East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 29, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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lies oiik
List in our store
Phone Red U5J
4 C9At.
Shirt Waistsl
are offered on every Shirt
East Court Street I
- i
lay Prices Now Placed on all I
Pianos (8b Organs i
s, Mandolins, Violins, Sheet
lusic and Holiday Goods
Month's Free Instrucsion Given
with Each Piano Sale
st Court Street t
P by a Scientific Plumber and vou will not
pith bad breaks. Let us ficure on your work.
Tho cclebrntlon of Christmas la
woll nigh worldwide and universal.
In almost ovcry corner of tho world
on this day are celebrations of joy
and throughout all tho world It Is
the great children's day. And every
country under the sun ha-? Its own
way of celebrating tho day.
In England.
Kngland Is tho homo of Christmas
colebratlons. The celebration Is moro
elaborate there than In any other
quarter of the globe. The celebra
tion lasts 12 days, ending In a hlazo
of glory tho twelfth night.
Before retiring for tno night on
Christmas Eve the stockings of the
children are hung by tho ftroplaco in
expectation of the visit of St. Nich.
olas. Early in tho morning tho llttK
ones are awakened by tho waits, who
slug under tho windows of the rich.
After tho gifts are found and hreal
fast is over, comes church and a
round of friendly visits. In tho cv
I cnlng comes tho crowning feature of
i.iu day, the winner. Tho boar's
head, the good old English rbiisl beer
and last of all tho plum puddfng,
combine to form a feast which mi'
bo eaten to be appreciated. In the
evening comes tho lighting of tho1
yule log and all sorts of Christmas
games, ending with the dancing of
the "Sir Roger do Covorly," In which
all, from the oldest to .ho youngest,
In Scotland,
In Scotland little attention Ih paid
to ChiistmaB as a festival except In
the largo cities, whore eclobrations
much the same as those in England
are held.
In Ireland,
Ireland celebrates v.nrlstmas in an
elaborate manner. Theie Is feasting
and gayety and masquerade, both
men and women, fill tho streets of
the cities and towns. Religious ser
vices arc held Christinas Eve and all
Ouristmas morning. Tho afternoon
and evening are given over to fun.
In Germany.
Next to England, Germany cele
brates Christmas more elaborately
tnan any other country. "Wolhnnch
ten" it is called in Germany, and It
Is tho ono great day of the year.
At sunset on tho day before Christ
mas tho church bells ring and every
nn irnnu (n hnr.V. Mnnnwhlln f Tin'
Christmas tree, which, by the way, ('ateu wlt" Krpnt rejoicing,
originated In Germany, has been 'n Italy,
trimmed and lighted, and on the re- In Italy, particularly In the south
turn from church tho children are 1 ern cities, Christmas is very different
admitted to tne room where it stan from the day in Northern climes. At
brave in Its decorations and Its Nice, the fashlonablo winter resort
lights. The presents are arranged J of all Europe, the streets are filled
about tho room ana at the foot of tho j with flowers, and blooming plants,
treo Is a miniature representation of ! Tho Italian peasants do not celebrate
tho manger at Bethlehem with tho . Christmas largely as a holiday, nl
Christ child, the holy mother, 'tho! though II is one of the Important fes-
shepherds nnd the wise men. In the
celebration which follows tho lighting
o tho treo the servants and all mem
bers of the household are Included.
In France,
French children do not look for
ward to Christmas with tho pleasure
of their English and merman cousins.
Save for the religious services, there
is little celebration except In some
of the border provinces and in Paris,
tho gayest city in tho world.
Christmas Eve In Paris Is a sieli'
long to bo reniembcrod. From tho
Church of the Madeline to Port St.
Martin, the boulevards are brilliantly
lignted and lined with little booths
whore everything imaginable
At midnight mass Is held In all the
great churches, nttenfloi by thous
ands of worshipers. On Christmas
day the theaters are open afternoon I
nnd evening, nnd great merry crowds
attend them The Latin qua iter has
its own celebration on Ch.lstmab
night. Enormous dinners nro served I
- - 1
Tin- Mrlckeu none l'rom Grlet. !
whi n. fortunate Drovlslan or nature
if la tlml deprives tno rose ot mental
suffering; for how poignant would bo Its
grlof to discover. In tho height of Its
blooming triory, mat a cuimur ieu ui. in
heart, and that Its beauty and fragrance
i wero doomed forever. Nature always
I spares the suffering; she is a veritable
! Etoro-houso of pleasing rewards, for
tlioso who seek her aid. In the years
gone by falling hair and grayncss havo
rant n doom over the lives of thousands
of young women, but thanks to the In
vestigations of scientists the true causa
ot hair destruction Is now known to bo
a germ or parasite that burrows Into
the hair follicles. Newbro'a Herplclde
absolutely destroys this eorm, thus
permitting the hair to grow aa na
ture intended. Sold by leading drug
gists. Send 10c. In stamps for sample
to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, aucn.
