East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 04, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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- :
Plj (fee
j -.V.
ruiii.ii-.l trmrj aturuuon (except Sunday)
at ivnuietoa. urestm, oy mr
rtuiue. Alain tt.
liallt our jmt by mall 5.00
IWilly. alt tuontua by mall "-AO
lially, tbrre months by mall !-
(tatljr, one month tJj mall SO
Hally. per month bj rarrl.fr 05
Wrvkl;. nut year by mall 1.00
Weekly, air months by mall
UVbL.It- 'our montha bjr mall 50
Sml-Wekly, one year by mall .... U.UO
feral-Weekly, all moutba by mall . . 1.04)
nl Weekly, three, montba by mall . . .50
The Ra.u Oregunlan la on .He at tt. II.
Illeb'e News Stands at Hotel Portland and
Uotrl Perklna, Portland. Oregon.
Member Scrlppa Mcltae Newe Anocla
tloa San Tranclaco Mureau. IS Fourth St.
Chicago Ilnreau. m Security llulldlnr.
Washington. 1). C llureau. MU 14th 8t..
. W.
entered it lendleton pootofllce aa aeccond
class matter.
Are you wearie" and worn on
the pathw:i of strife"
Do you yearn for affection to
sweaten your life?
Remember this truth has ofttm
been proved
You must make yourself lova-
ble would you be loved.
Though life may appear as a
desolate track.
Vet the broad that we cast on
the waters comes bark.
This law was proclaimed by
f heaven above:
That like attracts like, and
love begets love.
1" 1
One of tho certain signs of dullness ,
in Pendleton Is a scarcity of drunken j
Indians Even the "bootleggers" feel 1
the jKist-hollday depression.
Pendlston boasts of an empty city
jail on the beginning of the new year.
Tho average daily attendance for the
year, however, will not be so small.
Grovor Clevelnnd has about as
much chance of being president as
Mark Hanna, and would be just about
.as acceptable to the common people.
The creamery company which pro
poses to build a creamer' in Pendle
ton, will gather the separated cream
from the farmer's door, doing away
wlth the old wearisome task of deliv
ering milk every day.
The city council did n gallant ict
which will meet with the hearty ap
proval of Pendleton, In reappointing
Thomas Fitz Gerald to be city record
er. Judge Fitz Gerald has filled Us
office ably, justly and gracefully, be
ing a terrop to wrong-doors and a
watchful Fiiardian of the city's Inter
ests. The height of President Roosevelt's
ambition, as evidenced in all his
printed books aud repeated utteran
ces, is to stimulate the warlike spirit
among the people ano create a pop
ular demand for a larger army and
navy, and to be ever on the alert for
a chance to fight. War is a shameful,
3enseless waste of energy, money and
life and the American nation should
frown upon all attempts to play the
mock heroic role In an age of en
lightenment. From all present indications a fe.r
lives and a few million dollars will
he sacrificed by tho United States in
a skirmish with Colombia over the
Panama canal and the republic of
Panama. Had the United States lis
tened to Senator Morgan, a canal
would now be In operation on the
Nicaraguan route, owned by the
United States, manned by hor forts
and costing incomparably less than
the Panama canal If It ever U built.
The transcontinental railroad compa
nies arc thought to be backing Colom
bia in obstructing the Panama canal,
as the building of any canal means a
SO per cent reduction in continental
freight rates.
Senator Fulton fears tnat the te
publican vote of Oregon will b !m
paired by the action of Secretary
Hitchcock lu probing Into the land
frauds of the stato and thinks that
the secretary is weakening Iloce
velt's chance of carrying Oregon.
The action of Secretary Hitchcock in
bringing the corruptionlsts to Justice
is meeting with the hearty approval
if the people of Oregon. Irrespective
of party, and it is the politician who
would cover up the frauds, after all
ttholr disgusting exposures in Oregon,
'that' 'Is the truo enemy of his party
just now. Turn the llgut on Oregon.
.Ifjresculng tho atato from fraud dis
rupts ovory party organization In Or
egon, the peoplo will not grieve. Hon
esty Is what they want, to the winds
with politics.
