T EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1B04. DAILY Special Inducements IN adies Silk Shirt Waists; JAP SCHOLAR TALKS OF 4 SAYS RUSSIA HAS REPEAT. EDLY BROKEN FAITH. UNTIL THE NEW YEAR f : Action Af . ... i- . . . .. w in nc vncni Have Been Unfair and Dishonest- Japan Is Justified In Making Wa and Will Enter the Contest With Hopes of Being Supported Jay Civil lied Nations In Her Contest fo Justice. Rare bargains are Waist in our store. offered on ever- Shirt LEXANDER'S DEPARTMENT STORE Kill PLUMBING Oor Work and the Bill Will Stand cnrnnririQnn wttli tlm lic. sffi ' 'em- Tlie work is as near perfec iaK tI0n as humans can attain the price ir, therefor as cheap as anybody should expect. We do all kinds of sani tary plumbing and gas fitting, and charge you not immoderately. Let us estimate on your next necessity in our line. J. CLARKE & Co, 2n Court Street HIHI I H HH Hill I I I 4 H f 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I M MOVED TO j 1 15 East Court Street j liday Prices Now Placed on all 3 Pianos Sh Organs f tars, Mandolins, Violins, Sheet Music and Holiday Goods ee Month's Free Instrucsion Given j with Each Piano Sale AND EMPIRE MUSIC COMPANY East Court Street Phone Red i i5i -Mr, S. Yoshloka, late or Stanford university ami manager of the Orien- tal Trading rorapany, Is In Spokan for i.io purposo of organizing branch office of that company, Oth cr branch offices are already cstnb- llsheil at Kallspell niil Harvard, with neattquartcrs at Seattle. Tho compa- ny supplies too railroads with Japan ese laborers, of whom nearly 5,000 are already uoiking for tho Great rorthern and Northern Pacific roads. .Mr. osmoka Is well known ns political economist and author. When seen yesteruny by a Press man the little gentleman was very pleased to express nimsolf concerning the trou me urcwing over the Orient. Ho said wnatevor It was that prompted the Russian emperor to advocate the peace conference at Tho Hague, cer tain it is that the Russian policy is aisturuing me entire world, involv ins every power. The Integrity tf the mammoth empire is about to b snattered, perhaps swallowed up. wo denounce the Russlin art of diplomacy, in the art of modern ii piomacy a negotiation between bona fide nations means the rights of each arc to be respected. In the eyes of Russian diplomats no Inter est nut melr own are recognized mat tneir policy has no dlscrlmim non uetween ngnt and wrong in cicarjy shown by hundreds of In stances like the following: In 1SC0, when China was worn out by the sup pression of rebellions and Invaded by tho armies of England and France Russia took the canltal of Pekln nn.l abrogated the treaty. Shortly after this event a proposal whereby Rue sla should hold the mononolv In the opening of the mines and the con struction of railroads in northern t-ina, was made in tho presence of tne envoys of England, tho United States, Hermany, France, Japan, 11 ami Austria nut iy tliem was nullified. "Treaty after treaty was made and aereated until Russia was compell to Beck more subtle indirection. Vu welcomed the treaty to evacuate Manchuria at a fixed date, but all the worm knows tuat Russia will oot keep her word. iuv urst evacuation was to ie uctooer S, 1P02; the second, April 8: iw; wio wiru, uctooer 8, same yeir. ine nrsi was maue. but when ih. date of tho second came around, In- sieaa or me departure of the Co sacks, Russia waB engaged In fottl fylng strategic points. The date of tne tliird evacuation has long slne: passed. Riibbia has broken her word. There Ik not a country on the Rus sian- border that has not suffered from Russian treachery Poland, Turkey, uulgarla, I'eisla, Afghanistan. East inula was coveted. Central Asia suli- jugated, and finally comes the deceit practicea on Japan. "Manchuria has a population or 0, 000,000. It Is this rare that nroduced the great Jlnkls Khan, whoso name has been a terror to all Europe and Asia, u .ussia gained a swav over tins neuigeront race .t would bo easy 'o raise diiu.iioii terrible warriors and sweep triumphantly from north to south. In that case England would get a slice of territory with Wel-HI- Wei as its center: (lermany would grasp an extensive district along iviymi unan nay, franco would, claim the southern portion; Amol -would go to uncle Ham and Janan would take the coast territory opposlto Formosa iBland. For the sake of peace Japan baa donned Its war equipments, Jap an demands the keeping of trio treaty and the immediate evacuation f .Manchuria. Japan has gven Russia two weeks In which to consider and i choose peace or war. "Do I entertain any doubts regard ing tho Issue? No' Japan's cause Is Just; her ground Is firm; she occu pies a tilumphanl position; has a belter class of warships, more expert enco In maneuvering them. Even without the- help of England we feel ronfldent. It would not bo a difficult thiug for Japaneso spies, Jn tho dis guise of Chinamen, to burn bridges and destroy rallrpads over which thd Russian army is compelled to travel. Wo are anxious for war. If Russia yields to our declaration, it may mean a misfortune to the world's wel fare. Sooner or later a war must come " Mr. Yoshloka's stay In Spokane may be limited because his Interests in Japan may at any moment occa sion his departure. tHMMM (IllimiW ?S5 BEST 13 JMOBT WHOLE8C-MK WmSRLY WILLED WITHOUT A BOPEIUOB s AGAINST WHI8KY HADIT. ERS' BEST FLOUR The Standard of Excellency. H-ETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. Southern Pacific Installs an Active Crusade Against Tippling Em. ployei. The Southern Pacific railroad Is drawing the lines tighter and tighter on the employes in the matter of drinking Intoxicating liquors. ")n December 24 Superintendent L. R. Fields Issued a bulletin warning all employes that tlx! safety of the people and the welfaro of tho compa i.y'd business demanded that tho rules i t'.. respect be more strictly in 'ortid, and that any employe found drinking while on duty or while going .o his duty would bo summarily dls- j jiirgcd. "T"ls is going to get a lot of too yi said a Southern Pacific brake an last evening. "Thero are a large number of them who arc taking a SPECIALS FOR. THIS WEEK! Wednesday Specials Ladies' Suits and Jackets at actual cost Lace Curtains of all grades reduced i. 20 per cent Thursday Specials Jap Sill-, nil colors 23cyard Ladies' Ice Wool Head Sliawis, tcduced 20 per cent Friday Specials Men's and-lioys' Suits and Overcoats, re duced 20 per cent Men s Fleecer,' .lined Underwear, heavv , j K'de 35c garment Comforts and Woolui Bt.uikt!t, re duced 20 percent Saturday Specials t Calico, io yards for 40c Otltine Flannel. cent grade, in varils tor 45c All Dress Goods value 50c yard, special for Saturday. , 36c yard Ladies' Slippers of all kinds reduced m nf rnf r 1 Men's Slippers ol all kinds reduced T 20 per cent t MEN'S OVERSHOES All sizes For One Day Only t 90c pair THE FMIR r.TcCALL'S PATTERNS SOLD HERE bull-headed view of tho case, and Fay they will show the company that It can't run them, but they will find out that tho company Isn't trying to run them. All the company wants Is for them to 'tend to the business or quit." Freight rates on the chief commodi ties shipped from the East will V matei... iy advanced Jnnuary 18, tho advance being made by b general agreement among all transcontinental lines and by the organization known as the Transcontinental Freight ts-nidation. The new rateH will affect not only the Pacific coast, but will affect it from Vancouver, 11. C, to San nleso, Cal, Tho Increased rates will be made on shipments from New York Hid common points, trom Chicago md common points, from Omaha and Mis souri river points and from the St. I ouit territory. Frazer Theatre n. j. Nixon, Man. I'hoiic Hna 41. BIG WAGE CUT TODAY. Dismal New Year for One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Men. Pittsburg, Pa