East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 08, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather j
Tonight una Saturday rnln or f
enow, nigh southwesterly lndr 3
, fl,t help by usln3 the
NO. 441-10
e of
If War in San Domingo
g!0 With Those of Af-
of State.
It cotton boll weevil.
nl Employes Have Had One-
our Per Day Added to Their
War In
In San Domingo, Much to
fince of Outsiders to the Row
y promotions and Changes.
Ilagton, Jan. s. ai a camuui
, this morning It was decided
i order bo Issued In cvory le-
Cit of tho govornmont works.
the hours of tho oinployes
to 4, adding one-half hour to
be now In voguo. Tho order
to all fcdoral employes
fecit tho country.
ihouso today, by a unanimous
ipproprlatod $250,000 to fltamp
i boll weevil.
Situation In San Domingo.
iblngton, Jan. 8. Commandor
Iham, of tho cruiser Dotrolt,
fie following today from Puerto
Sun Domingo:
Morales gunboat commanucr
as ultimatum ana wreaiun-
I bombard Puerto Plata after 24
' notice. With iUO concurrence
omander Robertson, of the Eng-
niser Pallas, such roprosenta-
Iwero made to both sldos that
nboat agreed not to bombard,
hit other side will not Are on the
I Ughtlng will bo confined to tho
tilde of tho town In tho futtiro,
United States Intoresta are sc
are small partios landed at So
ld at tho American consulate
Army Affairs.
uhlngton, Jan. 8. Tho pruBldeut
sent H:o following nominations
Iilec to bo lleutcunnt.gonor.il,
lloung, rotlrod.
following brigadiers to be
Irreoeraln! Kobe. Sanger.
n. n.indnlnli nml nlllnHiiln. All
fine last named will bo irameui
retired, lonel Dodgo, assistant paymus-
Enerai, to no paymnsier-gcnorui,
the rank of brigadier, vlco Bntes,
llorel Mackenzie to be chief i'f
peers, with runk of brigadier.
I Gillespie.
Ilonel Story to bo chief of artll
lth rank of br cndlor. vlco
h following colonels and llcuteiv
Morels to bo hrhrndlcrs: fllor.
l, Haskell, Hathaway. Taylor,
er, Allen. True. Coxo. Line,
pwrty. McCakov nnd Mills, tho
(fils now superintendent nt West
Pt All but tho last two will be
wniately retired.
Pi tho nomination of Josonh Mc-
P'f, of Minnesota, to bo nudltor
postofflco dopartmont.
FW Today from the Head of the
Army Staff.
PMhlngton, Jan. 8. Lieutenant
ri mung, who has been cnioi oi
" Of the United States armv since
retirement of Qeileral MIleB last
imi, today paid farowoll visits to
Iseteral bureaus of tho war de
cent preparatory to his own re-
nHt from flpHvn onrvlrn
PJof General Anna n nhWoo will
IJoung as chief of staff and at tho
r time will bo elevated to tho
or lieutenant general.
""9 to Fathom the Murder of Ma
nia BftnMftl.
Jfcnlown, Pa., Jan. 8.-The grand
I WdaV lnrtlrlo,l .1. rn filial?.
M i have been implicated in tho
oi Mauie Bochtel, In .Octobsr.
.nulllber lnrlttrlna thn .rlFl'a ntiin.
"Sr ktA ,- .1 ...II J- Tnkn
nd Myrtha, also Wolsen-
Tvrtj.Mll. i M Mn Annlleflhle
I IhHp P.in8 Through.
'.Jan. 8.-,TIio Biinromo court
waed that Judgment cannot bo
"4 under h, wn.miin limit
Nii , jS f 68 ln which tbo sheep are
tat Len thro"6h tho Btato or fro
I h rtVCMWr'r flt. Tho decision
&ZZ&Jm 0rVOr' ffm
Witness Is Missing.
