East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 09, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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..j..j...5..5. 5 - .j - .j. - i - - j - - - I - Z -
Overcoat Sale
To ck'tm up Ihe balance of our overcoats wo
mako the following sweeping reductions:
$7.00 Coats go at $5-00
$8.00 Coats go at $5.75
$9.00 Coats go at $6.75
$t0.00 Coats go at $7.50
$ J 2.50 Coats go at .$9.50
$ J 4.00 Coats go at $H. 50
All other price coats not mentioned are re
duced in same proportion.
Eaer &
729 MAIN
The Holland parliament has np
jtroprlated $1,750,000 for Krupp can
.son. Boston, Mass., Is In the throes of .
a war on gum chowors among the
Jtachcrs In tho public schools.
Br. Michael L. ltodklnson. tho lory (
-itnlnent Hebraic nrchaologlst and
sranslater, Is dead In New York.
Ilusscll Sago, at tho ago of 8", has ,
Ilhdrawn from active business llfpj
snd Is only seen on Wall street at ,
Infrequent Intervnls. )
Soventy per cent of Cuba's exports
Ast year came to tho United States, ,
i-hlle 42 per cent of' her Imports wore
2rom the United States. j
Tho electrical workers and light
irlmmcrs ot Uloomliigton, 111., have '
.jonc on strike In sympathy with the
rtreet rallwny employes.
Baron and liaroness Van Horst
claimed to havo been robbed tho
night ot January 7 of $10,000 worth
rf jewels In the colonial hotel, San
Torty-two disconnected labor
miens ot New York City, with an ag
jrcgatp membership of 50,000. havo
arganized a central union to advance
inclr mutual Interests. "
3y the end ot January over 1,000 I
IMpanose will havo left California to
tnlist In the Jnpaneso army. This
anmbcr Includes those who have gone
nid those who have engaged passage.
A special parliamentary election In
UJevonsblro, England, January 7, re
sulted in n sore defeat for Joseph
Chamberlain and tho high tariff pol
xy, tho liberal candidate receiving a
jiienomenal majority.
There are reasons for supposing
that Professor Hubbard and narty.
supposed 10 havo perished In tho In
terior of Labrador, aro safe, though
;ney win not uo anie to get out oi
fiat country before May next.
One Portland slot machine
hlch a tally was kept by tho police .
-setted an Incomo ot $601 in -C days.
Over 1,00.. Japanese will leave San 1 cd despair Into Joy. Tho first bottle
Tranclsco this coming week for Jap- brought Immediate relief and Its con
an, expecting to bo needed In tlio war tinned uso completely cured her. It's
with Uussln. tho most certain euro In tho world
An Arid iind convention will be f'r a" throat and lung troubles,
aeld in Seattle on February 13, to Ouaranteod. Dottles 50c and $1.00.
ronsider now Irrigation laws for the Trial Hottles Free at Tollman & Co.
itnto ot Washington I
"Cad" Johnson, tho noted woman ' DYE T0 LIVE.
irook of tho Pacific Coast, was ar-' ;
rested in Portland Inursday, while A New Pendleton Institution That Is
ulylng her trade of pickpocket. going Good Work and Being Well
John C. Fabricus, contliied In the1 L, " , . . ,
Multnomah county Jail for robbing Too Pendleton Steam Cleaning and
. , .i n-i,.,rif,v r,i,.i,t Dying Works, located at 730 Cotton-
M VUUILU) UOLttlfklJ ...ft..., i
hlle serving about the
J ' .
, .,- .,,., , -r,..,m n.i
.,u,m..c- " .Pi.,"!
5snd on overy steamer. Tho, Japan
se consuls In all the American ports
iavo advised their countrymen to
'hasten home.
Tho Indepondenco Enterprise, tho
jnly paper in Independence, Or., was
purchased Thursday by Walter Ly
ons, formerly private secretary to
Governor Gcor. and who recently sold
snt of tho Daily Astorian.
The professors of tho University of
California nave found ' nn entirely
new and strange speclmon of ani
mal fossil In tho fossil beds or Shas
ta county. It is the remains ot a
augo sea lizard, over soven feet long.
Frank Itooorts, for 14 years a
trusted express messenger on tno
fled Lodgo-Bllllngs division of tho
Northern Pacific, haa confessed to
robbing express packages of ovor $1,
100 with which to gamble on rou
jotto. . - -'
t In Real Estate
3200 acres good wheat land
Well watered and improved.
i. $12.50 per acre
1000 acre stock ranch. All
i lunceu. ivaisub 2ou luim ui
hiy; has running water; open
range near by, $5000.
