East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 05, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    i '.i
t Eastern Oregon Veather
Tor.lsht and Wednesday fnlr;
cooler tonight.
NO. 45)217
Are Citizens of
States Without
Liner will
Ieoister of wills.
L,mioner Taft Will
t Secretary of War
Kk Will Be Civil Ser-
Euloner All Places of
L In District cf Co.
n Be Inspected by Or-
Lfc-Prl" CuPid
Highly Respected Lady Passes Away
From Effects of Paralysis.
Mm. Mary J. Christopher, died lit
the family homo about flvo miles west
of Adams, yesterday at 4 o'cloc'-t,
after a long Illness. Mrs. Chrlstophor
hud heen afflicted with paralysis for
over eight years, and was In a weak
ened condition physically, so that
whfcn n short time ago she contracted
n severe cold which resulted In pneu
monia, she was unable to withstand
the ravages of the disease and death
-nm. nnlcklr In nml hor Rtlffprlnc.
rn in in iiki wnK i.k v nra rr ntvi
..w - - . . - - - ' - L .,
nt tho time of hor denth and nad
Tivnd in thlli rountv for over 2fi vea.-s.
She was tho wife of Peter Christo
pher, and was a Finn by birth, com
ing to itncuignn ..u years ugo. ana
was the mother of 12 children, six of
whom are now living. Sho was a de
vout member of tho Lutheran churcn
nnil thn funeral will lift nt the resl-
dence, under tho direction of tho pas
tor oi Hi" ijuinernn cnurcn. inc in
terment will he In the Greascwood
cemetery, near Adams. The funeral
will be held on the arrival of a
(taught or from Seattle.
Great Rebellion Has Broken
Out in Arabia Against Turk
ish Authority.
, i. r..- The supreme
tptnlon handed down by
t -Hiifr ir(iay. un-iuiua
lot Porto Jllco arc not
I .nwstlnn arose in tne
In. nnnvnli'7. imalnst Im-
Llclnnrr WIIIilimB. Of
who declined to admit
the rolKM become a puo
fn... fnnrt dlreotH Bho be
l.ninf the United States.
planner Appointed.
Ci, Jan. 5. Tnn appoint
irnen Tanner, otherwise
Jorporal Tanner," ns reg-
i In ttif District oi o-
fcuouncfd at the White.
liurrcedH Dont. who en-
innlate nervier.
ai War Secretary.
Id, .an. 5.- The preal
seat to the senato tho
( Tatt to he secretary oi
I lllaA, of IllluolB, to be
comnilasioscr: Henry
Penmulvanin, consul-
Icobarg. Germany: 1-aw-
tn- of Illinois, assistant
I commerce and labor ie-
Rrliht in lie elvll cover-
Pilllpplnes, Henry Ide, 'I
i b vice-governor or trie
ton Wouldn't Pray.
.Inn S At the con-
fen- Hale's Di al or at tho
llbn senate at noon today,
d the senators to join lilui
Ethu Lord's prayer, but
enjiomlcd from the floor
a was adopted directing
oners of the District of
to inspect all placcB of
escocnt In the ctty, to
ltItion of the Chicago dis-
SJorein'n resolution dcclar
lute of war exists between
Id Colnmliin nml Unit thQ
fraeded his powers In roe
ie rcvolutlonarj govern
ulen up.
' Cupid On a Drunk.
ton, Jan 5 l'rlnro Cupid,
I and den-eate to com-ross.
Iirp pmii-t tlilu mnriilni?.
tita Intoxication and dlsor
ft. He paused tho night
navlne refused to make
fct to die hull Thin morn-
Poted a friend In dcnoslt
t the trial was sot for
I Mnce Cupid made n good
tUlonn nnrl It romllmrt twn
fi ajveral men to aiibdue
pains to the statement of
Officer lie Is n'nonhew
ti Fifty Are Met at De
l In Convention.
Qfifl la lnn r I.nn.
