East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 05, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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We will give a Big Discount on
al Jackets, Cloaks and Fars p
jTgaltifctay Night, f angary 10th.
desire to close oct the entire
for", and the prices we have placed
on them will make them move.
BIG SIUKc, Lwxv. win-in awu alia
. ii IfncHn'a
-i...,,!,. rue nrfl ilIfTrfiIlt.
Annlv at this
;B quarter sizes. Boston
. ..-,,lD1i,t nutmH tn mnt.
mf's namt shop wlien you
1a nt In
i school aboefi that wear
n nt TVititcMi'fi.
.it l - tmvrltirr n a mm 1)1 1
winter mllllucry.
. nlnua nlnnn frllltOr
itf.i. ,.iiniiiianr1
ii. it. i, iint ilnnp mniln
t .Inrn nnilft OtTOft
Kenneay 8 cao is m
all hours. 'Phono main
..!.. I.. ........wit PlIQ.
. i..i. . ....i- nikrtc
r lauv ;i ijuii ui
. t TYnn
real delicacies made by
, . ..... l'ortianu. January
i Indian school.
oew, neat anu cioan, sue
iemain(ltr nf mir
Will be
reduction of
1-2 Per Cti-
C (III. .1 . .11
tock ve have on .
. i . . ....
t Irom
. ,
... M
A. C. kofpppn jt BROTHERS
.m i iiwwwt m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n hi
-r-. inn mm aiti A r T a
Get Suuny U C Radcr.
Swell slippers at Teutsch's.
Knox hat agency, Boston Store.
New ready-made skirts ai riving
dally at Teutsch's.
The Delta chocolato and bon tons
always taste like more.
Hoys' ami girls' bicycles; Ramblers
and Crescent makes. Noli r.
Don't forget to stop at tho Dutton
Candy Store to la drink or Ko-Ko.
Oct your clothing cleaned and
pressed at Joerger's 120 West Court
Call up 'phone -main 701 when you
want a cab. Ready for service at all
Tim slnin.TllnMi rlnthlnp Is n now
rful convlncer of the Boston Store's
Fur Salo Well establlBhed milk
route in this city, at a bargain. En
Quire at this office.
Knnhtnr in at hln old stand. 221
Court street, with a fresh stock of
candles, nutB, fruits, cigars, etc.
For Sale Halt of lot 7 and half of
lot S, Haley's addition, bouso ana
good woodshed, buggy shed and other
Imnrovenients. Price $C"G. This is a
linrcnln. Call on James Brown at
city recorder's office.
National Woolgrowers' Association,
UC "nee. neiuiuu iiia . ,i,v..- Annotation. Port
Is selling so fast at tne - ; ... NlUloiml
work. Apply nt once ui (.asi0is the O. R. & N. makes a rate
tJI. 1 1 . ...!.. fPlnlr.lu
of $9.15. for tho round trip. Ticket
...... tninmi-v m nml 11. Final re-
ki o inn io i-omanu io " ..
Boston Store, except tho turn limit, January 17, iw. r iuii
prices. It pays you bettor imiiiuumm, -
Dynamite Works Explode.
....,i in r. A serious exnkirt
Ion In the government dynamite
works at Hayle, Cornwall, this morn
ing Four were killed. Several were
Important Business Will Come Before
j It at Tonight's Session.
nl,n.. ...Ill ltn n niwltillfZ Ot' the
'Commercial Association this evening
at tho rooms or tne aHociuuu 01
.......... it lu riPRiren luui t n
members bu present, as theio will ik
1 nf Itt.ttortnnon to come bO'
tore the body for consideration. The
oflieers for tho coming term will be
1. ni noted this evening, and other Items
. .1.. n..i thn vear.
' inciueui to i"u iii ' v. ,,,.,.
T Tho promoters of the Mode in
I .. : . . -.o tt.in 1.0 at the
meeting with a plau for enlisting the
interest, and Bupport of t",au"a
tlon both as a body and as IndW du
als 'ii the work of tho school. It Is
tho wish of those In control of the
school to have the full support of he
. . p iha Mtv nnd Ol the
'citizens In general, boia in a moral
''and financial way. and thej haw. a
I plan to put before tessellation a
the mooting tonight that they think
' Will be of lutcrest and of benefit to
Lessons in embroidery to nurcha
or8 of materials for plltow tops tea
cloths, center plows. Ne nt 01
8tomi)od linen with bordor of drawn
work The Peoples Warehouse.
