DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY,, JANUARY 12, 1904. ess Cards and Societies TD&nES. ALPHABETTICALLV ADrA.,- 0MS W1" nn""MU FRATERNAL ORDERS. B. P. O. ELKS. PKNDLETOX iTTixlK. KO -SS tegular meeting, trn nod third lhnnda ore.ch month All broths a Vis tin u, iI fetes a- - r tv Jinm . t. ntt v.. - . . . - ....... v nr rtPr M eye troubles. ca ""t'i. finalrcd hearing. js.rr. ... refractive nunrt! OVER E1N0U. " Trinhone tiff - : ' t main lou- . " .... i-r. I' r KRna"; .,.,, Hniirt. i i-aiw DipcK. at I'cndleton. Ore. n. Eesidcnce , letchcr, K. R. S.; YV. J. Keren. C. C. me, AMONG THE EXCHANGES OF THE INLAND EMPIRE mrx-s nnsonT you Ann invited. free reading room. Why not Join and pet the advantage of rrce bath, use of ntinrhlnfr hni. ami . .'c 1 ,, ?,. " ...... v.uc. cuuipmcois. in. ! eluding library and reading room? Terms. 1 11.00 to Join and fiOe month .in DAMON LODOR NO 4 MEHTS EVERY Mnnrlnv Tonlnp In cA l- , - . . . . I-aDow block, at Pendleton, Ore. R. w nlT'i'- noMi:oriiATici JLi Office In JutW . LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. black mi aS Oface, M. rrTnoosi it associa- WffllODe ojiu :.on' PHYSICIAN o..'".r',7 mil j unire r" dBesses aim ",,. " "j .-Imi,,,. rorner Slain and Offlce 'phone main 721 ROUSES I10AKDED BY THE WEEK OR month at the hed llarn. -a Cot . nwood treet. Kates reasonable. SI. L WILLIAM proprietor ' ' OLD DUTCH IIK.VKY FEED YARD, COR. Wo.t Alta and Llllith streets 8. A. AllS way, prop Ur.ie, comfortable stalls, rienty otleed. Horses given caretal attention. COMMERCIAL STBLE5 G. M. FROOME. rrop. F.ne hornet, good rles, bct eare Riven transient stock. Opp, Hotel Pendleton. Phone Main 1G1. THE CITY LIVERY. HOARD AND SALE Stab'e. Carney A Kennrdr, pt prtetor., lor fine turnouts. Stock boarded at reason able rates. .Stable, lis Alta n. I'.ione Wain ,ul SECOND-HAND DEALERS. pv BOOK. Ull.ui tu, .nil btrttM. UlHicv" nnnp mm. iv.i . . - !Z ' - V. STROI1LE, DEALER IN SECOND- .-..a. iitrvcii'i aiii . iinnii itckmix. it trior la nnvlh nr inii ffalrl0n(H Rtnvns. FrflnltPtt'nrii nml ppnoboe nii ii Pendleton. 11 i pm-. u. .j. i.ourx Bireei. j GUUI1ANC & McnROOM, TAWNBItOK- to the new Melarkey building, on West Gas Plant at Boise. llolsc, Jan. 12. c. J. Ftanklln ar rive lri'i.1 St. Ixnls .vostcrdajr to bo elti work on tho gas plant ot titc Iioiso Gas company. Ho ha3 been sent by A. Hoss, president of tho com. pony, who Is secretary and treasurer of tho Laclede Gas Light company ot St. Louis. In talking of tho project last oven lng Mr. Franklin said his only work was that of construction. He would proceed at onco with tho plans and start the actual work so soon as practicable. The machinery has been shipped, or would bo In a day or two. He did not know about the piping, but ho was in a position to say that every part of the work would bo pushed ahead as rapidly as possible. It was tho expectation of tho company to be delivering gas by May 1, or by Juno 1 at tho latest. "You may state," he said, "that wo are prepared to do things." .. ..n...-nL- t i"e new aieiarKey otiuaing. on 'Phone red nil. FOR RENT. i .. i :finn tin rfii . n an t- vntnrlnnpv I n- Strict. B. C All domes- n-.Ant-s era mo nn n FOR REST FURNISHED AND UNFUR Dished moms. Clean, quiet place. 801 South Main street NEAT, CLEAN, WELL-KEPT FURNISHED Kooms to rent, wen locitca. sirs, stranon. 