East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 28, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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December 31
300 Costumes
from Portland
Will be on display in
Cash Prizes
Five dollars for the best lady
Five dollars for the best gentle
man character
Music by
Of all Description
Sash, Doors & Windows
Made to order. Building
paper, lime, cement, brick
and sand, wood gutters for
barns and dwellings a specialty,
Oregon Lumber
Alta St, Opp. Court House
Will meet the lowest price
quoted by anyone- on meats.
You alwnyH GET GOOD
Mli AT when Mlescke till
your order.
Don't ralaa the place.
Reliable Companies
That pay their losses
promptly. Our companies
stand at the head of the list.
JHartfcnl Fire Insurance Co.12,2S0,07r
Alliance Awurance Co 20,038,963
London A Lancashire Fire
iMaranoe Co 2,M4,66S
Korth British A Mercantile
Co 19.696.074
Boyal Iruunnoe Co 12,807,163
C. I. Strain, county assessor of
Umatilla county, Is just having Issued
from tho press of tlio East Orogonlnn,
a 15-pago booklet, containing hlH ar
gument in favor of a high valuation
of railroad property, maih befoio tho
county board of equalization, last
Tim l.cok contains tho entire argil
mem r.mdo by Mr. Strain, and In ad
dition several pages of statistical
tables and data, In support of his con
tention, to place all railroad property
on an equal basis with other property
In tho county,
Thoso who read tho press reports
of Mr. Strain's argument at tho
time, will recall tho seemingly uunn-
I!tnn,Mln ,.iimitv All Mm nr,MloOH
sore had placed the railroads on tho
assessment roils at tneir own figures
t ....... ..an,-.. Cv him In flv n ln
sis ami support it by facts and figures
aim Hie laxiKotTM in uuumint cuuuiy
have the result of his labors In that
direction In this little book.
The tax ngonts of tho O. It. & N.
made eloquent and ablo pleas bot'oru
the hoard of equalization In support
of a lower assessment, Mr. Strain
was prepared to support his stand,
and the board of equalization Indors
ed his values of roadbod and rolling
stock, entire, the only reduction mndo
tiy tin hoard lieing in mo vniuo or
tho depot grounds In this city, and in
m-' . feme -111; $
cast by a cigar
and a man
The "Band is the Smoker's Prot,
swernble array of facts which he
gathered from reports of tho inter
state commerco commission, to sup
port his assessment of tho property
of the railroads In Umatilla county.
In making the first high assess
ment of this character of property
over attempted in tho state, it was
necessary for Sir. Strain to build his
own foundations, from volumes of ro
ports Included In tho records of the
Intor-state commerco commission.
from ma-
removing tho assessment
terlal on hand.
-Mr. Strain Is already In receipt of
dozens ot letter from Washington
and Oregon tisHisaors, for copies of
tho book, und ltn popularity Is as
sured in advance. Nearly every as
sessor In Eastern Oregon signified
his Intention to follow tho example
of air. Strain In raising tho values
on all pioH.Tty, now that tho Ico Is
, broken and a precedent net for them
From the time ho was elected, until to follow.
he began making the assessment, he
labored diligently, searching through
the mazes of ngureH to get a basis
to work upon, which would enable
him to placo railroad property on a
value In proportion to Its earning ca
pacity and actual worth to Its own
ers. Just as horses, land, merchan
dise and other classes of property
were assessed.
Mr. Strain had no trail blazed
through the mass of assessment In
So complete and exhaustive arc
.Mr. Strain's arguments and figures
on railroad values, earnings, cost of
operation, first cost, cost of mainte
nance and rate of Income on tho In
vestment based on net earnings, that
this book will become a handbook for
assessors on railroad valuos In future.
It Is a Just and fair presentation of
his olde of the case and tho demund
for higher assessment Is now general
throughout the state.
had lived H months on the lnnd, to
pay $1.25 an acre and receive title.
This Is called a commuted homestead
mid Is looked upon by those most
familiar with tho working of tho land
laws as a most vicious feature of
end legislation.
It is an interesting and rather cu
rious tact to note that tho nvcrag?
number of patents Issued to settlers
upon homealends liulil good through
i long term of years. For the last
:0 years about 20,000 titles have
been Issued each year by the govern
ment to homestead settlers.
Canada Rejects Our Laws.
Canada only enacted her public
land laws within the Inst four years.
