DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1904. Important Sale of Wrappers ONE WEEK ONLY f ...mnni nf Flannelette Wranners. made in ill.- t (Its in tancy iib"'-o nmKa, juuuiuci mines, ftcc. Worth $2.oo. 4 t 1 i 4- Sale' Price, $1.38 A money saver. Great Value LEXANDER'S DEPARTMENT STORE PLUMBING Our Work and the Bill U Will ctnnrl rnmnnricnn witli tliH tel ' m of 'cm. The work is as near perfec tion as humans can attain the price therefor as cheap as anybody should 33 expect. We do all kinds of sani tary plumbing and gas fitting, and r.harL't! vou not immoderately. L-et U J - nr 1 r I r mil I nnrELilv in our line. . CLARKE & Co, 211 Court Street tf H"l 1 1 WH HHHH 1. J. A.. 1 f J i .f i TiiIiiTi JiiIiiIt MOVED TO . - 4. 5 East Court Street i - 1 liday Prices Now Placed on all Pianos (b Organs fars, Mandolins, Violins, Sheet Music and Holiday Goods lee Month's Free Instruction Given with Each Piano Sale HAND EMPIRE MUSIC f COMPANY East, Court, Street Phone Red t i$i THE nwsri" i ?E MOBT, WHOLESOME "Jui'JSRLy MILLED WITHOUT A SUPERIOR- ERS BEST FLOUR The Standard of Excellency. LETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byets, Proprietor. I.L farms phi SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA THE SCENE OF GREAT PROSPERITY Eastern Capitalist Conceives Plan of Establlshlnq a colony of Small Farmers in the Desert Water Fur. nlshcd from Artesian Wells HIah- ..-... kny Illicit viivv the Desert Baffled Settlers. Washington, Jan. 3. A previous letter In this series cave a brief ac count of the 20-acro alfalfa farms, supplemented by cows and creamer ies, which a Chicago man thinks Is Just the thins for the lands now-be ing ungated on the Colorado desert, in southeastern California, and which he Is backing with his money by as sisting small settlers to get a start. These 20-acrc farms furnish a striking contiat with' those of 320 and 640 acres which are being ac quired In the same section under tho desert land law. But hero Is the story of another man one of .tho richest manufacturers In the Missis sippi valley who thinks that 20 acr.is makes a farm just four times too big for tho average settler who has little to Invest except his labor and brains. This other manufacturer is N. O. Nelson of St. Louis, who conducts a model profit-sharing Industrial town at Leclalrc, Illinois, across the river from tho great Missouri metropolis. Mr. Nelson is a genuine philanthro pist, though of a practical kind, since Ills idea is to help people to help themselves and to show them how to become Independent Instead of de pendent. For years ho has been casting eyes toward the deserts of tho West. He was looking for a place where poor people who are out of health, particularly with pulmonary or throat diseases, might go and forget their Ills while engaged In profitable out door pursuits. Health In the Desert. He wanted a very dry place whro tho air is filled with healing balm and whore the sunshine takes tho place of drugs and artificial heat. He found this ideal spot on tho western edgo of tho desert, about 120 miles east of Los Angeles. Hero he established the Indo Health Camp about IS months ago. Hfi bought a tract of land which is Irrigated by nrtesian wells' and pro ceeded to erect cheap but comforta ble quartets for his colonists whom lie had no difficulty in securing in ample numbers. Mr. Nelson believes that true pros perity in the land of Irrigation is to bo had by tho Intensive cultivation of 11 lit farms rather than tho wasteful tilling of big ones. And at Indio ho believes five acres are enough. v- On these smnll areas his settlers are raising table grapes, melons, sweet potatoes and other products which aio readily sold In nearby mar kets at fancy price?. In that favored 8i-ct these garden crops mature ear lier than elsewhere In California and aio therefore very profitable. Tim Indlo people believe they will achieve Independence before many of their tend hungry neighbors, who a-.c acquiring from G4 to 12S times r.s much land under tho desert land law ns they aro buying from Mr. Nelson at tost price and paying for with the pri.feeds of their land and