East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 31, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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1 t
7 ' u uHjaBsm or I ihhwim ii 1 1 1 I'll i 'imi'n muurn m e
Eastern Oregon Weather
B J Tonight and Friday cloudy.
B with protmbiy snow.
.... ....
so. Auar,
- ...inDAl I7F RUSSIA
Auures Them He Can Do
ah Indictment Returns
nn , -h
j r..u.in r.nnrirestt Re.
impose Tariff on American
Sickening Scene in Chicago's Awful Death Trap; Piled High
and Roasted Corpses, .Beggars All Description,
11 it
iviangiea nnipiiyy
1 1
Admitted ferjury.
Orund Hapids, Dec. 31.
There was a scunation lu the
trial or Senator Nichols for
complicity In the water scan
dal this morning, wnen Boyd
Slianulln, a well itnown hotel
man, camo Into court, correct
ed his former testimony, and
admitted perjury In behalr of
his friend. Ho had before
testified ho had not rented
the room in which It is suppos
ed the bribery took place.
... t.. 11 a fiitttmi.cn
i, .11 nf Cnn llmnin.
..in.in,- nova iwn Rnlllnc'
n..,ni.ini tinnmi Tnr
Insurgents, were enptured
I.llm In nnatirillriff Ills' flf.
,1 n-tiR RitrcfiSHful nt Glie
r8t VBltltf IVOIUl 1 -T-ti
I t .... I ri.nn.la n n ilfif Cli I
CU UJ Hit' K""" J'J "
win rruiubttiiittt. ;
various Jewish node-
on iuhjbvvijil iuut niunij
thn thrnt-nt-(l ninHrfii-1 Lewlston to Have Another River Ves-
ere kivuii oui, uui 11 ix
inp iiiruitr will nil ill, lit!
only a hypothetic case Ih
, I .11. .!
All cuiinmur uuil itijiju-
uici. 1110 uuminisira-
wlll take all possible
rum n i,iniiwa I nr iuwiuii
on American uooas.
31.-The senate hint
house today will probnbly
Bel In Service by May 1 Cost of
New Boat to Be $10,650, and Will
Be Frst-ClasE In Every Respect
Built Especially for Mad Rapids of
Upper Snake,
Run Amuck When Drunk.
Women and Children Ling in the Morgue by the Hundred,
Mutilated and Burned Beyond RecognitionFran
tic Crowds Surging in the Streets.
Chicago, Dec. 31. Coroner
Traeger at 7:45 p. m. reported
by actual count 736 dead.
Chicago, Dec. 31. At 9 this morn
ing the police compiled a list of bodies
recovered from the Iroquois flolo
caust. me total is 591, with a pros
pect of finding ouier bodies in the
debris. It Is almost certain the num
ber will exceed COO. The coroner
still believes the total will reach 700,
aB the basement, -ipper dressing
rooms, stage and part of the upper
gallery bavo not been thoroughly
bearched. '
At the city hall, where a list or
victims, and descriptions of unidenti
fied dead 1b being compiled, men.
Luwlston, Dec. 31. The contract
for the building' of the engines and
boilers for tbo steamer Mountain
Gem wbb awarded yesterday to the
Willamette Iron Works of Portland,, , ,,,,,, tn cor:
the contract price being $10,050. The , .. " r
secretary, W, E. Howard, was in.
Htructed last night to Inform the Port
iuud company of their successful old
and the work of building the ma
chinery will commence at once.
It Is believed thnt the new boat
.. I uuil itverv ffnrt will lift mailt In nlace
...u. . ,.rnft in pnnimiSKloii nt an earlv
w AllBWimilK ,ii If ,, I o
PT1IB MimM n.. nn. I . ... ... d .i
- ci - . . . t-x ... a.M- , -,'nn unisin. r,r in,, ii,iiiu,ru 1111 1,1
pected that .the arrival of the first ma
terial for the construction or tne nun
will be in about three weeks.
All of the work that ran be handl
ed without the shipbuilding inacniu-ery-wlll
be dolie in I.ewlstou and every
piece of material that enters Into the
construction of the boat will be caie
fully Inspected nt the J-,ewlst'jn
The hull will bo built particularly
I for tralllr on the upper river and the
' 1 hold will lie no leliifoiiml with cu.;.-
h.iilnients Hint little danger ol tlitni-
uge will be experlenceil in navigating
tlie wild wateis lietwceii Lrwision
an 1 Uiiieku.