1 1 t . t
io-room house and two
lots. Modern conveniences,
AH on Easy Terms.
- l - ! i-M-"I"
Oaky, j
Hotel Pendleton.
Mrs. II. D. Byers, Nov; York.
F. M. Kllly, Now York.
W. D. Palmer, Portland.
O. S. Youngmnn, Portland.
K. I). Comer, Portland.
M, Kellogg and wife, .iox York.
W. R, Stencck, Ilolso.
F. E. Hnmsoy, Portland.
T. A. Purdy, Portland.
It, Wiuklonian, St. Louis.
' W .C. Wltzol, Portland.
V. Heath, Spokane.
A. T. Warner, Now York.
James Wright, North Yakima.
O. 13. Atkinson, Moscow.
William Mnher, Moscow.
C. M. Smith, Moscow.
Gilbert Joyce, Portland.
H. S. Moroy, Spokane.
A. U. Ilumford, Walla Walla.
O. M. Illco, Dayton.
William J. Moore, Spokane.
Dr. M. S. Kern, city.
K. O. Yarnoll. Wnlla Walla.
Charles tlnyncr, Hlilsdnlo, Mich.
(5 H. Richardson, Portland.
Hotel Dickers,
Miss Lcla McCoilough, Pasco.
W. Stephens, Echo.
E. H. Hunt, Spokano.
S. F. McDonald, city.
Nick Paitlnger, Athena
S. S. Olll, Spokane.
Isaac Hagen, Iirlggson,
John Nnrkous, Iirlggson.
O. W. Hansell, Athena.
Ora Holdman, Holdman.
F. H. Ileathe, Weston.
F. E. Jones, Raker City.
.Mrs. F. M. Fletcher, I.n Grande.
Miss Nannie Cro33, Ijx (irande.
Joe Osborn, Elgin.
John FInloy, Elgin.
C. S. Mudge, Echo.
Saved from Terrible Death.
Tho family of Mrs. M. I.. Hobbltt
of Hargerton, Tonn., saw her dying
nnd wore powerless to savo her. Tho
most skillful physicians and ovory
remedy used, failed, while consump-
i.on was slowly but surely taking her
In this terrible hour Dr. King's
j$ow Discovery for Consumption turn
- . . t.
. i :.. .i ..i .... i 1 i.i . i. .1
Hon, is doing splondld ' work and
hulldlng up a largo patronage. It is
well equipped to do first-class work
on short notice nnd makes a special
ty of cleaning, dylnz and pressing
ladles' and gontlcmcn's clothing. All
work called for and dollvored. Ilea
sonablo prices aro charged for tran
sient work and special club rates aro
given to regular natronj.
Canty & Jones, tho proprietors ot
tho works, are both experienced men
In tho buslnoss and being supplied
with modern machinery nro propnred
to plcaso all patrons.
Man Who Was Willing to Try
Was Convinced.
A. S. Burroughs, Baker City, Oro.,
Dec. 15, 1902, wroto: "I bavo been a
very ,hard drinker for twonty yoars,
fow pcoplo .drank more than I. If
your TRIB la a euro 1 want, It." On
May 15, 1UQ3. Mr. Burroughs wroto:
"It Is a pleasure for rao to recom
mend TUIB as a euro for tho liquor
habit. It has now been six months
since I complctod a euro with TUIB.
I have novor had hotter health. I eat
well and sleep well. I believe It is
tlio best euro for tho liquor addic
tion yot placed upou tho market."
Scottish Rite Convention, Portland,
January 14 and 15,
For tho abovo occasion a rato ot
0110 and one-third faro on cortlficato
plan is offered to Portland and -o-turn
from all points in territory east
of Portland, provided that BO or more
paying passengers of not loss thnn
50 cents each, havo been In attend
ance, Acker's Blcod Elixir positively cures
Chronic Blood Poisoning and Scrofu
lous affections. At all times a
matchless system tonic and purifier.
Money refunded If you aro not satis
fied. EOc. and $1.00.
For sale by p. W. Schmidt & Co.
Swell slippers at Toutsch's.
Now York, Jan. 0. Tlio first hlgns
ot spring nro lioro In tlio now Blilrt
waists. Thoso will bo followed with
in a week or two by otuor moilols,
lint the stores must mako room for
now things by disposing ot tno pres
ent stocks In the regular January
Hut hnek to shirt wnlsts! White
will coutluuo to rolgu unrivalled.
