East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 28, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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IMtkltubeil rerT afternoon (eicent Sunday)
at Pendleton. Oreitou, br ttie
Tlione, Main U.
IHIIt one tnr by mall
Dally, nil month! by mall
Daily, tqtw month by mall
Dally, one mouth by mall
Dallj. per month by carrier
Weekly, one year by mall
Weekly, lr month by mall
Weekly, four months by mall...
fieml-Weekly, oua year by mall ..
cral-Wcckly, lx months by mall
ienil-Veekly. three month! by mall
. 2.60
. 1.25
. .wi
, .
. l.so
. .78
. .00
. 2.00
. 1.00
, .60
liroko. Some dny tlio story will lu
told, ntul It' should not li dolnyod too
long. U uioso wlioao duty It la t
lmndlo thoso lillls In transit from ouo
linuso to tho other, tuo Innncniit, It
should be demonstrated, In Justice to
them. H the hill was ucttinlly lost
In tho rtiRh to llntsh the business or
the session. It should be cleared up,
In justice to everybody connected
with It, and If was spirited away
by some one having it In charge, the
people want to know It. If one bill
can bo hilled thiough dishonesty,
any other bill may be subjected to
tho same treatment, and It lobbyists
cnu accomplish this sort or crime.
throiich some member, tile nuicitor
The Uat Oregonian is on inie ni ".
Itlch'! Newa Stands at Hotel l'ortlaud and t, 00ple know It the hotter.
Hotel ferklni, Portland. Oregon. 1 1
lUmber Hcrlpps Ucllae
New$ Auocla-
San Franclico Bureau, 40S Fourth St.
Chicago Ilureau. tt09 Security Uulldlng.
Waahlnittoa, I). C. Ilureau, 601 Utb St.,
I. V.
Koterwl at I'endleton poitoltlce as icond
class matter.
Willamette valley sportsmen are
making a great howl about the action
of tho legislature In protecting the
.Mongolian pheasant until 1907. All
hinds of things nro threatened. Dis
regard for tho law, Is one of tbe fore
most mothods of getting around me
Question, yet suggested.
method to be tried, Is to
When Air Itochoteltor began to
malio his running arrniiKCinoiits
with Independents ho approached his
Cleveland neighbors, Schollold, Sliur
mer and Ti'ngle, nnd then signed a
coutiact ror n roninrlnblo joint ad
venture. According to this document
Schollehl. Shurmor nnd Teaglo put
Into tho business a plant worth at
Mint time about $73,000 nnd their en
tire time. Mr. HocUol'ollur put In
yio.imn and bis rebates.
Tho making of this contract nnd its
execution were attended by nil the
secret rites peculiar to Mr. Hocltu
feller's business ventures. It was
signed nt night at his house, on Ku
elld avenue, In Cleveland, where Mr.
HocUercller told tho gentlemen that
they must not toll oven tholr wives
KUIO..,, , .... . .
t.i ini nrnnlit siisnect there were mi
ubiimI nmflts in oil refining. That
would Invite competition. They were
i , ..f rvmnnlly. n b ncltsnuin s
hm? who ro To V"'11"" of wealth
and in -.. Ir'" Pfrllnment
? he Ik tcmith century. It was nt
this Col nolly'H f."nl. by tho way
at whllo scarfH wore for tho first
e worn, tho object being to holp
tho Irish linen Indi.stry.-I.ondon
The Impression Mint HUgur Is Imd
rm. ,n health, and particularly for
he teeth Is cotnbattod by modern
nhyslclaus, .'xecpt r roiirse In the
case or those actually diseased with
diabetes or kindred troubles.
Sugar Is nutritious, antiseptic nnd
rattening. It Is used In great dunn
tltv In the Ourinnn tinny. One reason
" y '. ... .... I.n.,1 UIHTIII- llllH
wliv tile Clllio'e "I ",;"-
IAh for sugar spoiling tho teeth, tl"
.J. .J. .J. !
