Inducements Special IN Shirt Waists! IN TRUST'S GRASP SECRETARY MARTIN OF LIVE STOCK ASSOCIATION TALKS Says Western Stockmen Should Work for Transfer of Forest Reserve from Interior Department to the De partment of Agriculture Should 1 , Help porting artery to bring the principal body of water from the river to the most convenient point for distribution throughout the whole area. The sec ondary canals, thrco In number, so far as located, comprlso a length of about 100 miles. Tho total mileage of distrl" butlng canals ultimately will reach up. ward of 300 miles In length. Benefit to Be Great. It will take several years to com plete the whole system, which In Its finished state Is estimated to cost $4,000,000. When tho scheme la car- o completion. It will havo UNTIL THE NEW YEAR Viist in our store. Repeal Lieu Land Lav and the rc3iilt of transforming n tract nf LEXANDER'S DEPARTMENT STORE MOVED TO P T A 'mT -1 f A A UB V M ft M.'VUYV ,m JUllU 'Lflfl Cftftft Pianos Sb Organs by J 1 rnt a s mm r Music and Holiday Goods Month's Free Instrucsion Given with Each Piano Sale Support Measure to Keep Tariff on Hides and Wool. Some significant utterances con cerning tho condition of the national livestock Industry and tho duty of the stockmen or the stato of Washington were made to a Union reporter In an Interview yesterday with C. r. Mar tin, secretary of tho National Live stock association, who was at Walla Walla assisting in the organization of the Washington Livestock associa tion. Tho salient points brought out Secretary Martin, who, Is a Colo- rndo stockman, were as follows: rho livestock Industry of the btates .vest of the Mlsslsslnni Is helnless in the hands of the packers' combine. An equally strong combine of tiock semi-arid country, 160 miles east and west uy so miles north and south, now only tho homo of a few bands of scat tered cattle. Into a most fertile region, which In a short space of time Is ox petted to become a densely populat ed and prosperous agricultural dls-tiict. Five ccnte. remo NO WAR PREPARATIONS. Pasii-ivjers Ar-.v'ng at Seattle Surface Is Quiet In Orient. ine Nippon Yusen Kalsha bhlnnno Maru. which arrived ah.irtlv after noon today, 17 days from Yoko- I "huh, urings the, startling news that ' " Kcnerany understood In tl.j Or ieiu mat in the event Sa Unci n i-nt .... o.ium tUUlUiUU Ul tlUUft- I t . . ..... Men is needed to offset tho papers' I urtnliout between Japan and Russia, trust. Tho first act of organized 5,"" EnKlnn should side with Japan, wutumuy woum promptly take up th( cudgel in behalf of tho czar and. pre cipitate one of tho greatest wars of modern times, says the Seattle Star. Passengers on the Shlnano claim to have received confirmation of this ru mor from highest sources, and it is iroely stated by some that a few privileged persons In Toklo actually paw tho telegram from the Gorman foreign office to tho German embassy at Toklo, putting In black and whim -the results that would follow any co ven uci 01 ungiand in aid of .I.ipan. Tho officers and passengers of tho Shlnano positively deny tho "ensa tlonal rumors that have been puillsh ed on this side of the Pacific regard ing war preparations lu tho 0.-ent. They say that on the surface, at least, there is not the slightest Indi cation of an outbreak of liostlliiles. stockmen should be to finauco and es. tabllsh an Independent packing house aiocKmen sdould work for the transfer of forest reserves control I rum the hands of the departm"nt of the .interior to the department ot ag 1 (culture In combatting tho fores re serves. They should work for tho repeal of tli" I Inn land net, Thev should support measures tint u' Id tend to put open range in con trol of individual stockmen, by Ica'o. They should oppose removal of tho tariff from hides and