East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 04, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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A Young
can ill-afford to be without the j
book published by The Mutual stalwart r--"rCRATs
Life Insurance Company of for reorganization
New York "A Banker's
Will." It explains a curious Conservative Elements of the Party
, ... , , j Planning to Oust the Western and
provision in the will of the RadIca FactlonB Contr0No
President of a National Bank ' Secret Made of the Intentions of
in New York City, and gives
the list of securities in which
the largest accumulation of
trust funds in the world is
invested. The book is sent
free to those who write.
TaW Com pity rank
fml la Am.
Frrit In Amotml PaM PoIky-hoMen.
Ftnl 1 Aft.
The Mutual Life Insurance
Company of New York
KlCHAtrr A. McCuidy, rmJiL
Alma D. Katz, manager, Boise. Idaho.
Frank L. Hammond. District Manager,
Pendleton, Oregon,
the Eastern Wing of the Party.
Even though similarly troubled
must have (liflerent glasses
Spectacles tittted to any Indi
vidual will only suit him or her,
therefore a thorough testis neces
sary in every case, My optical
parlor is equipped with every in
strument necessary to make an
absolutely accurate exnruin&tinn.
Prices an low us 11 rat clam work
will permit.
Jeweler and Optician
Post Office Block-
Now York, Jan. 4. While the pro
once of a Bcore or more of Democrat
ic national leaders in New York to
day Is for the ostensible purpose of
attending tonight's banquet in honor
of Mayor McClellan, it is no secret
in political circles that the gathering
of tho party leaders in due to consid
erations of far greater importance. A
conference to discuss plans for reor
ganizing tho Democratic national
committee is the real magnet that has
attracted the big men of the party.
Conservative Democrats.
Those in attendance include such
eminent party leaders as ex-Preside,
Cleveland. ex-Senator David II. Hill,
Judce Gray, of Delaware, Congress-
( man DeArmond or Missouri and Con-
gressman William A. Gaston of Mas
1 sachusetts. William C. Whitney.
I John G. Carlisle. August Belmont and
' others who were connected with the
triumphant Democracy of Grover
. Cleveland are also taking part. The.se
' lenders do nut attempt to conceal
their Intention to mke ihe control of
the national committee out of the
' hands of 'bt. raulcnl or Bryan !-,
mcnt, which now controls n, anil to
ncree nmon- themselves on n cnndl-
I date for chairman, to succeed James
I K. Jones of Arkansas. That Senator
1 Jones will not have charge of the
' forthcoming presidential campaign
they regard ns a certainty. New
York is considered the important
Btate to the Democratic pnrtv this
year and the Democratic leaders in
the East believe. It Is said, that a
New York man should he made chair
mnn of the committee.
New Man for Chairman.
Friends of Senator I II.
the new Democratic boss
I Don't Hurry Throocli This tVorW
n ir llnrlnit For i Train.
We cannot buy time, but we can take
l time. We have time to be Rick; we luivo
time fur nil the exacting nnd Infinites!-
nml lulls of the kitchen nnd the nurs
ery. We take time to make the Jellies
mill Jiiiiih. the butler nnd cheese, to do
the scrubbing mid the Ironing ami tn
trim nil the children' dresses. Why
not, then. Hike lime to be comfortable,
to do our social duticH ns our domestic
tines, lo rent when it Is needed, to cult!
vu te our Intellectual faculties and to do
uoml nt well ns to do work nnd nothing
hut work?
ljilmr Is iriHitl to a certain extent, but
1 think there Is Mich u thing as carry
ing it much rurtlior tliiin Is Kuported
by the Scriptural Injunction. I know of
hundreds of women who do not bnve n
mnnicnl's rest from the week's begin
ning to the end, except the few bourn
pnsi il In sleep.
Take thnt' mid lest. Ilecreate, read,
iittcml the quarterly meetings. A hu
man life, a soul's happiness, in worth
mure than n few paltry dollars, the
pleasure of outshining your neighbor,
having n bettor house or better dressed
children. In the lieautlful summer
weather take n day or a couple of days
unit go into the woods or to the sea
shore and drink in the healthful,
slreiigthciilng breezes mid breathe of
the pine mid the lialsnm or the sen
sprny, that lire sweeter than the nec
tar and the iinibrosln of the gods.
