East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 05, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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tt I'nitttoa, Orrgxra, by tb
bout. Malu U.
ir by t
Dully, slj months by mull .
Dally, tbrre mouths by mnll
cany, uu monm oy man
. .15.00
. . . 'j.no
... 1.2.1
... .BO
It. iwr month bv carrier ftt
Wwlly. une year by mall 1.B0
UMkly, U months by mall ?S
Weekly, (our mouths by mall ..... .SO
cml.Vrkly, one yar by mall .... 2.00
Km.Vwklj, six months by mall . . 1.00
'MulWwklj, thr months by mall .. .30
The lvH Ortconlan Is on sal at It. It.
Mich's Sons Htaniln at Hotel I'ortland and
Hotel IVrklns. I'ortland, Oregou.
Member Scrlpps-Mcltae
News Assocla-
Han Francisco Ilureau, 408 Fourth Ht.
Chicago Ilureau, DOO Security ltulldlng.
Waiblngton, 1). C. Ilureau. 501 14th St.,
entered at I'eudleton postofflce as seccond
class matter.
lltli'llty to duty mid capacity (or hard
work Is due tho BcarchliiE Invuatlsa
tltinn, In tin donnrtmont. 1'rcsldctit
MuKlnluy Font Ilrlatmv to Culm to
unearth tlin Scoloy and llathliono
croolicdni-s.s In tlto Havana iost!(f-tin-
and Ills work thou Is ti mutter ot
history In making illaclosiiroH in
that caso ho inailo Mttcr onom'oH
among tin loaders ot his party, but
President lloosovelt, rccoBiiLliif; ills
keen Ki'cint and (earless clmrnctor,
gave tin .ask of mnkltif; the recent
Investigations winch havo resulted In
the illacharEC of some of the most
prominent heads of departments and
the arrest of over twenty officials,
Ilriatow came from the common ieo-
pic and when It Is known that ho Is
a Kenttteklan by birth nnd a nowana-
per man by training, people will not
wonder at his unshakable nerve and
You wear one face In the
cotmtinj: house.
And another one with your
Itut the one you wear with
"finr secret self
Is the meanest and the
One you wear with the artful
And one with your bosom
Another in that doubtful world
Where Lovo and Avarice
You may wear them all In the
Jostling world.
Fearless and unafraid
Ilut you can't deceive St.
When you leave this masque
rade !
Hon Huffman.
There Is no right minded citizen ot
Oregon who will complain of the in
creased state tax lov.c, occasioned by
four of the moat praiseworthy ap
propriations over made by an Oregon
legislature namely the Lewis unci
Clark fair, the Indian war veterans'
I pension, the Culllo canal right of way
4, : aim tut portage roan. 11 is a pleasure
1 task to pay taxes for such significant
1 causes. Each 0110 of these history-
I making appropriations will forever
redound to the credit of the legisla
tures which passed them and to the
broad-minded spirit of the masses
which heartily answered "Amen" as
they were recorded In the annals of
the state. Used a.i Intelligent lovers
the portage road, the canal right of
way and fair appropriation will lift
the commercial Interests of the state
4, 1 to the highest rank in the sisterhood
of the Pacific Coast They are but
1 small gateways leading to the splen-
T 1 did era which lies beyond and the
4. 1 people who conceived, prompted and
The horoscope cast for t,lm year
lo:t foretold that It would bo a year
of iihenoniona,- of calamity, ot ele
mental convulsion and wrath, of wnrs
and rumors of wars. The dismal
forecast had more tlinn been Instilled
ore the year wns well Upon lis
course, blit the Inst days are filling
to the brim the blttur cup m:m-.
kind somewhere must drain to the
dregs. The holiday season has boon
crow (Icit with sudden nnd shocking
visitations while war with Its grim
visage and cruel decrees .seems near
to our shurcs as well as to those or
friendly states,
The henrt sinks at the recurring
stories of destruction 11ml death that
so suddenly have overwhelmed m
many prosperous and happy bomcn.
The same throngs that yest onlay
were reading with pity the sad and
awful tragedy that had fallen upon
other lives, wore oven tlion making
ready for tne holocaust that was to
consume them,
St It has been from the llrst. So
it is now In Bplto of nil theories uml
safeguards, It mny continue this way
to the end No man can be sure that
he is safe or exempt anywhere In this
world. It Is that kind of a world.
