East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 02, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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    U" - II tnriii.iiv.i4i..
. IP,. te '"ft IIIUIIWIUHIW,
Will "
Oet Sunny
iiili at Martin a.
sizes. Boston
3. fancy stationery aud superiority.
Kiool shoes that wear
! at Teatsch s I
... i- I .. .. t . n Dhnlnl I
filter millinery.
. ii .1... nlnnn lunar t
Work guaranteed.
ii the best cigar made, ,
aiiiW and always well; city lecorders office.
cue grows
daily, be
made by
price. Reason the
it telling so fast at tho
capable white woman
nrk. Apply at once at
hdian school.
ue a trip to I'oniana to
fflfUm Stnrp arrant thp
is the city are served
, neat aud clean, 25c
"Winder ol our
2 be
'Auction of
in. .11
6 have en
outiliii ii;.
T. t.
. . niiintiritiniWiUiiii .
Waist Week
r ..... Tr;il call nil Ol- .
,L tW 1 Will Yw ni n an win otliri
. ..l o-rnuw v-- ... ii u nam
11 . . . In . 1 ... 1 lilt 1
at $2 25 Waists at $i 73
3.65 200 .48
" 3-5 -75 44 " 1.35
" 2.9o i.5o " " i.i5
2.3S I I.25 " 98
' 1.98 ! 1. 00 "
:it finl other barcains all ovor tlif, stnm
- yn TT -""ITS R7T A TM Am A T T- . a
Get Sunny. U C Rader.
Swell slippers at leutsch's.
Knox hat agency, Boston Store.
1 Now ready-made skirts ai riving
1 rlnllv nt Tout cMc,
chocolates are different, j ... ,
piano. Apply at this ,owest pr,ces No,f.s
, 1. . ,i! Ca" UP 'phone main 701 when you
butcher 'phone main wan, , Rcad
The Stein-Bloch clothing Is a pow--.rful
ponvinopr nf tho Tlnctnn cinpa'c
N'8- ! Fnr Sain Wnll i.otnhllchml mill.-
i ta:nt shop when you ,
rfllltft In thin Mfv nt n linniln T?n-
qulre ni this office.
Fechtcr is at his old stand, 221
Court street, with a fresh stock of
candles, nuts, fruits, cigars, etc.
Lost A gold Multnomah pin. Lib
eral reward will be paid finder by re
turning to Earl Borle, at 211 Court
, avw.v, vw . . , UJ ouiuiimi ui 1UI j uuu nan Ul
r.iulv'c .at. le -It vnnr . Int fi Dnlav'c nrlrlltlnn tinnna anH
tairs. 'Phone main j good woodshed, buggy shed and other
( Improvements. Price $075. This is a
uouudc is correal, out,-, .
i . r liiri-nin ITnn nn mtnoe urntvn nl
The Knights of the Maccabees hare
. . i . . nl t fluxm ml nn r ih In 1 1. a fa.
IUJ a pair OI ulOrllW I .uiiiiuu uui.uio u iuo
want iraiernai proieciion, see J. a.
Kees or District Deputy G. A. Graves.
Von don't have to aic to win. It Is
whnt you are looking for.
Local Committee on Arrangements
Will Meet Monday Next.
There will be a meeting of the gen
eral committee on arrangements for
the State Christian Endeavor conven
tion at the home of Mrs. S. A. Lowelt
, ,,,. a ,.?n
ii- pays you Deuer ,
.,,1 r mimt u-lth the committee
Si. Oeorge restaurant. 1 Attendlnn St. Paul's.
Miss Jean McDonald, of 1-a Giande,
left this morning for St. Paul's
school at Walla Walla, where she is
a student, after having been the
guest of Miss Bertha Alexaudcr for a
short time uurlng the lauer part of
t her vacation.
Returning to Arlington.
Fred George, of Arlington, return
ed to his home last night after a short
visit In this city with friends. Mr.
George is a merchant at Arllugton,
and has been on a business trip,
to Spokane, stopping in this city for
n Hhort visit on his return.
Seriously ill With Grip.
i Helen Thompson, the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thompson, is
qtilte ill with the grip, and last night
i .nitinn ri, mnsidered to be
.1 i fo rnnnrted as
.JtfXlUUB, UlUUgU "
some better this morning.
I Tranaferred to North Yakima.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hannum left
i..i . K'nrth Yakima, where
-Mr. Hannum will take the position of
operator for the coe i,oui"
Company. He filled a similar position
In this city until the company closed
Uh offices a cw days ago.
No Dance Tonight.