Jan. 1. -Tho tens of thousands of employes, of tho United States Steel corporation working 'n tne concerns mills and offices i.i Pennsylvania, Now York, Oulo. Illi nois, Wisconsin and other states doubtless have little Inclination for elcbratlng tho New Year. Over 150,0110 men, or about SO nor cent of all the employes of the cor poration, go to work today at a less wngo than they have been rocelvlug heretofore. The remaining 10 per cent represent tho employes belouu- ing to the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin workers. Tha listing agreement between the cor poration and the association prevents ine wages of these men being rcdm'- d before tho agreement exnlres. next July. The reduction ranges from S to 30 per cent and' will mean a saving of more than Sl.OOo.OOO yearly to tho corporation. One Night Only, Saturday, January 2, J904 Jules Mtirry presents MARIE WAINWRIGHT As Viola in Shakespeare's Classic Comedy. "TWELFTH NIGHT" J Eminently cast and superbly mounted. Carrying the entire f scenic production, includine the electrical effects. I SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. - Owing to the interest al T ready shown in Miss VVannvrinlit's engagement, it is suggested T to the patrons to procure their seats as early as possible. T beats on sale Thursday. 10 a. m. t PRICES- 50c, 75c, ti 00 and i 50. ...fr .4...f..t...fr.. t ELATERITE Is Mineral Rubber.) V)ll .MAY IN I KM) 1IU1I IlINO , . , or nil It 111 -c-vHMvry to 11KI'ICK A WoRN-OUT IIOOK ELATERITE ROOFING Takes th , place of shingles, tin. Iron, tar a.id gravel, and all prepared! roofings. For flat and steep surfaces, goiters, valleys, etc. Ky to Ur Tempore for all climates. Reasonable In cost. Bold on mnrlt, f)urn teed, It will pay to aBk for prlcoaand Information. THE ELATERITE HOOFING CO. worff.ii. nulldlno. Portland. YOUR PLUM BIN G! Have it done by a Scientific Plumber and j on will not be bothered with bad breaks. Let us figure on our work BECK, THE PLUMBER COURT STREET MONEY TO BURN. Maine Is Out of Debt and Has (500,- 000 In the Treasury. Augusta. Me., Jan. 1. Tho state of Maine begins the new year with a cash balance on hand amounting to nearly a half million dollars, tho largest In the history of tho common- wealth. As a further causu of rejoiw Ing, thero is no Heating dobt, the btute having rid itself of ull tempo rary embarrassments. Two years ago, as a result of tho Spanish war and a reduction in tho state tax rate, there was a floailng debt of several hundred thousand thousand dollars, but this has r.ll been wiped out. A largo amount of money Is still owing on civil wtr lebts, but this, too, Is being steadily and inaiucmatlcally whittled down. FLOWER CARNIVAL. Dedication of Muncle' Library, Muncle, Ind., Jan. 1, Instead of having elaborato dedicatory services, as at first planned, M uncle's now 175, 000 nubile library was formally op- nej with a public reception this af ternoon, attended by the city officials and a number of visiting librarians. Andrew Carnegie contributed $50,000 toward tho construction of tho libr- ry, which is one of the finest and best equipped buildings of tho hln.1 In Indiana. Rote Tournament in California Town Today, l!i,ii.pri, Cnl., Jon. 1. Nearly B5, 00U people took part In or witnessed today's flower carnival, or tourna ment of roses, which has been :ho Clowning featuro of tho midwinter season In Pasadena for tho last 13 years. Tho affair was In every way u bril liant success. Tho procession was over a mllo long. It was composed of floats, tallyhos, carriages, equestrians and carriages, all decorated with u profusion o froscs, carnations, chrys- uuluemums and oilier blossoms. At tho end of tho routo the equipages ulilch excelled in tho various dlvlti Ions were awarded liandsomo prizes, Dosldou the people of Pasadena, tho participants In tho day's festivities Included large parties from Sar.ta Uarbara, !ob Angeles, Monterey and other points. 