DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1904. Important Sale of lannelette Wrappers ONE WEEK ONLY a great assortment of Flannelette Wrappers, made in ihc best styles, in fancy figures anil stripes, shoulder ruffles, full flounce. Worth $2.00. Sale Price, $1.38 A money saver. Great Value SOUTHEASTERN OREGON ARTESIAN BASIN Mi ill LEXANDER'S DEPARTMENT STORE fr ! ! ! 4- fr PLUMBING Wi!1 s,and comparison with tlx- hest of em. 1 he work is as near perfcx- feij tion as humans can attain the price Ml therefor as cheap as anybody should R) PVIIHPt. V Hn all LinHc nf enni. j tary plumbing and gas fitting, and charge you not immoderately. Let us estimate on your next necessity in our line. I. J. CLARKE & Co. 2ii Court Street razer Theatre ! R.J. NIXON', Mansgrr. Phone Main II. One Nfght Only, Friday, January 8, 1904 Lrs. GOODHUE & KELLOGG present a company ot players including lOHN DALY MURPHY and Miss PAULINE H1CKLEK fn the jolly comedy "HELLO BILL!" MINUTES OF PURE, CLEAN, REFRESHING FUN. THE LAUGHIEST EVER : tsame jolly comedy that has just finished its Portland and leencacements. and was proclaimed bv nress and nublic ft laugiiiest treat of the season. UCES 2?c, hoc and 75c. On sale Wednesday, 10 a. m. THE It EST THE MO8T WHOLESOME MtOPERLY MILLED WITHOUT A BUPEKIOK YERS' BEST FLOUR The Standard of Excellency. IDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. Engineers of tin- ijeologlcal survey, ftfl-f rfK'nK e :j mulont It. foutf eastern OrcRon and southwestern Idaho, havo come to :Jyj conclusion that the Irrigation ot that countty must be largely worked out through tho utilization of artesian well water. The Otis artesian basin, about six miles northwest of Drewscy, Or., has not been drilled, although tho gov ernment engineers believe that water under a fair pressure will be found in that vicinity. It is expected that an area of 20 square miles will show the presence of more or less sub-mir-face water. In their report on .this artesian baBln the engineers say: "Tho Harney artoulan basin em braces the extensive region draining Malheur and Harney lakes, and as shown by its geological structure may be expected to yield flowing wells throughout an area of perhaps 1,000 square miles. Two drill holes, one near Harney and the other near Burns, have been put down and have demonstrated the existence of sub surface water under sufficient press 'ire to force It to the surface, where wells are drilled to the requisite depth and properly cased. Water Comes Up Warm. "The artesian head, as indicated by these wells, has an elevation of about 4,100 feet. The thickness of rocks Involved in the formation of tho ba sin, however, probably exceeds 10,0o0 feet, and water-bearing horizons at a greater depth than those now known may reasonably be expected to be plcsem. Several warm and hot springs In the Harney basin, as already men tioned, lend support to the prediction that success will follow a, careful fx plorilion of the basin with tho d ill shore tho surface elevation Is less than that of Harney or Burns. "Tiio Whitehorse artesian basin is located about 20 or 25 miles east of the higher portion of Stein mounmn, and Includes the valley in which the former military post known as the Whitehorse waB locatod. Here, again, the geological structure and ttw pieecnce of warm springs aro mf flclently stiong indications to warrant a careful exploration with tho drill with tho hope of obtaining a surface How of v ater. "The artesian head, as Bhown by the warm springs about six miles fouth of Whitehorse ranch, Is well above tho fiat lands of tho valley's bottom. The area throughout which one is seemingly justified in predict ing success In case wells bto drilled Is not less than 30 equaro miles. Incoming of Water Necesary. "Tho four artesian basins briefly described abovo contain about 2,000 square miles of rich agricultural land throughout which the conditions Jus tify the opinion that flowing wator may bo oETalned. It does not follow from this that all, or oven tho greater part, of the tracts referred to can be Irrigated, as it is to bo presumed that the water Biipply will not bo adequato to meet all tho demands that will be made up. i It. "The