East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 29, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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    Overcoat Sale
To ck'iin up the baluticii of our ovorcoais wo
mako tho follow inj: sweouig roductioiip;
$7.00 Coats go at $5-00
$8.00 Coats go at $5.75
$9.00 Coats go at $6.75
$ J 0.00 Coats go at $7.50
$12.50 Coats go at $9.50
$ J 4.00 Coats go at $Jt.50
All other price coats not mentioned are re
duced in same proportion.
Baer St
729 MAIN
- I
Damn Covers, minister of tho
Netherlands at Wasnlugtou, has
been transferred to Home.
Twenty-seven per cent of the .
deaths in Chicago since last summer
have been caused by pneumonia.
Ono hundred thousand barrels of J
flour have been booked by Minneapo-,
lis mlllcrt. for Japan within the past
10 days.
The strike of employes of the Indi
an Harbor. (111.) Steel works has
tailed, and the men have returned to
work at their old wages.
The Russian government has plae-'
ed an order with the Armour Com-'
pany for 1.500.000 pounds of meat, j
delivered at San Francisco by Janu
ary 22. j
John Morrlss Is dead at Chllllcothe.
Mo., aged 74. Ho was a very wealthy
stockman, and shipped Into Missouri
tho tlrst blooded Shorthorn and Here
ford bulls over brought Into the state.
The Union Hallway Company, of
Pennsylvania, a line belonging to An
drew Carnogie, and operated between j
jus properties, win ituucu tut: "uftco
of all employes 10 per cent January
Colonel H. U Thomas, for 31 years
a translater In the state department
at Washington, is dead, aged G8
years. He spoke, wrote and translat
ed French. Spanish, Italian, German,
Norwegian, Danish, nutoh, Portu
guese, Hebrew, Arabic and (Jreek.
Carl Johnson, a pioneer of Oregon
City, died .Monday with dropsy, aged
George Griffith, an Oregon pioneer
ot 1849, 1h the owner of a $S gold
piece which ho has carried In his
pockets for 52 years.
John Ditchburn, a Portland law
yer, is being tried In disbarment pro
ceedings, on charges brought by the
State Uar Association.
Jackoy Smokalem, a Puyallup In
dian, beat his squnw to death on the
reservation near Tacoma, Monday.
The buck was drunk at the time.
Eugene Ware, pension commis
sioner, says If he over moves away
from Topeka. Kan., it will be to
-orao to Portland, Or., to reside per
manently. The Direct Legislation League of
Oregon, is preparing a bill to bo sub
mitted to tho people, through the Ini
tiative, providing for direct primary
nominations of all officers.
The receipts of the Juneau, Alaska,
land office for the past year wore
$2,696, and tho oxpenses $4,7G1. only
30 original homesteads being filed in
the district during tho year.
At a watch meeting on New Year's
ve, members of Mlspah Presbytorl.
an church, at Portland, will burn up
a promissory note Just paid off by tho
church, to the bulling fund.
It Is believed by tho Canadian gov
ernment that the head tax of D00
each. Imposed by tho dominion gov
ernment upon tho Chinese, will vir
tually end in Chinese exclusion.
Mrs. Charles O. Denning, of Che
halls, Wash., a brldo of but two
hours, stepped off the Northern Pa
cific ferry at Kalama, Monday morn
ing, and was rescued while sinking
the second time,
A member of tho Stanford Univer
sity Glee Club, was arrested In Ore
gon City Monday for stealing,, a sou
venir silver spoon from a saloon
there. Ho, was searched and Uic
spoon was not found, Tho club left
town in a very ruffled stato of mind
over the Incident.
la Real Estate 7
3200 acres good wheat lautl J
Well watered ana tmproveu.
$12.50 per acre.
1000 acre stock ranch, All .
.fenced. Raises 200 tons of
hay; has running water; open
rangeinearby, $5000.
10. room house and two
lots, Modern conveniences,
if 2 500. 1
All on Easy Terms.
I. O. Iiox 3.M
'I'liono Jllack 1111 Office In'li. O, Bldg
Hotel Pendleton.
W O Golden, Sumptcr.
