, CDI or KM I i-.Ani oiii.uil.MA.N toe Dt paai nrke of nubllcatlon nm ili will have It sent jou and uihu risk of the money belar lMt In uel It will aare yon both trouble mil ni you are o autucriber to the Eut M in rcmiiiinc tou can uenntt iu ur from the uubllfllier'i Drlce. AoMreai I OUfXiONIAN I'UU. CO., l'mdlfloa, One of the most important revela tions to sheepmen that has been madu In recent years, was unfolded by a representative of the American Man ufacturers' Association beforo tho woolgrowers' meeting on Tuesday afternoon In Portland. It was this: Two men owned herds of the same breeds of sheep, of the same grade, and at shearing time about equal In flesh and health, cleanliness and coat of wool, The two clips were stored in the same warehouse and purchas- if HEALTH GAINED I We Want Money The ttory of great deal of the unhappioeaa of women is a story of loot health. Women wonder how it is that little by little the form loses plumpness, the cheeks grow hol low and sallow, and they feel tired and worn-out all the time. In a large pro portion ot cases wlieu women are r eaic, run-down and falling off in flesh and looks, the root of the trouble can be traced to wutnanly dbeases which under mine the general health. The proof of this is that women who have been cured of painful womanly diseases by the use of Dr. Pierce's I'avorite Prescription have recovered their general health, gained in flesh and ill appearance. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures the womanly diseases which sap the gen eral health. It establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflamma tion and ulceration and cures female weaknet. "I suOrrrd for Hirer year with orarian trouble." write Mrs. Anna Ouinn (Treauircr Wom.in'i Athletic Club), of Sol Sycamore St.. Milwaukee, Wit. "The treatment 1 tool: did not do me a panicle of good, uulil a KA neigh bor who hail been lulnsr !r. Pierce's Favorite Preacriplioa aiiviacd me to glre It a trial. The next day took my firat doe, and it wa my firtl ten toward recovery. In nine weeks I was a different woman; my fleJh which hail beep flabby became firm, complexion clear nnd my eye bright It mi Imply an Indication of the Ereat change within from pain and auftering-to ealth and happtneaa." "I'avorite Prescription " makes weak women strong, sick women well. Ac cept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. We want to make January and February hummers, and propose to make them record breakers. We are going to accomplish our desire by offer ing rare inducements in the way of cut prices. Any article in our store is now offered at a reduction of 20 per cent. This means that 80 cents equals $1.00. and $4.00 gets $5.00 worth of goods. Underwear Fleece lined, all colors, regular fi.oo kind, now goc Ribbed, all colors, regular $1.00 kind, now 8oc All wool, any weight, any color, regu lar $2.00 suit, now Ji.do Egyptian comb balbriggan, regular $1.50 kind,' now ..$2-oo All wool, pink, blue or lavender, regu-$3-o Gods, now Silk and wool, blue and pink striped, regular price $4.00, now $3.20 Other high grade underwear at propor tionate reductions. Gloves 50c kind, 35c 75c kind, 50c. Jj.ookind, 75c- $1-25 kndi 9JC. 11.50 kind, i.i5 We wish to dispose of every pair of gloves in our store. Mackinaw Coats and Suits Mackinaw coats, $4.00, now $3.00 Mackinaw pants, $aa, now 3.oo Working Shirts 50c kind, kind, $75 $1 15. 40:. 75c kind, 60c. ti.ao ti 2,5 kind, i.oo. $150 kind, Winter Caps 25 kind, 20c. 5oc kind, 40c. 75c kind, 60c. $1.00 kind, 80c. $1.25 kind, 1 1. 00. $1 50 kind, $1.15. Corduroy Pants The kind sold by others for $3.00, and sold regularly by us. for $2.00 this sale i 50, one half what others will ask you for them. Neckwear Midget string ties, regular 25c, now two for 2,c 50c Four-in-hand orTecks!.' mc 75C Ties I! s. o Ties coc 20 per cent Off rn utmn. tfhrio in tluc more. Ouflii includes Hals. Bath Kobe;-, Fine) Work Shirts, Dtess Gloves, Wo Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Suspentlers,HiJ erv. Fancv Vests. Nieht Holies, rJ large line of Barkeepers' anJ W.il Coats and Aprons, Painters buns. t- , . .j. .,, c in suiu aa. i ... .n tetlucuOJ oruer. weuiy h5-' ' . .1 i ,: Murine this Sik- '"B regular prices of suits 1 ... in tn (O,00, great bargains at th regular jm propose to go one ucuci cent discount. made W , -A W0tt . ..... 1, ID 41 we want you u .- u(ut great bargains we are offering. pleasure in showing Roods wW $1 buy or not. SULLIVAN & BOND 614 MAIN STREET REMEMBER THE BARGAIN SALE IS NOW ON