DAILY EAST OREQONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY K, 1904. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4- fr-4)jg4tfr4t4,-4t.fr-4fr 4 .-4-4 f-lf- Overcoat Sale To clenn up the balance ff our overcoats wo make tho foliovvini; Bweojrins reductions: $7.00 Coats go at $5.00 $8.00 Coats go at $5.75 $9.00 Coats go at $6.75 $t0.00 Coats go at $7.50 $t2.50 Coats go at $9.50 $ J 4.00 Coats go at $1 1.5O All other pike coats not nient:one(l are re duced in fame proportion. NEWS OP ATHENA ALFALFA HAY IS WORTH EIGHT DOLLARS PER TON Rebekahs and Odd Fellows Installa. tlon, Followed by a Banquet Case of Malarial Fever Nine and a Half Pound Son Was Csrn Child 01, k' With Nervous Prostration. 729 MAIN STREET ' HJ -44 fr 4 afr m GENERAL NEWS. Six victims of tho Iroquois theater fire nro at the point of dentil. Forty per cent of the victims of tho Iroquois theater lived outside the city. A revolution hab broken out In Uru Kuay. In some manner the race Is sue white against blacks Is re sponsible. The 1903 rice crop of the Philip pines was enormous. Pan&aslnm province raised enough for the entire needs of the nrchlpolago. The Countess V. Eaterhazy is sued by Mrs. Laura M. Do Ijiub. of Vir ginia, for alienating her husband's affections. Tho countess Is an Aus trian. Of 324 public halls and theaters in Cnicago. over 300 are said not t com:)! with the present law regard-1 inp exits and precautions against fire, and will be closed at once. Large capital is being put into a factor' nt Denver for making rubber . from a weed that grows profusely j oast of the mountains. The qualities i and capacities of the plant have been demonstrated. I Culonol Hart Gibson, a noted . breeder of .thoroughbred running j horses of tho iventucky stock. Is dead at St. Paul. He introduced Kentucky horses into Europe and made iui-1 mense forttine exporting All the rats on the great freight steamer Corboda, died on a recent voyage Experts Investigated at the end of the voyage and proved the fr.- j tallty was caused by bubonic plague. It was not communicated to the crew j Sunday las' two Italian snow- ' sbovelers on the New York, New Ha- J ven & Hartford railroad, were run down and killed by a train. One 1 hour later two other snow-shovelers were killed on the same spot by an-, other train. , Three times as many cattle wove' shipped from Montana to Pacific : Coast points during 1903. as during any one preceding year, yet the on- J tire output of the state was 20,000 , fewer than in 1902 The Eastern markets went dead. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. .T. N. Teal, Portland. (3. W. Whltson, Chlcngo. Miss Isenbergor, Hood Itlver. H. F. Ilarbow, Chicago. William Mahor, Culcogo. William Mahor, Chicago. C. M. Smith", Chicago. James F. Lnngfleld, Chicago. W. St. Rice. Walla Wnlia. A. II. Oalloway. Portland. V. T. Tustin, Portland. Fred Uraham, Boston. It. L. Falrchlld, San Francisco. C. E. Hedflold, Hoppner. W. C. Ollbnnks, Oenosee. It. E. Klepper, Spokane. .Mrs. M. F. Hadloy, HaKor City. H. H. Hewitt, Albany. W. H. Humphrey, Stockton. E. E. Stowart, St. Louis. Fred A. Rogers, Spokane. F. M. Hell, Spokane. George Stevens, Spokane. S. H. Klstner and Hlfe, city. C. D. Illnkor, Spokane. H. A. Converse, Portland. J. A. Iluttonck, Welsor. H. Looney, Spoknne. Lytton Ivauhoo, I.n Grande. Mina Glenn, Summcrvllle. Venio McConnoll, Nyassa. Stella Mayllold. Elgin. Elsie McGully, Elgin. E. Walsinger, La Grande. W P. Allen. Ijing Creek. Athena. Jan. 1. W. It. Taylor, who hns a largo quantity of alfalfa hny, is having It bnlod on his form, a mile trom Ath"iin, and storing It In tho Ilnrehouse to ship. Alfalfn Is worth T 1 $ per ten. : Mr. and