"den 11 iu anyone, uv-
na hp a'lii 1.,, u.i t jtui
Roosevelt gave apodal
the denial that the place
- ' w 1 1 1- vvneun.
Ran Into an Open '
mree Trainmen Killed.
- -' W. 111.' 1 .il 1 , .
. U'lltl n .1....1.I.. 1 1.... '
u iiuuuniuit:uut;i .
ntwn ... ....,. . .... .. I
. -....,,, ti , i,t, iimi;n 1
...v; uiiy 1111 H lliuril- I
u neipin were Killed i
1 number of passengers I
MrioiiHly The wreel; '
height a great number of wonien ran
for these fire escapes only to find ns
they emerged from the doorwny up.
on the little iron platform thnt they
wore 30 to GO reet from the ground,
fire behind and no method of escape
in front. Those who reached the
platform first endeavored (u hold
their footing and keep back the crowd
that pressed upon them from tln
Progress of the Fire,
As soon as the fire was discovered,
Eddie Foy, the chief comedian of the
company, shouted to lower the cur.
tain, and this was immediately done.
It descended about half way and then
stuck. The fire thus was given prac
tically a flue through which n strong
draft was setting, aided by the doors,
which Jiad been thrown open In t)ie
front of the theater.
Burned Where Thev Sat.,
With a roar and a bound the llameH
shot through tlje opening over the
beads of the people on the first floor
and, reaching clear up tn those In
the first balcony, caught them and
burned them to death where they sat.
Immediately following this rush at
flames theio came nn explosion which
lifted the entire rpof of the theater
from Its walls, shattering the great
skylight Into fragments. Ah soon is
the flames first appeared Iieyqnd the
curtain n man In the rear, of the hall
snouted "Fire, mo," and the entire
audience rose as one person and
made for the doors. It is believed
that the exploiUon was caused by the
flames coming In contact with the gas
reservoirs of the theater, cuusltig
PIDC cur.,
kuu more moaiy
1 Hurt
. rw 01 p; A-i
wree probably fatally.
r" ' a steam jiipe In
worts todav
"tally hurt arn Yin.
lrK! qahlo nnd Adolph
and Shot
"a a Riot
F Men.
L06, ,31 Josoidi Spl
tp riot at Oxford on
Mown ''"V"3"
I" mother, was this
I - ") 25 years, on 3
I"''" Smashed Near
' Montanai
31 Tlw. rp..,
wrecked near
report i. ,i.. ...
a .. "J D vIlltL J II
C; 7 nep,y
It iu ? January is.
. - "o couc ,0,l .
f the Uus-
U-arri! V Hhoot-
'' to be ,,er.
List of Names Drawn for Jury SerV'
ice In January.
This afternoon W. I) Chamberlain.
tlio county clerk, and T. I), i nyior. uir
.sheriff, diew'the regular venlro
Jurors for the January term" of the
circuit court, which will convene on
the third Monday of the mouth, .ie
16 th.
There are quite n numiier oi case..
The death list is being added to
by hospital reports, where tho Injur
ed were taken. The police believe at
least 230 were injured.
Pumps are working on the ba"Se--ment,
which Is flooded.
At every step in the building the
police find diamonds, Jewels and
No one is permitted to enter the
building without a special permit
from the chief of-police, and acsom
panled by a bpeclal guard.
Many thousands of dollars worth
of wraps and Jewels havo been haul
ed to police headquarters.
The Ways of Death,
A few of tho people were burned to! r.'sorvPlr of.
dcuth by Qro, many were suffocated ' lu UU,BU
by gas and scores were trampled tot Will J. Davli, manager of the
df nth in tho panic that followed the i theater, said after the catustrophe
mad rush of the frightened audience that If the people had remained in
tor the exits. ' seats and had not been -excited
Tlieie art bodies lying byo'zeus to- hy the cry of flro, not a single liro
night In the undertaking rooms, in 1 would have been lost.
th police station and In the hospitals ' Suffocated by Gas.
from which nearly everything thai TIl bowever. is contradicted by
could reveal the identity of those who , KtatPrr.i.iit of ilin nmm.m ,h..
knew them best Is gone. Their cloth-, found numbers of neonlo slltlm, iti
Ing Is torn to rags or burned to cin-, ii.i.ir snata. fhplr mro ,ilrf.t,.,i i,..
