DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, W. f 4 Overcoat Sale t,l " " " To clean up the balance of our overcoats we make the following sweeping reductions: $7.00 Coats go at $5-00 $8.00 Coats go at $5.75 $9.00 Coats go at $6.75 $10.00 Coats go at $7.50 $ J 2.50 Coats go at $9.50 $14.00 Coats go at $t I.5O All other price coats not mentioned are re duced in same proportion. Eaeir 1Mey0 Club Directory. The Thursday Afternoon meet once In two weeks, Thursdays. The Current Literature, alternate Fridays. The Woman's Club meets the sec ond and fourth Tuesdays of each month. , i roll of honor when It rests within the ' cornerstone. A purely Indian cntertalnmont Is as yet new and will lond Itself to the ,-,io fnr Ips nf many hrlcht minds. As this Is the day of Indian curios, any town can pet up a creditable dis play With a hall so decorated, a tepee, a few pretty girls In Indian costume, the possibilities for a pro gram are limitless. In one town the OrCer of Ttedmcn are preparing nnd practicing for an entertainment to be Riven nrter Christmas for the benefit of the Saca-inu-xn fund. It Is their purpose to turn the money over to the vlco pros- The Sacajawea Statue Associ-wion seuus me louowing luiuix-anug tuui-i ----- - .",,,. , i,i ,.!. tin tor for tne club column this week. nndNdn of their to . .. to ho P Ko up her proportion. In every town where ere is such nn oruer im-ir uu Miould be solicited. The Daughters of tho American Involution might give a colonial ba!' the Belief Corps n bean bake supper Every church society should coutrih ut". lur was not Sacajawea the ,"n'i.t 729 MAIN STREET GENERAL NEWS. HOTEL ARRIVALS. .. . 1 , . n I 1 It is cojieu inai eur i uuuiuiuu u.j man will leel that sne has Borne per- i tonal interest in this matter. Oregon women are asked to show their appreciation. In a worthy way. j of the good talth nnd loyalty and .J, knowledge of this young Indian wo-1 1 man in leauinc me srrai uuiuren , - ... .. ,, , !the Oregon country. The statue 'amar, wom" ln"i., "D i seems to bo a propel method of com- " '-'aco Chrlrtlnnlt, ? ! memoratlon. Shall we do our part?! ir yrr club hns not enough motuy T 1 Pendleton has no vice pres-dent of . In lis treasury to give outright, more jthe Sacajawea Statue ssoc!ation asr. irojoition to It3 size than auv, I ' yet. Is tuore not some patriotic Ore- other woman's organization in your T -I.- Ik. (-'; nl.l. u-nmnn tflU-n. milkl It. We UTO not BD OdVO- who !!! take up this work? F.-ltjCate of the dinners, suppers and ha i, r.mntinn mn lio hnA in- ndilrp.Mne zaars so iiopular in days gone by. Mrs. S. A. Evans, Oswego, the secre- when women contributed twice as Seeing is Believing It k Laid to believe an Evaporated Cnm -.. make 10 many delidoo dishet until tou trv it youtveli. w nen you 00, dc aure you gel Economy Brand Evaporated Cream hrary ud contunl conthteacy. It deligl brary ud contlanl conthteary. It dlitha tt tie litre you sec the cap label on the can belo It U the cap of merit ibt sicn o( booest goodi uelort ,00 Ui,""l ' EoodL ' HELVSXIA Mill COlTDEHSan CD HijhUnd, nuaoit. The Tennessee Central railroad shops at Nashville, Tenn., have been homed. Loss, $320,000. The revenues of Great Britain from all sources decreased $13,497,040 in 1903 compared with 1902. The worst blow to Japan's hope for repelling Russian aggressiveness in Korea am! Manchuria Is the neu tral indifference of France. 