DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1904. TKisN famous remedy does for tho stom ach I tut which It is urublo to do for Itself, even If but slightly disordered or overouraenea. Kodol supplies the natural' lulces of dlrestion and does the work of the stomach, relaxing the 1 nervous tension, while the inflamed muscles and membranes of that I orjran are allowed to rest and heal. It cures ! indigestion, flatulence, palpitation of the heart. nervous dvsoeosla and all stomach troubles by cleans! tie, purifying and strengthenlne the glands. membranes of the stom- ach and digestive organs. Like a Comet in the sky comes the star ol neaiui to the weak and weary despon- dontdyspeptic curing an stomach troubles and digestive disorders. IKodol DjspepsiaCure Tan Detltr Cu Scatty Tml Botrisa only. St. 00 Sits holdlne 2M ttmes tha ttlil ttia. which Kill (or 50c tamnt ay E. C. DtVITT 4 CtX. COTU0O. GENERAL CHAFFEE TODAY HE DECOME8 CHIEF OF THE OENERAL STAFF Has a First Class Record as a Mill, tary Man, but Is Altogether Unpre tentious Is Not an Educated Man Possible Friction Between Him and Secretary Taft. Sold by Tallman &. Co. Is Your Stomach Topsy-Turvy? ON SALC T A I. DRUGGIST Genuine sold only In Pucka kc hennas thU trade mark MEDICAL LAKE TABLETS Will Straighten Vou up. Make One Feel Life's Worth the Liv ing, and give back to Vou the BoujantSpirit of Youth. The TABLETS are mailt from the Medicinal Properties of Medi cal Lake, and are Nature's Remedy for Stomach Troubles Testimonials for the Asking TO TRY THEM IS TO BE CURED T.wentj.five Centra. Jlottle MEDICAL LAKE SALTS 51FG. CO HeJiail Laic. iaJ $rfcaa(, Wash. Washington, Jan. 9. Lieut. Gen. S. M. 1). Young having reached the ago limit prescribed by the regulations. was today retired from active sen vice and Major General Adna II. I Chaffee wns sworn In to succeed him 1 as chief of uie general staff. The I formal ceremony took place In the j presenco of Secrotnry of War Hoot 1 and a number of the highest oftlclals ' of tho war department and prominent officers of the army. Subsequently the now chief of tho general staff was 1 taken on a tour of tho department and formally Introduced to the lienils of the various bureaus. Biographical Sketch. Lieut. Gen. Adna II. Chaffee, the new chief of tho general staff, has the distinction of having risen lrom tho ranks to the head of tho army. His rise may bo attributed to the constant display of soldierly qualities blended with rare good fortune. He came into special prominence as com mander of a brigade that took a leading part in tho bnttlo of Kl Cancy during the war with Spain ami later ho distinguished himself as commander of tho American troops In China In tho troublous times fol lowing the "Boxer" uprising. General Chaffeo was born In Ohio In April, 1842, nnd entered the ser vice as1 n private in the Sixth cav nlry In July. 1S61. Two years inter he was commissioned second licit tenant, becoming a first lieutenant In February, 1S65. Ho won his first lieutenancy on the battlefield at Out- tysburg, and was moved up to thrt grado of captain for gallant service primary nomlnnting elections nnd other measures, by Initiative potttlan. Tho signers of nn agreement to this ofTect nnd nny others intorostod In tho movement nro oxpoctod to nt tend. Tho meeting will bo hold In the Oregon Mining Stock oxchnune, Chamber of Commerce. Portland, i.t 2 o'clock In the nftornoou of Jnuu nry 12. Tho following outline of business 1; suggested. Permanent organization and olec tlon of president, vlco president, sec retary, treasurer nnd executive com mlttco: nnmlnc the organization wlmlher It Is wlso to attempt to prc sont all tho measures contemplated in our ngreomcnt, and. It not, which ones shall bo laid aside for this cam palgn; constitution nnd rules of tho organization; form and provisions t tho measures to bo presented by the organization, . A 1 1 u i uaKg Oregon's Greatest Natural Wonder CLUB ID FEDERATION. Club Directory. The Thursday Afternoon meets once in two weeks, Thursdays. The Current Literature, alternate Fridays. The Woman's Club meets the sec ond and fourth Tuesdays of each month. With the end of tho holiday season tho club caleudnrs will begin to re ceive attention again. Tho state federation year books and copies of the revised constitution are now In the hands of all club of fleers in tho Btate. Thore" Iiavo boon Bevoral most veesatlous and unfortu n a to delays, but tho board of direc tors hopes that the clubs will r.ow matte such good use of tho books th.it tho lost timo will bo made up. Will the presluonts of clubs sco that the commltteo reports and iec ommendatlons are road tt tho noxt meeting of their clubs? The Woman's Club will hold Its regular meeting on Tuesday nftor noon at the Commercial Club roonjB, at 2:30. All Interested - thu Saca at Dinwiddle Courthouse. Subsenuent i Jawea statuo work aro cordially in nrnmnilnni in fhn ki.i. nt ! vlttii to nttend. nnd