East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 11, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight ami Tuesday fair;
i cooler tonight.
OL. !
NO. 4 5) 12.
ous Confederate Leader
lSses Away at the Age of
i Georgian by Birth and Educa
and Was One of That State's
Gifted Sons Was Wounded
It Times During the Civil War
Commander of Confederate
Inns Will Be Succeeded by
then D. Lee, of Mississippi.
kti. Ga.. Jan. 11. ueuionant
! John Brown Gordon died at
bier homo near MUml, Fla., at
lust n Eht. His fatal illness,
overtook him last woanos-
sis congestion of the stomach
tar. following an acuto attack
ligation to which ho has been
Biographical Sketch.
famous confederate loader,
l John Drown Oordon, was
bra in Dpson county, Georgia,
6, 1832. graduated at tho
blTorelty, studied law and was
fi to tho bar, practicing at At-
ptcmber, 1854, be married
any Haralson, tho third
of General Hugh A. Hnral-
La Orange, Ga. The wedding
;ce on her 17th birthday, and
ie was 22 years old.
il he entered the confederate
captain of Infantry and rose
tank of tIeutenant-Eoneral. At
ttoi Courthouse ho command-
wing of Loo's army and tvub
la battle eight times- during
, being severely wounded at
NS General Gordon was the
tic candidate for governor at
ve state, and as he bellovcd.
tira by a large majority, but
Nnt, Rufus II Bullock, wis
I the office General Gordon
pembcr of tho national demo-
sventlons at Now York, 180S,
iiltlmore. 1872. and war nren.
lector for the state at largo
unions in 1SGS and 1872.
Fury, 1873, he was olected
pilled States Knnntn fnr nlv
fi took his seat thorn Mnrcli
I 'here he was recognlzod no
oember of tho democratic
W Onn Of ItB hestf nrnlnn
M May 20, 1880, was nom-
r governor of f.nnriln hv thn
lc convention July 28, 1880,
r'uor, lssB. recocted tvo
ler and was electod United
Fr, 1890, and served a lull
as also commander of the
! veterans.
Pi Lee Succeeds Gordon.
lenn.. Jan. 11. Rnnnrnl
i Lee. of Minn
Mj" Army of the Tennessee,
General nnr.inn na
I, . .. UUIiCU lUU'
"terans. nondlnir thn nine.
"union nere next Juno.
"fy Mills Comnletlnn C.nn.
r - 9,000 Barrels.
"e. Jan 11
fci,. o
r t island City; Union
". wnicil urn nil ntwl,.r
uapnnu.nl 1
.-... uarrois or nour to 1)0
rvuina, Thla moan, rn
I It .
i; air loads hiivn honn
1 next WCOk thn nMrn nr.
"'uipicied. These three
tout capacity of 300
' w per day.
w1 Jan. 11 Imnn. thn
WJlatorcd at Columbus
17' are BAVnrat 1 t j
WW . lo Bna tne an
J"0" of tho Tlnton T.m.
UnwT.il um I0W
JE?! l0I embraces tho
til!: :'r6ln- Several Ira-
k .71. trilQe are down for
U1 V Ik II M v.i.
'"a nan "L
nn.:VLu.!or tho com-
lie ,r '"r o nnanclor-
IWr City, rB"w"y com-
Returned With Boedler.
St. Louis, Jan. 11. Ex-Councilman
Kratz In chargo of of
cers, arrived here from Mex
ico this morning. There was
no demonstration because
when Kratz fled to Mexico he
forfeited bond for $20,000. It
Is believed tho now bonds will
be not less than $40,000. Krntz
was Indicted for acceptance of
a bribe to give street railway
grants. In which the bootllers'
combine is said to have dlvld
cd $60,000. The prosecution
exports Kratz to turn state's
cvldcnco when confronted with
the full volume of evidence
against him,
Particulars of the Disaster to
the Passengers and Crew
of the Clallam,
Seattle Man Is Spellbinding for Chi.
cage Harmony Is the Watchword
of This Session Democratic Nation,
al Committee.