302 Water street; cor Johtiton. Electric Road in Idaho. Lewlston, Jan. 12. Walter H. Hill, chief engineer of the Lewlston .fc Southeastern Electric railway, who Is in tho city for a few days from tho line, when questioned by a reporter yesieraay, said that he had been get ting along in fine shape with the sur vey, in less than two months' time there has been over 60 miles of the preliminary and 12 miles of tho loca tion line run and tho power site sur- VPVPH. Tho nnrlv ,,n -nu.. the lino between Denver and West lake, via Cottonwood, and that will be completed next week, then the lino to Nez Perce city will bo run. Tho party -will then return to the Lewis ton country and a location made be tween Lewlston and Waha, so tt' construction work can be started without delay. brought to town and tho bullet ex tracted without much difficulty. Ills wound is painful, but not serious. Fcrhcnson. whoso fnthoc Is a drug gist In Knimett, was engaged as cook at ono of tho camps of thu Canyou Coal company. llelng unfamiliar with tho operation ot thp automatic revolver, ho neglected to secure the safety catch and tho weapon was ac cidentally discharged. Wool Growers' Election. North Yakima Vnsh .Inn. 1" ine Washington Wool Growers asso ciation held its annual mooting here last night and elected the following offlccrs; President. John Cloninn; vice president, J. T. McCredy; secre tary and treasurer, R. K. Nichols; ex ecutive committee, II, s. Coffln, Mal colm McClennnn. T IT Smith Resolutions were passed favoring tno tun now herore congress which provides for the exchange of land 'n sections owned by prlvato parties lor an equal amount ot government lard ot like character and similarly slfi-ated. FOP. RENT -GOOD FRONT ROOM, SUITABLE for two gentlemen or two ladies Call at CIO mow street. WANTED. WKTEr BY A COMPETENT, RELIABLE I msn, mere utile po<lon; am good b.ok keeper. Addre.-i T It. McBroom, l.C W. Court AND BROKtHS. III. Iju.i'vv i nuil'iua ,uu Interest on lime deposits. ?n ud domestic exchange. lUrlll I J. Uirih, il.111 rn- Eichsage bought and sold. DIIT ,EI,DUnI LU. Ik. JKQ - l. timrEK , . i lucunici. j E. Kllgore, cashier; dl IlirtaaD. M SI. Johns, T . w. rroebstel. MISCELLANEOUS. .-EWER CONTRACTORS REED A LAFLER l make connection! with the sewer for bus! ntss houses and private residences. Terun reasonable. Ivae ordctl at T C. Taylor's t Mwrnw res'ora (FUR BALE TWO GOOD FRE.-H MILCH cows, Jersey, I and i years old. Peter , I acueua, sale aiauoc Organised March 1. IU.(K)' . surplus. J7.. itteotlon clven to eollec. F. 8. MERRILL, SPOlTANK, WASH , AOT Densmore. Hecoud hind machines, supplies nt. rpti lr. WK DYE TO LIVE HAVE VUR CLOTHES sponged and pressed lor II .0 a month, at the uuy bteum cleaning auri meiag noras, w. W. Alta. Phone Red 021. W.M. F YOIINKA WILL 1'AY I'ROMIT attention to all mien and postlug bills. Correspondence solicited. Commission rea sonable. P. O. box 2G0, Pendleton. w.i3u, uimutui, nnikniaiir. proinnt uorl:. K&tlslaciion euar- fVKim. surplus. SUB.OOO. iiuii;iw;u, ,Kr lorK HUU in tn n.npfrm'oc, iipan. 15 AND BUILDERS. Utkes comulete and rella- rtmn In. K liii bulldlnf "tun street, near oiain. tamubed on all kinds ' East Oregonlan office. Di.N. ARCHITECT A.ND association block, Pen- Mastering and cb- Pt walks a specialty. K Work guaranteed. W Udley & Zehner'tj rtgnr Wit P CI hrt in EjAND LODGING. BCNTI VfTTVW it & u nrni tw house at OiO Garden sri'i ik giau to see oer lB2C,?fi' k81s THOMPSON Csatrally located. Only Floort street, lutes rea- I p j . - "III A1& I p?. b" lhe day or week. t "' ana M.7& taueetlonrT. Neff. Z ttt,fliS,!