William Mnher, Portland.
C. M. Smith, Portland.
W. A. Starks.
V. H. .Morse. Walla Walla .
W. I). Chamberlain,
M. A. Lynch and wife, Spokane.
W. M. Wee, Walla Walla .
F. K. Simpson, Atlanta.
M. H. Patton, Spokane.
W. .11. Roberts, Spokane.
A. 15. Mcllreeue, Portland.
.1. Fred Fisher, Spokane.
Jesse Cohen, Victoria,
Al Feldonhelmer, San Francisco.
j. J Sullivan, St. John.
Frank Anderson. Idaho.
Kmll Petersburg, Unite.
Hotel Bickers.
Albert Uehm, Portland.
J. Maids, wife and son, Portland.
J. W. llradloy.
1). Hill and wife.
W. H. Johnson, Walla Walla .
W. T. Shaw.
Kd Haw-as.
(i. J. McEvoy, Starbuck.
F. J. Allison, Starbuck.
Joo Kohler. Fossil.
Sam Lee, Spokane.
Charles B. llarlie. Richland.
J. R. English, Weston.
.1, G. Scott and wife, Helix.
Perry Hakcr, Vancouver.
F. M. Coffee, Camas.
W. II. Weucr, Walla Walla.
Mrs. Lizzlo Carter.
.Mrs. J. R. Morrison.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured.
by looat applications, as they cannot reach
tup ill.-ca.-iwt portion of tho ear. There Is
only ono way to cure deafness, and that
Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is
canned by an Inflamed condition ot the
mucoiH lining of the Eustachian Tube.
When this tube Is Inflamed you hare a
rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and
when it Is entirely closed. Deafness ts the
rexult, and unless the Inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to Its
normal condition, hearing will b de
stroyed foreTer; nine cases ont of ten arc
cnu&eil by Cntarrh. which la nothing but
an inflamed condition of the mucous sur
faces We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case ot Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be. cured by Halls Caturrh
Cure. Bend for circulars, tree.
V. 1. CIU:NI:Y & CO.. Toledo. O.
Sold t-y druggists, 73c.
Hall's family I 'Ills are the best.
Marie Walnwright In "Twelfth Nlghf
on January 2.
The announcement that Miss Marie
Watuwrtght will appear al the Frazor
In a magnificent revival of Shakes-
IHjaro's "Twelfth Night" on January
2, must bo looked upon as ono of
tho groat events ot the season. Man
agcr Jules Murry, who presents this
charming actress In this revival, has
spared no expense In this produc
tion. The best scenic artists, the best
stage direction, the best cast and tho
best costumes nave each provided
their quota In this magnificent pro
duction. .Miss Walnwright Is tho ac
knowledged exponent of Viola, having
played the part more than a thousand
times, and In her support are artists
Identified with Shakespearean plays
and tho parts they Impersonate In
"Twelfth Night." Tho bower scene,
tho sea coast and Olivia's gardon, are
especially threo scenes of wonderful
beauty. The music also has boCn
made a special feature
From Ilowman'n ranch, on McKay
Creole, seven miles from Meacham, In
October, threo head ot horses. Ono
3-year-old roan horse, branded Q on
loft hip. Ono 2-yoar-oId bay horse,
branded Q on left hip, Ono 2-year-old
bay filly, branded Q on left blp. A
reasonable reward will bo paid tor In
formation leading to tho recovqry,
Address W. Ilrummott, Meacham, Or.
Dr. L. E. Bulllnger, of San Francisco,
Expresses an Opinion Regarding
the Greatest Liquor Habit Cure on
Dr. U E. Ilullliigor. ot San Francis
co, writes: "I was prejudiced against
TRI1) coming to mo as It did, but l
boo now that 1 was mistaken. I hitvo
been traveling In England mid tho
Eastern states much latolyand find
much evldouco of TRIH'S good work.
I bought twenty.flvo treatments for
friends, and every one has douo Its
work well."
Olympla Beer Olympla Ceer.
The most popular brand for family
uso. On draught at Anton Nolto's.