Mrs. Charley Itnmon and family, who siiont n few days In the city visiting relatives, have returned to tholi homo in Wnlla Wnlta. Ed Ktiontz has rentud T, J. Kirk's large wheat fnnn near tho city nm! has changed his occupation from a sto t keeper to a farmer. Mr ami .Mrs. Alf Copplc and little son Howard, after a three wests' visit, hnvn returned to Guy, Wash. Charley U.ivldjor. Is confined to hu li inn tho past tow t'ays with tho ma larial fever. Miss Stella Anderson, who spent a few days visiting at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. M. I.. Watts, has returned to Edlnburg, I.lttlo Marvin Kllgore is sick with nervous prostration. Harry nosonzwlg, formerly f this city, but now of Wnlla Walla, Bpunt tho holidays visiting his parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Fred Kosonzwig. Joint Installation. I. O. O. F. and ltebekah lodges had a Joint installation Friday, January . t. The officers of the ncbokahs are 'as follows; Mary Gross, noble grand; ' Oenette Manasse, vice grand; May I Gross, secretary: Eva Ogle, trensur 1 or; Marvllle Watts, Iluuuclul secre tary. The oilicors of the Odd Fellows are a 4 follows: John Keen, noble grand; Ira Kemp, vice grand; Fred Koontz, secretary; George Gross, financial secretary: Hugh WoriU'iigton, trc.ts uror. Attei tfit 1: tailation, n boun teous suppor wni spread and enjoyod uy mo menmers or me iwo lodges and their invl.ed guests. Son Was Bern. K i'ti-day. Dr-i'ember U:. to Mr. mid Mrs I-'ud Kooiitz, i. nine and a half poum! buy. Hotel Dickers. J. S. Hell and wife, jithcnu. A. J. Kelly, Mi. ton. T. F. Thrashor, Walla Walla. James Nelson and wife, city. Emloy Kolloy. I.. U ...mpson, Raker City. J. A. Earnst and wive, Vancouver. W. J. Moore, Spokane. J. A. McLaughlin. G. F. Egan. Portland. P. J. Kelly, Milton. It. N. Adams. J. A. McCarty, Echo. Theo Robertson, Helix. J. M. Hartnett, city. Frank Nelson, city. UNIFORM TURF RULES. j Athena, Jan. l.-Mrs. Edward Mu j r.asso of this city left for u short j visit to Victoria, II. C, o few days ; ago. Her son, Herbert, is attending j school there. She hns also a brother there. Dr. and Mrs. J. I). Planiomlon gave ' a pleasant party Monday, In honor of 1 Miss Stella Anderson, who wns homo j trom school at Ellenburg. Soverul young peoplo were present, all hav ing an excellent time. I Tho Rtdonours held a family rciin I Ion, Christmas day, nt Weston, it which 32 members wore present, In cluding the entire Kidenour fnmlly excepting ono brother, William Ride nour, ami family of Washington, and n dat'shter of E. RIdenour. Mrp. Ilert J Vaughan oi Pine, Oregon. Saturday evening .Misses Anna Rush, Cnrrlu Sharp, Jauette Manas- se, Alta Sharp, Mrs. Charley Keen Hint tho Mormon church has tmed its influence against organized Uuor. nm! has endeavored to 1111 tho place ' ....i ..ii. ...... .itii mm. union moil. oi union nun"".-' v ,. v we hereby omplmtlrnlly dony that tho church over which wo prosldo bus tnUon any such stop or Issued ntij' lb strucllnns on this matter. Tho whole story originated In n false now.-.j,..- per report " , , , The elinrges referred to aroso from the rending nt the rogrlnr tnbernnclo services last Suinlny of n notice l.y iiresldent George Q. Cannon, of h t...i. t .t. nt.n ti'nt mm voro vnit- ed In the Utah coal mines to fill the places of sirikeis. Presldum Canno.i says the notice vtat, banded him uy n tonl coiiipuny olllelnl and rend with o'.tuv notices, as Is tho custom. So otifstum of church Inllucnce, he said, win t..'cctly or Indirectly connctil with the rending of the notice. ( SEATTLE WAKES UP. j Becomes Alarmed Over the'Condltlon of Theaters. The Iroquois theater rntuBtrnplio, Chicago, will probably