I Overcoat Sale To clean up the balance of our overcoats we make the following sweeping reductions: $7.00 Coats go at $5-00 $8.00 Coats go at $5.75 $9.00 Coats go at $6.75 $10.00 Coats go at $7.50 $ J 2.50 Coats go at $9.50 $14.00 Coats go at $X J.sO All other price coats not mentioned are re duced in same proportion. aer k 729 MAIN GENERAL NEWS. The First National Bank .of Storm lake I' wa, hns failed and a receiver been appointed j Miss Mary U Leader, of Corbe't. has -been appointed teacher at the Klamath Indian school. j Exports from Germany to the Unit ed States were $130,000,000 . In 1903.' as asralnst $115,000,000 In 1902. I Car and foundry employes of West ' Virginia have gone on a strike against a reduction of 10 per cent in ' wages. Charles Hitter, of IlrlstCi Pike. Pa.. 1 Is 70 years old; his wife Is 60. Mrs.' Hitter on December 30. gave birth to i twin boys. ! The Japanese army ha a i?ace strength of 150.000 men and 30.0iii horses, capable of expansion to 500. 000 men and 100,000 horses. Several victims of the Iroquois theater tire were "identified" who hae sime turuci up illvc and well' Jn different parts of the country Young Corliett's share of the gate ' Teceipts and prize money from the recent bout in San Francisco was 57.755; Hanlon's share was $2,475. New York City will hereafter re move ashiM and other refuse from J--partment buildings and other- bus! ness houses, at an annual cost of $1 -500.000 ' It has been found necessary to i- 1 sue an order in Now York City retir- i ing from the police force every man '. affected with tuberculosis, which is ' alarmingly on the increase. j The "Are-proof" asbestos curtain In ' the Iroquois theater at Chicago, was 1 entirely consumed by fire. It would, however have been very effective in checking the fire could It have been ' pulled dovt, PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. ! A McMinnville saloon was robbfd of $15 in cash Sunday morning. J. C. ConKlln. a farmer, hanged him self to a tree at Lyle. Wash.. Satur day night. No cause Is assigned. Claude J. rvine. h miner, was hor ribly mangled at Everett Saturday night by an explosion of dynamite. There has been one death from scarlet fever in Astoria and there sre now three residences under quaran tine. John Holmes was arrested at La Grande Saturday for stealing a horse and buggy and Is in Jail under $K'0 bonds. Jesse Kays was instantly killed at Sand Lake. Tillamook county. Satur day, by getting caught In a belt In a shinglo mill. Nicholas Eicher. aged 7. died Sun- day from the effects of kicks received from some older Ixjys at school, sev- eral days ago. Thu nrnom nricl nf TTntnn COUIltV produced 80,000 pounds of butter in i - A.-.,. 1. , tmiih. liver IHA.)' nan uaiu iu ere for butter fat, an increase of $10.- AAA iQfT There aro'now 250.000 acres cl nearly dead condition to perfect ile-nimeoTl,KJ,Rur:1 EI,a Sl"b .ehool land for sale, mostly In East- health, and have so remained. I .Held. Bertie Dl! en; Rebecca S c doI land for sale, mostly in East- rregSn counties: It sills to the best bidder, but not for less than era highest nn ru.r cro ! ,. ..... ' , ......j ' Medical Lake, Wash. ' June. .Miss Elizabeth Hart, of Portland., fa Ta)lman fc Co.