tailless Cads and Societies I rrRSIONS AND TRADES, ALPHABETTICAl I v I . nrtrf ANGED. DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1904, ,l " n--- ' " I TRANSPORTATION LINK. PHYSICIANS I ATTORNEYS, OFFICII IN JUI1 JAMCs A. w.K. law M- JUi.nl.one ! Office, main 1371 alio 130l. tZTm M. DDSI'AIN II.OCK. I1U.B " .,e troubles, ca- r"mi,ns mi'l Impaired bearing. M.MW " Jmf niNOO. omn oyi:n idleton Savings bank. Telephone iQOieiwu . main ififll. iJeDCe K.tF"- IpiRIvEIUUd OK. MAin ii. r.uui, ITMA'iJ.iinn.. nillce. Jund Build. pione, Main Ml- Kcaldence Ink UK'- uullUliiir. OFFICE IN JUDI, i. it. iti:i!nnii .. - : IVudlctoii. Omrou '"'iX AT "ff, AMONG THE EXCHANGES OF THE INLAND EMPIRE n a if.t'v . rrr" "v. . ''ku-, attohnrvt; uice in iicspaln ulnr-ir AS "ub V IIMIIIM Otflce In Hwlng liak'Saii,, r I'AfiTKIl law tfll . Oflk-e In h.V- "i.t". S AT .L.bJ unus UUIIUIDff. LRU). M O. IIOHKOI'lIATIOl tn sod surgeon, umce in juiiu i i. i;. COI.LIRft r a -,.,. I" .""..:.... nnin hinrk Mil IjAWlIIIt. nrrinti , ..sauvmLiUU Illll ItltlfT Meohone i black UtFAUM K00M 17 ASHOCIA- Hock. TelCpnoue iuhiu v.,. , irai tltt " nnNoniisoN, physician m Office In Havings llnnlt mt ... - mn.. 1 III . IfOoO 1 uiura "u -... IH (J II1,AKI;mi,i;h, umiiniu nous diseases and diseases of lodd bulldlns, comer Malu and .JIULU J.l.wu, uiit.u IKI , 1223. ' foira I100NI2, OSTKOl'ATII. J Thompson street, liotwvea Court streets. . . '""'' ,.. laipecumy Association building. Illi.VltV J I1KAN, ATTOItNEY AT I aw Dooms 10, 11 i-l . S A I'atent law. (dock. ' J a,11 13 Association FRATERNAL ORDERS. OlQCC in JUUI1 uuiiyuiK. iuuui . 'nhone. red 1211 : residence U 1421, I'endleton, Oregon. DENTISTS. SlRX, DENTAL SUHOEON. Olllce Liuua JilOCK. tCIIA.N, DENTIST, OFFICII IN CiJIoc. 'I'hoiie red 1411. SN. llE.Vn.ST OFFICE IN AS I black, over Schmidt's new drug Icoe red 1!71. lERINARY SURGEONS. 'IE OUADUATIJ OF THE hittrluary ColleRC, EdenburRli, lUte sorernmcnt veterinary In. I Tile district, i. u. am unmefl. iruted on sc cntlllc nrlncl- at i room s stanie, Alain pxltt Hotel I'endleton, Itesl eMaln 1311. II. r. O. ELKS, I'ENIlLETOXL'lIlor NO Jtegular meetlnir cr.t nnrt ,hV7i i'f."l.S? oi oacli montli All hrnVi,.,. V W"!'U!)T invited to 1 atYend.Ull ... "hick, uourt nifdot tt. " MEN'S ItESOKT YOU AUE ""INVITKD' Fr.ee reading room. Wny not Join and H.00 tojoln nud SOc a month dues. j DAMON LODGE NO 4 MEETS EVERY Monday evening In Secret Society hall. LaDow block, at I'endleton, Ore. It. W Fletcher, K. II. s. ; W. J. Keyes, C. C. Sr SDROKON UK. D C. McNABD liUmAn'j Urug Hioro. NKS AND BROKERS. ITIO.VAL DANK OF ATHENA, It Blto I, sr.u.uun ; surplus and BOO. Interest on time deposits. tgrtlga and domestic exchange. 1 promptly atienueti ro. iicnry presiuent, iv .1. nirK, vice-pres- L wurow, casuier ; 1. ai, uemp, BIERS' 1IANK OF WESTON, Oregon. Does a general hank Kicnanse hougbt and sold. BroDptly attended to. It. Jam- drat; George V. l'roebstel, u J. 1:. K core, cashier: (II- A. IUrlman, M. M. Johns, T. , D. Uran-. J. F. Kllcore. l(ol- I U, W. l'roebstel. IDLCTON SAVINGS HANK, L Ortson. Organieed March 1, tlUU.uuu: surn ub. Sll 0.