Brevities Organs at cost at Pall street, .i- ..!.t nlini. uImn I'm! glass put in. school shoes tuat wear ti -4 pnniili.ntia Cll . . 1 .1 tnlitn,c Q( Noll's book store. atnrtt i:ntirr KtrRni tablets are made with Looso leaf dovlce. furnished rooms for W. J. Clark's, 70S Italey. a first-class piano tun- orders. Work guarantcou. Ready for service at all Kennedy's cab Is at your hours. 'Phone main clothes cleaned and aereer s. izu west uouu !s at his old stand, 221 un a ircBU eiock ci , fruits, cigars, etc. uuiKiuntjiti juiauuiuLiLfu. nnrv n.T. niiifl runn I. u-ii, l'jiH. iNauouai Klatlon, Portland, Jan- 1904. For the above oc- u. it. & N. makes i (or the round trip, ule January 10 and 11. limit January 17, 1904. CQlam rnlt mi nr mlilrAaa i agent. itch ml Jewelry Repairing? Ml we want to, 'e you you will lt-int..i Pdces, n r ZKER Jeweler C. KOEPPEN &. BROTHERS ''mum mm ,w , ,,,,,, lwt. SALE ALL THIS WEEK t We will give a Big Discount on ajl Jackets, Cloafrs Hand Fars tip t Saturday Night, angary IQth. We desire to close oat the entire lot, and the prices we have placed on them will make them move. TEUTSCH'S I if s i i ipt p. rv - t i vi h i iv Mixiii a i ia t a lit i IT f TTTttt AT ASSEMBLY HALL. Negative In Debate Won Out An. other Prograh Next Friday NlghL Considering the bad evenlnsr. a a i f i!lV!ry S00'1 audlnco greeted tho stu .4 piano. Apply at this aunts or the high school last night I at the assembly hall, when they pre madc skirts arriving sotitod their regular weekly program. ...LP. Th rlnl.oln .... ... Lieu H. I uuHitj ua Willi iiv Lim itnirn. furnished rooms to I out. "vo after a hard fight by all or Uio iuuuicib. iuc rest oi me program was perhaps the best that has been given go far this year. On the even. Ing of next Friday another nrosrram will be given, for which the pupils nve been making especial prepara tion. EXCELSIOR COUNCIL O. OF P. New Corps of Officers Installed at Last Meeting. At the last meeting of Excelsior Council, O. of P., the following offlje- w-B were installed to Borve for tho coming term: Past councilor, Anna Kegel (u councilor, May Stanton; vice-council or, W. H. Huson; chaplain, Sarah McDrlan; secretary, Amanda Kellar; treasurer, John Zahner; guide, Claude Uoyd; warden, S. M. Stanton; senti nel. Lester Iloyd; musician, Edna Koplttke. Piano and Organ Sale. Jesse Falling has inaugurated a great clearance sale at which he will sell pianos and organs at cost. At this sale Mr. Failing proposes to close out his entire line of rugs, mat tings, pictures, frames, curtains, etc., and offers these goods at unheard of low prices. The goods must go and cost is not considered In making the price. This Ib a rare opportunity to buy as very deslrablo goods aro ob tained at great bargains. Seeks a Wrestling Match. Tho East Orcgonian is in receipt of a challenge from a Spokane wrest ler weighing 1C0 pounds, who wishes to arrango for a match in this city with n man or equal proportions, for a purse of $500, two out or three falls, Police Gazotto rules to govern. An swers will bo gladly received by Hert Wiggins, In care of the Spokino Proas. O. R. & N. Office Transferred. Auditor Harradon completed his work in making the change of sta tion's accounts from F. F. Wannley to his successor last night, and the station was transferred to E, C. Smith, who becomes agent. First Presbyterian Church 10 n. m., Sunday bciiooi: ll a. m., netmuu by the pastor: 0:45 p. m., Christian Knileavor; 7:30 p. in., sermon. Strangers in the city are especially Invited to all tho services. Itobert J. Dlven, pastor. Got Sunny. U C Rader. Toward civilization one long steD Schilling's Best at home and in trade. Have you taken it ? Moiicyback. You wilt enjoy a cup of our delicious HOT CHOCO LATE. We don't know how to make it taste any better. Don't believe you ever had any finer. Ours is Sc a cup. The PopsTORE DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY. JANUARY 9, 19M. LERS FINED SEVEN MEN CONTRIBUTED 150 EACH TO THE CITY. City Treasury Enriched to the Ex tent of $1,350 This Morning Les ter Swaggart Held