ff Til 4. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY C, 1B04. 'JOHN T. WHISTLER ON OREGON SURVEYS ZFLik.IESES: THE FIBROID TUMORS CURED. Mrs. Hayes" First. letter Appealing- to Mrs. Pinklinm for Help : " Dkais Mus. Pinkham : I havo been under Boston doctors' treatment for a long Umo without any relief. Thoy tell me I have a fibroid tumor. I can not sit down without great pain, and the soreness extends up my spine. I hare bearing-down pains both back and front. Sly abdomen is swollen, and I hare had flowing- spells for three years. My appetite Is not good. I can not walk or bo on my feet for any length of time. " The "symptoms of Fibroid Tumor plven in your little book accurately describe my case, so I write to you for advice," (Signed) Mrs. E. F. Hayes, 152 Dudley SU (Koxbury), Itoslou, Mass. Mrs. Ilnyes' Second Letter: "Dkajj Mia. I'inkiiam: Sometime ago I wrote to you debcribiug my symp toms and ashed your advice. Vou re plied, and I followed all your direc tions carefully, and to-day 1 am a well woman. "The use of Lydki E. Pinkhnm's Vegetable Couipouud entirely ex pelled the tumor and strengthened my whole system. I can walk miles now. "Lydia 13. 1'inklium'n Vcfre tablc Compound is worth five dol lars a drop. I advise all women who are aflllcted with tumors or female trouble of any kind to give It a faithful trial." (Signed) Mies. E. V. Uates, 252 Dudley 8t- (Uoxbury), Uoston, Mass. fSCOO forfeit tf original ab&o Utttra proving ftmtntruu ctuuKt ocpndMCcit Kven though fimllurly troubled mint have different glares. Spectacles lltlted to any Indi vidual will only suit him or her, therefore u thorough Urn is neces sary in every ca"e. My optical parlor is equipped with every in- istrumeiit liece-s.-iry to make an ulisolutely accurate examination. Price as low as first claw work will ermit. GLENN WINSLOW j Jeweler and Optician Post Office Block The Colombia Lodcinc House Well ventilated, neat and comfortabl-' rooms, good bed", liar in connection where best goods are served. Main Street, center of block, between Aha and Welti) Streets. F. X. Schempp Proprietor A Mistake Was Made t t ? I have only a few I.adies Shoes, but can fit Any Man . j Men's Snoes.'made tpftt 1 A. EKLUND J28 Court Street I Moved from Judd block. it'ii'it' OH and Sweet Spirits of Eden Arc guaranteed to cure any caseofKheu -mntism Money back if they fall. A C. Kooppo A Bros.iAyU. for Pendfoto DIFFERENT EYES Tho following rovlow of the work of tho reclamation Borvlcu in EoHtorn Oregon was contributed to tho Now Year's edition of tho Oregonlan by Johr T. Whlstlor, government engi neer in chnrgo of the work In Ore gon. Mr. Whistler snya: The federal govommcnt, through tho reclamation service, has bean pursuing Investigations during the past season, to 200,000 acres now val unless land In Umatilla and Morrow counties, In Malheur county and in Hnrnoy county. In nil these projects the summer ilow of the Btroams lias been practically all appropriated and any further reclamation will Involve the construction of moro or less com ly dams for retaining tho flood waters avoir for tho past three years, uml of winter and early spring. valuable Improvements, such as or- An Idea of tho cost of these dams ango orchards, havo beon utterly is best Illustrated by tho estimates .ruined, probably to tho vnluo of gov on the big dam proposed for tho Nlc-pf,ra! times the cost of tho enterprise nragua canal. Including controlling In the beginning, works nnd spillway, these wero for Appropriations by congress In pro $3,000,000 to $5,000,000, according to vlous years have not permitted mojs design, the final estimates adopted uroments In many streams. This Ih being for $4,500,000. now being taken up nnd pushed vlg- Tha l ost internstn of the country ' nrouslv under the funds provided by demani,, and tho reclamation so.'vlcolth! reclamation act. Except where itself requires, that the cost of con struction must not exceed tho v.iluo of the enterprise when completed. Tho largest project under consid eration may not exceed 50,000 acres of land. When tho valuo of such land, with water, but otherwise un Improved. Is considered, It Is readily seen that much study nnd tho most thorouch Investigation Is required of tho reclamation service. Tho irrigablo land, as well as all reservoir sites and canal lines, are being gono over and carefully map- ped, showing all differences of olo- nso of n current motor. .