Do not wall mrtil It Is too late, but
take your time now. Tomorrow never
comes. Turin) Is yours nnd at yuur
IDD! mil lid. Tired, nervous, overtaxed
wle, ilrnp that work now and run
out nnd bmiLUc Ul Ircsll nr of the
fields, Take Jour children to the broolf :
side under the trees and play at unliuls
nnd dryads. An hour's ramble or rest,
listening to the singing of the birds,
the whir of insects, watching the
shadows piny with the sunshine and
drinking In the reviving freshness of
the balmy winds. Is cheaper than a
ilm'tnr's call. Yon will be the better
for It, nnd the work will nut be the
w nre. Ladles' World.
The TrpRtnipnt tf Srr-Mlili.
As the servant's home is in the house
! when- she works, the lehitlnn lictween
McCarren, , lcr nj lut Klr,.ss ih more close than
oi iiruur.'
The Traveled
LCertaJntyLof a Good
mWBM Cremo. The only cigar for
lm iflHH and everywhere the same
Whrrrvrr m,i
in everv town-vn,, "
jjicm aiuuivt. iui y cents li you adt U i i
1U rjjjl
Mlc everywhtrj,
When Marconi Btartlcd the world, United States has a total of 223.000
in December. 1901, with his amazing of line, currying 1.218.000 miles
. . . ' . , ,. ,. ,., of wire, tho value of this equipment
achievement of receiving the electric on COIlllm,n,H tlclnB nh(nit $m.
signals from Poldhu, Englnnd, at at. 000,000 more.
John's, Newfoundland, the utter and 1 These agencies norvo cvety land
speedy overthrow of the cnhlo com- and cllmu today penetrate every hin-
panles was predicted on nil sides In terland, touch every sealioard Count-
the first Hush of the new mavel. But Icsb telegrams arc trnnRmltted over
the anticipated progress not having the land lines dolly, telegraph office
been made by the wireless agency dotting every country. Tho cable
Blnce then, nnd a hoHt of other Inves- biiHlnesp. is enormous. The 1 i Allan-
tigators having arisen to dispute Mar- tic cables convey lB.fiuO messages
conl'B supremacy, the Inevitable reac- dally, or 7,000,000 yearly, the charges j
tlon has occurrred, and now the upln- on which amount to about $10,000,000, 1
Ion prevails that however successful The trnflic record of the cnhles to
win-less telegraphy may Bpeedily the Far Knst Asia, Africa nnd Ails-
lilill iH-lwrvil ,-irri.s .inn wivir .-uiim.i i . , th IlHnlnM,mn, f ,rnllM r, klM rm.iium.nu n Pnv nr
ivn snv tnnT ni wnniti iiiitti aim ik t
backing among the democrat c lead- M. thi cabk l M
ors of the East for the chairmanship. . .. , , . , , ran jiura.
- . .1,1111,1, lllllll IVIklilt 1 KlIII.IIIIIII M
ed not be expected lor 100,000 a year, bringing in n revenue
The French
Best 25 cent Meal in the City
Private Dining Parlors
Elegant Furnished Booms in
633 Main Street
. Mr MeCarren Ih not vet even n mem
I her of the committee, but it was in-
derstood when he took charge of the
T . Ttomnnrntif- ramnaien in Brooklyn
last October, supplanting Hugh .Mc
Laughlin, that he would be elected a
member In place of Norman IZ. Mak
of Iluffnlo, thus becoming the repre-
, sentntlve of New York state on tile
I national commlttt-e.
called n purely liiislness unnngeinent.
IliiiiM-hfdil service is a liusiness ar
rangement, unit again It Is not, nnd
tliiiM? hoiisekebpei-h who recognize the
twofold eli.'iriietcr of the sltuutluu lire
the Ih'SI calculated to succeed lu solv
ing the domestic problem. In the bust
new elmrneier of the Hltiiutlou you
1111111 demand prompt, ellicient labor.
cure gimil ri"sults ir you forget lier
wonianhond. There is n great differ
ence In H'nple's idea of lielng kind, but
a kindly manner, orders given as re-
The Columbia
LodeinB' House
Well ventilated, neat and
co'mfortable rooms, good
bed:. Bar in connection
where best goods are
Main Street, center of
block, between Alta and
Webb Streets.