bring about a reformation In the matter of pro viding proper nro safeguards In Seat tle play houses says tho Senttle Star. Ralph Cook, chief of the Are de partment, Is going to draft an ordi nance making It compulsory for the theaters to keep llremen Ktntloned In readiness for conilagratlims In amusement places. Ab soon hb pos sible be, together with other oHlr-or of the fire department, Including Fire Marshal Kellogg, will make an inves tigation of the 10-cont theaters to discover by what means life enn be made more safe In some of those veritable death traps. In addition, a committee appointed by the city council to draft n new set of building ordinances, will take Into Bpeclal consldurntlon the prob lem of regulntlug the construction ol theaters to Insure the safety of t'ie inmates. This committee consists of City Engineer Thomson, an architect ,e lccted by the Washington Chapter or Architects ami a contractor selected by the Master Hl'.lldors' association. The commltteo was appointed prim arily to revise the prcseiit urclutlc building laws, which are so poorly constructed that loopholes are left through which bulldors uro able to construct llimsy and Inllnmmnble buildings. City Engineer Thomson snyB that the trouble lies nut so much with the architects and builders us to the owners, who are over-desirous to con struct bullulngs cheaply at the e.v pense of safotv ntul reasonable dnr ability v I PHEASANT LAW NOT VALID. In Hurry to Finish Work Clark of the House Made a Mistake In Counting Votes. Tho hill Introduced by Representa tive Edwu'-ds, of Lnno county, prohib 1'lng tho killing of or having In ono's piwaslon Chlneso phonsnuts, oxcupt Mr met ding purposes, until Octojior, IMli, f.itied to benoino a law.. In tht hurry cf tho work the ead lug tlerli Inudvortontly nunouncf.d that 31 votes had boon cost fpr the lull, when in reuhly thoru wore b it :,) The check markh mndo by tho clerk opposite tho names of tho- representa tives, and filed In tho ofllco of tho secretary of state, show iroyond a doubt that the bill lacked one vote of tne required number of votes, houco the bill !h not n law na has been re ported In various papers throughout tne state. The senate and governor, acting on i no house report, duly passed and ap proved thu bill. Tho abovo mention ed discovery, however, Invalidates tho whole measure .nnd tho law, thoro tore, remains tho sumo as In the past. When an Irresistible forco meots an Immovable body the result Is a millionaire alderman. GUCE 4, T LOWNEY'S Cocou and Bon NEWYEAfiiJ CIGARS Bythtbo, 1 F-W.Sci Moki Tea Positively Cures Sick Headache, Indigestion and Constipa tion. A delightful ,ierb drink. Re moves all eruptions of the skin, pro ducing a perfect complexion or money refunded. 25c. and 50c. For sale by F. W. Schmidt Co. EXTRA GOOD SHOW. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. Fire at Boulder. Mont., destroyed tho Windsor hotel and outbuildings, Monday; loss about $15,000. L. D. Massey and I.ee Jeffries, sa loon men of Mill City, near Salem, are under arrest for selling whiskey without a license. Dr. M. II, Rhlmes, wife and three chlldrrn. formerly of Spokane, were burned to death In the Iroquois thea ter firo at Chicago. J. B. Stephons, a socialist orator, was arrested fn Portland, Monday, for causing a jam on the streets while speaking to a crowd. The Portland Ministerial Associa tion is now Investigating the thjft of the anti-gambling bill, lost in the special session of the legislature. Effort Will Be Made to Wind Shields. and O. W. Ilradley, all of this city. Rule Out attended the Rebckah lodge at We.? I ton. I 1r n,l lnl P.l I.'