- t illowed on all time deposits, luht and sold on all nrlnclual klsl attention given to collee IJ. FurnUh. nrenldent ! .1. N. IrslJeot: T J. Morris, cashier; 'j, assistant cashier. I0XAL HANK OF l-ENTILF, ul, J70.0DO ; surplus, lltaeral bunking btislnesa. Ex. Iltleirraplilc transfers sold on rrancisco, ew York nnd Utl la the Narthwest. Drafts Ku, Janan atid Europe. Makes rniouaoie terms, i.evi An W, W r Matlock, vlcn nresl , caaliler ; II J. Johnson LIVERY AND FEED STABLES, ni)RBE3 IIOAItDED BY THE WEEK OR .,!S".ath,,B.' ,ho Med Cot,.i.w.od atrest liotos teHionahle. M. L. WILLIAMS. 1 ruprietor. OLD DUTCH 11KKKY FEED Y'AUD, 0011. West Alta and LUUth sir.et. h. a, aii WHV.prop Larc, comfortable Italia. I'lenty of feud fliina it u-o,. rnr,.. --"-j COMMERCIAL STAULES-G. M. I'KOOME, Iron. line hnraei, good rim, best euro given trau-irunt slock. Opp Hotel I'endleton, 1'hone Malu IC1. Till! C1TT MVEHY, HOAHI) AND SALE Stable, Cirney i Kennedy, proprietor, for ....u ,i,,i,t,iiLn. oiocu ooaraeu at reason, able rates. Htable, Ha Alta at. I'uone llalu Jul. Unwelcome Visitors. The police department made quick on yesterday- 0i a quartet of sure tnlng" artists that blew Into town Saturday night. Tho party con sisted of "Dig Jim," who Is known from the Atlantic to the Pacific as one of the most accomplished safo blowers In tho country; Charley Bar ry, another noted crook, and two strangers. They had not been In town long enough to get the lay of the ground when the polloo spotted them and they wcro told that their presence here was not required and tho best thing for them to do was to make themselves scarce. In other words, they wore toid that tickets were on sale at tho denot for other parts of tho country. They stood not upon tho order of going, but got out at once, "nig Jim" had with him a kit of burglar and safe cracking tools which ho had mado In Warsaw, 111., a few years nco. u-lilrh met him $1,800. When accosted by tho police, they denied their identity, but when they saw that further denial was of no use they gave in and agreed to leave. Tho police kent on them and saw them safely on tho num. noise capital News Inevitable Civilization. It Is estimated thnl icnl oKtnto in tho amount of $100,000 has changed hands In this section durinir this year. The most of tho farms tlmt nave changed hands aro on tho Big luL.uiuii, a inrgo Herman settlement 'icing located there and having pur chasi',1 heavily. The most of these settlers are well to do and many of ...mi nun: uiiiu -mo nomcs or will build during the coming year. There has been such a radical change of residents upon the Potlatch that it is hard to find the names of any of the old settlors who were tho original oc cupants of tho laud. In exchange of pioperty Juliaetta has had her share, more real estate having changed hands hero this year than at any pre vious time In her history. Juliaetta (Idaho; Knterprlse. lector of Internal mrrniins Thn on. loon keeper never received a license nnd a revenuo officer was about to make trouble for him, when ho ex plained. The case was reported to uip postofflco department. Baker -iiy Democrat. OREGON SHOJLlNE and Union Pacific Two Trains to the East Dally A History of Hearts. Marriage