Sty music dealers of Iowa
tno nrst annual con
I their Btato organization,
fre today. Members dls-
wort, to form a comblna-
r-iuwm ine association is
promote acriualntaueestilp
t TnCim(iA .1 i . . . ,k.
P'tlons by tho exchange of
Mtdtnl nr .u i.iUn
---b wi iuu uunu;ikiuii
residing officer at tho con-
! u. Coates of Perry, and
ii. McNnrny or us
China, Is Awakening to the Situation
Germany Seeks a Chance to Me
diate Between Japan and Russia
Latest Advices Received at Berlin
Indicate Peace In the Far East
The Arabian Revolt Against the
Sultan Is Widespread and Omln-
Twq Services Tomorrow At to A.
? M. and7:30 P. M..
Tomorrow being the Feast of tho
Epiphany, there will ho dlvlr.o i:r
vlcejnt the Church of tho rtedecmer,
tho pelobratlon of' tho Holy Kucharlst
at 10; a. m., the rector of tho parish
Atf:30 p. m. the semi-annual par
lsh meeting will he held In tho church
for (ho purpose of filling the vacancy
in the vestry and hearing reports
from;" the omcers of the parish.
Parish Aid Society.
The annual meeting of tho ravish
Aid Society of tho Church of tho Ho
dcerijor will he held tomorrow, Wed
nesday, afternoon nt the resldenco of
Mrs. Kee Moorhotiso, at z:30 o-ciock.
The' Vuslnesa will bo tho election of
officofs for the year, and the receiv
ing of reports or tho retiring officers.
A full attendance is requested
The American Claims Are the Larg
est and Most Numerous, Amount
ing to $11,000,000, and Many Were
Not Allowed Final Decision Be
Made in February.
New York. Jan. 5. Among the pas
sengers .on the steamer Caracas from
Venezuela, wero American Commis
sioner William nalubrldge nnd his
secretary, Dodgo.
llalnbrldge said of 11 arbitration
commlsbionB, tho American wns tne
last to finish -work, us Its claims In
volved' larger amounts even than
most of the others, and were dell
cato and complex.
They were r.5 in nunber, amount
i ttiiniwinnn- ?s wero disalluw-
... oci rino wftti awarded tne
I'll UIIW IIQ.,wi'i'
Four other American claims. In
cluding the most Important, are In the
hands of the empires, t oT.c decided
some time In Kebrnnry t
Building Engineers of Chicago
Will Try to Order Out All
Members ofthe Union.
Hundreds of Engineers Are Working
for the Employers' Association,
Which Is Using Every Effort to
Break the Ctrlke Labor Commls-
sloner Carrol D. Wright Decides
AnaWtEt the Miners In the First
Case Submitted to Mir.
Conditions Troubled.
Berlin, Jan. 5. Tho National Zof
tiiLg today prints that a rebellion
asalnsl the Turlts has broken out in
Yemen province, Arabia. Four
thousand Turkish troops sent to siiu
pioss It have disappeared and it is
luiuored they h,ave been destroyed.
Iaiso mat mere is a roueiiion oi
Arabs In the Turkish provinces along
tho Persian Gulf, Thq rebels attack
ed the town of Airleh and killed nine
Turkish omcers ana au soiaicrs.
China's Attitude.
nirtnlnphnm .Tnn. fi. The Post
says China has replied to the Anglo
French Inquiries regarding hor at
titude In the event of n Russian
Japanese war. The reply is not pub
lished, but good authority says it
makes clear China will protect Chi
nese interests in case they arc en
dangered by elthor party.
German Mediation.
Homo, Jan. 5. The Capltalo this
morning prints It is reported aerma
ny will take the initiative to mediate
between Russia and Japan.
Favorable to Peace.
tinriin Tnn K Tho -forelcn office
i, no rapolvpri nrtvlcen rauslne a more
fnvoiable view or too tar eastern sii-
nation. Officials bellevo peowt win
be maintained.