(James are vatlon of at most ten feet, and In erected across tho streams, and the some cases, where tho ground Is very hydrographer moves ncroas In a hih Hat, of aB Httlo as two and one-half . ponded car, holding tho current mo feet, ter at various measured positions In This Is generally done with n piano the water, table, an Instrument especially adapt- The Instrument automatically hi ed to developing topography of large dlcates tho velocity of the wntor, and aicas, and for this reason not gennr- from this tho discharge is estimated. ally used except by tho government In very flat countries It Is often very difficult to see long distances over tho sago brush, nnd Illustrations aro shown of instrument men carrying tops of houses and wind pump tow ers to obtnin clear sights. &!lT0 VANCOUVER GREAT NORTHERN NOW IN BRITISH COLUMBIA HIM Has Attained the Aim of Ten Years Effort He Is Headed to Connect With the Grand Trunk and UltimaUly for the Klondike From the Klondike to the Lower Yukon. Vancouver, U. C, Jan. 5. Tho Groat Northern has at least reached Vancouver over Its own lino. Tho opening of the year saw tho running of tho first train over the line just completed irom New Westminster to this city. The Great Northern prom ised to -navo tho lino completed by OBOL DYSPEPSIA CURE Under all curablecondilions' Mr. D. Kauble of Mrs.W.W. Uy Isr ol Hllllard, Nevada, O., was cured by Kodol Pa., was cured ot stomacn of Chronlo trouble which had effected Dyspepsia by ine use tn his heart, Kodol. ;8od by Tollman & Co, Why do You Cough ? Stomach Troubles cured by of stomacn tkx 1 1 1 trouble which H 111 hH ,UrrrA ! MM til his heart. SJM.l , Do you know that a llttlo cough Is , today for the trial of I.leutouant Kon a' 'dangerous thing? Are you aware , mith Cnstlcman, commanding the gun that. It often fastens on tho lungs, boat Vn ilon, on charges arising out and ' far tor; otton runs Into Con- of a colllb.un In tho harbor of Nor. sumption nnd ends In death T Can folk on November 27., In which tho you afford a trifle with ao sorioua Yai kton snnk the tug Hustler and a matter? Acker's English Remedy i enriani:- eil tho IIvoh of eight nvm for .Coughs, Colds and Consumption ; i uujquu quesuon mo greaiosi oi , an tmouurn. remedies. It will atop a cough In ono night and it will chock a cold In a day. It wl.i prevont Croup, relieve Asthma nnd euro Con sumption, Our faith In It Is so strong that o guarantee every bot tle to glvo satisfaction or monoy back. For solo b- V. W. 'Schmidt & Co. irniniiK- ihn nmnt Important of .ill the Investigations is tnat to obtain tho amount of watur available, tho I discharge or the various Btroams dur ing tho different moutha of tho year. The absolute necessity for such In fotmatlou Is nicely illustrated by n well known Irrigation Hystom In Southern California, A costly dam wus constructed, canals oxcuvutml and much money Invested In Improv ing lands nnd sotting fruit trees. The data of stream How. on winch this enterprise was based, was thought then to havo boon derived from a period of tlmo sufficiently am ple to Justify construction. There lint been no water at all In nls nw earlier work has been douo, sulllc- iontly reliable data upon which to biice estimates can hardly bo expect ed with less than two or threo years' measurements. Tho method of obtaining tho dls-i-hurco of a stream throughout the i year Is as follows. A gage rod Is fixed at some convenient point in tho , river nnd an obsorvor employed