McCarren is said to be the choice j bom-sty nnd cleanliness; but, on the
of Tammany for the chairmanship of (,tiicr band, your laliorcr Is a member
tho national committee and it is ,m- r ,lr fmnllv. nnd tnu will not se-
ilersiood tnat i-eaucr .Miirpny aim nis
friends will work hard for his selec
tion. Whether the Democrats
throughout the country at large can
m .1-- 1 . . I 1. t .
ne sumcicnuy impress wiui ...i-v-a,-, , ,,. .,.. Q ,1... 111,.
ren's ntness for the place Is a matter j ' . 1)rk.,r i..ie friend
of doubt. It is believed that ,hl. ' i"''d tlon or tin worktr. n little iriuiu
Southern and Western Democrats ! f "') on " t dress 0 nlm
would much prefer a man better ( "''r blKS that eom ern her as a wo
known to the country at large and ' ""'- supplcn.eiitlng n cleau and com
II U more than possible that this sen-1 forlnble riHim. Is certainly a good typo
tlment is strong enough, to defeat the, of k i ml ness.-Woman's Hume Compan-
plans of the McCarren supporters. Ion.
Cleveland Will Speak. j . . .
r. Wbrn llir I'.jrbroi Hull Ont.
Aside from the reorganization eon- ' .1... (.v,.l,rows U'cin to
self. Mr. Cleveland's acceptance f ciintharldes or enme other hair Invlgo-
The most Impressive fact, In con
nection with this subject. Is that the
cubic companies exhibit a complete
disregard for the threatened competi
tion. Since Marconi spanned the
ocean by transmitting electric Im
pulses over 2,000 miles, cable laying
has been witnessed In all the greater
hens. The British have marked tho
Pacific uy a Htnte-owned cable 7,'JSG
miles long, Btretchlng from Vancouv
er, via Fanning, Fife and Norfolk isl
ands, to iiistralla. The Americans
have laid across the same ocean a
second filament of 8,264 mllcB, con-
of Jll.OOO.OOO nnnunlly, the ohnrges
being lighter owing to tho greater dis
tances traversed. The'Tigures of the
business done by tho two Pacific ca
bles arc not yet obtainable, the Brit
ish having only bi-on opened on New
Year's day and the American" on the
Fourth of July,
ThlB Is the mighty agency which
the "radiograph," as tne wireless sys
tem is being termed, him to combat.
The telegraph is already eBtanllshed,
71 serves all countries efficiently, and
it has been perfecting Its appliances
for iiO years. Whereas the message
from Queen Victoria to President B11
Sash, Doors h
Made to order, B-J
paper lime, ctmtti, !
and sand wood gaiiaJ
oarns ana dwcihsgi jr
Oregon Ltunl
Alts, St, Opp. CoimHJ
nectlng San Francisco and Mnnlla, by ehnnnn, the first transmitted across
F. X. Schempp
Propri e t o r
an Invitation to Bpenk is taken to
n.eau thit the banquot will mark the
formal opening of the Democratic na
tional campaign. There has been a
two-fold plan In the minds of the pro
moters of the banquet: first, to start
the national campaign along saga
cious and conservative lines, and, sec
ond, to bring tho new mayor of New
York Into further na ' "rnml
nonce, not mat there is any intention
of grooming him for the presidential
nomination this year, for that, in the
minds of the Democratic leaders,
would weaken the Tammany organiz
ation by taking Colonel McClellan
from the mayor's chair,
For this re
known Democrats of the United
States, men like benator Gorman of
Maryland anrt Richard Olney of Mas
sachusetts, have been sought us
guests, and the speeches to be made
will purposely outline tho most advis
able lines of battle for the Impending
A celebrated exjiert recommends the
following ml.-Unre to bo rubbed on gen
tly with a small brush: Tincture of
rosemary. 10 grams; tincture of can
tlmridcs, 10 grains; spirits of flore
viintl, loft grams; camphorated alco
hol, 100 grnuib.
To thicken nnd lengthen the lashes
use the following treatment:
For three mouths, every fifteen days,
with very line cuned scissors cut the
ends of the lashes Just a little: then
every night, after having used boraclc
ucld to thoroughly wash tho eyes and
their surroundings, rub the lashes gen-
-ason all of the best- i wi.t1' uU cllue or itroleum.
i job irviiiiit.'iii iiuiif- if'KUiunj feting
gives most satisfying results.
way of Honolulu. Midway and Runm.
