DAILY EA8T OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 10C3. GRAND MASQUERADE BALL December 3 1 MUSIC HALL 300 Costumes from Portland Will be on display in JUDD BUILDING Cash Prizes Five dollars for the best lady character Five dollars for the best gentle man character Music by KIRKMAN'S Orchestra Building Material Of all Description Sash, Doors Is Windows Made to order. Building paper, lime, cement, brick and sand, wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty, Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St, Opp. Court House MIESCKE'S MEAT MARKET Will meet the lowest price quoted by anyone on meat. You alwiiys GET GOOD MEAT when Miescke tllln your ortler. 316 COURT ST. Don't miss the place. EDUCATORS MEET discuss "problems OF HIGHER EDUCATION.' Presidents of Some of the Greatest Institutions of Learning Engage in the Debates Educators of Pepre. sentative Northern and Southern 8tates Meet in Annual Convention. Springfield, 111., Dec. 30."I'rob- lems of Higher Education" was the general topic of discussion at the meeting of. the Illinois State Teach ers' association today, and was con sldcred from ovory possible point of view. The chief speakers were Presi dent Draper of the University of lilt nols, President Taylor of MilDkan university nnd President Jaracs of Northwestern university. No general meeting was held this afternoon, the time being devoted in stead to conferences of the various sections, including child study, music, primary, high schools and colleges, nnd tho principals' section. In all of these meetings interesting programs wore carried out, tho proceedings In cluding papers and discussions of par ticulnr Interest to tho teachers !i: the various grades and branches of edu cation. The crowning event of the conven tion, tho great banquet in celebration of tho semi-centennial of tho antocla tion, takes place this evening In th? Armory and from all Indlcntloir I. will be a most notable, affair. The program of speakers nnd their sub jects as finally completed is us fol lows: "Then and Now," John F Ub erhart, Chicago; "Tho Condition of the Normal School Enterprlso In tho United States Sixty Years Ago," rilcr- ard Edwards, LL. D Dloomlnuton: Reminiscences of tho Associating In Its Early Days." Edwin C. Hewitt, LL. D., Normal; "Women In TMuca tion In Illinois," .Mrs. Ella F. Younc University of Chicago; "Early Im pressions of tho I. S. T. A.." Pre.M lent John V. Cook, DoKnlb; "Tho Teach er's Wife," President D. B. Parking- son, Carbondale; "Verifying the Heo- ords," Superintendent E. A. Ousimnn, Dim ntur. Southern Educators in Session. Atlanta, Go., Dec. 30. Atlanta has thrown her gates wide open to tho hundreds of teachers who have Jour neyed hither from all parts of the South to do their share toward innh ing the fourteenth annual convention of the Southern Educational associa tion a feast of reason and a tl -w of soul. Conspicuous by their badges and ribbons, the visitors liavo posses sion of tho hotels, principal Btreetc in tho bulsness section, halls and scioo' houses. It Is a notable gathering of those who have assumed tho mission of In structlng mankind from tho first stages In tho kindergarten to the final ones In the university. Men and women dlstlnguisn?,; In the history of the present docad" arc to be encountered at every turn. Reg istered at ono or other of tho hotels, or tho guests of leading families arc such distinguished educators 13 Wil liam T. Harris, United States com missioner of education; Chancellor W. B. Hill, of the University of eor- pin; Professor C. H. Barnwell, of tho Unlvorslty of Alabama; Profo'sor Patterson Wnrdlaw, of tho University cf South Carolina; Professor Clmrlrs Kent, of tho University of Virginia, Hon. Hoke Smith, of Atlanta; S, A Myndors, state, superintendent of public instruction of TonnosBoc; S11 porintondont H. J. Tigho, of ABhnv'lh N, C, nnd many others whose repu tation is national. Tho auditorium of tho First ltaptlU church, whore tho formal opening ox trclses wore hold, was tastefully dec- orntcd with (lags, llowerB nnd the in evltnhle