You will enjoy a cup of our
delicious HOT CHOCO
LATE. We don't know
how to make it taste any
better. Don't believe you
ever had any finer. Ours ib
5c a cup.
The Popular Price
James Mccarty of Echo Is in iho
city today.
J. A. Mccarty, of Echo, wat. a Pen
dleton visitor today.
C. E. Redfleld, of Heppner, Is In
tho city for a short business visit.
Lytton Ivanhoo, or 'La orande, was
a business visitor In the city today.
Theo Robertson, of Helix, was In
the city today on a short business
Mrs. M. F Hadlev. of Raker City.
was a guest of friends in tho city to
day. A T ITnll.. .1 lkftlf.tt. ...no a Pun.
dloton visitor today for a short time
on uusiaoss.
Dr. C. J. Smith was a visitor in
Erhn tndnv. hftvlno- hnnn railed there
to attend on a case of sickness.
Judge Henry H. Hewitt, of Albany,
one of the leading barristers of tho
valley, is in the city for a snort visit
on business.
Mlftq Minn rslonn nf Snmmervillo.
fftaltnri In thn nllv with frlnnrlR VOS-
torday while on her way to Weston
to utteiiu tnc normal scnooi.
fir W CI Polo 11.-.0 onllo,! tn Wtt!!a
Walla this morning to assist in " a
surgical case at me wana wnna Hos
pital, He will return this evening.
Vlnlnt. IJltnvlbnr nf tho firm Of
Ludwlgs & Hunzlker, of Walla Walla,
returned to his none tins morning
after a visit In this eltv at tho homo
of his brother, U HunzlKcr
Mrs. Charles S. Brownfleld and Ut-
tln rlniteiitor loft Ihlft mnrnincr for
Pnrllnnn. whprn thev will lift the
guests of relatives and Trlends for a
W. S. Hansen Passes Through With
Shipment for Dayton, Wash.
nf fViUlKtnn. Utah.
pained through today with SO bead
or reclstered Itamboullettes. which
lmt'r hppn nnhl hv him tn R. A. Jack
son, tne well known sncep man ot
uayion, wasu.
Thp Rhtiminiit ennslsts nf 70 .3es
nrifl HI mm InmhR. nil Ann HlinplmenS.
wr. Hansen uenverea a in;c huipuh-ui
to air. JacKson last winter anu ex
peels to enlarge his trade In Oregon
ll. MI ,.n frnm nnvtnn to Port
t.in.l t it ntt.ml tli( mnottlir- nf thn
National Livestock , association and
expects Utah to send a delegation of
al least r.o to tnat meeiing.
Butter and Cheese Men In Conven
tlon at Greenville.
n.nvltin ill Inn ft. Tieiirespn-
tatlve dairymen from all parts of the
itatt were piesent today at the open
ing o' the prniial convention oi I'iy
IlllnolB Dairymen's association. Miy-
or Edward De Mouun aenvereu an
n.lflnwu nt u-olfnmo nnri Trwlli Now-
lan, of Toulon, responded for tho vis
itors. The address of Joseph New-
man of Elgin, president of the bbbo
ciath.ii, followed. Other speakers at
the opening session and their topics
were: Tallie Defrees, Greenville,
"Tho Caie of Cows;" Clarence M.
iioi-kov Mnrn. "Tho Care of Milk;"
A. J. Glover. Illinois college, "Testing
Herds In Illinois."
The convention is tj remain lu ses
sion through tomorrow and Thurs
day. A new and Interesting reattiro
is to be the expert criticism on ire
butter exhibits.
Royal Sawtell Returned.
Royal M. Sawtell. until lecomly
with George R. Dodson, the leading
jeweler of Spokane, has accepted a
position in the jewelry house of
Louis Hunzlker, of this city, and will
be hero In a short time to commence
work. Mr. Sawtell Ib a Pendleton
boy, his mother and slaters being res
idents of this city, and his many
rrlends will bo pleased to learn or his
Visitors From North Daklta.
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Mudgett. of
Sanborn. N. D., reached tho city this
attornoon and are the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. C. A. Cameron. Mrs. Mud
gott Is Mr. Cameron's sister, and they
have not mot in nearly 20 years.