Tho rigid restrictions which Chica
go will imposo ttnon future thcator-
-jiiildors will discourage the Industry
'tuoro. AmoDK the improvements
wm u.re hereafter are
steet rol curtains, wide exits, no
: eomhustll.los of any kind on 'tho
' stage, absolutely fire proof scenery, no
calcium ugnis. automatic hkviiriuk
to permit tho ogress of smoke, wide
stairways loading to exits and tin-
locked outsUle doors during all per
formances. It has developed In the
Investigation of the Iroquois Are that
tnere was no connection between tho
theater niu tho city lire nlarni ays
teni, no air slmft from tho singe to
force flames away from the auditor
ium, aud tnat throe of the exit doors
were locked on the outBlde with pad
lochs. The price of this negligence
is most terrible and tho city should
abolish tncaters entirely or enforce
her nrdlnaucea for safe-.'.
After 35 years of active service as
railroad manager. H. 0. Hurt, presi
dent of the lTmon I'ncille. has resign-
I ed. presumably to take a 'well-canted
I rest. Hut under the outwnrd slate
I mont that Hurt Is in need of rest, are
i many facts with which the public is
I not famillnr. It is a fact that rhe
long drawn out and costly strike ofjij- about gossiping, hut n crowd 'f '
the Union Pacific iHillermnkers. re
sulting in the complete demoralization
of the motive power of that great sys-
i tern, nnd yet unsettled, was directly
due to Hurt's obstinacy and refusal
' to deal
fairly with the men. The
4- strike of the bollermakers touched a
sympathetic cord among other rail-
..,.u uiuuia .......p. in tut- iiiii-
down and dangerous condition of 'lie
Union Pacific engines, about a year
ago. the engineers auij firemen of the
entire systom threatened to strike If
engines were not put In a safe comll-
tlon by rompotem men. Tho trouble
was finally taken to Harriman at New
. York, over Hurt's head, in an effort
to get 3 permanent settlement and
secure comptont men to go into the
Utiiler shops. The rumbling among
the Union Pacific labor forces is vet
distinctly heard and Hurt's much
needed rest Is also very necessary to
the pacification of a large body of
employes whose survlces are badly
needed by the company.
The greatest industrial promli-e be
fore Umatilla county, likely to be le
alized In near future, is the pro.
pect of a beet sugar tnctory at Home
point in the county. The Mormon
has spoken and his word in as good
as a bond. If beets will grow in the
Athena district or lu tho irrigated dis
trict at Echo, a factory will be built.
A test crop will be raised this year
and on the result of that crop hangs
the Investment of half a million dol
lars in a factory and Its necessary
appurtenances, and the introduction
of an industry which has raised farm
ing land values in "" '-n county from
135 per acre tour vears agu, to ?f.f.
to "' at the present time. There is
nu doubt about the success of the!
I crop. The warm, sandy soli, the long
seasons and the warm growing nights
of Umatilla county guarantee the
success of the beet crop in advance.
The greatest disadvantage to beat
growing in Union county Is the cold
weather in the spring, which rots
the seed in the ground before it
sprouts. In an altitude 1,600 feet low.
er than Union county- with a three
weeks' earlier spring and a three
weeks later fall, Umatilla county
promises to surpass tho Union
county beet belt in every particular.
Every condition here booms lavura
ble. The soil, climate, seasons and
facilities for reaching into the re
motest corners of we county by rail,
all add to the feasibility of Umatilla
county as the real sugar beet bolt of
tho West. The certain forerunner of
tho factory Is the test crop that Is to
be grown this year.
A writer In a recent number of Suc
cess has this to say about recont hap
penings In the Far East: A standard
gauge railway has Just reached Horns
the budding Manchester of Syne.
No greater excitement has prevailed
in that town since in C36 A. D. the
hosts of Islam demanded its surren
dor. Now It is learned that, next
season, landaus and victorias will ho
run between Horns and Palmyra, thus
making accessible those wonderful
" 1 ruins which thus far to the truvollng
public have been as a closed book.
In two or three years Yankee tourists
will cross the desert in automobiles,
Kvtu sir.n tho disappearance of the
Human chariots and tho gallant les
ions of Aurollau, which swept these
plains In 272 A, I)., tho camel and the
flory Arab steed have reigned mi
prome In Queen Zenobln's realms.