Washington, Jan. 11. Large dele
gations aro arriving today to attend
the meeting of the national democrat
ic committee which begins tomorrow.
Harmony is the watchword.
Gorman and Parker aro mentioned
most often for president and Williams
Is nlso given nn occasional mention.
Hearst Is seldom heard of.
Chicago, St. Louis auu New Yo-k
have all opened headquarters, and are
after tho convention. Colonel James
Hamilton Lewis, formerly of Seattle,
will do the oratorical stunt befoie ihe
convention In behalf of Chicago.
A Night of Storm and Horror Lota
of Women and Children Due to
Swamping of Boats After Leaving
the Steamer Tuxs Were Almost
Powerless to Rescue on Account of
the Surging Seas.
Hundred Seventy Thousand
Acres in Wisconsin.
Port Townsend, Wash., Jan. 11.
Tho btcamer Clallum foundered short
ly after midnight, a short distance
lrom Smith's Island, ubifit If, miles
from this dty. About 00 persons, in
cluding 36 passengers, lost their
List of the Lost.
Captalu Thompson, Thomas Morri
ton, George lllsou, A, Valdemers,
Mrs. Rose, C. II. Joy, R. G. Campbell,
XV. C. Ilockledge, W. Chennett, 11. Tur
ner, G. r Jeffs, Isaac Hewitt, Miss
Harris, Mrs. Charles Cox, Mrs. Ro
mona, W, 11. Gibbons, Eugene Hlckf,
P. Laplant, Mrs. II. Turner, Mlas
Bellies, E. Boulton, N. P. Sbatf,
Mrs. A. J. C. Gallackly, Guy Dennis?
Charles Thomas, Miss Gill, It. Ca,
Mis. Reynolds, U W. Davis. Mrs.
Thomas Sulltns and two children,
H. V,'. Laplant, Charles Green. H. D.
Manley, Mrs. S. E. Boulton, O. V,
Thotupbon, Miss Gallakly, H. Duck
ner. Miss Murry, C. G. Blrny, E. K,
Feoris, A. K. Prince. C. P. Johnson,
.Mrs. A. H. l.apmnt, Mrs. Leonora
Advises That the Reservoir
Project West of Pendleton
is Practicable.
Twenty.four Million Dollars Available
for Reclamation This Year Gov.
eminent Operations in Umatilla
County Now a Question of "When
Will They Get at it?" Only Is Full
of Vast Possibilities for the Lower
Umatilla River.
Chief Engineer Newell, of tho rec
lamation service, has made public tho
report of Engineer Whistler, who was
In charge of the Investigation of tho
feasibility and advisability of govern
ment irrigation near Echo, Ho pro
nounces the project of diverting tho
water from the Umatilla river below
Pendleton to irrigate the Butter creek
region, possible. Ho also recommends
the adoption of the Malheur river
nml Harnnv rnuntv nrolectR. New-
' oll'c tYir-l ofonwo IViiil ni thn f-lown
of the present fiscal year there will
be $24,000,000 available for tho recla
mation of arid lands. Tho Arizona
and Nevada projects, which aro now
under contract, will use about $0,000,
000 of this sum, leaving $18,000,000
to be used In other states.
Part of this amount jvlll probably
be used on (he reclamation work In
northern Montana In diverting tho
wnterH of Milk river.
Japanese In Texas.
Honolulu, Jan. 11, Thirty
Japanese sailed on the Ameri
can liner Mam for Toxas, to
work In tho rlco fields. They
are part of a largo coloniza
tion Bchemo to replace negroes,
who refuse to work In any con
smerable numbers In tho mala
rious rlre swamps since they
can obtain employment else
where. Tho Japs will contract
to work by tho year, and ns
!hoy ent practically nothing
but rlco and fish tho cash out
lay for their remnneratlon is
hardly 40 per cent thnt which
tho negroes demand to stay.