We can only grieve over th6 disasters
that befall others, llml hope In ralth.
and go forward In resignation, pa
tience and fortitude. Lewlston Trilt-ur.c.
In the Jammed and pouncing street
car I was hanging to a strap,
Trvlng hard to keep from sitting In
koine lutnl strnngor's Inn;
Kvory time wo stopped somu otherB
scrambled hurriedly aboard,
While In tones thnt thrilled with
earnestness the blue-clad mint
"O, there's plenty room up ront there
ir you'll move along and hunt
Stop a little lively. peop for there'H
Front "
It we'd heed that little lesson as wo
struggle day by day;
Tolling 011 and tolling onwnrd In a
dull, hnlMieartud way.
If we'd make a resolution that we'd
do our work so well
That unless the others hustled we'd
bo curtain to excel,
Wo would icol a lot less crowded on
we do our dally stunt
It we'd "stop a little lively" there'd
Up '
Front." 1
-Ilaltlmoie American, j
All persons knowing
themselves to he in
debted to me will
call and settle their
their accounts as I
need the money.
I Conrad Platzoeder
Meat Market
conilorUble rooms from 24
cents up. Nuwljr furnished
throUKboul. (iuecn Chop Home
In connection Meals at all
hours. Only whlto holp em
ployed. Otvc us a trial, y -.
executed these vast commercial de-
If the Htisso-Japanesc war adds a
cent a pound to the Eastern Oregon
boot steer. It will not have been in
signs must be ranked as the true
makers of the Industrial history of
the state.
A. L. Jlohlor. president of the O. K.
& N., deserves to be made president
of the Union Pacific. .Mr. .Mohlor has
! j exhibited his ability as a successful
W J. llryan don't need the prusl-, railroad manager in tho phenomenal
deney to complete his glory. On his ' growth of business on the O. H. & N.
European triji he has proved that ho under his management Ho has "x-
is a newspaper correspondent par ex
cellence. There is nothing further to
aspire to.
The hullillng ot a beet sugar fac
tory In Umatilla county and the di
vision of tho mrge farms Into small,
highly cultivated tracts, means that
the value of the tillable lands of the
county, now placed at J3,2fi7,S28,
vsould be increased at least 10 per
tent Inside of three years. That Is
the record In Union county, and It
will be repeated here.
Before it Is time to buy file, for
next winter, Pendleton hopes to havo
stored in her bins and sheds a suffic
ient supply of Hoppner coal to warm
her feet for the season. It is the log
ical fuel supply for this city, nnd all
efforts should bo bent in that direc
tion. It is hoped by Eastern Oregon"
that the mines are as Inexhaustible
as they appear to be now.
It is hoped that the cut in the sal
ary of city marshal is only tempor
ary. The council is to be commended
for its effort to economize in uxpon
ses, but tho people who are sincere
ly interested In good government do
not beliovo that the pay of a public
official should be so low that It would
fall to bo a stimulant to good service.
The motto should be to pay well and
require good work.
The first real snow storm of tho
winter visited Umatilla county on
January 4. Heforo Thanksgiving,
Iowa, Illinois, Missouri and other
Eastern states had suffered intensely
cold spells and the extreme East had
ceji more biting wintry weather up
to Christmas than is experienced in
Pendleton in three winters. Is It any
wonder the West-bound homeseekor
trains are loaded?
Who will bo tho first Pendleton
minister to ask for the removal of
the womt-n'R lints In church? The
custom is Jn vogue In smaller nnd
less progressive townH than Pendle
ton. The Justice and common sense
features of the custom will be rec
ognized by all at a glance nnd tho
only reason that It is not practised
universally is that nobody makes the
start. If you can't seo tho minister
hs be speaks, the sermon falls flat,
It should not bo necessary to ask
tho women to start tho practise, but
they should inaugurate It by commou
consent and example. Hegln tho now
year rlgnt.
