DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1904. I i w Important Sale of V mnelette Wrappers J ONE WEEK ONLY assortment of Flannelette Wrappers, made in the P (nncv fitrures and strines. shnulrW rni 5tJlcs, , .; . , Kit FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY ? STATE BOARD BEGINS ON CELILO CANAL ROUTE SPECIALS FOR. THIS WEEK Wednesday Specials (Will Confer With All Pranertv HM.-I. I 1 ers from Time to Time to Secure '4. ace me Necessary Right of Way as 1 Cheaply as Possible Plans of the 'J Route Fully Discussed. I T Ladits' Suit" and Jackets at actual cost Curtains o( all grades icduced 20 per cent I flounce. Sale Price, $1.38 A money saver. Great Value Li is the lucky No. for the Piano. See if you have tt. LEXANDER'S DEPARTMENT STORE PLUMBING Our Work and the Bill Will stand comparison with the best of 'em. The work is as near perfee tion as humans can attain the price therefor as cheap as anybody should expect. We do all linds of sani tary plumbing and gas fitting, and charge you not immoderately. Let us estimate on your newt necessity in our line. . CLARKE & Co an Court Street llllll I H II I I 1 1 I I HHtl H llfHHMMI I I HI I MOVED TO t i I I 15 East Court Street ; I i IB Mi H Iiy Prices Now Placed on all Pianos (2b Organs s, Mandolins, Violins, Sheet lusic and Holiday Goods p month's Free Instrucsion uiven i I with Each Piano Sale I M 1 Band empire music I I COMPANY I w casL Court avreeu Phone Red U5t MHiiM,lMillil''llll'tj' n SB THE lltTUT II A conference between the members of the state canal board and .Major W. C. l-angfm, United States Kngln eer corps, was held yesterday after noon for the purpose of ascertaining by the state officers Just what man ner of right of way In The Dallas Celilo canal project the United States government wants. Governor Chamberlain, Secretary t of State Dunbar and Attorney- General Crawford were present In thej Interest of the state and Major I.ang-j? fltt and United States District Attor-'4 T.ft. llftl! 4. - . 1 -t -men mo government i j T 1 , ... .. . . I iiiepareu ny .Major l-angmi, showing the proposed route of the ca nal, were discussed, and the difficul ties incidental in securing the right of way by the state found to be noni Inal. Governor Chamberlain believes that only half the appropriation of $100,000 furnished by the state need be expended In purchasing the right of way. The proposed line of the canal Is nearer the river than the boat tnil way would have been, thus materially lessening the price which will have to be paid to the O, It, & N. company. A rloso Investigation will be made jy the state canal board as to the rights of J. H. Taffe, Kvarding & Farroll anil Seufert Ilros., all of whom have prop erty on the proposed canal route, but which Is below high water mark of the Columbia river. The fetate board will also confer with other owners along the Thursday Specials Jap Silk, ail coloif, 23c yard Ladies' kc Wool Head Shaw's, reduced 20 per cent Friday Specials Men s and liojs' Suits and Overcoats, re- dmcd 20 per cent Men's Fleeced. lined Underwear, heavy gtade 35c garment Comforts and Woolen Blankets, re. ouced 20 per cent Saturday Specials Calico, to yards for , 40c Outing Flannel, for cent grade, 10 yards 45c All Dress Goods value joc yard, special for Saturday 36c yard Ladies' Slippers of all kinds reduced 20 per cent Men's Slippers ol all kinds reduced 20 per cent MEN'S OVERSHOES All sues For One Day Only 90c pair f THE FMIR McCALL'S PATTERNS SOLD HERE ber, without first 'having served tw i , .'eats' apprenticeship in a shop. ' What's In a Name? Evei) thine is In the name when it comes to Witch Hazel Salve. K, C. lie Witt K Co. of ..icago discovered somi) years ago how to moko a salve from Witch Hazel that Is a st-ccltlc route. I for Piles. Kor blind, bleeding, itch- and with the O. R. & X. company, ing and protruding riles, eczema, with a view of securing the various cuts, burns, bruises and all skin dls properties at as low a tigure as possi-1 eases DeWitt's Salve has no equal, ble. This has given rise to numerous Other meetings will be held from worthless countcrlell-. Ask for Do tirao to time and at the next meeting , Witt's the genuine. Sold by Tall District Attorney Hall will present a man .t Co. form of deed lor transferring the right of way frum the stnte to th" government for the consideration of the state officials. Cured After Sufferina 10 Years. II. F. Hare, Supt. Miami Cycle & Mfg. 