East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 31, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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    . nnennM. TH
Overcoat Sale
To uletin up thu balance of our overcoat f we
make the follow ins sweeping reduction:
' $7.00 Coats go at $5-00
$8.00 Coats go at $5.75
$9.00 Coats go at $6.75
$f0.00 Coats go at $7.50
$ J 2.50 Coats go at $9.50
$ J 4.00 Coats go at $t J.5O
All other prico coats not mentioned are re
duced in fiune proportion.
The HlKlilanu hotel at Albuquerque.
N. M., was totally destroyed by flro
Tuesday night. Cause, defective wir
ing. Loss, $60,000,
Savage negro tribes In Liberia and
adjacent territory aru virtually anni
hilating each other leaving vast .-'ens
almost depopulated.
George Nell is dead from Injuries
received in tne Grand Hapids wreck.
He was the 22d victim to me. He
took the train by mistake.
Oliver V. otowart, the only party
prohibitionist in the Illinois legisla
ture, is likely to bo thu next prohibi
tion candidate for president.
Nebraska republicans have begun
an organized campaign to secure the
nomination of John U Webster, an
Omaha lawyer, for vice-president.
Iladium is being used with great
success to detach cancerous growths,
li is not known whether It will de
stroy the Initial growth permanently
All the aboriglnles of Panama have
been strongly enlisted on the side of
the now government by persuasion,
with a few well-considered promises
and threats.
The grand Jury at Kansas City.
Kan., lias dug up ovldence showing
that, the city school board was cor
rupted by a Chicago publishing house
in the selection of text-books.
Moses T. Clough. William Shaw n:.d
Ucnjamin W. Kinney, all prominent
and wealthy men, were yesterday
burned to death at Troy, N. Y., by
the partial burning of a club house.
In 10 years American exports of
boots and shoes have Increased from
$1,000,000 to over $7,000,000, and now
exceed the exportatlons of all other
countries combined In that line of
Hotel Pendleton.
K. E. Wlllard, Ijh Grando.
T. It. Yenger linker City.
I), li. Rnsenflold, San Francisco.
.Mrs. P. G. Wordou.
H. It. Horry. Athenn.
A. I. Payne, Cove.
E. A. Smith, Pullman.
E. .Maurice.
W. O. llarnes, Portland.
C. O. Tull.
-Mrs. (J. M. Cratty, Spokane.
H. N. llrager Portland.
P. N. Koarger, SpoKnne.
C. U. IVa. o, Detroit.
F. .M. Hell. Spokane.
Glendennlng, Portland.
O. W Stevens, Spokane.
(1. I). Galley, Portland.
John G. Heilfrich, Spokane.
T I). Wells, Meaehnm.
George Kaler, Fossil.
A. Loesch Starbuck.
J. A. llellricli..Welsor.
-Mrs. H. W. Ilrochman, IV Sonier.
C. 11. Clisae.
F. F. Wright.
H. C. Kelly, La Grande.
J. Robirtsnn, Spokane.
Hotel Dickers.
Hay Long. Spokane.
T. II. Wyland, Now York.
J. II. Raulston, Adams.
(J. S. U, Hoyden, city
C. E. Hean, city.
Jooph Pothlln. McKay.
I. M. Coffeo. Camas.
J. M. Gnrrison, Forest Grove
T. W. Turner, Helix.
A. I. Swaggard, At.inna.
Fred Ijpence.
Vina Heard.
C. E. Nash and family, Oregon City.
J. C. Smith, Jefferson.
Hazel G. Smith, Jefferson.
Mrs. Clow and family.
Portland has paid out $442,211 for
street work In the year lSuJ.
John T. McCaruy, an old stoldler
aged 70. died at Nowberg, Wednes
day. H. Kadtord, a Portland pioneer aged
SO, dropped dead n that city Wednes
day. The city council of Forest Grove
voted a 10-mllI tnx for city purposes
n Wednesday.
Owners of slot machines paid $2,100
In ball Into the c:.y treasury of Port
land on Wednesday.
.Mrs. .Mary E. Werts. an Oregon
pioneer of 1832, died Wednesday at
Tangent, Linn county, aged 87,
The legislative clerks have finished
thu revision of the senate and house
journals and fitml them to bo cor
rect. Japanese leaders say In case of war
between Japan an. Hussla that 20J
Japs will go from Portland to Join
the army.
The body of a boy baby apparent
ly two or three days old, was found
in an irrigation ditch near North
Yakima, Wednesdiy morning.
William Herman, a violin collector
of Portland, has a fine exhibit of
valuable violins ready for tho St.