6ick hdach absolutely and pr. manently cured by using Mokl Tea. pleasant herb drink, cure Con stipatlon and Indigestion. Make you eat, sleep, work and nappy, Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 2tc and 60c F. W. Schmidt Oo. Jackson Banquet at Omaha, Omaha, Neb., Jan. 1, Arrange ments on an elaborate . scale have been completed for the annual ban quet hero tonight of the Jacksonian club. Among the public mon of no:e who have accepted Invitations to peak are Senator Newlands of Ne vada, District Attorney Joseph W. Folk of St. Iuls, Congressman Do- Armond of Missouri and Judgo Jt M. Itecd of Des Moines. If you are troubled with Impure blood, Indicated by sores, pimples, headaches, etc., e would recommend Acker's Blood Elixir, which we sell under a positive guarantoe. It will always cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons and all blood diseases. 80c. and ji.wy r, w, Betmiat uo. PROHIBITION IN TEXAS. Nearly the Entire State Does With. Out Liquor as a Beveraae, Austin, Tex,, Jan. 1. Ileglnulug to day, Texas virtually takes rank among tho prohibition states of tho Union, The anti-saloon movement was begun several years ago, but it was not until tho last summer that Its success became assured. In three months mora than 200 counties "went dry" as a result of a vote of tho people. The saloon ele ment put up a bitter fight, both at tho polls and jn thn courts, but It was worsted everywhere with the result that the I.one Star state begins the new year aa a teetotaler. SINGLE FARE FOR STOCKMEN. Northern Pacific Grants Reduced Rate to Portland Meeting. Walla Walla, Jan. 1. News that a dingle fare rate had been granted by the Northern Pacific from all points In Oregon and Washington to tho Na tional Llvostock convention at Port land was received yesterday by Grant Copeland, secretary of tho newly or ganized Washington Livestock asso ciation. A similar rate will probably bo granted by the O. It. & N. No specification regarding attendance was made in the letter received by Mr Copelanu. Swell slippers at Teutsch'e, BEST FOR THE BWELS it foil hAVfti't trail) ir, liwilthr mtiftmrDt of tM bowel tf lr juu'lt fll ur will t Kcfp jbul buwiicojifii, .inllm welt. fircr m Urn Iaiiu( vl rut cliTMiM'fJ'IH l-oleiiiij iltm.'r ! 1 1 mootlf t.ciMlt i. imifcl yvttvrl ay ft Urt-'IU 1h Wvrlf CANDY CATHARTIC EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY Plttlit, I'tUUI.Ie. I'l.Uiil. Tmi0mxI, I)UiI JMfrr Sicken, Weaken, or Or)i. I, tf- Mn-1 ho rtnu bur boi. Writ fur fr mil ait-l iwkltt m Litllli. AMfu n iriiutu stimr iiKrtm, (iiiutu-. n . KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN ONE WAY OUT. the A Resident of Pendleton Shows Way. Only one way to cure a bad back. Liniments and plastors may rvllevo It. They won't euro It, Ilackacbo means sick kidneys, Doan's Kidney Pills cure all kidney Ills. Pendleton people prove this. Head a case of It: Mrs. J. Ilrynk, who lives on Star street, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills are a grand medicine, ns I know from ex perience, and I havn no nnaitntinn in saying that any sufforer from back ocho or other kidney troubles who will give them a fair trial, will bo more than well satisfied with the results. I suffered from three or four years with sharp pains In my bunk which became acuto when I attempted to bend over, or to lift nnytiilne. Do- sides, I had rheumatism or lumbago in my left arm so bad that I could not raiso It above my shoulder wli.ltout assistance from my loft hand, I saw uoan's Kidney Pills advcrtlsod and. got a box at tho Itrock & McCoinas Co. drug store, Wbon t had naod three boxes tho backache had nt Ished and with It tho rheumatic pains through my arms." For sale by all dealers, Price 10 cents per box. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Ilu.Talo, N, Y., sole agents for tho United States. Hemember the name DOAN'S aad take no other, 2J Ml