( leading! Ella Garrett, Harry Walker; Ar was a victim of tho Iroquois theater drugsSU and c rioepp t ' mlnta Gavltt, William Zohrung: Nellie fire In Chicago. She was visiting in BrM IUckSi AVut.n igorwood; Sarah Chicago, attending the performance Stewart. Bert Bycrs; Mabel Nyq. witzi a inenu wnu nan mw nuun'uu to death. James Unch. who was to have.we,,k ovor u,e jomeroy branch rorn"311 ec.r! t,n,no"e . CunnlDgham been hanged at 8alt Lake City on , Frye-Druhn & Co or Seattle by spe-1 Jvan ',w,l: ,Ne,1,e Iu,sn: J' CrlB January 8, for murder, has had his cIai lrain. The shippers were E. N I l?r.:. E?'0 V0- Guy Wado; Maude sentence commuted to life .Imprison., jibing and James Henler. The pro-4 B"r, .j0lnBln:tI raud" S!0 ment for saving tho lives of two prls- ducert were j. 8. Qallaway, Richard ' .ir5" tt; Joale Hudspeth, AVllllam on guards in the Tecont Jail break at Sargent. Campbell & Saniord and It. "aap : ?ry White, James Par. Salt Lake. 'A.Jackson. The shipment comprised J1; Mau5e Baker' Armbr03tL Curl: , ewes, wethers and lambs. It Is said V,1,,an Konnlson, Honry Casteol; SAMPLE BARGAINS i In Real Estate 5200 acres rood wheat land Well watered and improved. $12.50 per acre. 1000 acre stock ranch All fenced Raises 200 tons of liai- lisc rnnntnff uialnf nnpn . .-j) o v.,.-.. range near by, $5000. io-room house and two lots. Modern conveniences. t 250O. AH on Easy Terms. f t T E. T. WADE Ar Snw 4 I' O. llox 321 4 'PhoDe BUck 1111 Office In'E, O, nldj -. t t Si f! Bailey o STREET E" i C" "4" ! 'I'! HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. A. W. Wilson. St Joe. M. Garoff, Bourne. J. C. Hearing. Elgin. W. I,. Kasson. Cardcn. H. Richards, Sumpter. W. Pallen, Iing Creek. Mnud Drasll. Starbuck Mrs. E. S. Drasll, Starbuck. Ed Burke. Portland. C. M. Mullen, Weston. S. A. Keyston, San Francisco. .Mrs. L. Young, Moscow. Hazel Coffman. Milton. W. P Cavlness. La Grande. R. A. Kelsey. La Grando. U W. White. Portland. George T Williams, Portland. M. J Schmidt. San Francisco. A. II. Snyder. San Francisco. A. H. Snyder. San Francisco. J. H. Wood, Minneapolis. J It. Flynn. Portland. A E. Mcllreen. Portland. W. R. McRoberts, Spokane. R. M Mallory. La Grande. H. Edwards. Weston. Alma Edwards. Weston. Hotel Bickers. Mary Xlelntosh. Boise City. Miss Stella Marbyell. New York. Mrs. J. J. Barker, Meacham. C T. Barker. Meacham. G. Nelson nnu wife. Sam Lee. Spokane. A. W. Connott. Seattle. G. E. Waber. Walla Walla. George Bradley. Athena. J. W. Clay. North Fork. E. R. Jones. Portland. C. G. Carnahan. Elgin .Mrs. C. V. Standago. Milton. Bessie Parker, Boise. y A. J. Fletcher, city. .Mrs. H. O. Canfield. Mrs C. A. Benger. Lexington. J H. Morrison. Weston. J. F. Thrasher. Walla Walla. John Baker. Bessie Baker. 1 S. S. Gill. Spokane. F. J Allison. Starbuck. J. H. Roddy, Starbuck. J. A. Hubbard. McKay. William Morrison. Morn. J. H Cunningham. Portland. Henrv Flsch, city. It Belts. Pilot Rock. FARMER TALKS. Tells His Experience With Medical Lake Sales for Others' Benefit, M-iKa' Lake Salts Mfg. Cc, Spo kane, V:.I,.; I)far Slif Aiw suffering for two years from i.hrouic diarrhocs, and four dlffere.nv phys; clans having fail er to give mo relloj. I was Induced to leave my Nebraska farm and come Xlarll.Mil I nl'A mmfiin ni. nl tiic jlar a (our p o da and tal;lnK 1)(Ullg th( wondPrtui waler started east to sell my ftrm and get mi-nfmlli Tlnnrn (rrilno Vinx.'oc.r T uiugbt a pound package of .Medical . , . ' . . P.., . . I :it ?.niiK. - n n nissnivin. I'm in water, I drank frsely cf U. In two weeks' time I vas realored from a hcaiin, anu nave so rcmaiueu. i would not be without Medical Lake Salts If thoy cost $10 a pound. E. C. GIESSELMANN Sheep Selling Well. I ... . . . .....! lambs brought $2.60, and wethers $3.10.