Louis exposition. They number about
50 and range In value from $150 to
The body of -Mrs. Nate Jones, who
stepped off an open draw Into the
IxjwIs river. Washington, two weeks
ago, was found Wednesday by nor
on, 1C miles from the scene of tho
The coroner's Jury In thu Inquest of
Albert Young, shot and killed by I).
Gk Van Houton in Portland, Jlonday
night, found that Young was murder
ed by Van Houton, but did not .make
any recommendations.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured.
I br local applications, as they cannot reach
. the tffeased portion of th r. Thw "
I ool, one way to cure dwrnew. and that
la by constitutional remedies. Oeafnttsa U
caused by an Inflamed condition or the
, mucous llnln; of the Kustachlan Tube.
When thla tube U Inflamed you have a
I rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and
when It la entirely closed. DearneMi la the
I result, and unless the lonammarlon can be
taken out and this tuba restored tn Irs
normal condition, hearing will be de
stroyed forerer; nine cases out of ten are
cniued by CuMrrb. which is nothing but
an lullamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. We will :rle One Hundred Dollars or
ant caae of Deafness caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cure. I by Halls Catarrh
(.'lire. Senil for circulars, tree.
P. J. CIIK.NKY & CO.. ToWJy, O.
Sold h- drusslsu. 73c
Hull' family tills are the best.
t la Real Estate
i r J '
35oo aqres good wheat land
Well watered and improved. ,
12.50 per acre. ,
i1 iooo acre stexjk ranch, Alt ,
I' fenced. Raises 200 tons of
J, hay; has running water; open
grange near by, 5ooo,
io-room house and two'
lots. Modern conveniences.
7 J2500-
All on Ea3y Terms.
Dangerous Condition of Affairs Un.
earthed at Walla Walla.
Walla Walla, Dec. 3t. The sensa
tional fact doveloped at a meeting of
the water committee of the city coun
cil last night that tho principal water
main of tho city, tho one loading
from the ir-sorvoir down Alder fltroet
to First fi'reot, Is In such rotten con
dition that as complete collapse Is lia
ble at aty moment.
Fight Will Se Bitter.
Thoue who will persist tn closing
their ears against tho continual rec
ommendation of Dr. Klng'a New Dis
covery for Consumption will havo a
long and bitter fight with their trou
bles. It not onded earlier by fatal ter
mination, nead what TV U, Beatl of
Dealt, Miss., has to say: "Last fall
my wife hod every symptom of con
sumption. Hho took Dr. King's New
Dlscovory after everything else hnd
failed. Improvement enmo at once
and four bottles entirely cured her."
Guaranteed by Tollman Co., drug
gists. Price 60c nnd $1.00. Trial bot
tles free.
I. O. llOX 324
I'koae Mack nil Office ln', Q, Jlldg
From Itowman's ranch, on McKay
creek, seven miles from Meacham. in
Octobor, threo head of horses. Ono
3-year-old roan horse, branded Q on
loft hip, Ono 2-year-old bay horse,
branded Q on left hip. Ono 2-year-old
bay filly, branded Q on left hip. A
reasonable reward will bo paid or In
formation leading to the rccovory.
Address W, Urummett, Meacham. Or.
Trlb it a Harmless Positive Cure. '
Walla Walla, Wash., Sept. 3, 11)03.
I can most heartily recommend
THIlt to anyone desiring to null tho
uso of Tobacco, I tried many so
called cures, I can truthfully say
TUII) has cured mo of all deslro fur
I Tobacco In any form. Tmil Is a cure.
jZ. K Straight, 119 Main St.
Olympla Deer Olympla Beer,
' Tho most popular hraml for family
use. On draught at Antou Nolto'a.
'Ho also handles the uottlad boor tn
I ill . .1 I a
Half Interest In Cox's Hardware
Store Has Been Sold James Scott
Cunllnucs In Poor Health Jerry
Swart Has Gone to Baker City
Services Will Be Held In the Base
ment New M. E. Church Revival
Still In Progress.
Athena, Dec. 211 Mrs. David Tay
lor's brother, .Mr. (Jerking of John
Day, arrived In the city n few days
ngo. Ho reports It was warm enough
over there to plow In their mi.
sleeves for the past few weeks, while
Athena and surrounding country Is
undergoing a siege of n week or more'
of foggy, freezing weather.
JIIhs I.ucy Sluusu, of Pendleton,
spent a few days visiting at the home
of Mvs. Taylor.
Misses llerthn Ilakor nnd Aley Posh
of Odd Spring are visiting here.
Andy McKwen has recently bought
n half Interest in Cox's hardware
store. The firm will lie known In the
future as the Cox .t MeEwen firm.