Topeka, Kan., Jan. S. En
gineer Benjamin, who is want
ed as the principal witness
concerning tho Wlllard wreck,
Is still absent. Tho coroner's
inquiry is Indefinitely post
poned. Ills son's report that
his foiher was 111 appears to
have boon a ruse to gain time
for Bonjamln in flight, as ho
cnunot bo found, and thoro Is
no evidence that ho was at
homo for more than a portion
of ono day.
Jury Returned Verdict of "Not
Guilty" Being Instructed by the
Court to Do So Case Against
Postmaster Fisher Fell Through.
Omaha, Jan. 8. This morning a
Jury was secured to try Senator Dim
rich on tho chargo of accepting a
$1,300 brlbo from Postmaster Fisher
nt Hastings, Neb.
District Attorney Summers made
the opoulng argument to tho Jury and
declared bo would show that Dietrich
gave Fisher tho place becauso ihe
latter ugroed to pay $200 per year
for four years ho that Dietrich would
get tho rental to which ho hollovod
himself entitled from his building,
and also remuneration for purchasing
fnvm tho Grand Army post the olllco
fixtures for $500 with which to fit the
new quarters.
Verdict of Not Guilty.
Omaha, Jan. 8. Judge Vandcven
ter of tho circuit rourt this afternoon
Instructed the Jury to return a ver
dict of not guilty on the Indictment
against Dietrich charging him with
receiving bribes ln connection with
tho postojro at Hastings. He ruled
that Dietrich was not senator unm
sworn into the senate, and chnrges
that tho bribery In connection with
tho postdfllco rentals occurred prior
to that time.
Nolled and Dismissed.
Tho last case agalnBt Senator
Dlotcrlch was called this afternoon
on the chnrgo of holding a govern
ment contract. Tho case was uollyl
by Attorney Summers, who snld '.ho
records showed that a fow days after
hlB election Dietrich transferred the
property as u free gift to his daugh
ter, who has since received tho ben
The ense against Fisher, of Hast-1
lngs, was dismissed, since he could
not have given a brlbo If Dietrich was i
not milltv of receiving It. i
Tho only ense left is tho ono
ugalnst Elliott Low. who Is alleged to
have acted as a go-between in the
snlo of tbo postoiuco ai Ainui. ;
' i
Three Boys Rob Nine Smelter Em.
ploycs of $200.
Tncuma, Jan. . Thruo armed btu
dits, with coolness amounting to ap
parent nonchalance, held up niuo
men and robbed them of more than
S"i)u near tho Tnconia smeller late
last night. Polico and sheriff's de
puties scoured the country well nloiiij
into the early morning hours vi'.h
out learning anything of tho identity
of tho highwaymen.
Tho victims of tho bandits wore all
foreigners. It Is said that one wo
man was In tho party. Yesterday was
pay day nt tho smelter, hence the
lirgo sum of money seeurod 'roni
tho worklngmcn.
Searching for Weapons.
Chicago, Jan. 8.-A11 the morning
tho court where the car barn handlts
aro on trial today was searched for
concealed weapons. Strong men pro
tested but were compelled to did
robe, which had very discouraging
tendencies upon sentimental female
pectators. many of whom decided
not to watch tho proceedings. Tho
Jury Is Btlll Incomplete.
Battle of New Orleans.
Now OrleanB, La.. Jan. S.-Today
was tho clBhty-ninth wnlwaws - of
ooneral Jacksou'a defeat or the Brit
the battle of New Orloans.
Turkey at the Fair,
.pi,, aiilfnn
Constantinople, JfJ- " ,'
sonci a i ""
Louis fair.
Chicago Wheat.
Jan S.-Went opened
80., cloned 87?)
. - i -o r1H n raced
mand Rlvon ?y ' .1n,rntnlv aul.
War is Anticipated and Proba
ble, But by No Means Cer
tain, in the Far East.