(0 HOTEL IN VU U0 per day. H. 1'. LaiNfas TAicua you lii,L uo' Helix. Good K'LANDJBU8INE88 f? oDK.Af,cK"C0.. JOB COMPANY itr iL LMm 00 city WV V..?? bro- 'reJ,.UryV' I l!Pl.r.i...7...- rely-STS TUB IN POUND THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED unlmals hse ben tak n up by the marshal of the city of Pendleton, to wit' One gray gelding, 11 or 12 years old, weight 12U0 or 1S0U pounds Brands not Tlslble One hiown gelling, V or 10 years old, dim brnud on left shoulder, scar on right hind foot, weight I2i 0 or ISt) pounds Ouegrayiuare H or 12 years old, red streaks on leftside, branded Ooter M on Jell stills; weight I20u or 10 pounds. One sorrel mare, 11 or 12 years old ; no brands visible; weightl lOoriaopounds. One brown gelding, 10 or 12 years old; no t islble brands, 2 white hiad (cel. weight tiuoor 1100 pound", roached mane. One gray geidlag. 11 or 12 years old ; no vis Me braads, weight JK or I1U0 pounds, roached taana. . . t One gray mate, 12 or 11 years old; dim brand on right n tie, weight l) or 180 ; pounds. If said animals are not claimed by the owner or those entitled to the possession, costs and expenses against them paid, and then taken awny within ten days from the date hereof, then at 'i o'clock p. m. of the eighteeuth day o! January 1M the sa a arlnial will be sold to the highest bidder, nt public auction for cash, at the city pound, on the corner of Cottonwood and Webb streets. In the City of Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment ot sum ciwib uuu caim- Inr sale. Dated J"""rM.8j'.IJCABNEY, City Marsh.l Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSinVE CURE For I&iUmmttoa er OsUrrb ot tl9 Blfcddor and Plic6d Ooras milctlr and term txaUy the worst eases of SJonarrfao aad dies, no matter of bow Iojc sUad' lag. AUolntslr .nannkis. Bold by drocglsis. Prloa 1.00, or by mall, postpaid. l.tul3toxMitt.ft. THE tAVTAl-ftfaWI C0 BiLttfOllTSMS. OHIO. Sola by F. W. Schmidt &. Co. Shot In the Hip. Boise. Jan. 12. While out hunting about 12 miles from town, Thursday nfternoon, Claud Fcrhcnson of Em metl was shot in the bin bv tho ae cMenlnl dlfcharge of an automatic re volver which ho carried. He was Baker City School Tax. Baker City, Jan. 12. A ute was taken on the proposition that a spe cial tax levy of $20,000 on all tax able property in tho district bo made to cover the expenses ot the current year. This vote was by ballot, 15 votes being cast and the levy carried unanimously. Under the law of 1901 the county court was directed to levy a tax ot $5 for every child of school ago in the county. Tho 1903 law places the amount of $G for each child. This will require a Epeclal levy of lfi or 17 mills for this year, which will bo from" 3 to 4 mills less than that of last year. Back from the Philippines. Mrs. Roscoe Beard, daughter of Mr and Mrs. William Smith, is expected to arrive in Seattle on the 12th on her return from tho Philippines, am will arrive In Baker City to visit her parents and friends here. lewlston Democrat. TRANSPORTATION LINE. OREGON am union Pacific Two Trains to tho East Dally Ttimush Pullman standard andTourlst lng rats dally to Omaha, Chicago; toartat sleeping car eatlr to Kansas Clly; throagk Piiiimnntnnrlati.lotnlna'CArs nersonallr con. ducted) weeily to Chlcairo. Kta City, re clining cnair cars tseai, inTj iu mv nnssuKtir, HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel In Pendlets and as good as any. Mraat Tlmo Solnxlulo aaatva I roa Krtim l'tuiillotou raoM I rortiand Portland Special No. 1 The East DilOant U:O0a.m, Chicago 'Chicago Special No. 2 Portland ; pm 6-3 P m Portland Mall and Exprcaa No. 5 The Rust IIMiis l'.'