labor. The truth of tho matter Is that the people of Indlo are making homes and tilling the land, while their more acquisitive neighbors aro speculating in the nubile domain. Tlilt. speculation will go on as jong a.i the land laws continue to favor huinau greed rather than human need. The desert land net act er!y enables tho acquirement of large tracts of tovcrnment land, but It m nuires no settlement or residence whatever. William K Smythe. to Roosevelt nnd Warrens. They own a very valuable plot of ground there and raise all kinds of smill fruits, as well as grains nnd farm products, Mrs. Simon had an unusu ally large crop of strawberries last year, from which she made 60 gallons of strawberry wine. This she sells for $2 a gallon. Two years ago Mm. Simon loft her homo and walked SO miles over tho snow to t.ie nearest railroad station. She determined -to come to Holsp with her husband and undortook thp dan gerous Journey with him. Sh :vh that tile walk was nut ) dreadful as It Is pictured ami that she rather enjoyed iho experience. In crossing the swollen mountain streams her husband carried her, and tho rest of the Journey sho made by his side, walking along ns briskly tit ho. Mrs. Simon Is a very small, frail little woman, and to sou hor one would scarcely believe, her powers of endurance sufficient to stand a ) mile trip over snow-covered mountain trails, Mrs. Simon had tho novel experi ence of watching tho great rush tint was made Into Rooseveit two yoars ago. She said that at any tlmo that sho looked out of her windows, day or night, she could see tho crowd o eager men, with their horses und dogs, tramping along the road to the gold fields ahead. After a short visit In Welser, whoro Mr. Simon now Is, they will probably go to Seattle to visit their chlldrun. who aro in school there. MICKEY FINN TONIGHT. Bright Farce Comedy at the Frazer Opera House This Evening. Mickey Finn, which comes to he Frazer opera houso tonight,' promises to be cie of the brightest farce com edy offerings of tho season. Rubo Welch and Kittle Francis 'arc tho stars. In this city at least they 'en quire no Introduction. During the last half dozen years these artists have been hero often, nnd have gain ed the reputation of being thoroughly capable and conscientious entertain ers. Rut in years gone by they had no' such pretenuous pleco ns this. Mickey Finn is founded on Incidents Big Clearance Salef 2 Our Clearance Sale lias now comnlcnctd, and prices are g m cut on ninny linos nil over the More Do you need an ! Overcoat ? Buy it hero, whete you can save 40 per cent i fj over others' prices. All clothing is now reduced 20 per cent to reduce stock. Ladies' Coats and Suits at ACTUAL COST Misses' Long Coats reduced" to ACTUAL COST . 3 Ladies' Woolen Underwear, special reduction olaopereent g S Men's Woolen Underwear, special reduction ol so per cent W ft Men's Geiinan Socks at a reduction ol to per cent S Men s FeU Hoots and Overs reduced to per cent J STAPLES AT CUT PRICES All Outwit; Flannel, 7c grade, now 5c yard All Ontinp, Flannel, )c gride, now 7c yntd All Outinc Flannel, 10c and tic grades, new jc yard Woolen Flannels, worth 40c yard, now 30c ard, j Bid Com'oitc, nil Rrades reduced in price I THE FAIR l 'A a FRAZER THEATRE R. J. NIXON, Manager I'lionc Mnln 41 One Night OnlyTaesday. Jan. 5. Harry DeLane with "Mickey Finn.' taken from Krnest Jarrold's famous scries of stories. It requires a com plete set of scenery for each of the threo acts, and most elaborate cos tnmlnir. The Htars have met those requirements in n most unstinting manner, and havo surrounded them helves wlm a company of high class people. Oscar Lewis is seen in one of his Inimitable Swedish linpersona- tlnnc Itnrrv III- Ijiln. I Inllfornil'fl popular baritone, has a number of spies, while Illcuard i-TanK, singing and dancing comeuian, oners a novui nnd pleasing spuf-mity. SCHUBERT FEMALE QUARTET. Saved from Terrible Death. Tho family of Mrs. M. L. Bobbltt of ISargerton. Toun., saw her dying and were powerless to savo her. The moat skillful physicians and every lemedy used, failed, while consump ,.cn was slowly but surely taking her