East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 13, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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' till the emergency arises when the I
world sees their unfitness. They
j have not met the Issues which arose ,
Tho itamn Rtnnris for nn nnlh-i enOch
dallv hut have dodged them till they of Frcnci, history. It emhodles re:
-ul rvry nfurnoon eipt Knmlaj-i I are unahle to exert their authority. oilectlons or the civilized wlrld 't
:' l-endictoa, On-jron. bj tht ! Such an oftlclal was the Inspector of recalls n 8tory as tragic and romanllc I
. .... ft t.it. . it... fMiKt
theaters at Ch.caBo. He didn't know-- e"' InlusUce" m,d cjudlcc
his duties, had never reported to any- a, whpn tUc 8low movlll(. m,R(.r 0.
hody. didn't know he hnd a right to i Ecorn will always, point
enforce the regulations governing . Vindlvated.nreyfus Is to ho n ston .1
theaters and ns a result the evidence bj P1" nk In tin Frrn.1i
brought out the fact that the fireman ano.hnr hist,,: :
Taooe. Alalo 11.
sunscrtmioN hates.
allr. oo year br oiatl JS.on
Eally, ali month! bjr mall -.
ball?, tbrtr month by mall 1.23
uauj. on monto dj man ,yu
UtUr. ( month by carrier tl3
wklj. oat j par by mail 1.50
"e-tlj. atx HL by mail 7fl
WfeklT. (our month by mall 50
Seailwerkly, one year bj mall .... 2.1X1
Sfml-Werklj, six month'' by mall . . 1.00
Stml-Weekly, three months by mall .. .50
Tne East Oriulan 1 on salt at It. H.
Rtch'a Xewn Stands at Uotcl 1'ortland and
Botet IVrktui. Portland, Oregon.
Member Scrlpp Mdtae
tloa. .
Ner Auocla.
Sac Franclieo llureau. 40S Fourth St.
Chicago llunrau, IWO Secnrtty Ilulldlng.
Wablaston. O C. llureau, 501 14th St.
. W.
latered at Ivodletcn rwtnmce as eccond
class matter.
U j ION iVgu) L B tU
stationed there was a mere dummy to
comply with the Inw. who had never
hud any experience at fires, his oc
cupation driver of an express wagon
An exchange summarlws some of the
additional facts drought out at th
coroner's Inquest over the hodios of
the victims of the disaster.
The curtain wouldut work, the
exits were locked, the lire escapes
had no ladders hut were deadly traps,
there were no appliances for fighting
fire, there was not even a fire alarm
box, the employes didn't know how to
operate the levers that opened the
doors, the skylights were fastened
down, there was no fire curtain, the
exits were not only not marked but
were concealed by draperies,
the turning Mm is hinged up m t
trifle and It Is worth the re-tt lllng w
the snke or the old, old truth .a
who commits a crime nlwnvs k:.ws a
The Dreyfus trial turned upiin h
date of a telegram. Was i' sit on
April 1. 1S94 or March 1. lSfC If
was sent on the former daic iViii.v
was guilty of Imparting ir.'V a '
information to a German ofti'i Ti is
Information had roferonci t a
preaching mobilization of ihf Friii'i
army. lr sent April 1. u:4 t .-
treason. If It wns sent Ma- 1
1S9B. 11 was no secret and v 1 ir
What was the date of the '1 .- f,.au',"
When the consplrnc was fina 'v
unrawlod It was In or Men
Pnlnmil ll,nrv l,n,l .1in,ir-,.r ,
lbcTC And-
It may be proved with much
certainty that God intends no
man to llv? In this rvorlu with
out workins. but It seems no
less evident that he intends
every man to be happy Id his
work. It was written: "By
the Sweat of Thy Brow," but
it was never written: "By the
breaking of thy heart."
Time was when the Atlantic was
the ocean of commerce and the Pa
cific seaboard of minor importance.
A few trading vessels plied up and
down this coast. But times have
changed. The unprecedented devel
opment of the whole Northwest, the
discoveries of gold, oil and coal in
were no separate exits from the gal
lerles. and there were only two bot
tles of "kill fire" Ic the whole thea
ter. Each of these things wns in di
rect violation of the law, and the
Chicago building commissioners
whose duty It was to see that all these
things were supplied are looking for
the persons who are to blame for the
Iroquois disaster.
