East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 12, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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1 Ih1hh1 erjr Kf:-rnoon ocpt Sunilajrt
at IVmllrtoa, Oregon, bj the
'ltlOD. Main 11
1It out jrcr tT mall X5.00
tJeilj. six montha bj mall -.50
iwIIt, tbrr month by mail 1 '
Dally, onr month bj mall SO
Dallr, jr month bj carrier t 1
W.kW. cm !- hr mall . l.M 1
weekly. u muaih" br mall 75 ' of the postal service at present, next
m"W' ffineUtyVarbV0m".. :::: :ooto dlng .solf or the hnrnacles ar.3
Mml Weekly, all month bt mall .. l.Ou .....dtnc .... h.v. inu. kLwumo it
-iml.Vlrl IhM. mnnth. h mull !in I - . - ft
Possibly one o( the greatest needs
In Ave prlies for the most liuportnut
Invention or discover' In physics, in
literature and for the host work done
In the interest ot universal lfftco.
The third annual award has Just
been made In Sweden. Ono prize
was divided between M. mid Mmo.
Curio, and with them Is placed M.
Ilecquerel. who assisted In the null
urn discoveries In chemistry. Arrhe
nlus, n Swede, a writer on electricity.
i was clven a nrlio In physiology, ur.
! the "raw recnilt" who "took the Klnson. who heals with light rnya,
queen's shilling." or. before and after amj uj, Uas done much to drive dls.
Victoria's time, the king's, but aro ; aso from HiiroiM'. was deservedly "
described as "physically immature i Wardil
and of a low standard of IntcllM .
gence. by General io'ttleion. com
manding (he king's Torres In South
penitentiaries which these grafting
postal officials and contractors should
fill. The whole postal system needs
revising. What it needs Is to be run
on business principles. The ones
getting the largest salaries are the
ones who know least about its prac
tical details. They are given promo-!
tion as a reward for services of a during young countrymen the world
political nature and not because they ! has been accustomed to picture
are eminently fitted for the liosltlon
to which they are assigned.
! There's something wrong with the
British army, or at least that part f
It which Is new. according to British
army authorities themselves, and the
trouble Is traceable from the class
1 from which recruits are taken. Those
! iwriilte nrn far from In-Ill C the stur-
They are given promo-( ro!.v.checked. hearty, much en-
The Rat Oncontan is on Hair at P. B.
Klca'a Newt Stands at lintel l'vrtland and
Hotel turcica. Portland. Oresoo.
Umber Scrlppa Ucl'.ae
Newt AMocla
of Its life blood. Is to establish some
form of convenient currency for trans
mission in the mails. Stamps are
inconvenient and their usefulness
I of General Ij-ttleton's officers
1 Mtrtta Mm A.lnli.n thnt
havo ,
San Fraocla.ro riureaa. 4H8 Fourth ft.
Chicago Ilureao. 89 Security Ilulldlng.
Waaalcirton. D C llarcau. 301 14 to St.,
. W.
Karerrd a! I'endleton poctofflce a eccond
claa matter.
To be honest, to be kind
to earn a little, and to spend
a little less, to make on the
whole a family happier for his
presence, to renounce when
that shall be necessary and
not be embittered, to keep a
few friends but these without
capitulation above all to keep
friends with himself here is
a task for all that a man has
ot fortitude and delicacy.
Robert Louis Stevenson.
. . lures tue opinion uuu uiuy
; limited to tne transmission or man uever done a unv-s work in their
manor. An issue of small bills irom
10 cents to $1 would be an Improve
ment upon the stamps, but It would
lack the element of safety and be a
needless temptation to dishonest
postal employes. A bill with a blank
space in which to write the name of
the person to whom it Is sent like a
check would tend to making It as
safe as a money order without the
inconvenience of the latter. It is vo
be hoped some method will be devis
ed to provide for this need.
The Schubert Concert Company
did not carry out their program last
night on account of an extremely
small attendance. Tnere wore not
enough there to pay for the janitor".
j Flnsen hat. never cared Tor money
I All in. has asked from Destiny is an
. . . , . ! nniiortunitr to be of nsslstanco to his .
According to one officer on service J '' 'orl"n' ? ,1 ." , f ,,, nn.l wn-!
there.lt will take three years .of good , whaw ,,ecri healed by his
feeding to mako them capable or Jo- J!"-" .... tlint uinc's
ing n sood day's work, while another 1 """Si
him for his genius, thought and philanthropy.
r.- - --. tii...... ...... .....I (.tiin.Mi rtw. n. r ii 1 1
ThevcaVhe.p l " fr MvrwrC. and' an Englishman.'