'Co., Jliddletown, O., suffered for ten years with dyspepsia. He spent hundreds of dollars for medicine and witt doctors without receiving any permanent benefit. He says: "Ono night while feeling exceptionally bad I was about to throw down the even ing paper when I saw an item in the paper regaining the merits of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I concluded to try it and while I had no laith in it I felt bettei alter the second dose. After using two bottles I am stronger and better than I have been In years, and I recommend Kodol Dyspepsia Cuie to my friends and acquaintances suffering lrom stomach trouble." Sold by Tallman & Co. Mickey Finn. All that the word farce comedy 'm lilies, capable comeulans, prettj girls, blight costumes, catchy niusir and special scenery and mechanical effects is assured those who attend the performance of the MicKey Finn company at the Krazer next Tuesday night, January 5. The cast Is made up of metropolitan favorites and there is a large singing chorus. In fact. It is said to be an unusually strong sing lnjr company. There are no less tnan IS musical numbers Interspersed throughout the three acts of rapid Urn merry making. All of New York's latest song hits are to be lounu in this extensive iepeit .10. The coin r.u'n 's in-aded by funny Rulo Wfi-h and Klttie Francis, both well and ta rorablv known In this city. Hum nil II. I. Ilrtlrra. The Clillleriii ale it range of chalk eminences ilixlillng the counties ot Hertford and l'.iilfoitt nnil extending lo Henley In former days these Itllli were InfcMvd with rubber, and the lowrimuiit wi obliged lo take steps to Mtpprcs thcM- rogues. The task vra carried nut under an officer up IMtlnted h, the crown and known as the steward of the Ohlltcrn Hundreds. The duties of this office ti.nr. long been nlitilftc, but the office tuts Ikvu kepi In foiee. and a nominal salary It attached to I lie post. It is a position of i-iinveiilence for members of parlia ment. An M. I', cannot resign Ills scut, so when lie wishes to tetlie he must ob ta n n Kt under the crown, a post with a Mil.ir.v. Any member accepting such an olllee vacates his scat ami hut lo tie re-elected. The .M. 1'. applies fot the -ifuanUhlp of the Chllteru Iluu dieds it it 1 1 reeeites the npK)lntuienl wlliiout trouble. His sent is now vm cant, and he docs not seek re-election and after a few das he icslgus tils appointment. That is the roundabout waj in which mi M. I'. retires from parliament. London Standard. FRAZER THEATRE R. .1. NIXON, Manager I'hoiif Main 1 One Night Only--Tesday, Jan. 5. RUUL the WELCH, KITTY FRANCIS and Company i Musicel Farce Comedy I .."MICKEY FINN".. X All of New York's la et song, hits. 4. A WI1IRLWINP OF MERRIMENT i Popular Prices 25c, 5oc. and 75c. On sale Monday, 10 a. in. 1ELATERITE Is Mineral Rubber.l VOU .MAY IN I KM) lUHI.DINO or nil 1 It nrnvMiry to UKP1.AOK A Wtlll.N-UIIT HOOK ELATERITE ROOFING Tukrs th plate of uhlngles, tin. iron, tar aJd grarel, Hnd all lire par 'ooflngs. For flat and steep surfaces, gutters, valleys, etc. Easy to Ur Temperc for all climates, lleasounble Id cost. Sold od merit. Qusru teed. It will pay to ask frr prlcesnnd Information, THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO. Worcester Building. Portlsnd Saved from Terrible Death. The family of .Mrs. M. L. Dobbitt ot Uargerton. Tenn.. saw cer uying anil were powerless to save her. The most skillful physicians and every remedy used, failed, while consump tion was slowly