to read and record tho dally variations , ' of the water. The amount of water j passing nt different stages Indicated on tho gage rod 1b determined by tho Some 20 of these stations aro being 1 maintained at present. An illustrn tlon Is Bho'wn of a station across the Umatilla river, near Ub mouth, with the hydrpgraphor In the car. ' JOHN T. WH1ST1..BK, Engineer V. 8. Geological Survy ' January 15, but It was a fortnight I ahead. The road connects nt New West I minster with the branch to Clover ' dale and Port Oulchon, on the Kra j ser, which m turn has connections with Victoria and Seattle bv strictly 1 Great Northern services. Tho Hill lines aro now absolutely independent , of all others In reaching Vancouver, Victoria and Now Westminster, the i threo chief coast cities of Hritish Co lumbia. I Hill has been working slowly but surely toward thin end for a decade and now he has carried out plans j concolved a long whilo back. All that now waltB llnlshlng is the pro- , vinclal government brldgo over tho ' Frnsor at New Westminster. Until that happens In tho spring ferry cars must be used across tho river. It is given out on high authority that tho brnnch just opened between hero and Now Westminster Is tho first link In a lino to tho north by means of which the Hill system will get connection with tho Grand Trunk Pacific. If the Klondlko then offers sufllclont Inducements, tho cross country road will be carried to tho Yukon and thcro will bo nn American system Btretchlng from New York, through St. Paul and Spokane, to tho United States possession of Alaska. It ia claimed that a lino io ilio north would tap a country not alone : valuable for its lumber nnd minerals, but possessing arable land sufllclcnt to provide for all tho Americans who rushed Into tho Canadian northwest this year SAN FRANCIOCO 8CARED. Every Play House In the City Be Rigidly Inspected. Will 8an Francisco, Jan. B. The lottor from Mayor Schmltz to tho board of public works, fire commission, pollco commission nnd chlefB of tho flru and pllco departments, urging that an immediate inspection bo roado of all tho places of nmusomont, Is rccolv'ng due attention from tho officials of tbeso departments. President Casey of tho board of public works snya that ho will at onco make rigid Inspection of tho play hoiiHPH and report In detail to tho mayor tho conditions as ho finds them. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Itetvsrd for any cm- of rnt&rrh that unnot be cured ay iiairn mtarrD cure. K. J. CHPfWY & CO., l'rop., Toledo. O. W, the onderHUned. bare knoitn V. J. Cheney for the lint IB yenni, anil believe him perfectly honorable In all business trnnaactlonn and financially able to carry ont any obligations made liy their firm. WKST. & TltUAX, Wholesale DruRKlitn, Toledo. O. WAI.IIINO. KINNAN &. JfAltVIN. Wbole ale DeaggMt, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally. aetlna- directly nnon the blood and mu cous aurfacm of the ayatem. l'rlc 75c per name, rtoiu Dy an orugstiia, -rentimoniaia Irtf. Hnll's Family IMIla are the beat Trial of Lieutenant Caotloman. Norfolk, Va Jan, 5. A court-martial convened ot tho navy yard horo aboard, lieutenant Castloman Is tho son cr 1 len. jonn li, uasnoman or J.OUlHVUV, Ky and was recently married Ilj t Hirrrior, of Plattsmouth, Neb., aged 70 ye -s, died In squalor Sat urday I' In a mud-chinked cabin in which vuro found $500,000 In govern ment blinds and certificates of depos it lu Cas" county banks. Fashionable Vaudeville EDISON NOVELTY AND SPECIALTY COMPANY HAPPY HOOLIGAN, GLOOMY GUS, fHE AND KATZENJAMER KIDS. WORLD'S BEST MOTION PICTrj 10, 20 Building Material Of all Description Sash, Doors Is Windows Made to order. Building paper, lime, cement, brick and saiul. wood gutters lor barns and dwellings a spec ialty, Oregon Lumber Yard Alu St, Opp. Court House The French Restaurant Best 25 cent Meal in tho City Private Dining Parlors Elegant Furnished Rooms in Connection GUS LaFONTAINE, Prop. 633 Main Street Bright's Disease and Diabetes News. umco wmo and Spirit lioviow U,n T.. y-i . n . A-iBiHiio, uc.. iz. -jo me Kli tor ot tho KaBt Oregonliq. vvur air; ino uuslnesa men ot this city who aro now proclaiming to the world the discovery of tho euro for Bright's urease and Diabetes havo askod mo as ono of th6 hono- iitmr.oa 10 write to somo of my brothor cdltora. 