Richards, H. H. Sjvaney, Captain -Xi JZZTL
Mrrwcc.' Ed-TcnnanT Gnyl MoTs,
rMrs. I)lpro.,e. "a th.; c
Madison. Wis.. Jan. II. The-first
nnrcet of the 300,000 acres of public Mrs. Dlprohp.
land in Wisconsin was put up for sale The Survivors,
at auction here today and a scries of I)eL.k ,iP,artment Cniitaln Ge.irw
similar sales will follow at various , Roberts, first officer; O. XV. Downev.
places until nil of the undeveloped 1 11 Arnold, F Myers. R. Grlfllth. J.
lands now owned by Wisconsin aro I jt.ffCry. H. Johnson. J AnderMin. A.
sold, with the exception of a trac t of vPKeen.
30,000 acres Bet aside for a state for- Engineers' department Scott lo
estry reserve. Lauey. chief engineer; James Miiit-
The lands are scattered throughout lock, fireman: John Atkins, oiler; Ed-
fifty-six counties, but the most rf ; WIlui Parker, oiler.
tncui are in Biirnett,J,'ashburu. Sa-v- steward's department J. It. Wat-
yer, Douglas and Prlco counties. Tho M)U steward. James Caldwell, Archie
appraised valuation ranges from SI King. Archie Davis, William Join n.
to $50 au acre. Under a decision -.f Look. Jun Lang.
tho state land commissioners no per-1 purser p. 0. Preer.
son wn. be allowed to buy more than Passengers J. Norrls, William
1C0 acres.
Exaet Origin Unknown, But Started
In the Porter's Sleeping Apartment,
and Probably From a .Stove Dam.
aged Badley & Zehner Somewhat.
1 tro was discovered last night
about 9 o'clock In tho rear of Prlvett's
barber shop, on Main street, and au
alarm was turned m. Tho firemen
found the front of tho shop so full
of smoke that they hnd dllllculty m
getting to tho fire, which had started
in the bath department in the rear,
from the stove used In hcntlng wnter.
There was a bunk near the stove,
used by thn porter ns a sleeping
place, and this had caught Are In
some manner. It U CBtlrantod th;it
tho damage will amount to $100, tho
principal damage being dono to tho
stock of bath and barber towels
stored over the bunk, and which weio
Tho lire burned through the parti
tion Into the store room of the Badlay
$100 worth of damago was, dune thcro
by wnter and smoko tp the stock of
tobacco and eignrs thai Vould not bo
King, H. D. Bailey, Jack Sweeney.
Charles W. - avis, John Davie, W. II.
1 Grimes. VI,ilam Lo Planle, Edward
! Laumer, Thomas SooIIus and T. L.ir-
Officials Say Contracts on Lewlatdv k0ii.
Riparla Branch Not Lr , Eight Miles From Victoria.
Portland, Jan. 11. Officials of the. The wmwd hud come wlthlu eight
n n r. k- rlni- I m mniirt. MUU olll 11 les 01 iciuuu Kliun in-uvy
from Spokane and copied by many , broke in th- deadlights, and the
Eastern Oregon papers thnt the eon water rushed in, putting the llres out.
.--.I the in,i,i, .rtliilo construction , Three boats were launched, tilled
Now a Certainty.
been much uncertainty
nature of Whistler's report
on the Echo irrigation project, ino
fact that he has reported favorably
Uon It will probably result in the
government constructing the ditch.
The importance of striking while tha
Iron Is hot needs emphasizing.