pictures of tho Little 1t"i! School House. Tho progrnm of ex orcises wob us follows: Praynr. Or, W. W. Landrum; address of welcome on behnlf of tho stnto, Governor J. M Terrell; welcome on bohalf o ftho city, Mayor Evan P. Howell; on be half of the press, Hon. John TompV Graves; responses on behalf t,t tY association, Edward M. Potent, pros! dent of Fnrman university, am' Su perintendent Junius Jordan of Pin,? Bluff, Ark.; nddrcss of tho prcsi lent of the association, Francis P, Venn ble, president of tho Unlvorsit, of North Carolina. "JACK THE KISSER." Peddler Makes Himself Troublesome Among Spokane Housewives. John Harrison, or "Jack tho Kl (r," has again been doing dtuntfl wi!h the ladles, says tho Spokane Press Jack is becoming a well known oba1-acie- with tho lndluj of Spokane. Htn methods are 11nlo.uo nnd quite up to ilal". A little bottle of patent medl cine is used ns n password, und with his bland smile and oily voice ho gnins entrance to the homes of many pretty women. A tap on the shoulder ts his favorlto method of oponlng the gnme. If the lady gets indignant he persuades her that he is omphnslzing the good qualities of hlB wonderful cure. If tho fair one lxirmlts him to take hold of her urm he genornlly tries to embrace her. Ho thinks noth ing of chasing a woman through the house to gain the desired muls. Mar ried women nro the joy of his life. When the husband Is home, of course. It Is different. Jnok is leary, and hardly ever makes mistakes. His In st. nctivo sense is strongly developed nud tho woman with a man in the house Is Immune. Saturday "Jack the Kiscer" was up before Judge Hlnklo on the charge of endeavoring to kiss a woman who lives on the North side. "N it guilty," said the oily Jack, when asked to plead. When confronted with the woman herself, all - expected to see Jack wilt. Not so, he told the witness sho must be mistaken, al though he might have touched her on the arm, but he did not remember of oven being In the house. "No, your honor, I have never been in this court before," exclaimed tho Infatuated medicine man with a grin. "Wull, I will tine you $2B nud costs," said Judge Hlnklo, "and give you hours to leavo town." SPECIALS FOR. THIS Wednesday Specials Lathes' Suits anil Jackets at actual cost Lace Curtains of all grades reduced 20 per cent Thursday Specials Jap Silk, all colors 23cyard j Ladies' Ice Wool Mend Shawls, reduced f z3 per cent Friday Specials Mud's and Boys' Suits and OvcrcoatB, re duced 20 per cent Men's Fleeced-lined Underwear, heavy grade 35c garment Comforts and Woolen Blankets, re duced 20 percent Calico, ,0 yards for..., OlltitIC Flnnm.l - - '"' ..J' fo .... aii n rite c- r. UUuus value t,v. ... . - Jm Mun's THE McCALL'S PATTERNS SOLD HERE ' T Its TH K 1IKST TH K RIOBT PltOPKW.Y WITHOUT . WHOLKBOMH MIIjLKI) BUPEHIOll BYERS' BEST FLOUR The Standard of Excellency. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. VALUABLE COUNTERPANE. owned by .Mrs. Church, that they had never seen anything approaching it in size or beautv HOT WATER ON THE FACE. '! Bead Worth INSURE IN Reliable Companies That pay their losses promptly. Our companies stand at the head of the list. Aicetu Hartford ."ire insurance Co.? 12,239,07 Alliance Awiurance Co. . . J9,0)9,963 London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co 2,644,668 jnorui iinirau tx .mercantile Co lS.09fi.074 Royal Insures! Co 22,897,153 FRANK B. CLOPTON it2 AOENT EAST COURT ST. All persons knowing themselves to he in debted to me will call and settle their their accounts as f need the money. I Conrad Platzoeder Meat Market ttHHIIH( Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it. IIow To Find Out. Pill n bottle or common glass with your Water and let it stand twenty-four hours ; a sediment or set tlingiudicatesan unhealthy con dition of the kid neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble ; too fretjuent desire to pass it or tain in the ttack is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. What To Bo. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the fjreat kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the Ixick, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or leer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being conielleU to go often during the day, nnd to Ret up many times durine the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is noon realised. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by drug gists in fifty-cent autl one-dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle and a book that tells all about it, bothsent free by mall. Address Dr. Kilmer Si Co., Ding- lianiton. N. Y. When ItaMof ftuBp4tsoi writing mention this oancr and don't uuuee any mistake, out remember the name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, und incauuress, junguamton, N. Y. Tapestry Bed Quilt Thousands of Dollars. What is probably the most vnlun bio counterpano that ever graced a bed Is owned by a Washington wo man, Mrs. Ottilia Church, now living In Now York. As a work of nrt ih counterpane was appraised when brought to this country, at $5,000. As an nrt curio It Is worth much more. It Is made entirely of fine beads, worked out in the most beautiful flor al and religious designs, nud weighs over 60 pounds. This head-tapestry counterpane, probably tho only one of Its kind In the world, ns regards both size and exquisite color effects, measures 7 by 7'6 feet. The cntlro nrea, compris' lnc over CO soliare feet la siiliillv worked with the finest Venetian ' beads, over 1,100,000 being used In the tapestry. Tho beads are worked on a heavy linen back, eacli bead be ing separately fastened. The tapestry was made over CO years ago by a nun In n convent near I'lorence, Italy, und seven years wore necessary to complete it. fio fine are the beads and so intricate the t--signs worked with them that human ojes-Ight could stand but an hour or fo of Htich work at a time. Around tho edge of this tapestry Is a border nlno Inches wide, the Barbers Practicing a Very Bad Cus. torn on Patrons. I-utely u great many barbers rue 1 using on their customers cloths 1 wrung out ot hot water, applying them to the face ns hot as they can lie boine, says Medical Talk Wo believe this to be n very bad practice, uniy Borne extreme neces sity can warrant such a procedure lo .-pp'sti'iily use hot water Is to make the skin spongy. It favors a rei'.iii-sH and capillary congestion of tlrj skin, and renders a person much more liable to Hie ill effects of wntry v either, stich as branny skin nnd pimp.'ec 1 dplas-hln-.; the face with cold witer following it with a brisk towel rub, Is all the treatment the tuce needs, excopt In speelnl cases. There nre some rases where the skin nf thn nose and cheeks Is very red and puffy, usually known as "red blos som." whole hot applications would 1 doubtless be of value. Hut the av-1 erage person does nut require imy , such treatment. ' The hot water towel Is doing u I gieat deal of mischief Home barbers are nlready finding this out. Hut 1 )iroieiuonal people nre ery Blow to, learn. The hot water applications 1 are especially harmful during the cold months. They do not do so much harm while th,. weather Is hot, but they are of no good nt any time or the year, and should he avoided bv every sensible person. lo .i. laaH "ai.- aLB for Saturday . $ Ladies' Slippers ol'' VMftiE!1' Slippers m ,n ,. ."."1BA MEN'S OVERSBOaB All RtABI AH sizes .KiinJ F One Day g SOcpoir Kf MhT The FrenKi KestauraB: Bet 25 cent Meal iitliB '1' Private Dining pfifcl I Glnirant Vn:,A n. B1" . Connection j5 GOOD DRy"7?! idvj' ! i 1 DIFFERENT EYES Kven though Hlmlliirly troulileit tiiu-t liave illiri-rent " glimes. Kpeutnuhs lltlted to miy Indi vidual will.oiily suit lihii or her, therefore u thorough tern is neceo-i-nry In every eiu-e. My optical parlor is eiiipK-d with every In strument neeei-sary to makeuii nlMuItitcIy iiccurHteexumliiatloii. Prices as low as first elasf work will penult. GLENN WINSLOW Jeweler and Optician Post Office Block The First Pill 1 have good sound coJ which is delivered ill reasonable prices For Cash. . W. C. MINNIS I.eave orders at Ncunal Cigar Store. 