seems lo bo mi tlin In. ulevnlnt cr ifallr to Kinui IMi! thmnrh rSi mr'a Wnl'a h tUVrC,3 wetflr' t'rSK KIK growing more numerous In propor- cllntnn chair cannon frr) to (he Enitdilly, -no numoer of licenses issued Dinar ros Forl'iand :io a u tlon. m 1901 was ITS. In 1902 it was 214. In 1903 it wns 229. Divorces for tho samo period to- tniea- m 1803, 3S; 1902, 30; 1901, 29. ino proportion of divorces to mar riages In 1903 was nbout one In six In Spokane It was one In four, show- chlcuo ing that Walla Walla Is somewhat more observant of tho marriage tie man 1110 sister city. ino increase in marriages is ac counted for by the natural growth or population and the fact that more and more outsiders aro coming here to wed Walla Walla Union. TInio Sohmtnln From pptitlleton fortUnd 12i.ii) am The Kal iinin Portland Special No. 1 Cnlcifo Special No 3 Mall andExpreaa No. S AStlTI FROM HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel tn Pendletoa and as tood as any. 1 A'toi2ftmnaiM 55pra ) 39 The East 12.26 a 111 SI alt and Kipfoti No.S SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V STltOHLE, DEALEI! IN SEOO.1- nnnu gouds. If there Is anything you need In now ntirl ua..n,i,l imn,. ....it.... " wuuu ..U.IU .U.UlilltC. StflVPH. rrillllttll'n,.u nnrl rnplr.,v nail nn.l get his prices. No. 12 Court street. OUItUANE & McllliOOM," I-AWNHlIoK. ers nnd becoud-bund dealers, have moved to the new Melnrkev bulldlnir. on West Court street. Good bought ami sold. FOR RENT. FOIt KENT - FURNISHED AND UNFl'Il- nished rooms. Clean. uuiet nlaep. SnlNnufh Main street. NKAT, CLEAN, WELLKEIT FUIINI8HED Kooms to rent. Welllnciled. Mra. Strahon. 302 Water atreeticor. Johuaou. i AND BUILDERS. HO, AHCIIITHfP ANI1 sir. Ik . A',akes '""ni'lete and rolla. nu.uipi in me city or couu. uludd building. tE, CONTISACl'OItS AND inmates flirnlahrwl ,,n slmrl a spec a tv. I'romnt a Waft street, nenr Main. icoxTnArroit an duuild r lurnisued 011 all kinds W0IK8. iitnnn wn la a, NEast Oregoulau office. l-r. itMAN, AIICU1TECT AND fi. Association block, Pen- k TLAST EllINll AMU fH. It' walks a sjieclalty. Es- li'Yf' "or" gnarantecu. BadleV k ffAhnAr'e i...p t I'. O. bos 104. fcllANp LODQINQ. HCNTINGTON HAS I'UH- "K nouse at 020 Garden ue giau to see her ptrons. i)U2.U,?li' ,813 THOMI-HON -tiiugniea rooms. All vebtrnllv ln.,ui ,t 1 ' -nrt stteet Ilatea' rea- COHNEIt ALTA AND '0rd by the day or week. coonectlon. 1,. N-(f. nro- LEAtllvr! ' w per day. H. I'. fcrf TAKKH YOU "'lce. a 11 -nBhrffi 1 land buaimpsr ,nfat,u'nB"k , ?5TUACT nOMLAVV Sly' ifJltle t0 ?" 1. t-oane on e ty ''- DoJ." .anJ' . l'ai , aeueiui urg. Wirealrt?n,,M an, "oa. nt8' ternre. FOIt KENT -GOOD FEONT KOOM, SUITABLE for two gentlemen or two ladies Call at C10 willow street. Forgot to Do His Duty. Since the publication of tho short- age of Postmaster Kelly, of flreen horn, a whole lot of people havo known all about it for weeks past. Ono story tol-i to tho Sumpter Miner is alleged to lie tho cause of the spe cial examination of the accounts of the office by the inspector. It is re lated that a saloon Keeper at Green horn handed the postmaster $25 with which to pay tor his government II