They will visit horo for some little
Miss Audra Dutton has return-id
from a visit with friends in Dayton.
where she spent tne nonaays.
It Will Grace -the Bickers Hotel Par.
lor Hereafter.
H E. Bickers has been holding the
lucky ticket in tho piano contest at
tbp Alexander Department utore
over since tne iickui mm m,
some tlmo ago, but did not know that
ho had it until at- the suggestion of
a friend he looked over the dozen
tickots he held and found that he was
the winner. He will place his prlzo
in the parlors of the Hotel Bickers.
Two Indian Drunks.
Two Indians took too much Are
water last night to keep out the cold,
nnd were arrested, One of them
S 'j , 1. . ,..unrV- r, for his fine, but
the other was broke and Is, now In
the city jail keeping company wiw
Inn negro who Ib there for a week or
A. W. Connett in the City.
A. W. Connett, of Seattle. Is In the
.11.. fni- n short business visit, Mr.
rt?,nntt io hero iii tho Interest of
tho Woodmen of the World as a spec
1.1 n.ontiivr iTn W&H formerly a
n-Bldont of this city, where ho taught
In one of tho schools and nt the same
tlmo studied law
Twenty-two persons were inuruor
ed In Denver during 1903. The mur
derer wns capturod In 17 lustancos.
Living Expenses Are' Very High In
Isolated Dlsttlct.
A. Wayland and C. W. Stallings
have returned from Thunder Moun
tain and report- that tho outlook is
very satisfactory and that "much de
velopment work will bo carried on
during the winter, says tho Spokauo
While tne mines are well stocked
with supplies, It Is feared that n
h.nrtftfii will !w. AvnnrlAnrail liftfnf-A
spring, as the merchants failed to
I1RVP thrtil f-Miiita ni-mieht in hnlnti.
iiiu iieavy mil oi snow, riour is nuw
seuing at jiu per sacn, nacon ni nu
cents per pound, condensed milk at
a.. . . .... ..I
selling at $10 per sack, bacon at ii0
to per case. Kerosene at . pur
case, and other supplies In like pro-
puiliuu. I
Tknrn n.a It .1 1 .-., I nwiooi l lrs
operating in Thunder Mountain this
season outside or the base bell wliere
several companies are working tarso
The Dewey is working day ami
night with a tull rorce or about 30
men. The reports rrom their upper
and lower tunnels are very promls-
ing and great results are expected
. ... . . ... r
irom mis projieriy. tne ommymiiu, i
under the management or Lee Ab-
. ti n
bott, Is working a tull foT
. . . .....
Pendleton Academy, Weston Normal
t ..iia i-.ii tAttii j rui t
ana mmon onege win ocuu ucim
egates of at Least Ten Students
O. R. & N
Has Offered Reduced I
Rate for the Occasion
Whitman College will hold the first
annual Illble Study institute- ever
. . i
Z Ll o" ' SSS
... V" BSOC'a"on' , , . ,,.
All the colleges and academies 1 1
. : - "
the country adjacent to tt al la AS alia
have been Invited, to send . Wte
to tins institute, tn nopes oi oecom-
ng acquainted wltn aim or aro sing
interest u tne worn, in ti e umei-
ent institutions. At iea ten
gates will go irom Pendleton acaue-
my. Weston, Normal and Columbia
college at Milton anu an important
and prontalile meeting is oxpecieu.
l-eimieton acanemy ib uug
rioon intnroRt in tin. ineetiuir and inei
--. -
young men going trom nere win S
prepared to take advantage 01
oiiportunlty to learn and get In ttm-li
with tho wnrlc
TI... I.nabnt lnll lontn nf the (Hf
ir.iont InstitutionK will Way at leaHt
two games dm Ing tho meeting, ami
the team from tno renuieion uuu.u
mv oxnects to take tiart In one nf
tho efimps. Those eoIiic trom tho
nomlomv nro ns follows: Wllllalll I
I.alng. James R. Thomjison, Herbert
noerch. Horacu Cneney, J. reeuiei
lioercn, noi-aco tucm-j. j- --"
... . ti. ..11 1 1..1.
K, IJ. wame. ivrieign jiuoo.-h, iuu-
. .. .... 1 itttlll...n
sav Conner, Hoy i-enmnu, nimuui
.... i.r.tt.. ....I
IIOWUIU, Call iuiud, tt.o t...ft...