1 The emperor of Germany is said to show more enthusiasm about the St. Louis exposition than any other per son in public life in Europe. i By n vote of 24 to 4, the Trans vajil council has voted to admit Chin ese laborers into their colonies. a:d a heavy influx of coolies is expected. Fifty thousand members of build ing trades unions in New York city wett tc work today under an Tgre est vMch provides for arbitration and fixes wages for a year. j General Leonard Wood is not a trained soldier. Till 1S9S he was a doctor Th- biggest row over his pro motion to brigadier general comes from some of the regular army ele ment. . "Within six months post three lit tle girls in Ukiah, Cal., have been burned to death by their clothes catching fire while playing around stoves. All were members of differ ent households. ; A. Brand:, of Santa Rose, Cal.. put a asi of blasting ptwder on top of the , kitchen stove to dry while he ate his breakfast. The house was complete- J y wrecked, but by a miracle the in mates escaped almost unharmed. Hotel Pendleton. Ben L. Burroughs. W. A. Boyue, Spokane. A. J. Goodman. W. W. Master. Peter Mclntyre. Oregon City. G. S. Youngman, Portland. J. A. Buttend, Welser. L. G. Edward and wife, Pocntella. Mr. and Mrs. Donelson. Colfax. Catherine Pooler. Paul Hagaman, Weston. W. B. Hamilton, Walla wmia. Mrs. W. B. Hamilton, Walla Walla. Dr. Harmon W. Hlte. Spokane. William Maher and wife. Portland. C. M. Smith and wife. Portland. Berr Craig, Grove City. C C. Simpson, Portland. A. J. Hall, Spokane. W. D. Marks. J. Fred Fisher, Spokane. H. Dorley. J. E. McFaul, Seattle. T. Donovau, La Grande. '. Allen, Long Creek. fCuRP When OthersFailed tary of the association. Sacajawea. It is a most gratifying and promis ing indication that so many clubs, women and organizations arc asking questions regarding the Sacajawea fund and wanting the answers given through this department, "that oth ci may know," li v-ould ai-o rao.o space than ia at our commana ror much in provisions as they would have been willing to give In money, and then exhausted themselves physi cally in order to have a small cash balance, but there are so many new, amusing nnd delightful entertain ments to bo given at such little ox-' penditure of time and struggle, that no club could be justified in refusing a liberal donation. r this one topic to try to answer them An autograph copy of "The Con nil in one week, but we assure those 1 I'"-'8' sn to l' d? n,a !,rIze who have sent in their questions that f)erJ- 0 contributed. Many arnica each shall be answered In turn. I We, conies s might be Inaugurated, The one pressing this week Is from Ma 1 lls .f1"-' Prize for instance, a club womanr who Is a vice presl-,th' onp 'n tu organization getting dent of ue association. In her let-. tn" mt members or greatest suit ter she laments the rush of Christ-1 ;,!ous ,u e entitled to the prize -n.i- on, inni.ion.niu. thr. tT I This prize might be offered in t.c upon the financial resources of ".he family to properly celebrate the holi day season as demoralizing to other 1056 Winncuioc Avenue. Ciucaho, Oct. 'Jo, 1M2. Wine of Canlui can always le relied mwn ta cure wheji evcrvthine cite fail. It ij a certaiucure for female disoascs in thcir wowt f ormF. I sufXcrtil for years w itli nlccr ation. Intense paint in thewnmband ovaries and dreailfiil headaches unfitted me for my work. Finally 1 grew so ill that I had to keep to mj bed. The pains were so intense at times as to'rausc Fpajnis and a disaCTvcablcdischarcc drair.ed my life forces. In my extremity after all clw had Tailed, 1 tried Wine of Cardui. After usinp it for two wnks T becan torlmDrove so ranidlv that 1 flt m,. couraswl to keep up the treatment, which "I did forciph- tecn weeks, tiut at the enu ot that ttme 1 wbb entirely currf. TTtui relief was mine and how new and beautiful life looired to meLo hea' h was restored. Only thoic who have pa'-vd thrtiueh inciii of siuiiphs as I have will understand how much 1 valne Wine ofCait It is inileeu w PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. , William Neis. of Eugene, sold 65 bales of hops at 25 cents per pound, Friday. Marion county school principals have formed a club for mutual advancement. Hotel Bickers. A. H. Gammell, Idaho. B. B. Htbbs and fpmlly, Lewiston. Feme F. Bentley. Salem. A. D. Williams. Jamestown. y. A. Purchase, Jamestown T J. Kirk, Athena. F. E. Jones Weston. Charles