This is Present Count and
Number May Be Larger
When All Returns Are In.
Is Held Under Heavy Bond Enforce
ment of Existing Laws In Chicago
Will Close Many Private Business
Houses, Nearly All Jhe EI'.'Sors
and Practically All the Churches
IroquoU Theater Horror Had Effect
of Closing Opera House In Berlin.
ChicitRo. Jan. 5. Rendered dB
, ..rut.. I.v their Ineffectual strike, tbo
inraru today Issued
n call to cnElnccrs In many of tho
.....o. .i,in fn.-turl.w in Inln tho strike
They threaten to order a general
strike If this is not sumcieni.
Tho excuse for calling out tho fac
tory onglnoers Is that they are em
ployed by meinherB of tho Kmploycrs'
Association, wnicn ih mump "i
managers or down town bnlldliiKB to
secure non-union engineers to tako
tho places of strikers.
Decided Against Miners.
r.. ttraiilrti Car-
,nt it wnitiit t'odnv neclded In favor
of the operators and against the min
ers on the snturuny uau iiumi.tj
JayhawVer Republicans Will Get Inte
Line Early.
T.itmlin Kim. Jan. h. The Ilenub-
llcan atnto commltteo 1b In session
hero today, pursuant to tno can oi
Chairman Albaugh, for tho purpose
or dccimng upon tho date and place
for tho state convontlon to select del
egates to tho Republican national
It has boon practically decided by
the comnUiteo to hold the -onvontlon
early In March 111 order to no tne
first state convontlon of 1904 to come
out strong for tho' renomlnatlon of
President Roosovolt.
County Court Tomorrow.
Thn .rinnlv rnurl will COnVUllO in
the morning nt 9 o'clock for tho ro
itt.ir .Titnimrv torm. Tho meeting this
tlrao will bo an Important ono for
all of tho county reports lor uio year
arc received nnd auuiicu, ana uo
business of tho ycav Is wound up,
ttetlleit. nnd n report
UIU wvww....... ... . -
made lo the stato treasurer as to the
condition of the county nntl us ex.
pciiM'H for tho past year,
MIhh Alma I.. Davis and Nowton J.
Hoove wore nmrrled yesterday nftur
noon at 4 o'clock at the MethodUt
pursonngt!, by Uev. Robert Warner.
Tho principals In tho ceremony in
botl. residents of Uklah, where ihr.
groom Ih a prosperous fnrmur ana
stockman. Mr. and Mrs. Hooves loft
til? morning for their homo at Uklah.
turntit t o.u
lent vuli.
F"iomery, one of tho m-
tit n ""uur-uumntj uraiu
ft haa roturned to
i .t "uort v'H't 'n 'ho
tires and friends.
Un" Cold in East.
Jan. 5,-Tho
the rau. thl8 nofnliw
Now .England Htoim
" ail oxcontlonallv
In Ni.u.- v,,-... iki-
Ir It. .i w Mil
."e went in- ih. j.
lecroi.. , t""u V'". T
a 30 bcldw nt llln...
t a Btands'.tll.
;LonUest Single Term 'Was for Six
Months-Only Three Women Have
Been Imprisoned Therein During
the Same Period-Board Costs the
County Three Dollars Prr Week for
Each Prisoner. .
Umatilla's county jail U a M f
that If not IKipular Is at least U
patronized, for there hav in the last
f m nth.' heeu 1 persons gun
ib'irclu for a ?toatcr or a less l"U",tb
fGrr of that mor three have
been sent to the reform school. 14 to
tho petuonUary. one to the asyl.un.
Ono to tho poor farm and one oas
been lot out on good Itohavlor.
