East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 29, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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    S Si
I'nklltlial ever Hflernuuu (extent Sunday)
t Pontlleiou, oreeou, bj tUe
I'lmnf, Main 11.
ItalU. one jmr by null
Dally, lt month') by malt
Holly, three months by mall
Dally, one mouth by mall
Dally, ier mouth by currier
Weekly, one year by mall
Weekly, lx mouths by mall
NVeealy, four month by mall . . .
inl-vefkly, one year by mall ..
semi-Weekly, six months by mall
'rail-Weekly, three months by mall
,7 "i
! I
. 1
The i:au Oregoiilaii l on sale at 11. II.
Rich's News Stands at Hotel Portland and
Hotel IVrklns, rortlaml, Oregon.
Member Scrlpps Mcllae News Assocla
San J'raucUco Bureau. AOS fourth St.
Chicago llureau, A 00 Security HulldltiR.
. Waibtnztou, I). C. llureau, 601 14th St.,
. W.
Kuterl at I'endleton postofflce as seccond'
class matter.
Onoe to every man anil nation
comes the moment to
In Hit' strife or Truth with
Falsehood, for the Rood
or evil side:
Some ureal cause. Clod's new
Messiah, oft'erlitf; each
the hloom or bllRht.
l'arls the goats upon the left
hand, and the sheep up
on the rlsht.
And the choice soes hy tor
over 'twlxt that dark
ness and that Unlit.
janies Httssell Lowell.
Creamery hotter Is selling for -10
cents per pound in I'endleton at pres
ent. This would mean 38 cents per
pound paid to the farmer for liutter
fai. Al this price an ordinary cow
would yield an Income of ?9.50 per
month. If there Is any other small
Investment that will yield this return
It has not yet been found In Umatilla
The new city council must feel
highly complimented hy the political
writer on the morning paper. If all
the wire pulling and cheap factional
peevishness attributed to the mem
bers hy the Trlhuue. was Indulged In,
the council Is starting off "auspic
iously." The East Oregonlan does
not believe such to be the case.
Dispatches from I'anama say the
elections In tho now government on
.Monday passed off without a single
attempt at bribery or corruption, tho
liberals being elected. It must bo
discouraging to American officials
who are watching over the now re
public, to note this marked absence
of American Influence and methods
on the very first public electlou. A
few wards should have been bought
up, Just out of respect for Panama's
best friend, the American.
The Cudahy Packing Company re
joices in the prospect of war between
Japan and Russia. The Russian gov
t'Crnmcnt has Just ordered 1,500,000
pounds of mess meat for the army,
from this American trust. Russia
tlon't fear tho American navy, but
she trembles before the American
meat trust. It Is hotter to bo mas
ter of the rood supply of the world
than to hold all the forts, harbors,
strategical points and mountain
passes on earth',
The new city marshal ol Pendleton
Is not yet selected. Judging from
the activity of tho peoplo on election
day, they care but llttlo who serves.
Out or 1.200 voters, about 315 cast
their ballots fn the city election. If
tho people had any particular Inter
est fn such matters, It seems that
they would not stay at home, when
the doy camo to determine tho policy
of the city for the next two years.
Wrist Bags and
A complete aBuortmont of
all the fashionable iricau.
We buy direct from tho maiiu
fttctuverB, and call null at a,
a price that will suit tho
No matter who Is appointed, there Is
no use to lilck now.
OwIur to the rnct that no emerg
ency clause was attached to tho re
onactinont of tho exemption clause
ot the assessment low. Mxpnyor
will not get the henolll of tho oxomp
Hon on the 11)04 assessment. Tho
hill tloes not go Into effect until
March 23, 1001, and the law cannot
he made to cover an assessment
which heglns on Mnrch 1. However,
Oregon will nppreciato the exemption
moro when It does take effect, and Is
glad to got off without tho necessity
of another special' session to remedy
this matter.
A "prominent" lumber man from
Portland has been giving tho Baiter
City Democrat n specimen ' of the
heavy argument of capital against
the forest reserves. Tho gentleman
says If the present destructive policy
of barring the lumber companies
from the public domain continues,
one of the loading Industries of Ore-J
gon will suffer greatly. Tho gentle-1
man forgets to mention that If tho
government does not continue to bar j
the lumber anil land syndicates from l
securing the forest lands of the West
In enormous tracts, to the exclusion
of actual settlers, that not only one
Industry, hut 10 or more vital Indus
tries on the Pacific Coast will ho de
moralized within n few years by tho
process of denuding the mountains
of their forests. Destroy the forests
and you prevent settlement, Irriga
tion, stock raising, reclamation and
all other of tho great systems that
are to he utilized in civilizing and
developing the unsettled districts of
the West.