She sent a commission to tho United
htatoH to study tho operation of our
laws, That commission rejected ab
solutely everything upon our statute
nooks except tho homestead law, and
when It Is recorded that L'0,000 Amer
icans entered the Canadian North
west last year to settle ujton govern
ment land, It means that those 20,000
pursons went there to live perma
nently upon ieo-acro farms to which
they could not get title with lens
than three years' actual residence.
These public lands belong to tho
people as n whole. They are tho
sons of tho people of tho East who
have In the past found homes upon
Ittiimji, i,iul Mvuuuo ui cncaiHi irom
the crowded condition of older set
.tied communities Is now about to bo
closed forever, unless Immediate and
tadlcal steps are taken to check the
land-hungry minority which is rapid,
ly acquiring title to this onco va.it
At tho present rale It Is not a ques
tion of years, but of months, and to
Inquire Into tho matter nt all Is to
reach thu samo conclusion expressed
by tho secretary of tho Interior,
Kthnn Allen Hitchcock, when ho said
a year ago, that "this Is now the
greatest question before tho Ameri
can people."
For Choice
j Home -Made I
I Gsnciies :
Call at
.1. A. Herron, Prop.
Since tho United States went into , umoiintlni: to about 47fi.00o.fl0f) .'irreM
the public land business this gov- represent u net nctual cost of about
crnment has acquired for snlo and $50,000,000.
disposal nearly 2,000,000,000 acres of
land on this continent, exclusive of
Alaska. This vast public domain
reached from the eastern boundary
of Ohio to 1'tigct Sound and from
Florida to California.
HoKin.'jiiig with tho acacoasi of un
defined limit, tho United States hart
appropriated, bought and won hy
treaty this vast contiguous territory.
Tho 18 older statos and Texns were
allowed to retain Jurisdiction over tho
500,000,000 acres within their bound-
arlos and moro than 100,000,000 acres
aro now set as.uo In forest, Indian
Public Land Still Left.
There are now left in tho hands of
the government nearly f.00,000,000
acres of land. This can bo roughlv
divided Into 200,000,000 acres of graz
ing land, 60,000,000 acreo of forest,
',5,000,000 acres of wood land other
than forest, 65.000,000 acres of deaert
and 70,000,000 acres which can bo
iirlgated and thus mado productive.
Every secretary of tho Interior tor
25 years boa ursed tho repeal of ul!
land laws except tho ono by which a
man can secure title to land by tlvo
years- resiotnco upon tho samo. Sec
.....u v... duiu v, una, I Horin
As a land broker tho covernment i .
has nlaved the nart with easv irener. . . Tlw cneca proposed by whlcu
All persons knowing
themselves to be in
debted to me will
call and settle their
their accounts as I
need the money.
I Conrad Platzoeder
Meat Market
For tho last two years tho amount
of land alienated from public owner
ship has been unprecedented, oven
oxceedlng tho years of tho great rush
of liomesoekers in tho eighties, when
mo agricultural emigration of tho
world waa all coming to tho United
States. At tho rate of 20,000,000
acres each year tho choicest land Is
being takon from tho Kovernment un-
dor ono plea or another and It Is not '
dlDIcult to set a tlma when tho thou
sands of homoseoKcrs will bo forced
back upon tho area now Included
within private ownership and tho
public domain will no longer extend
Its marvelous welcomo of tho past to
tho public domain ia to bo ceded to
tho various states aro simply tho
plans of tho land grabbers to secure
what Is left of tho public domain by
ono grand coup, Instead of piecemeal,
as is now done,
An All Winter Fight.
All hope of a souiement of tne coal
strike in Utah was abandoned when
tho operators refused to reconsider
their answer to Governor WoIIb, de
clining to meet the strikers In con
ference. Preparations are being made
by both sides for an all winter fight.
Tho operators will evict tho miners
from their homes. The minors as n
rule own their houses and tho oper
ators the land. In the declination to
meet tho miners, tho operators say:
"Wo positively refuse to meet and
discuss with tho representatives ot
the United Mlno Workers of America
the situation whlc.i .ney themselves
have created In this statu for tho solo
purpose of aiding their organizers In
Installing their union n Its suprema
cy to tho law."
A Mistake
Was Made
i 53 Jsf
1 have only a few Ladies
Shoes, but can fit
Any Man
Men's Snocs made to fit
I'.ven though Klmllatly Irontltj
mint have dlflVrent glaw.