for Twor Counts, Pays $300, the Others $150 Each District Attorney Halley Will Now Prosecute Under State Law. Tho new council has shown lis .mm me gamunng question, in pursuance with the nolicv .derated nana on the gambling question In at one of tho secret nicotines held last week p"- tho week berore, the marshal has begun to round up some or the men who have a fondness fori the card table, and as a result of his 1 visits Frank O'Hara, William G. Ho-! gert, Charles Morrison, W. H. George, C. F. Cook, Tom Johnson and A. Stephens were arrested for gambling ' contrary to the ordinances of the city, and were brought before the court, where tnelr ball was fixed at $150 each. All or tho men put :p their money, and when their cases were called forrclted their ball. T.os- tor Swaggart was arraigned on two ' charges and paid $300 as ball, which ; "VlB" fr,f"eu; , As a result or the transaction tha til iiL-aniujr 18 l,dUU UCller Off iniS afternoon than it wna tM ,nmtn It annears that It I th. H nfi" ,no Euest ot fricn,ls ln Pendleton. tho present administration to fine tho gamblers whether monthly, or at longer periods Is not plain, but Judg ) Ing from the amount of tho fines, or , James Wright, of North Yakima, tho ball fixed, which is In effect a was a Pendleton visitor today on bus fine, the Incidents will bo at longer iaP'! intervals. Miss Lola McCulloch, of Pasco. Is District Attorney Halley, who has In the city for a short visit with Pen been threatening to reopen his cam-1 dleton friends. paign against tho gamblers for som-j time, has stated that ho will also, as an officer of the state, file an Inform ation against each man arrested by the city for gambling and prosecute him for the violation of the itate law. MORTGAGES FOR $51,000. Rugg Brothers File Heavy Mortgages to Secure First National Bank. A chattel mortgago was filed yes terday afternoon In the'oHlco of the county recorder by G. W. and a. Rugg, known as tho lirm of Rugg Urothers, in favor of tho First Na tional Bank of Pendleton, by which they secure to the bank tho payment of $51,000 given them by the bank on notes ranging from $4,500 to $7,000. The mortgage calls for ono dollar on Its face, but is given to cover the poles which aro affixed to tho instru ment. Tho Instrument gives as becuilty for the loan ail of the personal prop erty of the mortgagors, consisting of several thousand head or sneep, cat tle, fatm implements, camp wagons and outfits, saddles, horses, pigs and In fact auout all of the property of the ranches and holdings of tho firm. A deed of trust has also been given to H. F. Johnson as the present cash ier of the bank to a large part of their real estate holdings, sheep, ranges and land of that sort. Just how much of their real estate is sub-jer-t to the mortgage Is not known, but It is a large tract of land. This is the largest mortgage or this nature that has been filed ln the office of the recorder for some time. New Dental Parlors. Drs. F. E. and M. C. Adams, who recently came hero from the Willa mette vojley, where they had built up au extensive praetico in dentistry, by their system of painless filling and extracting teeth, have secured a lo cation in the Dcspaln block and we arc informed will be ready for work by tho first of noxt week, when their card will appear In this paper. Tho doctors como to this secUon to get tho benefit of a dryer climate. New Dry Goods Manager. I. Ackerman. of Portland, formerly connected with LIpman & Wolf and the Hub stores ot that city, has taken tho position or manager or the dry goods and ladles' section of Alex ander's Department Store, Mr. Ack erman comes to Pendleton with tho highest recommendations and has had extensive dxporienco In dry goods departments or large stores. Drainage Engineer. H. D. Shultz, who superintended tho putting in of the Pendleton sewer system, has opened an office ln room 12, Judd building, where ho will glvo his attention to sower work of nil descriptions. Ho is a thoroughly competent drain layer and has had 17 years' experience ln municipal sower, pavement and