...;. .5. ' 4. 4
A creamery in I'endleton means
the distribution of at .east $10,000 of
outside money In the community each
i ., ...,!, i,,ro" in the world nr
I those or negroes In Egypt ijml In our
town Southern slates who chow sugnr
The nnolents lind little Knowledge
of sugar, hut tholr possession of tho
"sweet tooth" Is proved by frequent
lerneuccs nt classic authors to ho
ney. Now York World.
Hobert llrownlng spoke ns
a prophet when he declared
that he was worth to God all
that men Ignored In him. A
man's value to the world may
be measured by tbe scorn or
the Pharisee. If accepted
Ideas are not changed, the
world cannot move. All Honor
honor to the man who dreams
or a finer justice than the law
gives. Honor to those who
arc no mere hangers-on. hut
whose hearts and brains are
contrioutlng something to the
impulses that are urging the
wor.il forward. Herbert S.
Hinl nil nciromita wore to bo
kept stvot I'letltlous r.nmes weie
i.-.,, nwrnt. Fictitious names weie
Another ' to lie used In corresponding, and a
,. ; special box at the postotllco was eiu-
muhi. ,....,, r, i.0q iintlttniis eliaraclers.
martyr of some tinnier aim tusi . .
law Sti.i another Is for tbe prese- .Matters seem to have gone on very
fining attorney and game warden to I well at ilr3t. Tho prodts wore enor
. . ,ii ,.ii,. r,,,. kllllnu mous. SehoOelil, Shurmor nnd Tea-
refuse .o punish anyhodj for hilling "
pheasants In violation of the law, j of ,1C,. vonnery tho year liuioro the
take chances on ti.e next regular ses- "adventmo." With tho same method , Tl(lv ,,,(; n ttto gruvel,
slon repealing it. Now the best of iminurafftllio, and enjoying simply ,iul t,oy took a little tnr.
tlihiL- for tlio hunters of tlio Willam-' .Mr. Uockefeller's contiol of tninsnor- wull various ingiedloiils
. . i u ,,t m i,volI ree. Itntlim rates and tho onhanced prices imported from arar.
ette to do, is list to lagoon, rec bj. UlntlllB mlt,mti ,oy ,iU TUoy hammered It and lolled II.
oguhto the wisdom of the law and al- , j jjo ,nrrel the ilrst year aflor I (n, w,n i,Cj Wenl nwny
low this excc.ient game bird to mill- j The dividends on 88,000 'barrels this 1 xiioy said they had a pavement
tmlv so hunting will bo good In tu- year wen) $22,017. against $11,000 in Tjmt wim(ll aH to,- many n day.
, . . i, i,n,m, on I the year beroie. In four years Scho-,
ture. and not take an) t. ianccs , noltl. Hhurmer and Teagle paid Mr 1 , ... ,., w, e;s an.l smote
martyrdom, or tho failure of tho game U()Cl.ufulLM. ?slr, a)r, hf) invest-, it
warden to piosecute. What are laws fonl f $10,000 and rebates. Ida T .. water main:
. i . ,....., i r, .1 I . . . .. . ,
tor if people refuse to recognize .11. inrnuii in nt-iuinum .mnm-. And tlien tnoy caned we win i.ui. u
them? No one has heard a squcai i
Don't Ik; HiitUlleri to move
along in tho smile old way for
low wiircs. Wo call help you
enrvu out a Bucccssful ireer.
Thou-iniHls linvn Inoreiifed their
HiilnricH by followliiK our plun.
Wo can tmlnyou In spare time
nuil lit small eo?t for tuiy of the
followliif,' posltloiiH :
Meolintlunl, Itlaotrlctil, Htoiim,
ui- Ctvll ICnalnuer, llectrlalin.