-Dayton Courier-Press. ' ; I Just One Minute. One Minute Cough Cure gives re lief In one minute, because It kills the microbe v.-hlch tickles the musuus mombrano. causing the cough, nnd at the same time clears the phlagin, draws out the Inflammation and heals aud soothes the affected pans. One Minute Cough Cure strancthoiis ihe lungs, wardn off pneumonia, and Is a harmless, never failing cure in all curable cases of Coughs. Col s and Croup. One Sllnuto Cough Curo Is pleasant to take, Harmless and good alike for young and old. Sold by Tallmau & Co. Olympla Beer Olympla Ceer, The most popular brand for family use. On draught at Anton Nolte's. He also handles the oottlcd beer In any quantity desired. Swell slippers at Teutscu's. I'LICENSES TO WED i . ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY- FOUR ISSUED DURING 1903 Fees for Issuance of Same Amounted " ' . , , to About $500-ABes Run f rom15 to 75 Years Two Chinese and Eight Indians Among the Appll- cants. n.,.. i ii......... i. .... i....,. ... the clerk's office for the year 1903 Ins' been n ...shlng one. and more tickets . ... . .1 !..... ueiv ISMi'.'U ill i.ilil l nil- iiiHii imiu Iioj:. sent oi.t of the cft.ce at any year In tho past. There have been IS4 licenses issued In the year, and nil censes issucu in me year, una an. nan: .unrwia imniusi"", i. - tit two of the certificates have been! son; Gertrude McQuary, IL Ktlwarils: .turned, so that It Is safe to T tC. but that 3C0 people In the county hnvo been made happy by the clerk ilur- Ing tho year. If not permanently to, fn, tin... n. le.ist. The rnuntv has I been enriched about SSOO by tho fees, ' I the preachers nnd officers of the county who are permitted to portorm i jinioks. J. J. La Fnve; Mnry l.anue, t!c ceremonies have been put Into ' j( .Madison; Annie Searcey. P Kri porseaslon of nearly twice that sum, 1 gor ai.d. sorry to say, the lawyerw have November also :eaped n small harvest from one . . , " or U 3 mlsmated couples. Mry Henilrlckson K alman. The nscs of those applying for II- ScWte To-Mnt. Henry An- i" .... t ' t- na Hawks. Cnr! Hart Coruulln Tur- years. There were two Chinese who , necllir. T. W Truman; ertlm Ballc took the American plan for the guld.'l- McDern.ed; Sara Grllllth. 1? Dro. ance of their future happiness, and 'noil; Uonu'va l.eedy, G. C Ransicr. eight Indians. One couple backed out ; May Farley. J. H Beard; Mart hu Dai; after the Issuance of tho license and noil. W . Look; H-rn Thomas. . never married, and one preacher has 'I','1"'8' Kl ? ,U;,r,,n,',n"' J n ' . fi 1 forgotten to record the fact that he Clcav.. May Wallan. n Cm.brfl. i performed a marriage. I Amy Baker. J. E. Owens: May Man- ! A romance Is recorded in one in-' h-y. U O. Stevens; Renn Johnson, M. stance, where n man married the 1 Ceorge . Rosle Hx. 1 L. Adkinson. widow left desolate by the death of Hlria nmrnth. T. A Allyn: Bessie his brother, nnd In another case two I JobiiM.n .1 A. Mnrquis: IXirn Davis. rrsnus or the same name secured a I w J- Waddle; Ruby Ford. C . Ham 1- license to wed j ton. Mary Prohach. F. A. Mechtel; The list of those who secured . Prudence Dunn, D. O. Adams: Roso censes during the year is as follows: Sutton. W. G. Bogert. i January. December. Neva Rodgers, Harold E. Bettln- Amy Tuoker. C. G. Marcy; lJiurn gur; Rose Kerrich. Carl Guiott; Alice Green. Bert Vincent; Caroline Bart- ( Tournllle. Charles .M. Lundy; Fnnny ' row. Benjamin Turpin: Nellie Mollis. A Trask. Jesse A. Vaughn; Emma : Fred Laatr.; Alice Bacon. T. L. Baker; : Brown, Charles M. Wright; Ijiura I May Bowlsky. H. " Updike; Mellls Crafts. Marion Jack; Lucia E. Bow- sa Sherbum. W S. Brown; Dora 'man. 1). H. A. Clemens; I. M. John- IlehnUle. L. P. Johnson; Myrtle Hans- 'son. J. H. Olmsted: Delia Lehti. Mnr-1 i-om. H. T. HIII: GtMirgle Folsoin. H. tin Mclaughlin; Clam Kessler. Wil- P Rolfe 11-hhI.