wool, sending delegations U) fight the recent bi!l In troduced by Senator Lodge of Massa chusetts Take Up Issues. Mr. Martin said that these Usues would be tnken up at tho national livestock convention, which moeis la Portland January 12, and his inter view practically constituted an out line of the burning cattle and sheep problem nf the day. j The Only 5c Cigar So Good That A Million Men Smoke It Every Day Largest Seller in the World. J The "Band is the v Smoker's Protection. N FOR METRIC SYSTEM. ALBERTA IRRIGATION SCHEME. New Form of Weights and Measures j May Be Adopted Here. Portland, Dec. 2!'. A movement to j make the metric system the legal sybtem of welching and measuring lu j tho United States Is again under I way. There was a bill presented to congress to establish this system Vast Project of Reclamation Wh'ch the Canadian Pacific Has on Hand. Tho great irrigation proJoct. which the Canadian Pacific railway author- but owing to tho short session It was witnarawn until a more suitable .1. NnPMPIRfr -music t COMPANY I East Court Street f Phone Red 515 .... .... f 1 1 rfnTirlirliAtTrl- R FMT TTlVTRTNCx . e by a Scientific Plumber and you will not with bad breaks. THE ties liuve on hand In the Alberta dis trict of the Canadian northwest, is the largest undertaking of its kind on this side ot the globe, says the Otta wa correspondent of the Chicago Hec- ord-llerald. The scheme embraces au area of 8,000,um acres lying enst of Calgary. The soil throughout the area Is good, but agriculture has not proved successful because during the dry years to which that portion of tho territories .is Btibpect there Is not sufficient moisture to manure crops or to supply surtaoe wateriforlBiock. Progress In JriYgatlorcj . Irvfg&iRm is"past tho experimental stage .lh -the territories. At "the .pres ent time thoro are li3 irrigation ditches In southern Alberta and west- ru Assinlboln, comprising a total' length of 47C m.les. The Immense area embraced by the Canadian Pacific company's scheme contains land suitable for all kinds of farming and lorgo tracts specially ndapted for cattle grazing, puny's main Irrigation canal will head in tlm now time. An effort will be made to have tins enacted into law to take effect January 1, 1907. The National Association of Manu facturers of America is making a cauvass of the country and has sent a ballot to the Chamber of Commerce hero to learn tho temper of Its mem bers toward tho bill. The hclentlfic associations throughout the country appear to bo In favor of the passing of the bul, but the sentiment of tho majority of manufacturers and mer chants seems against it. COLLEGE PRESIDENTS. Side Oiganlzation of Michigan Stite Teachers' Association. Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec, 30. The leature of this morning's session oi the .Michigan state teachers' conven tion was u sympoblum of len.m.nuto addresses on nhnsiK nf rnllni-n T1,'" l'om: woik given by the presidents o the Will head 1 Inadlllir enllecou nl' Mlohlirnr. It.nlnil. river, three miles below j vl among the speakers and the!- sub- Calgary. This canal will carry 2,000 jpCts were tho following cubic ieet of water per second, anu "Ainericnu College Hoy will lie w ieet wine ni 1110 uuuoin, containing water to the depth of ten f ot 1 The main canul will be about 20 miles long, but is simply tho trana- Let us1 ficurc on you COURT STREET THE POWER OF STEAM. Mnr .Mar "" Hut It Takes Gnlua tm JlealUc When James Watt saw the steam ' causing tne Keuie am 10 jump up mm down ho said There must bo power in that steam that It san lift such a , weieht." Thero was. 1 Millions prior to Wra had seen the Same jiiuhuiii;iivu iuw iveat an unexplained mystery. Recent scientific research has put its Anger on the "cause" of Dandruff, Fall- Ine