dels and tli-Ir faces have been mash wnr,i ii1B Kin,,,, au ir ),. n..rfnrrnn.i
en inio an unrecogiuzauie puiji u u. was sm soIng on , j tn Oj,n0
heels of the crowd Hint tranTplcd f ,ho flrmeri tha( thcBo persons had
them down as they lied for safety. i jCen sulTocntcd at once by the flow
Perish In Doorways. ' of gas which came from behind the
Outside of the people burned and asbestos curtain,
suffocated by gas, It was In Jtwo door ; Many Exits Provided. .
wayh on tbo first and second baico-. Ab near a ,.au 1)e estlmatod' at iliu
nles that the greatest loss of life o I present time. 1,800 people wero in
ciiTcd. When tho tlremen entered ( tll0 theater. Two hundred or those
the building the dead were found wero on the first floor, the remainder
stretched In a pile reaching from the heDg Jn tne uaiconlos and In tho
head or tne syiirway ai least eignv ballway back of them. The theater
Chicago, Dec. 31. A stock
yards employe. Charles Peck
ropy, craned by mink, this
morning entered a room of Ills
boarding house 'and1 attempted
to force a fellow boarder, Vin
cent Clnr to take a drink.
The latter refused and Pock
ropy shot him, mortauy
wounding him. lie rushed In
to the hallway and met Mrs.
Mary Kreegk. and wit. unit
warning shot her twice. In
flicting a fntal wound.
.' .
Unless the Remainder of ,the Season
Brings Protracted Cold and Deep
Snows the Spring Will Find Stock
in Good Shape Supply Equals a
Year Ago and the Price Is Almost
as Low as Then,
Tin" hay situation, according tn tho
majority of the men of conservative
minds who deal in that commodity, is
not so serious as It would appear from
the reports that uro sent out about
the price and how III tie hay there Is
In the country, and how hnrd It Is In
get that little.
Hay Is almost us chcup nt tho
present time as It was Just before'
tho harvest a year ago. At thnt tin,!
the IniitHTH asked 13 a ton for their
liny In I (in. fleld.whlle it nu Iki
bought, ir the right coliise Is pursuo.l,
nt Hie present time haled nnd deliv
ered ror a ton.
Nearly all of those who vise a Inrifn
quantity of liny have bought ihelr
supply early In llio yenr. paying from
$H to $10 a ton' tor It, and both Irame
wheat and nllnlfu can not be bought
for $li'.5u fiom the 1'iirineiM, and in
some Instances cheaper thnu this ()(
course ir tho pilces aro set by tho
city dealerH It will scnl above thin,
for they hnve to make their profit
Fixtures Shipped to Missoula, Mont,
Where a New Office Will De Open
ed Diminishing patronage Here
Cause for Suspension of Duslnets
Charles Hannum, Operator, Goes to
North Yakima Pendleton the Only
Office Closed In the Northwest,
The offices of tho Coo I'oniinlsHloii
Company wero closed today ami tho
fixtures shipped to .MlKHoiiln, Mont.,
where a nuw office Is being opened.
II V. llnascn. Western utiumger tor
tlio Coe company, ui rived lust evening
and ordered the business closed hole
and today hna been busy packing and
shlpplr, tho property or the company
In Missoula.
Tho Coo compnny has oix'rated In
this city for about a year, and while
it lias been patronized very llheru'iy
most of tho time, business Iiiih drop
ped off this winter, until It was decid
ed to closo for tho present, ill least.
Tho olilces nt Wulln Walln will
continue to do business, and all the
other branches lu the Inland Empire
will remain open. A new wire has
Just been strung Into Seattle, giving
tho company n through line from
.Minneapolis to the const .kjul the until"
Iter of offices In the Northwest now'
roaches nearly -100.
E, 11. Kennedy, who has successful
ly managed tho oince he.'p for the
past four months., will remain in tho
city hut hns not yet decided what
business ho will engage In.
Charles Hannum, the genlul ipor
utor In tho Coe office hen, will Iw
transferred to North Yakima, nnd will
leavo tomorrow, accompanied by Mrs.
Ilnnuum, ror that place, where mi will
bo chief operator in the Coo olilces.
Mr. and Mrs, Manoum have been in
Pendleton since the first of last. Aug.
list nnd have made many friends
heie during inlr brief residence.