expense Involved In drilling a well nnd tho certainty that tho wa ter supply even under the most san guine expectations which may soem warrantable Is not inexhaustible, make it imperative that there should be the strictest economy In tho uso of the water and rigid restrictions with reference to its wnsto." Big Clearance Sale! 1 i 5 Our Clearance Sale has now commenced, and prices are g cut on many lines all over the store. Do you need an g Overcoat ? Buy it here, where you can save 40 per cent St B over others' prices. All clothing is now reduced 20 per S 2 cent to reduce stock. Ladies' Coats and Suits at ACTUAL COST Misses' Long Coats reduced to ACTUAL COST Ladies' Woolen Underwear, special reduction of ao per cent Men's Woolen Underwear, special reduction of ;o per cent Men's German Socks at a reduction of 10 per cent Men's Felt Hoots and Overs teduced 10 per cent STAPLES AT CUT PRICES All Outing Flannel, 7c grade, now 5c yard All Outing Flannel, yc grade, now 7c yard All Outing Flannel, 10c and tic grades, new tjc yard Woolen Flannels, worth 40c yard, now 30c yard, Btd Com'orts, all grades reduced in price THE FAIR I EQUAL SUFFRAGE OREGON WOMEN WILL PETI- TION FOR AMENDMENT Resolution Adopted at Portland Meet ing and Petitions Are Now Being Circulated Will Try Once More to Change Oregon Constitution to Al low Women to Vote. French taurant b,Meal in the City f Dining Parlors Mirnlshed Rooms 1b voanecnon PNTA1NE, Prop. fMMtln street YOU hve that best of WOOD that r uuu with COLLIER f ChriBtmaa Coal. u. : ft by carrier, INSURE IN Reliable Companies That pay their losses promptly. Our companies stand at the head of the list. Asset Hartford Kire insurance Coil2,259,07t Alllanoe Assurance Co 9,O.W,W5- London 4 Lancashire Eire Insurance Co. . ; iO,o North BrittohA Mercantile 19,695,8(4 Roj'insurance Co 22,897,16 FRANK B, GLOPTOH AGENT U2 EAST COURT ST. Schedule of PEN DLETON-UKIAH Stage Line nll- Irltw between Peudletou and Uk ?. St Sunday. Stage leaves 0 .a.cif to y;'d;. fflt&aS dh ion ( IU, rendleton lo OfficV (rt Drock B MeCorws Drus Store The executive committee of 'he Oregon State Equal Suffrage associa tion met jesteiday afternoon at the home or Mrs. H. W. Coe, Mrs. A. S. Dunlway presiding, says a Portland paper. Ways and means weie considered of securing the signatures of R per cent or the voters of the state to a petition tor a vote to adopt an amend ment to the constitution at the next June election torbuuting the disfran chisement of any citizen on account of sex. .Mrs. Coe offered the following res olution, which was adopted: "Whereas, The enfranchisement ot tho women of all the states of the Union Is but the question of a little time, we call upon the voters of Ore gon to lead In this patriotic work of genuine expansion In the states bor dering on the Pacific ocean, thus set ting Washington and California an illustrious example." The following Is the full text of tho petition as prepared by the commit tee: "To the Hon. I-'. 1. Dunbar. Secretary or Stute for the State of Oregon: "We the undersigned legal voters of the stntc of Uiegon, rt'specuuiiy demand that the following proposed amendment 10 the constitution shall be Mibmltted to the legal electors of the state of Oregon, for their approv al or rejection at the regular general election to be held on the (Uh day of June. liHU. and each for himself says: I have personally signed the petition nnd my residence, postolllco nnd voting precinct are conectly written after my nam'o Equal Suffrage Amendment. "Section -. article II., of the consti tution of the state or Oiegon shall 'e and hereby Is amended to read ns rollows: "Article 2 In all elections not otherwise provided lor by this consti tution, every citizen or tne unuoa States of the age 01 twenty-one years and upwards, who shall have resided in tills state during the six months Immediately preceding such election, and every person of foreign birth of the age or twenty-onu years and up wards, who shall havo resided in this state during tne six months Immedi ately preceding such election, and shall havo declared his Intontion to become a citizen or the United States one year preceding such elec tion, conformably to