cense, requesting him to Issuo a post ofllce order and send it to tho col- Ministers Form a Union. The Spokane Clerlcus. comnrlslmr members of the Protestant Kulsconal Spokane clergy In tho rltv nnd Inn snrmnml. SilOam ing towns, was rormed yesterday morning at a pleasant meeting held wan itev. J. Neilson Barry of Trinity Kpiscopnl church. It will not have any regulnr presiding officer, but will meet with tho various priests of tho city and In each case the host will act as chairman. The principal event yesterday wns an address by Kcv Georgo C. Grove, formerly of Brook iyn, out now of Wallace, Idaho. Spokesman-Keview. & p ra rendletoa rattenfer No 7 (Spokane i'aasanfcr No. 8 rendlelon flraneh Mixed Train No, 41 Walla Walla Branch Mixed Train No, 42 Portland 4 1 -3 a m Spnkaat , 3 . p rt SI p m No 7 connects with No. '2. 1 Onlv walls for No 1 In easa No. 1 la late not later than 311 nlnntcs. No. 42 connects witn No. 2. Rest for Drug Clerks. Even the druggists of tho city have decided to take life a little easier and today they agreed to close their places of business each evening at 9 o'clock, except Saturday. On Sunday!) they will close from to 2 to 5 nnd again nt 7. One of the most religi ously Inclined suggested that a flnu of $1.50 bo Imposed for non-attendance at church, but tho others seem- Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND, IrOO p. m, All aalllnc datea sub ject 10 mango, For San Francisco Sail every a days. Dally I except ' ..,...,.. in... Bundav t "' troop m. To Astoria and Way Saturday 1 Landlnta. 10 MX) p. 111. 1 4X0 p. m, 4 S p. &, Snnda) WlllHmotUi Klvi.r. Boata leave Portland dally, except Bnndai etl to agree that it was too hard a -stage o! water permitting) for Willamette am jiili to swallow unless they agreed lo Wmhlll River polnta. turn over a new leaf with the .new year Tho Dalles Chronicle, Health Too Good. Considering that tho health of the community would warrant the move, tho council has dispensed with tho services of a special health officer. which position C. h. Schmidt has held for tho past few months.-Tlmes-Mountalnoer Leave ! RlMria 4x a. m, Dallv I Excpt Mon Snake River Rlparla to Lewlaton Leave Lewlitor lM.a Dally KxcptMoi F. F. WAMBLKY, A lent. 1'endlalou. MARKET REVIEWED WANTED. WANTED EMl'LOYSIENT, BY AN EASTERN woman: competent houakeepcr and cook. Enquire at Eauie House, Court street. MISCELLANEOUS. FOR BALE - TWO HOOD FKKn Mll.CK cowa, t Jersey, 4 and ft years old. I'etcr Tachalla, t-ivxo fitutlon, K.8. "HEKI'.IU, SPOKANE, WASH., ACT., Donamora. Becond hand muchiuca, suppllca rent, repairs. WK DYE TO LIVE. HAVE YOUR CLOTHES ponged and prcsied for II M a month, at the City 810am cleaning and Dyeing Works, u; W. Attn. Phone Red 321. WM. I'. YOIINKA WILL PAY I'KOMIT utteutlon to all sales and posting bills. Correspondence solicited. Commission lea sonablc. 1. O. box 2UU. I'endleton. DRESS MAKING. CUTTING AND F11TING A specialty.' proiupi wotK. iaiiFifli-uou una.. anteed. Miss K.wti thltloy, 'JI2 Main street. ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN! Notice is hereby given that the regular annual slock- tui iii.i sfiuna CnmnmiT will bo held at the nfnee of tho company In too Pendleton Hvln Bank building, I'endleton. Oregon, lit to o'clock A. M. ou Tuesdsy, January 12. 