.Sam The East! Mall and BxptessNo.d j rortlane ItlSam I I ;:Uatn I j Pcudleton Pasaonger Spokatt) No 7 SJ'.pa j Spokane (Spokane Passenger 9:10 am No. 8 rendition Branoh , n ... Mixed Train No, 11 ' '" p Walla Walla Branch 6.50 p m Mx(sl Tfgin no, u No 1 connects with No. 2. t Onlr waits for No 1 In casa No. 1 la lain not later than nn lnlnutei. No. 42 connects with 1,0. 2, Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. The Hotel l'cnillcton has just been refitted and refurnished inrougliout. Phono and fire alarm connections with all rooms. Baths in suites and single rocaa. Headquarters Tor Traveling Me CouimotllouB Samplo Rooms. Rates $2 & $250 Special rates by week or month Excellent Cuisine. Prompt Dlnlngroom mttIosj. Bar and billiard room In oonneotio Only Three Blocks from Deft MARKET RETAIL GROCERY PRICES. Coffee 4ocho and Java, best, 40c per lb.; next grade. 35c per lb; lower grades, coffee, 25c to 15c per lb.; package coffee, 20c per lb., 3 pack agfs for 50c. Rice Best head rice, I2&c per lb,; next grade, 10c per lb. Sugar Cane granulated, best $6.50 per sack; do 13 lb $1. Salt Coarse, $i.io per 100; table, $2.50 per 100. Flour B. B.. $4.25 per barrel; Wal ters' $4.25 per barrel, $1.10 per sack. Bacon 14'18c per lb. Ham 17 18c per lb. Coal oil $1.65 for B gallons, $3.S5 per case. Lard 70c 3 pounds; $1.40 10 pounds. VEGETABLES. Carrots, 2c per lb. Potatoes, lc per lb. Garli , 10c per lb. Cabbage, 3c per pound. Beets, 10 lbs. 25c. Onions, Sc per pound. Parsnip, lu lis. 25c. Pumpkins. 16-25c. Squash, 15-35C Celery, 10c bunch, 3 bunches 25c. Lettuce, hothouse, 5c bunch. Kraut, 10c quart, 40c gallon. Mlnco meat, 12V&C per pound. Popcorn, shelled, 8 1-3 cents per pound; on cob, E cents per pound. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION, CHICHESTER'S PILLS IsfVi OriTloal and Oulr ir""'""' sTk.iiKu... riii.i""- "V: """'mUuLI: phiuu PA. MEN t ,r, :i. "-KNTs tub t r.wal'. OfBfe with ...... S. LAVfk rru kdlWl 0C and COll,-Mr,n. room .1 a The DR. LIKBIO STAFF only Bpecialtu for men, con tlxiue to pure all chronic, prl- vste A nenous "cu;:' ',.., etc Xlr ;"c" VSSSSt. Ph. 0 loV :i ye... medto d1rt"? J. BIx'lh -lrt. For tf.nd n-m, , in vesler War. Seattle, ash. tan or write MEN AND WOMEN. Cm Eur 3 " aaoaUral t pT;.r. ciiiii-. rsiBic"..----: BifflMrtMillTLO.IBSlBSSJ . -1.1. uwm p uat In plalo wrtjjat. LOO. "r t bottlea. . tJlcttlar ssut eo waft. m . A!!. n na nuun. ".-- I nef ana" Bladder Trouclei. FRUIT8. Bananas. 40c dozen. Apples, 75c0$l per box. Lemons, 40c doz. Oranges, 40-50c doz. Cranberries, 15c per quart. LIVESTOCK A7,D POULTRY, The following jirlces are paid by dealers t the producer: Turkeys, 12014c. Chickens Hens, 7c; $34 per doz en; roosters, 4 to 6 cents. Geese, per dozen, $9. Ducks, per dozen. $3X04. Butter, 60 75c. good. Kggs, fresh, 40c. CHOICE BEEF CATTLE, ET7. Steers, $3.2583.D0. Cows, $2.5002.76. Hogs live, i'Ai&te. Hogs, dressed, 67c. Veal, dressed, C07c. Sheep, $202.50. HAY AND FEED. Chop barley, $22.50 per ton; lUc per lb. Chopped hcat, $1.40 per 100. Bran. CO cents por sack. Shorts, $1 per sack. Outs, V,i cents per lb. Alfalfa, loose, $13 por ton. Wheat, loose, $13 per ton. Timothy, baled, per ton, $20. LOCAL HIDE MARKET. The following aro the prevailing average prices for hides in this mar ket; beef, groen, 4c por lb.; beef, dry, 1012c; mink, 60c each, with a possibility of $1 eachjf the sizQ is cood and tho condItIon,BrJiu; coyote. 