Htirvevor. Arcliltoct, tlriiftH-
tuin. llnoUlt opor, Htnnoitrxpli.
or, Tenclior, Hliow Curtl Wrltvr
VVIntlow OroMHor, or Ad. Writer
Box 790
Or citll on our Iqcnl representa
tive, T W. Bracking, 127 Lee street
I'endleton, Ore.
The rapidity with whidi tlio special
session disposed of tho business In
hand, guaranteed ,.ie re-election of
many of the members.
from Eastern Oregon becam-e the
law protecting elk was extended.
These kickers have only called the
attention of the game warden to the
liable violation of the law In that
quarter and he will not lie slow to
prosecute. That is what the people
pay salaries to gan: and flsh war
dens tor. A great cry of alleged In
To put It back again.
Theie Ik In the Oreok church al
St. Petersburg a beautiful symbolic
; custom. On one evening or the year
a great multitude assembles In the
cathedral, each person beating an un
I lighted randle. At a given signal out
or the darkness gleams a single taper
light. That taper kindles another,
and these others and still others, mi
ni III,, lllllll.ll I'lltlV II IIIIII1UL!H III,' IUKI
justice was made in tills city some , ca(i,e,iral ,, ,nzo , uB,t. The
1 months ago, because tho deputy tlsh i restlval today Is In commemoration
I . . . ..1 .1... II.. I., II..... !.. Mt..).,1
.and game warden mauo an oxampie u - iw" "'"i
When a dozen strlliing coal minors' . n . . .,. rl,Iirat(,,iv song when the stars were young and
.,... .. r.,... ,,.irn,i .lnllnru worth ' ' .7 . ...the gentle shoplierds lenilereil tiieu
nu'ouuj - - wnrneil aira nst catclllng salmon i,rni
are immediately. , . ifi ,. , m
C. b. t.assati, nonnln evldenllv think
piesldent of the 1'ennsylvanla rail- .:., nllll lokln ...,len ticy ass
To run a railway cable
l They look It up some more;
Ami then they put It back again
j .lust where It was before.
They look It up lor conduits
1 To run the telephone.
And then they put It back again
As hard as any stone.
They tool; It up for wiles
l To teed the 'lectlic light,
' And then they put It back again,
' Which was no more Mian right.
Ready for a Christmas
is tantamount to having on hand a
Hackor Buggy which was sold In tills
establishment, for hero nro to bo found
....l.lnl... ,,r ttmntr utvlpu utvoi ,111,1
j slmjieH nil, however, noted for their
strength, graceful lines, (-srtuinty of
I lasting ninny yenm mm 01 oeiiig driven
I nvi-rmiiny mlfei We have Tup numilo from
tittup am Wlnnna llnekii and Witroui, Kent
in llioworm .Mlltio irum nir u,iu, imiuti.mti
no', uhook ln-thla climate, fall aim lelect
Irom our Inrge atock
TL. .
I , . -",c la tv.
d. nt n I ' .w
All kind, ni...,
C3 n
T 31
i RaMn in .,
U.,llln..l !
I.. II. A 11.1..
Kooa aUilti
thnuand of
.,,ii., i...j
of property, they
branded as anarchists.
road, has just been acquitted or tne . .. . .. ,. ,nt , .,, .,..
charge of destruction or property. ,( ulr(, cag
after ordering gangs of men to cut. n,inU t onfnrp,, them.
,lnwn t.ie Western Union poles from l . . .
the entire Pennsylvania system,
thereby ordering the desti action of
over five
million dollars worth of
t There Is only one way in which some
violators or law can learn Its mean
ing. That Is by paying the penalty.
Over one hundred people
sacrificed their lives within
days In the mad rush to go
friends of Alton II. Parker,
to- bo preparing n piesldential
for the judge, entirely imle-
Oh. the pavement's full or turrows:
There are patches every where:
you'd like to rldo upon It,
hills. That light, now leads and imi- i,.K .. v,,rv han(lsomo iinveiuent.
ilses at uventlde on the .Inde.in .
lies and saves the Christianized , , ,,riiu i n,n town
world anil in Its adoration wo have ! Tlioy're always dlggln' of It up
will toward men. j
()! niittlu' of it down.