8lck headache absolutely and per manently cured by using Mokl Tea, A pleusnnt herb drink. Cures Con-! stlpat'on and Indigestion. Makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or mnniv & Co. An unknown mnn in a rowbont wont over Niagara Falls Monday InBt INSOMNIA Iliav bern ti.lni. (MM-Al,mnri., Iiinuinnla, nlth nhlcli I hate Urn iinileird fnr over iweiuy ytiir.i.aml I cjii ay tliul Cawareu havH invcii luoiriorn roller thanaiiyoiher rerne Uy J have ever irlcil. I thall certainly reeom mend them li my Irleiidi ns bPltic all Ihey are represenieU.'' Tims Oii.miiii. j;iutn, ill. CANDY v,nMMU TftADI UANM MOWTMIO a7-ci.w;aiSNi,( Uh.,4, t.,. rtl.., twl, , '.Will.?!?1 b' Udra- O.Tfl.BIP. BoMind groundwork of which is of light blue 'ack. 25e and SOc. P. W. Schmidt ucaiiB. ai regular intorvals in tills border nre worked crosses In white bends, and entwined around tho crosses throughout the entire border Is a vino of rosebuds and leaves, nnd nt intorvals clusters of forget-me-nots. Inside of this border the entire sur face, o.xcopt the center and at the four corners, is a solid mass of shim muring, opalescent fccads. In tho center of this opalescent sur face Is a wreath of full-blown roses nnd leaves. This wreath is about threo feet in diameter, nnd the colors of tho rosea and- .leaves are so per. feet as to make thorn appear almost natural In each of tho four corners of thin whlto field of boads aro bouquets of roses and other flowers, each bouquet tied with a bow-knot ot cardinal rod. Somo idea of tho Infinite labor Involv. ed In working this tapostry may bo had when It Is stated that ns many as nlno dlfforent shades of green beads nro found In ono rose loaf, nnd ns many different shades of red 'nro found In one roso. I Tho' anpearanco o fthls rnunirnnm, ' n bright daylight or under artificial light U most beautiful, tho countless Hiirfaeos of tho beads reflecting tho light nnd giving to tho wbolo tapes try a coiiatnutly ahlmmorlng effect. Tho conntc-pai wns Intondnd for ono of tho state ehamberH of tho Qulr Inul at Rome. It was sent thither from tho r ivort '.flt.t0 it waa made, but was dellvc ' tr f 'O earn nt nnmit of tho tnimiborr of .1 1 Franciscan or dor, In whosr kwlui; It remained for years, mtll it enssed Into tho posses slon ol tho r(jo t owner. Exports li net, J work, and many of tho clergy f.mil' r lth tho beautiful bead work to I r en In tho cathe drals of Italy, ,id when thoy wore uhown tho head counterpane now the biggest seller in the world! Why ? JleeniiKc- the best to cure Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick iieatinclic ana nil troubles from Disordered Stomnch is Beechatn's Pills Sold Everywhere, In boxes 10c. ami 25c. Did vmj tv. nnflA IUm J I between country milk and city milk ? ,vu J luio ine-re is just as much dirfirtnca between Economy Brand Evaporated Cream and all Uw other brands. When 1 v'1 K.aporoicq iream, look label Is our guarantee and every can is ol uniform richness and vsuiuwiy pure, iou rui see no unsightly dots In Economy Brand. It (lows smoothly Irom wo wi am is pwasing to the i,k, V d"3r 'or the right kind. HELVETIA MltC CONDENSING CO. Highland, IU. The Colombia t-odcHncr House Well ventilated, neat and com(ortabl rooms, good bed. Darin connection where best goods are served. Main Street, center of block, between Aha and Webb Streets. F. X. Schempp Pf opri e t o r Walter's flouring Mills Capacity, 160 barrels a day. Flour exchanged for whoaL Flour, Mill Feod, Chopped Kti, tc, always on hand. Schedule of Fares On and after April 1, fare over the Pendleton AUkiah Stage Line will bei dUl!,,AItI?V,Nf','M50n",1 "PaS I"n. Oftlcat Qolden Rule Hotel Wr)HMlHrWj it dcct wicatcI f DXZiJ 1 iVJEAlia Tender Beef Prime Potk Fine Veal Best Motton Delicious Laol . l iV.f villi i ne prontieiui m 1 $ market is a stock rar oJ Butter Creek and willteij $ to furnish the best reeat'i! I the market in any in"1'1? ' S. WARNER Pwf New Milarkey BnildinrWJ Court Street none Main VM J A Mistake WasMaM I have only a few U ( Shoes, but eu ' Any Men's Sno m10" A. EKLUHD J28 Coflrt Sb' ........ Irnm luddH J