5O0'75c; bear skins, aceord- lng to quality ana size, ironms wj bheep, green, be; snecp ury.-.jVC! Ivnx or bob cat. 15030; skuuk, -3CC1. badger, 15030. . jt , .. ' Kalth is the greatest force In the ,...vl,l " - 4 ' " Committee Will Fix Time and Place Today. Washington, Jan. 12. When tho Democratic national committee went into session at the Shoreham hotel today to decide upon the date nnd place for the national convention, there was no ono who could predict with any degree of certainty as to what would be tho result of the com mittee's deliberations. When the Hepubllcan national com mltteo met here a few weeks ago Its work had been cut out In advance and Its duties were largely perfunc tory. That such Is not the caso i-t today's meeting Is evidenced by the wide diversity of opinion expressed by usually well Informed lenders as to what city will capturo tho con vention and what date will bo select- ed for the gathering:. A majority appears to etitortalu tho opinion that Chicago will get the convention, but a St. Louts delegation Is on hand with a strong ploa, and there Is a movement of nome conae- quence In the Interest of Now York As to the date, It Is probable the convention will bo held tho first week In July. Senator Gorman is under stood to favor an early convention, but tho uncertainty as to when con gress will be ready to adjourn Is likely to lead the committee to fix a late date. All salting dates tub- .ivir, m eet tochange. ifntin. "Wp.m. ForBanFranclvo MP-n' Ball every days. Dally ' Sunday Colu,nbu K"" 4rOOP.. 8:00 pm. ToAstoila and Way Bundaj Saturday Landings, lOfflO p ru. I WlllrtiuottoKIvnr. Soata leave Portland dally, except Bands; 'stage ol water permitting) lor Wlllamotle an Yamhill Hirer points. ; "Leate la Rlparla Bnake River Lewlston lffit.n. Rlparla 10 Lewlston 7:0h. m Dally Dally Kxcpt ilonl Kxept Mor r, F, WAMSLEY, Agent, Pendleton. HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB 3TI. ARKANSAS FRUIT GROWER6. They Are Met Today In the Twenty Fourth Annual Convention, Van Buren, Ark., Jan. 12. Much enthusiasm marked thu opening he:e today ot the twenty-fourth annual meeting of tho Arkansas Statu Hor ticultural society. Scores of members and other visitors faced President John P. Logan when he called tho gathering to order at 10 o'clock this morning. Addresses of welcotno and routine business occupied the lore noon. At the afternon session John Ham ilton, of tho Uultcd States department of agriculture, told of tho benefits to be derived from farmers' Institute., and P. A. Rogers, president of the Ozark Apple Growers' association, told how to grow an orchard. Other speakers were Prof. D, Compton of Gentry, G. A. Atwood of Springfield, Mo., and Prof,.KrnoHt Walker of thp agricultural experiment station at Fa ettevllle. This evening tho association will listen to a lecture on "Krult Tree Diseases' by George Hedgocock of the United States department of ag riculture. Tho convention will con tinue In session through tomorrow and Thursday. Meat War Settled In Salem. Meat dealers up at Salem seem to have reached an understanding by which they divide the patronago of tho asylum and penitentiary and fix the prlco fco as to leavo themselvs u snug profit. Tho lowest prlco named In bids recently opened was $7.98 u r 'iundred pounds for dressed beef As the fctato officials always rosorvo lie right to reject all bids ami can at liny time buy llvo animals and Blaujthur them at the Institutions where n 1 ed there Is little probability that do stu't will evor bo