Mr. Stone, superintendent 01 iiioioi win iuei ,uoiuiu,.
...... 1. .i 1. r ,i... v m n A I The nther (illlcers of the asBocia
1'UIIIUUU UIUI1I.11 vi ..... , '", -".1
,,, , . . 1 .. nr. in 1 ni
Will UO IllvSVill nuu iov 1'-. I tn v
incetlo. Mr. Stone Is one of tho
ntnet nrtiv.. wnrkm a nn the coast
and his Bervices will be beneficial In
tho extreme to tho college boys mi-
OoriaKlug hub movemeiu. n
Intontion to hold these meetings leg-
ularly hereafter, and all tho colleges
In the Inland Empire1 are expected
........ ,1.. ...n-i. ...,,ii
to gradually joiu in mv "um .... win uu cuuiiuuuu um iiumifi t- -this
Bible Institute becomes n fea- maindcr of tho week, und perhaps
tun- of the midwinter terms, with iater. Rev. O. W. Compton, of La
.llniri liot.l nl illffl'll'Tll nlaCCS ('U (.' Il
1 ne U. II. ot r. una uuuiuu a iv
duced .rate for the occasion and the
.11.. ...... .nlln.. -InlnvfltlnnK fmm
UIUVIUUV VUUCav uvtvB""-""
1 1 .1111. nro i.raontlv ffin llORl-
uuiuiinu yvuuvj O - -
cd uy wnitman to uiku pan m "--
meeting and make a goou snuwuu;
at the 'first institute. Following is
the program for the occasion
Friday Evening, Jan. 8.
?!tn.nmn!iiii exercises.
Opening addresB, "The Claims of
tho Bible Upon Young Men," Reno
Hutculnsou, reugious airaw, i-mv
land Y. M. U. A.
a : 00 Informal reception.
'Saturday Morning, Jan. 9.-r.-nn
Oniot hnur
X!00 Devotional half hour, led by
l. N. Parraelec, U. of W.
AHrintRR. "Tne Neva, imnur'
tance and Benefits of Personal Bible
Himiv" nonn Hutchinson.
q.M Trnlnlnir rlaBta. "Ufe '-f
PhrlRt " W Mnrrltt.
itl-AK "AotR anil KDlbllOH. IV.
I J.it r.i Itinnn
Aildress, "Jlornlng Watch," A. J.
Fleming, U. of l.
buiuraay Alivruuuu
1:00 Devotional half hour, led br
nn Pnllnr Dalian college.
Saturday Alternoon
1-nn riovntlnnal half
linn Pnllni llallajl COlleKO
1:30 Address, -moio owui mm
Kvanuollsm." Am. S. Alleu, general
bt-cretary, aeattie, wasn.
2130 Ulole stuay leauuio tumvr
euce, Reno Hutcninson.
tJllVCs IVt'UU I lUVi.uiMfJvu,
3:10 Bible study chairmen o"l
j. .i..,mon 11 rirnhani. Whitman.
LUIIUIltvvuivu, . . (
.. . a I!.. .........
UntiirHnv tfvenhiir
Reception to visiting delegates i't
Reynolds hall.
Sunday Morning, Jan, 10.
7vn nulot hniii.
0:30 oong service, led by W. Mer-
Si:4G Devotional hour, subject
. ..i... tr l.lf.ffl,t
jeaus ijiuioi, r, .-I....... m.
11 :0U Service at Congrslini.l
..iniioh "MoasnKii of the Gpsnfls," S.
H, U. Penrose.
Mii'nilnv Afternoon. '
3:30 Men's meeting,' Alien.
Sunday Evening.
7 an Address. "The PioBent Oil
- 1 orUmlty," E N i.arineloe
- ; Z.var Xoii meetiiiK.
Has Had Wide Railroad Experience
on Many Roads O. R. &. N. Sue
cess Largely Due to His Manage,
ment and Foresight Would Not
Refuse Presidency.
A I Tnh.ii.. nrnclilont itt tlui O
i-.v...... v,.
H- & "'"X c promoted tu the
t.n.t,lnnn.. t9 flu. ITltlrMI lnntni It,
t" ---"- v...., ...
l'lco of President Horace Q. Hurt,
."' ft "
lailll liailCr.