water work, which is a guarantee of satisfaction. Mrs. Falken'berry Improving. J K. Falkenbcrry. of Long Crook, is In tho city today, visiting his wlfo, who has boen for several days under tho care of Dr. C. J. Smith. Sho Is getting along nicely and there Is every reason to believe that her re covery is near at hand. Returned From Los Angeles. Gilbert Joyce has returned from a .trip to Los Angeles, wheie he went for a short vacation after bis sunf mor's work of putting In the steam boating plant" of dn Pendleton Hotel and the courthouso. Synodlcal Missionary, Rev. W. S. Holt, synodlcal mission ary for tho state, has been the guest of Rev. Dlven, who Is on the same board In church work. Mr. Holt wont on to La Grando last evening. ParJ, theater and boll Is offerod for rout 'for f utertalnments, parties, pri vate theatricals and dances. A"pply to Pcnland Bros, Fresh fruit dally at Martin's, PRESENT P. F. WAMSLEY. Associates of thj o. R. & N. Offices Present Him a Gold-Headed Um brella. Tho clerks and associates of P. K. amsicy. In tho 0. R. ft N. offlcca in this city, Joined In tho mirchaso ot a handsomo present for Mr. Wamsloy on his departure for Portland, In token of their high esteem. Tho present consists In a told headed umbrella, elegantly engraved with his name, and will bo highly ap proprlato In tho moist climate to which Mr. Wamsloy going. Ho leaves for Portland tonight, to assume his new duties on Monday morning, but Mrs. Wamsloy will not s;o to tviriiimi ,.nn i , ? i1""1 Unt" abollt MJr 1 C S. Mudsc, of Echo, Is In the city on a business visit. m Pattlnmr ni ti,nn dleton vi&odav a ,. , , ,JJa,,IasT. ot Brlgpon. spent tho In tho cIty 011 business. w- Stephens, of Echo, spent the day in the clt' on business. G. W. Hansell, of Athena, Isited with fricnos In tho city today. J Osborn, or Elgin, Is spending a row days In tho city on business Atlso V..l , , , I . ."ss Nann'e Cross, ot La Grande, ' ,A- MiimforU, a business man ot "a"a. was a Pendleton visitor Mrs. F. M. Fletcher, of La Grnndo, is the guest of rrlends In the city Tor a short visit. G. W. Hunt left this morning for his homo at Foster, after spending rov era days In the city on business. H. H. Mclteynolds, tho proprietor of the Pilot Rock hotel, Is lu tho city today for a short business visit. n. Lougbead, ono of the well known farmers of tho Echo country, is In tho city today on a short business visit. Mrs. Mary Kester, tho luauing mill iner of Pomeroy, is In the city tor a visit with friends. At present she Is tho guest of Mrs. Fred Taylor. L. W. Damon, ono or the proprlii tors or the Modern School or Com merce, is In the city from l.a Grande today, on business connected -vlth the school. WOOL AND SHEEP IN 1903. Number of Sheep In 1903 Over Two Million Head Less Than In 1902. Tin. National Aseoclatlou of U'jol -Manufacturers estimates tho number of sheep on hand in the United States April 1, 1903, at 39,284,000 head, as against 42,181,122 head on the same date In 1902, a decrease for tho year of 2,900,122 head, says IJradstreet's. The wool clip of 1903 Is estimated at 215,150,000 pounds or llccco and 42,000,000 pounds of pulled wool, making a total wool product of 287, 450,000 pounds of wool ln the grease. The corresponding figures for 1902 were 274,341,032 pounds of fleece wool and 42,000,000 pounds or pulled, making a total wuol product for 1902 of 310,341,032 pounds. The estimated decrease In tho wool clip of 1903, ns compared with that or 1902, Is. therefore, 28,891,032 pounds. Tho per cent of shrinkage In scouring for the 1903 clip Is esti mated at (0.8 per cent for fiecco wool and 33 per cent for scoured, 30 that the total 1903 clip as expressed In terms of scoured wool amounts to 124,300,405 pounds. Iu 1902 the shrinkage In scourlug was estimated at an even CO per cent for ,lfcco and 33 per cent for pulled wool, tho total 1902 product of scour ed wool being estimated at 137.9I2,- OSS (ounda. Tho decrease In the output or scoured wool In 1903 as compared with that of 1902 Is thus estlmntcd to be 13,G45,C80 pounds. Tho average