San Francisco Star.
the Northman's'
the lie pack
iirmiieii! i.r nnv .ictinn or Interest on
where quickly ami u.rce aoroa , , ol mf
companies to take unreasonable risks , 1
lo hold their place In t..e competitive kind of activity in American politics,
system of commerce or today. On Outsiders arrange for too many cam
Cnristmas ove, SO were hurled to palgns, and too many central figures
death In the wreck or the Duquenso aro passive automatons In the hands
limfied. nt laurel Hun. I'a.. and on of their fricn.is. To lie president of
Saturday night a high wind blew out the United States a man should have
It Is generally agreed by those to
whom tho religious rite Is the absorb
ing duty as well as by those who
concern themselves mainly wllli good'
cheer, that the day is one of glad
ness. Even as In the twilight ot lili-tm-v
tlio Uiv In oih, heart UIiiiIIh a
glow in another until the universe Is
wanned and made splendid by a com
mon thought and purpose. The gen
erous and wholesome Impulses or the
day are worth over and over again Thai blooms against
all tlio cost or too miio sins ami w-i snows,
cesses that the critics mo prone to I Ami smiles Into hoar winter's sky
A summer girt that will not die.
take too seriously. Hut whether or
not this is so, and regardless or how
tiinli nviv urnfi.r to Mimllll the llllV.
the Tribune wishes all n merry, mer
ry Christmas. i.ewiston tiiuuiio.
:i station llaht on tlio l'ierio & Mar
,.,i,.iin nn,i two trains crashed to
some claim on the people by virtue
of some active qualification, some de-
Bother, killing 20 more and malmiug ! clslve and outspoken principle, which
several score, some of them beyond
tecovery. It Is the price or tho com
petitive system, and will be paid by
humanity In regular Installments as
long as the syatem pruvallR and Its
needs no explanation or microscopic
search to roveal It to the masses.
Just because Tammany sees fit to
bring Judge Parker out us n candi
date for president, does not clinch
long as tne system iiruvunn mm n
lungers aro heightened by Increasing! bis chances with his party. If tho
tension on the strained nerves of tho
The loss or the anti-gambling hill,
somewhero between tbe desk of tho
clerk of tho house and tho desk of
tbe president of the senate. Is one
or the lingering mysteries or tho
hpeclal session. Somebody in au
thority knows all about how It was
lost, why it was lost, how much It
cost to lose it, what It was lost for,
and who caused It to bo lost. The
entire delegation or Portland gambl
ers was In Salem on that day, and
they don't go on a lobbying mission
people turn down u man like Tom
Johnson, whoso llfo Is dovoted to an
active fight on monopoly In all forms.
whoso principles have resulted In
good to his fcllnwmen. In untold in
stances In his home stnto, nnd who
needs no Introduction from Tarn
many or any other political organi
zation, to give him standing, for some
unknown man. who acts as It tho neo
plo should teol honored to think that
ho would stoop to take a nomination
at their hands, then thoy must not
bo disappointed If corruption and
trusts continue to rule In future ns
they have in the past.
December brill
And winds that from
HarHh is Dec-ember in the wit III.
. Yet sweet and tender Is lis birth.
O. sweet and lender! ns a rose
die irainpliuu
nil descriptions. Bash,
Doors. Blinds, Mould
ing, ItutldtiiK !l '!'"r I'Ri-cr.
Bring Your Bill to Us and
I Get Our Figures,
llrlng snow or Ice, we greet thee still
Willi n rlL-lil inorrv Saxon will.
i For still thv honest North wind bin
... . . . . .
To Kiigiish air tne nnuisn rose.
H Grays1 Harbor Com. Co.