The favorable report of the senate
committee on the appropriation for
the Lewis and Clark exposition
means much for the upbuilding of the
West. It means low rates from the
East, which will bring many here lo
spy out the land. One can scarcely
appreciate how the eyes of the East
are turned toward the West. West
ward ho! is the cry. There is a
strain of the pioneer and adventurer
in the typical American which urges
him to press, forward toward the set-
Here was the evidence l,u
the discovery:
The telegram contained a 1 . .
ence to the "31st of the rent
month." Now as everyone n .s
that March has 31 days wl.:i- A( 1
has only 30. Slight as was ihis tan
lessness of the conspirators if n
sufficient to bring about their undo
ing. Other evidence wns s-t-ur"i!
One of the plotters committed sui
cide. Tinally Dreyfus stood for'h
completely acquitted.
(Evaporated 1
Cream I
baartnc the abere can label, flow 1
Irom tne can rich in every Inrredrtnt fB
which enters into cod cuildinc.
Economy I
carries our cuarar.ieo a uj il ayaaj i
carelul preparation, richness and
purity it ts diilerent Irom the I
u.i,n i,rnri nnd nddt a rich Vaaav
ness to your Icod. Try it and you
will be convinced H is the best
Look lor our cap label t
Highland, Illlnou O
-I(Ila(aaaaaaaaaanajaH 4
1 J
t noUSc
li Co-
Auarrpinthc hono, round tntni themn
alint Bmakh! Ilangl CraibM' II It isn't
lntfcl wreck, hrirr Ih. r.m,l n nl . .
hire ana we win uo h cood lob ol rn.irir.. i t ouuo. i .
you anu cimru-e rnu no more than l. n-i,. uer m..i
tkl illlTB ,lo ull rl.ilmril fur llieai
i Jf ' 1 -ic I Lav olt4n
in,, Itt i-.a I. -Li' a ar Urt
i a -i1 .k il ;t,riu nir
w iii.ic ' -r ' ic in rrory I
AiasKa, tne swelling volume of traffic Ung sun. The same energy and in
vlth the Orient and the islands of the j teiligence applied in the West re
sea have given a wonderful stimu- suits in getting a competence In the
lous to commerce on the Pacific. We I West, where in the East It would
raise and manufacture the articles
needed in Oriental trade. We are
shipping flour made from wheat rais
ed at Helix and other Umatilla coun
ty points to Japan to feed the plucky
little brown men who are on the
verge of war We are shipping Pilot
Rock wool, in the finished form, as
turned out at our woolen mills, across
the waters. They are munching our
apples in Hong Kong and using our
eondensed milk In China. The vol
ume of Oriental trade is going to
swell till Portland will double and
treble her population.
We share In the general prosperity
of. the coast The more population,
the more manufacturers we have in
the Northwest, the more demand
there will be for our wheat, mutton,
and bf. We will have to break in
nore land to raise more alfalfa lo
feed more beef, put in a larger acre
age of wheat, increase our areas of
orchards and share in the general
prosperity. We will soon be able to
ship thc-aper when we have an open
river. While local causes may serve
to make money tight temporarily,
there is but little danger of hard
times in the West while we have such
unlimited markets to supply and ao
many undevelojied natural resources.
The coming of the Oriental liner In
drasamha marks an epoch in the
Oriental trade The following facts
from the Portland Journal are Inter-
s ting in this connection:
One million dollars worth of silk !s
being brought by the Oriental liner
Indrasamha, which sailed from Yoko
nama yesterday for Portland. The
abipmcnt consists of 250 tons, which
is valued at more than U.QQO a ton.
Immediately upon the steamer's ar
rival the silk goods will be transfer
red to cars and given rapid transit
East. The consignment goes princi
pally to New York.
Six cars will be required to trans
port It, and the train will make pas-
nenger time. Baggage cars will be'
ased and it will be the first time In
the history of the O. R. & N, that a
train of that character ever ran over
its line.