The announcement of the retire-
"'"i " i-n-Biuum im w "
surprise, but was quickly followed by
gossip as to tho probable successor.
Some or tlu Kastern papers yrsier-
day coupled tho news of tho reslgna-
tlon or Mr. Hurt with the mention or
Vice President Thorno, of the Texas
& Pacific, a Qoillil road, as succos-
citi- I., tii.nl'ntm I Ii i, vnlln.ml ninn
think Mohler has an excellent clinncu
fif Mi ii I vru 1 1 titi
fnr tho iwmltlnn.
Since ho entered railroad servieo
ar an offlce clerk for the Clilcngo A:
Nnrthwestern. nt tlalt. 111., In ISfiS,
Mr. Mohler has, by his energy and
ability, won steady promotion.
1H i-fillwnt- nvnnrlnnrn hnn Ini-tnd.
ed one year as station ngont, tho noxt
ns clerk in tno auuuors oiuce, two
years of service as traveling auditor
nml iilnnoor noont. twn vonrn or chief
clcrk 11,0 freight department, one
yoar aR nasstnnL fi0ncral freight
Hhviii) oia jviiia tin ht.tiLiti ..v..n.v
niTont nurllncrtmi noilni llnntilR AV
Northern, three and one-half years as
, , fl , ,
M ImiitnnnHn & Mnnltnhn. nmv flrrut
- . . . : 7
iyi iiu'i 11, in w iiiLii i (Mill uu nun oun
jf-nmmtlv f-ntittonlltll'itli- lilliil i-mnmlM.
I (Jnnor. ironernl frnlchl nirotit. uenir-
ii,.in,t,im.i nusiutixit iton.r:ii
niniinL'of ;mil ponernl mnnnenr.
wncii lie lett j, j, inn no uecnme
general manager of tho Minneapolis
A Qt I iuiIr nml thitll I'nnin tn Pill t-
'.?.ni' lm!L;,0,," .!.8.iI?.Vi
iir iiii ii if x rsi. i mi i I'uiiLi itiiiiiu
' ,,, ,;, i, ,8ohh and earning or
!! 18 "-rgelr attribute,, ..
ntu onoriB
Mr. Mohler's ability and record
. , .n ... ,,
occas-onii In tecent years
. mentioned In con-
. . . m.08lllolu,v ()f KnH.
, horctoforo r.,fl.a0(,
,0 u,avo Ulo a & N ,mt n8 ,
. ,,,..,. la also a Hnrrlimin line
,h.i,i i, w.n.1,1 refuso tlm
nm),,,,.nc,. ()f lllu laltor ,r t.
: d tQ M,m
0np n (mm ,hu Ea8l ,mB ,t
, . resignation of Mr. nurt aroso
., .1...
. ,roni n uigaKiccnienL uciweeii inu
......i,..,., ,,,. Mr. llnrrlman. chnlr
mau of tll0 boarili ,j,.rt waa a HtronK
ailvocatt! ccu work tho mil-
road shops, which Mr. Harrlmnu Ihih
oulereil nbollslicd.
H. J, Stlllman Elected Officer in State
At the meeting of tho Oregon Klsli
nml n-imit A cunplnt Inn hnhl In Port-
. ,v . V ,.',., u.iii .
inn,! nt Kntiitiiut- hint II. .1 Htlllnian.
...,u v . -- -- --- -
I ..r llitu ,i lu ...nu himnniil with tho (if.
w ton, ...u, n..o --.
I n... ,.r ..l.n ..-..til.!,.., .if tin, nuuriolll.
. . .,
tlon. alul ne received his notification
---- ri .
. nu 11 1 Pmsldent. A. C. Panton:
. ' .' . . .
secretary, A. E. Oebhail; treasurer,
John Crcn,
- -
At South Methodist Church.
j ine revival sorvice in inu nuiun
Methodist church last night was of
great interest to the congregation
Kathered to hear It, and the BcrleB
i . . , .ii . i . . -1 .. ,i,
I f! rn II ,1 o Io In tllll pftV Illlll Will COn
duct the services at tho church this
i evening. Mr. iuuiihuu n n biuh-v"
an(j convincing speaker and It will
I I... n ..loftcliro tn MutOll tfl hill rit-
I UI. j J n. . . " - -
I n. n tt
Tke Until Bromo Quialna ImbleU. All
drvcsUU rthind the mMir II II lll ,ta slu.