1M- At such anuuat meeting an niecuoi. m lor the election of directors of the tatd cor poration and all other and ganeral business .eriainiug 10 meana. w. n ,"'""" V '""T- ransacted that may come uviotc .muu...,- In-. , iiaten ueccmoerviii, i-- ,..,1,1. J. II. ItALEY C I'. W WJ neoretary. Pretldcnt. sar ouiuMl aji SI iiaiai. H.B.A. MEN AND WOMEN. lxrtttin or uirtloM "p.ToTmn.aiidDotiuusi' or aout la plain "!Ytf br xprw. prepaid. 0 l 00, or J botli"". V-n. Ciroulat wat a nsiuaat. CHICHESTER'S PILLS WV-. Original and (Inly fjrpuinr. UKl Wold ul t"". MM ilblos. Take " "IVT; Hub.lllutlJlKlla' ii!JIS ' atttdlwHiunn-, lUIIA-ll- t' a, - em P-EI S Vice Pr, ij. ''pl'IIKHENTB Tf'sn rlpo. " ttlce Willi 'mad.,'A.NfL9i?- 1 "a lo. IRIAL fARLORS. .PAMIE hn , SW. siiop, mML? 4L'H t WrtPlf, "... it. 1 Scott's Santal-Papsin Capsules A POSITIVE CUHfc v.rnS.mm.MAnorCatarrl. 'of the Bladder and Diseased Kidneys. No oate 00 pay. Cure qolokly ana 1-enaa-aenUy tbe wont oases of Joiiorrlioea aad4Jlel, no matMrof howloagaUaJ. Ing. Absolutely oarnilfss. a.XA htf .Irllffl.tS. 1'rlOe 91.00, or by mall, postpaid. 11.00, 3 boses i D2.75.I THE SANIAI-PITSIN CO., DtltEFONTAINB, OHIO. Soldby F. W. Schmidt & Co. Tlie DR. LIKBIC1 HTAKK only SpeciitllnU for men. coi tlniic to cure nil oliioiilc, prl-"""a- nerous allmenls, Impolenre K diseases, rheumatism catarrh. wow. In con. breion The market situation seems to hu.vn been Dozen by the cold weather of the last weelc, for there is hardly a change In any of tho prices that have been quoted. The samu list holds for this week that hold for tho past, and everything that could uo found in the market a week ago is there now. The apple crop is fast nearing its close, though tho prices quoted ro- iiiuiu me Biiiue so iar. i nere urc a lot of apples in tho country, but '.ho time is coming last when they will yield to decay and vanish from the stores, Already the farmers aro hav ing a hard time to keep the bad fram the good, and It requires frequout and careful sorting to save tho good apples now left. Those that are brought into the market aie not of tlie best grade, for they aro begin ning to show that they aro tho last of the harvest In a short time the apple will be a dreum of the past and a hope of tho future, like the water melon and the grape. Butter, 604375c. good. Kggs, fresh, 40c. WASHINGTON COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD CHOICE EEEF CATTLE, ET" Steers, $3.25 03.50. Cows, $2.505J)2.75. Hogs live, 465c. Hogs, dressed, 67c. Veal, dressed, CG7c. Sheep, $202.50. RETAIL GROCERY PRICES. Coffee ...ocho and Java, best, 40c per lb.; next grade, 35c per lb; lower grades, coffee, 25c to 15c per lb.; package coffoe, 20c per lb., 3 pack ages for 50c. Rice Best head rice, lZc per lb.; next grade. 