weight of ftoces In 1003 Is ostlmatal nt C.25 pounds, a decrcaso of .25 pound from tho avcrago weight In 1902. which was put at 6.60 loumis. The average weight of tlecces in 1901 wa3 6.33 pounds, and 6.4C pouudj in :ooo. VAUDEVILLE PROGRAM TONQHT Edison Novelty and Specialty Com pany Have a New and Interesting Entertainment. The program for tonight at the Park theater is especially interesting and novel. The Edison Novelty and Specialty Company will present tome of the freshest, cleanest vaudeville ever seen In the city. Tho moving pictures will consist ln a trip to the moon, transformation scenca, a re nroductlon of the recent Corbctt-Mc- Govern fight, including tho knock-out and other equally as good viows. Kennedy will put on some espec allly good features In banjo playing and monologues, and the musical specialties will bo repeated. Tho com pany has put on a good show all week end will make a special effort tonight to please the crowd. Woodmen Installation and Program. Tho Woodmen or tho World will hold an Installation tonight at their nail, rollowed by a literary program and banquet. A good program has been prepared for tho occasion .mil thoro will be an Interesting time, All the newly-elected officers will be in stalled Into their offlcos and Hher business will bo transacted, All members are Invited to bo present. New Today. ur.Ml-vn nv 1 riOMI'KTKNT. HKI.UHI.V iun. morn ntll tmltluni m tnn b ok. keeper. AddreT II MrJJrooiu, J'6 w, wurt Mi rami. GREAT CLEARANCE SALE A Chance in a Piano and Organ AT COST! Oosing-out Sale of my entire stock of Rugs, Art Squares, Por tiers. Lace Cist tains , Matting, Fine Pillows and Feathers, Pictures and Frames. All must go regardless of cost. CALL AND SEE You can get a fine VELVET RUG, 9x12 for $20.00 ; worth $27.00 You can get a fine AXMINSTER RUG, 9xJ2 for $22.50; worth $30 JESSE FAILING 901 MAIN STREET Near the Bridge ALASKAN IMPROVEMENTS. Baker City Man Says Territory Is Filling Up With Adventurers. Mr. W. II. Washburn, the well known mining man of linker City, who has Just returned from Alaska, states to tho Morning Democrat, that that territory has a governor appoint ed by tho president and that the present official's name Is John 0, nrady, but that ho has so little to do with the actual running of affairs that row people know thero Is a gov ernor. Alaska as yet has no delegate to congress; It Is a district governed exclusively by federal officers sup ported by dlroct licenses Imposed on the different branches ot business. Heal estate Is not taxed. In other words, Alaska la not even a full Hedged territory. Population Is now Increasing no fast In Alaska and Us mining Inter cstu aro becoming so great that all theso things will soon bo changed, HcsldcB mining recent discoveries of oil have been made, and there aro large beds of coat which will soon become valuable. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY Tika Lax.llr. Bramo Quintno Tbltt, All druxglm refund tb momr II II una to curt. K. w. urof a atKaaiura on bmd wt, tte The Boston SHOE STORE WOMEN Who are paying $4.0 and $5.oo for their Shoes are invited to try the PINCJREE GLORIA at $3-50. They hold their shape and wear longer than most women care to wear a pair of shoes. The Boston Store Lifetime to Get a I Special Goods At Special Prices Large' S-duy Clocks, uori timekeepers $2.95, worth I4.00 Fine Line of Toilet Soap ac to loc a box Tablets, Complete lines irom 5c to 35c New boards, linens and cream laid. Frederick Nolf School Supplies BEYOND CONTROL Avar apta the horaet, round aln tha mu- abont-Smatbl BaDfl Crublll II U lin't total wroek, brlug tUc rauialai of jour vehicle here aud wa will do a food. Job ol repairing lot you and charge 7011 no more than a right-, ualng good umWrlaU and putting lu geod 4ork Ifjou have bad no accident and jronr eonveyauce It iimnljr "tun down,"iame art- Tloo-vilug It here lor U'JUTimallon, we.naaaia eicluihely in rendition the relobratad Vn. oiMbUKflt't mid Magoui, BEAGLE BROS., THE BLiCKSMIWS The Oregon Dally Journal can t found on sale at Frwler' boS wort.