F. W. Schmidt, special agent.
1 0 Per Cent Off
On ali Vase Lamps, China,
and Fancy Goods from now
until New Year fs
Owl Tea House
In the student quarters and those arc
usually followed hy balls.
In Alsace and Lorraine.
Tho simple-minded peasants of Al
sace and Lorraine provinces have a
Christmas custom which is followed
nowhere eUo. f lio day is a .religious
festival, and mass Is attended by ev
erybody. Later In uie day tho chil
dren are given presents, which usu
ally consist of nothing more than
fruits, nuts and sweetmeats. All day
tho children eagerly await tho com
ing of tho Christ chuu, a young girl
ulesscd In white and wearing a gilt
paper crown set around with burning
tapers. In one hand sho swings a
silver bell, and in tho other sho bears
a basket filled with all sorts of
sweetmeats. Closely following her
comes the devil "Hans Trapp.' ho
Ib called by the children. Ho fright
ens tho children and aBks In a gruff
voice for all those who havo been
bad during the year. But tho Christ
child Intercedes for the bad children
and finally distributes tho gifts to
nil alike.
in Austria and Russia.
In Austria and Russia Christmas is
a religious holiday, but tho children
aro not forgotten and presents nro
always prepared for them. There Is
also the Christmas feast which Is' an
occasion of Joy and hilarity. In Aus
tria, particularly, tho celebration is
very similar to that In Germany, al
though not so elaborate.
In Norway and Sweden.
In tho Scandinavian country
Chrlstmastidc Is a time of great re
joicing, and true "good will to men."
ino Bible is read and prayers said.
In the window is placed a candle to
guide Krlstlno, who corresponds win
out Santa Claus, to the house. At
bedtime the entire family, great ana
small, place their shoes In a row be
fore tho fireplace. Christmas day is
usually spent in outdoor sports and
the evening Is devoted to feasting,
dancing nnd a general good time.
In Servla.
In Servia ono of tho peculiar cus
toms observed Is the roasting of the
Christmas pig. Every householder
invites his family and friends to as
sist In this operation. A largo pig Is
placed on a spit over an open fire and
"' IU"li:u, lien 11 1H none 11 IS
tlvals ot the year.
In South Africa.
In Cape Town, South Africa, the
btreets present an interesting and
picturesque appearance on Christmas
day, it is the day of great masquer
ade festival for which the town Is
In Mexico,
The Christmas colcbrotlouh lu
Mexico are unique and last for nine
days. Beginning December 16 and
ending on Christmas Eve, the same
ceremonies aro gone through with ev
ery night. Tho members of the fam
ily and tho guests assemble In a
large room, In which Is a representa
tion of the nativity. A musical ser
vice is then hoid, which Is followed
by all the guests, headed by a child
" -
.. . ' . . . '
bearing on a tray a wax imago of
fc , , F)nn , clld
a,ono and doof
(,IosC(1 Thobo 0UtBd() p)eaa fQr
mission, and tho child finally openB
the door, when all enter, tho pleading
'song changing to one of Joy and
praise. This ends the religious cere-
Tho servants aio then called In,
and a scramble for uuts and sweet
meats takes plnco among them. This
is followed by tho scramblo ot the
members of the family and the guocts
In Other Lands.
All over tho world, wherever
Christianity has gone, Christmas Is
celebrated. In Japan, In China, In
Africa, in tho far South and tbo far
North, this uay la tho day of days.
In many ways and with many strange
customs tho birth of Christ Is re
membered with festival and celebra
tion, and throughout tho world Is
beard tbo great, glad cry "ON
One of the Strongest Institutions In
the Inland Empire. .