HK'etnlcH lltttcd to anylnii.
vldual will only suit him or her
therefore thorough test is tew
fary in every caw. Myopthl
parlor I? equlppe I with evfrjln
HtnmiFiit nccc-Ksrv to makeii
absolutely nccurateexamlnitioD.
Priors us low as II rst class work
will permit.
Jeweler and Optician
Post Office Bluck
Thonsands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect it
How To Find Out.
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
water and let it stand twenty-four hours ;
a tnineiiior set
tling indicates tm
unhealthy con
ditioner the kid
neys; if it stains
your linen it is
evidence of kid
ney trouble ; too
frequent desire
to pass it or pain
in the back is
also convincing proof that the kldnevs
anil bladder are out of order.
What To IH.
There U comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the KTeat kidney remedy,
tho cabin builders of tho American
Tho United States acquired tho
public lands by occupation, cession
and purchaeo. About 260,000,000
acres were acauired bv cmkIim nml
?bqnnL1r;n0r,On'000'000 K Prihae- Tho I sued, covering mou- than 80,000
1,900,000,000 acres which have boon ' nw,0
a Jl. - . . .
i iuo umpusai or tno government
uavo cost directly, In actual cash,
about 1(00,000,000.
Tho proaent vacant lands, now
(..ll-.tt ....... ...lol. I,. -..-!.... ..!.... I. .1'
Tho purposo and intention of tho i thi- Wt. fcidnevniiuor i,i.i.i.i
government from Its foundation hoa j nd every part of the urinary passage,
boon to retain control of Ita own ea- n corrects inability to hold water
aim scalding paui in passing it, or bad
effects following use of liquor, wine or
beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne
cessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many
times during; the night. The mild and
the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root
Is soon realized. It stands the highest
for its wonderful cures of the most dis
tressing cases. If you need a medicine
you should have the best. Sold by drug
gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes.
You may have a sample Imttle and a
book that tells all
alxnit it, both sent free
by mail. Address Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Ding-
linmtou, N. Y. When Hoaaf (uw.iaM.
writing mention this paper and dou't
uiaKc any nusiaice, mil remember the
tato rogardloss of fltato linos. Tho
supremo court, recognizing this pur
I pose, held that "no stato formed out
of tho territory of tho United States
has a right to tho public lands within
Its limits, or can exercise any power
whatsoever ovor them."
Under the Hoineitead Law.
From tho passage of tho homestead
law, In 18(12, to tho nd of tho last
fiscal year In the land olflw, there
have been about l.inc.oo homestead
filings, ooverin' about 170,000,000
acres of land. Up 'o tho preaent tlmo
there havo been VKl.OOO patents !
wongrcsH umernlnd tho homestead
luw In tho samo manner as tho tin
Mr culture law amendod. thus '1.araet .I)r' Kl'mer's Swamp-Uoot, auU
allowing the homesteader, after ho J auuress, iiingtiauitoii, ti. y.
J 26 Court Street
Moved from Judd block.
to piovcnt Pneumonia and Constlna
lion Is to euro your cold when It first
appears. Acker's English Remedy
will stop tho cough in a night, nnd
drlvo tho cold out of your system.
Always a quick and sure euro for
Asthma, Bronchitis, and nil throat
and lung troubles. If it docs not
Buunir you we win refund your
money, y. BChmldt & Co.
The Columbia
Lodcine House
Well ventilated, neat and
comfortable rooms, good
bedo. Bar in connection
where best goods are
M ain Street, center of
block, between Alta and
Webb Streets.
F. X. Schempp
Pr oprl e t o t
Walter's Flouring Mills
Capacity, 160 barrels a day.
Flour exchanged for wheat.
Flour, Mill Food, Chopped ffMd,
tc always on band.
Schedule of Fares
On and after April i, fare over
the Rcndleion & Ukiah Stage Line
will be:
dl5loanI!,,jjiI?y,kifh''3'!?,nnd trip, $5; l'.n-
Office at Qolden Rule Hotel
Tender Beef
Prime Potk
Fine Veal
Best Mutton
Delicious Lamb
The proprietor of this meat
market is a stock raiser on
Butter Creek and will l-e able
to furnish t lie best meats in
the market in ai-y quantity
S. WARNER, Propf.
New Milarkey Untitling West
Court Street
J'lmrr Main I'.Al
The French
Best 25 cent Meal in UeCitJ
Private Dining Parlors
Slegant Furnished Boob i
633 Main Street
llmvc good sound
which is delivered '
reasonable prices
For Cash.
W. C
r r-avfi orders a'
Cigar Store,