..,.,,) nl thli New York, Jan. 5. ine question of cUy Hn(,nt Sllmlaj. ln u (iramle Vs permitting harness horse records Mng Mrs Koontz's motlier, Mrs. Ann made with wind shields and with the jrj. of tnnt t,,y aid of advance ruunors also the 1c- j Mr8, A oithens. wire of Postmns gallty of Cresceus' work at Wichita, j tor rjUnoU8 ,)f ,nH clt.t rotrned luin., Is llKOly to be settled at a con- Momo rura California, accompanied feronci) of committees of the Amer- by bl!r son-in-law, J. Craig, and little lean Trotting association, the Amorl-1 daughter. Grace, they having spent can Trotting Register, nnd tho Na- lni tvun mnntho i nniirrin Ltlonal Trotting association, In JeH-'ti, ,onon, f xrrs. Oltbens1 health. sion today at the Murray Hill hotel. M,88 Kuth McAlroy wll ,, ,, Various changes looking to a strbit- dangerously 111 for tho past few er uniformity In turf rules will be weeks. seemB to bo gradually getting discussed by the comm ttce and their tvorse. There Is llttlo hope for her recommendations will bo acted upon I recovery nt tho next meetings of the several j Mr ,, Mrif m. , 0 Orow of ,, trotting associations. clly H,)ont tho noll(lays In Walla Wal- ...Z7TZZZZZ7Z. o 'la- visiting friends nnd relatives. HIGH-BRED FOWLS. Attorney J. A. Foo, of Pendleton, spent Tuesday in the city on busi ness. Ten Thoe- -d Are on Exhibition at u.JI... r.. 3 I fnauiBUH oaudro UAIUCII. Lee Sang, a Chlneso merchant, ie-i Krv York. Jan r, Thn ir,th nnnn. cently locating at North Yakima. has,ni XhlbltlDu of the Now York Poul try. Pigeon nnd Pot 8tock Association opened at Madison Square Garden today, and will bo continued until thu 10th Instant. Nearly 10.000 entries of high-class chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese and pigeons aro on view, tho display of water fowls being especial ly fine. Tho exhibitors represent a dozen or moro states and various befn ordered deported on account ot bogus papers of admission to the United States. A new exit Is being built for tho Baker theater at Portland, and also a water tower over the stage, by which the stage could be flooded in an instant, in case of a fire starting from the scenery. Rummer lmnlnesn men havn none parts of Canada Tack to the old policy of keoplng ,n conjunction with the poultry open shop on evenings nnd all day is being hold an exhibition un 8undays, on account of the largo ; der the auspices of tho Atlantic Cot number of miners, and .loggors who ' Club, cannot trade on any othor day, with- out losing time from their work. Wonderful Nerve. . 1 -I Is displayed by many a man endur ing pains of accidental Cuts, Wounds, Utilises, Hums, Scalds, Soro feet or stiff joints. Hut there's .no nood for it. llucklen's Arnica Salvo will 1(111 tho pain and cure the trouble. It's tho best Salvo on earth for Piles. 25c at Tallman & Co., druggists. Acker's Blcod Elixir positively cures Chronic Hlood Poisoning and Scrofu lous affections. At all times a matchless system tonic and puriner Money refunded If you ore not satis fied. 50c. and $1.00. For sale by F, W. Schmidt, &. Co. SAMPLE BARGAINS In Real Estate t 1 32x acres quod wheat land 4 2 Well watered and improved. i !2-5o per acre. 1 tooo acre stock ranch. All i i fenced Raises 200 tons of i J hay; has running water, open J T range near by, $5000. T to-room house and two lots. Modern conveniences T $2500 t :! All on Easy Terms. f J E. T. WADE & SON r o, no 3.' 