That much Is assured. Tho now de
signs, whether of silk, or organdie,
or satin, or tho cheapest lawn, are In
white. Trimmed? Most elaborately
I.aco Is used with lavish hand and
mingled In every Imaginable way with
other delicate and artistic trimmings.
Yokes will he a modish trimming
for spring shirt wnlsts, tho round
shapes sharing favor with Irrogulnr
designs. This gives a Bplcndld op
portunity to uso tho dainty Insertions
with fancy stltchlngs.
New and Delicate Designs.
Seoral dollcnto designs In organ
die, suissn and moussolluo de solo
have been noted. One that was par
ticularly pretty was Jt tho flrat-nam d
material with n yol.o formed of V.il-
cuclonucu '.lihortln.i Joined with lea'
fliriy.ell ..ttnirr wlfll wlitffi nilfl rr.ll I
' ,,.- ' t..ii..i ... I
S1IK. nil June mm uuiaiiuu in
points bordered with a rufllo com-
posod of Valenciennes Insertion alter-
nated with chiffon embroidery, then
ii ni,,,, 11,., ...inn with nroaniilo.
Another fetching model was shown
In dead white liberty voile, a now ma
nrlal ot diaphanous weaves and high
iluster, There wob no yoke, but
bands of Irregular longthed Insertion
were stitched In the front to the
bust lino In horizontal effect. Below
these bunds the blouse was tucked
nround and nrnum! the figure. The
sluover wore trimmed In the samn
wny nnd caught Into cuffs of Ince in
sertion, Tho latter Is very becoming, espe
cially to slender figures, but tho round
nnd round tucks tire fatal to the
outline of robust forms.
Somo beautiful belts nnd stocks ac
company tho now wnlsts. Tho for
mer nre of whlto kid combined with
silk and the various metals such as
dull silver, gun metal and gold. I
Stocks do not show much Unit Is
now, but the lack of novelty is amply
supplied In the artistic arrangement
of the latest neck finishings. 1
Mexican ' Drawn Work. 1
Nothing has hold Its own among
fashionable trimmings like Mexican !
drawn work. This fact Is no doubt
duo to the difficulty of Imitating tho
decoration and Us well sustnliied
price. It is shown In frocks of all
descriptions and appears to especial
advantage on a tailored design In
coarse, wiry canvas. The Mexican
clrau-n work is executed on tho fab-
I .- t. At l.t 1 ...til. 1 I 4
nu u&uii, i-tJiuuiuuu witu uiuwui rill- ,
broidery. The canvas Is a queer I
shade of light brown suggesting mile 1 "J"
or putty, It Is uncertain which, uml
tho embroidery is pale rose. A rose
colored suede bolt confines the bod
ice and Is clasped with a big coral
buckle. Matciiing the gown is an
elegant moleskin emit lined witli rose
colored panno velvet, ovor which
falls a low cape of moleskin.
Camel's Hair and Silk 8hawls.
There Is no diminution of 'ho
shawl craze and perlerlnes made of
camel's hair or umbroldcred silk
shawls aro considered very desirable
to Includo In one's wardrobe. Tho
quaintest of these draporles aro fin
ished with netted fringss. Often-'
times two shawls nro used to trim
one dccollclngo', ono on each sh wil
der, the painted euds crossing buck
Wi! front and tin'Kmg into a priniy
j.laitsa high firdle.
Tho JowelleJ u nglo dangles tint
t.ie I; shlonahie n:niiii ycare nova
.ay! aro wonderful to behold. 'Sho
holiday season only Increased the
fad. After nil It Is not unlovely If
not spoiled by an incongruous col
lection of"choap baubles.
Floral Designs In Jewelry.
Jowelled Insects have utmost en
tirely given way to Uorul designs.
Tho possible exception Is thu butter
fly and this is retained because It af
fords a chance for a really artistic
matching of precious stones with
brilliant effect. But wild rOHes with
diamond and pearl centers, turquoise
forget-mo-nots, coral geraniums, sap
phire gentians and pearl wild roBes
aro much to be desired.
In tho matter of hat pins the shops
aro showing extra long pins with
handsomely jowelled heads that aro
stabbed In at the back and run all
tho way through tho coll of hair,
then pinned through tho hat at the
fronL In cases whero the hair Is
worn low, nn elastic band Is used to
keep tho hat on tho head and tho
hat pins arc used morcly as orna
Spokane Wonders Who Is Back
the Famous Graves Road.