A horseless carriage Is suro not to
Impress the beul'thted Ilodnuln ns a
cheerful sight. It Is apt Indeed to
give hint n bad spoil of the blues and
drive him still farther back Into the
Syrian and Arabian deserts, a moro
cordial hater of civlllbzatlon, or, as
he would call It, degonoration, than
over before. Ho will probably pray
to Allah that the whirling saudstnrms
of tho desert may swallow and bury
It forever. It seemed to him trying
enoiign to witness ills lleot dromedar
ies condemned to rush like tho tiro
less winds of the Caucasus across
these beloved prairies carrying mall
aim mouern corruption from Damas
cus to Haguad. n was humiliating,
destructive and portentous.
Hut when It Is noised abroad (hat
I the railroad is co.nlnB down through
. A1)rnBm 'UVOn old r of U,c
chnldees, to ho sure, the end of nil
things Is near
! Society,
j ' ,IUl1u,,ln?r"E'
I lit I' U
Make a little cocolato fudgo.
Then go find your hat.
Say you've had a Jolly time.
As she waves her fnn.
Now, Isn't that exciting sport,
To tempt a healthy man?
The above little quotation Is from a
little book "Hedoctlons of tho Morn
Ini- After" hv Herntnn I.oo Mender.
nnd the entire book averages up fair-,
ly well with the quotation. The ait-1
thor exiilalus the nppenrnnce of the 1
book as follows: "The fallowing ,
thoughts wore never Intended for
publication. They wore scribbled j
down from time to time for tho same j
reason that a ninti leans over tho rail
of a ship on his llrst son voyage. He ;
Is not Inteiested In fish culture, nnd i
has no grudge against the ocean, but ,
simply feels be hns something he
must give up."
A few of the thinks are given In
low: "Men criticise women very harsh
fcllows in tno cafe or a smart emu ,rlli inclinations on a larger scale 11 ;
will make the conversation ut n wo- permits the generous man to be n
man's luncheon sound like table ':iM ! philanthropist, elevates the loafer to)
in a mute asylum." I a Mieioty swell, nnd transforms the ,
"When the gay boy with a change , Si; ttito a bon Vivnnt."
of striped shirts and a golf club gois on tho Inst page of The llellec '
back from u summer outing at a ' uimR over a grinning death's head the
man-forsaken hotel nnd tries to re- nutlinr gives his excuse,
pent his triumphs In the city, ho gets . "Wlmt was the use of publish!'
uboiit tho same sort of n Jolt as "he , n t,R7 i.ots of hrnlnlcr men have
fat fellow who steps on n bnmna rxi ressed themsulves on the snm" '
peel." sublecls Yet. nfler nil. bow little vo
"Life's longest span is short. The ; , K of any real value; the best .vo
mystotles of what wont before am! ,-aii i,Hp(. for is to be kept ngreeablv
what may follow remain unsolved, decupled. Preparing this manuscript
hut we ' know that fate deals out ,aK i.ept me so. and I trust that road
more pnln than joy. so lei no plonsme K h. )0ok has done the same 'or
nass untasted."
"A Jag Is like a racing stable no
poor man has a right lo one. Individ
iml liberty lie damned when a wife
aud children are deprived to cuabble
a fiithor to blow in bis week's pay
boozing up with tho gang on a Sat
urday night."
"A man reproaches himself for '11- t
Juring his health, ho regrets sqmui-
dering his money, nnd ho swears If
the rain spoils his new straw hat
but the most precious asset he has
his time, he wastes away without a
"Some women honestly wish lo J
respected, nut a fnr greater nunib -i
prefer being loved. This preference
of tho majority mnkos man's lile
worth living."
"A woman who once yields " '
natural Impulses of a great love is an
outcast from society, but to gain
wealth and social position she grants
herself for life to n man she even
bates. A clergyman's beiiedlcMon
makes hor a respected matron."
'If you come away from a masquer
ado ball with a pink and tinsel fairy 1
nnd on bidding her good night at a '
rear noor nnu sue nas cnappeu nanus
that smell of pots, precious little lo -
nance remains to your adventure
Hut what a shock it must be to a
mnn who has never seen bis fiancee
except In roguish bathing suit, stun-1
nlng tailor made or exquisite ,ieco-
lette gown, to wane up some morning
, , , , , . , 1 ,,1
nnd behold his wife crouched before
the mirror In a rumpled nightie try-:
ui iu iui ij 1 j iivi iuniiuvt:ii;ii nun.