Vast Quantities of Coal Being Ship,
ped From British Isles to Japan,
Russia and China Russian Cruiser
Sails From Brest British Soldiers
at Hong Kong Notified to Be Ready
to Take the Field Military Re
views. Cardiff, Wales, Jan. 8. An im
monBu shipment of coal Is being rush
ed to the far cast: 40,000 tons to
Japan, 30,000 tons to Hong Kong and
40,000 tons to the Russian squadron
at Port Arthur.
Mikado Reviews Troops.
Toklo, Jan. 8. Twenty-six thous
and troops were reviewed on Aoyama
field today by the emporor. 1'Joy
composed tho first division, known as
Imperial guards, which will consti
tute tho third division If war 1b de
clared. Immense crowds witnessed
the review, which wbb regarded as
a farewell leave-taking. The emper
or went to the field In tho state
coach, but ln the review was mount
ed on a handBomo horso. The bril
liant staff and all foreign attaches
formed a noteworthy escort.
Russian Cruiser Satis.
Brest, Jan. 8. Tho Russian cruiser
Almez sails from hero for the far
east tomorrow.
Trying to Get South.
Paris, Jan. 8. A dispatch to thw
Patrle" from Constantinople Bays
Russia Is negotiating with Turkey to
pormit her Black Sea fleet of 27 ves
sels to pass through tho Dardanelles.
Russia's Reply Received.
London, Jan. 8. The Japaneso
minister, MayasKl. today confirmed
the report that the Russian reply had
been received at Toklo, but declined
to disclose the details.
British Troops Ready.
Hong Kong, Jan. 8. Two hundred
nnd llfty Ilrltlsh soldiers, members of
the Sherwood Foresters, have been
suddenly warned to hold themselves
In readiness for service. The troops
are ready and transports nrranged
lor. Their destination Is unknown.
but presumed to be either Pekln or
liondoii, Jan. 8. The Central News
Uureau says Haron Jlaynshl, the Jai
aneso minister, and Count Benockon
dorlT. tho Russian ambassador, this
afternoon v'ltnd tho foreign olllce
plmnltnnpniislv. on nu Invitation from
T 1 nnuilnvvno whn wlnllpd tn Ur.ie
further the Hindus vlvondi. The 'o-'
suit of tho conference Is not yet an
nounced. Russia Makes Concessions.
Paris, Jan. 8. News reaching hco
today Indlcatos that Russia has made
concessions to Japan, thus increasing
tho prospects of a settlement.
Mills, Kilns and Shingles Burned
' This Morning.
Ballard, Wash., Jan. 8. Tho shin
gle mill, dry kilns and 3,000.000 shln
glos belonging to the Nicholas Lum
ber Company, was totally destroyed
by llro this morning. Loss, $2G,(00.
A' favorablo wind alono saved the
western half of tho city.
Began Today and Is Raging on the
Oregon Coast.
Portland, Jan. 8. A fierce storm
sprang up about noon today and Is
raging along the Oregon coast nt all
points hoard from. Vast shipping in
terests are Imperiled.
Portland, Jan. 8. News haB been
received hero that Secretary Hitch
cock has declined to rcinstato Asa B.
Thompson, as rocolvcr of the J-
Ornudu land office.
Tho Oregon dologation has work 3d
faithfully for Mr, Thompson's rein
statement, both with tho Bocrotary
and President Roosevelt, and it
scorns taking tho troublo over Socro
tary Hitchcock's head to the presi
dent ttlil not mond tbo mattor. as it
was nt tho direct suggestion of tbo
president that tho secretary docllnod
to hold Mr. Thompson ln offlco, r.l
thojigh thin suggestion was entirely
unnecessary, as tho secretary had
Number Indicated by Revision
and Recount of Fatalities at
Ushers' Conduct Contributed Directly
to the Awful Loss of Life Building
Inspector's Examination of the
Building Was Superficial Testi
mony of Theater Engineer Shows
Inadequate Fire Protection.
4 " mm
'Chicago, Jan. 8. Tho coroner be
gan the examination of witnesses to
day concerning tho Iroquois flro.
j Tho official list of dead reported
I ly him manes the number 565. Tho
first list was 591, but this was caused
by the identification of bodies under
more than ono name.