Coker, Weston. Milt Morgan. Heppner. Mrs. R. A. Crump. John Hager, Bingham. Charles Halway. Jennie Betterley, Vale. J. A. Montgomery, Colfax. A. Harner, Echo. Lara Harrison and wife. Echo. W. H. Addison. Seattle. L T. Simpson. Baker City. Albert Behm, Portland. s-hrols to cverj- room or child trai vioua' raise the $10. It renulres but 100 10-cent admissions, o; 40 25 c n work or monev raislnc. but says: .nl!S Bnr enienaiumem io pay "If we may have a few months we .m. hic), might be offered t will raise our proportion. How long conies over spelling, debating, will be given us In which to raise it? 8'or" t1""K- eand-v, I,ulllnR r an I think many vice presidents through- jhlnS i.hat wriio might be contested the state might Ue to know this If ' inT Th,e dlffloulty of raising 'he you could have It answered in the money, it Is thus seen, is not so in woman-s department of the Journal. surmountable. Submitting this question to the ex- The association will be glad to fin ecutive head of the association, we ! nish any aids at its command to as are autnonzed to say: "Unless com-1 sist the vice presidents. Booklets iictlnt- fnr a nriip n.,n,- than "Thi tellinc the story of Sana law-en mav tw j Conquest, any time within a year j had by applyiug to any officer of the me money may ue turned in. nut tne , ussuuiunuu. nuiiuiiB. wmcn are par association earnestly requests that I ticularly popular with the children, every town or person appealed to. If may be had from Mrs. M A. Ballon, they intend to respond, will write to 151 Alder street, Portland, and paid the secretary stating how much they j for when sold, the town being credit will promise to pleuge to the associa- cd with the monev thus obtained, tion, and if they do not feel like ' over the actual cost of the buttons. i stating a set amount, simply saying The secietary will soon have new something may be expected from matter to offer to assist In getting If there are any who refuse 1 Fight Will 3e Bitter. Those who will persist in closing their enrs against the continual rec- nmmpnillltfrin nf Ttr TTi-i r-'o Vn TVc- Owing to the great Increase in the cover for consumption will have a postoffice business .. Albany another ,ong and bitter flgnt with tneir mu, earner hai been added to the list bleBi lf not ended car,cr bj. fata, tor. Bcrthel Larnett and Alive Livings- minatlon. Read what T. R. Beall of ton, two girls aged 17. of Ashland, Or., Beall, Miss., has to say: "Last fall were arrested In Portland, Friday, for my wile had every symptom of con vagrancy. The government dredge. Chinook. sumption. She took Dr. King's New Discovery after everything else had tailed, improvement came at once ic now at work on the Columbia river tour bUles entity enrt-c he7 har nnr. mnr he nrpr F. fiftO tnnK nf . . .. J V tons of Guaranteed by Tollman gists. Price 50c and 1L00 tics free. Co., drug- Trial bot- OLDEST RETIRED OFFICER. bar, ana moving over 5,000 sand per day. The total rainfall at Albany for the past year was 35.57 inches, which Is supposed to be an average of the Wil lamette counties for the year. 1 Warrants are out for the arrest of Rear Ad";lra' CT9 B- Ba,ch. u- s Larry Sullivan, the famous boarding N- ' 82 Years Old. house keeper of Portland, for entlc- Baltimore. 51d., Jan. 5. Roar Ad-in.- four seamen from the British bark mirnl George B. Batch. U. S N re- Andorlnha. tired, who enjoys the distinction of . , . . being the oldest living fu6 officer of Four saloons will have their icen- Uncle SamB wf 2 ses revoked by the Portland license old tomorrow and w, ..t, commission for remain ng open after da at nIa homo , "M city. Ad la. m at night, in violaUon of the lral BaIch neariy a half cen city ordinances. j tur. of acve 8en.iee but notwltb- Special Officer Franklin, of the Port" standing this and the additional fact land police force, is under arrest -for that he has added 30 years to his se unbecoming conduct, in entering un- since his retirement he is active and announced the room of a woman who rugged and takes a keen interest in had sent for him, nnd surprising her everything pertaining to the growth in a night dress. ' I thc United -States nary. t .., tt.. . . TW.1...1 Admiral Balch Is' a Southerner. 