If tne can Help lt j Mr Crenwr gt.,.retary of the Interna
,"".. , , i tlonal Arbiiratlon league, has thi
So serious is this matter regarded' , ,)r HdvaIu.lnp the cause of Mv
that it Is exciting the solicitude of , r,.nHn,,i .-..re
So far. no American lias received
an award, but the prizes are well
worth working for. not only for thi.r
money value, out because of t! r
No jKTsnn who has not heljied Ir.i
manlty can hope to be rewarded -n
Hlg fortunes everywhere accompany
the efforts of big advertisers. These
people begun In a small way, but thoy
kept everlastingly at It, told what
they had to tell In bright, cloan
terms, and they arc the ones who will
assure you that advertising pays.
The mint Is about the only thing
that makes money without advertis
ing. The Hast .Oregonian goes Into the
homes of tho pooplo you want for
customers. It brings to the merchant
big, substantial business.
If you want to soil your goods,
try It
members of parliament, who aro
seeking the cause or causes of It.
One of them, himself a physician,
quotes Professor Cask, spoken of as
a loading authority on public health,
as declaring the principal cause t
this deterioration to be "Juvenile cig
arette smoKtng.' tome of the symp- )Ior th(. of N.ollol,
iwiuu iimiui-ru uy tnis nauii are inns ;
scheduled "Chronic hoarseness, a
lack or appetite, dyspepsia, pallor) NEW MINERAL IN IDAHO.
from Impaired blood formation, rapid i
and intermittent pulse, pain in thej .,lt until the -other day was it
region of the heart, difficulty in;kllown ,ll8, pi.ouollte tainted In Cos
breathing and disinclination to pat.,tor TOUnty Mr ElK)r Watson has had
take of healthy athletic exercise. Also a piei.p of ,lhonolite In his cabinet
headache, mental weariness, slow-i Bllice lm and atI tllIs tlmo h(, n
iihj: oi imiugai, causing muuuiea
ideas, defect of memory
and irritability "
A1r- hli7nrefh n. I hnmiKin
The abovi .l .
Realtv Cn , 11
r --.f.ui mm K v.
'"n oi Ual-r
Per month. ,5'
f AWaliotRetlEtt,t-i!.
4 "Iol""UieCi,OWlJ
1 Roomw.l.nojjjj
work and the lights. This company
elsewhere has drawn large houses
and are worthy of a full house. They
are high-class artists, and It Is to he
regretted that they were cot accord
ed a larger house. Shows far less
meritorious have had crowded houses i for Great Britain in her future wars., glass It sparkles with free gold. Tin-
here and an entertainment of such
merit deserves better patronage
An examination of the Congression
al Record when pension business is
before the house, shows numerous
bills to remove the charge r dr. of roses at Psent.
tion from former soldiers This ar.
tion is taken so that they may be plac' the sml frauds is known it Is quite
ii on the pension rolls. There is
scarce? a rrrentpr Inlnarlno n-oi.H.
- 4 (
id upon the old veterans than this !
Perry Heath is not enjoying a bed
He is too busy
i dodging. When the whole truth of
likely that Perry will be found
I keystone of the arch of graft.
Fli7flhefh H. Thnmncir
of Lillydale, N.Y., Grand Worthy !
Wise Templar, and Member of '
W.C.T.U., tells how she recov-,
ered by Ihe use of Lydia E. 1
impa tienrei ?rT ,,ro""l"u;'d he f1, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, i t
,m"atlenrc! rlfied wed but when Messrs. Hu , .. DcA MliS fnj;KIli.M .z ono j
who have In-t-n curctl throneh the use
of Lydhi 13. 1'lnklinm's Vegetable
CompouiiUt and who can to-day i
thank you for the fine health I enjoy. I
When I was thirty-five years old.'l ;
suffered scrcro backache and frequent I
' ' i week they bald it was phonolite. ai 1
Surely not good martial qualities. ' they are familiar with this character
to say nothing of qualities fitting a of ore. The specimen is ntmut two
man for the ordinary pursuits of life, i r.-.t in leneth.