the laws of tho United States on tho subject of nat uralization, shall bo entitled to vote at all elections authorized by law. It is expressly provided that no one shall bo denied the right to vote en account of sex." Tho time by which the petitions imist to filed In order to get them on tho official ballot for tho Juno elec tion Is February fi, and tho petitions muM contain the names of 8 per cent of the last total vote. TO STOP RATE CUTTING. Prices of Patent Medicines Will Be Kept Up. New York, Jan. 7. Retail drug gists throughout the country will watch with interest tho results of a plan put Into-effect In New York city tnis wtei, by the largest manufactur ers of proprietary, or patent, medi cines to stop tho cutting of prices oil such articles by druggists nnd do pnrimtnt stores. This is the first time that tho pro prietors themselves bavo taken a di rect interest In the solution of tho cut-rate problem. Heretofore they have "supported" movements con ducted by others, notably tho Nation al Hetall Druggists' association, but that support has Invariably bo-sn more or less hike warm. Now, how ever, about 12 or 15 of tho leading manufacturing hoiibes have come to gether, contributed to a substantial fend ror earning out their plans, r.uJ divldually, will cut oft his supply cf Ive cutter to live up to a minimum price scneuuie. I I'- persuasion tails to bring a crt I t"i into line, the manufacturers, in , divldually, will cut oil his supplios of j their goods, or at least make a de i termlnod effort to do so. YOUR PLUMBING! Have it done by a Scientific Plumber and you will not be bothered with bad breaks. Let us figure on your work BECK, THE PLUMBER COURT STREET OREGON '5 INSANE HEALTH OF INMATES IS NOW VERY GOOD Per Capita Expense $10 Per Month Earnings from Alaskan Inmates Amounted to $2,300 for the Quarter Ending December 31 Two Cases cf Typhoid. KEEP YOUR HEAD UNCOVERED, Thr Conlan Wrarlii of Hat Ptopo gatra DandruK Onmi, There are many men who wear their hats practically all the time when awake. and uro blessod with a heavy shock of hair; yet If the scalps of these same men once became iniestea witn aanarua germs, the parasites would multiply all the quicker for lack ot air. Baldness would ensue as tho final result. New- bro's Hornlcldo kills these germs ana stimulates unhealthy hair to abundant erowth. Ilerplclde is a pleasant hair dressing as well us a dandrun cure and contains not an atom of Injurious sub stance. Sold by leading- druggists. Send 10c. In stamps for sample ,to The Ilerpl clde Qo Detroit, illch. F. W. Schmidt, special agent. DdiiiIi Oriiltir-. An amusing game Is dumb oratory, which must always Ik- played by two persons, though the spectators may be as many !i (he tpace of the room will permit. The dumb oriilor Is quite hidden that is. all but his bunds mid arms. The tulklii-; orator takes up his posi tion Jtifct In front, with his bauds and arms behind his back, while the hands nnd uriiiN of the dumb orator are thrust forward, Just ns If they belong Ml to the sH-iiUer. It Is best to select a mt.v "elocutionary" piece, which re quires niiiiiy gesturt-s. These the dumb orator makes ureordlng to his own ideas, quite regardless of the uilktng orator, who goes serenely on his way. The effect Is very funny, and the so berer the piece the funnier It all looks, It Is better that the dumb orator should not have any Idea what piece the talk ing orator will recite. X Cat anil ffa Tulr. Cats and dogs are hupped to hate each other, especially the cats, Nc doubt pussy has good reason to go In fear of the (log. Still there are many cats and dogs that are not ouly civil tc oue another, but positively friendly. There was one tabby which was at fond of the dog of the family that she could not bear to In- separated from It She would mew In bear trending fash ion to get into the room where was th do;:, aud If no heed were paid to uvi cries she kcratched aud scratched at tho door, trying to scrape admittance. When this failed. It ia said that she then raised herself up ou her hind legs, turned the handle of the door and walk, ed Into the room, tier owners were so enchanted with her skill, as well the; might be, that they used to set