Owiug to the numerous dances and
other attractions this week' re.f;
ular Saturday night dance will not be
t .i.i- nin hut a good time
Is assured all for the rest of the Sat
urday evenings during w .."
You will enjoy a cup o( our
delicious HOT CHOCO
LAT.E. We don't know
how to make il taste any
better. Don't believe you
ever had any finer. Ours is
5c a cup.
The Popular Pre
County Is Now Owing $1,396.54 Inter,
est During This Period Over Fif
teen Thousand Dollars Cash Was
Paid, and Ten Tnousand Dollars In
Warrants Is Yet Out County Ex
pects to Be Out of Debt In Two
County Treasurer E. J. Snmm,r.
villo has prepared his bi monthly ro
iion, wmcn snows the county to bo
in good condition financially.
Tho amount on hand at tho time of
tho last report, October 31. was $4C,
S74.97. The nmount on hand on tho
last of, December was $13,395.74.
During tho two months $15,5S3.Sa
worth of warrants were paid, and
there nro now out and called $10,000
more In warrants, which have not as
yet been brought In.
The Interest owing by the county
was $1,390.54.
There Is now In the general fund
$10,159.23, out of which tho $10,000
cnllcd warrants will come, so that
there will be no more called until
after tho taxes have been paid, for
there are not enough funds now on
hand to warrant the call. If the re
ceipts of the county are good and
nothing arises that will require more
script to be issued, tho county will
be able to be out of debt Inside if
two years, at the rate at which the
warrants have been called in during
the Immediate past.
During the two months Just passed
tho treasurer has sent $1S,C20 to tho
state treasury, as the last payment
on Umatilla county's state tax for
this year.
There Is now $1,H25.3C In the coun
ty school fund, and $927.89 In tho dis
trict fluid. The amount of script now
.out against the county Is $132,435.0S
F. E. Jones, of Weston. Is In tho
city for a shott visit.
Charles Caker, of Weston, is visit
ing Pendleton friends today
John Hagen. of Bingham, Is in the
city for a short business visit
T. J. Kirk, of Athena, is in the city
today fnr a short business visit.
T. Donovan. O. It. & W, lineman,
is In the city from La Grande today.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Harrison, of Echo,
are tho guests of friends In the city
J. W. Sturdivant. of Uklah. was lr
the cltv vesterday for a short business
Miss Dixie Todd, of Adams, is In
the city visiting friends for a few
Misses Jennie and Lorena Heterby,
or Vale, visited with friends In the
city yesterday and today.
J. W. Vandervelden, solicitor for tho
Oregon Dally Journal, Is In the city
In the interest of his paper.
Thomas Gahagan, the mining brok
er, was a visitor in Walla Walla to
day on a short business trip.
Mr. and Mis. W. B. Hamilton, of
Walla Walla, were the guests of
friends In the city yesterday.
A. D. Stlllman left this morning for
Portland and San Francisco, where
he Is called by legal business.
Miss Delia B. Crigler left this morn.
Ing for a vUIt at her homo In Free
water, where she wll sjiend a week.
Harry Paxton and Walter Adams
left this morning for Whitman after
a short visit In this city with friends.
Dr Park Willis, of Seattle, is In the
city, called here to attend the last
Illness and funeral of his mother,
Mrs. Mary Davenport
Miss Myrtle Hawks returned to her
college work at Whitman this morn
ing, after having spent her vacation
In this city with her parents.
Mrs. Fred Lockley and son law.
rence have returned from Salem,
where they have been spending the
holidays with Mrs, Iockley's parentu,
Mr. and Mrs. George Cans.
Dr. A. j. Willis, of Walla Walla, Is
In the city to attend the funeral of
his mother, Mrs. Mary Davenport,
who died at the residence of her
daughter, Mrs. Moorhouse, yesterday
Mrs. William Maher and Mrs. C. M.
Smith, of Portland, wort the guests or
the Hotel Pendleton today, having ac
companied Conductor Maher and
Brakeman Smith here on their run
from Portland.
Enjoyable Time and Interesting Feat
ures at Masquerade Laat Night.
The masquerade given by the Fra
ternal Order of Eagles last night, was
one of the most pleasant and agreea
ble events of the fraternal world this
It was well attended, tho music
nvnulluni and the crowd one of
the jolllest to be found at any social
gathering, wrs. is. "'' '""
:,.nnnv nrlze. and Arthur fat. uair
took the men's prize for the best
Mra. Lawrey Is Very III.
Mrs M. A. Lawrey. the mother nf
j H Lawrey, the attorney, is very
III aud has been for some days. Ow
ing to her Illness Mr. J.awicy has been
unable to appear In court, where he
hag had bublness before the clrt-uit
Assisting at Invoicing.