'vhou nature has provided petito
brunettes, statuesque blondes and an
Infinite variety of composito types, as
-v.-ii e;.- ' a --ei: noaed old tlpplo
raf-- ' ougl. a wine cellar wifunt
samp'.u-g all the casks as 'for a n;;i:'aml one-dollar sue
to bo conli:- with one." bottles. You may
"A married woman tllrtlug with a
dozen men and boys is supposed lo
be away for her hcnlth, and hor hus
band endeavoring to quench the thirst
of a roof garden soubrette is supposed
to be slaving away in town because
he can't leave his business."
"Lovers are silly and a newly-married
pair are sickening, hut nn old
white-haired couple still lu love w
To keep the stomach healthy, the ap
petite good, tne iireatli sweet anil the
bnwejiiopen. Just take a dose of Ho
tetter's Htoniaoh Hitters before meals
and st-e for yourself. It Is also a sure
cure for Poor Appetite, Dyspepsia, In
dlgestiou. Heartburn, Liver Com
plaints, Chills. Colds aud Malaria. Try
a bottle today, also get a copy of our
1D04 Almanac from your druggist. It
Is free.
I Tender Beef
Prime Pork
5 Fine Veal J
5 Best Motion 5
j Delicious Lamb
The proprietor of this meat 3
( market is a stock raiser on 3
Butter Creek and will he able
I to furnish the best meats in
jj the market in any quantity
S. WARNER, Propr.
5 New Milarkey Building Vest
Court Street
f Phoue Main I'M
j best meats";
each o thor Ut ho most beautiful slKl.t
"Wh -n waUos
Nnarr od ldl
eliih hills must seem nuo canni mmiu
An ni,t snre-head Is like n volcano
ti,nt u nimost extinct. It rumlilos
away, but Is too much spent to mn.te
an eruption, nnd so tho sour old fnll
ure growls and grumbles at every
thing nnd everybody, but accomplish
es nothing."
"A man may be so willing to please
that ho retires enrly rather than
keep the bedbugs waiting for supper,
and yet never satisfy anyone. He
who tries to please everybody Invail
ably pleases nobody."
"Nothing Is more unsympathetic
limn nilBorv Itself; a hobo will fol
0W n cop n round tho pnrk slinking
,Vtb glee until the last poor sleeping
iinm i,nK iioon whacked ncrofis tho
aoles of Ills feet."
t0 Minl;o money dealing In stocks
n n margin Is ns easy us putting
your trousers on In nn tipper berth
J,f n sleeper "
"There are two elements In n great
temptation a strong desire nnd tho
onnorlmiltv to grntlfy It: Until n
Ilmn has come nwny from such n
commniition wun unsoiieu uugom. m
dare not V (no certain of his hon
esty." "Monov never ruined any man. 't
sirniily ennbles him to pursue his .mt-
vnu li not. nluase turn bnck utid
read oxer the foreword before cursing
t ncthor."
Tutiillla. Jan. 1.
Are brave men
men If conscience
ards of us all"'
doth make
nr. TL v.,
1 i
1 j
1 1
UlltJil lllfj lYIUIICJ S Hit
Weakened by Oyer-Work.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Uluod.
It used to tic considered that only
urittarv and bladder troubles were to lie
traced to the kidneys, J
but now modern ,
science prove that ,
nearly all disease
have'their In-ginning .
in the disorder of 1
these uiih.1 imxrUmt ;
The kidneys filter
and purify the blood t
that is their work. 1
Therefore, when your kidneysurc weak j
nr nut nf order. 011 can understand how
quickly your entire Uxly is affected and 1
, now e cry orgun nwiii m 1.111 i" iu
If you are sick or " feel Icully," liegiu
taking the great kidney remedy, Dr.
, Kilmer's Swamji-RiKit, localise as hoon
yur k'ducys are well they will help
all the other organs to health. A trial
! w' convince anyone.