1 H 'fhnoe BUck 1111 OIIlcc lirK, U. Hldg Olympln Beer Olympla Ceer. Tho most popular brand for family use. On draught at Anton Nolto'a. Ho also handles tho uottlod lieor In any quantity doslred. Where Is the City Marshal? Coyotes aro roportcd so numerous around Pondloton that they ontor tho outskirts of the city and fight with tho town dogs. Long Creek Light Miss Fannie Scott, after spending the holidays with relatives In the city, returned to Vnltsburg to take chargo of nor school. Athona peoplo woro visited with about four Inches of snow Sunday night nnd 'Monday morning. Sleigh lng Is fine now, , Mrs. William Thompkins Is sick it hr home wltu a cold. New .Brick Business House. G. W. Gross has bought the old postofflce building anu will take It away and build a big brick store In the spring. A Daughter Was Born. Horn, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence Gay, on Christmas day, a uaughtor. More Evidence of Trlb's Good Work. llnkor City, Ore., Sopt. 0, 1903. I wus a constant user of both umoklng and chewing tobacco for 4C years. I took a tieatmont of TRII1 about threo months ago and can endorse It 11 h a cure. My genorul health Is much im proved slnco I took your euro. Sin rorely yours, N. II. STARIIIRI). NO FIGHT ON UNIONISM. Mormon Church Issues an Official Note to Labor, Salt Lnko, Jan. fi.a Tho first iiresl dent of tho Mormon church today sont a tologram to President Com pels, of tho Amorlcnn Federation ot Labor, denying tho charge that tho church had taken a stand against or gaiiij'cfl labor. The message, which Is signed by President Joseph II , Smith, nnd his advisers In tho first presidency, John R. Winder and An-1 then H. Lund Is ns follows1 "Ai report having boon clrculntoilj Some Novelties, and From Beginning to End Excellent, The entertainment given by 'he Edison Novelty nnd Specialty Com pany nt the Park theater lost night afforded a couple o'f the best hours of amusoment that has been offered 'o the citizens of Pendleton for some time. It was either funny, or other wise good from the first to the Inst, and the audience was more than re paid for the time spent In nttoud Ing. Happy Hooligan In his monologue and with his musical specialties, is a mirth provoker who can not be re slstcd. and people Inugbed last ulgnt who have not been seen to smile since they took the pledge ou New Year's ove. Tho moving pictures and tho 111 us trntcd songs and dancing were ill better than has been put on that stage In tho past, and Is well worth tho time and money spent In henrmg and seelug them. This evening the specialties will be changed, so that even those who attended last night will be able 10 find something now in tho event of their going to tho theater tonight. CLEANING House U ontf of the tlutle thtii weak woman looks jfotward to with drad. Am a-rule, she knows that she f.mujttfxjy for the over-strain vvltji .days or weeks of .Vjpmanly suffering. ' Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scrtption makes weak women trong and sick women well. It cures the womanly diseases which undermine the general health. It esbiblUhc-s regu larity. dries weakening flrilltlQ llMila I..Hn .1 LA ?"d ulceration, and cure I 'ema'e weakness. I , " took two lottlm of your ru , , 1 i . z , w 1 wripiion- ana two w. imc diviiwi ifucuvcry-and nm feel. lF we"."'"," Mr. Dan McKeiulc.of Luruuv Mine. Cape llreloii Co.. Nova Kcotia, i ,j7i uurlue trouble. nlM iln in the ideniid head' die. After Inking your nit.liclne I wiw cured. You may publhh Ihii or iwe it In any wny yi think beat, as I cannot Kaklou lilslily of l)n Pierce ami hit medicine.'' "favorite Prescription'' has the tcati. mony of thousands of women to its complete cure of womanly diseases. Do not accept uu unknown and unproved substitute In its place. .Ih,S . ?' ,,,?rce' Coinmon Sense Medical Adviser is sent fife 011 receipt of stamps to jwy expense of mailing,),,. Send 31 one-cent stamps for the 1,00k in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth, bound volume, Address Dr. R.V. Pierce Buffalo, N. Y, ' BABY'S JCZEMA Top of Head Covered with Scales Which Peeled oil TaiiM Hair with Them, CURED BYJUTICURA Now Six Years Old with ThM lair and Clean Scalp. Cure Permanent. 