Our representatives In congress
should we that no stone Is left un
turned to have the government take
up the work. It will nut only result
In giving a largo number ot men work
whose money will be spent In this
idunty and make times good, but it !
will lesult in a far larger measure I American guard was withdrawn from
of good. When the ditch Is complot- tho legation yesterday,
I'd the vast stretches of unproductive The state department received u ca
sage brush land will be divided Into biografc from the minister nt Mon
small tracts of 20 to 40 acres and tovideo baying Uruguay Is passing
will furnish homes for hundreds of through another crisis. The govern
thrllty and Industrious farmers. Tholment pnrty was attacked and put to
sago biush land Is ilch and with thai night their opponents. Several or the
llf.i.irlvln.r nn.l vivlfvln.r wulnr will ' lnlAn ........ ,,lll,..t t.i
Biggest Drive, in Point of
Results, in the History of
Umatilla County.
Appetites Whetted by a Four-Mile
Walk or Fifty Cent Ride Thous
ands of Pounds of Meat for the
Cannery and Thousands of Young
Trees and Hundreds of Acres of
Alfalfa Saved to the Farmers,
Seven Hundred Persons Helped In
the Drive.
Ten thousand rabbits, 700 people,
and Lord only knows how many Pen
dleton dollars visited mllepost 197
yesterday afternoon.
Walked to the Starting Point.
About 160 I'endloton people loft
tho city yesterday afternoon for tho
rabbit drive, eight miles below Echo,
and had the pleasure of seeing tho
biggest drive of the season, but they
also had the pleasure of paying woll
fur their entertainment. It had been
reported to tho East Orcgonlan that
tho drive wns to bo started at tho
place where tho train stopped, but
when tho peoplo get thoro thoy found
that tho scene of battle was anywhero
from two und a half to four miles
from tho track. The farmers had pro
vided n number of wagons for tho
accommodation of those who did not
wish to walk, and obligingly let tho
visitors rldo to tho drive ut tho rato
of CO cents, and from CO cents to a
dollar back.
Seven Hundred Drivers.
Pully 700 people hud gathered at
the scene of the drive, a largo num
ber coming from Hoppnor by special
train, besides the jiuople from tho
HurroundluK country who Hocked in
of the Lcwlstou-Ulpnrlu branch has
been let to either Spokane or any
other contractors. i
It Is said to be a scheme jf 'ial
estate boomers In Lewlbton to crea'e
n rimti in that cltv and that while
principally with women and children,
aud two of these wero seen to foun
der, all drowning, atfd the third it
thought to have met tho same fate.
The hleaniei drifted until 10 o'clo'-ii
last night when tho tug Holyoke, tent
S Jan 7 'P,L.
tha 1 he gov-
"H toJpJrt ,that n,,B-
rf toroign war.
the company may possibly build this fiom heiv, came to her assistance and
nave yoi wmim,,, m.
sengerH and crew had in tho mean-
cargo ovei board and
men balling wi'h
branch, no definite steps
been taken
Not all t'ho right of way has been time hove the carg
tecured yet and nil tho reports u. ine n.-i " " ...
effect that teams and feed have U.-i bucke s, keeping ; about .even with the
unloaded by tho contractors at 111- i Incoming rush ot water,
"a a a?o absolutely unfounded, and After the Clallam was taken In tow
Intended I solely to create a real eUto the water came In faster, and about
! , t nmnosod route 1 o'clock she went on her beam enls
boom along the proposou route. ,
rived meanwhile, and tho two tugs
het about saving life. Thirty-one
wore picked up from tho steamer and
from planks and rafts and brought
here this morning at 9 o'clock. 'Jan-
(Concludod on page 8.)
Also Several Other Postal Fraud De
fendants In the D. C Criminal
Washington, Jan. ll.-Tho case of
August W. Machon, former general
superintendent of tho free delivery
service, Samuel A. and filler L.
Graff of this city and "f-nnd.1Mrntl;
Georgo E. Loronz of Toledo all of
whom are charged with '"""f
the government by conspiracy in con
nection with the sale of box fteneM
to the postomco doparimoui, , g(mr0(j Jf Jnpan wm be content with
called for trial teday in wo aiainci R and H hor nanda nff Man.
t. Many WHUtM , t- l nniv nct-nllntlnf
Ufa-giving and vivifying water will
yield rich returns to the farmer.