pu-jr to repeat the feat. Salem, Jan. 7. Tho board of Inn ices of the Insano aBylum held the regular monthly meeting for tho month of December, nt which time Superintendent Calbrcath submitted his report covering that period. Dr. Calbroath reports the general health of the Inmntes of the institu tion as being good, with tho exceji tlon of two cbbcb of typhoid fever, in ward 211, "Every effort," ho says, "Is being made to discover the sourco of tho Infection and to pre vent any further developments." Tho death rate for tho month has ben small. I "Tho farm work for the month," says tho superintendent, "has con- slated of plowing, repairing fenceB, graveling driveways, hulling slab wood, gathering vegotnbleH, etc. "Tho mechanics linvo worked on t!iu hog barn, new closed cottage .mil gem a! i pairs. "The contractor haB finished 'ho new closed cottago and tho new din ing room hall nt the cottago farm, nnd they will be ready for occupan cy as soon as they can bo furnlah'Vl and a sewerage system constructed, Wc uro preparing to put In a large septic tank for this purpose. "Th earnings for tho keeping of A labium insane, for the quarter nU-n- December .'II, amounts. to $2,300.82. Tho statistical lepoit shows an n ereaso of nine patients In tho Institu tion over tho previous month, tho to. ' tnl number on December 31 being 1,3-19. It uIbo shows that tho per caj- Ita monthly expenso was ;iu.l) ami the dally per capita 33 93-100 cents. In lly tlmo tho fly's time lh H'ut In keeping tho housekeeper from hav ing a fly time MAKE YOUR MARK IN THE WORLD Don't be satisthsl to move nloni? in the same old way for low wages. We can help you earre out a succeHsful eiuvrr. ThotiHaiulH have iucit'Mticd tlulr nalarieH by following our plan. We can train you In spare time and at small tost for any of the following poeitloux : Mecliattcatl, ICIrctrlenl, Htrum, or Civil Unuln--", Kluclrlclun. Hurv..vor. Arcltlteul, Drnrit. mmi, llolklirvtt,r, Ntmtur,t or, Teiiclltfr, Hltaw Cartl Walter Wlnifow t)rew.tr, or tl. Wrlt.r CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Box 799 SCRANTON, FA. Or call on our filial reprtirntu tne, T W. Drinking, 131 Let ttritt I'enJltton, Ore, t Wbra the llaln Popped. There is a little Alabama girl named Jessie who never saw snow, One cold, rainy day she was standing before the fireplace watching her mamma pop corn for her. After awhile nhe weut to the window and saw snow falling with the rain. "Ob, mamma," she said, "como quick! The rain's popped out white P Strange. There was a )oung lady named Sue Elizabeth Harriet Prue IjUcretta Klmlra Ann Aitnea Bapphlra, And she could recite It all through. She had a wee brother named Paul Who was just about learning to crawL It seems such a shame; He had but one name, , And he couldn't pronounoe It at all. Stella George Stern la St. Nicholas. Sincerity Is never self-conscious. All persons knowing themselves to bu in debted to nfu will call dnd settle their their accounts as I need the money, Conrad Plat zoeder Meat Market THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST , Bear this In mind when you need poultry and stock supplies and ask for the luternatlonil Poultry and Stock Food. Use Kow Kure for your cow trou bles. C. F. Golesworthy 127 129 East Alta St. Agent for Lee's Lice Killer prompt, rkliaule; BEIIVIOE A. J. BEAN HAULING OF AIL KINDS (loodi tkken buifefof care ol. Leave orderi a Tiurscii'i. rhone Mala 1271. Rheumatism Positively Cured By Oil and Sweet Spirits of IMen. Money-back Goods. A. C. KOHPl'JJN & UKUS.i cMic Agents lor renuioton Building Material Of all Description Sash, Doors Is Windows Made to order. Building paper, lime, cement, brick and sand, wood gutters (or barns and dwellings a specialty, Oregon Lumber Yard Alt a St, Opp, Court House LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH Building... ...Material DIMENSION I.UMHKU OK II descriptions. rJuah, Doors, Iillnds, Mould ing, Building and Tar I'a,r. Bring Your Bill to Us and Get Our Figures, Grays' Harbor Com. Co. Opp. Wt & C. R. Depot Walter's Flouring Mills Capacity, 150 barrels a day. Flour eicbangod tor wheat VJour, Mill Peed, Chopped JT4, etc., always on hand. Tbe Oregon VUr JowmI foondra