; ims condition of tilings Is perilous i.lece of itrlBed wood, but under
and sue is likely as any nation to j piece of phonolite was found on Es-
a,e tn suggestion is romlc tea mountain in the vear 1SS1 by .Mr
by Hobert Farquharson. M. D.. that Esles at or near the Montana line
England follow the example set by j It is now believed that a ledgo of It
this country and Germany in forbid- exists at the Montana mine. Phono
ding and penalUing the sale of els-1 lite is a compact feldspatblc. Igneous
arettes to nnyone under 1C years of , rock, containing nephellto. hauynite.
age The idea Is a good one Seattle ! etc. Thin slnbs give a ringing sound
s,ar j when it Is struck hence "phon" ollte.
It is also called clinkstone, and is
nis. WORK STILL LIVES. often verv rich
Alfred Nobel
and philanthropist
grave, but his work goes march
Almost even- dav disnatchm; tell
form of legislation. A man who ai ; r a new rtc,im of carbHc acid. It
the time of his country's greatest , should be nlaC(d the ueadlv ... his
neea ien tne wne and cmirtren. en- on nsl aniJ never 8old e t as otnsr! '"g on Strange that a man who did
dured hardship and wounds, faced dHnl!,v mliRnnK ar(. ,,v ? much to make war terrible should
"" uauincuingiy. is put on equil- scriI)tIons.
ity with the one who having been I
drafted or having enlisted for the
bounty at the first smell of gunpow-
It is too easily obtained.
have had a secret yearuine for uni
versa! peace.
He- left Pipht Mini rv,lino ,v.
Three of the most important Indus- annua! interest of which is aw'ar.l.1
tries or the state are in session in
in gold nnd silver.
" j Perhaps this ore Is found In other
inventor of dynamite . parts of the county and has been
11. iung since m tnrown as de as valueless, honnm.)
the finders did not know what is was
It is our candid opinion that niauy
kinds or valuable metals exist in Cus
ter county, but are not utilized be
cause our mining men do not know
the metals or their value Chiillis
Messenger . a
liearlnrvdown naiiiH ; In fact. 1 linil
womb trouble I vrns very anxious to j
get well, and reading; of thocurcs your i
Compound had made, I decided to trv '
iL I took only six bottles,but it built m'e
up andcured me cnti rely of my trouble. '
"My family and "relatives were
naturally aa gratified as I 'was. My
niece had heart trouble and nervous
prostration, and was considered incur
able. She took your Vegetable Com- I
ponnd and it cured her in a short time, i
and she lH'cane well and strong1, and
her home to her great joy and her hus
band's delight was hleshed with a baby.
I know of a number of others who
have been cured of different kinds of
female trouble, nnd am satisfied that
your Compound is the best medicine
for hick women." Miss. EiJ7-Alirni n.
Tiiouidon. Box 103, Lillvdale, X.Y.
tiOOO forfeit if original of otev IttUr proelcf
IVUdlDtntu canmt bt products.
Has Real Estate for Sik
binds and descriptioa'
ranging from i i3
rcaiuence to one of tb)
most modern and !
"quipjiedmansloMrtl. I
in me limits or the eh
of Pendleton. Mdfremi '
farm of a few toa
(rood alfalfa laid U
thousand of acra t
wueat land. Call or
want to autucrlM to EjfubM t
i pair In tOe L'olttd Sum tr ir
ran bj pwtal note. cVck or tat t
l.AM Ulit.UU.MA.t Ut Srt pao
price of Me publltatlon 700 desire. 1
wilt hart It aeot too ud uca 1
rtsk of the moon bclor Ictt ta Ut
I It will aare toa toU troulle 1
I too arr a iDbsnllm to the Eut C
1 in renlttlcr too caa irivet 19 I
from the nublUber'i orke. iilra I
der threw away his gun and deserted ' Portland. Livestock, woolgrowlng j
the flag he had sworn to support. The
soldiers North or South respected
courage and bravery whether the col
or of the wearer's coat was blue or
gray, but both blue and gray hated
a coward, a deserter. It Is not right
at this late day to restore such a
one who proved false in the moment
of his country's peril, to the rolls of
'.ne country s defenders. In the case
of "William B. Marsh,
and frultrnising. Portland will extend 1 1
a hearty welcome to "all the
oughbreds from all the ranges."
Sockless Jerry Simpson, once of
KansaB fame, but now of New Mexico.
is at the livestock convention ,
I We Want Mone
Weak minded people sometimes arc
WHO IS Serving, rVin'r nmlon a mmrrol Mute n
a life sentence for robbing the United : hard fight and then quit win or lose.
States malls In Idaho, and who Is ap-! A woman's mind Is on something
plying for a pension. Commissioner 1 niBDer """ess when she wants a
"Ware says- I new bonnet.