Ho also handles tho uottled beer In
Severe' Case of inflammatory Rheum
atism Family Reunion of the
Copplcs Christmas Trees and a
Program at Each of the Three
Churches Nilss Stella Anderson Is
Attending College at Ellensburg. j
Athena, Doc. 27. Miss Ilessle Mil
ler anil Walter Glnn were tmltqd in
tho holy bonds of matrimony, ChilsN
mas five, December 21, at 2 o'clock,
at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Dene
Held In Weston. Miss Rcsslo Miller
wns a niece of Hugh Worthlngton of
this city. Mr. and Mrs. Worthlngton
anil sou Emory attended the wed
ding. After the wedding feast was
disposed of, Mr. and i.,vs. Glnn took
the evening train for Portland, where
they will spend their honeymoon
The young couple are well nud fav
orably known In this city nud West
on, and have ninny friends who wish
them a long and hnppy lite.
Ira Looney of this city, who has
been spending several weeks at Port
land, haK returned home. .
Roy E. Heck, who Is teaching
school al Holdmnn, spent Christmas
in Athena wuh his parents. He will
spend tho rest ot the holidays on his
homestead In Franklin county.
Miss Ressle Watts, stenographer at
tho county clerk's olllce, spent
Christmas with her parents.
Miss Eva McDonald of Walla Wal
la Is spending n fow days visiting her
sister, Mrs. Jinks Dudley.
Miss Ruth McAlioy of this city has
been seriously 111 at her home with
a sovere attack- of Inflammatory rheu
matism. She Is slowly Improving nl
Sheriff Tavlor spent ciiristmns in
the city at the homo of. his patents.
Mrs. M. L. Watts' sister, .Miss
Stella Anderson, a graduate from the
Weston Normal last year, and who is
attending the Normal school ut El
lensburg, Is home on a two weeks
visit with Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Watts
of this city.
Family Reunion.
A family reunion was held on
Christmas day at tho homo of Rob
ert Coppic of this place. Sir. Copple
had tho pleasure of having all his
children at homo once more, as fol
lows: Mr. nud Mrs. Alp Copple and little
son of Guy, Wash.; .Mr. nud Mrs.
Charley Raymond and family of Wal
la Walla; Mr. and .Mrs. Will Reed of
Adams; Miss Mnttlo and Art and
Frank Copple of this city.
Three Christmas Trees.
The Christian. Ilaptlst and M. E.
churches gave each a lino entertain
ment Christmas Eve, and Christmas
trees loaded down wllu presents.
Everyone hnd a flno time. It Is said
they had the most beautiful trees
that ever were shown In the city.
Fight Will Se Bitter.
Those who will persist in closing
their ears against the continual rec-
ommcndntlon of Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption will have a
long and hitter light with tneir trou
bles, If not ended earlier by fatal ter
mination. Read what T. It. Heall of
lieall, Miss., has to say: "Last fall
ray wife had every symptom of con
sumption. Sho took Dr. King's Now
Discovery after everything else had
failed. Improvement camo at onro
and four ltottles entirely cured her,"
Guaranteed by Tollman - Co., drug
gists. Price GOc and $1.00. Trial bot
tles free.
School Progressing Nicely and a
Rounh Point In the County Road
Being Repaired.
McKay Creek Lee. 28, Mr. and
Mrs. B. C. Kinder, who havo been on
tho sick list, are pow Improving.
Plowing is still In progress on
many of the farms la this vicinity.
Miss Sarah Huston, the now school
teacher, who took tho place of E
Allen, who resigned, Is giving good
satisfaction and the attendance Is
Under tho supervision of Harney
Crowner and a force of men, tho
rock point on tho county road known
as "Stony Point" near Klddor's placo
has been blasted down and smoothed
over until It is now a very good piece
ot road.
Several farmers In this vicinity
are deoply Interested In tho Pendle
ton creamery project and aro ready
to milk cows for that Institution
whenever It starts,
A Frightened Hore,
Running llko mad down the street,
dumping the occupants, or a hundred
pthor accidents, are every day occur
rences. It behooves everybody to
have a reliable Salvo bandy and
thcro's nono as good as Ducklen's
Arnica Salvo. Hums, Cuts, Bores,
Eczema and Pllos disappear quickly
undor Its soothing effect. 25c at Toll'
man & Co.'s drug store.