...... ., - , ,., . in .....-, i nuuwuy uueK ui mem. me uiHmer
to be heard at the coming tern , reel rrom t)i0 door to a point five fe.it, l() modeled after tho Opera Comlquo,
tlionirli none of tliem are of great lm
i.nrtnnr-fi tn tile nubile. TllO JianKS
drawn from the Jury box are given
A', n. Stepheus, Jr.. merchant, Uma
Hio. w a nnnilmnn. farmer. Vallej ;
WIlllnm'Diiff, farmer, Kul.ton; Frank
Wells, farmer, Union; 11. t, iiimti.
farmer. Pilot Kock; Alec Malcolm, la
borer, Echo; J II. Parks, clerk, hast
PenUIeton; J. J. Ilaumgartner, farm-
nr rmrllnrnn t .1 ll. I'mt, ..
Wostim; A. Hopson, farmer. Milton;
Q V -Gross, niorchnnt, Athena; U.
W, Staggs, farmer, Weston; Kenneth
Warner. Htockman, Pilot Hock; II. 11.
I,ee. farmer. Milton; C. A. Cole, car
penter. West Pendleton; J. Hudenmn,
farmer. Ft.lton; Joseph Cunha arm-
er. Echo; Angus V. ,i.
Milton; J. D. Mumford, rarmer, North
Pendleton; John Cummlng, merchan ,
Weston; W. P. Temple, merchant,
v.", ,.,.ii,.i,,- i A. Borle. merch
ant. Pendleton; E. L. Smith, farm
"" south Pendleton; B. U. Oambee,
stockman. Uklah; 13. A. Diidtey. farn
er Athena; Uobert Still, farmer. Mil
ton Tlvis H. Mcllroom, laboro.-,
North Pendleton; Doug Dolts, stock
mn Pilot Rock; H. O. Moiissu. con
tractor. South Pendleton. John
ainn. laborer. East Pendleton Jesse
Moore, stockman, ucuo,
nra Tu'esday nlBht eracked the Indder was , to be attached wore up,
....0--'- - MnlneH. anil uui mo iimur u uui. jcv vwh wh
KrS mS"" Blr"PtCd' Whe" ,h POn,C W88 Bt
In the rear of tlio ooor.
Flaht for Life,
This mass of dead bodies in the
renter of the doorway reached to
within two feet of the top-of the pas
sageway. All of the corpses at this
point were women and children. The
tight for life which must have taken
place at these two points Is some
thing that Is simply beyond human
power to adequately descrine.
(July a laim mca oi us minor
be deilved from the aspect of the
bodies as they lay. Women on top
of these masses of dead had been
overtaken by death as they were
crawling on their hands and knees
over the hodlps of those -ho bad died
before. Otberj lay with arms
stretched out in the direction towards
which lay life and safety, holding In
their hands fragments of garments
not their own. They were evidently
torn from the clothing of others whom,
they had endeavored to pull down and
trampled under foot as they fought
for their own lives.
No Fire Escapes.
The theater had boon constructed
but n Hhort tlmo and Us equipment
was not all yet In place. This In
cluded, unfortunately, a fire escape
in the rear of the building. The
small Iron balcoules to which the Iron
In Pnrlfl nml fmm thn rmir tt nnr.li
' balcony there are three doors leading
out to passageways toward the front
of tho theater.
Chicago Is in Gloom.
Tho city today Is In a profound air
of gloom. The death list Is ho great
that hundreds of thousands number
either relatives or fiicadH or acquaint
ances among the victims.
Business In many lines Is pructlcal
! suspended, and the Hoard of Trade
closed at noon out of respect to the
disaster alter a morning of apathetic
From morgue to morgue weeping
ones hurry in quest of missing, or
emerge from the eharnal houses bear
ing evidence that tho search Is ended
and worst fours reull -d.
Tho mayor's office Is buried In tel
egrams of Inquiry.
Equal almost o tho hear' rending
scenes at the morgue Is that at the
police custodian's room, where arc
curious ones going over the heaps of
garments nnd trinkets left behind In
tho mad rush to escape from th'
burning theater.
FIvo buBhel baskets nro filled with
pursos, gloves, handkerclilc a uitd
Jowelry. and two barrels urr lequfred
to hold the overshoes anil hIkkis
alone. i
All night long and yet today r iwds
One on a Mortgage Note, the Other
on Goods Furnished.