- Miller. W. T. Gtnu: llam P -ard. 1 Claude Copelnnd. U Boyd ; Hazel Ar- , February. I nold. E It. Dupuis: Corn Cowan. C. Bama Phillips. Thomas S. Gibson; H. Waltersf Maude M. Carlile. Charles J. IlllgarJ; l.ucretia C. Rathrock, Samuel A. Ma loney; Clara T. Ijsh, Walter A. Wy att. Etta Bowman. James W. Kinder; Anna E. Johnson. .Mark C Nowlon; Olhe N. Larks, George SI. Froomo; Olive E. Slorgan, Chnrles H. Taylor; Hattie Evans, John H. Friswold; Edith Clem, Roy Ik-sou; .Minnie Bis singer. Slarcus La Hue; Lydla G. Rose, William Garrett; Lottie E. Rus sell, Archie E. rortor. March. Belle Phenla, Antone La Barn. Jane Baldwin, W. W. Kirk; Oi Sen. Ung Dog Goey; Ruth Collins. John W. Chaney; Eva Overturf Tom Sueur; Paura Bell Carley. Will H. Caplen ger; Elizabeth Luiwr, Harry C. Ev ans, Martha E. Bans.er, Fred Gross; Grace A. Proehstel. Clnronce White man; Nellie Dunn. Lorau Kennison, Eva I.. Gibbs. James D. Huggins. Claudia Annerguin, Ey Aninrd April. .Mabel Wheeier, Charles Wek3; Iila Douglas. Oliver Turner. Flora E. Furgerson, Andrew Larseu, Ixila P. Brooks, Frederick- Sllckelaon; rio renco SIcReynolds, Elmer Searcy. Slarj- Clark. Charles P. Dixon; Star tha Cly, John F. uulllford; I-aura Da ley. Walter SlcCormack. .Minnie Kurtz, Carl Oberg; Lulu Newport. F. H Hnrwood; Jessie Bell, Albert War ren: Bessie Lockwood, James Boll; Bessie Black, Medfor Burgan; Stella Tracy. Thomas .Meyers; Ada Scran Ion. Carl Stewart. May. Clara Wilson, Charles Fishman; .Mabel Mathews, Clarence I.euland; ?8,e11" W'l,",DJ'i "lorJck Kershaw; Anmiata MrCartv. PrnnV Unmmnnrt- " ' - Victoria Fortier, Kronk Gngnon; Ma ry Anderson, William Clemens; Fran- -r r -..- ?.v-n;nfcKMr"h'I I""1; I,ank I,anKs' E'h' I ' Locniean Jlacleay; Besslo Batlcgorc, Mn-ntil Mvi ivmv "ur"e?- ,A"uur ? " ' "oso D"nte' i?Coe" Stella Sco- Hold, John Hall; Therresse Hays, I r ranK iiernn. July. Emma Klrkpatrlck. William Wil son; .Minerva Chapman, James Metz lor; Bertha Harris, Harry Davidson; Busnu Noll, James Payne; Elizabeth Dozlor, Wesley Adcock; Slarcla To rholla. JLuigl llelloma; Edith Gibson, Floyd Anderson; Elizabeth Shaw, Preston Slooro; Elslo Chrlstensen, Stewart; Emma Hnigh. It. Borck; Ed na .Moulton. E. E. Wishard; Besslo Itauth, C- F. Fitzgerald; Theresa Fa gan, R, Inman; Sllunlo Rose. N. H. Pinkerton. Auoust. Wolthy Warmoll A. W. Shafer; OI lie E. Ahel; B. A. Cartiicr: Mno Ev ans, C. E. Whittlesey; Lucy Ryan, G. F. Williams; Ruby Roberts,' J. E. Bates; Elma Baling, R. E. Ward, Et ta Snyder, F. S. Willis; Dora Hall. C U Payno; Catherine Beck, C H. Nelson; Slyra Woods, C Crowe. Ma- Sara Ilntler, H. I). Morrison, September, Inclln Greatarox, H. It. North; Net tle Howe. J. I lllackbnrn; Emma Noble Walter Adams; I.olln Zachnry. 0 W Thompson. Anna Hovel, 0. Xlortamer; Sarnli Pi. a. j. son, Mlra Owens. C. A. Hecilor; Car- rle KlIeilKe. J W. Walker; llcsslc Ilryson. K. I- nnvls; Alia Womiloy. p Thompson: P orenco Ilnllou, D. , C. E. 1 wmi . McAtcC; j nag. 