Clyde Charlton of Kamela Is visit
ing at the home of his mother, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mi-Arthur of
Portland, who formerly resided here,
are now visiting in tills city nnd at
Uncle Jimmy Scott, who has been
ailing In health, seems to get no bet
tor. William Scott, a Portland medical
student. Is In the city spending his
holiday vncntlon.
The basement of the new M. H.
church Is completed and lihureh ser
vices will be held In there till tin
main auditorium Is completed.
Klniar Johnston, one of John Day's
famous stock men, Is in the -citv vis
iting. The evangelist. Moore, is still car
rying on his protracted meeting with
the auditorium crowded with attent
ive listeners.
.Mrs. Perry 'and daughter. Ilertlm.
dross, of Pendleton, are visiting
friends and relatives in this city.
Mlbs Kitty Sharp, who Is teaching,
school about five miles from Pendle
ton. Is here, visiting.
Gone to Baker City.
Jerry Swart, telegraph operator of
Athena, has resigned his position nnd
taken a new Msltiou ut Ilaker City
Had a Leg Injured.
Charley llooher is suffering a se
vere Injury of ono of nls legs by
wheat sacks falling on him Wednesday.
A Frightened Horse,
Running like mad down the street,
dumping the occupants, or a hundred
other accidents, are every day occur
rences. It behooves everybody to
have a reliable Salve handy nnd
there's none as good as Ducklcn's
Arnica Salve. JJurns, Cuts, Sores,
Eczema and Piles disappear quickly
under Its soothing effect. 25c nt Toll
man & Co.'s drug store.
Did a
Day's Work for Ride to Town
Was Turned Over to Police.
Iluv John Washington, who eayu
ho Is an ordained minister of the Bap
tist church, occupied a cell at the city
jail this morning, hut was later re
leased, says the Oregon Dally Jour
nal. The minister is a negro, and
from the torn and tattered appear
ance of his clothes the contributions
In the districts where he has been
working must have boon Bllm, Mr.
Washington told tho following story:
"Last evening 1 was nt Heaverton
and started to walk to Portland.
About midnight I wns tired and
crawled Into a haymow to spend the
rest of tho night. About .", o'clock In
:hc morning a man woke me up and
sa'ti that if I helped him do the
chores he would give mo a rldn Into
town. I helped him milk 15 cowb.
clean out barns, wash milk cans and
do other things. When wo arrived, In
the city he drovo to the police sta
tion and handed me over, saying that
I hill! Ik iMi tound '.ileepii'..-, In lily n-u
Baker City Ministers Will Inaugurate
a Wise Practise Next Sunday.
Baker City, Dec. 31. A very sensi
ble and popular movement Is being
agitated by the church-going ladles of
Baxor City this week, nnd seems to
meet the hearty approval of all. it is
the adoption of the "hats off In
church" custom, practiced so exten
sively In tho East, and In many cities
in tho Wost.
Tho pastors of the various churches
have bcon Interviewed and by request
of the ladies will announce next Sab
bath, January 3 as tho day to Inaug
urate tho practice
If you are troubled with Impure
blood, indicated by qoros, pimples,
headaches, etc., o would recommend
Acker's Blood Ejlxlr, which we soil
under a positive guarantee. ,It will
always euro Scrofulous or Syphilitic
poisons nnd all blood diseases. Cue.
and Jl.uO F, W. 8chmldt & Co.
Gypsies Reach The Dalles.
A band of gypsies again mndo their
appearance In Tho Dalles Monday,
but were no sooner visible thnn in
visible, for the marshal was not long
In tolling thum tholr fortunes so fat
as The Dalies has any part in It, and
they soon vamoosed, says Thu Dalles
Chronicle, 'l.ioy camo from Pendle
ton, whoio their footings wore imrt
by having their Christmas colehrutlou
Interfered with by tho police, As n
result, tho city treasury of Pendle
ton was enriched by J30. paid In ciuar-
Iters, dimes and nlckols. The Dalles
treasury Is not In need of their ub-slstance.
Joseph West Has Guests from Wash-
Ington Marshall Wilkinson Is a ju
Ct-dcnt at V.'lilir.ian college A "
Party Has Gone on a Huntlno Trip
Up the South Fork Miss Littleton
nt-..lll If
Is visiting at
m m aL.am ar - ai vm ar
for a yew Days Only
Milton, Dec. 29. Mr. anil Mrs.
Prank Neaco are here from Walts
burg, the guests of tholr aunt and
uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph West,
Mrs. U. M. Dorothy nnd daughter,
.Miss Minnie, have returned home
from an extended visit with relatives
at Northport. Wash.