The Ourmans have put down another
line In the Atlantic from Emden to
the Azores and then to New York.
And the eastern Cable company, a
British combination which embraces
tho largest cable concerns in tho
world and Is bitterly opposed to the
"state-owned" Pacific enterprise, has
laid the first sectlou of a new 12,000
mile cable thin year to Australia, via
Portugal, West Africa, Cape Town
Reliable ConJ
A Mistake
Was Made , .
I have only a few Ladies
Shoes, but can, fit
Any Man
Men's Snoes made to fit
126 Coert Street
Moved from Judd block.
Schemes Realized to Shorten Time
from North.
Chicago, Jan, i. The Florida win
ter resorts are brought two and one
half hours nearer Chicago by the ser
vice which the Eastern Illinois rail
road inaugurated today. Under th
new schedule, a train Is to leave Chi
cago daily at 1:30 p. m. and arrive
in St. Augustine at 8:10 p. m. the
following evening. The faster ached
lilo Is to bo maintained by four now
mammoth Atlantic type engines,
weighing over 150 tons each and
guaranteed to haul 12 Pullmans nt a
speed of SO miles per hour.
How's This?
offer One Hunitrwl IlolUrs Hew d-d
for any en- of cnliirrh thnt cannot !
cured by Hall' Catarrh Cure.
1 , J, ciii;m;v & ;o rrop.. Toledo, o,
We. the unilrrali-neil. ba knnnn P. J.
Cheney for the lat IS yearn, and believe
111 in perfectly honorable In all bundle
trnnnetlon and financially able tn carry
nut Any obllaatlona made hy Ibeir firm.
i.kt a, TiiUA.V wnoiemiie iiruKKimn,
Toledo. O.
ale Druggists, Toledo, O,
Hall's Catarrh Cure U taken Internally.
acting directly upon the blood nnd mu
coiui aurfacea of the syalem, 1'rlce Tx per
noiiie. noia ny an nruggiaia, Teumoniaix
Haifa Family 11 1 1m are Ibe beat
Peoplo have a way of confusing ad
vlco with "approval." Don't forgot
this falling when your friend asks
you for advice.
"There would Ik- more marriage If
the women took the matter of propos
als Into tbelr.own hands," declares the
Itev. Thomas li. Hyde of Cincinnati.
"Some men don't know how to pro
pose They are too bashful. Women
will have to help the men out. Qlve
women the right to propose, and there
will be more innrrlnges. Why should
a woman die of love on account of a
false sentiment of modesty? Begin
immediately, Indies. Then we clergy
men will have something to do. Busi
ness Is dull now. Marriage Is solemn,
but single life is more so."
A DlHilnnd Kclc
Bathing with' a lotion made of equal
parts of roscwatcr nnd alcohol, with
I suggestion Of tincture of bennoln add
ed, will whiten a discolored neck. Bathe
first with warm water nnd castlle soap,
and rub the lotion In well. Do not wear
high, unyielding stocks. They are sure
lo make your throat mibenutlf ul. Any
how, the onet of soft ribbon, with little
hand embroidered turnover collars, nrc
vastly daintier, prettier and more be
coming. Olive Oil,
A writer In the American Kitchen
Magazine declares thnt "If a small part
of the money spent for medicines in
the United States were employed to
put n pure olive oil on our tables there
would be less cnll for the varlouB pow
ders, pills and liniments that are ad
vertised on every side. Perhaps, toy,
we angular Americans should guln
some of the grace native to Spaniard
and Italians."