' I The trouble with the average man
pension is for the purpose or at 50 is that he's only about half as
supporting a soldier during his declin- smart as he thought he was at 25.
ins years and Is gratuity As the I When some men hear of a neighbor
claimant in this ease l Mn. rar.f.,i. ?lnS .hls' 6d name they are proh-
Jy and kindly taken care of by thel
otily glad they have none to lose.
Holding the breath occasionally Is
government, it is fulfilling Its duty to said to bo resting. If it doesn't rest
him already: and as this Is to con-'the holder, it will at least give the
tinue during the life of the claimant !oth.ei;a a Bt- . ,
, . v I It Is pretty hard for a man to keep
;or an offense against the government on 1 a pogalmlat when a beautiful
it is not. reasonable to suppose that I woman looks up Into his eyes and
the case is within the purview of the ' tells him she is just awfully Interest
ed in his work.
"By conviction of the crime and
sentence to prison for life, the man
has become civilly dead and I do not
think that It Is an unfair interpreta
tion to the law to hold that when a
man becomes civilly dead he becomes
dead for pensionable purposes; there
fore, let the claim be rejected."
No one grudges liberal pensions to
those who lost limb or health In their
country's service. No one grudges a
pension to the "old boys" who in the
nunsei or lire from their disabilities
need such a pension. But every
right-minded citizen Is Interested in
keeping from the rolls fraudulent
claims. Every proper safeguard
should be taken to seo that those not
entitled to pensions do not get them,
and every effort should be made that
those who are entitled to them should
have them.
The Postmaster General estimates
there will be a deficit of $7,20C,906.SS
in postal revenues for 1904. In the
trial of U. B. Senator Dietrich It was
shown that in certain postal contri
vances for which the government
paid MM each, the manufacturers re
ceived 160 while the hundred dollars
was divided among some government
officials who exerted their pull to se
fiire the contract for the machines
from the government. If the govern
ment had needed tho machine it
could havo secured It for 50 In place
or ?1S0 by going direct to the manu
facturers, No wonder there is a big
1 W
We want to make January and February hummers, and propose to make
them record breakers, We are going to accomplish our desire by offer
ing rare inducements in the way of cut prices. Any article in our store
is now offered at a reduction of 20 per cent. This means that 80 cents
equals i.uu. ana 4.UU gets $5.00 worth of goods.
Fleece lined, all colors, regular fi.oo
kind, now
Ribbed, all colors, regular Ji.oo
kind, now Soc
AH wool, any weight, any color, regu
lar $2.00 suit, now $1.60
Egyptian comb balbriggan, regular
$2.50 kind, now j3 00
All wool, pink, blue or lavender, regu
$3.00 goods, now
Silk and wool, blue and pink striped,
regular price I4.00, now $3'20
Other high grade underwear at propor
tionate reductions.,
50c kind, 35c 75c kind, 50c. fi.cokind,
75c. $1.25 kind, 90c. fx.50 kind, fx.i5
We wish to dispose of every pair of
gloves in our store.
Mackinaw Coats and
Mackinaw coats, $4 00, now $3-00
Mackinaw pants, $400, now 3.oo
Working Shirts
50c kind,
kind, I75
$1 15.
40:. 75c kind, 60c. U 00
ft 25 kind, ti 00. $150 kind,
25c kind, 20c. 50c kind, 40c. 75c kiud,
60c. $1.00 kind, 80c. 1.25 kind, $ 1. 00.
$t 50 kind, $t. 15.
Corduroy Pants
The kind sold by others for 53.00, and
sold regularly by us for $2.00 this sale
ei.50, one half what others will ask you
for them.
Midget string ties, regular 25c, now
io lor.
50c Four-in-hand or Tecksi!
75t lies
s'-ooTies ;;;;;;; goc
20 per cent Off
,: ctnte fa'
ja every ambit: iu "
includes Hats, Bath Robe W
Wnrk Shirt-i. Dtess GIotA"1
Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Su$psJ
ery, Fancy Vests, Night Rob.ft'
t mrlrrpners' M "
large 1111c ui -"" r
Coats and Aprons, Painters 5
o .--I :,l.ir.mentS in iBiB
order. Twenty per cent J
the regular price dur.nf IW j
regular prices of suits tA
ranges from $12.50 ""rW
great bargains at
propose 10 t;u -
cent discount.
. Ue J
We want you w (f(i
, :e o, are obw-
great ubboi
pleasure in showing
buy or not.