heln fornmlntn .1 t llantnnnn. nnlnnnl ...... I nlnTlR trt nRfllflt in tlllttini tilt, tTlflttfir of lieutenant colonel were earned in engagements with In dlans In Texas and Arizona. He aim served at one time as inspector gen eral with General McCook, and later still as subdlrector of the cavalry school at Fort ftlloy, Knnsns. At EI Coney General Chaffee hav ing been given command of a brig ado, the fight was opened by him, ind his men bore the brunt of it hroughout tho day. Chaffee's con duct was magnificent and excited the admiration of the entire army. To his brilliant leadership, in fact, the signal victory of tho day was chiolly due, hut no one' could ever get Chaf fee to open his mouth nbout It. General Chaffee's force moved on tho heights occupied by tho Span lards nt an early hour In tho morn ing, encountering a heavy fire from tho enemy and suffering severely, but " did not flinch, nnd carried the summit with a hearty cheer. An eye witness of the struggle said that when the light was hottest General Chaffeo dashed about at tho head of plana to assist in putting tho matter before our Pendleton women. All will be made wolcomo. Tho ThurS' day Aftemoon Club will hold its next meeting January 14, at tho home of Airs. E. I Marshall. Notice has been received by tho press correspondent of the stato fed eration that tho Club Journal Pub lishing Company has gone out of bus iness. The club women of -jo stale must now depend on the public spirit of tho state press to assist in maklug their work moro effect Ivo. Tho news papers of Eastern Oregon havo al ways been most generous in this re spect, and the Oregon Dally Journal, of Portland, published a club pago that is not surpassed by any wo Imvo seen In this or any otnur state. Send news of your clubs to tho club editor of tho Journal. Slnco the Club Woman, the ufD.il 1 organ of the General Federation, has been published in Now York, it is no longer the organ ' tue Massachus etts Federation, as it has been in the past, A now club monthly Is now Many Acres of Hottest Spring Water on Earth Marvelously Curative .HF-Tiari- " -urn- JJW9m t Steam Arising From ? Lake-View of Sanatorium, lot Lakd , T.13A .1 .. n irmn. via u'l A Wonderful water and imt cure. A beutitlful litiilth mwt, ol in Summer mild Hut LiiUo Ix to the Went what Arkansas Hot Spring are lo the Kast lllulnti.. aruntl Hondo Valley, on O. II. & N. railroad, 200 mik from Portland. For aires it has been known ni th "Hiif Medicine" nf tho Imlluti. Flo 2.200 000 ml Ions pr day, bolllui? hot-uiuuy acres of tho hottest spring water iu the world. ' The water la clear nt crystal. Tlio mineral in tho wuter is lu such trft wilTitln,, that no particle of precipitate will fall, even after Htanehig for dayx. "on Murvelomly curative in di-eases of stomaoli, bowelM, liver, bladder, Hkiu and blimd also in rheumatism, catarrh, nuuralirlu anil other nervous troubles, Every up-to date convenient- and eUipiiient of high-cIasH, modern hotel. Itates: Hotel, 10 00 to 15 00 per week. Baths, singli) bath, 115 wntf : one nwk lift three weeks 3.50. Mud 4.110 per week. ' ' Sit down and w rite for our illustrated booklet today, II will imVnut you. Addrw Dr. G. W. TAPE, Gen. Man., or Dr. W. T. PHY, Medical Supt., Hot Lgke Oregon tUUKmur. it ATr. M A MIIiK THE VEAR 'ItOUNDi AKK ANY O. R. A N, BTATlOS.AOll tho rnlnmn u-lih hiu ht r, ,k u.b 1 nubllshed and edited by the Massa-. of his head urging on his men and ! chusotta state president. Airs. May ...... I i ., , j. . . - Atlnn TTTnr.l n .1 nlln.l "Thi. ln Inn.. i'"'K iiieui 10 bci in ana neip Sold by Tallman & Co., lending druggists, and A C. Kooppen & Bros. G 0 .In Let us fill your ' bin with . . ROCK SPRING GOAL Recognized as the, best and most e onomiaal fuel ye arc prepared to con tract with you for your winter's supply. We de liver coal or wood tokany part of the city. llaatz Bros. Main Street Near Depot tneir country win n victory." 'inp men were right behind him ruid the victory wns won. During tho period he led tho Amer ican forces In tho advance on Pekln General Chaffee made a favorable .showing In comparison with the beit soldiers of the great armies repre sented. Then lio was given command uf the army In the Philippines. Here he had troublo with Governor Taft and In view of tho fact that the lat ter is about to bocoruo secretary of war tho differences between them i aro being discussed with much intor on In army circles. General Chaffee and Govnor Taft could not agrno as to the location nf tho lino dividing too civil nnu military authority in Mien Ward, and called "The FcJoro. Hon Bulletin." Mrs. Ward Is too well ' known to need any Introduction to American women or to readers of j either sex. The Uulletln is assured of i a wide circulation from tho start. The date of tho St. Louis blonnlal of the General Federation has been i set. Tho meeting will bo May 17 to 25 Inclusive. 