'UkeJ' havlnS born in Tennessee In within the past week, the last robbery bama UDtu h,g Bllteenth yeQr when occurring on New Year s da. when j no was appolnted a mla8hipman after she lost a sealskin coat and boa, a;the od , , and traveed to j;ow diamond nng and 100 In cash. Tork to don h,s uallorm joln the It is rumored that ex-TJniled States historic old sloop Cyane, in which he Senator Turner, who loft the republl- spent Ufl first three years of service cans of Washington during the free ' in the Mediterranean and along the silver campaign of 1896. and has been J coast of Africa. allied with the democrats since, la Ho saw active service in the Mexl tbinking seriously of returning to the can war and also took part in many old love. of the most memorable naval engage- , moots in the war between the states ' I . V. n ! t, I iu uic uauy BiAiieil, ; SAMPLE BARGAINS la Real Estate At the time oi 1 bis retirement from active service, in i leas, no was commanaer ot me ra- 3200 acres good wheat land Well watered and improved. Si 2. 50 per acre " 1000 acre stock ranch. All fenced Raises 200 tons of hay; has running water, open range near by, Sjooo io-room house and two lots. Modern conveniences. $2500. AH on Easy Terms. cific fleet them to contribute but why provide for a condition entirely impossible among Oregon women? I The association does not ask a pledge for tne amount set opposite the town that Is the amount wanted or more but it is left entirely for the town to determine what they can or Till give, but this Information is absolutely necessary for properly pro moting the work by the oncers. Two hundred and titty copies of "The Conquest," which were donated by the McClurg Publishing company of Chicago, have arrived and are in charge of the first vice president, Mrs. C M. Cartwrlght, 215 Seeutb street llrs. Eva Emery Dye, the au thor, spent the greater part of one day this week Inscribing in them a pretty little sentiment appropriate to .ue season and the work, with her autograph, and they are now ready for distrl.ution. Tne first to be sent out were inree copies to the Ladles' Lewis and Clark club of Independ ence. Any town organization or individu al will be entitled to a copy for every I J10 contributed to tho statue fund. A copy of "The Conquest" was mailed to Bums on receipt of its con in nut! on. The Ladies' Afternoon club of Burns, one of the newest In the state, was among the first to respond with a promise "to do something for Sac ajawea," and during the past we-k made good its promise with a dona tion of 116.35. which Is largely In excess of its club proportion, as It Is yet a small club and Is working des perately hard for a library and reaj- ing room, A well known and enthusiastic club woman, one who appreciates on ad vantage when It is offered, has writ ten asking this departmont to suk gest borne way by which towns In the stale may raise the money appor tioned to them for the Sacajawea -fund, a brief resume of the Ideas and the metnods planned by tne associa tion ma)' simplify the matter and as sist the rice presidents. The. basis of this endeavor Is that, above everything else. It shall be woman s tribute to womanhood, as exemplified by tho services of Saca- jawea to the Lewis and Clark expedi tion, anu snau ue tnolr contribution ,1.