Melons, corn, alfalfa, peaches, will all
thrive there.
Nature has richly endowed this sec
tion both In soli and climate and with
Irilgation It will prove e(iiul to thn
Irrigated lands near Boise or Lewis
ton. 1-aiicln which could be formerly
purchased for a few dollars an acre
there are valued at $2!0 an acre.
No further proof of tho richness of
the soil is needed than tho fact that
from live to seven tons of alfalfa Is
now raised with one thorough flooding
on Butter creek.
Another advantage of government
ownership of Irrigation piojects Is
that if it is decided to carry It on It
will bo carried to a successful Issue.
There will be no uncertainty as to
tho completion of the project, no fearB
of abandonment and no extortionate
charges for water, as thoro is too apt
to be when some grasping Individual
or company secures control of such
an enterprise.
It will take some years to com
plete, but it means an Influx of a
thrifty and desirable class of citizens
who will add much to the wealth of
Umatilla county.
Continues Unabated, But No Damage B,artod about li.t'o o'clock, under tho
to American Legation. direction of II. RogcrH and went with-
Washington, Jan. 11, Tho navy do-, out n hitch. Tho mon In the confer
partmeni received n telegram from of tno lino were ns a rule too eager
the commnndcr of tho Newport nt San for tho carnngu and pressod forward
Domingo, thnt tho revolution contln- too rnpldly, driving many ot the rab
ues, but nothing menacing. Tho bits back on the wings, but on tho
whole It was a guod elTort aud nettod
tliu blggeat bunch of cannery foddar
thut Iiiih hion harvested this year, the
catch being estimated at all tho way
from 8,000 to 10,000, counting what
hail been killed along tho wing fences
before tho pen was reached,
A coyote was caught in tho drivo
mid was killed with n club by ono of
the hunters, as It ran Into the fence,
which It failed to sue In Its fright.
Charged for Lunch,
Sandwiches uud coffee weru served
near tho rabbit pen ut 25 cents for
ono sandwich and a cup of roffuo.
This, ngnlti, wns coutrury to tho In
formation given the East Orogonlan
by tho promoters of tho drive, who
stated ovor tho 'phono that the farm
ers engineering the dilvo would furn-
latter wero killed and wounded,
Dastardly Conduct of an Usher Dur
ing the Iroquois Fire.
Chliago, Juno 11. Testimony be
foiu tho Iroijuuls Inquest today Is sim
ilar to that given before. Ono wltnois
testified slin appealed to nn usher to
assist her to eicapo and ho threw
her off. Fifteen members of tho
"Bluebeard" compnny, who hnvo been ' ltl refreshments free of cost lo thojo
held under arrest by the coroner, taking part In the drive, Quito a neat
were released, their testimony hnv
Ing been taken,
One hospltnl death this morning
brings the list of dead to C70, Sever
al others are In a critical condition.
Paris, Jan. 11.
today ray peace
-Diplomatic' advices
In the far caBt is '
, , ...
cnmiuui 1-uun. .-- ,,,
on hand and It is probable the trial
nrnceod without lurimir
Perry Heath, the Head Grafter, to Tell
What He Knows.
called as a
wltneH. did cot respond, not having
yet arrived at WfBhlngton. Formal
domS ers to evidence were overrul-
Who Em-
f -i' o.
. f .10,000.
.-an. ll.-Ex-Clty
,V 'hur was reloased
. It. morning, after
for omnezznuB
Ex-Trecsurer cf
Snn Pranclsco
f rnnmiror A.
from San Qw "
l v-rt 1 III-
So the C Wimds. Hehaa
I , diluted silver or son in u
eacks and spent t on race irac ,
churla. Japan is now negotiating
with Korea' for confirmation of hor
concessions there.
Will Be No War.
Berlin, Jan. 11. The foreign office
today assorts tho belief that peace
will bo established In tho far east,
but declines to give reasons for the
Respect Treaty Rights.