Tho lorgcst penitentiary sentence
thlt hal hcen bent from this county
" " and ti,0 iong03t
or ?ndecenl exposure fnd one ro
iel'iiU whiskey to Indians, Tl ? la'
rroflhe frTraTtlffpUce instead
"Vhr-hav-o1 km- -r .
city for a 't""" ,s uru carrlod
each men . and th rotaw n: oA
tP the Jail and " t "'Trom the flrnt
each time by a trusty. r ,,10
of May to tho 0 J" 7la.43. Thla
entire Jail an1t11"n0Sf ft prlsonorB
Included the 'tll0 jail.
tmCd Sount0 for any
The hlKhcst uu 1 .turine poceiu-
lonth wns H-... --- t. ovt),.
December Statement Shows a Reduc
tion of $11,618,530.
Washington, Jan. 6. The monthly
Btutement or the public uebt shows
that at the oloso of business Decem
ber 31, 11103, tho debt, less cash in
the treasury, amounted to $14,1G0,
881), which 1b a decrease for the
month of $11,018,030. The debt is
recapitulated as follows:
interest bearing debt...$ .fln.747,,ia(l
Debt on which Interest
has ceased since ma
turity I,190,r,'l9
Debt hearing no inler't. 3i0,682,0'G
Total fl '293.D25.775
This amount, however, does not In
clude $!)35,328,8C!i In ccrtlucates and
treasury notes outstanding, which aio
brtbet by an equal amount .of cash on
hand held for their redemption.
The cash In tho treasury is classi
fied as follows:
Gold reservo fund $ 150,000,000
Trust funds SS?
General fund 148,133,774
in National bank depos
itaries 172,159,338
Total $1,405,021,982
Against this there are demand lia
bilities outstanding amounting to
$1,020,247,080, which leaves a cash
Iralanco on hano of $379,374,890.
Tho cash In tho treasury was in
creased during the month by $10,137,
405. This vas largely due to de
creases in disbursing officers' bal
ances. Surplus for December.
Washington, Jan. 5. The monthly
statement of the governments re
ceipts and expenditures shows that
for the month of December, 1903, the
total receipts were $42,747,592, and
the expenditures $32,255,804, leaving
a surplus for the month of $10,401,
788 The expenditures during December
decreased about $4,300,000 as com
prod with December, 1902. The ex
penditures on account of the war do
uartmunt decreased during tho month
$3 800 0011, an. the navy department
Increased about $1,266,000.
Maccabees' Smoker.
Umatilla Tout No. 27. of ; -Ma-cabeiiB,
will gnf .a liuvikor this even
ing to their Invited friends in thu
Secret Society llnll. A large uumb'ir
of Invitations have been lusued. and a
good program ha been pieparcd, so
that a good time I-- assured. Pipes
and all of (he mutorlalc that make a
smoker enJoyaMo will be provided,
so that the buccosh of the affair Is a
tiling beyond doubt.
Club Building Burned.
Montreal, Jan. 5,- Thr Mount Hoy.
U)r. when It reae W ' Mh I, qlul)1 building Imiwi this morn-
1200 on two """";" i owing to the lug. Loss, $100,000. uuo nrema,,
i.nn noun iumv..." - a.i i.ni.i ... to ni, tuniinv nn nn-
Hiiiu ,,, nrlsonors coniuw was khiuu vj t.
rMiirnirn .Inn. S Jnsenhintl HlfOU
er 17 vcars old. died of Injuries re
ceived In tho Iroquois last night,
mnklin thn number of victims 5'Jl
Sbo'wiiR ruiiiovcd to her homo"after
tl... tiro nlint.. shit filed. The nolico
did not know bhc was in the list (f
Injured until this morning.
f!Horiri Dusenberv. head ushiir,
charged with being responsible for
Inr.l.lni' the donrs of the children's
unllei v when the fire Htarted, was nr
i..Ktil inut n eht. lie eonrronts one
or tlie gravest accusations of anyone
connected with the theater. I Ufa ac
tion Is said to havo cost half or ih'J
liven lost, if tho coroner's Jury re
turns a verdict berore tno grand jury
adjourns, the evidence win no inline
.iinteiv nri-Kpnti'd to tho latter. The
coroner today Issued 100 summons to
Dusenberry Held by Grand Jury.
liuKnnburrv has been held to await
the action of the coroner's Jury and
Is under $5,000 nonds, wiiicii was
promptly given by the theater malin
gers. Wholesale Closing Possible.