Tho coronor today Is assisted by a
large arrav of legal talent. Including
J the state's attorney and city and
' county attorneys, as well as a score
' of lawyers retained by relatives of
j (he victims.
j Tho testimony brought out tod.ty
I uniformly agrees that tho exits were
locked by ushers, who cither resist
ed the attempts of spectators to open
them or did nothing to restore order
among tho panic stricken.
Also that the ventilators above tho
stage were not opened.
' The arrest of Manor and Nagel,
wo workmen who nailed down tho
ventilators of tho room when tho
building was being constructed, is
considered by the coroner to bo 1m
nortant. as evidence tending to show
Hho examination made by tho build
tig1nBpPctor when the thenter waB
'opened was not thorough.
No Protection Against Fire.
Tbo most sensational testimony
slme the ccionor began tho Inquiry
lulo the Iroquois disaster was given
by Robert Murray, englnoer of ho
Ill-fated building at this morning ses
sion. Ho said tho curtains wcro operated
by hand and counter-weights. The
fire-fighting apparatus consisted of
two tubes of kllfyro 18 inches long.
There was no other protection
against fire tho stage.
Tho stand-plpo in too rear of tbo
stago had never been supplied with
hose and under the foyer there wero
, but 50 feet of two-Inch hose. This
constituted the entire flro-flghtlng
apparatus of that portion of tho
I house. In the theater wero four
small icels of hose which to be used
had to be connected with tho water
meter and stand pipes, whoso loca
tions wero known only to tho work,
There had never been any drills for
fires, nnd no Instructions -wero over
Issued to tho employes, Tho witness
admitted he knew how to uso the
greater portion of tho flro apparatus,
but never had Instructed his assist
ants. Tho exits were draped in red plush
curtains, but were held oiitfl'ly
heavy iron doors, barred. ( bolted and
operated with levers. The witness
admitted that no one unfamllllar with
this system of lovers could unlock
tho .doors.
No signs appeared above tho exits,
Thoro wero three locked oxlts on
oacli of tho balconies and four palra
of Iron-barred doors, closed, tho
down stairs exits. Thero wero no
sprinklers abovo tho stago, tior any
flro alarm boxes In the house.
When asked what be expected to
do In caso of fire, he said ho depend
ed on going to tbo front offlco and
using the telephone. He said he
nover saw tbo skylights openod,
No New From KUhlneff.
London, Jan. 7. No news from
Kishlnoff today Indicating disturb
ances. A letter received from Russi
an Minister Plevlno today scoffs at
tho Idea of a recurrence of the anti
Semitic riots.
long ago determined to do this very
f nnw fnmnllrAtpu Hrneon matterB
In "the national campaign worse than
ever, aa it Is thought mat tuo same
reasons which actuated both Socro
larv Hitchcock and President Roose
velt to remove Mr. Thompson against
tho oarnest solicitations of the m
tiro Oregon delegation, will causo
them to refUBo to appoint any man
BUggosted by the delegation. So tho
appointment of a receiver for tho La
Orando offlco Is ono of the moBt com
plicated questions to bo considered
in tho councils of tho Oregon delegation.
Innocent Man Jailed.
San FranclBco, Jan. S. Jean
Haplquo, who has been 10
years In tne county Jail fight
ing for n trial, was released
this morning. Hnpiqun was
convicted of forgery and sen
tenced to three years in tho
penitentiary. Ho petitioned
tho bapromo court for n now
trial, After 10 years ho waa
tpday set aright On his ap
pearance Judge Cook said the
man was entitled to his liber
ty umi ruii'.itii'u mm.