I And all our hearts with music stlr
Opp. W: & C. R. Depot
"Former Tammany Boss Hlchard i,. i,
Crokiir." to glvo him his American '. 1)oal. ,,, ,i, Noi-M,. to Hnulniiil dear.
title, seems definitely to havo made , T. ,s(. or all tho changing year. I
up his mind to desert tlio laud of I London (Hobo. :
lln Saxon, where ho has tarried si
long, In favor of his native Ireland.
He has taken a residence In the Cur
ragh of Klldarc which ho Is to make
his iiormanent home, his Intei.tlon
IjO'iiir to spend the remainder of his
days In tho land of his birth.
This great man is one of a family
or H children, or whom only four sur
vive, a curious tning nnoui tuo mm
IK' lining thnt tho survivors nre the
eldest and youngest sous and the eld
est nnu youngest iinugiiiers,
In going to Ireland as his perma
nent home, Mr, Grokor is taking a
course unusual with lilshmcn who
acquire wealth abroad. It is very
rarely Indeed that wealthy Irishmen
return to tholr own land. Tho most
remarkable exception to tho rule in
rpMint vnflrn wnn Mr Tvfillv. the son
of nn Irish millionaire banker In Now,
York, who tooh tno celebrated uas
tletown Hoiiso, Colbrldgo, Oounty
Klldare. a place that was once tho
With :i8.r pounds of smokeless pow
der, the now 40-callber U'-lnch gnu j
will li,,w! (in fi".n tiim, ul itrm, ii ,itiirl,tF '
shell through 10 fi-10 Inches of Mar-'
veyi.eii nickel steel armor ai a ins
tance of a mile and a half,
DnetofH 1lnvr i
hesitate in pre
Hcrmuiu: i lie
Hittei-H in imiuw
of iiidiFPHtlnn
Chills. Colds,
anil Malaria.
They know It
elites. Qlve it
n trial, also get
it copy of our
1804 Alniatllio
from yourdrug
gUt. It Is free
I Will be properly and prompt
1 ly tlonu if entrusted to us.
t We can fill your wants for
electrical supplies of all kinds
t Electrical contracting is our
specialty end we would like
t to figure with you.
bole dealers in tne om tun
able Edison Lamps.
Good WorkRight Prices
West Cotfrt Street
Near Mattlook lildg.
Dally East Orogoman by carrier,
oniy 15 cants weeK.
l.ci us nil
bin with
uecoen zea is
W)p arp nrtmrfj
, - r--r :
tract wun you
winter's supply-
iffir rnai nr'w
part of the city.
Main Street
I I 1 1 j XI
near this in
neea ruui;
- , Hal. Int tbe
Poultry and Stel
Agent for !'
in w-- , 1
toyed. I.-
Presenntts ttBnfflit are Oseffmfl a WeM as B
Wrist Bags and
A completo assortmont of
all tho fa8hiomible ideas.
tVc buy direct from tho manu
facturers, and can eoll at u
aprice that will suit tho
Ctit Glass
Ib also one of the protty
things wo have for Xmas.
.everything from bon
bons to Punch Bowls.
Cut Glass is always ac
ceptable. It is rich in
appearance .and prices
will bo a pleasure to purchasers.
We will Rtve.away New Year's Eve THREE CASH
ist GIFT,
and GIFT
3rd GIFT
Every dollar' purchase entitles you to a ticket on the
$30 Rift.
Fvery 50c purchase entitles you to a ticket on the
$15 G''1'
Every 25c purchase e ntitles you to a tickut on the
We have an elegaut line
of Alfred Wright's, Paul Roi
gor's, L. T. Piver'e, Rogers A
Gablot's and Colgate's. We
also havo their lines of
Toilet Water and Sachet
Powders. Fine collection of
Fancy Bottles,
rrviiot Cass'
. wiotutes-
11 nnuv
- " . n .in
1 ...ills.