but surely taking her lite. In this terrible hour nr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption turn ed despair Into joy. The first bottle brought Immediate relief and its con tinued use completely cured her. It'b the -most certain cure lu the world for all throat and lung troubles'. Guaranteed. Hottles 50c and 11.00. Trial Hottles Flee at Tallman & Co. Can't Close Barber School. Portland, Jan. 4. Tho Drlggs I3ar- ber school still exists and grows, de spite the efforts of the state, board of barber examiners and the Portland Ilarbers union to exterminate 't. Since the arrebf of Driggs on a charge of practicing tho trade without a li cense Jonn isonnrup, wuu umus a certificate which ho secured Deioro the present law went into effect. Is holding forth In the barber school on Everett street. He is givlifc lessons to all those who wish to try the short cut to tho life of a professional bar- JHE BEST pu&J108t WHOLESOME WITHOUT A BUPEWOB S BEST FLOUR The Standard of Excellency. lETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Pronator. TO CURE ANY DISEA8E. Tkr Cuk Mut be utmovta, Bmmm War Wltb OandraS. Kill the germ that causes dandruff, falling hair and baldncne, you will have ! no more dandruff, and your 'hair must grow luxuriantly. Kewuro uerpiciae not only contains the dandruff germ dpntroyer, but It Is also a most delight ful hair dressing for regular toilet use. No other hair preparation Is on this scientific basis of destoying the dandrufl germa It stops all Irritation, keeps tha scalp sweet, pure and wholesome. Ile member that something- sclalmed to bo "just ns pood." will not do the work of genuine Ilerplclde. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. In stamps for sam ple to The Ilerplclde Co.. Detroit, Mich. F. W. Schmidt, special agent. 1'li- Ilrf-niu u r liifnitey. When babies smile In I heir sleep. some will bay .-tngels are whispering to them, jut when they are old enough, though not jet out of the age of I into cence. to repeat their ilreaiiej it Is not always of angels that fliese are found to have been. Not tilwaj-s are they tie- rlxe.l fiom (Icetliig. unconscious recol lections of the home whence they have hi lalely come. On the contrary. It Is ehli'liy, ns Chailcs Lamb obscnes, dining the period of sinless Infancy that shapes of terror will Intrude upon (he midnight pillow; that the slumber- er will start from dreams "to which the reveries of the cell damned uiur derer are trnnitillllty." How vividly doex the gentle essayist recall these helpless ngoiiles of his own Infancy, We almost fancy we can see him start from . lumber on some murky night Willi n dread foicliodliig, which wa sine to realize Itself, of seeing some frightful specter. Alli-lrl lu II I a I'rliU. It wan the most obstinate mule lu tb( lot mid refused lo enter the car of a train held up at a Mttle wayside sta tion. Threats, cajolery and blows wer alike useless. The mule refused u budge, anil the blunt of his ears told lho-e of the passengers who were fa miliar with mule ear talk that where be was be Intended to stay. Then the aged African who was trying to loud him In said in honeyed tones: "Wliuffo" jo' U'have dl way Ijefo' all deke strange iieople? Why. yo' fool mole, don n' yo' know dm dew people will Jes' beliew dnt yo' nebcr dou (rabeled befo' lu all yo' llfe'r" The Iouk ears lost tljclr aggresslrt slant, and the benst went sedately up the Inclined plank with the air of a man entering a drawing room car toi the first time and determined not to be tray the fart. FtimoiiN Famines. In A. I), 430 famine prevailed all over the south of Kuiopc, raging worst In Italy, where parents ate their cbildreu. and In 7KU England. Scotland and WaWt were ruvaged. also In 823, when thou sands starved, and In UM, when the crops failed for four successive yearn. lu 1010 an awful famine raged through out all KurojH.' and again from 1103 tc 1195, wheu crop failures caused terri ble suffering. In England and