The Indrasamha Is bringing a full
rargo. All lold, it will amount to ISC
tars. A big portion of it consists of
exhibits from Manila for the 8t. Louis
exposition probably enough, it is
said, to make 1G0 cars. There ts also
a big shipment of Jute and hemp com
ing from the Philippines and In addi
tion to the regular cargo of Chinese
merchandise and other ware the total
Talue of the freight will run up o
about $1,500,000. Tho vessel Is com
ing direct to Portland.
What is needed in public officials
is a large Infusion of lionemaklng ma
terial, so they will have sufficient
backbone to do their duty. Some men
tilde along tin- line of least resistance
merely procure a living. Shiftless,
lazy, incompetent people fall wher
ever their lot is cast, but hard-working,
intelligent people have an op
portunity for advancement iu the
Northwest which they lack in the
Eastern state;..
The white-wingod dove of peace is
reported as hovering over the East
ern situation. Meanwhile. Russia Is
hurrying troops to the point of prob
able conflict and Japan is paying ex
orbitant prices for Turkish war ves
sels and munitions of war If the
white-winged dove wishes to keep her
wings white it had better seek a
more congenial clime before the
smoke from the guns blarkens its
plumage. The proximity of the
troops, the deepseated jealousies and
the racial hatred of the two nations
la almost sure to precipitate a conflict.
The only erime that wat- p-ov.d
against him was that he was a .lew
He was patriotic, iiprigh' an 'l
ficient officer but hp was a Jew
Antl-Semlticism a species of weed
that grows In the soil of wolvrnnt
souls refused him vindication It
tried to hound him to his dea-h it
would hate pulled down the nillnrs
of the republic upon Itself in order to
Kill the victim of its hate tint I;
failed. Justice, thaugh long kln I
was in the end triumphant
IJrevtUS. Pln-ant Pilitalil Ptj-i Tap (.or!
tne name Is a synonymn foi an era, r-m-,- nucTioa-rmai
of race prejudice and fanaticism. I' j ur u.. p.., n...., -ir..i. . m'm
aiso stanus for heroism and patient
triumph. Spokane Press.
using Rood nmterluU and ruttlnc in jod
wotl. lfjouhae had no accident and yoor
conveyance li nwoly "run down, "rime advice-
bting II here lor rejuvenation. Wehandl.
exrluilrclr In 1'cndlctnn the celebrated Wn
ona buptlus and wagons
The Columbia
Lode-insr House
Well ventilated. neat and
comfortablp rooms, good
. iea:. liar in connection
J where -best goods are
! Main Street, center of
block between Alta and
i Wcbli Streets.
Willi 0 b.
and ,
PM month
T ft.ll.l.
t ,
E. D,
1 1
4WS'1 Candy i
F. X. Schempp
i-ti i ,, a' drug-
Mil: 1 .i-an-v iUI.iu
Such weather as we are having
makes the stockmetj feel good V
have had a very open winter mi fat.!
consequently they have had to fe"d '
vcry little and have hay enough on I
hand to be able to see some hard
weather from now on without being I
pinched in feed. i
Walter's Flouring Mills
Capacity, 150 barrels a day
Flour exchanged for wheat.
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped
etc., always on hand
All persons knowing
themselves to be in-'
debted to me will
call and settle their
their accounts as I
need the money.
Conrad Platzoeder
Meat Market
UUI re i
rood ilfrfc
. l,j fvhsi ugit
price of w pobllatki
u.Tr u DUl
me ma&rj lair
sou are a lobscriber u
I 1 1 li r.l Jl I I A I' I
Jwui mar
, rtk of i
I It will i
The gathering together of the del
egates at Portland at the various con
ventions now being held there, will
be a splendid thing for the develop
ment of the coast. Jieu of money
and influence will see our matchless
resources and when they get back
into the land of blizzards and drouthB
they will begin to compare it unfa
vorably with Oregon. The next step
will be that 'hey will pull up stakes
and be coming out here
lll Ilf A MM
vv e vv ant mon
iruui iu uianu uaiiuai y anu reoruarv nummpps. ann nrnnn;p in ma
f . O o 1 - 0
mi w uiuuwuiiiLiu in i i in wh v hi fill nrirpc a rtr i rrirt in inir vim
ao iiurr vfii.it.Li o i i iriiiiiiiiiii fit i i riot rant i r m ai nc? tnar aii rpn
" v w m at K mm mm aL, Bh . a . M I I 1 1 I 111! atfeill
I a t Tv i
equais i.uu, ana gets $5.00 worth of goods.