A suit has been filed by A M. fill
11b against Charles Carpenter and
Martha Carpenter, his wife. It Is an
action brought to recover money for
a bill of lumber nnd building imil ir
lulu furnished to the ilefeiidunlH I y
the plaintiff, The amount Involved
Is $1,311.25. nnd the philulilt links for
legul Interest on the amount from
December 31, 1908, togelhci with ie
Cists and disbursements' of tlio ac
tion. Ilnlloy & Lowell are the ntlor
iieys ror the plalntllT
A suit was filed this morning lu the
their Insurance nnd nay for the delii-1 olilco of tho county clerk by (!Hrtr &
cry. besides other little expensive do. ) Haley as the attorneys In tho cuso of
tails of (he business. ; Hnrah Flgg Thompson vs. V. M. Hutes
Hut the hay In tli field or in he ' cl a1' 11 '". a BU" brought to recover
slack Is not so high as Seems to be "" " ""t Issued for $7Mi on Fcbni
the current opinion. . Hound bay Is -""y '1, Wi, with Interest on the mum)
now being hauled into the city at B,,?; l",r. p0"'- ,
$10.50, and It Is said (hut there Is I ho plaintiff also auks ror foroclos
plenty or it to be hnd ror the asking. ,,ro "" tt mortguge given to protect
in- nwiu, uiiu uskh nun ine properly
lm soul to satlsry tlio claim, Puilhcr
ulllef Is asked for in (be sum of $75
for attorneys' fees ami Urn costs nnd
illhhursements of the nellon,
Thy supply seems to be us great lis
It was at this time last year, and un
less there Is a hard winter iind closed
spring there will bo hay 'left In Iho
stacks when the cuttle ami horses
need no uioio feed.
There Is Just one thing thai will
put a lot or mouey Into the pockets
of .thosu who have buy to sell, and
take it fiom those whu hold cuttle
uuil sheep, and that s u lasting snow
later In the year- If tho late winter
and early spring lb us open as lu
usually the esse, buy will get cheap
er Instead of the rovorso, as tho tlmo
pusses; but if u snow comes and
stuys, combining the stockinuu M
feed their sheep and cattle for a
length or tltnu, tlieu the prleo of huy
will Jump uud perhaps to quite a
height, ror the men will have to reed
and the holders of hay will bo able to
name the price. Hut, so say the wise
ones. Ibis Is a thing that Is uuiisuul,
and therefore not to lm consldeied
too seriously. If (ho snow comes tho
hay will be bought; If It does not, the
stockmen will bo tho better off. and K
Is useless to worry until the condi
tions warrant It.
Fiom this It would seem that there
Is plenty or hay In the rauntry at n
fair price, though pot excessive, and
that It can he gotten when and where
It Is needed, with no worry to the con
sumer, and so that there Is no camo
I or alarm.
New Japanese Cruisers,
Home, Dec. 31 The Japanese min
ister went to (Jcnoa this morning tn
Inspect the two Argentlno cruisers
purchased by Japan. The guns are
not yet mounted, but could be made
ready ror active service In a short
(Concluded ou pago S.)
Ten Mill School Levy.
Lu Grande, Dec 31 The school
. board of this city last evening voted
I u 10-mlll tax for the coming year.
Stated That His Wife Secured a Di
vorce, Followed by Interesting De
velopments. From advices tecclvd Imrit it Is
stated that Holier! V, IIiiIcIiIhh, who
for some tlmo was n resident, of Oils
city, has been brought to Dayton,
Wash., from his last resldenco on the
coast, to answer to a charge of con
tempt or court
Hutchlns' wire stittil him ror divot
some tlmo agok and a deeno was
granted In her fuvor and the defend
ant was ordo'red to pay her a certain
amount of alimony. This ho refused
to do and he was brought tn Dayton
(where his wlfo had sued for the di
vorce,) from ilwaca, where he has
been In tho newspaper business, to
answer to tho charge of Ignoring tho
mandates or tho court. IIuIcIiIiih will
unable to pay the line imposed upon
htm by thn court, and went to jail,
hut friends afterwards paid the flue
uud ho was rcleused.
Returned to Kentucky,
J. E. Harmon left last nlybt for
Ills home at Jacksonville, Ky.; a place
neur fvoulsvlllu, where he has been
called by a telegram from Ills parent
stating that owing to the condition of
tnxlr health they wi3hcd 1)1 in t r
turn to his homo, He has been n
this part of Iho slate ror some year',
having bean employed In (bis city
uud for a time having' held the posi
tion of manager of the warehouse
at Yoakum
- - j i .
Chicago Wheat,
Chicago. Dec 31. Wheat opened
aiu. nlniwri (he same.