the Atlantic cable, took GT minutes to
send, though It was only 90 words,
the capacity of a cable now Is "0
words a minute. Indeed, nil the trot'
tic over the Atlantic cables could bo
handled within nn hour dally, were
the messages to come togolher: and
the advocates of caldo reform contend
that these 14 channels could convey 1
2S4.0UO.O0O words a year if worked to
their full cupnclty, without Increasing
th, cost of oneratlon. unrl iIiIk would
and the Indian ocean, a total of 34,000 enable them to earn a substantial
miles of new cable, or one-sixth of the profit even If the cable owners r-
world's entire mileage, placed in po- duced the rate to a penny a word,
sition since Marconi's great expert- Mnrconl recently stated that when
mont- I equipped for commercial operations In
In addition, the conierence or tho near future he will accept rom
chnmborB of commerce or tho British mercla messages nt ten. and press
empire, held at Montreal In August, messages at ilvo centB"u word, and
unanlinotisly adopted resolutions call, predicted that "two hundred uords a
ing for a state-owned telegraph con- minute, nt one cent a word, nnd the
nectlng the British possessions all s'ead of the malls for u very Iirgc
around the world, ncqulring private general use of wireless telegraphy in-
., ,....,,,,.. i. luyiuK proportion 01 tne porsonni corronpon-1 , , , ni
new ones where necessary, beginning , deuce that now passes between Amer Rriorhl S DISCS"
with the Atlantic cable which BhouiC, lea and Europe, would be develop ul,BulJ
liunu... mime in nail me preHenT , monts certain err. Inn "
This prediction. If verified, will
compel the cablo companies to reduce
their rates or oIbo embark upon a bit
ter financial struggle with the wire-
1fMH mneumo Tlin in),1u with thi,
w v. uim-'
cipttnl they have nnd tho world-wide San Francisco. 0C-
influences thev nnnsnKR u-riuld ho i: lb- in. f the Eatt OrCSc"la-
Elactlnlly li.rtlfied for such 'a contlln. u,.nr Sir -The Iiuwf
w SLiwtf
10 trie wnriu me , ,m
. i..,i,,'u ...sease W .'1
b,.,l mf as Of w
These facts attest that the cable
experts are undismayed by tho efforts
of their "wireless" competitors. The
world today Is so accustomed to tho
general existence nnd Hllont efficiency
of the telegraph cablo and land
line that Its magnltudo Is not nnnro.
ciaieu. mo Atlantic is now spanned i their :mif,cntlomi. with tholr lnnil
?L ti r .oonS ICB.'"n an "KKrcgato . lines, extending to tho remotest qunr
.v,un.- iu.vuu umuB, ciBuwnero in tors of tho clobe
That pay then .cl
promptly. Our compiJ
stand at the head olllil
' Hartford Fue Iimurancr t'&W
Alliance Asuiiramrli)
Londnn & Ijincasbiri' Fin
Insurance On :
North British A Mercuii
Royal In-uruDce Co,
Diabetes Ned
Office Wine and !P :
the world are 1.700 otners. short nnd
long, with a lotal mllcago of 150,000,
making a grand nggregato of 199,000
miles, nil but 20,000 of which nro
owned by commercial concerns, tho
remainder by different governments.
Tho Investment of capital in cables
is estimated at UIO.OOO.OOO, and to
repair and maintain them requires 40
specially equipped ocean steamships.
Tho land lines of Europo total 425,600
mnes, wun i.bsb.uuu miles of tele
graph wlro strung thereon, while tho ccmber National
Tho wlroloss companies, on the
othor hand, maintain that tho compar-
niive insigntllcancQ or tho cost ot brother eiumm. " u,
their equipment, contrasted against 'you. 1 v;as at wsi" .
mu i-auies, places mem in B posuion
to undertake remunerative work at
Hguros their competitors could not
approach. Thus, an Atlantic cable
costs 12,000,000, whllo Marconi's two
stations in Cormall and Capo Breton
serve tho snme purpose at a cost of
only $150,000. p. T. McQratb, In Do-
t ji
J :U.ir.HT OVBItniQIIT."
Hearlnn In Securities cusj.
Washington, .Isn 1. Vfc T'nltwJ
Btutes BUprome court roctn cd to-
daa nit,.. , , , 1 1 .1 "
case of tho Botu vs. Z ' Zori"
Northorn Securities Company Is en
tho docket for hoarlng, but as hov
oral othor casos havo procodonco it
is likely tho argiimonts in that im-
will bo delayed for a
nnwint I liail 1""
i clear of d""
thought I wo"' "p'lvSnW
Foundry told ml
discovered are
life, ami 8P"n"n7, 'ijii?1
tirins I was Pt I
my recovery Zll
W friend of
with Wight fSt
covcry I tW 'JJ'jeI
samelnhla r
nn tho road to "Voitl
cr editor I
., iih of tn itin
Tie above 'e"
cures the world
Brlght's Dl6MW,. VlS
are the J$JfrZ
let F '"-'.V