France the people ate the flesh of dogs and cats, and many case of cannibalism were recorded YOUR PLUMBING! Have it done by a Scientific Plumber and )ou will not be bothered with bad breaks. Let ns fiRtiru on your work BECK, THE PLUMBER COURT STREET TUr Action of a Silllil. The spinet liihlrumeut was an im provemeijt upou what was known at the clavichord, the tone of which, nl though weak, was capable, unlike that of the harpsichord or spinet, of In crease or decrease, rellt cllug the line! gradations ot the touch of the player, In this power of expresblon It was without n rlal until the piano was In vented. The early history of the clavl chord previous to the llfteenth century rests In prol'iMintl obsemit', but It I" said that there Is one bearing (he dnli 1520 having four octaves without the I) sharp and (I sharp notes. The spinet was the Invention of tho Venetian 8pl- netta. Tho action Is unloue, The Instrument Is similar (o it small harpsichord, with one string to each note. Tho strings are set In vibration by points of ijullls ele vated ou wooden uprights known as Jacks, and the depression of the keys causes the mints to pats upward, pro ducing a tone similar to that of a harp Springs are iibed to draw the quills back Into position. The keyboard Is ar ranged In n manner nfter the present modern piano. Tlic Value of Kuowlrilsr. To no uiau is the world so new and tbe future so fresh as to hint who has spent the early years of bis manhood In striving to understand the deeper problems of science and life and who lias made some heudwuy toward com prehending I bein. To him the com monest things are ror awl wonderful both In themseht and as purtu of a beautiful and intelligent whole. Bucb a thing as stateness In life and IU du ties be cannot understand. Knowledge Is always opening out be fore blm lu wider expanses and more comma tiding heights. Tbe pleuburo of growing k-'iowlcdgu and Increasing power makes every year of his life happier and more hopeful than tbe last. Wonderful Nerve. Is displayed by many a man endut- Ing pains of accidental Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, ijtirns, Beams, ssoro ieei or stiff Joints. Dut there's no need for It. Hucklen's Arnica Salvo will kill the pain and euro the trouble. ii'B tho best Salve on earth for Plies. 25c at Tallman & Co., druggists. Whim nmi i.iri-. Hour nfter hour Ihv cunlM were far) nimUled And (airly dinli, Inn villi I koI nu hum): Th- morning rnmi, uml hIIIi .i mind ut nilllnl I only miIi), "I iln not uiMoifiiin.I." I. Ife Is a tr.imc.of whlnt. Kinm iinnin rourccs The ciirils nrr nhufmd im, i l.i- h.tinia lire ileu It; III In. aru our iiTorla lu ooiilrul I hi- fnii That, ihoiiKh uiifi'i ii, are no lii- tlruut ly felt. I do not llkr lli way tbe card lire uliiil-lli-.l, Hut yet I like the giunv uml tviint l piy. Ami through the long, long nli;hi will I, unrullltil, I'lay nhat 1 get until the I. null ef tUy "Itliymi-a of trniHiiilt. ' Tho miser's walk Is represented m stooping, noiecloss, with short, nerr ous, aftrlous stops. What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arises In tho family every day. Let us answer It to-day. Try Jell-O, delicious and bc&Uhful dessert, 1'rt K red in two minutes. No tolling I t lilngj add boiling water ami set U tool. Flavors! Lemon, Orange, Hasp bcrrj and Strawberry, (lot a pactaa t your grocers to-day. lo etc Why do You Cough ? Do you know that a litllo cough I dangeroua thing? Are you wus that It often fastens on the Jungt, and far too often runs Into Con sumption and ends in death? Cms you afford a trifle with bo serious a matter? Acker's English Remetfy for Coughs, Colds and Consumption Is beyond nutation tbe greatest tt tdl modern remedies. It will stop a cough In ono uigbt ana It wm cnoat a cold In a. day, It wl.i prevei Croup, relievo Asthma and cure coti sumption. Onr faith In It Is so strong that "id guarantee every bee tle to gtve latlsfaction or money back. For ile b- V, W, Schmidt Co.