'My baby was about six weeks old when the top of her head became cov ered with thick scales, which would peel and come off, taking the hair with it. It would soon form ngalu nnd be as bad akbcfore I tried several things and then went to the doctor. He suld It was Eczuuin, and prescribed uu oint ment, which (lid not do uny good. A friend spoke of Cutlcura Soap. 1 tried It and read 011 the wrapper ubnut Cutl cura Ointment ns a remedy for Eczema. I bought a box and washed her head In warm water and Cutlcura Soap and gently combed the scales off. They did not come back nnd her hair grew out floe and thick. She Is now a year aud a half old and has no truce of Eczema. " MRS. C. W. RURGES.IranlstanAvo., Bridgeport, Conn.. Feb. 21, 18'JB. Mm. llurgcs writes Feb. 28, 11103 : "My Imby, who hud Eczemu very badly on her head, as I told you before, after using the Cutlcura Remedies wus cured. Site Is now six years old aud has thick hair and a clean scalp." Instant relief and refreshing sleep for skin-tortured Imbles and rest for tired, wurrlcd mothers ln warm baths with Cutlcura Soap, and gentle anoint ings with Cntlcura Ointment, purest of emollients and greatest of skin cures, to be followed In. severe cases by mild doses of CiiticuA Resolvent. This Is tho purest, sweetest, most speedy, per manent and ecimmnlcal treatment for torturing, disfiguring, Itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted and pimply skin and scalp humours, with loss of hair, of Infants and children, as well as adults, and Is sure to succeed when all other remedies and the best physicians fall. Sold tbxrarluul tu workl Polkor. Ilaltat, KM. (la inrm ot CbocoUu Omi-1 Plll. o. pr tUI o( On. OUtaunl. Heap. In. lVU , Loadiui, V Ckutar. ("" Bq.i t"A. ill., do U lain Uvloo, IS Golut- CCui. IVkp-. Sou frapwlen. ar-Saaabr-TtK Urm llumear 0t. Dri'Kg'st, Post.'ll ne Main8SiJ MAKE YOURMj WTHE WORLlI Don't be satisfied t J "luu ine same old nJ low waftes. We cm lid Thousands have IncrtwJl Kaliiries by following xtH We can train joulnmrf nllrl 11 email . m Mootiatlcnl, Electrical Hlirvrvnr. Aui. . tnun. llmiklc eper, HUooiVj Window rrHer, or AJ.w3 CORjlESPONDENOE SCHO Boi 799 SCRANT0N, PA. Or cull on mr liicil njrml renuieien, ure. Yoor ELECTRICAL WOR BEYOND CONTROL AWftT tDlll thl. hflr . lKu(-8mklil HaiiKt Crathlll If Un't 4 total wreck, bring the remain, ol jour vehicle hr anil we will do h good ;ob ot ropalrlni for .yoiand cbarjie yuu no more than It rlxht liatnK.Kood materials and puttlnr In fod norlc .It von hme hul tin .ih., . .t:... ,Wnvyinc li utrly "run dowrliawe-d. ..vv-m,,( u ncroior rrjurouatlorl, Webaodl exeluilol) iu l'ndelon the otlebrahid Wn. oua bUKKi'i iiuj wkodi. NEAGLE BROS., THE BLACKSilTHS Will be properly and promd ly done it entrusted ton We can fill vnur wanuk electrical supplies ol ill lid felectrical contracting is c specialty f.nd we would I tn fu'iire with V0U, Sole dealers in theoldicil able Edison Lamps, Good Work RiRht Ptictsl J. L. VAUGHN Wfst Catfft bttmn Near Mattlock Bid. LET US SUPPLY Yfl WITH Building.,. ' (iatera 1 D JMKNBlONLUUBtoOfi I -,1 .irinilnitt. Haw. t.iij. Kodr-1 Ing, Building W 'T- Brine Your Bill Get Our Figures. . Cravs' Harbor wal j , si iiT uu uu . ;.r viirn &fone-back Goods- A NEW YEAR'S . RESO is worthless w practice. So if y""' :..,n,lt il l P I" our laundry work 'dojie tigW" not .delay plpc.ng.yu-.-in charge of , ' thb DOMESTIC native Jferomo OuiriiHO CuresoqpWlnOneDoy.CriptnS Dnya 111 im lteJt' Iflounc i 11