Hair, and consequent Baldness, and ' has unearthed a tiny jterm which eat he Ilfo from the roots of human hair, Newbro's Ilcrplclde dostroys thi ,-erm and consequently restores the i1r to Its natural stato. I Sold by leadlnr drugKtits. S'nd 10c. In stamps for sample to The Merplcld Co., Detroit. Mich. I F, W. Senmidt, special agent. Presi dent Slocum of Kalamazoo cdego; "What the Student Kxpects of the College," president Sp"rry ol Olivet college: "What tho College Expects of tho Student," President Iiruako of Alma eollego; "College Men In the iluslness WOrld," President Ma.;ck of Hillsdale college; "College and Citi zenship," President Dickie of Albion college; "College and Culture," Pres ident Kollcn of Hopo collcgo. Bearing down pains 3647 Indiana Avenue. Ciiicioo, 1 1.1.., Spt. 517, HO'i. I biwelieen a sulTcrcr with almost every kind of female trouble for )iir, hut a leiij? as I reulil get nriiuuil 1111 1 de nir work I would not try patnit mcilicincs as 1 had no failh in tlivm. t .Mxmt i (.'lit months I h.ul to t 0 to my UhI.mjU riiitf with irnl:ipiii nf the uti rtiH, with bejirini" down pains ami intriive pains j 111 the eat -y aunl.wlio cime to mirfc me i'ld nipdf Winu of C;irdtii ami wnt fora bot tle. 1 mn iiiuwi gi.-m Hint im uni, inr nua f.r-t bottle i-tartoil lae un the read te ntoT' Ty. In n few weeVr 1 uiik nut nf l"! and in I line intuit 1 1 k I waj in belter liealth ami Ktrim t (jer Ihiin I bad Urn it. A rt A f f )ir. ll.ikeadeeno , W nil V .monally, f Winr of UlAXil VJEWlWI Canlni and am vA in ,. . , , ... , ?T ,.rf,H health. S"c ' M tw,,,un " ' "rtK " 70" Wine ef Carilin lirinL'' wrtain relief to women nifTi-ring any ymp tom ef female ucakiie and rrfettly nuulates the tiutif tr ual lluw. Wino of Carniii stops bearing dun paiim by lK'Tinanentiy relietinK tin irritation which weakens the liniiments liuldiim tlm womb in place, von need npt Miffer eery monlh if Mm take thin medicine. Tlie periodical diwbarge will Im painle and dealtliy without oiitimial r;ilieniu(( draini. Wino of Card 111 Mill make )mr hrallli riubt and you may treat yourwif privalriy in your own home. Secure a II .00 U.ltJe of Win of Cardui from your drutftfit-t today. WIN& CARDUI PLUMBING Our Work and the BUI Will stand comparison with tin; best of 'em The work is as near perfec tion ah humans can attain -the price therefor as cheap as anybody should expect. We do all Kinds of sani tary plumbing and u,sis fitting, and charge you not immoderately. Let us estimate on jour next necessity in our line W. J. CLARKE & Co, 211 Court Street 1 GREEK LETTER MEN, r.yiltge Fraternities of Several Statu Are In Session. Columbus, da., Dec. 30. The first biennial conventlou of tho now Hps! Ion province of tho Sigma Alpha Kpsl Ion eollego fraternity began In Toliim bus today and will be in session until Friday Those in attendance Include representatives from tho chapters of tho fraternity at the Universit.- of Georgia, Emory eollego, the Southorn university, Mercer university, thi Un iversity of Alabama and several other leidlng educational institutions. IELATERITE I. Mineral Rubber. VOl! .MAY IN 1KN1) Ilini.IlINO orlli'l Ituecehwiry to ItKI'I.ACK A WHIN-OUT HOOK ELATERITE ROOFING Takes th, place of shingles, tin, Iron, tar itjd gravol, and all prepared roofings. For flat and steep surface, gutters, valleys, etc. Easy to Uy. Tempore for all climates. Reasonable In cost. Sold on merit. Guaran teed. It will pay to ask for prices and Information. THE ELATERITE ROOFINQ CO. Worcester Building. Portland, LJiOlAI r" VAI B expect people to know what 1 J WW UJ T JU you have to bit If yo tfss't The new store can never tie A nVCDTICCTO known unlets If advertises HUVCn I IOC f 1 0 Per Cent Off On all Vase Lamps, China, and Fancy Goods from now until New YearV Owl Tea House