Table of Mineral Hardness.
Tho table of hardness nf minerals
as given In "Dana's Mluoralogy" Is
as follows: Talc, 1; gypsum, 2; cal
clto, 3; flourlte, 4; npatlto, 5; ortbo
clase. 6: quartz, 7: topaz, 8; sap
phire, 9; diamond, 10. Tho hardness
is measured by tho resistance which
a smooth surfaco errors to nbrasln
Tho degree of hardness Is determin
ed by obsorvlng tho comparative
caso or difficulty with which ono mln
tint Is scratched by nnothor, or by
a file or knife. When testing for
hurdness, crystalline varieties with
emcoth faces should be taken as fur
aa ;,off.ll)le.
Nlco clean furnished or unfurnish
ed rooms, with good bed, aro bolng
advertisod for ront In tho classified
Not Much Feeding of Stock Is Delng'
Done Yot Mrs. Kurtwrlght Is
Quite Sick Eighty Head of Deevcs
Sold Needed Improvements Being
Made In the Roads Hide Buyers
Arc Active.
Ridge, Dec 20. Sam Caldwell of
Mahay delivered a bunch of sheep In
Pendleton this week, purchased by
Plalzoeder of Chris Nelson of Gill'
!l 1! Owlllgs mid John Cllne made
I .rip tu Pendleton after 'phones lor
tin' lluttor creek Hue. Thuro are
seven 'phones in uso now and James
Nelson says the Hue will soon ho
The stage driver loportB lx or
seven Inches of snow on the moun
ii.lin between Rldgo mid Alba, hut
ve.' little in the vajleys. Hardly any
feeding Is being done yet.
The Flitter llrow. of Uklah are
straw feeding their rattle on the Wild
I lot sc. near Eastland.
Mrs. Leo Kurtwrlght of Makay Is
l":IO SUM; JUSl "I llli-nviu.
John llrowne, Pendleton's hide
dealer, made n trip out south of
Pilot Roc'iv r. few days ago.
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. llletel and fam
ily ot Pilot Rock have moved to Pen
dleton. Pilot Rock's road boss Is making
gient toad Improvements In that vic
inity, .le has Just completed the
jjrmlo tuning Into Pilot Rock from
Pi t tlleton and got up it good piece of
Jiuit.s II. WhllaldM- returned home
to spend the holidays from St. Jo
heph's readonly,
A loitl.itu' hide buyer was out on
IlutK i i reel; doing business last
(). A. .Slmouton lost u saddle horse
to a friend a fow days ago and when
the uentlemau reached the feed yard
of William lloynton of Pendleton the
lioihe fell deau shortly after being
rhonias Ogle is on the sick list
again with kidney complaint and
Thine was a line ball ut the homo
or Mr. and .Mis. C. R. Cate, of Gur
daue, Christmas Eve. A nice time
mid a line attendance-.
Wo have been having cool weather
of nights of late, with sumo fog and
Eighty Head of Beeves Sold.
Ed llhroni of Uklah returned home
last week from selling his booL He
Miys he and others around Alba nud
I'kluh fold Si) head.
Convent Sold.
Patrick Doherty has purchased the
Roman Catholic convent nt Vinson,
and has converted It Into a residence.
If you are troubled with Impute
blood, Indicated by sores, pimples,
headaches, etc., e would recommend
Acker's Blood Elixir, which we sell
under a positive guurantee. It will
always cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic
poisons and all blood diseases. COc
and $1.00 F. W. Schmidt & Co.
The American lirldge Company, at
Philadelphia, has reduced the wages
of all employes from 10 to 20 per
Something for Mothers
to Think About
Lives of Suffering and
Sorrow Averted
And Happiniss and Prosperity
Assured by
When All Else Fails.