Spokane, Jan. 8. Is tho Rockefel
ler system behind tho Graves road?
The plan seems to be, says a man
on tho Insldo, for tho O. II. & N. to
work (n harmony with the Graves
Tho electric franchise also carries
tho right to haul freight from tho
Coour d'Aleno region to tho bounda
ry ot Spokane. No routo would bo
better for a link in a transcontinen
tal road. Tho fjravos lino Is now
surveying toward Wnllace.
Tho largo Intorosts of Rockefeller
'in tho lend mines makes It probablo,
It Is said, that tho carrying buslnoss
will ,bo also controlled. Tho maxim
of the uockofoiicr -crowd is "novor
nl low nnyouo elso to mako a iprofit,"
Tho now road would bo a. great .holp
to Spokano. It Is ulso recalled that
all supplies for tho (IravoH rond
ctimo ovor tho O, It, & N.
Olympla Beer Olympla Peer,
Tho moat popular brand far family
use. On draught at Anton Nolto's.
lie also handlos tho oottlod boor In
any quantity doslred.
' ,
Congregational Church Sunday
services as follows; Sunday school
at 10 a. m.i morning worship nnd
preaching at 11 . m., subject, "Tlio
Mission of John tho Baptist." Junior ,
Entlcnvor at 3 p. m.i ovonlng Borvlco.
at 7;30. A cordial woicomo . 10 an.
Jonathan EdwtirdB, pastor.
West End Mission Chapel Corner
West Wobb and Mnplu. stroots, Sun
day school nt 3 p. m. overy Sunday.
All Invited. J Edwards, superinten
dent, o
M. E. Church, South Ileiitilnr
mrvlrcs ii.iirulng nnd cvonlug n tno
M E Church, South. Pronehlng by
I!ov. J. W. Compton. The commun
ion of tho Lord's slipper utter the 31
o'clock sermon. Sunday school at 10,
I. E Earl, superlntoudont. Epworth
Leaguo nt G:30. Tho revival meetings
nrc to continue during tho next week,
ltov. Compton assisting In tho meet
ings, Come and hear him. You aro
First Christian Church Sunday
school. 10 a. m.; preaching. 11 n, in.;
rhrlstlnn Endeavor.
r.:nn p. m;
- ------ - ,,t..,,,i itIii,
preacmiij,, .' i- " '' q,,1.nl
Mission of tho Chmch. B iw ttal
meeting and choir l'".1'11
day evening. Choir practice trldny
cvenlug. Miss Springer will bo pros
ei.: to organize tho singers fur tho
mooting. S. M. Murnn. tho groat
evangelist, boglns it series ot meet
ings Saturday evening. January 10.
Everybody is cordially Invited to at
tend these services. N. II. Brooks,
Methodist Episcopal Church ft
Sunday school, 10 a. m.: preaching,
j 11 a. m.; Junior League, a p. 111.; Ep- ft
'worth League, fi:30 p. m.; sermon, i
7:!!0 p. m. Midweek prayer meetings W
Tuesday nnd Thursday evenings, at m
1 7:30. Strangers and those without $
a regular place of worship nre cor- j,
dlally Invited to attend. Hubert War- ft
nor, pastor.
Church of the Redeemer Divine
service tomorrow at hours us fol
lows. Karly rolobratlon of the holy
communion nt 8 11. ni.; Sunday schoul
nt 10 a. m.; morning prnyer and ser
mon nt 11. E von In k prnyer nnd ad
dress nt 7:30.
Thin wn"ii' tints and shiin
nre out anil lisveTeaohed nn. Our
line h now enmiilple. and if you
want ila'ntv, ntvllsti inierH we
supn'v ynu with tlieni. The
tcndcnov U to run to delicate
tints tliix heason but we've plen
tv of plain eiemiM for thiwe who
prefer tlim. Al-o high pnule
(inpers In bulk a dwlriilile wsy
tobiiv hem, li-eniiW! you can (ret
a little or us much as you wnut,
or uii as.sortnieiit of styUs If you
F. W. Schmidt
T DruciMst, Post-office LMock
T Phone Main 851
. i
Carnation Carnation
Bxtraeli Extracts
... and
r if "
Good vail Pur
Peerless Mushes
I When
Carnation Yot Carnation
Extracts Go Extracts
to ar
Strun yf Wholasoms
Walter's flouring Mills
Capacity, 1E0 barrels a. day.