IK re Is rather a bitter reward for
Senator Hoar's sixty years of unde
vlatlng party fealty, from tho .Milton
Eagle: "Although Senator Hoar
votcs with the Republicans all right,
he is novertneless n pretty good
Democrat when It comes to opposing
everything offered by his party, and
incessantly picking Haws with tho ad
ministration. .Massachusetts should
retire the old gentleman and send n
guod Republican to the senate. Hoar
has long since outlived his day of
usefulness as an iionest representa
tive of his constituency, and should
now quietly step aside lest doty old
age inadvertently blocks the wheels
ot piogress."
Tho report of the secretary of the .
interior In addition to showing a con
dition of unparalleled fraud and per
jury In public land and timber en
tries, is a strong denunciation of tho
Timber and Stone Act, tho commu
tation clause of the Homestead Act
and the Desert Land Act themselves.
Theso laws he describes as structur
ally wrong and fraudulent in intent.
Before Secretary Hitchcock, secretar
ies of tho Interior nnd commission
ers of tho general land office without
number have recommended tho re
peal by congress of theso three land
stealing laws. Public sentiment,
however. Is now becoming awakened
to tho vast steals perpetrated undoi
these laws and to the fnct that tho
government has been defrauded of
tens of millions of dollars of proper
ty and what Is worse, that the land
absorption Is continuing at a con
stantly Increasing rate. It Is not a
question of enforcement of tho laws,
though a rigid administration would,
of course, help matters some; file
laws were themselves born In Ini
quity to enable laud grabbing,
Domestic Infelicity, divorce, faith
lessnoss, Infidelity, lovo of money and
dross and Jealousy and their train of
evils, are tilling the columns of tho
papers with sickening details of tho
Increasing horror of civilization.
Where will this tendency stop? Will
states continue to broaden and weak
en tho dtvorco laws, nnd permit cntld
rcn to marry before they have passed
out of the short drosa period? Wnat
do legislatures think of tho social
IPresemite tttatt
Cist Glass
Ib qIho one of the protty
things we have for Xiaas.
Everything from Bon
bons to Punch Bowls.
Cut Glass iB always ac
ceptable. It is rich in
appearance and prices
will be a pleusuie to purchasers.
tendoncy nnywny, or do thoy tnko
tho mnttor Into sorlous consideration
nt all? Tho chureheB and all tho ad
vanced Monitors of tho ngo contlnun
to cry out against the divorce evil,
the child mnrrlago ovll, mid the de
moralizing results from them, yet
laws are apparently on tho sltlo of
wrong, and Instead of helping to
lemetly those conditions, loglslntuios
aid tho wroii". by neglecting to ileal
with It In any wny. There should ho
nn ngo of accountability, llxed In tills
state, say nt 20 years, and no person
should be permitted to marry until
that ago was reached. Child mar
riages and tliolr Inevitable curses
should he stopped. Tho Insnno asy
turns, the poor houses, tho peniten
tiary nnd homos for Imbeciles tiro
tilled largely by the lax marriage
laws of the Unllu.. jintes. The cost
of maintaining these Institutions Is
terrible, and must bo borno by the
people. Society should conslilor these
facts. It Is not only costly to be
wtong, morally, hut It Is degenerat
ing. These matters must come be
lore future legislatures of Oregon.
It should not he so eaH.v for girls In
their teens to clopo with nnd marry
the first man who proposes, and It
should not be so easy for them,
titter ninrrlngo, to lly Into court, se
cure n divorce and unload their off
spring on I ho community, to bo edu
cated, clothed and fed until able to
follow Its parents' pathway thiotigli
the same experience, lfi yeais Inter.
"Oh, how 1 pity the boy who Is
born toe son of a millionaire!" cried
.Mr. Carnegie nt a recent dinner. And
the exclamation has started an Inter
esting debate on the relative advan
tages uf wealth and poverty In youth
It depends largely upon tho boy. of
course. Riches nro not good for the
lad who Is not endowed with energy
o chnracter. Such a ouo takes the
line of least resistance, lives In Idle
ness and will bo fortunate If he does
not go to the bad. Had he been born
poor the necessity of supporting him
self might have developed In hint in
dustry, self-reliance nnd a desire In
umotint to something.
On the other hand, a "boy of tin
usual ability Is Jiot to lie pitied by
.Mr. Carnegie or anybody else because
he has parents who can give Tilm eil
ucatlon, remove obstacles from ins
path and let him have nil his time
lor the cultivation of his powers and
the pursuit of his career.