Program Is Considerably Changed
and Improved, and in Some Re
spects the Best of This School
Year Everybody Invited at 7:30
Tho pupils of tho high sohool will
glvo their regular program and enter
tainment at tho assembly hall this
evenlug. Tho entertainment has
bcon delayed for somo time, owing
to tho Intervention of tho holidays
and tho extra work Just beforo thnt
time. Now, however, tho program
has been strengthened arid changed
from tho way It was formerly n
no'inced nnd will bo imu of the best
that has been rendered this year.
Program for This Evening.
Tho frlendB of tho school aro Invit
ed to bo present at 7:30 ln tho assem
bly hall this evening, at which tlmo
tho following program will bo glvon:
Music High School Orchestra.
Debate Resolved, That tho Indi
ans on tho reservation should not tio
allowed to Bell their lnnds for !b
years. Affirmative, Fred Anderson
and Lester MeanBo; negative. Or
vlllo Reaves and llob Uvormoro.
Recitation "A Reverie In Church,"
Mamie Nail.
Recitation "ChrlstmnB," Dolva St.
Essay "Aerial Navigation," Lorln
Recitation "Tho Hook Agont,"
Orovcr Swaggart.
Oration "Athletics," Roy Alexan
der. Vocal Solo Nellie McMullen.
Recitation "Nobody's Child," Elslo
Current events Essbio Strover.
Recitation "The Pictures of Mem
orv," Margaret Williams,
Orntlon "The' Curse of Milton
Tnbor." Doll McCarty.
Recitation "Tho Owl Critic," nth
el Templo.
Instrumental Solo Ivy Younger.
Bishop Scott's Jubilee.
Portland, Jnn. 8. Tho Right Rev.
Thomas Fielding Scott, bishop of tho
Uplsropa! dloceso of Oregon, observ
ed today the fiftieth anniversary of
his olcvntlon to tho bishopric.
gratulatory messages wero received
from Episcopal churchmen and other
persons In many parU of ibe wim
try. Pope Turns Down Sarafoff.
Rome, Jan, 8, Tho Vatican de
clines to recclvo tho Macedonian,
8arafoff, In special audience. Tho
latter la dleappolntod, ns ho oxpoctcd
to thus gain many additional volun
teers for tho Insurrection,
Entertainment Portland Has Arrang
ed for Visitor.
Portland has arranged tho follow
ing cntertalnmouU for tbo visitors
during tlio meeting or tho National
live stock convention, which couvenes
next Tuesday, January 12:
Tuesday, January 12 Evening:
General rocoptlon to delegates and
their" wIvcb and daughters by tbo
Commercial club. Thero will be mu
sic and lunch and a cordial reception
to tho city.
Wednesday, January 13 After
noon: Ladles' reception In tho par
lors of tho Portland hotol, Wllder'a
orchestra will play and lunch will
bo served in tbo grill room. Even
ing: "A Trip to Chinatown." Ar
rnngttnenta aro being made through
6eld lb" with tho loading Chinese
to fhrow tba Chinese quarter open lo
the vlsltoio and to supply guide to
conduct tho various parties. Thoro
will also bo a smoker given by tho
City Press club for visiting newspa
per men on tho same evening.
Thursday, January 14 Afternoon;
Car rides to Oregon City, Vancouver
and other points of Interest. Even
ing: Theater parties nt tho Mar.
quam, Baker and Cordray'B.
Friday, January IE Evening: Gen
eral smoker at Armory, An elegant
lunch and cigars will bo served and
tho araufomcnt will consist of a first
class vaudevlllo performance and ln
all probability a boxing match.
anttirrinv .Tnmmrv 1ft A raltroid
excursion 'to Soasldo or Cascade
I,ock8, Tho choice of tne two trips
...in i.n if.fi tn a. votn of tho conven
tion, which will be taken on Wednes
Every Taxpayer and Schoofl
Patron in the District Shouts
Attend It.
AT 2:00 O'CLOCK P. IT.
An ElghtMIII Levy li Deemed Ptt
able It Will Raise More Homji
Than Ten Mills Did Last Yr
Expense of the District Considnsrt
bly More Thn Last Year TW
Board Hopes Every Patron Will M
Tho school board of tlui l'tmdb-irai
district mot lam evening In the nautai
of Dr. C. J. Smith for the first tlw
In many .iveeks.