Tho January number ot tho Kuvluw
ot Reviews contains a character
sketch ot Joseph U Urlstow, fourth
assistant postmaster-general, former
ly ot ICansas, who has become such
a terror to tho thlevos In tho postof
flce dopartment. Urlstow has been
Justly called tho "watch dog of the
postolllce," and to his unwavering
hibited his common sense nnd sta
bility of character in the host of
friends he has made for himself and
his company while occupying this
high position in the commercial cir
cles of the West, and he has exhibit
ed hi genius of generalship in 'he
high esteem in which he is held by
the employes in every uepartment cf
the O. It. & N. system. When an O.
It. & N. employe walks into Mr.
.Mulder's office with a Just grievance,
ho finds himself In the presence of n
big-hearted, broad-minded, just man,
commonplace and approachable and
conersant with the minutest details
of the service. No man was over
turned away from this office wlthvit
having been made to feel that ho
would receive absolute Justice. He la
a plain, broad-guage business m.in,
ripe with priceless experlenco In
every branch of railroading and
would take control of the great Union
Pacific system with tho ease and
grace of a master. To his evenly
balanced mind and clear senso of
Justice is largely duo tho extremely
friendly relations existing between
the 0. It. & N". compnny nnd Its boat
of employes and his administration
of the affairs of the Union Pacific
would have an especially beneficial
effect Just now, whan a master hand
Is needed there.
lluddba, the great religious teacher
of India, has at tho present time
about 300,000,000 follower!). Condens
ed into 10 short precepts, his doc
trines may bu given as follows:
1. From tho meanest Insect up to
man, thou shalt kill no animal what
ever. 2. Thou shalt not steal.
3. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
I. Thou shalt speak no word that
is false.
C. Thou snalt drink no wine or
anything to intoxicate,
6. Thou shalt avoid all anger,
hatred and bitter language.
7. Thou shalt -not Indulge In idle
or vain talk.
8. Thou shall not covut thy neigh
bor's goods.
9. Thou shalt not harbor pride,
envy, rovengo or malice, nor dosiro
the death or misfortune of thy neigh
bor. 10. Thou shalt not follow the doc
trines of strangn gods.
Kvor since tho passage by the Htuto
legislature of tho hill making appro
priation for tho Ht. Louis and Port
land expositions, It has been persist
ently predicted that tho appropria
tion was ridiculously Inadequate.
Though Idaho cannot afford to mako
bucIi a splurge lis many of her olcUr
sister states, ths commissioners feol
that tho stato has more need of ad
vertising and mora resources to ad
vertise Already tho commissioners
havo received applications for assist
ance In gathering exhibits needed
from all over the atato, which, If
granted, would aggrcgulo over 1150,
000, UoUb Statesman.
Tho loss of over 600 lives In In
huming of the Iroquois thenter at
Chicago on December L'O Is tho worsi
holocaust In the history of American
fires. Other fearful aceldeutH of a
similar nature nio as follows:
At a Hie which occurred in a ltii'li
nioud, Vn., t boa tor during tho thlid
or fourth decade of tho last contiii
some. JUO people of that city nnd 'he
vicinity perished.
Two thousand people iMirlsbed lit
tho burning of the Jesuit church. Sui'-
ti.igo. ChllO, December S, 181,3,
In a fire wlijh broke out on De
cember G, 1S7C, during a presentation
of "The Two Orphans" at the Drunk-
lyu theater, 21)2 lives were lost, many
by H lug trampled to death.
On December S, 1881, 0110 of 1I0
most disastrous coullngratioiiK as to
the loss of life, that ever occurrrcd 1
broke out In the King theater, Vicu
na, and 1,000 iieoplo -lost their lives.
A flru In the Opera Comlquo, Pans.
.May 25. 1887. destroyed from 2o
-100 lives.
At the Charity Ilazaar. Paris, May
D, 1S97, more than 150 persons per-,
ished by being trampled down and 1
burned to death, most of whom wnro
titled ladies.
On March 17, 1899. the Wlndsur
hotel In New York city was destroj-'
ed by fire and 1,ri persona perished.
A small bottle of Scott's
Emulsion costing fifty cents
will last a baby a month a
fowl drops in its bottle each
time it is fed. That's a small
outlay for so larje a return of
health and comfort.
Habies that are given
Scott's Emulsion quickly re-
spond to its helpful action.
It seems to contain just the
elements of nourishment av
baby needs most. j
Ordinary food frequently
lacks this nourishmentjScott's
Emulsion always supplies it.