10c per lb. Sugar Cane granulated, best $0.50 per sack; do 13 lbs $1. Salt Coarse, $1.10 per 100; table, $2.50 per 100. Klour B, B $4.25 ir barrel; Wal ters' $4.25 per barrel, $1,10 per sack. Bacon 1418c per lb. Ham 17018c per lb. Coal oil $1.65 for 5 gallons, $3.25 per case. I.ard 70c 5 pounds; $1.40 10 pounds. HAY AND FEED. Chop barley, $22.50 per ton; ltfc per id. Chopped wheat, $1.40 per 100. Bran, CO cents per sack. Shorts, $1 per sack. Oats. 1 cents per lb. Alfalfa, loose, $13 per ton. Wheat, loose, $13 per ton, Timothy, baled, per ton, $20. LOCAL HIDE MARKET. Take this route for Chicago, St Psul, St. Louis, Kan sas City, St. Joseph, Omaha and All Points East and South Fsriiand and polnta on the Sound 'PI MIC CARD Arrive at Pendleton Monday, Wednes day and Friday, 1.45 p, m. Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, 11.45 a. m. Leave Pendleton, 7 p. m. I , to,.,,. Uf.ll. .4.1... - . K. t, . Arrive Walla Walla dallyost bouud, 10:43 a. in The Hotel Pendleton has just heen refitted and refurnished throughout. Phone and fire alarm connections with all rooms. Baths in suites and single roenjs. Headquarters for Traveling Mei Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 & $2,50 Special rnttw by week or month Excellent Ciilalne. Prompt Dlningroora wrvlce. Bar and billiard room in oonnettioi Only. Three Blocks from Dcpat FjpT.EL ' . . ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB SIS. 6E0. DARVEAU, Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heateo European Plan. Block and a half from depot: Sample room In connectloa. ROOM RATE 50c, 75c, $1.06 THE HOTEL BICKERS (Fonncr)y Golden Rule. Court Street The following aro the prevailing moditions, call on oraddresa average prices for hides In this mar ket; beof, green, lc per lb.; beef, dry, 1012c; mink, 50c a;h with a possibility of $1 each if ti.o size- Is good and tho condition prime; coyote, 6075c; bear skins, accord ing to quality and size, from ,3 to fit,; coon, 3534Uc; norso, $ljpl.25; sheep, grcon, Cc; sheep dry, 7c; lynx or bob cat, 15030; skunk, 25c; badger, 15030. W. ADAMS. Agent I'endleton. Oreiron 8. B, OLDKRIIEAD, (. P. A waua nana, wasniu,ioti. VEGETADLES. Carrots, 2c per lb. Potatoos, lc per lb. Oarli , 10c per lb. Cabbaso, 3c per pound. Beets, 10 lbs. 25c. Onions, 3c per pound: Parsulp, lu lbs. 25c. lnimpkius, 15-25c. Celery. 10c hunch, 3 bunches 25c. Lettuce, hothouse, 5c bunch. , Kraut, 10c quart. 40c gallon. MInco meat. 12!Sc per pound. Popcorn, shelled, 8 1-3 cents per pound, on cob, 5 cents per pound. FRUITS. Bananas, 40c dozen. Apples, 75c$l per box. Lemons, 40c doz. Oranges, 40-50C doz. Cranberries, 15o per quart, LIVESTOCK AI;D POULTRY. The following jiricos are paid by dealers t the producer: Turkeys, 12llc. Chickens Hens, 7c; $34 por doz en, roosters, 4 to u cents. Geese, por dozen, $9. Bucks, per dozen, $3,604, Cured After Sufferinq 10 Years. B. P. Hare, Supt. Miami Cycle & Mfg. Co., Middlelown, O., suffered for ten yearn with dyspepsia. He spent hundreds of dollars tor medicine and with doctors without iccolvlng any permanent beneflL Ho says: "One night while feeling exceptionally bad I was about to throw down the even ing paper when I saw an Item in tho paper regarding the merits of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I concluded to try It and while I bad no faitb In it I felt better after the second doae. After using two bottles I am stronger and better tbau I have been In yoars, and I recommend Kodol Dyspepsia THROUGH suffering from stomach trouble," Sold by Tollman & Co. (Si RUNS Pulhnun Sleepiug Gtrs. Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars. Hr. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DUXUTH VARGO Q RAND HORJth OROOK8TON WINNEPKG HKLENA and BUTTE, TICKETS TO TO WOOLMEN GET LOW RATE. Harriman System Grants Forty.Cent Rate Nebraska to Idaho. Boise. Jan. 7. Tho ofllcers of Ihe and Ameriran line. Idabo Woolgrowers association havo Hurcecdi'd In securing a rate of 10 -ents per 100 In carload lots on corn from Nebraska points. The rate s considered a very reasonable one, and as the rate will only bo In force from January 20 to February 29, It Is expected there will lie a large amount shipped In. The following notic e has been (Kent out by the offi cers of tho association: "Bol.e. Ida., January 8, 1!04. We are advlted that the lallroiu! rates jii whole corn only from all Nebraska points on Union Pacific will bo -id cents por 100 In carload Iols of not less than (10.000 pounds each. Hate begins January 20th and ends 1-Vb-rimry 29th, 1904" CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all points Eaat and Mouth rhranrh ticket! lo Jarn and China, via Taooma and Northern Kacloe dteainsalp Ca TlatB SCHBDUL. Trains leave i'endleton dally eiocpi anadss at 7 W) p. ra. tot farther Information, lima cards, aaan and tickets, call on or write W. Adams, fans. dlelon, Oregon, or A.D.flUAKXTUO, Tnira ana Morrison eu., rornaoa. ura. Money BackglrSffi fall to cure Kheuuintisui. Por Sale by A. C. Koeppeu & Ilro-i. Agts. for l'eiulrii. flkjaaaBTBvffT' SJaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBBBSllsT !ieBBaaasJBHijH nemodelesl and refurnlsbod tbraugh out Kverytblng neat, clean aaal up-to-date. Steam heat and electric HghtH, Best cuisine. Prompt serrlro. H. E. BICKERS. Prop. THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON An eric AO FUa. At txtr dv And dvaai IlcAdaAArtcft fartouriftta aa1 cainmcrclAl tn. ir FtprcUlrxtcs ciftds o rmlUtt aaoaH (entltmcD. Tbe matuifamcDt will W lift I til tlmti to thow room aa4 give pfkes, A noacni iwkiii iAnriADiiftAiacaim kocM, 11. MlltlCff We will make your leisure liouns pam pleasantly Bowllug alleys, ikxiI, blltlarda ami shooting gallery, Kvery thltiif firt-.ilfuw. TliSIPKUANOK IU:KIll'l. MKN'iW and uigum. &Iulcal fiiterfalnineiit every evenlug, Rnhinsnn'sParlnis 1 ,. IIUUIIIUUII Ul UIIU.U I Undor W. & 0. Depot. I A bill ilu u. collector's work is ulways la umo UUM W jeanb ssee la by ta. leaders ot tae Hermim tteoto(slf-bu.,dlislijaUoa, esoeeM or cigarette amoklna. CliresLoat Manhood. Impotenojf, Lost Power, Nlght-Loaaea, Spermatorrhoea Tnaoninlu, Pain In Back. Evil Desires, 8en.lnal Emlaalona, Lome Back. Nervous Oablllty. ou Tsvltohlnsr of Muae 14 .rery rmae atlpatlon, Stops Pramatursneas, Stops Herv- I uuo. irau IBe.aesiHiuaeui,rurv.ei neuu.Meioe euwii. h.ii Stimulates tb. brain and aerv. ceaters. 60o a boi, a for Si. M by loeil. 1 writ mmm seooer retuaded, vita S boiee. Clnulars t ree. AddrsSS. Bishop RsmsdOo, Sold by Tatlman & Co., Druggist. Iaa4erel.pWaj.raas.. tea nsrealee, W nil? , aanfranslaso.tfsJ. i t u. Kt kto- lav or wtllu