Tho Tribune yesterday secured
from Mr. Hurlbut the fmportnnt an
nouncement that ono ot tho most
heavily capitalized trust and banking
Institutions in tho West Is to be es
tablished in Lcwlston, says tho I.ow
Iston Tribune. It Is known that upon
his recent trip East, Mr, Hurlbut de
voted much of his tlmo to the organ
ization ot tho company, and in re-
I sponse to Inquiry yesterday by the
xrioune, no saia:
"Yes, wo aro about to organize a
trust company; in fact, tho articles
aro now being drawn up by our at
torneys, and the organization will be
completed within a very tow days.
It had not been our Intention to give
any of this information for publica
tion until tho filing of tho articles of
Incorporation, but our plans have be
come known and so many questions
havo been asked that wo havo. docld
ed to make a statement at this time.
"Tho company will havo an author
ized capital of 15,000,000; $600,000 ot
this will be paid In oTithe day ot or
ganizing, nnd $400,000 will bo paid in
by the 15th of next April. Tho
$400,000 Is fully subscribed by officers
of tho Prudential Insurance company
of America and other parties In New
York, who have formed a syndicate
to underwrite the stock. Those pnr
ties are also heavy subscribers to the
balance of the stock.
"It Is the intention of the company
to have Its principal place of busi
ness In Lewlston, nnd It will own nnd
control a number of banks through
out tho state, some of which aro In
process of transfer to ub at this
A Chicago experimenter bus huc
ceeded In coloring dinmomls several
different tints by use of tho X-ray,
but has not thus far uddod to the
commercial value of the stones.
Try "Pendleton Boquet"
Made at home.
The Standard of Excellency.
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
ELATER1TE Is Mineral Rubber.
orfliH Itiiceowuiry to KKJ'I.ilCK A WOHN-OL'T ItOtIF
Takes th , place cf shingles, (in. Iron, tar aud gravel, and all iirt'imred
roofings. For flat and Bleep surfaces, gutters, ralloys, etc. Easy to lay.
Tetnperr ' for all climates. Reasonable In cost. Bold on merit, fluann
teed. It will pay to ask tor prices and Information,
Worcester Building. Portlind.
Briglit's Disease and
Diabetes News.
San Francisco, Oct. 5.
To F. V, Schmidt's Pharmacy:
Dear Sirs Thoro aro dally occur
rences in this city that ought to be
known all over tho world. A guile
less old gentleman and octogenarian,
a distant relatlvo ot Robert Fulton,
of first steamship fame, has saved tho
lives of hundreds (probably thous
ands) after they were believed to be
beyond human aid. Ills discovery is
undoubtedly tho long-oought euro tor
Bright's Disease nnd Diabetes,
This Is not oasy of belief, nnd It is
the purpose ot a number ot business
and professional men of this city (ot
whom I am ono) to tell tho people.
You aro hereby authorized to tell all
thoso in your city who have el tHer
Bright's Disease or Diabetes, that
nearly nlno-tcnths ot them can re
cover. Among tho business men who
aro giving moral nnd financial sup
port nnd who would glvo neither it
tho above wns not strictly true, aro
Hon. D. M. Hums, President Caudel
aria Mining Company; Edward Mills,
President of Bullock & Jones Compa
ny; Captain Roberts, President Boca
and I-oynltnn R. R. Co.; Thos. Klrh
Patrick, Capitalist; D. E. Bender,
Capitalist; W. C. Price, Capitalist;
Wm. Sharp, Capitalist; C. W. Clark,
Capitalist, and many others. Tne
pamphlets hcrowlth nro to bo given
to all Inquirers without charge. They
give tho complete history of our Ions
and exhaustlyo Investigation.
Yours truly,
President Pnclfic Stntes Typo Foun
dry. Money Back'rK
full to cure Klu'tiitiatitin, For Sale hy
A. C. Koeprwn .t Ilro. Agts. for Pcmll'n.
A Supreme Moment
of expectation oould lie easily
Inn ltd Into an hour of vexation
by lisvlnir a dull carver to wrestle
with. Your XiuiiM feast would
U' one of annoyance unless you
have a set of our tine Hlic Itleld
steel carvetH, with good stag
bundle, that will tilt-Joint n tur
key and carve it in wafer slices in
a lmrry. Our fine stock of table
cutlery for Xniim gifts are useful
and will lie appreciated by the
& Co. an Court Street $
.nd "Pride of Umatilla."
A. ROHDE, Maker