No doubt many men who havo won
sttceess owe It to tho gonrd of early
poverty, tt tho struggles which
sharpened their wits, strengthened
their wills and enabled them to meas
ure themselves accurately through
competition with rivals.
lift ween .Mr. Carnegie's comm'ne--atec
"son of a millionaire" and the
son of bitter poverty, however, there
nro n good many degrees. A home
of want may bo a very good schoo'
for genius or very great talent, but
tho world is full of men who ivju'iI
have I cached n much more comfort
nblo placo had thoy had hotter op
portunities In boyhood. Tho excoi
tlonal lad whose parents are -ory
poor will find ways for mental Im
provement, but tho average hoy in
such circumstances, llko tho com
monplace son of tho millionaire, will
accept things as he fluds them. Ho
will do his dally drudgery for btead
and remain In the station wherein It
has pleased Providence to placo him.
That is, ho will "assimilate to his en
vironment." -
Each state has Its disadvantages,
ns well as its advantages, but the
judgment of most men of common
sense Is against poverty ns n desira
ble Inheritance.
Ilrlng tho question homo to your.
Kelt: Would you, If you nro rich,
Hke your boy to ho deprived of tho
chances your tnonoy Is nblo to offer
him? And If you nro poor, would
yon not llko to bo wcll-to-da to that
you might give your son n hotter
stnrt In life than, because of your
poverty, he can havo?
Hoys with the right kind or stuff in
them, whether rich or poor, will nnn'
age lo msl:e men of themselves.
San Francisco Examiner.
The coal from tho aiamorguushiro
field In South Wales Is regarded as
sunorlor to nil other steam coal by
tho navies or tho world. Its rival
from tho, United Btates Is tho Poca
hontas coal from West Virginia.
are Qgdfmii a Wei
We will Kive.away New
ist GIFT
and GIFT
3rd GIFT
Every dollar purchase entitles you to a ticket on the
$30 gift.
Fvery 53c purchase entitles you to a ticket on the
St 5 Rift.
.Every 25c purchase e ntitles you to a ticket on the
$5 Gift-
I tun a king, mother, tar nwny,
M Telly that stands by The dates or
liny :
So Inr mi far that the world glows
illni. . ,
As I look rrotu my palace toward Uh
Pray, let me rest on your breast
Till my bnrk comes In f'""1 tllt'
Dreamland Isle;
.My bonny sailors will spued with
And I will beckon I hum far nt sea;
Thoy will hover close to" Hie silent
With baiely it splash from the dip
plug oar. v
And I will bo ready lo sail nwny,
To my dreamland Isle at the dates of
The star that shall guide nio I know
so well '
(I)ut that Is a secret I daro not toll)
Por only the mists or the sen and I
Know where the paths that I fol
low He.
And (). how 1 wish I could tnke you
To live In my palace so grand and
I would build and give yon u golden
tnione ,
Curved mid Jewelled and nil your
With gems lor your feel that wuro
never seen, j
lly anyone else bill my ' own lulr I
queen. I
Willi down lor your feel and down !
for your bed. I
And a pillow of dreams for your dour I
old head; I
1 would dress yoit'oilt In the robes of1
state: I
A thousand tallies on you should I
wait; I
I would tell vou the tale of my sunny I
isle. I
In stories older than Egypt's Nile; I
You should guide my sloop, with Its
sails ot lire I
Finer than silks or the olden Tyre.
And the Dreamland billows, so deep j
mid blue, I
Would murmur their lenderest I
strains fur you.
Iliu 1 am so sorry It cannot bo
For nobody goes there lint kings, like
llert Iliiffnian.
Pendleton. Or
Al a conference of the representa
tives of capital and labor, held In
New York. December 17. 1901. under
the uusplces of the National Civic
Federation, a permanent board was
appointed lo settle differences be
tween employers and the labor
unions. The hoard consisted of !!S
persons, 11 on iiehnlr of the public.
12 on behalf of employers, and 12 on
behalf of the labor unions. The
chairman Is Senator Marcus A
Hed is the color of danger,
whether on the semaphore
or on the iUln. When the
face it reddened by eruptions,
when boils break" out on the
body, or the angry red of
sores nnd ulcers ii displavcd
, ill the flesh, it is ll.Uu're'K
Manger signal. The blood is
oliatructed and tainted by
impurities, and there can be
no safety until the blixxl is
made mire.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Med-
ical Discovery purifies the blood.
and removes the effete matter which
clogs and corrupts it. It cures pim
ples, ixms, eireiua, scrofula, sores,
ulcers and other consequences of j
impure blixxl. j
"I ft greatly thankful for wlnt vour I
medicine ha done for nir," wtlte )Ur.