life. In this terrlblo hour Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption turn ed desnalr Into Joy. Tho first bottlo brought Ipimedlato relief and Its con tinued use completely cured her. It's the most certain cure In the world for all throat . and lung troubles. n.,oror.t..,l Unities Lfto and tl.OO. Trial Uottles. Fieo at Tallman & Co. IDAHO WOMAN'S EXPERIENCE. Walked Ninety Miles Over Snow Clad Mountains With Husband. Mrs J. M Simon, of Salmon rivsr, arrived In Uolse last night and regis tered at the Overland hotel. Mrs. Simon was tho second, woman in Thunder Mountain, and traveled all over tho mountains on horseback long before I bat part of tho country became so famous, says tho IIoIbo Capital Nows. Mrs. Simon resides with her bus i.nnd on n ranch on the south fork of Salmon river, on the direct road " SOFTNESS OF 8EAL8KIN. U Hit-Hied lr llon ""I Whr DaaJruff In Eradicated. Sealskin Is ndmlrod the world (over for Its softness and glossiness; and yet the human hair Is equally as soft and glossy when healthy; and the radical cause of all half trouble la dandruff, which Is caused by a pcUrcrua parasite that saps the vitality of tho hair at Its root. Newbro's Jlerplclde Is the only preparation that Is fatal to tho dandruff germ. Without dan druff there Is no falling hair, but a lux uriant growth of glossy, soft hair Is car tain. Scouring the scalp won't cure dan druff. Kill the dandruff germ. Thous ands Qf .women owe their beautiful suits of hair to Newbro's Herplcide. Sold by leading druggists. Bend 10c. In stamps to The Herplcide Co., Detroit, Mich F, W. Schmidt, upeclal ajjent. Winning Sprightly Musical Company Coming Next Monday. Ili.v Ilnmi.r T. Wilson, thu UO id ir..iuri.r nf Tort Worth. Tex., says of the Schuberts under date of January lHr 1837; "Their enienainmeni is will nleaso. delight und in n thn most fast d ous auaionco. Amoug thelr warm friends Alio rtchu- lrt Qvmnhnnv rlllh nnmhl-r thfl leaU lug ministers of tho United States, ns well as tho belter element 01 cm ',,.nu nVAI-VWhPrA Tho miniltv nf thulr entertainment la omi.Ii Hint II receives tho hearty endorsement and co-oporatlon of peo ple who seldom venture 10 auena performance of any Kino. a llitia whnlpHomo amusement oc casionally is necessary to tho moral, kviiiMi nn,i Intellectual welfare of ..mmiiniiv a linin relaxlon. a "forgetting of ourselves- lor u niuo, la a ihonn fnnif ana can do uaa uy attending tho Schubert concert berri on January 11, next Monaay. Rl'im WliLCII, KITTY FRANCIS and Company in the Musiccl Farce Comedy .."MICKEY FINN".. ' All of New York's la'eM song hits. A WHIRLWIND OF MliKUUMFNT Popular Prices---25c, 5oc. and' 75c On salt Monday, 10 a. tn. . . . . 1 , .A. J ; t ; t . t .1 1ELATERITE It Mineral Rubber.! VIt'.MA I.N II K.NI) lUMI.nih'll w.iiiv.iii ! iinm- ornn 1 it iiceOMMirjr to ItKl'I.M K A MHI-'l I limit ELATERITE ROOFING raks tb . place of shingles, tin, Iron, tur add gravel, and all breparert roofings. For lint and steep surfacos. gutters, vulloys. etc. Kasy to la Temperc for all climates. Reasonable In cost. Sold on mtrll. niisrsn ted. It will pay to ask for prlcesand Information, THE ELATERITE HOOFING CO , Worcester Building. rrllna. YOUR PLUMBING! Have it done by a Scientific I'hunl'tr anil) 011 will not be bothered with bud breaks Let us figure on your work. BECK, THEE PLUMBER COURT S.T R E E T "Hello BUI." if vou want to laugh, and laugh hnrd. iro to the Frazor on January 8. Tho name of the play Is show, but expressive. It Is simply "Iieno uiu, but It. Is the keypotfl of tbo play, which Is as hunioroua a performance as one could wish to see. The wit is of tho wittiest, tho plot Is of the mpst complicated type imaginaum. im tmichnhin fArco keens everyone In tho house Id a perpetual titter from the tlmo the curlf. n Tinea in m iirrn. ;v k until the finale. Vermont C'rymen. llurllngton, Vt Jan. 6, -Tim Ver mont Dairymen's amolatlon begin Its annual meeting in this el'y todiy with a large and rcpft-.Tuitlvo at tendance. The fostlonh aie to con tinue threo days anu will no occu pied with parxrs and discussions on topics of special Inter -s- to those en gaged in