We'll send )ou jl Minple free ujmhi trrjurtt.
MOITX IIOWNr ) I'cul Mrt, N'ew Voik.
Dear this In mind wbon you
need poultry and stock supplies J
uuu unit iui lue luiurnaiionn
Poultry and Stock Pood. Use
Kow Kuro for your cow trou
bles. C. F. Colesworthy
127 139 East Alta St.
Agont for Leo's Lice Killer
ni: . uuve IS
- HUUSP llnr.L.
1.0 . I.. 1,
7 l 01 Bakir
, aim (hi
.AI1 NndsoltMi
nimiirv je. pi.,
Room in t..i
Should have that best ol
DRY and FINE, that
you will find with
Also your (Jhristinus Coal.
Try it.
H. Hool.ur & Co.. IlufTnlo. N. j thutjch's. i-hnne llain mi.'
cute Dyspepsia and all
arising from Indigestion,
by physicians everywhere.
uo pay. 25 cent.'
For sale by V. W. Schmidt & Co.
Trial package free oy writing to
No cure.
--' it. n
rt - A
uua item p.STttt
I! Rlnit. mnJ,
.-yvs item
w vat
mini modem ui
uib nauu of
rami i.r - ,
tllOIHfinft t.1
wneaitand, Qj
U. I). BUYU. Ill
C I I. .1. f
-u anu auer April i,
the Pendleton AUkiihS
will be:
rvnuiflWD vo uilu,J,rsu
dleton toAltn.ins.rwnJtni
to Kldsje. K. room tni, nio:
i, . k . . .j . , . -
nr. ..1 mm
vve vvanx mone
We want to make January and February hummers, and propose to make
them record breakers, We are going to accomplish our desire by offer-:
uig iaic iiiiruwcuiciiia in me way oi cut prices. Any article in our store
is now offered at a reduction of 20 per cent This means that 80 cents.
uniialc $1 00 anri $i OA irate tC AH ,M4t, t A
Fleece lined, all coiors, icgular i.oo
kind, now Soc
Ribbed, all colors, regular gi.oo
kind, now , Hoc
All wool, any weight, any color, regu
lar $2.00 suit, naw ti.Oo
Egyptian comb balluiggan, regular'
$2 50 kind, now , $200
All wool,- pink, blue or laveder, rcgu-
$3cooods, now .....'.$3.40
Silk and wool, blue and pink striped,
regular price $4.00, .now.. ,L. . , . .3.20
Other high grade underwear at propor
tionate reductions.
50c kind, 35c. 73c kind, 30c. 1.00 kind,
75c. $j.35 kipd, 90c. $1.50 kind, Ji.is
We wish to dispose of every pair of
glores in our store.
Macjtciaaw Coats and
Mackinaw coats, $4.00, now. . . . '. . , $3.00
Mackinaw pants, $400. now.,., $3.00
Working Shirts
50c kind, 40:. 75c kind, Coc. $1 00
kind, 75 ti 25 kind, 5t,oo. 150 kind,
$1 15.
Winter Caps
25c kind, 20c. 50c kind, 40c. 75c kind, '
doc. $1.00 kind, 8oe. $1.25 kind, ti.oo.
$1 50 kind, $1. 1 j.
Corduroy Pants
The kind sold by otuurs for $3.00, and
sold regularly by us for $2.00 this sale
ti 50, one half what others will ask you
for them.
Neckwear ,
Midget string ties, regular 25c, now
two for 35c
50c Four-in-hand ,r Tecks -kc
75c Ties 40c
Si.oo Ties eoc
20 per cent Ofi
i . V,! sir
inr nriHC iiai.ii jiv
j t - " j - t- 1 -H.
1 large line ot arKcc -
1 a. PatnlMS Slllfc ,
ums uuu ni'iwusi
- ,
... in fllitS
jucuhi mum.-"
' order Twenty per
- 9 . - t,tt Hit
the remi ar once during ' - .
. remilar onces of suits oue "
ranges . from 12.50 --'
O w 1 .ur
... tipiter
cent aiscouni.
... .m
,T f.. ,n, I'nil IU '
..irrcnt h.irpainS We ai
o easurc in suuib -
buy or not.
. 1