compelled to my an tx'ililtant price, Tho stuto can alurd to pay a price that will Jeivo tilt i todut er and tho dealer a ialr rrofil and should do so. If It Is ever aei-cd to pay moio than that it nlmik and protabiy will refuse -OreRo i an, WASHINGTON COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD Take this route for Chicago, St Paul, St. Louis, Kan sas City, St. Joseph, Omaha and All Points East and South Portland and potnti on the Sound TIM1CCAKU Arrive at Pendleton Monday, Wednes day and Friday, 1.45 p. m. Tues day, Thuraday and Saturday, 11.45 a. m. Leave Pendleton, 7 p. m. Lrave Walla Walla dally.eaat bound, It :00 p. m Arrive Walla Walladally.west bound, 10:15 a. in For Information regarding rales and accom modatlsns. call oa or address W, ADAMS, Agent l'eudletou, Oregou 8. U, CALUERIIKAO, O. rVA., Walla Walla, Washington. GEO. DARVEAU. Prop. Elegantly Pilsjiet European Plan. Block and a half from dpoi: vr" Sample room in connection. ROOM RATE SOo, 75c, $1.M THE HOTEL BICKERS (Formerly Golden Rule) Coijrt Street a3 sr.iuaa! MM h RUNS Pullman Sleepiisg Cars, Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars. rsr. PAUL TO! THROUGH MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH KAROO GRAND KORiO OROOKBTON WINNKPEU HELKNA and BUTTK. TICKETS TO CHICAGO VAHHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK itotrroN and all polnta Eaat and Mouth lnionirh tickets to is Dan and China, fls Taooiaa and Northern Kacloo Steamiktp Oe. and Asasrlran line. 71MB ICUIDULI. Iralua leave Psndlatoo dally tioept aaatat at 7 MO p.m. Vat lurtisr Inlorinatlon. lima cards. Basse and tickets, call on or write W. Adams, rest. dlston, Ores on, or A. D. OHABLIOM, Taira ana ssorrisou eu coruana, use. The East Oregonlan i Eastern Ore gon's repreaentatlve paper. It leads and the people appreciate It and (how It by their liberal patronage. It Is the advertising med.jm of this section. IIssbsbVbbsbVsbVbIbUbbbbbbbbbbbM Remodeled uad refuroluhoel thrttucfa. out. Everything neat, clo and up-to-date. Hteam hfat uud eUcUie lights. Ileut culnlno. Prompt borvke. H. E. BICKERS, Prop. THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON American Plan, fj per day and aparesat. Headanarters far tourists and comsnarcial saasa clers. Special rales raadc to faaallita sad silssjs (caUrnwa. Tne saaaageateat will be ptssssesl at all tlsst s to seow roocaa and give prkea, as sesVera TarkUk UthtaublUhuaatla Ike kstsl. ii, c, vuwHiia, Hsaaaer, t Enjoy Life We will maku your lebiure hotira pass pleasantry, Howling alleys, iiool, billiards) and shootliiff gallery, Kvcry th hi g llmt-i.IaaH. THMI'KRANCK JtKKltKHIf. MKNTH anil cigar, Mimical entertainment every evening. :: Robinson's Parlors I Under W. & 0, Depot. fr.-4.-t4''H'.. prmpn lllBhopa' pnisjlvabaMUiuevvarMytAnbrUiaiMdsrstiltbs ml,imm uu ,uir iwuw.,11, rwwu.Mvww m .. i.vm mai t uuu, i 1.11.1 iv ,4KMBiKuiM,u.i(.ni,w.rtwwi..iiw,iBS, uuriSLDBI ssiannoVISff Impotenoy, Lost Power, Hlalit-Losaa,aparmatorrnoeolnaomnln, PbIdsV In Bnok, El Desires. Seminal Emissions, Lame Baok.Nervoua Debility, Headaohe, Unfitness to Marry. Lose of Herrien, ss.ss varicocele, or Con stipation. Stops Prematureneae. Stops Msrv- Irf 11 oue Twltonlnsj. of Cvellds, EHects ars Iminsuau. lupai-t Vigor aa4 IP aVaf Plaae to orar saao. BtUDUIat. tba bralaaodnorracoatara. aoaaboz.srorti.Mbyinail. Awns- ' tcovaaxaawo.soaaxooa' saoiisr rafooaod oiiasbosaa. Ctraiilars mo. Address, Bishop Remedy Co., an f raneleeo, CaJ Sold by Tallman & Co,, Druggists.