B. W. Uroia's ilfMtoi on iui doi.
Boston Store
w r. nmirrla Shoes for
Men,' $3.50 and $4.00.
Aliui thn Pintrree Gloria
i ----- n r-f
ghoes for Wonion, $33U.
The Little Red Schooliumee
Biioea for Children,
Thn nhove three linen aro
he hefit for the money.
I V. .1 ...I w.n 1...
lie sure anu nunuta ui
aini.it, mi tho sole, as it has
onmn to our notice that oth
er? are felling their BhoB for
the above brand.
Boston Store
One Hundred Thousand Pounds of
Freight on Road.
Knun. It. , . . ttlatnrv nt tttn i-nnill
has thoro boon mor" freight going
into tho Hump than at tho present
time. During this week Flank Urown
has loaded 26 tour-horse teams with
nnntli. 1An nnn tinnniln nt frnlctht nmt
tk. ... j vv,wv I'v.i ...... w i .....o..
then was short of freighters. All of
tlieso teams are now on tno roau anil
comprise a 10-stamp mill with rock
ni-ltan.it- nml f-nnnnntt-ntrt.- trtr tho
Jumbo besides a largo amount of,
equipment for the Cracker Jack.
Tnc roads into tne mountains
nlinvn tlto .ir.ii.i- lino am In ttoort r . i II .
dltlon and lr no storm occurs within
tho next row days tney win uo pack
od as hard as Ice. Tho snow road Is
rnnlilK lutpfimlmr iiiinulnr u.'lth thn
trelghters, as the absence of rocks.
slumps anu nines more man roaKcs -
tit. for tint nvtrn post tif hiirim fond
and cold weather. With trelght go-
ing in as II Is ius wituer, no irouiuo
la evperleneeil In keeping the road
.m.itt iin.1 n trlt. tn tho llnmti Id nnnf
practically a continuous sleigh ride.
(irnngevllln we rress.
Had Wrona Face Alona.
Just ono kiss," tho lover pleaded.
"N11 Imlooil ' tho l.inlilnn snld.
All his coaxing went unheeded.
"Not a ono til wo aro wed.
Wasn't she precise and prim
Not to glvo one Kiss to nimi
Not that kissing was distasteful;
Neither would tho girl tmvo cared
Or colled ten or twenty wnstetul
ttn.l nho nnlv rnmn iirnnnrnri
lint, she reared her mado comploxlon
WDittdn I insto line iresn couiecuon.
Umatilla Will Receive Consignment
From Government Hatcheries.
11 1 stlllniHii Ima received a lotter
rrom George M. Rowers, tho United
States commissioner of ilsh nnd Ash
nrlou In which tin Htntcs that thn
sMirtsnien's association of this city
will bo shlppod a consignment oi
trout during the season of 1901.
Tho nRuoclntlon will jo notified In
tlmo so Ihu members can tnko prop
er measures ror the disiriimuon 01
the Ilsh when they come, nnd for
their proper protection after they are
In the streams,
Many New Settlers Coming Into the
Stokes Settlement on the Colom
bia. H. G. Hurlhurt, a civil engineer who
has ' been employed at tho siokob
nml nml Wninr fiimnnnv h Irrigation
project for somo tlmo past, Ib In the
city today and reports many now am-
IterB coming into Morrow coumjr,
with teams, cowb, implements and
household goods, prepared to make
homes on tho Irrigated tractB pur
chased from the company nt 8tokos,
or Irrlgon, ns now called,
Mr. Hurlburt reportB about tho
same amount of snow nt Echo as at
Pendleton. .
Special Goods
Special Prices
zr.i.i.."".'x-." '" 1 l
Large -iliy Clocks, kooi f
liniekeejiers 1
4a. 95, worth $4.00
Fine Line of Toilet Soap
ac to 10c a box
Tablets, Complete lines from
5c to 35c
New boards, linens and
cream laid.
Frederick Nolf
School Supplies
Leave Your Orders With
All towns alttng Um Mne of tii
W. & Columbia Hirer lUltroad
urn buy from uh in carlosul
lots at very leaaonable priotni.
Phone Main 1741
Walter's Fl6uring Mills
Cupaclty, 150 barrels a day. '
Flour exchanged for wheat.
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped JT
etc., always on hand. - i.