A J Goodman, of Independence. Is
ih., r.iv and is busy assisting In the
.'" " ... " . .1... ..I ll.u 'Phi, inn.
rinvoicng oi i""
,son Hardwaio Ccynpany in which he
will be a partner in a few days 1
Woman Must:
auriXLOTu ur
mob cdJb worrww aWiadkh
6vdv not? ohhoiv rtaJartD. WJ&
mdj aknrv aib Vvy txr foaiiti amd "frw-
Attractiveness Is the other nnmu for beautiful hnlr, which every woman muy have. It requires gruit
care and perseverance In tho treatment, but tho wonderfully pleasing results that follow fully Justify tho
trouble, to say nothing of the future when tho hair will retain its abundance and glossiness, oven to a rlpa
old age. Like a plant, the hair must have plenty of air and sunshlno. Tho roots must bo entirely free from
disease breeding germs, for If tiio dandruff microbe hns entered tho hair follicles all tho sunshlno In fie
world Is of no avail. Tho hair will appear lifeless, dull and lusterless, followed by Itching of tho scalp,
and, finally, falling hair. Tho first treatment Is to destroy the dandruff microbe, nt oncu, with Newbro's
Herplclde. The hailing and btuutlfylng Inlluonco of this wonderful rompound Is llttlo short of murveloun!
clear and pure as the mountain snow. It cools the fevered scalp, destroys tho enemy of hnlr growth, ami
sends the blood tingling to the hair roots, whero nature's restoration must begin. As a delightful hair
dressing Newbro's Herplclde easily loads the world, especially among fastidious and discriminating people.
Its puilty and freedom from oil. siease, or sediment Imparts to the hnlr tho most chnrmlng distinctiveness,
while Its untlseptlc action makes It tho equal of sunshine In Its life-giving properties. Try It; n single trial
Is convincing.
No woman should bo satisfied to stop with the preservation of her own liu.r, whllo a brother, fnthei
husband or son Is losing his. Whirling through the vortex of business strife, thoughtful mid consldurntu of
all but himself, frequently exposed to "Infected" hair brushes, and wearing n hat that could not bo Improved
upon as a microbe Incubator, this person certainly needs the thoughtful cans of someone, If baldness Ih
prevented. Try a course of Nowiuo's Herplrlilo; It has benefited thousands, mid if the first application la
not satisfactory we will return! jour money direct.
R. F. A. SEXTON, tha well known
remember, unt'l two yars eo, whn
tn the Last, nd mine was a very bad
aigma, r, A abAiun,
A DellEhtful Hair
The tucccn of Scwbro Her
T'IcHp I tuued the market to
b flooded with fondled d an
il ruff ge m dcilroyern lon't
exrert Mll'actory resulti from
toinetblng th dmirglst Mined
you wai Juit atcuod, Cunicien
U ui drim ijUtH iir-vor ret omtneud
fc-iut tulvt Aplirtlouii of
li n It de at pr nlpal tarbur
Price 00 at lead dr
dtiw ttcroa or direct fiom T1IK
i hliPltlUK Cu.t Deticlt, Mfcb.
A Healthy Hair,
Had Lived in Oregon Forty-five Years
and In This Vicinity Thirty-nine
Years Is Survived by Six Children
Funeral This Afternoon and In
terment at alia Walla.
Mrs. Mary Davenport died at the
lesldenco of her daughter, Mrs. Lee
Moorhouse, yesterday afternoon at,
L';30 o'clock, from an extended Ill
ness. The direct muse of her rieitli
was heart failure, Induced by tho fee
ble condition caused by her long Ill
ness. On Thursday morning at C o'clock
Mrs. Davenport was stricken with an
attack of paralysis and It was then
that the family first icallzed that her
illness was of a necessarily fatal na
ture. Since that time sho has grad
ually grown weaker until the final
trouble released her from her pain.
The deceased was born In Ohio De
cember 23, 1633, where sne spent the
early years of her girlhood. In 18!iD
she was married to her first husband,
William Willis, In Iowa, and after
three years residence In that state
they came by way of the Isthmus of
Panama to Salem, where they resid
ed until 1801, when they came lo
Eastern Oregon. .Mr. Willis died ul
Milton in February, 1882, and six
years later his widow married Sam
uel B. Davenport o well known reH
dent of this section. Mr. Davenport
died in Walla Walla In 1K99,
Mrs. Davenport Is survived by six
children, Mrs. Lee Moorhouse, of this
city; J, W. Willis, or Ferdinand,
Idaho; Dr. A. I,. Willis, of Walla
Walla; Di. Park Weed Willis, of So
attle; Frank S. Willis, of Gibbon, Or.,
and Harry M. Willis, of White Sab
mon, Wash,
Tho funeral was conducted this
afternoon at 4 o'clock from tho resi
dence of Major Moorhouse, the servi
ces being in charge of Ilov, W. E. PoL
wine, of tho Church of the Redeemer.