London, Jan. 11, Russia has ad
dressed a note to the powers stating
sho wll respect tho treaty rights of
all nations in Manchuria, and declar
ing she and Japan bavo no more right
to discuss the future of Manchuria
than they have of the Philippines, as
tho country belongs to nolther.
Japan has officially announced sho
has not landed troops in Korea and
has no present intentions of doing
So Far, But No Farther.
Paris, Jan. 11. Advices at tho for
eign office say that Russia's reply to
Japan's note, while recognizing Jap
an's supremacy in Korea, insists up
on tho establishment of a neutral
zone n the north and' along the coast
of Korea. Russia Is willing to rocog
nlic Japanese trading rights in Man
churia, but refuses to permit tho es
tablishment of Japanese settlements
Looks Warlike.
Washington, Jan. 11. Advices re
ceived at tho state department today
are warlike. The mikado's govern
ment seized 20 merchant vessels for
transports. A report from Seoul,
Korea, says the Russian guard thero
is being constantly augmented.
The Japanese minister called at tho
stato department this morning for a
conference with Hay. After his de
parturo tho latter admitted tho
chances to avert
Senator Morgan Loysl to the Subst.
tute Provided for bv Cpooner Act
Washington, Jan, 11, Tho house
committee on appiopriatluns re
ported a legislative, executlvo .ind
judicial appropriation bill carrying
Shortly after tho opening of tho
senate today Mr. Morgan pruscnted
a resolution calling on tho president
to reopen negotiations with Nicara
gua for the construction of an Isthmi
an cnnal.
Inquiry Into Use Made of Anti-Trust
Law Money,
Washington, Jan. 11. Tho houeo
today without debate unanimously
adopted a resolution calling on Ihu
attorney-general for a full report of
tho dispensation of $C00,000 appropri
ated by congress for the enforcement
of the Sherman anti-trust law.
American Academy In Rome.
Romo, Jan, 11. The king and queen
today attended an exhibition by tho
pupils of the American Academy of
Decoratlvo Art and wero profuse in
tbclr praise.
Difficulty Getting Jury,
Chicago, Jan. 11. Another day
passed without adding any Jurors In
the car barn bandits' case. Months
may elapse before a Jury Is secured.
Chicago Wheat.
little sum wan netted by the lunch
counter, as all of the congregation
wero pretty hungry after the long
One Serious Accident.
Miss Jessie Boyd, of Kcho, had a
narrow escape from serious Injury At
the commencement of the dilvu. I.
II. Kulglcr, of Hoppnor, was one of
those zealous In the pursuit of tho
furry pests, uud In his effort lo hit
an escaping rabbit overshot tho
mark and hit thu lady In tho temple
with u hickory hammer handle. Th
young lady promptly Blurted lo faint,
wlion Mr. Kolgler rushed to her res
cue. Giving the unconscious young
Judy Into the rare of an Kk'm lady
who happened to bo near by, Mr,
Zleglor hnstened lo Dr. W. W. Ilruro,
of Ileppner, who wns lending the
Hcppncr brigade, und rubbing him of
a small bottle, all the medicine he had
brought along for an emerygency, of
fered It to tho victim of tho hammer
handle. The lady refused to purluke,
stating thai she felt much belter
without It. II 'Is supposed that bfl
knew it was Heppner whiskey.
The Pendleton excursionists re
turned home on the G:3C train, light
In stomach and pocketbook, but hap
py In tbo experience of their trip.
Trial of Whltakor Wright,
London, Jan. 11. The prosecution
ot Whitaki , Vrlt Ut opened before)
Judge Longs toduy In tho presence
ot a great crowd of those Interested
in the defunct I'.udon Globe corpora
tion. Bryan in Connecticut,
New York, Jan, WHIUm 7.
Bryan left htro today tor New Ha
ven, Conn., wl rs h has business, to
' . . ..lit. Ik. tln-nHnO Mill