- .,., ...at. I iu mc iair wuicn win commemorate up Indian entertainments or Indian days for clubs If the school children wish to sell :l.c nun cs ni ntioneti, tUerc- lb al ready a -r-irply of them In Pendl.ou. Informal ,nu can be had of thra at '.ho Eni.t (--egonlan office. ; E. T. WADE & SON I . O, Box 3JI Tuone BUck till Offlc In'E. O. Bldr T ! the centennial of the event. u. j ., T,1,s d0C'8 not mean that women, A Fiiontened Horse, put 0f their own pockets, shall pay Running like mad down the street, j the money necessary for ine erection dumping the occupants, or a hundred of this statue, but that theirs is the other accidents, ore every day occur- task of raising It In their own way rences. It behooves ovorybody to ! and by their own ingenuity, have a reliable Salve handy and j And now as to tne question In there's none as good as Bucklon's I hand, and one which comes to the Arnica Salve. Burns, Cuts. Sores,! association. In one form or another. Eczema and Pllos disappear quickly ' every- day: "How can this money be under Its soothing effect. 25c at Toll-, raised?" First Have you not in your man & Co.'s drug store. J midst some ploneors who might bo j too old to go out to an entertainment Olympla Beer Olympla ?eer. or anything of that Kind, and yet The most popular brand for family would like to add their mites to per use. On draught at Anton Nolte's, ' petuato tho memory of tho first moth He also handles the oottlod beer In cr wo carried bur baby Into tho Or any quantity desired. j "Eon country? Have a little book in ., I your pocket and ask them for a con It has just leaked out that Russian ' trlbutlon. if It Is only a membo'ship Insurance companies aro charelnc foo of 50 cents. Don't fall to write war risks on goods sent to. tho Ori- 'holr names down when they have ent of late. contributed, that they may bo on that 4 ------- GLACE PRUNES Btutled with waluuts Crystalized Fruits LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES and BON BONS NEW YEAR'S CIGARS By the lix F. W. Schmidt it is tmieeu a boon to (V tick women Secretary, Xorth Chicijo Franca Vtnii. Every weak woman needs Wine of Cardui. Wine of Cardui csaL ordered and painful menstruation, periodical headaches, falling d J womb and Icucorrbcca, It cures extreme cases of these troclij. strengthens girls approachiuc womanhood, helps bring children to l homes, makes pregnancy and childbirth easier, prevents nuscamjgotjj the bes? medicine ever made for use daring the change of life. Vftjp the rood w smau in your home to suiTer another dav? Ever inn fans fl .00 bottles of Wine of Cardui. ECftRDUl -4-' -.f 1 At Actual Cost For a Few Days Only Lantique Ware Vases Louwelsa Ware Jardinieres Perfecto Ware Vases This is a rare opportunity to get these fine goods at a very low figure, and as we hare but a few pieces left this offer will not last long. Druggist, Post-office Uiock Phone Main 851 HMMMIIIIIIIIIMIIUH All persons knowing themselves to be in debted to me will call and settle their their accounts as I need the money. X Conrad Platzoeder I Meat Market ! 4 I Suffered Eight Months t can heartily recommend Acker's Tablets for Dyspepsia and 8tomach Troubles. I have been suffering for eight months and tried many reme dies without any relief, until 1 got Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets, which I used only a short time and am now perfectly well. Thanking you for the speedy recovery, I am greatfully yours, Francis 1. Cannon. Vancouver Wash. For sale by F. W. Schmidt & Co. Bend to W. H. Hookor & Co. Buf falo, N. V for a free trial packago. (Nothing Like Them.) DRUGGISTS VATTD mT TJIMT TC flAU I For ono of our high-grade Sewing Machines The Singer is acknowledged to be the perfect sewing machine built. Time has proven it to be the best machine for any pur pose. We would be pleased to have yon titt a Singer on trial. We know what the resui will be, for a trial proves its merits. Amoi" payment down and the balance in easy W menlp. Office 5o9 College Street I P. km LOVETANG, Manf" it v r A NEW YEAR'S nCCfl ..... .1 ii p' le unrl 1 ess WlinOUl - - .1... 10 practice. So if res";' your laundry work "doert not tlelay pianb j- in charge 01 tup noMESflC 1. STEAM tARY 1