Flour exchanged for wheat.
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped
etc.. always on hand.
Why do You Cough ?
Do you know that a llttlo cough is
a dangorous thing? Aro you aware
that It often fastons on tho lunga,
nnd far too otton runs Into Con
sumption and onds In doath? Can
you afford a trifle with so serious
a matter? Acker's English Remedy
for Coughs, Colds and Consumption
is beyond quostlon tho groatost ot
all modorn romedlos. it will atop a
cough in ono night nnd It will chock
a cold In a day, It wi.i prevent
Croup, relievo Asthma and euro Con
sumption. Our faith In It Is so
strong that '0 guaranteo ovory hot
tlo to give satisfaction or monoy
back. For solo h F. W. Schmidt &
1 hi
Wine otCaidut imparts health Md?7Sl"1
and mnkrs mothdrhcd po83iblo jn tho, j
(low ami ulno nrcventi miscarriaoo n,i uh
Wino of Cardm removes the causo of LarrennM. Ul ai
organism sironff anu ncaituy. - "midjb,
Uo to your dnisRist and secure a 81.no .1.
Tho use of Wine of Cardui will bring bappiitfi
In cases requiring special dinvilm.
svniptoms, '"flio Mies' Advisory DcwSPlftl
Chattanooga Jledicino Co., ChattaSB1 C
...... . Amdthybt. Com tu. n. .. r
AVine of Cardui is worth its weight in all l 'r
you claim. It lias saved my life and cau8air,,i!,i??e"t4i
when everything else tailed. MltS. DOHA I. &, IftyjjjH
Uly dauphtcr-InOaw, Liaio Oilea, found inttefl
Cardui. She had a miscnrnago in March 1901
iciuo. She wn? m very had health, so I pomaded hn t
Cardui. binco tlien sue lun Iiml a lino baby boy. Soonki.
weeks old. She highly rreonimcndi Wine of Cardui
Jly daughter, Fannio Hudson, also has a Eno IbIit '
treatment. Sho highly appreciates Wine of Canlni '
Practice economy in your clothing by liavinjij
away (,'armcnts cleaned, repaired, pressed and madeuj
new. ti you uesire me coior cnangcu, have them ditj
are prepared to take your old clothes and maketWu
new again. Our steam facilities arc first class aad
men are competent.
Our prices lire Mich that you ean easily nftiird it, and cmn
mm yuu in iro nuvi-u mi- jitiut? in tiuw etuiiiiug,
CANTY &. JONES, Props.
win uriiiK us iv juur uuwi-
ELATERITE Is Mineral Rubber.
or tlu 1 It iieeiMMiry to REPLACE A W()H.vu
r n. r-i-i-l nrVE
t jus w - 1 1 v j vy 1 1
Tnltoa th . nlnm nf Bhlneles tin Iron, tar ajd gravel, ui ?
rooungs. 'or nat ana Bleep Bunacoo, suiu.-io,
Tempore . for all climates. Reasonable In cost. Bold on nm.
teed. It will pay to ask for prlcesand information.
Worcettar Building. ,
Will he properly and prompt
ly done if entrusted to us.
We caji fill your wants for
electrical supplies of all kinds
Electrical contracting is our
specialty nnd we would like
to figure with you.
Sole dealers in the old reli
able Edison Lamps.
Good Work Right Prices
West Court Street
Near MatUock Bldg.
all descriptions. Bash,
Doors, Blinds, Mould
ing, BulldliiB and Tur Pa',.
Bring Your Bill to Us and
Get Our Figures,
Grays' Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. V: & C. K. Depot
nfllco I.argo liunilln of newspapers,
contnliilni; nver loa bitr imperii, can Uo ,oti
tolucj fur 22 ctotJf a bnudl.
ists in almost every EurajTl
havo nam1nl ,1 MWisel?!
is woriuiess wunoui u
nractice. bo ii vou reso
In. ...((,. n.n.l. Uf.M
nnr lit1 v niacin!- vuui s
j , 4
in charge of
.til. iir ,
-.i 1 .diii mil, -
- -' . 1, .nflfn
Hull l-M
1 1 wiUDiw-r;
r i ..un -
niwuiuivj -- - u
1 .... 1 .. iw-urm.-.
rlnA Oil WW
will pem"u
which " ' ' ;
onablej"11" ,
W. c.
Ii 1
V2 1