If vou are sick ott can make 110 mi!-
. '... At .1 -.,.: ...... r t-iil.ievu
Tll(. mifd oml the L.xtraSrlfilulrj-effect of
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great
kidney remedy, i soon reulucd. It
stauds the highest for its wonderful cures
of the most distressing cases, and is told
la ...wriftf l.f nil
(druggists in fifty-cent
....o . -j .... IIL
have a suniple Isittle iionMctavunp-aoot.
by mail free, also a ximphlet telling you
how to Gud out if you have kidney or
bladder trouble. Mention this paper
when writingto Dr. Kilmer & Co., lling
bamton, N. Y. Vi-i'l make ntiy mistake,
but remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad
dress, llitighamtou, K. Y. , on every liottle.
Will meet the lowest prices
quoted by anyone on meat
You alwayri GET GOOD
MEAT whtu Mieaoke fllla
your order
Doa't nils the pUee.
Dou't 1 satisfied to move
along In the same old way for
low wages. We can help you
carve out a successful career.
Thousands have Incteaced their
salaries by following our plan.
We can train you hi spare time
and at small eo.t for auy of the
following positions :
or Civil lfnulocr. ICliotrloluo.
or. T..olior. Hliow C.rd VVlt"r
Window Ur.i.or, or AU. Wr tlr
Box 709
ir r""inOBrM'oefl' "Pmtnta.
New Year's
Sec the beautiful line of
Suitable for this occa
sion we. arc showing.
Don't Forget
We handle exclusively
in Pendleton the Chase
A: Sanborn Teas and Cof
fees, recognised as the
highest grade on the
"Until ntr " lie unci inyxelr Iimtc hern
aalnu t'A-l AKI Li ami the) arc the beat 1
oiedK-me to hurc cvoknU In the house Last I
wooK my vtlto wns Jr.nn. with hendache tor
iwoiUi5 sin- triee nonionf yourCASCAItKTS, I
in.t r- llevi il Hir ki n In her heuit almoil
iniuirulatoly Wo Willi recommend Caacareta." .
Ciias STiliirniit), '
J'lttaliurg Sutc .t Uopoult Ca l'ltuburif. Pa. 1
nri iw
Txaot mark RiaiSTiafo
I'lanont I'ntatahle liupnt Taiip Onod. no
Qouit, Mi?er Mt-Jti.it W i-ukeit or irl.e. tuv Jjc iVlc
. iL.lMf U.M-r ImimIi Ifckto, UMir.il, l.rl. 1lT
' tin.Tfl.RSR HuM unit liaanld lij all druj.
Will he properly and prompt
ly done if entrusted to us.
We can fill your wants for
electrical supplies of all kinds
Electrical rortractitig; is our
specialty r.nd We would like
to figure with you.
Sole dealers in the old reli
able Edison Lamps.
Good Work Right Prices
West Coert Street
Near Nattkick BIdb'.
All Kinds
1 have good sound wood
which is delivered at
reasonable prices
For Cash.
W. C. MINN1S !'
Leave orders at Neuman's
Cigar Store.
Awar ipln the bortea, round ipiQ Iberun-aboat-Bmaahl
Baiifl Crubtll II 11 Un'!
total wreek, bring the lamalmol yourteblcle
here and we will do a good Job of repelling (or
you and chatKfl you no more tbaa U ,fu'
ualng good materials and pulllur in
work Kjouhave bad no accident and yuor
conveyance li merely "ran down,"eiue ad-Tlce-bilnf
It here lor rr)UTenatlon. We banJle
eicluWelT lo fendleton the celebtated Win
ona buitflci and wanoui.
Should have that best of
DRY ami FINE, that
you will find with
Also your Christinaa t-'Oau-E
I 01 a hnn... . s.
'i Co. b.l"
J i ana she t
!'' month.
AH kinds ofrujl
Has Real Etbttfl
fanirlnw k
nioat nioda,!
equipped mis
Inlk.lU,. .
(ami nf 1 i.
good illili 1
thousand! tfi
wheat land.
j Building..
If ill iktfripti
Door, Blu
ing, Bulldino
Bring Your B
Get Our Fij
i.urays llaruori
. ' M a
Let us nil
bin witH
Recognizto i
and most etc
We aie pttp
tract with J 1
winter's snpp?
liver coal of
part o! the or-
Main Street
is THE C
need P"', 1
and M fjJ
poaltrr Jn
r P Colesw
Agtut for V
1 S5BS
.tAfNi "
xry it. oni