Every child born Into the world with
o Inherited or early doveloped ten
dency to distressing, disfiguring hu
mours of the skin, scalp and blood,
becomes an object of the most tender
solicitude, not only becauna of Its suffer
ing, but becauso of the dreadful fear
that tho disfiguration Is to be lifelong
and mar Its future happiness and pros
perity. Ilenco, It becomes the duty of
mothers of such aflllcted children to ac
quaint themselves with tho best, the
purest and most effective treatment
available viz., The Cutlcura Treatment.
Warm baths with Cutlcura Soap, to
clcanso tho skin and scalp of crusts aud
scales, gentle applications or Cutlcura
Ointment, to allay Itching, Irritation
and Inflammation, and soothe and heal,
and mild doses of Cutlcura Resolvent, to
cool tho blood In tho severer cases, aro
nl that can bo desired for the siiecdy
relief anil permanent euro of skin tor
tured Infants and children, oud tho com
fort of worn-out parents.
Millions of women lis-o Cutlcura Bonn
assisted by Cutlcura Ointment. forZl
hirvlnS, purifying utid beautify!,,, tl0
sltln, scalp, hnlr and hands, for annoy,
lug Irrltatlous und weaknesses, ami
for many janatlve, antiseptic purposes
'"""J ""BHCBV Hicmsoivcs,
Niltl inrOurtuinlfh u.l,l r...l. . . ...
Wonderful Increase In Facilities for
Printing Newspapers.
In 1880 the Now York World ru
ported tho buttle of Majuba Hill In
six lines, but so rapid was tho exten
sion of news gathering that, 14 years
later, events In tho saniu quarter ot
tho globo woro reported In tho groat
American dallies by cnblo nB fully on
though closu at hand.
The destruction ot St. Piurre, Mai'.
Unique, In 1902, by an eruption of
Moid It lee, may ho mentioned as im
illustration or this tendency. Cable
grama concerning Hint groat disaster
leached American uowspnpors by
way of Ilrazll, tho Azores, and Great
Ilrlthln, costing tho recipients from
$2 to ?l per word, with fees for precedence.
The Lone Star State.
Down In Toxub nt Yoakum Is a llg
dry goods firm or which Mr. J. M.
duller is the head. Mr. Httllcr on one
of his trips Knst to buy goods snld to
it friend who was with him In tho
pnliico ear: "Here, take ono of thoso
Little Rally Hlcors upon retiring and
you will be up early In tho morning
feeling good." For tho "dark brown"
taste, headaeho and that logy feeling
DeWltfs I.lttle Rarly ItlsorH are ilio
best pills to use. Sold by Tollman &
State Printing Office Closed.
Salem, Dec. 29. The stato print
ers olllce is temporarily sum iiiiwn,
but It Is expected that in ubuut a
week or ton days work will begin on
the senatu und house journals, to bu
followed by that of printing tho sos-
slon laws, providing work for the full
rro for about a month,
A 4. A A 1 f
n m. m if m m m .
for a rew uays uniy
Lantique Ware Vases
n .iiik w f i --sfi ww ri i t. lArumiK
Perfecto Wate Vases
a w w jr r o
goods at a very low HgUfe, anoaswe
t.t fpw pWps fp.ff this oiler will not
V4...4..-.-4.----------"" '
f-"I""-!" I---!"--T '
The Krisnoh Beauty Doctor, will improve 14
1 1 t ttiitn ran. jii.
ut physical culture and developing -u-.-isl.es
from the face. Feet treatd. Gtm
w" . . h rnii
iug remedies for sale. FcSoNS i
Mi.c Mi-uminn will l!IVe L.li33-'"J
beautifying to some lady.
Office Hours, 3.30 tc 9 P-1"-
h ir ntu ni our iiiiiuK"uv . . u
1 in', ni 1 1 1 r: 1 id w . .1. -1
. . " ,itin DUlli. .
l,cr,PCt;" , : machined
uroveu ,11. w uo - , 1. mm
pose. VVO WUIUU u t"V
a Rin,rr n.i trial. We Know -
"-e . . mein"'
w 1 1 1 iiu iiir ii 11 ini ii n
payment down and th om'
mente. 1 .
uiiice "
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Crvsti!,.j ,
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Oil nnl Cma.tfj
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