Chicago, Jan. C Notico surved .y
JIaor Harrlwm of a possible whole
sale closing not- merely of theaters,
but of churches, stores, office build
ings, factories, hotels and private
lesldunces lias amused tho city- He
roro tho mayor proceeds to extromes,
the city council will be given a
chance to lovlse the laws and striko
out provisions which are held to be
unjust to property-owners and not
essential to satisfy As the oidlnui
cos stand at present, strict enforce
ment. It is said, would paralyze bus
iness, professional and Industrial in
terests of the city.
Churchca are mentioned as flagrant
lro fumlnm the hulldll.e lawH.
They are accused of overcrowding, of
placing chairs in tne ais:c , oi wv
fnn Inflammnhln material on the Plat
forms, especially at such :elebratIons
as Christmas, ana oi nui umius "
proper number or oxItB in some
cases. Some congregations, It Is
bald, worship In buildings which
would bo condemned as Drotraps if
used for largo gatherings of people
for any other purpose.
Will Teach In California.
Miss Maud Tnylor, who is spending
the winter In California, has accept
ed a position In tho public schools of
Runiscy, Cnl nnd will remain thorn
until the end of tho school Boason, at
least. Miss Taylor wbb formerly one
of the teachers In the 1'endlotoa
Corvallis Makes It Hot for the An.
surd Fanatics,
r. .-conic -ir .inn IK. Creltield &
Urooks, leaders' of tho Holy Rollers,
were tarred and feathered last night
by a citizens' posse, inoy uun i---ii
warned to leave the olty after burn
ing up nearly all the household ft
fects or O, V, Hurt, a recent con
vert They did not leave, but seciet
ed themselves, holding secret meet
ings where tnoy rolled about the floor
lipraylg. I.aBl night they grew bold
and held a meeting In the convert's
house and their rautlngs were hoard
tor blocks. A posse of citizens form
ed and raided tho house, took the
leaders outside, btrlpped them and
covered them with a heavy coat of
tar and feathers. Thoy fled and are
still going.
Chicago Wheat.
Chicago, Jan. 5, Wheat
SC closed 80VS
Very Sudden Death From Grip and
Heart Failure.
Kiaiik Downey, one of tho old re
lilei.tH ! tho city, d'.cd Mi.ld.mly at
bin home this morning shortly aftev
X n'r-lorti.". Mr, nawnoy,bng boon III
for zome, time with "an nttacW'oftth
grin, but was better this mm plug
than he had been for Mime time. Ho
had been in bed for several days, but
tl.Is morning got up and waB sitting
In hts tliflr He asked Mb wife t
n-nko him an eggno? and when she
liuirui'ii to him with it she saw that
be was dying. A doctor wub ciO.'ed
it once, but before ho arrived It was
too late Mr. Downey has beeu a
H'fferer with some heart comprca
tlonu for Rome yearB, and this, in
r iniifetlon with tbo grip, writ, the di
rect cause of death,
Mr. Downey was about CO years of
nr-,. nt the time of bl death, and wan
one ot tlie oldest residents of thin
ei'y, while ho and his ramlly are
well and favorably known. HIb wife
fciirvivo him, hb does his duuglil'T,
Mrc. Ernest 'latum, and uuoiii'.'r
dnughtoi who lives at the homo or
hi r parents.
The fiinerul will bo held on Thurs
day ii'oriilng at 10 o'clock from thu
CThollo church, the services being
winiliicttil bv Father Vaudervelden,
ol that church. Tbo Interment will
Lo In Olney cemetery.