.Marshall Wilkinson Is hure spend
ing Ills vacation with his parents, Mr.
mid Mrs II. H. Wilkinson, at Colum
bia college. Marshall is nttunmng
Whitman college this year. )
Miss Maud llealo, who bus been 7
here visiting nt the homo of her
aunt. .Mrs. V. J. .Ileule, nns roiurncu :
Lanhque Ware Vases
Loawelsa Wae htdkkm
Pcrfccto Ware Vases
This is a rare opportunity to get these
goods at a very low figure, and as weW
tut a few pieces left this offer will not last
.Mrs. I- J. .Heuli!, nns roiurncu
to iVmtlotun.
J. K. Cherry. )vlnclril. of the Ad
ams public hchnul, was n welcome
visitor here Saturday und Sunday.
Messrs. (5. A. Cowl and" DnllnB Our
red have gone up the South Fork cm
a few days' limiting expedition.
M I). Wartllow of Wulln Wallu was
a guest at the home of A. M. Eluni.
Miss Zelma Frir.lor litis gone to
Davton to Hiiuml her vacation.
Miss Mae Littleton, one of the
teachers In the public schuols. Is vis
itiug ner parents at Illtzville.
.Mr nnd Mrs N. A. Davis were in
Walla Walla, the guests of Mr. mid
Mih K J Davis.
1 r-r-w r'T-T'T.!
Prank McNamue. a Philadelphia!!
who wns nt the bend of a "symli
cnte" which stole GO bodies from
one negro cemetery, has been mur
dered. He expected to be killed and
predicted death In that manner.
Ktlllleil with witllllltri
Crystalizcd Fruits
and BON BONS ;
By the Ikix 4
F.W.Schmidt 1
I of- c
No matter what you desire, fee It an
elaborate and artistic odd piece or whole
set for any room, or for an outfit fa
your entire house, or plain furnttofe ol
any description, we have it. Wewlil
take pleasure in showing you tBtoogh
our large and complete collection it
new goods. Most attractive and largest
line of IRON BEDS in Pendleton art
shown in our stock. Carpets and 1-
. oleums to please the fancy of all.
K. m K 1-4 mJ rill X
if r Nfnci. Near Post
I . TPTlWTtCTtTritlWTe
gist, Post-oifice Block
Phone Main 851
No ppetlte, loii of strength,
nsrvouineu, headache, conitlpallon,
bid breath, general debility, sour rU
ln(t, and catarrh of the stomach r
11 dut to indlgution. Kodol curti
Indlgeallon. This new discovery repre
sents the natural Juices o( digestion
as they exist In a healthy slonuch,
combined with the creates! known tonic
and reconstructive properties. Kodol
Dyspepsia. Cure does not only cur In
ditestlon and dyspepsia, but this famous
remedy cures all stomach trouble fcy
eleanilnj, purifying, sveetenlne and
atrengthonlng the mucous membran
llnlnf tht stomach.
aiv Health to the Sick anal
Btrength to the Weak.
tli. trUI Hie, which Mils (of 30c.
Prtrartd by B. C. DeWItt Co., CUcafo.
... -if , mean
1 ill- i-rt.iiiTU rir-.iniv lullui, n ... -
i 11 r n ,ui,n r-nii inc nia"-r-
uitv.u ui 1111 uauiM ' . " .
01 pnysicai culture ana ucvciuy'"6 .
ishes from the face. reet trcat'iu.
iiiR remedies for sale
Itllll..-, IUI JH . ,L, ,rt
Mi-s Newman will Uive bW3un-' 1
Office Hours, 3.50 tc9P-m.
Sold by Tnllman & Co,
to provont Pneumonia nnd Conatlna
tlon la to euro your cola when It drat
appoarB. Acker's Enoll.h Remedy
will stop tho couch In a night, anil
rtrlvo tho cohl out of your Hystom,
Always a (nilclt ami suro euro for
AB,tlua, llronnhltlB. nuU all tlirout
and lung trouhloa. If it does not
satisfy you wa will rofund your
money, p. y. Schmiat t Co.
m. vvtv Avauju
nn. o; : i7.lH(TPr! 10 Bt'u"7
i. . w 1.;.. hin II.
puiiuuii ounijij muvi.. -- f-.-j
L . r:.iTL- -uaaA to haver
UD8U. WO WUU1U uo piv ,l.
will be, for a trial proves 1 a mc"" '
nnvmniif Anven tind tUC Dai""1-0 1
Offio-5o9 College Street
. ,ntt7 YEAR'5
Is worth'" '
ilhoit' '
So " Jv .
voui ' . . ,onf
not delay P'' ;
,n charge of
hip "
. 11