'Most elaborate plans are being worked out by tho general ! and local boards and tho uavonth meeting of the uonoral Federation will be a most brilliant affair. Sev eral of tho stato federations havo al ready secured their headquartors at St. Louis. Under Mrs. Denlson's management, there will be but ono meeting In pro gress at a time, thus giving all of tho TONIGHT and PVcrv F.vonJnrr A o4 TUT-stJnon C.44iir Aft Fasfitrnakfo V aAixrUi THE style of amusement that has rasnicnaDic v atidevme THE world ablaze with admiration at MIESCKE'S MEAT MARKET Will meet Hip lowest priced quoted by anyone on mentrt. You always GET CJOOD MEAT when Mleacke tills your order. 3J6 COURT ST. Don't miss the place. ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS cure Dyspepsia and -a3"vaisorders arising from Indigestion. Endorsed by physicians ovorywherc. No euro, no pay. 26 cent For nolo by F, W. Schmidt ft Co. Trial package froo by writing to ,W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. T. the islands. The dispute was carried i delegates a chanco to benoflt by all tip to tho presldont. nnd ho sent a tnat ' done. Heretofore, oiton two peremptory moasago directing them j a,1(1 sometimes three meetings havo to reach nn agreement without dolay. been hold In different halls at the They did, but It Is understood that t&ma hour, and one felt suro sho was the relations between tho two still missing many good thlng3 by being remained strained. unable to be In but ono place at a whllo General Chaffee Is a modol soldier In the field. It remains to be seen what kind of an executive officer ho will make. Those who know him best declare that, with a true sol dierly way of doing things, he Is li able to balk at tho diplomacy and rod tann considered necessary at headquarters. For some reason, which bas,nevor been satisfactorily explained, n hair of romanco has been thrown around General Chaffeo almost from the time he wore shoulder strapB. It is said that ho has been the hero of more romnntlc tales than any other officer In the regular servlco slnco thn civil war. Tho general, perhaps; .knows bettor than anyone elso whether the majority of theso stories aro true, and in speaking of two or threo of them, recently, ho said: "Those yarns, llko a lot of others I havo beard told about me, aro" Just plain lies. I'm no horo and If tho plain, hard truth wero always told there would bo mighty few halos stuck about tho ..ends of us army officers. Wo Just go ahead and attend to our business, llko any other busi ness mon.-Wo'ro put In certain places to succeon. If wo do succeed, thore Is no particular senso In telling a lot of heroic hos about us,' and, If wo fall well, God help us." i I time. Tho full effectH of tho campaign of last winter (or child labor lows bogin to bo folt slnco tho latest ono, tho law of New York, took offoct on October first, says tho Club Worker. It Is now Illegal for an employer to permit a child under the ago of 1C years to work longer .than nine hours in ono day In the stato' of Now York; or longer than eight hours In ono day, or after 7 In tho ovenlng In Illinois. And In both states such a child must bo able to rtad and wrlto tho English language before beginning to work. In New Jersey and Wisconsin, tho cruel provision permitting orphan children to bo employed younger than othor children, has happily boon nbo ished and In both states all children boys and girls, orphans and othors must now do tuny 14 yeara or ago beforo thoy con legally bogin to work. DIRECT PRIMARY LEAGUE. Portland Citizens Issue a Call for a Meeting on January 12. A. L. Mills. Gcnrcn HI Ortnn Thomas 8. aroono, C. E. S. Wood and w. b. iriien havo Issued a call for a mooting to organize a league for the purpose of proposing to tho electors of Oregon a law to provide for direct How-a Thle? We offer One Hiindmt Italian Itenanl for nr rj- of rnUrrh that rnnot bo caret by Hall' Cattirrb Care. r. J. I'llKNKY iTopa-, Toieoo, u. Wo. ttlw iinilrril.Tnfd. have known P. J. Cheney for I bo but if years, and believe mm perieetiy nrcioriDie in an Duaineaa trantactlonR an ilnai -Ullr able to curry out nny oblliratlura mm a by tbelr firm. wt.ni a TiiiiAA, wnoieaAia urugnuu. Toledo. O. WALDINO. KINNy . M.rt7IN, Whole sale DrnKRiato, 'If ' Hall's Catarrh t.'n. 4liin Internal!. actinic dlrrcilr mk . iil -wl and mu cous anrfaci of the i I'xlee 7Be per bottle. Bold by all drar'.tita, Teutlmonlala free. Uflira Family i'llla - r' the best. Woodmen Vtentlon. Poadlaton Caran ' Hi, W. O. W will Install officers Saturday night, January 9, after which thore will bo an entertainment. EDISON NOVELTY AND SPECIALTY COMPANY Ricoest and Bet oo Company Traveling' 20 ii. rtaltvAfti wff""" AND KATZENTAMER Kmc wnDr rc dcct turnTTDN PlCTDi': 10. 20 AiMn an CENTS DO YOU ENJOY A GOOD SMOKE? PRIDE OF UMATILLA VLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVaV Try "Pendleton Bbqoct" nd "Pride of Umatilla." Made at home. A. ROHDE, Maker J T a KTS Ul CwraCeMiaOiHDy, nuune 2 Deys Oil and oa every