The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.
There ts a disease prevailinc in this
country most dangerous because so decep-
it I ll iita W4 : t f 1
fci dmnyMluuca
deaths arc caused
by it heart dis
ease, pneumonia,
nearx latiure or
apoplexy are often
the result of kid
ney disease. If
kidney trouble is
allowed toad vance
ed blcxxl will at
tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of
the bladder, or the kidneys themselves
ureal: down anu waste away cell by cell.
Bladder troubles almost always result
from a derangement of the kidneys and
a cure is olHaiued quickest by a projier
treatment of the kidneys. If you are feel
ing badly you can make no mistake by
uiting ur. dinner s womp-KOOl, tlie
great kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
It corrects inability to hold urine and
scalding pain in passing it, and over
comes that unpleasant necessity of licing
comjielled to go often through the day,
and to get up many tinio during the
night. The mild and the extraordinary
effect of Su'atiif Koot is soon realized.
It stands the highest for its wonderful
cures of the most distressing cases.
Swarni-Roit is pleasant to take and is
wild liv all druggists in fifty-cent and
one-dollar size bottles. You may have a
simple bottle of this wonderful new dis
covery and a liook that tells all nlxiut it,
IkUIi bent free by mail. AddreM, Dr. Kil
mer & Co.. Ilinghamtoii. N. Y. When
writing meiilioii reading this generous
offer in this paper. Don't muke any
mistake, but remember the iiame,Swauii
Kpot, Dr. Kilmer's Swaiui-Koot, and the
addres. llingliamtoH, N. V., on even'
bottle '
Fleece lined, all colors, regular ti.oo
kind, now goc
Ribbed, all colors, regular Ji.oo
kind, new 80c
All wool, any weight, any color, regu
lar $2.00 suit, now ti.Oo
Egyptian comb balbriggan, regular
$2.50 kind, now $2 oo
All wool, pink, blue or lavender, regu
$3.00 goods, now $2.40
Silk and wool, blue and pink striped,
regular price 14,00, now $3. 20
Other high grade underwear at propor
tionate reductions.
50c kind, 35c. 75c kind, 50c. Ji.ookind,
75c $1-35 kind. 90c. 11.50 kind, $j.iS
We wish to dispose of every pair of
gloves in our store.
Mackinaw Coats and
Mackinaw coats, $4.00, now $3.00
Mackinaw pants, $400, now $3.00
Working Shirts
50c kind,
kind, $75
40;. 75c kind, 60c. Jti.oo
$1 25 kind, St. 00. $150 kind,
Winter Caps
25c kind, 20c. 50c kind, 40c. 75c kind,
foe. $1.00 kind, Soc. $1.25 kind, fx. 00.
ti 50 kind, $1.15.
Corduroy Pants
The kind sold by others for $3.00, and
sold regularly by us for $2.00 this sale
It 50, one half what others will ask you
for them.
Midget string ties, regular 25c, now
two for t asc
50c Four-in-hand or Tecks 35c
75c Ties ;;;;;;; c
f. 00 Ties 20C
20 per cent
On every article in this s
sir 1. el.:.,? IIipu Gloves,
uioves. nnua;ciuu"-i-'"r-
tr K?lht KODn.
erv. rancv cii5.
t 1 1 Wmlrtipnm
1 .1 r it lirir- ui u-r
Coats and Aproas, rwnia
Special inducements in
orH.r. Twenty Pr ccfl' -
hA ,1x111 ,r nrice uuub -
ftlil. iwut.i 1 - .
regular prices of suits W
ranees from t2.S0 tofc.
w - axrir
creat bareains at the xtjw-
hettet a
prupuc w &w ----
cent discount
We want you to ,s '
rt l.arrrains We V O1'
pleasure in showing S""
buv or not.