Royal Opera House Closed.
llerlln, Jan. C. As a result of the
Chicago flrit tho kaiser today person
ally Inspected tho Royal Opera
House, accompanied by oxperls, and
camo to thu conclusion is unsafe,
and it Is ordored closed. The build
ing will be lorn down as a result.
The kaiser will personally rovlsu
the plans, bear tho cost of rebuilding
nml in ndilltlnii will nav tho Ratal-tea
of tho staff during tho closure. It
will cost $500,000,
Boat and Barges of Coal on
the Ohio River.
Mount Vernon, Ind Jan. 5. Tho
tow boat Gleaner, hauling 30 barges
nt rnnl. was cauKht In tho Ice below
here and Is being destroyed. They
belong to I'lttsburg capuaiiBis ami
will probably be a total loss of $130,-000.
Governor of Ohio Turns a New
Yorker Loose.
Columbus, .).. Jai. ti Tho Kover
nor today, on the ground that ho be
lieved W. M. Hahn Innocent or tbo
charces made against him, revoked
.un extradition warrant on which
Hahn was to havo been laKen iu
New York to stand trial on the charge
of HUallng $9,000 from the Manhattan
Insurance tompany, of which ho was
an officer.
state Enaineer Killed In
Canltol Building
lies Molnos. la., Jan. 5. While In
specting the ruliiH of tho state cap!
tnl thin mnrnlne. the supervising P
glr!eor O. Tingley, fell CO foot and
was Instantly Kliiea.
Carriers Are Supplied With Gum
Boots and . Leggings and Will Now
Venture Beyond the End of the
Sidewalk Only Requirement on
Part of Patron Is That the Reel
dence Be Numbered and a Request
for the Delivery Made.
I'endleton pooplo can now get free
delivery of mull, regardless of side
walks. Pursunnl lo nn order Issued on
.fnmini-v 1. the onrrlnrs on the Lif
erent I'endleinn delivery routes will
bo rcquirou to ueiiver man to any
portion of the city, within thu currier
district, as on file In tho pnstollli'e.
the only reqii.vement on the part of
the resident being to number thn
dwellings and mako a request for
free delivery.
Heretofore the free dellvury cf
mull has been confined to tho re.il'
dunces reached by sidewalk, and in
this way fully two-thirds of tho out
side resilience districts of thu city
wore denied free delivery,
Kven Postmaster l.lvurmoru had to
carry his own mull home when thn
free delivery was drat Installed, as
bis home was not connected with a
continuous sldewnlK, leading from the
Tho carrlora are now suppliod with
gum boots and leggings and as fast
as pations request their mall do'lv
ered outside of tip) sidewalk limits,
thu boys will cheerfully wade through
frowning pools of water or ropollant
snow drifts, waist deep, or moro, to
roncb nil thn hdiiscH that are number.
oil, within tho limits.
Residents are expected lo call M
the pnstofflco and mako n request to
have their mall delivered, If thoy live
anywhere In tho carrier districts,
which Include practically ull tho mu
nicipal Incorporation.
Thero haB been a great deal of dis
satisfaction regnrdlng Ibo denial .'f
free 'delivery to residences not con
nerieil with continuous sidewalks.
and thn office has hoped for Bome
tlmo that thn mntter ciiuiii no cnang
ed to Incliulo all the residents ol
it,.. it In thin Mnifllnir freelv trrflnt.
ed by Uncle 8am, to thn just living
on sldewnliiB nnd tho unjust beyond
the sidewalks,
TMa npftnp will nut necessitate an
other carrier at the present tlmo, as
only Iwo deliveries are mano a nay
and tho present force can handlo the
Murder and Arson.
Lincoln, 'Neb., Jan. 5. The
charred body of Night Watch
man Crawford waB found In
ho kicked over tho lantern,
company this morning with
hiB head wounded. The polieo
bellevo tho robberB attempted
to loot and Crawford reslsud
and was struck. In tho flgnt
he kicked over tbo lanters, act
setting Are to the factory.
during uw "" '
- r T T T T T