After tho routine of the iu-vtic:
wns disposed of nnd thu hill? Uud
hnd accumulated during the jam
month had been audited, tbo ntlentlui
of the board was turned towards Ihn
district meeting, which will occur aa
2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, and .
which tho tax levy for the six-clif)
school tax will bo fixed.
Perhaps an Eight-Mill Tax.
It has been decided by thu Uurtl
that it will bo wise to ask for suxm
thing like an 8-mlll tax for the yesx
to como. This will bo a less Io9
than that of IbbI year by two miEu.
but It will ralso a little moro iuoucjc
owing to tho Increased iiKsosstuoa
of this year. Hut this will nut br
any too much for tho needs nl tku
school, for It Is now under moro m
pense than ever before, aH Is natural
considering tho growth of tho rttj'
and tho enlargement of tho uchooin
Four Additional Teaehere.
Owing-to tho creator number fl
pupil's, It has been necessary to ,ptl
Tour additional teachorH to wort ttfci
year, and thoy aro overcrowded al
thu present time, having neither roi
to hold their pupllB In comfort,
tho conveniences of a modern schawl
made necessary by tbo climate nail
geuoral conditions.
Hut thlH asldo, It still rrmalwi
that tho added expense of four tear
ers and tho detail of equipment,
furnishings and supplies will imUi
tho totnl of tho schools' wants hWb
er this year than over beforo Oti
this account It will bo necossarv fttr
llio board to ask that tho luvv hovor
pretty closely around tho 8-mlll nirt
If tho district Is to bo nblo to it
out at tho end of tbo year to cntnr.
Amount Will Be Fixed Tomorrow.
Just what tho board will ask Is uut
at this time dotermlucii, as they hunt
not had all of tho avallublo figured
boforo them up to this tlmo by whit
to fix tholr calculations; but flam
what they do know It Is pretty cer
tain that tho levy will bo nearly tbo
amount asked. At tho meeting wbh
will bo hold tomorrow nflornoon ist
2 o'clock In tho circuit rourt nxje.
tho matter of tho assessment will bo
talked over wltn those of tho patrcm
and taxpayers of tho district who aro
Interested and tho lovy will l-o fixutf.
Tho board cBpoclally doslros tlut
ovnry patron of tho schools und urary
taxpayor will meet with them Umnr
rotf to develop nvery factor 1
phaso of tho problems for the m
Ing year. "In a multitude of counra
thoro Is safety."
Leader May Encourage AfnllUi
With New Civic Union.
Kiwi I (In .Tan. H Till) labor lcldl
ure seriously considering n propcot
tlon lo co-opcrato with tho nowly
ganlzcd civic union, one of the oV
joctr of which Is to enforce tho hum,
in making operative tho Sunday il
ng and 1 o'ciock closing mws.
Whothfii- nr tint lllliv will mill
gcther In a united effort at the co-
Inc election to secure mo cnioro
munt of theso laws Is at the presmft
time a question, however,
Tho civic union I not yet pria
itently organized and for that reuuB
many of Its members aro unwiUtaE
i,. Iminfli Immndlatelv Into a BTt-
trncted strugglo for any such refonw.
Others aro of tho opinion that at
loast tho moral support of the orga-
Ization should no given to me iur
Engines Smashed and Several Tr-
mn Killed.
P.nmlifirlnnrl Md.. Jan. A BM
moro & Ohio double-head.or rraSWI
Into a freight at Davltt'c cteck ea
this morning. Both ongmoii were
molished. Fireman Kofauvcr was S
Htantlv killed and Enclroor Roliorto
.itn.l ..linvtlw aflai- T-riPllir ITllIBlAt, J"
. I 1.. .. .1 1 n .. - A
rey was senouoiy unu j-u
1.. ..H VHrnman nomad- BerkM"
ly hurt.