dairying. A man living In Ohlc v h"se name Is Goodenough Joined tl church Vho other day a clear wasU of time and enorgy. MINISTERS' HALF FjARE. Rate Will Be Continued, Out Under Needed Restrictions. It has been reported that the ruil road companies of tho West liuvo de cided not to issue hulf rutea to the ministers in tho year to como, but tho rumor beems to bo groundless. Tho blanks for tho half rate permltH have not been recelvod as yet by the local office, and In tbo meantime they ure allowing, on ordoro from head quarters, the old cards of last year to bo used. Hut, whllo It ia thought that the company will not abrogate its half faro agreement with tho ministers, It Is thought that some more biudlng restrictions will bo put on tbo Issu ance of mom, no that tholr abuso will be restricted. It has become so that a great many persons who aro not' membera of tho cloth have becurod the cards In aomo manner, and aro riding on thu half faro when they are not entitled to do so. , It la this abuso that tho companies aro protesting about, and In all prob ability some action will bo taken that will make It' harder for one who in not a bona fldu minister to secure a half rate card. It will perhaps be so arranged that only cortain offices will be allowed to Issue tho permits, and the agent at these offlcea will bo rnado strictly responsible for the ones Issued from bis office. In this way It Ih thought that there will be less abuse and nt the same tlmo til of the r-ilvHcRt-H will bo continued to the ministers FOUND THE "SWEETEST GIRL." Freak Letter Reaches Its Destination at Indianapolis. IndlanapollB, Ind., Jan, 5. The sweetest girl In ludlanapolls has been found, What Is more, this girl con fesses it. MIbs Mary Webber, 1B0H olnlrnn this (Untitle- ' tlon, and tho distinction itself was ! thrust upon her by her sweetheart, Ben Mttlo, of I.os Angeles, Cal., who ! formerly lived here. l,A.,..tl., iuttnm u;ltli ft mAKfllllnft ;ii v. iitij a " I hard was received at tbo Indlanano- iu i.iintniiirn. tin tno cnveiono. in stead of the address, were tho words, "To the Sweetest Girl In Indianapo lis." 1 The letter was about to be started to the dead letter oltlco when an oillclul told n reportor about It. His ptpor told the story. Next day a feminine voice ovur tho teluphone (old Assistant I'ostmnster Schledlor this letter wns for nor. "I urn i.lsB Mary Webber, of 1C08 Columbia nvenuu. That lottor Is llllllll." "Yes, but how do you know It la for you7 .Tliero Is no name on IL' "Yes, but It's from Uis Angeles, California." "You may have tho letter," con cluded tho olllelal, "If you will opon It in my pri'fon'o, and beforo yon open It tell mo tho uamo of tho writ er, then show mo tho signature. Wo hi vii to bo strict about theso things," "Very well; I'll do so." And she lid, soon. And tno letter was far her. Miss Webber Is a teachor at Ilenjnmin Harrison public school. Her father Is a well-to-do Jewolor. Cured After Sufferlno 10 Years. II. V. I lure, Bupt. Miami Cycle & Mfg. Co., Mlddlotown, O., suffered for ten years with dyspepsia. Ho spent hundreds of ilollurs for modlclno and with doctors without receiving any Iiermnnont benefit. Hu says; "One night while feeling exceptionally bad I was about to throw down tho even ing paper when I saw un Item In the paper regarding the merits of Kudo) Dyspepsia Cure. I concluded tn try It and whllo I had no faith In It I felt bettor after tho second dose. After using two bottlco I am stronger and bettor than I havo boen In years, nnd I recommend Kodol Dyspepsia Cum to my friends nnd acquaintances suffering from stomach Iroublo." Bnld by Tnllmnn & Co, Postpone Bryan Meetings. Indlanaiiolis. Ind.. Jan. &. The meetings of tho Jeffersou league, with William J. Ilrynn as tho principal speaker, advertised to tako placo In Kvansvlllo tonight and In Indianapo lis tomorrow night, havo been post poned until next week. This chango hoc been made no essary by a change h the plans of Mr, nryan, who will not return from his European trip until a week later than he first In tended, Slow steps, whether long or "boH. sliggest a gentle or reflective state or ( mmu, as mo cimu wj v. t