Clta. Hood, at Kalkiuka, Mlcli. "I nif. '
fered will! serofuluol the head lortw-lvr
yejM. Tried every kind of medicine Ihut i
I heard of l,ut (omul no in re. )vervuit i
that looked at my hemil aulil they never I
ftiw ail) thing like il. The Ut doctor I
doctored with before Hprlylnx to yon t cot i
worse every day. Was m inVrable tliat
I W44 unaole to ilo any work ut all. Aftr l
Ukiijif two or three bottle of your 'Oolden
.....i. KHwui) am, iuiiif ine local
treatment yixi (reacrileil lor uie. 1 waa
cured and my bea.l wu entire h free Irom
Accept uo subatitute for Doctor
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
There Is no other medicine which is
" just as good " for diveases of the
blood and the eruptions which are
caused jy llie blood's impurity.
llPRl , !r' Perce's Common Sense
Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt
of sumps to pay expense of mailing
only, bend twenty-one one-cent stamps
for ttie boot In pajier covers, or thirty
one stamps for the cloth -bound vol
nme. Address Dr. R. V. l'iercc, Buf
falo. N. Y.
, Don't be Hatlstied to move
nlont! In the Hiimu old wny for
low wnges. Wo can help you
onrvo out n Hiioi'eiwfill e.iireer.
Thotiiuiiilri lmVe InorciuH'd their
nilavies by followltiK our plan.
Wo can traluyou In spare time
unit ut small co-t for uuy of the
following portions :
.Mof Imtlcil, ICIvutrlcnl, Htemii
or Civil ICnulnuar, ICIcctrlolnn.
Hurveyor, Areliltoot, li-nft.
lllfttl. llnoUU elor, Hteuour- ph.
or. Tttnclmr, Hhow Ciinl Vrltr
Window llreMor, or Ail, Wrltr
Box 799
Or tnll on our local representa
tive, T II'. llruekinij, 1 27 l.ce st net
I'endleton, Ore.
Ready for a Christmas
ii tniiliiuioiiiit to having on burnt u
H.iekor Hllggy wlllull was sold in this
establishment, forlioro uru to be round
vehlole-i of many styles, hIzim nnd
h1iiik-s till, however, noted for their
strength, graceful lines, icr Utility of
lusting ninny ycnix unit nf being driven
over many lnllt'B Wo havo Tup Itujcdug Irom
fftfupniii IMtuitiK llin'kH nnd Wiikouii, Hem
in tliu wotld Mutlu from Hlr (lrteil tlmlicr.urlll
tint chuck In llilw climate. Cnll nutl KOlect
from our Irtriti'SliK'k.
nil descriptions. Kindt,
i Doors, lillnds, Moiild-
' lug, llulldliig nutl Tur l'Hr.
Bring Your Bill to Us and
Get Our Figures,
Grays' Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. W: & C. H. Depot
Will he properly anil prompt
ly donu if oittriisted to us.
We can fill your wants (or
electrical supplies o( all kinds
Electrical contracting' is our
specialty f.nd we would like
to figure with yon.
Sole dealers in the old reli
able Edison I, amps
Good Work Ritflit Prices
West Coart Street
Near Mnttlixjk Jildg.
Dally Eaat Oreoonian by carrier,
only IS cents week.
Wo have an elognnt line
of Alfred Wright 'p, Paul Kei
ger's, L. T. PiverV, Rogers it
Giiblet's and OoljiaU'V. Wo
also have their lini'H i
Toilet Water and Sachet
Powders. Kino collection of
Fancy Bottles,
I n
The al,,... 1
t Lahn, :, 1 H
,"7" til
' " Sll tll.l
Per mnmi,
All klnrla At .
. c,i """HUM
. iuiu,
T R'mio,Tt,iaa
E. 1). M
Has Real Eitatij,
r klllll n,UJ
rwumce total
most modern i
Plllllni.Ml Inun.
ill th litltllfi ,7,1
of rVndletoiull
mrut oi t fdK
noxl alMri i,
tlioilwinrid il .
wtirat hud. 03J
Let ush!l)j
bin with
Recognized il i
and most e:oraJ
Wc arc prepift!
tract with yoa i
winter's supply.
liver coal ot wo
part ot the city-
Main Street
Hear this In m
need poultry P
..,.1 ak for Ut'
Poultry Mil StJ
Kow Kure i'
C. F. Coles
... .mhli H
1 eowTO
a cWNViil
Toilet Case'
. r-lll