'Honeo t.ds loiter to you.. I Yas at flrst as Bkoptfcal as anyono. I had reason to be. i had a clear caso of chronic BrlBht'H DIs oasoj was 111 for a year. It wrb not thought I would llvo thirty days. Tho m-esldont of tho I'acldc States Tyi.o f oundry told my wife that tho newly, discovered dlurotlc wbuU Bave my fe, and aitalnst imy jirlvato couvlc lloiw I was put on It. In six months roy recovery was complete. A friend of mine. Dr. A. J. Howe a pii?m '""I1, Physician, was nearly dead with Bright's Dlseaso. On my ro. covcry V told .,i.a and It nctod tho Bamo In hln :uso anil im iu -n on tho road to recovery. As a broth- ... Uu,iui i norsoiiaiiy aBsuro you of tho truth of the discovery. Thou sands ot llvos are to .n n.i .i , am writing In tho hopo that this let- ii win nmri somo ot u.oro right. I'rntornally yours, -in i K' M- W00'1- Editor. 'U.o above refers to thn nnuiw covored Kulton Compounds,, tho first cures tho world baa over 'seen for Brig it s DIsenBo ,nd Diabetes. Wo aro tho solo agonts. Ask for pamph- r W. Schmldttl Phnrrr. nnv THE STYLE OF AMTicc,.,,. "ua1 SIYL.E OF AMUSEMENT AND 30 CENTS! ONLY WAY TO STOP Falling Hair and Baldness on tt at all Dnuaaiara Genuine aold only In Packages benrltjg this trade mark. That way is to CURB the scalp dis eases which are the source of those conditions. ' MEDICAL LAKE SALTS Used in water for Shampooing once a day for n -week or two, will cure the scalp of disease, remove dandruff and give to the Htiir n J J J Lustrious "Beauty Which is utterly beyond the possi bility of any "patent" hair tonic to produce. Send for our free Booklet. 2 Go, 60c nnd $1 Paokag Medical Lako Salts Mfg. Go. Medical Lnka, and Spokane, Wash INSURE IN Reliable Companies That pay their losses promptly. Our companies stand at the head of the list. AmKXW Hartford Klre Insurance Co.JtI2,269,07t Alllanoe Awiuraiiee Co. , . . . . a),030,96f London & Lancashire Fire Iimiranoe Co.. 2,M4,6t North BritiHh & Mercantile Co 10,005,07-1 Iloyal Iimuranee Co 22,807,163 FRANK B. CLOPTON AGENT JJ2 EAST COURT ST. Tho DR. LIKBia STAFF only BpociiilisU for men. con tinue to euro all cihronlc. nrl- vnto it noiToua llmenl, linpolunro kin illiPHbpH. rhAnAiHtl.m CAturrh. "v BTODUJiKT. l'n. u., lor yonn radical director 71 Sixth tlroet. I'ortUnil, OreKOII ! 111 Vfl.lAr U'.v H..,1Ia Wuh. Oflll ANNUAL HTOUKIIOMffcltH' MKBTINQ. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCKRNi Notice U lioreby a vtn that tho Kgalm annual itook' JlOlderfl' InCtttlilB nf thn ilnlf.n..,lii f-nntnllll. atert QiiU Minut Company will bo held At the Mceut tho coinp.tiiy In tho l'oinlletou HnvlORi llank bullilliiK. IVnlolon. Oregon, at lu o cluck A, M. on Tueailay, January 18, 1H. At mull annunl meotliu n hlnotton will bo hold lor thn oleotlou ut dlrectnri i the mid cor lorni on and all other nnd general huilnf" iwrtalnlnic to thuaftaln n( tho rompauT will bo tranucud that may corau bfloro iucb meot iSited Dtcnmbor 91h. 1003. V, U. UAtiKY o, I'. WAUK oeorotary. Prtiideat, Coma 20 STa Specialty ! BEST WEAj Tendet BI Prime Poik Fine Veal Best Mutton Delicious Laotl t The proprietor ol ttiij market is a stock taial Butter Creek and will U to furnish the best m the n.arktt in any quia S. WARNER, Pi New Milaikey DuilditJ Coutt Street J'llont Main I3SI GOOD DRY WM All Ktnds 1 hnvc good sound which is delivercJI reasonable prices For Cub W. C MINN'5 j.eave orders at Cigar 3w. Let us Ml jo"' bin with rocks we part ol the city- r Laatzl Main Street IfflESCff8;! MEAT Will meet 0 YOU lff?wlJ MEAT t your rer' thl . GOA founo on