'stannt,d, y. Frnzor; Conlle .a Hue. It. O. Earn-onrt; Ednn Han - dnll R. C Hieronymus. ivy mnci. A Husou. Florence Hull, C. Lubaugn; ' 1 1 i.. niu t iimviiMipv: ijtnei Ken- oyer. 1.. R Corkrum; Mlllndn War- ' v mon ... . vwm.. . Mabel Alison. I). HorcckliiK; Nellie Kussell. J T. CarKlll; Oertrmlo Klwp alK. I HiiiKel, Jessie Gormnti, J. Kll- llan: .Martha TlioriiiKion. t. ijicmt. , , T r;,,.,.!.,,.!; Amy Hnllett. W l. Gardner. Lydla Ileckwu... I. Pnrriott; 'hols Porter. 1.. Porter; May llarton, J tiainarn. aiui iiHb.u.., 11. F Cnr- ter. Aulas Planting, J. A. Heiidrlck' I Ul11 Annii, Kennedv. W. E Love, Clara Gaboon, li. E. Stocker. Inez A Vest Pocket Doctor. Never In the . a. no 'rout.le to carry, easy to tu.e, pleasa'u nnd nev '.r faiinK results are DeWltfs Lit tie Early Risers. A vln. or these lit tle pills in the vest lMickit is s. cer tain guarantee against headache, jll iousness, torpid liver nnd ml or the ills lusulting from constipation. They tonic and strengthen the t'ver Sold by Tollman & Co. John IJchty. " nronil" ' xnwmill mnn of Sllvertou. was drowned in Silver Creek, near his home. Satur day. He was operating a headgate in a dam holding logs for his mill when he fell Into the stream. His body was recovered four miles below ----------- 9 t GLACE PRUNES Htulli-'il with wulnut Crystalized Fruits LOWNEY'S ; CHOCOLATES and BON BONS I NEW YEAR'S CIGARS By the lnx F. W. Schmidt t t ij Druggist, Posffice Hlock Phone Main 851 MMMM IIIIMM ? All persons knowing f themselves to be in debted to me will call and settle their their accounts as I need the money. Conrad Platzoeder i Meat Market ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS euro Dyspopsla and all disorders arising from Indigestion. Endorsed by physicians everywhere. No euro 00 pay. 2D contp For sale by F. W. Schmidt & Co. ,Tr.,,al 'mc,kaS Ires I' writing to W. II. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y rv Yokum. M. Hulclior, ' --" At Actual For a Few Days Oily Lantiqoe Ware Vases , , i I? Lotiwelsa Ware Jardinieres Pcrfccto Ware Vases This is a rare opportunity to get these goods at a very low figure, and as we bye bat a few pieces left this offer will not last ' long. i 1111 W '1 V llrAllin m mm m K.m i w m m m iii YOUR FURNITU WANTS Let us fill them ar.d save you No matter what you desire, be it an elaborate and artistic odd piece or whole set for any room, or for an outfit for yoor entire house, or plain fornltgre ot any description, we have It. We will take pleasure In showing yoti thtoogh our larfee and complete collection nl new goods. Most attractive and largest line of IRON BEDS in Pendleton ate shown In our stock. Carpets and Lin oleums to please the fancy of all. RAIPD X- FOKO b am . m & m m mm tk 11 r Comolete Furniture Store. r tnrinr rr rr n iv n t . . . n .. . " " .. " .. .. - - m. wvt nTfOTr a r i .iiiimsiiiiiiiiiim ai fQHPRIDE Of UMATILLA Try "Pendleton Boquet" tnd "Pride ol uoau iviaoe ai name. xx. 7Mm OT?TVTT TC flfl For one of our high-grade Sewiuc Mocbui 'Pi,,, c: ; u..iAttA tn he the most proven it to be the beat machine for any par nose. We would be .pleased'to have yon uk a iSinger on trial, we Jcnow wnai payment down and the balance m ei)'n mente. Office-5o9 College Street P. A. LOVETAN6, I wv I vw ou.'s riTa The new store can ntver be A nFH ' ,W known unless It advertises ML V u' Lost! DRUGGISTS SMOKE? , - - e. ... u..:i Time Ml 1 A NEW YEAR'? .. .. . without it"1 1 ? WUItHI""' . i,v. work not delay pic,u" ' in cljargp of THE DPME . T A I NIB'