In the morning the remains will be
taken to Wallu Walla, whore they will
be Interred In tho Walla Walla cem
etery after private services at 1:30
do, the afternoon.
The pallbearers who will accom
nanv tho remains lo tho O. II. & N-
depot are Lot Llvermoro, A. W. Nye,
Charles Hamilton, It. Alexander. Wil
ier Bowman and Will Moore.
The remains will bo accompanied
to Walla Walla by Mr. and Mrs. L'e
Moorhouse and family, of this city.
Dr and Mrs. p. W. Willis and family,
of Seattle, Dr. AJ-Wlllls. of Walla
Walla, and FraiKrWllllii. of Ol'j'um.
If you are troubled with Impure
blood, Indicated by sores, pimples,
hcadnfhC8, etc, e would recommend
Acker Blood Elixir, which we sell
under a positive guarantee, It will
always cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic
poisons and all blood diseases 60c
and 11.00 V. W Schmidt & Co,
iwv wiArnxi;
areh't'et. of-Seattle, Wnsh.. writes followt: "I hud dandruff ever alneo lean
your Herplclde was flnt Introduced.
ease, I take plotiure In recooimandlnR
Itstopi Uchlnff or tho toalp
Oet a simple direct from
Cut tMs out
I iurlosc 10 centn lit itaim
nd pa-kin k u iKn a lainpU ol
Name . .
Strict aud No
City and Slate
addreiiTbe IICtvl'IX'lPE CO..
W. SCHMIDT, Special Agent
Miss Bentley, of Salem, Succeeds Miss
Nellie Naylor, Resigned.
! Miss Feme F. Bentley, of Salem,
reached tho city this morning mid
I will on Monday take charge of tho
room In the high school icft vacant by
J the resignation of Miss Nellie Naylor,
of Portland who returned to her home
some time ago.
Miss llenlley Is an experienced
teacher from tho valley and has had
tho best of success in her work, so
that tho board Is to be congratulated
upon having serured lior services for
thu lemalnder or thu year. Sho Is a
graduate or Wlllamotto University,
and has had bovcral years' experi
ence in thu best schools of Salem and
other valley points.
From Bowman's ranch, on McKay
crook, seven miles from Meacliam, In
October, three head of horses. One
3-year-old roan horse, branded Q on
left hip. Ono 2-year-old bay norso,
biaudcd Q on left hip. Ono 2-year-old
buy filly, branded Q on loft hip. A
reasonublo reward will bo pqld for In
formation leading to the rocovory.
Address W, Brummett, Meacham, Or.
Take Leiatlre Broma Quinine Tilleti. All
drwrf Ins rtfund ln money It It Ulli to cure.
t.. . OrOTo'i ilcneture on eech boi. !BC.
Boston Store
W. u Douglaa Shoos for
Men, $3.50 and $4.00.
Also the Pingree Gloria
ahoeBjfor Women, $3.50.
The Little Red School house
alioes for Children,
The above three linen are
tho best for the money.
He sure and notice tho
Btamp on the nolo, its it haw
come to our notice that oth
err are selling their shoes for
the above brand.
Boston Store
Oil and Sweet Spirits of bdn
Arc euaraulecil to curt- any discof.Hheu
uiatism Money buck if they fail.
A C. Koeppen & Uros.,Aut. lor fenaioio
Since IhU lime I have not Deen troubled
iiorpiomv iw wiiiii.uuii.iif '""
almost Imtantly
tho Factory
(n pay pUf-
Newbru'n IUr
Uctrolt, Mich.
O '
opeciai V7OO0S
Special Prices I
8-day Clocks,
$2.95, worth I4.00
Kinc Line of Toilet Soap
2c to loc a box
Tablets, Complete lines from
5c to 35c
New boards, linens
cream laid.
Frederick Nolf
School Supplies
Leave Your Orders With
All towns aloug the Una of tfcv
W. & Columbia Itlver JUIIroad
can buy from ua in varloawl
lota at very leawmable price.
Phone Main 1741
Walter's Flouring Mills
Capacity, 160 barrels a day.
Flour exchanged for wheat
Flour, Mill Feed, CUoppod "4,
Mr alwavn nn band
ooodt taken bwl'o eaie at, lT0 otfn 4
' hto-u'i. mime mm.